"You’re thieves! Asian people stealing black culture once again.”— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 23, 2020
A strong, black Muslim woman went inside the new Trap Tea business in Aurora, Colo. on Friday and confronted the staff. A black customer tries to defend the business & is called a racial slur by her. pic.twitter.com/uejQ6nC8cr
I had to look up "trap" in the Urban Dictionary. I see the top-voted definition is a type of anime character, but there's also a secondary meaning, a place where drugs are sold.
The slur the woman uses against the black man who intervenes is "coon": "When used by blacks its describing an uncle Rukus type character. A black person who is ignorant to white discrimination and unknowingly suffers with self hatred."
ADDED: Here's their logo, which uses a font that I would characterize as an effort to signal Asianness:
१११ टिप्पण्या:
Andy Ngo is a national treasure.
Drug culture is Black culture? I'm sure it's intended to imply the second definition of "trap" because their cups also say, "The Boba plug". A "plug" is your dealer/drug source.
Honesty - how do people become this deranged? I fear for my granddaughter.
Man. How inferior do you have to be to give up established advantage in drugs and crime to straight-laced Asians?
Another black lefty setting the stage for extortion.
It's what they do for a living.
That videoclip, like so many in this area of sociology / contemporary urban cultural anthropology, is a study in idiocy.
I think the Asian owners are using drug culture to sell tea. I also think this young woman, who is very likely on the spectrum, believes Whites and Asians use drugs without consequence (not true) while Black people are incarcerated due to cannabis-related crimes (so what).
Anyways "trap" is a reference to "traphouse" or a "crack house in a shady neighborhood."
I'm lost.
I know nothing about "Trap Tea" and "Boba Plugs"
I must be ________________ insert insult here.
Progressives/Democrats are very Nazi like, no? Hearts of darkness.
The top definition is:
"A crossdresser, usually a fictional character in an anime, who dresses up in the opposite gender's clothing to trick people into thinking that they're the opposite gender. Term comes from the anime trope of a character dressing up in drag to trick people into thinking that they're the opposite gender."
But I have never in my life heard this associated with anime. As far as I know it has always referred to cross-dressers for real, not animated.
As far as appropriating culture goes, don't even get me started. In black 'culture,' Tupac is Mozart and Farrakhan is Thomas Jefferson. Compare and contrast...
As to typefaces (something I actually know about), it's pretty common to use them as a branding 'signal' of what the product is, or its origins. Kind of like how heavy metal bands appropriated the gothic germanic type styles. Or daycare centers using crayon-scribbled fonts. They're clichés, but clichés that people know, hence they are effective.
So, she thought it was a black-owned business had appropriated boba tea, but instead found it was an asian-owned business that used slang.
She was mistaken, and that is the source of her anger.
Part of a belief system where if you worked for something that I don't have, it must have been stolen from me.
Boba tea originated in Taiwan in its entirety. It is not a Black thing.
Also dreadlocks are a Greek thing. Ancient Greek kouroi sculptures are often found wearing dreadlocks. Over half of surviving kouroi sculptures have dreadlocks! So did the Blacks appropriate our culture? (Yes.)
Doesn't anyone say "fuck off" anymore?
As a child my parents sometimes took us out to eat. Our favorite was a restaurant with an awning that proclaimed it was a "Spanish-American Chinese" restaurant.
It was owned by Puerto Ricans, and served Chinese food. I wouldn't say it was excellent, but it was not bad. Because (of course) anyone can boil rice, and most of the rest came from a restaurant-supply business. As was the case with most popular-price Chinese restaurants at that time and place.
And because no one imagined that anyone would get upset about it. Because (remarkably) in some ways America was a more tolerant place then than it is now.
Stevie: You little slanty-eyed, me-no-speaky-American, own-every-fruit-and-vegetable-stand-in-New-York, bullshit, Reverend Sun Myung Moon, Summer Olympics '88, Korean kick-boxing son of a bitch!
Where I come from calling a man a “coon” to his face is an request to meet Jesus prematurely.
It will eventually devolve into violence against the shop. This shop will almost certainly be target for arson and looting in the next week or so.
unknowingly suffers with self hatred.
This could be said of a large range of people causing the civil unrest. They are taught from an early age to hate the things around them, and by extension, themselves. How can they be happy productive members of society? Glad I didn't have to go through life like that.
