४ ऑगस्ट, २०२०
The AXIOS on HBO interview with President Trump.
ADDED: I clicked off at 5:46 because I couldn't tolerate the agitation of the interviewer with the interruptions. I think interruptions are important and wouldn't like an interviewer who let Trump filibuster, but the continual agitation along with the interruption feels hopelessly aggressive. You could tell from the first couple minutes that this guy, Jonathan Swan, thought he had a killer idea: Trump believes in the power of positive thinking and that's not the right approach for governing during the pandemic. But when that idea didn't take off as Swan— in his own positive thinking — may have visualized, he panicked and it showed. Maybe it will be fun to watch the rest and see if Trump is able to reduce Swan to a fluttering pile of feathers. So I may get back to this.
८९ टिप्पण्या:
Gonged at 2:30 in...
They all attack his 'handling' if the pandemic but can't articulate what he does wrong. Accusing him of not being based is 'reality' isn't baed in reality- nobody knows what the fuck to do. 'Experts' are making shit up and contradicting themselves and looking for ways to differentiate themselves from the President in an election year.
Fuck. You.
I'll look forward to the grilling of Joe Biden or whoever the Democrats pick. I won't hold my breath...
A Biden surrogate was asked over the weekend why Joe isn’t doing interviews and the response was that Trump isn’t doing them either.
I sense a blitzkrieg of sit down interviews by Trump to pressure Biden to do likewise.
Tried to watch but I can't slog through the combativeness. I don't know how our President battles them every day. I would have surrendered long ago.
One more time.Nasty little aristocrat sneers at the populist stable genius. Thank God the stable genius won the last election.
Now try to imagine Sleepy Joe submitting to a similar interview.
I know, I can't either.
It's like they need the President to be a mommy figure and Trump isn't giving them what they need. Wa! Wa! Wa!
Now try to imagine Sleepy Joe submitting to a similar interview.
Now wait just a minute- I see that Biden DID submit to a similar interview. Susan Rice was on Tucker.
This is frightening. Trump has no concept of statistics, just of the pretty pictures his staff feeds him.
Just occurred to me.
President Trump will do any interview requested. A full hour. For every 15 minute interview the reporter gets from Biden 1st.
Jonathan Swan is a two faced goon.
If you have ever watched him on a panel on Special Report on Fox versus any panel show on MSNBC you see exactly who he is.
He goes all in on the Dem line while on MSNBC but he is was more a centrist liberal on Fox.
What strikes me is how stupid these DNC stenographers really are. How can you watch President Trump be interviewed, and then tell yourself you are better than the President, and can beat the President at his own game. How can you watch 100 interviews of the President, and then tell yourself, you are better than every stenographer before you, and get a different outcome?
The reason that these interviews are combative is because he needs to be held accountable for his complete lack of leadership, his lack of a national testing/tracing plan, his utter lack of understanding that millions are without work and also without healthcare and also the 150,000 lives that were lost in the past six months. Has he even addressed a plan for the next six months or even the next six weeks?
They always misunderestimate him. It’s caused by their drinking of their own Kool Aide.
I spent time and I watched the entire interview. Interruptions are bad manners the way Mr. Swan kept interrupting. You ask a question and you accept the answer or you dispute it with good grounds. You Americans are lucky to have a president that does not take bullshit from anyone.
Democrats told us to go hug a Chinaman for Chinese New Years--January 25th. Trump was preparing for the US government to bar entry for most non-US citizens who had been in China within the previous 14 days. The Year if the Rat, indeed.
Lucille Ballers: "The reason that these interviews are combative is because..."
-- Trump continues to fail to be *Hillary*!
The reason that these interviews are combative is because he needs to be held accountable for his complete lack of leadership, his lack of a national testing/tracing plan, his utter lack of understanding that millions are without work and also without healthcare and also the 150,000 lives that were lost in the past six months. Has he even addressed a plan for the next six months or even the next six weeks?
National testing/tracing plan: Yes, lets have the federal government track all our movements. I'm not buying this argument Karen.
millions are without work: You mean the guy that suggested we should only flatten the curve, not keep the economy shutdown indefinitely like local Democrat politicians want to do?
also without healthcare: Who is not getting healthcare if needed?
150,000 lives lost: 1) Do you know how many people die in any 6 months of the US? 2) I guess you don't know the majority of COVID related deaths in the US are in northeastern blue states that laugh at the red states that opened back up their economy is has 1/10th the rate of deaths.
