Dovere: The Sunday-show appearances around the Benghazi attack have become so much of your public identity. Your mother actually warned you not to do it, and thought Hillary Clinton should have instead. In the end, that became an issue getting in your way to be Obama’s secretary of state, and continues to be an issue Republicans attack you over now.
Rice: She said, “Why you?” And I said, “The White House asked me to do it.” And she’s like, “Well, where’s Hillary?” And I said that she’d been asked, but declined. And I presumed—I hadn’t had this conversation with her—that she had had an extraordinarily draining week, having lost four Americans in an American overseas facility, and all the pain and trauma that that entails for the people of the State Department, for the families, for everybody. But I agreed, as a team player. And her instinct was, “I smell a rat. You shouldn’t do it.” And I said, “Mom, don’t be ridiculous. I’ve done this many times before.” She was absolutely right.
Dovere: What did that experience teach you about the way that politics, and at least cable news, political media work?
Rice: First of all, the core lesson is always: Listen to your mother. I think this was what she was getting at, and what I suspect in retrospect that Secretary Clinton and other senior officials understood is, when you have a tragedy, a crisis of the sort we had in Benghazi and the terrorist attack, particularly in the height of a presidential campaign, a hot electoral season—it’s going to be politicized and the opposition is going to be looking to shoot the messenger as much as shoot at the message. And that’s what happened.
I wasn’t thinking about myself. I’m part of a team, a team that had a very hard week. We’ve lost our colleagues. Christopher Stevens, our ambassador in Libya, was somebody that I knew and worked with and respected and liked. It was painful for all of us and for me to think about myself, rather than think about the responsibility that the administration had to communicate to the American people, was not where my head was. And in retrospect, maybe it should have been. Maybe I should have been more self-centered in how I thought about it, because clearly it has not redounded to my benefit in right-wing circles. But if not that, I’m sure they would have found something else.
That was eight years ago, and it was sort of an early leading indicator of how ugly and dishonest our politics were going to get. Eight congressional committees investigated Benghazi ad nauseam through 2016, and not one of them found that I had done anything wrong or that I had deliberately misled the American people or anything else. The fact that really only one piece of that information later turned out to be inaccurate doesn’t make me a liar for having shared it and caveated it as our best current information. That could change. But it shows you how the right wing latches on to a meme or a caricature and drives it relentlessly, and they do it to this day. This one is tired and overwrought, and there’s no substance to it.
Frankly, for the Republicans to be harping on Benghazi in 2020, when under Donald Trump’s watch, three Americans were killed on a U.S. military base in Pensacola, Florida, last year in a terrorist attack inspired by al-Qaeda—what appears to be the first foreign-directed terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11—because the Defense Department failed to adequately vet the Saudi military personnel who are being trained on that base. But no investigation, no outrage, not a boo out of congressional Republicans. Four American servicemen were killed in a terrorist attack in Niger in West Africa on Donald Trump’s watch, and not a boo, not an investigation. Not an expression of concern. So this is all political distraction. And in a year when over 160,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 because of this president’s ineptitude and incompetence and disregard for human life, putting his own political interests above the health and well-being and the economy of the United States and the ability to educate our kids … they’re going to talk about Benghazi? I say fine, let them.
८ ऑगस्ट, २०२०
Susan Rice talks about doing Sunday show appearances after the Benghazi attack — She was "a team player."
From an interview in The Atlantic with Edward-Isaac Dovere:
१६२ टिप्पण्या:
Lying comes easily to Susan Rice, that shouldn't discount her from becoming a democratic president. The republican swamp creatures will be happy to work with her to get their back scratched and pretend to pillow fight with her from time to time. She seems like the swamps candidate of choice.
LOL - a team player for for the team of liars.
Hillary gets a pass every time, doesn't she?
"I don't recall."
Cuz the whole "Just following orders" routine has worked so well in the past.
Solidarity? Go along to get along? She did more than that. She was a unit leader in Obama's saved and progressed wars, massive collateral damage across three continents, administration of social justice, and catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform. She should stand on her record.
Nasty — psycho level scary.
Cover up the kidnapping and murder of an ambassador whats wrong with that.
Did you notice what Rice didn't mention in that bit- the arresting of a US resident on the pre-text that his video was the direct cause of the Benghazi attack.
I also note that Rice blames the Republicans for the administration's having to fudge the truth, but the fact is that the lies got told before there was really much push from the right on the issue. What prompted the lies was the mainstream media describing the attack as an act of terrorism, which, of course, was an actual example of the media not publishing fake news- that fake news came later after Rice's Sunday morning tour de force in obfuscation- the media then got to supporting the narrative that the Obama team wanted- no act of terrorism.