One the first things an unhappy person will do will try to make others around them unhappy. Misery loves company, but your company isn't that fond of your misery oftentimes. It's well past time to drop the hammer on these folk.
Wikipedia says that 'Bubble' (Boba) tea was invented in Taiwan.
So I am really confused.
The woman is bat-shit crazy.
Show that I'm wrong.
"...it was a "Spanish-American Chinese" restaurant."
If you eat at a German-Chinese restaurant, three hours later you're hungry for power.
An oldie but a goodie : )
16 These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness [that] speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
As a child my parents sometimes took us out to eat. Our favorite was a restaurant with an awning that proclaimed it was a "Spanish-American Chinese" restaurant.
Back in the 90s I went to a Korean owned Cuban Market in Tampa to buy some Cuban bread. They also sold voodoo dolls.
This combat style of the neck-snapping black woman leftie is now the rage. Unstoppable rhetoric while loudly over-talking anyone who dares speak and saying the most hateful ugly things. Somehow, this behavior has been rewarded and has been successful in intimidating and cowing the recipients. Freeman Hunt correctly asked why folks don’t just tell her to fuck off.
These women are the product of Critical Race Theory indoctrination.
- Krumhorn.
Their ignorance wouldn’t be such a big deal if they didn’t build such strong opinions on that corrupted foundation.
I smell wealth for the owners. If they did not put this woman up to this they should have.
Think Chick-fil-A and memories pizza.
Both did very well out of public protests like this. Cfa shot to the top of fast food sales, memories cashed out with nearly a million dollars.
Go trap tea. I'll stop by for a cup if I'm ever around and I don't even like tea.
Isn't any kind of "black" tea cultural appropriation? Did blacks grow or drink tea in Africa or did they appropriate it from Asians?
As everyone else did.
John Henry
Big Mike said...
Where I come from calling a man a “coon” to his face is an request to meet Jesus prematurely.
8/23/20, 3:57 PM
Female privilege exists.
octrev said...
Man. How inferior do you have to be to give up established advantage in drugs and crime to straight-laced Asians?
Agree totally. Every day we are seeing evidence of that standard deviation in IQs.
I’m old enough to remember when borrowing the good parts of another culture was a compliment.
Critical Cultural-Appropriation Theory.
She's speaking English, she's stealing English culture.
The next Batman is going to be black. Maybe he can wear a white suit
Mary Beth said...
Drug culture is Black culture?
on good authority here : Kamala Harris - GANJA - it is Jamaican culture!
"Trap house" is what used to be called a "crack house," which has fallen out of use since the waning of the crack epidemic. It also refers to a style of hip-hop that has been dominant over the past decade and is how the word gained common currency. It joins things like the pimp, the crackhead, the crack dealer, and low-slung pants as popular tropes in black culture. Gee, I can't imagine why that community has problems.
The giant Himalayan mountain on the back of the logo - probably infuriates Tibetans and the Nepalese. so rude.
Because (remarkably) in some ways America was a more tolerant place then than it is now.
Imagine All in the Family or The Jeffersons being on TV today. Or Blazing Saddles or Stir Crazy being in the theater. Jimi was singing rock and K.C. was singing funk.
We were making progress until the SJW brigades came along and fucked things up.
I suspect the woman thinks they stole that font in their sign from the Wu Tang Clan.
That was a mentally ill woman who learned enough from her college instructors to make an accusation but not a cogent argument.
She is a mindless robot incapable of adult-level reasoning. That reminds me of some commenters here, but I do not want to mention names.
That is one sick woman, is all I can say. Going into a place only in order to pick a fight over less than nothing. Because "nothing" would be her just screeching her venom without even forming words. But she did form words: that were factually mistaken or that were about things where it is probably impossible to be either right or wrong (WTF does "trap" mean in this culture or that culture? It's occult. It's just a word to distinguish this place from any others). So she invented her issue, jacked herself up on her adrenalin, and then used the "offense" as a podium to hurl down personal slurs.
She is going to get badly hurt one of these days, and we'll all be asked to pony up. For her hospital bills, for the court case, for her rehab and her continued psychiatric support.
I wish there were a way to find out who had poisoned her mind. It should be actionable as a kind of social pollution.
In a big diverse country you can have government by talking about it or government by fighting about it. The woke are destroying the ability to talk about things, deliberately.
