I have an earlier, longer post about that article, but I really wanted to break out that quote and put it in a headline, because it succinctly states a problem that I thought about a lot as I watched the 3rd day of the GOP convention last night. The ending, live at Fort McHenry, had such a classic, forthright American patriotism feeling. That's a much better brand! People want to feel uplifted. We want to love. We don't want to feel that everything is hopelessly corrupted and evil to the core. Even if we care about facts and truth — and I wish we would! — we still need motivation and resolve.
Look at how Mike Pence's speech ended last night, intoning "our flag is still there" at Fort McHenry. Look at that setting, Trump and Melania walking through the fort, Trace Adkins singing the National Anthem, with disabled war heroes pulling themselves into the standing position...
"My fellow Americans, we’re going through a time of testing. But if you look through the fog of these challenging times, you will see, our flag is still there today. That star-spangled banner still waves over the land of the free and the home of the brave...."
ADDED: Biden is attempting to do upbeat branding, stressing his high energy level and showing us photos of Martin Luther King Jr.:
NEW: @JoeBiden campaign debuting a 2-minute long ad tonight as President Trump is set to accept the GOP presidential nomination— Johnny Verhovek (@JTHVerhovek) August 27, 2020
"Some people are always in a hurry. They run when they could walk, race up steps when others take it slow," ad says w/ footage of Trump at West Point pic.twitter.com/nxAZ9iepfr
Which is why the networks will not show it.
I have the video starting at the right place now, so refresh if you started before and it wasn't at the end of Pence's speech.
Scroll back if you want to see anything else in last night's show. It's all there.
That's pretty much what the democrats and their Media spout 24/7, soooooooo......
Kenosha has a democrat mayor in a state with a democrat governor. Same as Chicago, Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis. If Dems could fix this, why haven't they in any of those places? Why aren't minorities in those places outraged that the democratic leaders have failed them (in Chicago's case for generations)?
Why is that "a problem"?
Ask yourself these questions about these systematically racist hellholes:
1. Who is in charge of these cities?
2. How long have the party in power been on charge of these cities?
"We don't want to feel that everything is hopelessly corrupted and evil to the core"
How can the revolution come if people think like this? There must be constant agitation from
the propaganda outlets to achieve the revolutionary goal. The message must be that this country has no redeeming features. It is terrible, horrible and the only answer is the imposition of a socialist paradise. Lenin would be proud.
"We want to love."
You and Blake's mom.
Dems traffic in hate. For years, you supported them. Now what? The nice loving women of America a need to decide.
The DNC convention was dark.
Biden is a crook. He made his son wealthy thru corrupt connections with his powerful position as VP. and the corrupt left impeached Trump over it.
What else do you need to know? That is the tip of the corrupt iceberg. Perhaps you do not like Trump. The alternative is total corruption. the alternative is a vile news media and a party who wants to divide and destroy. The ultimate manifestation of the left's lies and tyranny is antifa terrorists burning it all down.
The modern democrat party is the party of looting, arson, actual racism and division, anarchy, lies, Russian-style corporate media corruption. Vote democrat in Nov!
"The Democratic agenda to me right now is America is systematically racist and evil and the only people who can fix it are Democrats.
So, the Democrats were at the forefront of racism back at the dawn of the country, they fought a war to try and keep it, they stood in the way of desegregation and integration, they invented Jim-crow laws, they have worked to undermine and destroy black wealth and families for over 200 years and even today do all that they can to hurt black employment and promote the ending of black babies while in the womb but sure, only the Democrats can "fix this".
Based on their history, what does that mean at this point? Nuking the entire country from orbit?
The Democrats at their convention couldn't even excel at their supposed specialty: presentation.
Thereby highlighting their spectacular failures in their supposed other specialty: governing.
Do we know who coordinated the presentation of the RNC?
Staff Sgt. Sykes: I don't give out too many special treats...
but this morning, we have a very special treat.
Private Swofford here is going to play Reveille for us.
Okay, Swofford, play Reveille.
Swofford: I don't have a bugle, Staff Sergeant.
Sykes: You don't have a what?
Swofford: I don't have a bugle.
Sykes: Oh, no. No, no. Damn, damn.
You better play with your mouth.