Yes, it looks like Susan Rice is now the probable pick.
So blatantly lying - on five, separate occasions - was just being a team player.
Good to know.
General Carter Ham could not be reached for comment. He was commander of Africom at the time and when the Obama people refused to send a team to rescue the people at the consulate, he ordered his people to get ready to go.
He was then relieved of command instantaneously.
What Susie really means “When the boss tells me to lie, I gotta lie, when I’m the President my goal is to lie on my own”.
Democrats are just evil.
You can't really claim to be stupid about it anymore. Voting for and supporting democrats is complicity in this blatant corruption and amorality.
There are quite a number of reasons why I don't want Susan Rice to be Vice President (read President). My latest one, I guess, is that, geez, I really don't want anyone who says, ”And she’s like,...” to be POTUS.
So she's a shameless shill and a spineless dupe...good to know.
Like all of those principled Clinton cabinet members who, after it was proven that Bill was playing hide the cigar/salami with an intern in the Oval Office and lied about it, resigned in indignation.
The left will excuse ANYTHING in the pursuit and maintenance of power. Conservatives are suckers.
Frankly, for the Republicans to be harping on Benghazi in 2020, when under Donald Trump’s watch, three Americans were killed on a U.S. military base in Pensacola, Florida, last year in a terrorist attack inspired by al-Qaeda—what appears to be the first foreign-directed terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11
Pulse Nightclub and Ft Hood send their regards.
Remember when Obama was president, Biden was VP, and Susan Rice was in the cabinet. And we got things like Ft Hood was "workplace violence" and the transcripts of the Pulse 911 calls were redacted to remove references to ISIS and Allah was translated to "God" and they pretended it was an anti-gay attack?
I LOVE the way she should have been more self-centered about how she presented the material. As in. Told the truth. Reminding us one more time Obama and Biden loved to lie.
All Althouse posters will be expected to become good "team players" once the Obama hegemony has been restored to its rightful place.
The Rehabilitation of Susan Rice. Coming next month, Cognitive Decline - The Surprising Science Indicating That Dementia Strengthens Leadership Ability
Susan Rice will make a fine VP and President should anything happen to Biden. She’s obviously much smarter and expresses herself well. She’s 100% correct in her assessment as to what happened after the facts were known fully. She correctly points out the terrorist attacks on Trump’s watch and the way Republicans just yawned, or maybe they were following Trump’s orders.
Let's not lose sight of the fact both Hillary and Obama stood in front of the caskets of four dead Americans killed because of both of their failures, and LIED about it and their culpability to the victims families.
Adolph Eichmann was being a “good team player” who was “just following orders.”
"...Just following orders" routine has worked so well in the past..." Yep, a lot of Hitler's concentration guards, Mao's "Red Guards", and Stalin's "Thugs" (like KGB) all used that excuse. Probably goes back to when mankind first exited caves - "just following orders". Susan Rice, I hope, cause if so, I need to go out a buy some more popcorn.
Not selfish enough.
Love it.
Susan Rice's other claim to fame was writing a memo on Trump's inauguration day that lied about the Oval Office meeting where Comey told Obama about the Flynn prosecution.
RICE: "And I presumed—I hadn’t had this conversation with her—that she had had an extraordinarily draining week, having lost four Americans in an American overseas facility, and all the pain and trauma that that entails for the people of the State Department, for the families, for everybody."
You presume too much. At that point, what difference did it make?
"the opposition is going to be looking to shoot the messenger as much as shoot at the message"
Sure. Republicans pounced on the lie and the lying liar. Shame on them.
She's perfect for Joe and the Dems though.
Rice's maternal grandparents were Jamaican immigrants. Her paternal grandfather was Ulysses Simpson Rice, born 1875.
Rice is such a POS by dodging her responsibility and more importantly that of CLinton and Obama with respects to Benghazi. There was no reason to have sent the ambassador there to begin with. And once the shooting start they had thirteen hours to make a rescue but deliberately refused to do so. The instances she cites that happened on Trump's watch were over in a few minutes. Lying then, lying now.
Republicans pounce.
Don't forget she also praised traitor Bowe Bergdahl for serving with "honor and distinction."
Though I guess to be fair, she was half-right.
Inga said...
Susan Rice will make a fine VP and President should anything happen to Biden. She’s obviously much smarter and expresses herself well. She’s 100% correct in her assessment as to what happened after the facts were known fully. She correctly points out the terrorist attacks on Trump’s watch and the way Republicans just yawned, or maybe they were following Trump’s orders."
