A taste of why...
“Passionate” = Coked out of his frigging gourd https://t.co/iyntSitHxE
— Hal Sparks (@HalSparks) August 25, 2020
Was @DonaldJTrumpJr ‘coked out of his mind’ during RNC speech? #RNC2020
— Raw Story (@RawStory) August 25, 2020
I’m not watching the #RNCConvention2020 but did see part of kimberly guilfoyle speech. All I gotta say is I worked in a chemical dependency office for years. That girl was coked out. pic.twitter.com/zwWPY0I5z8
— I’m The Mary⭐️ (@CMUnimpressed) August 25, 2020
This should mean more people will watch the speeches. I watched Guilfoyle in real time last night and thought it was wild how much she was yelling. But see for yourself:
And here's Don Jr. I've only watched a few seconds of this, and I will just observe that it appears that his makeup artist put a dot of a high-sparkle product under each eye, presumably with the notion that it would make his eyes "pop":
ADDED: "What's the Deal with Dots?"
९४ टिप्पण्या:
This is what the Democrats criticize? Desperation.
The NYT in their overnight "news" email to me:
Nominating Trump, Republicans Rewrite His Record
By Jonathan Martin, Alexander Burns and Annie Karni
President Trump and his party engaged in sweeping revisionism about his management of the coronavirus, his record on race relations and much else. And they painted a dystopian picture of what the nation would look like if Joseph R. Biden Jr. were president.
Where I'm from they are accusing him and the Republicans of lying. Not sure if that is better or worse than being 'coked out'.
Democrats criticize, Republicans pounce.
Democrats are enthusiastic, Republicans are coked out.
Democrats promote their candidate, Republicans engage in revisionism.
Aren't dots the 'sad mime' look?
I feel like I should be impressed by the amount of shit being produced by lefties to 'get Trump'. Like dinosaur piles....
We shouldn't be surprised- did you see the results of all those instapolls they always run right after the convention?
No, I didn't either...
How sad and empty does someone's life have to be for them to think enthusiasm equals cocaine. I don't know, I'm not the expert in this that these tweeters must be. If it really was coke, I'm impressed they could stand in one spot instead of pacing around.
Subtle. No bots, trolls or pre-planned talking points at all.
Not a convention guy myself, but I did accidentally watch the open and was pleased. Others that are not the biggest Trump fans, but whose judgement I trust were raving about how well produced it was. Even S.E. Cupp had to admit it was well done.
False allegations of drug use. What will the cretins come up with next?
To use the vernacular of the leftist press "without evidence".
Hope Don Jr.and Kimberly Sue them all into oblivion.
CNN coverage of the RNC Convention boils down as follows:
They're all lying!!!!!!! Misleading! Truth bending! Trump bad!!!!!!
Oh for Christs sake...Did they say Howard Dean was coked out when he was screaming states out?? What a load...but then, what else is new???
Glitter? That's sweat, lady.
I also watched Don Jr. for about 30 seconds. I could see as he walked out he was over-amped. Too geared up for this speech. I could not watch it. I heard his first few words and, no matter what he was saying, I thought- as I turned back to Peaky Blinders- that his delivery was bad and it was going to outweigh the words. Delivery is everything. Ask Obama. He said nothing for 8 years and got people goosey over it.
I also tuned in to see Vernon Jones and Kimberly Klacik. I'm especially interested in seeing Black Americans who are independent thinkers, finding out that not only do they have other choices, but that the Dems have screwed them for generations, while Trump actually did more for the Black community than the last 30 years of any Democrats.
Other than that, Peaky Blinders is much more compelling than Day 1 of the show.
"She don't lie..." - an English musician.
Kimberly seemed way over the top. Was it drugs or was it nerves?....I'd go with nerves, but it does seem strange that someone with her years of experience in public roles should be so overwrought.....The beard suits Don Jr. The speech was okay, but he's no pro.....I've only listened to snippets which is the recommended dosage. Haley, in her snippet, seemed poised and professional.
Coked up?
Big accusations require big proof.
Or a nasty, hateful soul.
Welcome to today's Democrat Party.
Biden's son and coke? Hey, there IS proof.