Swofford: What?
Sykes: I said, play it with your goddamn mouth.
[Swofford makes bugle sounds with his mouth]
Sykes: Fuck. I love that tone.
Sounds good to me. My morale is lifted.
You know any Stevie Wonder? You know, You Are The Sunshine Of My Life?
Swofford: Yes, Staff Sergeant.
Sykes: Good, that's a classic.
Ann, I really don't watch any Political speech. But I did watch what you put up. THANK YOU!
So very uplifting. Whom ever is putting on the convention is doing an outstanding job. It was very moving to have President Trump and Melania walk in through the passageway to Hail To The Chief. The Trace Adkins singing the National Anthem.
Dems Dark and Rep Light.
As the trite but applicable saying goes, this year presents a stark choice. What I don’t understand is why elected Democrats are going along with this charade of a candidate, with the constant violence around them, with their constituents told that this bad flu is so deadly they can’t go earn a living or send their kids to school, with primaries so fucked up by unauthorized mail voting (or whatever happened in Iowa that kept Bernie’s “win” from being known for months), with actual votes taking place to literally defund cops. Are they do blindly following Nancy and Joe off the cliff that they don’t see the ground disappearing under their feet?
are the "facts and truth" somehow at odds with motivation and resolve?
Could facts and truth about our country instill motivation and resolve?
Dems hate America.
disabled war heroes pulling themselves into the standing position...
That got me. I almost broke into tears watching those disabled veterans still honoring our flag and our county. We owe them so damned much.
Adkins rather than Atkins, which while less popular, is actually the truer form of the old English name meaning son of Adam.
What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now? He has a plan. What is it?
I don't dislike Biden. He seems like a decent sort, at least so far as politicians go. But he looks passive and clueless and old. I will not vote for him and hope he loses and by a wide margin.....The most overt forms of hatred and injustice in America involved race. That's the bad news. The good news is that compared to the brutalities and bloodbaths inspired by religion, class, and ethnicity that happened in other countries, America, with the exception of the Civil War, has had a relatively gentle history. Black Americans and Communist Hollywood screenwriters have a hard time imagining that they are not the most oppressed people on the face of the earth.
"Biden is a crook."
Biden's nomination is proof that the entire "resistance" was a fraud.
Most people are just too busy to worry about much of anything beyond their own lives. Their job, their family, their kids, wife, husband, mortgage. The car that just broke down or needs new tires. Your kid struggling with video school. Or you were laid off when the your government shut down your state and your industry bottomed out. Even before Wuhan, people focused on their own lives. It used to be said that Atlanta was a city too busy to hate. Well, that's how it is for most people. They're too busy to be racist. They don't give a good God damn about racism. If someone is black, white, red, yellow, orange, brown, mauve- no matter. If they are nice, decent, and they look like they aren't hating you when they glance at you, most people get along fine.
So when we are all called racists- constantly- from the schools, to the students, to the media, the national press, and of course, the Director behind all of it- the National Democrat Party- well, yes, we do get turned off. We don't take to the streets, but we quietly seethe. And we go back to doing what we do everyday- working on our own lives. Trying to make our own lives and those of our family, better. If we're better, then we can help others to be better. Or not. It's actually not our responsibility, but we do it anyway.
Democrats believe that if you declare a lie often enough, it becomes truth to people. Call Republicans, then Conservatives, then- hell with it- all white people- racists, bigots, etc. every day for years, it'll start to stick. And it has. And in the meantime, we work, we pay our bills, we obey the laws, we do not destroy our cities, we do not sexually assault women, then come at police with a knife and wonder why we get shot, we do not go on strike until CHANGE!, we just keep getting up and doing what we do.
But some day...some day soon, there will be a push back. At some point those of us who have worked and played hard, with our heads down, doing all we can just to manage our own lives, will tire of being attacked, having our cities destroyed, and being called racists because we cannot alter your behavior.
The Democrat's agenda is hatred of America, in general, and currently focused on the contention that America is "systematically" racist. This is their agenda because they think it describes Trump but more importantly will win them votes as they try to defeat Trump in November. A cynic (me) would note that this means they don't believe these things about Trump or America, they just are using them to advance their political ends. Which also means they couldn't give two shits about America and Americans.