Even you can't be this malignant. Obama had thirteen hours to effect a rescue. Hillary dodged her responsibility for sending the Ambassador to Benghazi for no good reason and unprotected. Rice the loyal hack lied to the nation with her BS story about the filmmaker. Shame on you.
She was a team player, alright. But not America’s team.
You can't really claim to be stupid about it anymore. Voting for and supporting democrats is complicity in this blatant corruption and amorality.
In a nutshell.
I don't necessarily favour going on about Benghazi as opposed to the whole Libya operation, NATO reducing a sovereign country to bloody chaos with no plan to re-build. I'm pretty sure the holy Obama himself has admitted this was a mistake. Yes, I guess so.
But: Rice's lines. The Pensacola shooting last December somehow similar? Inadequate vetting of Saudis who come to train in the States? That could have happened under any president, and the overall attitude from Obama and others that a Muslim country can be destroyed at will didn't help. Four U.S. service people killed in Niger? Here Trump seems to have continued an Obama initiative, probably without asking enough questions about "endless wars." Two of the Americans killed at Benghazi were performing diplomatic service in a war zone--a war that had been escalated by Obama. The other two were CIA operatives, serving in what obviously a dangerous area.
"Susan Rice will make a fine VP and President should anything happen to Biden. She’s obviously much smarter and expresses herself well."
When something happens to Biden.
At this point in his decline, my spaniel is smarter than Biden. And she doesn't 'express' herself well, she lies well.
Is the film maker out of jail yet?
Susan Rice? No way. Usually these things have a certain rhythm: if you have an establishment VP candidate, you get someone with charisma and charm to attract attention to be the public driver of the campaign. Sarah Palin, Dan Quayle, John Edwards- yes, I've noticed they all failed, mostly because winning campaigns don't put the superior candidate in the VP slot. If your nominee has charisma and youth (relatively), then you select a VP that can work to pass legislation. Al Gore, Dick Cheney, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, George Bush, etc. If the Dems think Joe Biden's just so gosh-darn charming, then why isn't he the one leading the charge against Trump? Answer: because this is the weakest ticket in about a generation.
Susan Rice in particular brings absolutely nothing new to the ticket. She doesn't have a legislative career, she has all the charm of a bucket filled with dead mackerel, and her policy record was basically instrumental for the Obama/ Biden administration. The more gullible and soft members of the Democratic Party will cheer her on, but at this point they're clapping their hands to bring Tinkerbell back. Hoping to re-litigate Benghazi is suicide when Ghislaine Maxwell is busy confessing everything and Jeff Epstein was murdered in the style of Breaking Bad.
It's the kind of pick you make when you're desperate. Not one you make from strength. There are successful and intelligent black women in America- and Joe Biden could attract none of them to his ticket. No wonder they need vote fraud.
"Obama had thirteen hours to effect a rescue."
As far as I know, to this day nobody knows (or is telling) where Obama was during that crisis. I've heard everything from smoking weed on the White House roof to having a little 'alone time' with a boyfriend.
It's a scandal that we don't know the answer. If only there were people whose jobs it is to ask questions and get information. There must be a word for that...
And the excuse that there wouldn't have been time to rescue them anyway is a terrible one. Even if true, it sends a message to every foreign service worker, or any American for that matter, that you're on your own. Making the effort matters.
The "spontaneous attack because of a video" is under a pile of left-wing democrat lies.
The pile grows every day.
Inga- you are such a fraud and a leftist troll. You buy every lie sold to you by the corrupt left.
It's really vile.
She correctly points out the terrorist attacks on Trump’s watch and the way Republicans just yawned, or maybe they were following Trump’s orders."
Even you can't be this malignant. Obama had thirteen hours to effect a rescue.
Inga is just an idiot. She has no idea what she is saying. It probably comes in a DNC e-mail although I have my doubts that even the DNC is that stupid.
Yeah, she lied all the time for Obama.
Benghazi, the apotheosis of ODS.
Help me out here. Rice regrets doing the interview, then goes on to explain the reason she regrets doing a round robin of Sunday News shows, was because everything she said was 100% truthful and nobody has any problem with anything she said.
Yep, color me confused by Rice's take on this.
So who is the "rat" her mother referenced (and she agreed with)? Hillary or Obama.
It's not a lie if you believe it. --George Costanza
"Tell me what you were thinking." and "Did your mother warn you about the talk shows?"
talk about your tough, hard hitting questions!
56 y/o. Never ran for political office. NSA under Obama, which requires NO Senate approval. Ambassador to UN from 2009 to 2013. Confirmed by voice vote (susan collins was proud to introduce her at the Senate FP Committee). Served 8 years under Clinton as on National Security Council and as Asst. Secretary of State for African Affairs.