So the person with a cervix causing all of the trouble (yelly/shouty person) was Black? Well if so, was it dressed in western garb, had a cell phone? If so, it needs to STFU about 'cultural appropriation' until such time as it only wears/embraces things created by its culture. So no cell phone, no western clothing, no western shoes, and it must move itself back to Africa and yell/shout from there.
This krap is getting very tiresome and dangerous. At some point the persons being yelled at are going to push back and push back hard. The yelly/shouty people are not going to like getting there own hate back in their faces.
Freeman Hunt nailed it.
Birkel hardest hit.
Uh oh. Now there are 2 or3 definitions of “coon” . That makes English a shell game. No matter how you use it you will be told you have no pea under your shell, I wonder if Shakespeare had this problem too,
"Coon" is a white term.
...she's stealing from white culture
There was an older prof on campus surnamed Coon. Perfectly fine name for a White person.
I had no idea, like BB&H, what any of the jargon meant.
But ignant hos are self-explanatory
(Freeman you are last person I expected to say that that way.)Bravo for a great comment!
Did you ever listen to Beethoven’s piano sonata No. 32? I’m telling you the dude was Black!
When a hammer is your only tool everything looks like a racist.
Spiros: "Boba tea originated in Taiwan in its entirety. It is not a Black thing."
You only believe that because the New York Times has not published a re-imagined history and timeline showing that blacks actually first setting Taiwan and had it stolen from them by the Asians....which also then will "helpfully" explain why its okay for other leftists to discriminate against Asians in college admissions.
I'm so confused. I'd be curious to know how many customers of this Aurora, CO, tea shop are actually familiar with black drug culture slang. And is the supposedly Muslim woman upset because the tea shop is using black drug culture slang or because they're actually selling drugs (and would that be bad because it's bad or because blacks are supposed to do it)? Hope she never makes it to the DC and attends a concert at Wolf Trap. ;-)
@Caligula at 3:52: yes, there are (used to be?) lots of Spanish-Chinese restaurants in NYC. Supposedly this "cuisine" emerged from the Chinese workers who were shanghaied to work in Cuba (and other places in South America) to build railroads in the late 1800s. Mostly rice and chicken dishes, but the food was tasty and cheap and my little kids would eat it. oh boy, which culture should be shamed and/or get reparations for that?
Curious to know the woman's thoughts on the Wu Tang Clan.
BLM won't stop at white people.
They're coming for anyone who isn't black. Because they're racists.
Do ethnic groups really own their culture? If that's the case, then I demand you all send me 5¢ every time you eat a bagel.
David in Cal
Or use a 7 day week. Or believe in a single god. Or disbelieve in a single god.
You have a lot coming if this works.
I am enormously enjoying a respite in Ukraine among white people. YES! I am a white person and yet I am STILL able to enjoy looking at a summer crowd of other white people. It's a wonder.
If I were tempted to steal something, "black culture" is no where on my wish lists. You steal, if do give in to the sin, something of value. Black culture is toxic.
I am a human being, and therefore all human culture, past, present, future, real and imagined, is mine to explore. Don't like it? Get stuffed.
Chin up, BBH, I didn’t know that jargon and I’m on fuckin’ crack, yo!
I’ve seen a longer version of the video, and the guy working the counter says they are all Indonesian.
Isn't electricity part of white culture? BLM appropriates it without shame.
Intradiversity groups. The Anasazi likely expired through internal division. Perhaps a one-time Hutu/Tutsi conflict, or whatever drove Progressive factions in South Africa to lynch other blacks, or the therapeutic effect of cannibalized African albinos.
I don't seek crazy shit IRL so why would I seek it on social media?
Regarding the mixed cuisine in NYC, yes, I lived on the West Side (1977-85) and there were lots of little restaurants offering “Comidas Chinas y Criollas” which seemed decent, tasty and cheap. Nobody bitched about cultural appropriation. Probably because they were too busy living in the real world.
She shouldn’t be using a phone; she didn’t build that.
I could go on.
Democrats. Even offering them tea is an insufferable act of oppression.
Is there any way they could all just be removed from our society? I'm sure it would go a long way to making the world a better place.
"Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
Did you ever listen to Beethoven’s piano sonata No. 32? I’m telling you the dude was Black!"
Yet ironically, when you play Beethoven, all black people disappear.