Anyone one that supports these folks is a fool and deserves whatever the Democrats do or allow to be done to them.
"We don't want to feel that everything is hopelessly corrupted and evil to the core. Even if we care about facts and truth.."
My God Ann, are you saying you agree that America is systematically racist and evil? So all your flirting with conservatism is just a quick hit to make yourself feel better, like the girl who sleeps with all the boys to boost her self esteem.
I think there are some people who want upbeat, energetic, happy, productive, positive, let's get to business .... sure life is risky and sometimes things go sideways but let's get to building what brings us joy and makes us feel useful. This is a great country full of great people and let's go live with gusto and happiness.
There are some other people who are the opposite. Some people seem to want to extend the misery of the virus, acting--and forcing the rest of us to act through their guilt tripping, willful ignorance as to what clean data there is and willfully ignoring the manipulation of data and willfully pretending that the media isn't wringing every last click they can out of the cRisiS--as though it will never again be safe to live normally. This goes hand in hand with the it will never be possible to just live peaceably with our neighbors crowd.
Always a CriSis! Always DanGeR! Always an EmeRgEnCY! It'S neVeR OK! How can you monsters even consider going to church/going to school/going to a movie/singing with others/eating on a restaurant patio/walking around unmasked/not thinking about your racial guilt or demands every day?! DON'T YOU KNOW THERE IS AN EMERGENCY?!??!?
If people cared about facts and truth, Hillary and Biden would never be elevated to "nominee"
I want the democrat party that is honest. I want a healthy 2 party system.
we have lost that completely. The democrats and their media have no credibility. They lie.
I have watched neither the DNC or the RNC on any of the MSM. C-SPAN is the only way to go. That said, the DNC is in trouble because the RNC is truly the better show.
Are they really putting out ads with a facemask hanging off of one of Joe's ears like he forgot about it?
In addition, every time I see a Biden ad where he's wearing a mask I think of one thing: Fear.
"We don't want to feel that everything is hopelessly corrupted and evil to the core"
Well then don't. It's not. That was easy.
The RNC is doing a great job at the convention countering the darkness and gloom offered by the DNC. Althouse, you do realize that Trump is playing you like a fiddle, right?
A vote shouldn't be based on emotion, but here we are. Either way Trump wins it seems.
The Democrat agenda to me right now is the consolidation of power by any means and at any cost to America.
Those boring politicians like Tony Evers and Tim Walz that Althouse prefers make perfect Trojan horses for the radical left.
Boring Tony and Tim are prepared to turn on a dime regarding the rioters. Riots starting to poll badly? No problem. We'll put the word on the street that it's time to turn down the volume and we'll tell the police to enforce the laws again.
Meanwhile, Hurricane!!!!!!!!!!!!! Squirrel!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at how Mike Pence's speech ended last night, intoning "our flag is still there" at Fort McHenry. Look at that setting, Trump and Melania walking through the fort, Trace Atkins singing the National Anthem, with disabled war heroes pulling themselves into the standing position...
It's all crap for women. The issue ought to be the structure of economic incentives. The feeling crap can't happen if you don't get the incentives right.
The democrats say it can happen and women, not being deep thinkers by interest, agree.
Hence the crap electioneering going on. Trump is better at it but it's still crap.
steve uhr said...
What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now? He has a plan. What is it?
steve pretends to be a lawyer. He knows, most likely, that these Democrat politicians have been told they cannot call for help from Trump. They are hoping for a Kent State event that they can use to call Trump a "Dictator." steve knows that but lies. Evers finally got desperate and called. Trump responded. state lies about that, too.
steve you are a liar.
Lmao that ad is basically a joke. It's pretty insulting to Joe because everyone who's watched him lately knows he's slow and doddering. It rings untrue and feels wrong. Like a lie.
People don't like to be lied to. Be less dishonest. Take the true things about Joe -- his age, his decades in government, his close association with Barack Obama -- and spin those true things as positively as possible. Don't say laughably untrue things and expect people to believe them.
Only the seditionists at the NYT would be brazen enough to sub the headline with “... some worry that local Democrat leaders are failing to keep control ....”