IOW, ZERO experience with domestic issues or dealing with the economy. Zero experience in running a large organization. Zero experience in managing a large group of diverse people and making the tough decisions. Except for Benghazi no real track record. you can't criticize her past decisions because she made none. She's a blank slate that will give the R's nothing to shoot at.
"You can't really claim to be stupid about it anymore. Voting for and supporting democrats is complicity in this blatant corruption and amorality."
Usual suspects: Hold my light beer!
Inga is that malignant, CubanBob.
I remember her wholesale purchase of every leftwing lie during the Benghazi episode.
"Shadowy character" - remember the scapegoat "film maker" who had to take the fall for the Obama-Hillary-Rice bungle?
Inga bought that lie and cheered it all on.
yeah - that's how Inga rolls.
"I didn't do anything wrong but I shouldn't have done it".
Okie-Dokie then!
“ And we got things like Ft Hood was "workplace violence" and the transcripts of the Pulse 911 calls were redacted to remove references to ISIS and Allah was translated to "God" and they pretended it was an anti-gay attack?”
It probably was anti-gay. Devout Muzzies are often virulently homophobic. How better to show our degeneracy than to kill a bunch of evil homosexuals? Back in Dār al-Islam, they would just execute them, maybe throw them off of buildings, or stone them, instead of allowing their fornicating ways be displayed in public.
When was the last time people were polled on Benghazi? Does anybody care at this point? I'm thinking it won't be a potent attack line. Of course, Susan Ride is knee deep in Clinton/Obama corruption. Some of that may stick.
Inga said...
Susan Rice will make a fine VP and President should anything happen to Biden.
Inga is really something special. We should cherish her participation.
Consider the possibility that the delay in naming a VP candidate is due to the fact that Biden will not be the POTUS candidate.
Who would Inga support?
“Never ran for political office.”
"As far as I know, to this day nobody knows (or is telling) where Obama was during that crisis."
Yeah. Remarkable.
Perhaps he was doing a puzzle with the family.
Prof. Althouse, no one can say that you don't know your audience.
May she be the chosen one they select for Uncle Joe, horrible person.
Meanwhile, Durham, THIS is why you do not delay.
Or will you bury everything if Rice is the pick?
So professor,tell us all how you prevent false friend terrorism, a qualitatively different phenomenon from a predicted, lengthy militia assault as in Benghazi.
Rice did her bit to conceal what happened by vomiting the Big Lie out of a sincere faking woman's mouth. The underlying question was whether it was wrong it wrong to hide to hide classified military intelligence with a Fake News Narrative. Doesn't every President at war do that?
But she still covers it up full strength because that President who was at war was at war on the enemy side against the USA. And he did it for huge cash bribes that flowed from the Cash flowing at the end of the of his Iranian Deal. Just like the Ukrainian cash flowing to aid Ukraine also was diverted into various Dem hands. It was Pure Treason. She had better cover it up forever or many Dems will hang just like Hillary said they would if Trump won.
She lied to the American people.
She lied to the world.
She needed the gun running into Syria to arm anti-Assad forces, also known as ISIS.
She need to arm Egyptian islamists, aka the Muslim Brotherhood.
She will never be VP.
"Susie, you lie pretty well, you go on the shows"
"Okay. And thanks for the compliment. You can always count on me"
That morning of Rices lies to the US I went on youtube looking for that "video" that started the outrage. It had roughly 2000-3000 views. A week after the attack. That's it. You would think that it would take at least 10,000 views. Not to mention, a week later yet only 3000 views. How many journalists do we have in this country? Shouldn't it have been at least in the tens of thousands a week later? Doesn't seem like many "journalists" had much curiosity about that video. They knew and looked the other way.
But trust us, trust us.
So... we gotz a Dem vp candidate that won't tell the truth and Dem POTUS candidate that can't remember the truth.
Biden needs someone less competent than him
so he can Shine
She is the Democrat
Susan "I took one for the team" Rice--makes me want to gag when she says that Hillary and the rest of Team Obama were "broken up about the death of the Ambassador". It had been a tough week and hard on Hillary.
Let's strip the fertilizer off that statement. Team Obama wasn't broken up about the deaths in Benghazi. They were scared silly that they'd be blamed for their malfeasance.
"That was eight years ago, and it was sort of an early leading indicator of how ugly and dishonest our politics were going to get."
I barfed a little when I read that.
So, she's a sucker and a liar to the American people. That doesn't seem like a great choice to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
So who is the "rat" her mother referenced (and she agreed with)? Hillary or Obama.