It's kind of unbelievable that the opposition talking point is "look how much more enthusiastic and upbeat they are than we were!" Nor do I think it's effective to say, "Listen, America, I know what heavy cocaine use looks like, and let me tell you..."
I've been coked out and my FWB also...and that's not being coked out.
Recent statements by Dems that contradict reality are clear demonstrations that they've been sucking the glass pipe.
I watched about 15 seconds of each--I have no real interest, this was just to get a flavor of what people are talking about. I don't know who Kimberley Gilfoyle is, but she seemed fine. No indication of drugs. I must have quit before we got to the yelling part. Don's hand gestures were distracting, his face was fine.
We've seen it all before--partisans looking for anything to distract from the other sides message will make things up and go to their grave insisting it's real.
Don Jr. shows you what drugs he was taking before the speech to get amped up
Remember, the left always accuses others of what they are doing.
When you can't refute the message, mock the messenger.
HS mean girls saying mean things, because that's who they are. Boring stuff to the rest of us.
his delivery was bad and it was going to outweigh the words.
I disagree. Yes, his enthusiasm was a little strong for an empty room - but I thought it worked, overall; he came across to me as sincere, if maybe not someone you'd want to close down a bar with (because of all the "Hang on, hang on, this is really important!" that would ensue). And my husband and I were struck by how much policy there was in the Don Jr. speech - did Hunter say anything about policy? Or just that his dad was the strongest rock you'd ever want to lean against or whatever?
The comment "I'm not sure about using 'I know what drug use looks like, and I'm telling you...' as your argument" made me LOL like a millennial.
Have to say, we thoroughly enjoyed Night 1.
The Dems got nuthin'.
I thought Donald Trump Jr. promised to stay out of politics and concentrate on the business.
Big accusations require big proof.
You mean like saying your opponent has dementia?
To me it looks like she gave the standard convention speech, it sounds odd because there is not the normal crowd noises and her voice seems to echo around the big empty space. If there were people there - you didn't hear them. That she spoke of her hispanic heritage is what really angered the left.
From that screenshot, Don, Jr.'s pupils did look a bit dilated, but who really gives a shit? My mother hates that white eye shadow in the corners look. She always says it's never blended correctly and that it only really works on a pale or porcelain complexion.
Guilfoyle's animated delivery and rising pitch didn't really work in an empty, echoey auditorium. An applauding crowd would've certainly made it seem less frenetic. She aped Jeane Kirkpatrick's famous "blame America first" line from the '84 convention. It sounded much better in Kirkpatrick's low, professorial tone.
Guilfoyle has really changed the shape of her face with cosmetic surgery but still looks fresh and attractive without that "overdone" look. She'd look even better if she toned down the false eyelashes and trimmed about an inch off her hair.
It'd be interesting to know the arc that led Guilfoyle from Mrs. Gavin Newsom to Don, Jr.'s girlfriend. She reminds me of a lot of those TV "legal analyst" types. Attractive, clearly capable of doing academic work, but yet still comes across as a nitwit.
They're trying to not look like Hillary, slumped down in her chair. It's hard to give exciting speeches without a crowd.
Team Hunter Biden accuses the other side of being coked up.
Meanwhile just yesterday Dementia Joe said it was actually Trump that wants to defund police.
The dems internal polls must be really bad....
and thought it was wild how much she was yelling. But see for yourself:
I didn't see any yelling, just loud controlled speechifying.
I've also been around plenty of people who've taken plenty of cocaine, and never saw any yelling or - even loud speechifying - (except for some crack whores who were yelling because they weren't high and wanted to be), and their eyes didn't look weird either.
If any of these politicians look or sound "stoned" it's Cackling Kamala "Inappropriate Laughter" Harris. But not really, she comes across like a phony who's nervous about being found out.
Liberals are so nasty and stupid.
I'm Shocked there is rumor mongering against political enemies. You people were like the spectators at Augusta on the 18th green during the Democrat Convention.
The bigger question is why Trump men are attracted to tranny impersonators?
The two best speechs were Herschel Walker and the Cuban guy. The two worst were Kimberly and Don Jr.
Even partisans at PJ media thought Guilfoyle was too much.
Howard said...
The bigger question is why Trump men are attracted to tranny impersonators?
8/25/20, 7:52 AM
I didn't know Barack was a Trump.
You mean like saying your opponent has dementia?