“Some worry”? Once again the alternate reality of the leftmediaswine raises its ugly head after three months of violence and vandalism - George Floyd died on May 25. “Some worry”? Who you gonna believe, the Democrat media or your lyin’ eyes. The Democrats HAVE lost control of their cities!
If there were such a thing as “criminal understatement” the douchenozzles in the leftmedia would be on their way to jail along with the irresponsible Democrats who have denied or tolerated the anarchist/Marxist takeover of our cities.
Now that the polls reflect public outrage, the Democrats and their media consorts have to decide whether the “If you elect Trump, there will be more violence in the streets” extortion factor outweighs politically the righteous anger of the public. We know the Dems are happy to watch the cities burn if it means they can preside over the ashes.
Biden ad= more creepy propaganda.
" . . . the only people who can fix it are Democrats." But of course! Statism fixes everything! "Save us, Big Brother, save us!"
steve uhr: "What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now? He has a plan. What is it?"
Ask people to vote out the democratical/LLR-lefty marxists.
That alone would solve 90% of the problems.
But since you and your gang spent 3 months cheering on the rioting, looting and assaults, why is it you suddenly have changed your minds?
Whats the matter? Did you plan to strong arm the entire nation run into a snag or two?
The Biden ad presents this taxonomy of Americans:
Descendants of Native Americans
Descendants of imported slaves
Descendants of immigrants "from generations back"
Immigrants coming today
This is of a piece with the many speeches at the DNC, but it leaves out a huge chunk of white American identity, the descendants of the generations who came to the wilderness and the frontier who created the nation. These people are present only in the negative, as importers of slaves and resisters and despisers of immigrants of other ethnicities. I don't think the Democrats even realize that they are leaving out a huge chunk of the population, they simply don't figure in their thinking.
(I like the quick cut to Trump for the phrase "more powerful than any dictator of tyrant." So on the nose.)
steve uhr said...
What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now? He has a plan. What is it?
8/27/20, 9:51 AM
Send in the Feds, without the threat of "he's a dictator....MARTIAL LAW IS COMING" from the left to spin the media into a tizzy before the election.
Temujin said But some day...some day soon, there will be a push back. At some point those of us who have worked and played hard, with our heads down, doing all we can just to manage our own lives, will tire of being attacked, having our cities destroyed, and being called racists because we cannot alter your behavior.
Beware the anger of a patient man.
Old Irish Proverb. This will prove to be true.
Enough is enough.
steve uhr said...
What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now? He has a plan. What is it?
8/27/20, 9:51 AM
What makes you think it is in any way HIS job to do that? Those states and cities are controlled by Governors and Mayors. You don't much understand this Federalism stuff do you?
Just because you are used to Democrat Presidents trying to do EVERYTHING legal or not does not mean that is a road every President follows.
The proper question is: What is the Governor and/or Mayor going to do to quell the riots now?
The Democrats are focused on motivating the Blacks to vote.
Too many Blacks did not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016.
That's why the Democrats are talking about racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism all the time.
Dyed in the wool Democrats refuse to acknowledge that the party has changed. It is the party of misfits, apparatchiks and the political and wealthy elite attempting to force the country to conform their aberrational thinking and behavior and to create opportunities for graft.
The theme of the RNC is right on. Will we vote for America or something else? The truth is most probable Democrat voters have no clue what that “something else” looks like.
"What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now? He has a plan. What is it?"
Insurrection Act? Enforcement Act of 1870? There's plenty of options for when state or local leadership decides to not protect the rights of citizens.
Those racists, they are Americans. In fairness to race hustlers Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, they embrace the power of we in their dogma, we are all a part of the problem, and they are only othering those who don't embrace the dogma. The media and other propounders of this dogma, though, are all about calling out them, those Americans, the America of systemic racism, apparently exempting themselves in a demonstration of misunderstanding the gospel they're trying to espouse.
We/us is not only better persuasion, it's better politics. If I were to do a convention drinking game, I'd have to watch the conventions, which isn't going to happen. But it would be interesting to do a simple analysis of the transcripts of the speeches and look at the use of pronouns. How big is the implied group of "we" vs. "they" and how often are we seeing first person plural vs. 3rd person pronouns in discussing our fellow countrymen? I haven't watched enough to have a strong hypothesis, but I have one anyway.