It must be hard to realized you gave birth to a rat.
Blogger Inga said...
“Never ran for political office.”
Great. Let her run for president. Eisenhower had not run for political office, you idiot.
Yancey Ward said...
Yes, it looks like Susan Rice is now the probable pick.
8/8/20, 1:24 PM
Well, this is her audition, if she doesn't stumble, and no one lays a glove on her, they may think that she may do.
Michael K:
"Eisenhower had not run for political office, you idiot."
Sure, but he was kind of a special case. He'd been president of Columbia, after all.
Her comments make clear that Inga is voting for Biden for patriotic reasons.
if Emerita Professora also votes for Biden does that mean she has joined Inga team and plays for them!?
Inga said...
“Never ran for political office.”
You don't seem to understand the things you say. You HATE PDT. Why would his example be one that you would cite as precedent or inspiration?
Anyway PDT had no political or Washington experience at all. Rice is a career apparatchik, she's just flown under the radar and never faced political accountability e.g. Senate approval.
She's *probably* the least moronic of Biden's choices, and that's good, because it reflects acceptance that Biden is failing and needs to be backstopped by someone not an actual moron. But she won't help him, and should not be President, and should not be Vice President. Selecting a VP for competency demonstrates that that is the lead candidate's greatest weakness.
Don't listen, Inga, you never do, but don't say later that you were never warned.
FYI, her husband is an evil white guy.
Also a former executive producer at ABC can't make this shit up.
Do the Democrats put the names of every politician, spy, judge, and media producer/reporter into a hat and start picking names?
They can only marry within the 'family.' Kind of like an idealogical key party...
She’s 100% correct in her assessment as to what happened after the facts were known fully.
Please review the timeline.
By three months or so before the attack, all the NGOs had left because the security situation was so fraught.
Ambassador Stevens had sent multiple requests to the Secretary of State for increased protection. All of which were denied by ... umm ... well, certainly someone had to take responsibility for getting that so badly wrong.
Sadly, I can't find any record of anyone in a position to do something about it accepting credit. But with your encyclopedic knowledge, you must know who that was.
Thanks in advance for clueing me in.
How about this for an idea...government officials never used to leverage their top secret clearances for pay, but that ship pretty much sailed with Clapper, etc. on the payroll of lib networks.
If Rice is elected VP and then becomes president, I'd be very concerned with her funneling all kinds of secret information straight to the entrenched in DC Obama shadow government...
Trump should sign an executive order (force Biden to rescind it later) that not only bans ex-intelligence officials from profiting from their former access, but also bars two presidents back (in this case O) from receiving any intelligence info.
The two presidents rule is to enable a current president to consult with his/her predecessor...after that, they're out of the club.
Yes she was a 'team player'.... team liar to. She fronted for Hillary Clinton and her '2AM call' that failed.
Can't trust someone who gets right in front of TV AND LIES TO THE PUBLIC. Bald faced lies as to why an Ambassador was allowed to be murdered.
She was doing OK until she failed to learn anything that she is willing to share. Why was her mother right? What did happen at Benghazi? Was Benghazi different from the examples she pins on Trump? Was the lack of response normal? Was a film maker to blame for inciting the attack? Rice's response is a extended deflection and rather conventional at that. I don't trust her to be honest, and if she isn't going to be honest, I would wish she were better at lying.
Bruce Haden said... It probably was anti-gay
There is no evidence he even knew it was a gay nightclub:
In particular, Mateen went to Pulse only after having scouted other venues that night that were wholly unrelated to the LGBT community, only to find that they were too defended by armed guards and police, and ultimately chose Pulse only after a generic Google search for “Orlando nightclubs” — not “gay clubs” — produced Pulse as the first search result.
Several journalists closely covering the Mateen investigation have, for some time now, noted the complete absence of any evidence suggesting that Mateen knew that Pulse was a gay club or that targeting the LGBT community was part of his motive. These doubts have been strongly fortified by the new facts, previously under seal, that were revealed by today’s court filing.
He did it out of Islamic Extremism and declared his allegiance to the cause. In the tapes. That were redacted. So Obama and his media could blame Christians and right-wingers for sowing hatred.
Yes, the Islamic Extremists hate gays, but that had nothing to do with the Pulse nightclub shooting.
I think people forget that Obama and his peeps used to hide the Islamic motivations behind terrorist acts just like they are currently pretending that Antifa is anti-fascist.
As a further example of Susan Rice's being a "team player," consider how as a "good" Democrat she supports public education in DC- unless you expect HER children to attend DC public schools. Just like Susan Rice attended private schools in DC as a child.