To me there is a lot more indication of that than the coke accusation. Passionate speech = coke? C'mon man.
Do you really not see the telltale signs? Joe B has videos going back almost 50 years. He was always a gaffe machine. It was a standing joke even on the left. It is different now. A lot different. So many of us have lived through the progression with loved ones we are aware of the signs. If you have not, count your blessings, they are many. I find it hard to believe anyone honest can not see he has lost a lot more than "a step". But, as always, YMMV.
Plus your words ring hollow after four years of TRUMP is insane, invoke the 25th.
But, hey, watch whatever movie you want.
I agree that Guilfoyle's speech style would be just fine in a big arena with a real convention crowd. She was acting. Was it the best choice of how to act? To me, it was a bit wacky, but I didn't hate her, and I didn't think about drugs.
Guilfoyle was using the loudest voice in the room is the one in authority trick. She is a professional. The oldest son did a workmanlike job, but will never have the charm needed to win the Presidency. Watch out for the 14 year old favorite of The Patriarch. The coat of many colors will be go to Big League Barron.
"The two best speechs were Herschel Walker and the Cuban guy."
I agree about Walker. That was good because here you have a black man — someone well known, with a valuable reputation — would could talk about a 37-year personal friendship with Trump. It was highly credible vouching.
I liked Natalie Harp.
They do the Mean Girls schtick because the Mean Girls schtick works, at least in the short term, and it seems that politics is increasingly focused on the short term.
Coked? Why, making that claim is exactly like tearing up your copy of the State of the Union speech - it censors some of the discussion of the actual spoken words with titillation over the absurdly rude behavior/claim.
The Dems had their asses handed to them last night.
“Coked up” is Nancy Pelosi calling Republicans “enemies of the people.”
Projection again. They can't be enthusiastic and excited without drugs- so they think others are the same.
Of course, they think they're enthusiastic when on drugs. Like watching a bunch or marijuana smokers haven'g brilliant discussions with each other- that watching as a non-drug user, are totally and completely nonsensical.
Trump is a famous tetotaler. Only sober person in Studio 54. Also, the Seventies. Which is a little weird, but nobody's saying he's normal.
Hunter Biden's claim that his dad makes all his grandchildren feel like the most important people in the world was a bit undercut by leaving Biden's illegitimate offspring out of the video.
Vernon Jones. While it IS indeed extremely impressive that he managed to lose a reverse discrimination employment lawsuit in DeKalb County, also impressive that all the whores he trotted around two at a time always looked like supermodels, I might have chosen someone else to hold up as a role model.
Politics takes pretty things and makes ugly things out of them. Silk purses into sow's ears. It would have been fun to watch billionaire trust funder Julia Louis Dreyfus explain her finances to the income inequality crowd.
You people were like the spectators at Augusta on the 18th green during the Democrat Convention.
Were people assembled at Augusta during the Democratic Convention? Why?
Yes, of the speakers I saw, Natalie Harp (the "right to try survivor") was great.
Undoubtably, her story is undergoing multiple media "fact checks" this morning.
Known Unknown: "Even partisans at PJ media thought Guilfoyle was too much."
She was. But she's a latina chicka so you tell her cuz I'm not gonna.......(speaking from experience here)
jnseward: "The two best speechs were Herschel Walker and the Cuban guy. The two worst were Kimberly and Don Jr."
Still, nobody fell asleep during Kimberly's "presentation".....
The left is strongly in favor of everyone being on recreational drugs, and celebrate it with references to 420 everywhere and all that, every day of the week. They post pics on instagram bragging about how high they are. So, they were saying this as a compliment? Thanks, I guess?
I think what is bothering Howard so much is that so many blacks were on stage calling out the dems.
Howard doesn't like that one bit.
It's just one reason why white supremacist Richard Spencer has loudly and proudly joined Howard on the front lines to fight against Trump.
I'm sure Howard and Richard have much in common....not least of which is that so many blacks are thinking for themselves and leaving the democratical plantation.
Howard really hates that......(almost as much as a certain LLR-lefty)
KG isn't yelling. She is projecting. That's how you speak to a crowd.
The absence of a crowd wasn't her fault -- it was the fault of the convention directors. There should have been real people there. Even within D.C.'s gathering limits, they could have had many people there in person.