"What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now? He has a plan. What is it?"
Well, he has to be asked to bring forth national intervention in these things. You do understand the Constitution, don't you?
Also, who is buying that Biden ad with the running? Seriously?
Obama: “Hope”
Biden: “Despair"
"What I don’t understand is why elected Democrats are going along with this charade of a candidate"
The thing that has bothered me is why the Democrats didn't get behind Warren or Klobuchar before South Carolina's primary. Surely James Clyburn could have delivered the necessary votes to either of those two candidates if he could deliver such a massive amount to Joe Biden.
steve uhr said...
What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now? He has a plan. What is it?
1: Right now his primary goal is to let the Democrats show their true colors to America.
A: Support for criminal thugs
B: Hatred of normal Americans
C: Incompetence
2: Post election what he can do, and what I hope he does, is pick a city, go in with a massive # of federal law enforcement officers, and hammer the hell out of the riot. Garb everybody, drag them off to a federal holding camp in the middle of nowhere, and keep them there the maximum amount of time allowed by law
3: Post winning an election where law and order is a big issue, he has the moral legitimacy to use all the powers accorded him to go after the rioters. There's riots and the local authorities aren't shutting them down? That area is in a state of insurrection. Declare it so, send in the troops, and shut it down.
You threw something at a police officer? You're under arrest, by the Feds, no Soros DA to let you go
You stood next to someone who threw something at a police officer and didn't run away from him? You're an accessory to the crime. You're under arrest, by the Feds, no Soros DA to let you go
4: Bring Federal Civil Rights actions against every single Democrat executive who allows the rioters to try to intimidate people / destroy their property.
It's a simple question: If a bunch of KKKers in white robes and hoods were doing X in a black neighborhood, or to black owned businesses, or to white owned businesses that were doing business with block customers, would you consider that a civil rights violation? Would you expect the Feds to go after the KKKers if teh local government didn't? Would you expect the Feds to go after the local government officials who were giving the KKKers a free pass?
Then replace KKK with black block, BLM, and / or antifa and watch Trump go to work.
What else will Trump do?
5: He will replace RBG with ACB, and appoint a lot more good Federal judges, all of whom will respect people's 2nd Amendment rights, and right to self defense. History has shown that once people start successfully resisting the left wing thugs, the local authorities step in and shut down the left wing thugs.
A Supreme Court and Federal judiciary that protects people and their right to protect themselves will go far towards stopping the riots
What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now? He has a plan. What is it?
Inquiring minds want to know. Too bad they can't be bothered to think for themselves. I'd stick with CNN and Daily Kos as my sources if I was you Steve. But if you do decide to step outside your bubble momentarily I'll give you a basic hint. America was founded as a Republic, not a Dictatorship. Think man, think. You can do this. We're all pulling for you, but it is something you have to do on your own.
*Extra credit: Hillary Clinton. (And yes it does apply directly to your question above, cryptic as it may seem).
I couldn't watch the entire video but I liked:
He's from Scranton (drums in background).
It's a parody, right?
Biden is ... stressing his high energy level
"I own I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive."
The RNC have featured some politicians and some real non politicians talking about Trump’s accomplishments and painting what they say is a portrait of him. Plenty of emotional appeal, but Biden’s ad paints mostly a false picture and is all about emotional appeal. He also slurs his words. He is a demented old grifter and everybody knows it.
The Biden nomination makes me even prouder to be a former Democrat!
I wonder how the democratic party will reset itself? It has never recovered from the 2016 election of Trump. It's only become more neurotic with every passing day. Whatever happened to that gauzy but upbeat 2004 Obama DNC speech about red and blue america coming together?
The democrats can't build a foundation of a voting coalition built on Antifa thugs and disorder. Future historians will be fascinated by the political miscalculations Blue cities made dealing with Trump, covid and the riots.
Michael K: "steve pretends to be a lawyer. He knows, most likely, that these Democrat politicians have been told they cannot call for help from Trump. They are hoping for a Kent State event that they can use to call Trump a "Dictator." steve knows that but lies."
Indeed. Li'l stevie spent quite a bit of time calling Trump a dictator for even suggesting he would send in troops and quell the violence.