Wait a minute. She is Alewia Tola Roba. She’s proudly Ethiopian. And she isn’t mentally ill, she is a recent university graduate who just behaves like a mentally ill person because she has completed a degree and believed everything she was told at school. She is very beautiful in an East African way, with sort of an Ilhan Omar vibe. She just acts in a mentally ill way. I don’t think she’s a Rastaferian. I don’t know what her position on legal weed is, but she does live in Denver. See Andy Ngo at The Postmillennial.
Folks, we are reaching peak diversity. Buy guns, ammo, and canned goods.
Given that the logo shows a cabin in the mountains and the shop is in Colorado, is it possible that a trap house is a trapper's cabin? If so, Anglos and French should tear up the joint.
Since so many videos of people going batshit in public are in vogue, here is an old quote from Ann Landers/Dear Abby:
"One out of four people have mental health issues. If you have three normal friends, then you're the one."
Chinese army ladies singing Road to Heaven
Road to Heaven
Appropriation of western instruments for Chinese music about the train to Tibet.
Do ethnic groups really own their culture?
You put your stuff out there and people appreciate it. Consume it. Gain a history with it. It becomes part of their history. It is how culture evolves. You sure you invented whatever you take credit for? I reckon you haven't...
Jeepers. I didn't know any of this stuff. Where does the time go? Trap House - crack house.
Ok. Trap Music (been around for over 20 years, out of Atlanta, who knew?) So the term trap evolved to refer to Black inner city culture in general ... i.e. the whole deal's a trap? ok.
Atlanta musician couple years ago as promotional stunt paints house pink and calls it Trap House. Then expands with various similar namings, one including a Trap Church. Indonesian in Colorado likes the music? Likes the grit and determination and perseverance of southern Black culture they feel it refers to. Owner/s say as much when interviewed about the name. Black woman whose aware of the whole Trap thing sees the name and assumes it's Black owned or oughta be with that name. And if not Black owned then obviously cultural appropriation.
Cultural appropriation sure gets bandied about a lot lately. So if you get into some music, pay some money for downloads, buy a cd, pay some money attending concerts you cant use anything at all inspired by that music unless you're the same race as the musician? If so why isn't buying the music or attending concerts also cultural appropriation?
David in Cal said...
Do ethnic groups really own their culture? If that's the case, then I demand you all send me 5¢ every time you eat a bagel.
Oy, do we owe you reparations!
...but then, you owe us for the cream cheese. Let's call it even, eh?
It's a Trap!
(Insert Star Wars clip here)
"She shouldn’t be using a phone; she didn’t build that."
Don't even get me started. If you don't want me appropriating your culture then don't appropriate mine, and good luck with that.
So blacks can be racist???
What is a 'Strong, black, Muslim woman" exactly? Can she open a jar of Kosher dill pickles? Or is she just a loud mouth woman who won't shut up?
@BleachBit, those aren’t the Himalayan mountains that you see from Aurora, Colorado.
Ethiopia proclaimed Christianity its official religion in AD 333. Did she appropriate the Arabs religion.
A strong, black Muslim woman
An obnoxious busy-body racist woman harassed people who were minding their own business.
Big Mike -@8:07
Yes so- after I've had some of that sweet trap house spliff.
Just tell her to Sod Off and call the cops. Trespassing.
Isn't speaking English also cultural appropriation? "Coon"? You didn't build that word. You stole it.
Nice business you got here. Shame if anything was to happen to it.....
Very original lefties!
Freeman Hunt at 3:49!!
I wonder if there's a blog that posts these videos and all the commenters congratulate the black Muslim for sticking it to "the man".
As a child my parents sometimes took us out to eat. Our favorite was a restaurant with an awning that proclaimed it was a "Spanish-American Chinese" restaurant.
We had a Chow Goldstein deli in town before my time. Also down the road was a Tokyo Shapiro.
Nowadays we even have a Donna Chang's restaurant (for those in on the Seinfeld joke).
I hadn't heard the racial epithet "coon" used for decades until, not long ago, I heard it used by an educated, sophisticated Black woman from up north. She spoke standard English without a regional or ethnic accent; if you heard her speak on the phone, you would not guess her race, and might even assume she was White. She had a great disdain for what she called "Coon talk:" the speech of low-income, uneducated and often Southern lacks. You know, how many upper-middle-class White "liberals" talk when they're around Blacks.
>>This combat style of the neck-snapping black woman leftie is now the rage. Unstoppable rhetoric while loudly over-talking anyone who dares speak and saying the most hateful ugly things.