As a proven fall gal, Rice might be the perfect VP pick for Biden. If I were her, I'd run, run away.
Nobody with a political future (real or imagined) wants to lose on the Biden-Loser ticket.
Only somebody like Rice, who might get AAG Durham's attention delayed until after the election and has no future, would want to be beaten by a 40 state majority against Democratics' corruption.
The delay by the Biden braintrust in putting a name on a notecard for Biden to read, is because the real polling both sides have shows the coming trouncing.
Trump will win 12-15% of the black vote. That is a net swing of 1.6% to Trump's side from the 2016 election.
Trump will win 40-45% of the latino vote. That is a net swing of 2.4% to Trump.
Trump will increase his lead with rural voters.
College students will not vote in the same percentages because they are not on campus to be indoctrinated.
Registration numbers favor Republicans compared to 2016.
This will be epic.
Michael K said...
General Carter Ham could not be reached for comment. He was commander of Africom at the time and when the Obama people refused to send a team to rescue the people at the consulate, he ordered his people to get ready to go.
He was then relieved of command instantaneously.
Noting that there were 80-120 survivors and witnesses to the attack and eventual evacuation, some spending months in the hospital in Germany recovering, not one has ever been identified, let alone interviewed.
This is where Trey Gowdy lost me. It was a top to bottom cover-up on both sides of the isle.
War is the art of deception. Rice is very good at deception. So hire her if she is on our side. If not, hang her high.
Prof. Althouse, no one can say that you don't know your audience.
I can say it and have said it many times, if not in as many words.
During the recent Democratic primaries can anyone recall anyone ever saying that they wish Susan Rice was in the race because America needs her wisdom and experience at this crucial moment. It's not that she wasn't mentioned. She wasn't even thought of. Now here she is with a good shot at the VP slot and a subsequent favorable chance of becoming President....Biden has really painted himself into a corner. Susan Rice would be, at best, a second tier candidate for Secy of State, but the choice is between her, Stacy Abrams, and Kamala Harris. I can't see how any of the above would really help him. Abrams' authenticity might attract a few Black voters, but she would probably antagonize at least as many white voters.....I'm in my late seventies. I guess I'll never live long enough to see an election that wasn't the most important Presidential election of my lifetime. Anyway, if it's the most consequential election in American history, shouldn't Biden be thinking outside the box he put himself in. Does the VP truly have to be a woman of color? How about Delany or Hickenlooper or some other moderate Democrat who doesn't climb up the nasal passages.
She was doing OK until she failed to learn anything that she is willing to share.
The Tutsis would disagree that she did OK.
Black Lives Matter -- except that they didn't to Rice when they were slaughtered in a genocide that killed hundreds of thousands.
JPS said...
Michael K:
"Eisenhower had not run for political office, you idiot."
Sure, but he was kind of a special case. He'd been president of Columbia, after all.
Would anyone want a recent president of Columbia U as US President ?
Yikes !
I could add that Lincoln had served a single House term.
USAF strike aircraft (based in Sicily, IIRC) were already fueled up and weaponized, less than fifty minutes flying time from Benghazi where the US defenders vastly outnumbered by the Islamic warrior attackers (who, also IIRC, were actually on on the American payroll) were barely holding out, and three of whom died later that day in the one-sided battle. This, after the Obamazoids —for reasons never quite elaborated— ordered the fighter-bomber's squadron commander to stand down!
Personally, I'd love to have Amb Rice as the Veep Designate —and if Biden actually continues on at the top the ticket, the likely POTUS herself, sooner rather than later— if only to watch the righteous hurricane of PDJ's re-election campaign adverts showing her describing flaming deserter Private Bergdahl an exemplar of duty, honor, and country.
(After slinking away from his unit, a half-dozen US servicemen eventually died trying to locate and rescue Bergdahl.)
His father was also quite a piece of work, having previously encouraged his boy to "do what his heart told him to do"; and then when Bergdahl was sprung in a prisoner exchange deal with five notoriously bloody-handed jihadis unlikely to see the error of their ways— and thereafter celebrated —along with his old man— at the White House, Bergdahl Senior expressed his gratitude by reciting for the cameras, in Arabic, the prayer of affirmation of Islam.
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam"... from a speech that President Obama delivered to the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2012 about the death of U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.
Her instinct that she would suffer negative consequences is right. Though really the rat her Mom smelled was Hillary. Hillary was secretary of state, she should have been out there. But Hillary knew it was bad politics for whoever personally went out. And she certainly was considering 2016 Presidential ambitions at the time. I don't like that she lied and I wish she hadn't, but I think it is fair to call her a team player. And in some way there is something admirable about that. Anyone you takes a job at the Whitehouse serves at the pleasure of the President and that may mean you cover for the president to protect their political capital. Though Hillary should have been the one still.