Has he even addressed a plan: Yes, he put out a plan back in late April / early May. Democrat governors didn't like it, so they made their own plan to keep the economy shutdown even longer in their states.
combative is because he needs to be held accountable for his complete lack of leadership
Somebody got assigned to parrot talking dnc points
I know it's a drive by entry into these comments, but I will still point out that not a single person has enumerated those actions the President could have taken but did not.
Those actions his assembled team of experts recommended but refused to implement.
The sworn testimony from Fauci last week where Fauci stated EVERYTHING within the scope and power of the federal government that could have been done, was done.
New trolls appear all the time here.
This interview reveals what a self centered pathetic character Trump has become.
If you have an ounce of Mike Wallace’s talent, don’t try to be Mike Wallace.
I made it to the 8 minute mark. The interviewer is a douche. Trump supporters don’t “hang on every word” Trump says. He tries to label all of them / us as unthinking drones, while he thinks he figured out a new approach to the same old bullshit. Tell him to go home and take a knee for the Aborigines. Don’t forget to remind him that his ancestors did flee oppression for freedom, they were deported.
Last night on MSNBC some PBS guy was accusing Trump of genocide and murder in regards to COVID on Al Sharpton's show. All the same. Insane. Good way to start a civil war.
It’s probably an old troll in a new sock puppet. Pretty stale take anyway.
I like Jonathan Swan's voice in general, but he seems to be whining alot here. Not a good look (or sound), IMHO.
Blogger Breezy said...
I like Jonathan Swan's voice in general, but he seems to be whining alot here. Not a good look (or sound), IMHO.
I think he has that, sort of, "punch me in the face until I stop talking" kind of voice. Foreign. Do you have to hate yourself to like a foreign accent?
Plus, Swan sits like a woman, I mean person with a cervix. Trump's body language is aggressive, feet flat on the floor, leaning forward. Swan is sitting back with his legs crossed trying to prevent Trump from grabbing his pussy.
It's comical how everyone always plays to form.
Thank Goddess for Jonathan Swan!
As Breezy pointed out, Swan is whining. And I'll point out the obvious: Not once did Trump call Swan a dog-faced pony soldier or tell him he was full of malarky.
What is the weird accent on Swan? Is he English or what? And why is some Limey interviewing the President? Anyway, he's I agree he's fucking annoying and constantly interrupting with stupid comments and "rebuttals". Fortunately, Trump with his deep voice just talks over him.
The most stupid part of the interview occurs after the 30 minute mark, where Swan brings up Trump's comment about Ms. Maxwell and his "wishing her well". How dare you say that, squeaks Swan, She's a child molester! And he keeps asking Trump what he meant by that. Idiot.
Of course, Trump just keeps saying her boyfriend Epstein was murdered or committed suicide and he wishes everyone well. I love how the media, jumps from "She's innocent until proven guilty - how dare you convict her without a trial" to "She's guilty - how dare you wish her well" depending on who's on trial.
I found it interesting that Trump hasn't brought up Clinton's visits to Pedo Island. I guess he's keeping that in reserve in case Hillary ends up as the nominee.
Democrats are insane. Just look at Althouse's Lefties for proof of concept.
EVERY Left-wing Journalist (which means 99% of them) try to debate republicans. They only ask questions of Democrats and RINO's. Trump seems to enjoy the verbal combat and is good at the back and forth. however, it does get annoying, especially when you want information and not just DNC talking points.
Trump is smarter than his opponents think he is. And his opponents are dumber than they think they are.
" Blogger Lucille Ballers said...
The reason that these interviews are combative is because he needs to be held accountable for his complete lack of leadership, his lack of a national testing/tracing plan, his utter lack of understanding that millions are without work and also without healthcare and also the 150,000 lives that were lost in the past six months. Has he even addressed a plan for the next six months or even the next six weeks? "
And yet, sweden is ( and has been ) trending down since April WITHOUT destroying millions of poeples livlihoods and lives with this ridiculous shutdown. But you really don't care about the people out of work do you.
We will find out that everyone will get this disease pretty much the exact same amount, the only difference is that NYC/NJ killed their nursing home inhabitants. This is showing that quarantining the healthy is an absolutely idiotic idea. Flattening the curve is insance. You never get back up when you decide you have to quarantine at home.
What's the metric? No one knows. Sweden had the right idea and now they are immune.
Our death rate from CV-19 is high, because the liberal democrat governors in NY, NJ, and New England fucked up big time. They put infected people in nursing homes. Go look at the deaths/million, all these states are 3x the national average. Trump couldn't control what Cuomo and the dumbshits in NY and Mass did.