But then the polls shifted....and the dems/left/LLR-lefty narrative shifted....and the Li'l stevie's of the world have to hope that no remembers what they wrote just days ago.
Another lefty/LLR-lefty history reset.
Every single morning.
The left organize riots, looting, arson, destruction of both public and private property, insane Orwellian destruction of history --> Nancy called for it and when asked about it said "People are going to do what people are going to do."
and it's Trump's fault!
Trump is very good at television.
Democrats had all of Hollywood at their disposal and their convention looked like an 11th grade production of Godspell...
Agreed that the riots and looting are because Democrats are panicked that blacks might vote for Trump or stay home. Any destruction and murders are acceptable, just as Stalin and Mao were OK with breaking a few eggs.
It is at least ironic that the cities being burned down are Democrat strongholds. Of course, big cities with lots of underclass are all run by Democrats. Minneapolis looks like the next Detroit, along with Chicago.
Blogger damikesc said...
"What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now? He has a plan. What is it?"
Insurrection Act? Enforcement Act of 1870? There's plenty of options for when state or local leadership decides to not protect the rights of citizens.
The KKK Act is entirely appropriate and I'll bet Trump will describe it that way.
"some worry that local Democratic leaders are failing to keep control of the situation."
It would seem to me to be axiomatic that those who have control of the situation are the local Democratic leaders. The question is how you feel about where they're leading you.
steve uhr said...
"What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now? He has a plan. What is it?"
For you, steve, the camps. Pack your toothbrush, you're taking a long train ride. Or maybe just a short helicopter ride. The Dark Night of Fascism is about to descend upon your beloved Amerika! The rest of us are looking forward to a little R&R.
The night they burned Kenosha down wasn't just an eyeopener for people who live in Wisconsin. Think about it. "Kenosha" represents in most minds a peaceful, small place somewhere out in the MidWest where life is the opposite of the big city east coast. I don't know squat about Kenosha but it's got a name that is used as short hand for the idyllic MidWest. Even when snobs are making fun of fly over country, that's still the idea - a quiet uneventful place. Well, if it can happen in Kenosha, it can happen in Peoria, and in Centerville, and Dubuque. It really is a turning point where we all feel vulnerable now.
with disabled war heroes pulling themselves into the standing position...
Doers of heroic deeds in service to the country wanting to be just like everyone else.
Compare and contrast them with millionaire athletes kneeling because their country has failed them.
The greatest American evil is violent crime -- assaults, rapes, murders -- evils disproportionately wrought by blacks, disproportionate to an alarming degree. And that not just a statistical blip, it has been true for decades. Fortunately for most Americans, black crime is overwhelmingly directed at blacks. This has also been true for decades. Evidently, black lives don't matter to other blacks. When that changes I may give a shit when a cop drills a thug.
And another thing. The Democrats really are allied with these violent BLM protesters. A couple of weeks ago, I drove by a group trying to get people to pick up Biden campaign signs outside the local campaign headquarters. They were also offering BLM signs. So, yeah. I see the Democrats as the political wing of the BLM movement and the BLM movement as the activist wing of the Democrat party.
Mike: and Spam.
The problem with Joe is the empty platitudes don't work unless you're a good-looking younger person who's going to be the first black President.
They didn't even work for Hillary who was going to be the first female President.
Joe's going to be, what, the first President from Scranton?
It's all crap for women. The issue ought to be the structure of economic incentives. The feeling crap can't happen if you don't get the incentives right.
You know what's womanly crap, rhhardin? You nattering on about what ought to be, instead of what is.
Tanks and trucks w/ missiles would be even better.
It’s been too long since Althouse has had a post that links to merch at Amazon:
You're all crazy and think in extremes - ONLY Democrats can fix this, ONLY Trump can fix that.
You deliberately fill us full of Hannity and Lemon and Cuomo and Sullivan but not Bryen Stephenson or Isabelle Wilkerson or Ta-Nehisi Coates because they're smarter than you are and you don't want to know anything - you want to tell us, force us to do what your nightmares tell you is right.
Y'all are just wrong.
Well done presentation. This is what you get, with a professional showman in charge. The Democrats’ Convention looked like amateur hour in comparison. My only question is what does Trump do to top this tonight.