> Somehow, this behavior has been rewarded and has been successful in intimidating and cowing the recipients.
You answered your own question. It's rewarded and growing more common because it works. They are relying on the fact that most people will not take Freeman's advice and then shove her obnoxious ass out to the curb.
But the new rules are fear-based: If you insult The Protected Class, then your store gets burned to the ground. Which is OK; it's just vigilante reparations or something.
"A strong, black Muslim woman went inside the new Trap Tea business in Aurora, Colo. on Friday and confronted the staff."
Given that Mohammad wasn't black, isn't this black woman choosing to be Muslim guilty of cultural appropriation herself?
When I was at a small (college) boys school on the Upper West Side in New York City in the early '70s, friends and I used to go to Oro de Pavo Real (sp?), a Chinese-Cuban restaurant on Broadway at 110th Street. The cooks were mostly Chinese refugees from Cuba who came to New York after the Castro brothers and their thugs took over, and the waiters were mostly Cubans or others of Spanish extraction. The menu was Cuban food on the left side and Chinese food on the right. Only a few blocks away, it was a place with great food, great prices, and friendly staff--although the waiters always spoke Spanish to English and other non-Spanish or Chinese speakers, and Chinese to Spanish speakers, a source of amusement over tea after one had placed one's order.
Just about an hour ago Freeman Hunt! Cheers
I am utterly appalled that no one slapped her.
Sometimes I feel discouraged (about the appropriation of black culture), and I think my work's in vain. But I don't feel no ways tired. I've come too far from where I started from.
Go back where you came from if you don't want to live in America's melting pot. Geezz....this is what is wrong with America today. These people come here to leave their disasters at home and want to change us into their hateful places...
Since a lot of Aurora is a dump, I wanted to see the physical location of Trap Tea and discovered that
- this trivial incident is international news
- Trap Tea swiped the picture of their illustration's house from a Japanese cartoon; they call the swiping process a "flip".
- Trap Tea brags about their anti-white racism.
Islam is a cancer.
" Boba tea originated in Taiwan in its entirety. It is not a Black thing. " Spirios, do you honestly think any person of that woman's ilk would care? It's about getting and maintaining power, where it is not about Walter Mittying their inner delusions.
Key economic theory adjective for stealing culture: nonrivalrous.
"you cant use anything at all inspired by that music unless you're the same race as the musician?"
I wouldn't overthink it. All of this just means "Give me (or my co-ethnics) money (or power) because... of some bullshit I just thought up." The bullshit part is logic-free and pulled out of the air, and therefore has no coherence with any other such demand.
I wonder how Dr. Naismith would feel about this “cultural appropriation “ BS.
Black Karen!
I just finished writing the seventh chapter of my new book entitled "Asshole Fragility."
We need SJW's like this to start attacking young white and asian men who wear basketball gear (sometimes literally with the name of Black player on it!) for appropriating Black culture. Or playing rap music in their cars and homes. Ideally, no one who is not Black could attend or watch NBA games.
"Supposedly this "cuisine" emerged from the Chinese workers who were shanghaied to work in Cuba (and other places in South America) to build railroads in the late 1800s."
They weren't "shanghaied", they were recruited. And they were happy to get out of that shithole China. Of course, they had no idea there would be Black people where they were going.
Over thirty years ago in San Francisco I had a daily special, bagel & kimchi, at an Armenian deli. They also had Armenian pizzas.
Actually, calling someone a coon would almost certainly be considered fighting words by any jury you could seat, meaning he could have bitch slapped her and gotten away with it. Which is probably what he should have done.
"Sacto_Dave said...
I’m old enough to remember when borrowing the good parts of another culture was a compliment"
My thought as well.
Just one thing to add: we see so much of this whining because it is frequently indulged and rewarded.
This woman made a mistake going after Asians. Only white people suffer from white guilt, and even that is starting to change.
I swear, it's like some evil Klansman genius sat down 20 years ago and devised a plan to undo everything MLK ever achieved. These lunatics barking about white privilege, systemic racism, and rioting across the country are really, really not going to like where their journey ends. When you insist on antagonism, violence, and discrimination, you will end up with antagonism, violence, and discrimination ... just not in the way you hoped for.
I'm going to guess that they are using Trap due to any drug references but with tea as your drug. If you crave tea then you go to your plug which is the Trap House. I have to think she was angry for the asians stealing black drug culture slang.
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