I watched it all. Trump did a fine job.
One thing I love about Trump is he's honest. he says what he thinks - even when its not PC. For example, when asked to praise John Lewis Trump said, he didn't know the guy, and Lewis refused to come to Trump's inaugural and voted to impeach him. Lewis also called Trump a "racist" about 50 times.
The iiberal/left is shocked, very shocked, at this. Just like they were shocked, very shocked, that Trump refused to praise "War Hero" McCain. Most people, I think, find trump's honesty refreshing. Lewis and McCain shitted on trump every chance they got, and lied about him, (and its interesting to imagine what Johnny McCain would've done during the impeachment trial), and Trump OFFICIALLY honored both men, but refused to play the hypocrite and profess personal love and admiration. Good for him.
EVERY interview with trump is COMBATIVE. Its not about "Holding him to account" its about destroying him. Where are the COMBATIVE interviews holding Cuomo did account for 30,000 CV-19 deaths? Where are the COMBATIVE interviews holding Biden or Pelosi to account?
WHat bullshit. What is purpose of engaging liberals in debate? They lie and have no principles.
He just says stuff.
Killing some time this morning, taking a break from work-a-dday life of parttime jobs.
I do so wish the intelligent leftist lurking about here would engage on the ubiquitous accusation that President Trump has lacked leadership in dealing with covid. The accusation started with President Trump cancelling flights from China (dems wrong President Trump right) and been going on since. Need details.
Professor, you lasted longer than I did. I think I tapped out around 4 minutes in. What a smarmy asswipe.
"Maybe it will be fun to watch the rest and see if Trump is able to reduce Swan to a fluttering pile of feathers. So I may get back to this."
You don't feel that would violate Swan's privacy?
"don’t try to be Mike Wallace. "
Someone should tell Chris. He really should retire to a coach house in Newport.
Blogger sunsong said...
Thank Goddess for Jonathan Swan!
Swan makes “AAA” batteries?
You and Scott Adams. He said something similar yesterday about pdjt being too positive.
I didn't understand his thinking and don't understand yours.
Seems like positivity is just the way to approach the pandemic. Perhaps fdr's most notable line was "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" we actually had a lot to fear besides fear but his point was not to give into those fears.
I think that is a much better approach than giving in to pessimism. Glad pdjt is doing it this way. Much better than the Ford or especially Carter approach.
Helping Kodak build a$750mm HQL plant is a pretty good approach too
John Henry
rcocean said...
What is the weird accent on Swan? Is he English or what? And why is some Limey interviewing the President? Anyway, he's I agree he's fucking annoying and constantly interrupting with stupid comments and "rebuttals".
He's Australian. Their style of journalism is based on the British style; very combative and will push back on statements unlike the US media. Unfortunately, this is the wrong time to try this tactic if you want anyone to really listen.
It's quite a contrast watching Trump extemporaneously parrying and combating hostile interviewers like this and then watching Slow Joe struggling to read note cards and fuzzily trying to answer scripted questions from press stand-ins. You can't hide what is going on no matter how frightfully clever you think it is to hide your candidate in a basement and think no one is the wiser.
Trump has full command of his faculties and has dealt with convid & a cratering economy as well as any other industrialized country has. These interviews just underscore how dangerous it is to hand the presidency over to a dementia victim and his minority hire VP. We will be dealing with the aftermath of covid for some time. We need a leader, not a place holder.
How to interview a serial liar and narcissist who is unfit to be president
“President Trump’s peculiar brew of relentless dishonesty and utter shamelessness often acts as a shield against his interviewers. The lies tumble out at such a furious pace, and the display of corrupt motives is so blatant, that pinning Trump down on them is like (and apologies for the cliche, but nothing else is better) nailing jello to a wall.
Swan is not just challenging Trump’s distortions. He’s also practically begging him to acknowledge the fact that after Trump’s glorious China ban, a whole range of failures to take action subsequently allowed the coronavirus to rampage out of control here. The unspoken question hovering over much of this was Swan pleading with Trump to share in our collective horror about the consequences that have unfolded since, and to take some measure of responsibility for those consequences. This taking of responsibility would itself speak to the gravity of what the country is enduring, and show basic respect for the sick, the dead and the bereaved. Trump couldn’t do it. He made only the most perfunctory reference to the dead, even as he hailed his own great response again and again while blaming everyone else for the toll that Swan kept reminding him of, from the “fake news” to China.