Don Jr. secretly recorded...
"I'm high alright. But not on false drugs. I'm high on the real thing:
Powerful gasoline, a clean windshield and a shoeshine!"
DJT,Jr. is assuming the role of the attack dog which is usually the role of the VP. But Pence cannot do it and still remain the Indiana Nice Midwestern Guy, which is his best role.
I thought Donald Trump Jr. promised to stay out of politics and concentrate on the business.
I thought Obama promised if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
And didn't Biden say he was only going to run for one term, and he is now saying otherwise?
Browndog @ 7:18 AM
Thanks for that link.
I see the democrat propaganda word of the day is cocaine.
Blogger mezzrow said...
"She don't lie..." - an English musician.
J.J. Cale was an American musician.
The drug problem is not with the family of the Republican candidate, and everyone knows it.
As to Guilfoyle, she was very hyper, but I think she was willfully letting her emotions run with the genuine pride she feels about what she was talking about with family's story, and it really is an amazing story, as it is for many immigrant families. I get excited myself talking about the magic of freedom and free enterprise under the American system. With it mostly being put down daily by people very publicly, I enjoy seeing enthusiasm for what is really the best thing humanity has ever done. We take for granted what it does for us for every day like children take their parents for granted. It deserves more excitement and far less derision.
Wince beat me to it.
I think their just high on life, like Mr Falwell.
None of this matters to anyone except those who live for inside baseball. Will it change anyone's vote?
Turnout and electoral fraud are what matters. The Democrat party are good at both.
Guilfoyle is half-Irish, half Puertorriquena.
She is one of those rare things, a genuine San Francisco native, like my wife and kids. She is from our neighborhoods on the south side, by Daly City.
I would say she's a homegirl, if I wasn't such a foreigner.
She went to Mercy High, the Catholic girls school across the street from Stonestown mall. Some of our boys middle school sweethearts went there.
In Daly City she's from Westlake, which was our other mall.
And she went to USF.
San Francisco, outside of downtown, is a small town at heart.
I liked the "Trump is everywhere" aspect. He's clearly not hiding in his basement. Appearing on stage with rescued hostages and front line "essential workers" amplified that message.
Trump is hammering home a simple compare and contrast theme. There are lots of nurses, firemen, truck drivers and grocery store clerks who appreciate being recognized by an engaged President.
I just know Guilfoyle hung out at the Stonestown mall food court. The Mercy girls did that.
Sadly, Mercy High is closing this year. One of those side effects of SF running out of children. For SF schools its a bit like musical chairs. Every year there is one less.
Howard said...
The bigger question is why Trump men are attracted to tranny impersonators?
Was that a "Trump man" during that white pickup truck who was almost beaten to death by your team the other night ? He seems to have a trannie girlfriend who he was trying to rescue. I will say he is probably a Trump guy now.
The only debate that I ever care to see (pretty much ever) is Don Jr. versus Hunter Biden. I would actually pay to watch that one. I'd pay extra if they were both super-coked up.
Recently - Joe Biden asked if a Black reporter was on drugs.
I guess this is a theme with the modern corrupt asshole left?
The bigger question is why Trump men are attracted to tranny impersonators?
Melania is undoubtedly a gorgeous woman, but she always has that sort of brooding, dead-eyed look. Ivana was certainly a very odd-looking woman. Don, Jr. and Eric are quite unfortunate-looking, and while Marla Maples was much better looking than Ivana, none of that benefit seems to have accrued to poor Tiffany. Their unfortunate facial features are even more highlighted when in the presence of the stunning Ivanka. Who also happens to have impeccable personal style. She's a master of the hi/lo chic look and has flawless taste in fit and proportion. Melania, on the other hand, is the epitome of luxe.
Of the entire family, though, I think Jared Kushner has the most interesting and arresting look. He is a master of wearing clothes that exude wealth and good taste but still feels easy and understated. His extremely smooth skin and bone structure give him this very haunting look. He could easily do high-fashion editorials.
Howard is very very very upset that someone came to the defense of a tranny that was being beaten by marxist Howard's Heroes.
Howard is also upset that a certain abuser of children who had an active warrant for his arrest fought against police and refused to follow any of their directions and then went to his car and reached in to grab something that cops couldn't see.