Bruce Hayden said...
....It probably was anti-gay. Devout Muzzies are often virulently homophobic. How better to show our degeneracy than to kill a bunch of evil homosexuals? Back in Dār al-Islam, they would just execute them, maybe throw them off of buildings, or stone them, instead of allowing their fornicating ways be displayed in public.
8/8/20, 2:53 PM
Here in Orlando, where his wife went on trial, we know that he drove all around the downtown area, and bypassed one crowded (non-gay) club because their security was too difficult, so he drove down to Pulse where the security was non-existant. He did not realize it was a gay club until he noticed that there weren't that many women in there. "Where are all the girls," he is quoted to have asked.
So....yes, but no.
Susan Rice would make a good mayor of Portland under certain circumstances. She could work her way up into the good graces of Americans if she did okay. This would involve an operation that gave her the balls that Teargas Ted doesn't have.
"This is where Trey Gowdy lost me. It was a top to bottom cover-up on both sides of the isle."
Agreed, I think it was the worst kept secret this was an arm supplying operation being run out of the Libyan embassy and the Obama administration was caught flat footed. The lack of follow up by Gowdy and the slow walking of the investigation by the republicans in general guaranteed it would be largely forgotten. T
he only thing of value is the Benghazi investigation did uncover Hillary's 'pay for play' bathroom server which provided a small measure of accountability to this cock up.
Further to that, after the street became restive in Pakistan especially, blaming the Obama administration for not muzzling, or even better, executing that Copt schlemiel in advance of his evil calumny against Islam (there was never any feature-length video: apparently whatever resources he had assembled had been depleted from producing only the trailer), SoS Hillary Clinton for certain, and maybe Amb Rice as well, given her multiply telegraphed inclinations on Us vs. Them —rather than calmly and patiently explain to the Islamic world the essential freedom of speech embedded in the US Constitution specifically and in American political institutons across the board— ponied up some $20K to produce a little video for distribution by Islamabad on how very, very sorry we really deeply truly were to have allowed that desecration; and how the Copt schlemiel would soon be brought to justice. I'd also like to see the PDJT re-election adverts elaborating on, yea showcasing, that astonishing three AM arrest of the Islamaphobe perp, by what looked like a balls-out TAC squad, with our pre-notified Soviet Media's cameras and lights blazing, the shlemiel in question roughly manacled, and his head fully covered by a pointed hood. Wow!
Sounds like Biden wants to pick Rice but demanded some trial balloons/propaganda/spin to see if they can defuse the Benghazi lie issue.
I should say I am shocked at how disingenuous and deceitful Rice is- “Saudis killed Americans in Florida and no investigation”, but I am not.
Hey Suze- if that attack happened right before the election, after a year where Trump was telling people that the Saudis were not a threat (on the run, even, or a JV team), had sacked everyone in the DoD, DIA and CIA that didn’t go along with Trump’s lie about the Saudis, and then when the attack happened blamed it on a peaceful KKK protest incited by a BLM videographer and then nailed the videographer, with Mike Pompeo lying to the UN and the American people and lying to the faces of the families of the fallen over the coffins of their loved ones..:.:hey, there might have been an investigation - ya think?
And didn’t you love the way Obama set up the debate moderator to defuse the issue before Romney could attack? Like a well oiled machine (or a puppet show).
Well it is 2020, not 2012, and everyone can see the strings. Nice try, Joe and Suze!
General Carter Ham could not be reached for comment. He was commander of Africom at the time and when the Obama people refused to send a team to rescue the people at the consulate, he ordered his people to get ready to go. He was then relieved of command instantaneously.
You need to be careful about this. The assertion concerning Carter Ham's supposed relief is uncorroborated. The circumstances of what transpired in Africa Command on the night of the Benghazi attacks remain unclear. What is clear is that Ham was NOT relieved of his duties that night, for any reason. He stepped down over a month later, on October 28, relinquishing command of Africom to David Rodriguez. What's more, "according to his June 2013 Congressional testimony, Ham chose not to deploy close air support during the attack, based on a lack of situational awareness about the circumstances on the ground. He denied the allegation by some Republicans that President Barack Obama or others in Obama's administration had ordered him to "stand down" a planned rescue mission that was ready to deploy."
Didnt we blow up the guy who sent the shooter, the imams are in jail to my reckoning.
A certain very popular conservative talk-show host out of Florida made a great point that nobody here is talking about.