Swan then tried to access Trump’s humanity through the portal of his narcissism. He did so by bringing up Trump’s great rally crowds. “These people, they listen to you,” Swan pleaded, by way of suggesting that he should use his power over his followers for good, that is, to get them to take the virus seriously for their own well-being. In the most perfect moment ever, Trump’s immediate response to this was to accuse the media of downplaying the size of the crowd at his Tulsa rally. “Why would you have wanted a huge crowd?” Swan asked, again trying to focus Trump on the consequences his words have for his supporters. “Because that area was a very good area at the time,” Trump replied. In fact, cases were rising in Oklahoma at the time — and Tulsa saw a surge after the rally — but the more important unspoken truth revealed here is that Trump could not rise to the challenge of showing basic humanity.“
Limbaugh was saying just now that Axios was reporting a poll that said the majority of Americans believed that Covid had killed 9% of the population===or 30 million people. Somebody is feeding the proles some serious nonsense if that poll is correct.
The accusation started with President Trump cancelling flights from China (dems wrong President Trump right) and been going on since. Need details.
At the same time he was banning travel from China (and it was only a ban on nonresidents with no requirement to quarantine for those residents returning from China) he was downplaying the pandemic (only 15 cases soon be down to zero). Then he couldn't make up his mind whether he could order the governors what to do or they were independent decision makers. He has touted unproven treatments and contradicted his experts, sidelining the CDC. There is no national testing or contact tracing policy, each state is on its own. He pushed states to reopen, even when the established criteria for reopening had not been met. He discounted the use of masks and his late conversion to encouraging mask usage has been tepid at best.
I could go on.
One last thing is that there apparently was a national plan developed (although Kushner was apparently involved, so it was most likely a crappy plan), but for political reasons it was shelved.
Trump has full command of his faculties and has dealt with convid & a cratering economy as well as any other industrialized country has.
Then why are still at a thousand deaths a day?
"Global coronavirus cases and deaths have climbed again since the beginning of June. The centre of the pandemic has shifted to Latin America with Panama, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia currently reporting the greatest number of daily deaths as a share of population.
Large emerging market countries such as Brazil, Russia, Mexico, India and South Africa are all showing fatalities on an upward trend."
Much more at https://www.ft.com/content/a2901ce8-5eb7-4633-b89c-cbdf5b386938
IOW, Trump was right about the death rate in the US going down, and Swan was wrong based on the data. But instead of saying, "OK Mr. President, that is correct," Swan immediately changes the subject with another inane accusation, as if he is serving the public.
Lucille Ballers said...
The reason that these interviews are combative is because he needs to be held accountable for his complete lack of leadership, his lack of a national testing/tracing plan, his utter lack of understanding that millions are without work and also without healthcare and also the 150,000 lives that were lost in the past six months. Has he even addressed a plan for the next six months or even the next six weeks?
Here is a very good explanation of the death numbers. I poted the following 2 says ago on my Facebook page- my own number analysis:
Someone else did the digging for the numbers.
In Minnesota, on July 31, they had six new dreaded covid
deaths. Two of the new decedents were in their 90’s, two in their 80’s, one in his 70’s, and one in his 20’s (“with significant underlying conditions”). Warning- lots of numbers follow- numbers and particularly percentages being the only way to fully understand the idiocy of the covidiocy lockdown.
It's going to be pretty much the same everywhere else.. Here's a chart that should put some perspective on the dreaded covid.
Since February 1,546,344 total deaths in the United States. 137,922 involved the dreaded covid. 8.9% of all deaths involved covid... involved covid. Total deaths from pneumonia? 146,052. Of those, 59,837 involved pneumonia AND covid. So which did they die of? So 43.4% of those 137,922 covid deaths involved pneumonia. Which people die of every year, with or without covid.
Let's go to people under 44. 3,790 total covid involved deaths. 2.8% of the covid deaths from well over 50% of the population. Young healthy people don't die from covid. 103,414 total deaths in that age group. 3.7% of all deaths for that group vs. 8.9% of the total.
44,055 covid deaths from over 85, less than 2% of the population. 32.5% of the total covid deaths from less than 2% of the US population. 9.4% of all deaths in that age group involved covid, a considerably higher percentage than the 44 and under 2.8%. Of the total deaths in the US that age group represented 30.5% of all deaths. Gee, total deaths and covid deaths are both concentrated among old people that represent less than 2% of the population.... Looks like diseases are guilty of age discrimination!