Attacking trannies. Supporting child abuse. Pro-post-birth abortion. Burning childrens cancer centers with the families inside.
Gee, Howard and his heroes are just like Audie Murphy.....(according to Howard)
Don Jr. was fine. Anyone who has seen him do interviews knows that he is 'forward.'
Kimberly...Jesus. Mussolini is cringing. My wife did the Evita thing with the hands.
She was poured into that dress, and not in a good way. In about five years her body is going to explode like an above-ground swimming pool that loses its walls...
D.D. Driver said...
The only debate that I ever care to see (pretty much ever) is Don Jr. versus Hunter Biden. I would actually pay to watch that one. I'd pay extra if they were both super-coked up.
And you were, too, of course.
If Junior were coked out of his gourd you wouldn't see his iris.
Hey I watched (very briefly) parts of the DNC. I mean who would want to miss a Black Vietnamese non binary Queen King Mermaid---or the girl with the green hair? I mean it was dark and dreary Debbie Downer all the way until St. Joe came in to talk about light--as the Dems emerged from a long dark tunnel.
So okay the "coked up" Republicans are taking Obama's advice and punching back "twice as hard". I caught the McCloskey's and most of Guilfoyle last night. Missed the rest of it. But I'm glad that whatever was there last night got the NYT and C?NN all wee wee'd up.
Don Jr. was pretty good, but he needs to stop pumping his hands like that. It's OK now and then, but you sometimes looked like you were milking a cow. Diversify your gestures.
I'm currently out west, doing Yellowstone and the Grand Teton NP. Gorgeous, busy. Yesterday, at Artist's Point at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, an older man in a Trump 2020 hat was taking a selfie with the view. Another guy, tall, lanky, who'd been standing in rather dangerous spots to get *his* selfies, offered to take the other guy's photo. He pointed to the hat. "It's because of the hat, I offer," he said in an accent that turned out to be Bulgarian. As he handed the camera back, he said, "I grew up in a Communist country. I know what it's like. I didn't come here for more of that." These people are voting, and not obsessing about Guilfoyle or Don Jr, and they will probably crawl over glass to vote. For Trump.
Alternate theory...
Trump is a television producer, and by all accounts a very good one.
Kimberly goes out on the first night and gives a WTF performance.
Now the RNC announces her to speak 'sometime' on closing night.
Ratings will be through the roof, bigly.
Tommy Duncan wrote:
"I liked the "Trump is everywhere" aspect. He's clearly not hiding in his basement. Appearing on stage with rescued hostages and front line "essential workers" amplified that message."
Yes, this is why he is going to win the election if Biden doesn't emerge from the basement, and soon. I don't think the Democrats, who whole-heartedly support shutting down non-essential businesses (and still do today!), really understand this dynamic. The lockdowns created two classes of people- those who could work from home and those who could not, and those who could not plus their families are a much larger group of voters than the former. Even worse for the Democrats is that the work from home group skews far more Democrat than the whole population.
This campaign looks to be the essential Donald Trump working outside the home, while the non-essential Joe Biden collects unemployment in his basement.
It sounds like an update on the classic Left insanity ploy: the theory being that the Party (in moddern terms, the Hive) is so obviously benevolent and wise only villains and insane people would dissent from it. Where once such deviants would be liquidated or sent to re-education camps, maybe the new ploy would be to recommend drug rehabilitation.
This, of course, from people addicted to statism.
Democratics are pounding the table.
"The bigger question is why Trump men are attracted to tranny impersonators?"
You really want to go there?
"I'm currently out west, doing Yellowstone and the Grand Teton NP."
I did that in 2004 with my youngest sister as my traveling companion. I loved it, and hope to go back before I am too decrepit to enjoy it. If you like hiking, the hike to the top of Mt. Washburn is highly recommended by me, but it isn't an easy one in the heat (we were also there in August).
@J. Farmer
Don Jr. is a pretty normal looking guy. Eric is just tall and gangly.
Melania is a flat-out stunner...seriously gorgeous. She makes Ivanka look like a plain, 13-year old girl.
I think even fiercely heterosexual Corey Booker would agree.