What is trump going to do to quell the riots if he is re-elected that he cannot do now?
8/27/20, 9:51 AM
Just wait, boy. Gloves are off in November.
The Democrats are focused on motivating the Blacks to vote.
Too many Blacks did not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016.
That's why the Democrats are talking about racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism, racism all the time.
But they also need the suburban white women. The more rioting the race hustlers stir up the more suburban white women will start to fear for their own personal safety and eschew the "defund the police" party.
It's all very stupid. The Democrats should have had an easy win this year and they seem to be in the process of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Last night:
Browndog said...
Well, sports are cancelled again.
Somebody had better got over to Packer camp and tell them to get their not-woke-enough asses off the practice field.
Journal Sentinel
Kenosha updates: Packers cancel Thursday practice
Yes, the Democrats are the one group on earth who know all about systemic racism, person to person racism, lynching racism, seccession racism, civil war racism, academic racism, government racism, heck, identity politics itself, and any other kind of racism, as it has been their meat and drink, their guiding light, their very modus vivendi since Jackson fought the Seminoles.
Hey Crack,
It doesn't matter how hard you troll, I am still not going to your website.
"Some people are always in a hurry. They run when they could walk, race up steps when others take it slow," ad says...
Stand when they could remain seated...
not Bryen Stephenson or Isabelle Wilkerson or Ta-Nehisi Coates because they're smarter than you are and you don't want to know anything - you want to tell us, force us to do what your nightmares tell you is right.
Who? You mean those fakes ? Tennessee Coates like his fake spelling ?
Francisco D: "Hey Crack, It doesn't matter how hard you troll, I am still not going to your website."
I went to Crack's website once.
I looked at his articles.
I made note of the number of commenters on his offerings: 0, not a single comment on any missive
The website was a lonely and desolate place. Barren of human interaction.
But then I realized, that's precisely what the holistic medicine people wanted me to believe.........
"Who? You mean those fakes ? Tennessee Coates like his fake spelling ?"
Or Shaun King? Even white people are better at being black than actual black people.
Kind of like trans-women in sports are better at being women than actual women.
That should really piss off black people and women, but it doesn't. Why not?
In his slowly darkening mind, Joe thinks he's running though the jungle... https://img.ifunny.co/images/5981fb393336a9a6ed503bde3d600485f96f390f499bfd8821c65533a8b33bba_1.jpg
That's it?
Yancey Ward said...
"What I don’t understand is why elected Democrats are going along with this charade of a candidate"
The thing that has bothered me is why the Democrats didn't get behind Warren or Klobuchar before South Carolina's primary. Surely James Clyburn could have delivered the necessary votes to either of those two candidates if he could deliver such a massive amount to Joe Biden.
"Medicare for all" with all those upper middle class suburban moms losing the health insurance was a deal killer for Warren. Utter blowout time for Democrats, up and down the ticket.
Klobuchar? How'd she do in Iowa? 4th? 5th? It's 2020, and the senior female Senator from MN couldn't build any connection with Democrat Iowa voters?
Clyburn pulled Biden across the finish line in SC because there's people in teh Democrat Party who owe Joe Biden, and no one who owes Amy K anything
Biden has a plan to end Covid.
Well, for God's sake man, spit it out! How many tens of thousands will die waiting for your inauguration and the unveiling of this miracle?
Think about it. "Kenosha" represents in most minds a peaceful, small place somewhere out in the MidWest where life is the opposite of the big city east coast.
I think you're talking about Sheboygan.
Ahhh- stark choice was mentioned above. Democrats are now openly stating they're going to set up what amounts to a Trump Administration Crime Commission to investigate, find crimes (whether they exist or not) and prosecute every member of the Trump family and the Trump administration.
That's banana republic territory there.
So, if you're in favor of the USA becoming the world's largest banana republic, vote Democrat. Once they do that- they can never again afford a free election with a peaceful transfer of power.
How did two 'love temple' spam posts get through moderation? Just curious.
Watched the Biden advert at end of Althouse' posting.
I'm Hammond Gritzkofe, and I DISapprove of that message:
..images that do not remain for at least a full second;
..background music at volume that competes with narration - or with the visuals.
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