When you do any research into who's dying from covid, you're going to find things like "one in his 20’s (“with significant underlying conditions”)." Covid is very discriminatory- it focuses on killing sick unhealthy people, almost as if it were designed to get rid of burdens on society- or as SOCIALISTS call them- useless eaters. Not that Communists would ever design anything like that....
chuck above gets it- Trump is a lot smarter than most progressives believe he is, and the same progressives are a lot dumber than they believe themselves to be. It always shows in these kinds of interviews- the interviewer thinks he is "getting" Trump, but the end result is that he interviewer comes off as stupid and rude at the same time. Someone yesterday made the right analogy that fits here, too- Swan is Vizzini.
Sure, Freder Frederson, you could go on. But since the points you listed are easily overcome, what would be the point?
Freder: Trump is a fascist!
Freder: Trump should have done more, exercised extra-Constitutional power, and subverted federalism.
That is the sort of belligerent stupidity that the Leftist Collectivists mister.
"... over much of this was Swan pleading with Trump to share in our collective horror about the consequences that have unfolded since"
Embrace the power of negative thinking! Also, zero of these people posing questions have any idea what could have been done better/different. No specifics at all.
people keep talking about plans for the future, how to deal with covid, etc. I think we should all follow Kristi Noem's example in South Dakota. Have the state/government do nothing except give advice. Let the citizens decide for themselves what steps to take. After all, we a re a nation of citizens, not subjects- though it's telling there are so many who want MORE Dictator Cuomo like decisions handed down on from high if it may possibly save even one person from the dreaded covid- even as others die and suffer because of the decision.
Covid is a virus. If it's as infectious as EXPERTS like Dr. Fauci says it is (it isn't) all the lockdowns and masks aren't going to keep everyone from getting it- they're just going to spread the time out. IOW- flatten the curve. There's also the word "novel" being kicked around, as in no one has ever seen anything like this before and no one has any immunity. You can look up for yourself how much of a lie that was and is. Meanwhile Democrat Dictators in many states are banning the use of the HCQ cocktail because it's "Unproven"- even as most support "Medical marijuana"- which is not only more unproven, but in young people with heavy use appears to cause schizophrenia. It's unproven, but yet. we have medical professionals on the frontlines fighting the dreaded covid, professionals like Dr. George Fareed, using it and attesting to it's efficacy. And we have stories like this where entire communities have used HCQ as a preventive measure. It's cheap. But- it has to be used early- and some of the Democrat Dictators have ordered it can only be used as a last resort- where it is known not to work- to add to the "proof" that it's useless. Then there's later treatments that work- but not 100%- using a common inexpensive steroid.
What should the government do? Collect honest numbers, and promote HONEST studies are the various in use and proposed treatments. Honest studies- not like the VA study that gave the HCQ cocktail to obese patients already in the ICU and on ventilators then pronounced not only useless- but harmful. When every proponent of it's use had already said- use it early, it's useless using it late. It's easy to design a study to fail.
I could go on.
And on and on and on and on.... Still nothing intelligent.
I assume these nonsense comments relieve some sort of anxiety. Try to get help.
No way I'm watching that shit. The only time I watch Trump is when Sarah Cooper is doing her thing.
In this election, one candidate has to give lots of interviews, because the other candidate won't give any!
One last thing is that there apparently was a national plan developed (although Kushner was apparently involved, so it was most likely a crappy plan), but for political reasons it was shelved.
Democrat governors admonished Trump for usurping their authority and responsibility for dealing with the virus. He deferred to the governors and they proceeded to order that draconian rules be put in place, and shutdown their states and economies.
Will dementia-addled Joe Biden sit for an hour with, say, Mark Levin, or even Laura Ingraham?
The interruptions never stopped. The interviewer went the whole 36+ minutes desperately insisting that "Mr President, Mr President" let himself be trapped into some shallow preconceived contradiction the interviewer had devised, so that they could then trumpet it to the world of TDSers. I watched the whole thing and did not learn one new thing except that our forces in Afghanistan should be getting down to the 4,000-5,000 level in the next three months, MAYBE. Trump restrained himself admirably and gave the guy nothing to work with in the shallow contradiction department.
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
Trump has full command of his faculties and has dealt with convid & a cratering economy as well as any other industrialized country has.
Then why are still at a thousand deaths a day?
8/4/20, 12:10 PM
There aren't still thousands of deaths a day.
You're confusing day of death vs day death is reported.
The last few weeks we haven't even had a single day where over 1,000 people died. And the last few days it's been in the low 100's.