My wife and I watched the entire first night on CSPAN. I liked the scenes where Trump interacted with the group of COVID first responders (nurses, postal workers, janitors) and the group of rescued hostages. We also thought that Tim Scott and Nikki Haley both had strong speeches that were good mixes of policy and inspiring personal stories. Vernon Jones was on fire. The strongest emotional speeches came from the older businessman who had escaped the communist regime in Cuba and the dad whose daughter was killed in the Parkland school shooting. Kim Guilfoyle was too loud for the room. Don Jr. did a good job balancing policy and attacks on the Democrats' agenda.
"Yes, this is why he is going to win the election if Biden doesn't emerge from the basement, and soon."
Which is really more dangerous to Biden, seeing him more or less? Live appearances will not be forthcoming anymore than absolutely necessary.
@Joe Smith:
Don Jr. is a pretty normal looking guy. Eric is just tall and gangly.
Granted this is an extremely subjective topic, but they look like Beavis and Butthead to me. I can't articulate it, but something about the proportions of their facial features are off. Eyes are a little too small, mouth is a little too big. And they often look kind of greasy and oily. Definitely a hard pass from me.
Melania is a flat-out stunner...seriously gorgeous. She makes Ivanka look like a plain, 13-year old girl.
Agree that Melania is more strikingly beautiful than Ivanka. But she also seems steely and frigid. Ivanka seems like someone who could get down in the boudoir, while Melania seems like she'd be a total dead fish. And frankly, the fact that she's slept with Trump makes me seriously wonder how much self-respect she could possibly have. The idea of intimacy with Trump would make me physically ill. Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder but come on. The guy is just physically repugnant from top to bottom.
Sorry to all my fans. Just too many to acknowledge each and every one
"The idea of intimacy with Trump would make me physically ill."
Were you a woman, you should probably add : )
I'm no Brad Pitt so I won't pass judgment on Trump...but a billion dollars forgives a lot of sins.
But he's almost 80, bad hair, a big belly. Most of us will get there if we live long enough.
It's not like he's parading around in a speedo, or in the buff as Joe likes to do : )
I think what is bothering Howard so much is that so many blacks were on stage calling out the dems.
Rasmussen has consistently polled that Trump had 30% or better support from black people. Like [probably] most of us, I blew it off as an outlier.
Last night's lineup of speakers says otherwise.
Yelling? Maybe, but she seemed pissed off. All Californians ought to be pissed, but some are too rich and too oblivious.
Coked? Oh please.
She has a soft voice and is speaking emphatically to a large audience in an expansive space. Good content. Effective presentation.
It's not like he's parading around in a speedo, or in the buff as Joe likes to do
And Trump is considerate of his fellow men, women, and children, too. A man of good judgment, not a narcissist in a universe unto himself or herself.
Mary Beth wrote: “How sad and empty does someone's life have to be for them to think enthusiasm equals cocaine.”
For Democrats enthusiasm does equal cocaine. What else is there to get excited about? Biden? Harris? Open borders? BLM/Antifa? Abortion? China? Lockdowns?
Kimberly was delivering to the invisible audience. She didn’t want the empty room to nullify her spirit. I give her a B+. Don junior was a C+ in delivery but the content a grade higher. Plus he had the line of the night: Biden is the Loch Ness monster of the swamp.
So uplifting and optimistic! Isn’t that what we were supposed to be hearing from the speakers at the RNC?
“'Coked up' is Nancy Pelosi calling Republicans 'enemies of the people.'”
Nope. "All fact, no brag," as Will Sonnet would put it. But then, the Democrats are also enemies of the people. A party of the right, pretending to offer an alternative to the party of the far right.
Both parties are servants of the plutocrats, confederated against we, the people.
"Melania is a flat-out stunner...seriously gorgeous. She makes Ivanka look like a plain, 13-year old girl."
Um...not that it's sexist or anything to discuss women in public roles in terms of their physical attributes...(Wait, what? It is? Well...fuggit!), but I don't see Melania's physical appeal at all. She has severe, off-putting squint-eyed features lacking any beauty at all. Ivanka is prettier, without question. (I'm sure Donald would agree!)
Howard, you celebrate gangs of people committing targeted mass extralegal assaults on innocent people based solely on those people's identities (police, shop owners, random white passersby).
There's a word for that. It's called "lynching."
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