Thanks Ann. I usually dislike watching Trump’s stream of consciousness and do so only to assuage my “fake news bullshit Alarm”. But watching Swan’s stream of interruptions made It tolerable and funny.
I would not have watched it if I knew it was on. My take away is the near hysteria over him saying "It is, what it is." Evidently, DJT was supposed to render his garment and wail at the tragedy instead of delivering simple, concise statement of fact. It is, what it is.
Swan “she’s a sex trafficker”, Trump “big deal”.
"There aren't still thousands of deaths a day. You're confusing day of death vs day death is reported."
Thanks for responding Eric, Commander Freder isn't worth responding to. Pointing out Biden's diminished cognitive abilities is like stepping on his bunion, it provokes a fusillade of bullshit talking points without ever addressing my point that Trump repeatedly seeks out adversaries in the press while Joe hides in a basement hoping he is just handed the presidency. The repeated press conferences and access Trump gives stands in stark contrasts to Biden's hiding in a basement.
".@jonathanvswan: “Oh, you’re doing death as a proportion of cases. I’m talking about death as a proportion of population. That’s where the U.S. is really bad. Much worse than South Korea, Germany, etc.”
@realdonaldtrump: “You can’t do that.”
Swan: “Why can’t I do that?”
~ Axios
22 total covid deaths in New Zealand...22 humans lost (that Ardern and New Zealanders care about)
that is leadership, imo
The Leftist Collectivists incentivized reporting any death as a Winnie Xi Flu Death.
Then the number of deaths went up a lot.
Money motivated the reporting.
Motorcycle accident without a helmet = Winnie Xi Flu death.
Get paid!!
And now they argue statistics with foreign countries.
Lying is a way of life for Leftist Collectivists.
Gospace said, "Since February 1,546,344 total deaths in the United States. 137,922 involved the dreaded covid. 8.9% of all deaths involved covid... involved covid. Total deaths from pneumonia? 146,052. Of those, 59,837 involved pneumonia AND covid. So which did they die of? So 43.4% of those 137,922 covid deaths involved pneumonia. Which people die of every year, with or without covid."
Given that in 2019 there were about 48k pneumonia deaths for the entire year (59k if you include flu + pneumonia deaths) and the data you are citing is saying 146k have died of pneumonia this year (which is a PATHOGEN TRIGGERED condition), you are basically saying that Covid has so-far caused a 600% increase in pneumonia deaths despite the shutdown/isolation measures taken.
Your failed use of pneumonia metrics here both shows your inadequacy in basic statistics and basic health/medicine understanding.
"He's Australian. Their style of journalism is based on the British style; very combative and will push back on statements unlike the US media. Unfortunately, this is the wrong time to try this tactic if you want anyone to really listen."
Well, there's that, and the fact that EVERY left-wing journalist (aka 98% of the US press corps) is Combative and "pushes back" against TRUMP. Will democrats they throw softballs.
Lets see Australian Swain and his "combative British style" interview Biden or Pelosi. Lets see some tough questions for them, and not just "Hey, why aren't you more left-wing?"
I love how the moderation has made the comments so readable. Can you imagine what this thread would look like otherwise? It'd be 100 back and forth commments between Inga and his friends.
---that is leadership, imo
Not to mention NZ's extremely favorable geography and low-density population.
Then move to New Zealand, sunsinga.
Let them deal with your idiocy.
Lucille Ballers said...
The reason that these interviews are combative is because he needs to be held accountable for his complete lack of leadership
Within the proper bounds of his office, Trump has led. He pushed HCQ, the least expensive and highly effective treatment for the WuhanFlu, that the Left has tried to destroy because nothing good is allowed to come from Trump.
The States have generalized police power, the Federal Government does not. Trump shut the borders, and supported the States. Which is exactly what he was supposed to do.
his lack of a national testing/tracing plan
Lie. He implemented a national testing plan, that's worked. Which is why the US has done more testing that any other country in the world
his utter lack of understanding that millions are without work
Lie. he understands that, which is why he has constantly fought against the Democrats to try to keep teh country as open and running as possible
and also without healthcare
So ObamaCare was a total failure? Let me know when you're ready to repeal it
and also the 150,000 lives that were lost in the past six months.
And 4 - 5 months ago were were told that would be, what, over 2 million dead? Over 3 million dead?
You should be thanking President Trump and celebrating the way his leadership saved millions
Has he even addressed a plan for the next six months or even the next six weeks?
Well, the US Government has financially backed multiple vaccine tests, to the point that we will be first in line for any vaccines that work. Beyond that, he's calling for opening the country up, and getting people back to work.
Are you in? Or do you have no concern for those "millions [who] are without work"?
“So I may get back to this.”
Or, when it turns out Trump shit himself repeatedly, maybe I won’t.
Ok, let's talk WuhanFlu deaths per 1 million population :
1 San Marino 699 42 657 0 20,596 1,238 6,068 178,797 33,938
2 Belgium 70,314 +465 9,850 +5 17,598 42,866 54 6,065 850 1,728,283 149,063 11,594,326
3 UK 306,293 +670 46,299 +89 N/A N/A 77 4,510 682 16,942,992 249,458 67,919,112
4 Andorra 939 +2 52 825 62 1 12,151 673 3,750 48,527 77,277
5 Spain 349,894 +5,760 28,498 +26 N/A N/A 617 7,483 609 7,064,329 151,088 46,756,500
6 Peru 433,100 19,811 298,091 115,198 1,419 13,119 600 2,417,857 73,241 33,012,553
7 Italy 248,419 +190 35,171 +5 200,766 12,482 41 4,109 582 6,984,589 115,537 60,453,293
8 Sweden 81,181 +37 5,747 +6 N/A N/A 38 8,034 569 810,356 80,193 10,105,081
9 Chile 362,962 +1,469 9,745 +38 336,330 16,887 1,405 18,972 509 1,716,415 89,718 19,131,170
10 USA 4,911,245 +47,329 160,052 +1,124 2,475,493 2,275,700 18,702 14,829 483 61,534,821 185,803 331,182,250
11 France 192,334 +1,039 30,296 +2 82,166 79,872 384 2,946 464 2,982,302 45,680 65,287,125
If you pull out the deaths from NY and NJ, which were caused by the utter incompetence of Democrats, we drop significantly lower.
So, you want to talk about "deaths per million population"? Great. That's advantage US, advantage Trump
sunsong @4:04PM...
Swan is a tool.
TreeJoe said...
Gospace said, "Since February 1,546,344 total deaths in the United States. 137,922 involved the dreaded covid. 8.9% of all deaths involved covid... involved covid. Total deaths from pneumonia? 146,052. Of those, 59,837 involved pneumonia AND covid. So which did they die of? So 43.4% of those 137,922 covid deaths involved pneumonia. Which people die of every year, with or without covid."
Given that in 2019 there were about 48k pneumonia deaths for the entire year (59k if you include flu + pneumonia deaths) and the data you are citing is saying 146k have died of pneumonia this year (which is a PATHOGEN TRIGGERED condition), you are basically saying that Covid has so-far caused a 600% increase in pneumonia deaths despite the shutdown/isolation measures taken.
You bring up an interesting point. How are PNEUMONIA deaths increasing? From the official CDC numbers of that day 146,052-59,837= 86,215 pneumonia deaths that don't involve the dreaded covid. Which is roughly 38,000 more than the 48K you cite as an annual average- which appears to be correct. So- why the increase in PNEUMONIA deaths all by itself? Good question. Especially with all the masks and social distancing. Is there an especially virulent strain or pneumonia going around that health authorities are covering up> Or- are all the DC numbers now and in the past pretty much complete BS? Or is the covid test actually worthless and that 38K pneumonia alone increase isn't really....
I'm quoting their numbers. For this year. I have no clue why the sudden and drastic increase in pneumonia deaths- do you? The deaths with both pneumonia and covid are easy- covid seems to specifically target sick people. This weeks numbers brings the pneumonia without covid deaths to 87,600, a death increase of >1,000.
I did not use the numbers incorrectly- I used them to say what they say. Next question is- how does covid cause an increase in pneumonia deaths for people who don't have covid? Of is there a lot of misdiagnosing going on? Take a guess.
The link I provided above, and again here, analyzes excess deaths. Under 25- noexcess deaths. Over 75- a huge spike. What does this say? Open schools and colleges, tell the older instructors mask and distance as you feel a need to. If they have known comorbidities- let them decide whether to take the risk. They're citizens, not subjects.
We're now up to 4 military deaths. Pentagon hasn't said whether active duty, reserve, or NG. I suspect one of the latter two. If it is AD- that's doubled the number of deaths! 2 deaths among a control group of 1.3 million healthy young people. Death age of the one previous known AD death was 41. Less than 10% of the military is over 40. Close to 50% is under 25. The NG and reserve deaths were 57 and 34. 57 is really old for military personnel. The pic of the 57 year old? If not actually obese- certainly flirting with it. One of the known comorbities that make covid deadly.
readering: "He just says stuff."
Biden sure does.
We are up to, what, 3 or 4 times Dementia Joe has claimed to be arrested and then had to take it back....only to claim them all again later on!
Lets see now, Biden claimed to have been arrested in South Africa for trying like the dickens to get to Nelson Mandela (he literally claimed just that!), Biden claimed to have been arrested for being in the chick's dorms at his university and Biden also claimed to have been arrested for sneaking in and sitting in the US Senate Presidents chair.
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is a rap sheet anyone could be proud of!!
Not as impressive as the time Biden claims to have stared down "Big Jim Walker"/"Bad Bad Leroy Brown" "Cornpop" who was wielding a man-slicing razor from hell, but still.
You know, perhaps like most things Biden says, we should always take a moment to try and figure out who said it first, after which Biden stole it.....
I have a stronger stomach than Althouse apparently, because I watched about 2/3 of the "interview" and turned off because I just got bored. BUT ...
I spent a significant part of my legal career dealing with "expert" witnesses. I put that word in quotes because such a witness should properly be called an "opinion" witness. A regular witness, you or me, can only say "I saw X" or "I heard Y"; an "expert" can say "in my opinion . . . ." That's very powerful. You can say you saw car A strike pedestrian B. The "expert" witness can say "In my opinion, the driver acted negligiently", or "in my opinion the pedestrian acted negligiently". (I over simplify, of course.)
Trump isn't a really good "expert" witness, but he's head and shoulders better than this "reporter". Trump controlled the interview, he used it to say what he wanted to say, he didn't let the "reporter" distract him into talking about what Trump didn't want to talk about. The "jury", the American people, probably got bored and tuned out after less than 10 minutes. But if there's anyone out there who has an open mind, they are more likely than not more supportive of Trump's position than less, after the interview.
"I sense a blitzkrieg of sit down interviews by Trump to pressure Biden to do likewise."
-- I foresee a bunch of journalists insisting they won't let Trump bully them into interviewing Biden.
“I love how the moderation has made the comments so readable.”
Me too!
“Can you imagine what this thread would look like otherwise?”
I sure can. They can lob one comment after another at me and they don’t show up until hours later, ha, it’s great.
I could go on.
And screw you, Freder.
So, this seems like a situation that lends itself to POV critics, meaning, how you view the "interview" depends greatly on your POV. CNN and its ilk are crowing about how wildly dishonest Trump was made to be by Jonathan Swan. Axios c-a-n be a good source, but...I dunno. Air-quotes "holding leaders accountable" is a nice mantra, I guess, but who watches the watchers?
Gospace said, "You bring up an interesting point. How are PNEUMONIA deaths increasing? From the official CDC numbers of that day 146,052-59,837= 86,215 pneumonia deaths that don't involve the dreaded covid. Which is roughly 38,000 more than the 48K you cite as an annual average- which appears to be correct. So- why the increase in PNEUMONIA deaths all by itself? Good question. Especially with all the masks and social distancing. Is there an especially virulent strain or pneumonia going around that health authorities are covering up> Or- are all the DC numbers now and in the past pretty much complete BS? Or is the covid test actually worthless and that 38K pneumonia alone increase isn't really...."
I'm done responding to you beyond this after you said "is there an especially virulent strain or [sic] of pneumonia going around that health authorities are covering up?"
Pneumonia isn't a pathogen or strain. It's a condition caused by pathogens. Period. In the middle of massive social isolation and behaviors to reduce pathogen transmission, your own metrics show pneumonia-linked deaths are 3x higher at the mid-way point for the year. So roughly 600% higher than normal for this point in the year. Despite the shutdown, social distancing, masks, etc.
In other words, your own data shows a massive spike in pathogen-related deaths and now you are trying to figure out what you can blame it on that's somehow a respiratory-related illness that's NOT Covid-19.
By the way, your math even above was yet again way off. You don't subtract 2019 ANNUAL pneumonia deaths from 2020 actual YTD pneumonia deaths and say the difference is non-COVID. It was actually the opposite....you could say we should have had ~25,000 pneumonia deaths YTD but we actually have ~140k. So we have nearly 6x as many. What on earth could be causing a respiratory infection that results in the lungs filling with fluid and no longer functioning correctly and thus hospitalization and death?
Let me scratch my head and think on that question. Lol.
Gee, pneumonia isn't a pathogen or strain... I wonder what the pneumonia vaccine is fighting....
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