Whoever is behind pushing the VP pick knows that person will soon be president. But they don't want to go through the hoops; campaigning, fundraising, vetting, etc. In other words, they want to be president without running for the office.
If it's Rice or Michelle then it is clearly Obama/Jarrett pulling the strings. There's a reason O never left DC. The shadow presidency is no conspiracy theory...
You need to be careful about this. The assertion concerning Carter Ham's supposed relief is uncorroborated. The circumstances of what transpired in Africa Command on the night of the Benghazi attacks remain unclear.
For a specific purpose.
Rice: First of all, the core lesson is always: Listen to your mother.
So the Real President won't be either Biden or Rice, but Momma Rice.
I find that reassuring, as long as she gets Secret Service protection.
That's the ticket - they made her do it. Even Mom said no.
Roughcoat, what are the names of the generals relived by Eisenhower before D Day?
There were at least seven. Ham was testifying during the Obama regime. His pension is an issue not mentioned.
And in some way there is something admirable about that. Anyone you takes a job at the Whitehouse serves at the pleasure of the President and that may mean you cover for the president to protect their political capital.
Sure, but the person in that position is not a person to rise to the purple.
Blogger Michael K said...
Roughcoat, what are the names of the generals relived by Eisenhower before D Day?
There were at least seven. Ham was testifying during the Obama regime. His pension is an issue not mentioned.
That is - dishonorable is perhaps not the right construction - but anyone with the background answer me this: if the President orders you to lie to Congress...don't you lie to Congress?
The objections over Benghazi weren't that a few Americans died in a terrorist attack attack. Terrorists attack, and people die; that happened plenty of other times during the Obama Administration without major fallout, either.
The objections are that:
1) Americans died in Benghazi because the Obama Administration overthrew the Libyan government for no good reason.
2) Americans died in Benghazi because the Obama Administration ignored the security evaluations of the people on location and left it under-defended.
3) Americans died in Benghazi while the Obama Administration, knowing they were under attack, refused to even try to save their lives.
4) When Americans died in Benghazi, the Obama Administration came out and misinformed the public about who attacked and why, and stuck to the false story for an extended period.
I know of only one general whom Ike dismissed before D-Day, MG Henry Miller. I don't know what that has to do with the issue at hand. If you think Ham was pressured to lie to Congress in 2013 about what transpired on the night of the Benghazi attack and about his departure from Africom, just come out and say it. I believe it entirely possible that was pressured (i.e. threatened), but that's not my point. My point is, there is no evidence whatsoever that he was fired on the spot for his actions on the night in question. No one at Africom, or in the entire U.S. military, has stepped forward in the years since to corroborate this version of events. Maybe they too were pressured to remain silent. But, again, that is not my point.
I detest Susan Rice and Obama and what happened (and what did not happen but should have) on the night the of Benghazi attacks is an outrage. But I'm not going to promulgate what seems to be to be a falsehood to bend history to the narrative I would prefer. The real story is damning enough.
The problem for me is not so much the terrorist attack. The enemy always gets a say and the government that could prevent every attack would have to be incredibly intrusive. The problem is that there was no rescue attempt and the lying as to the cause. Because of a stupid video? Please. Either Rice was stupid or she thought we were stupid.
Not getting troops to Libya in time to save a couple of the guys, is forgivable.
Not having launched them is unforgivable.
The US has a long standing unwritten contract with the men and women it puts out on the pointy end of the spear around the world, be they military or State, or Peace Corps.
Pretty much the same promise provided by the Roman Empire.
We will protect you if we can, but regardless, somebody will pay full price for your lives.
e.g. “This Government wants Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead,”
All that horse shit about Libyan sovereignty? There is no Libya now, there was none them.
It might have made all the difference in the world for an F-16 to have mad a low level pass at mach 1 in the dark. no bombs, just a message.
utter feckless failure
Hell, a bunch of guys in Tripoli, geared up, with a fist full of dollars and managed to fly to Benghazi before the USG could manage to write a diplomatic note of protest.
oh no! cult progressives are not happy about this:
NYC Councilman Paul Vallone credits Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 recovery
"Susan Rice will make a fine VP and President should anything happen to Biden. She’s obviously much smarter and expresses herself well. She’s 100% correct in her assessment as to what happened after the facts were known fully. She correctly points out the terrorist attacks on Trump’s watch and the way Republicans just yawned, or maybe they were following Trump’s orders."
It is this statement from Inga (said with an apparent straight-faced attitude) that convinces me that she has just been a pretend troll on AA for all this time. She has played everyone well. Because, there is absolutely no way that anyone could be this ignorant. I've seen this happen on other websites where the "troll" is a regular who keeps the angst going, (and eventually comes clean to admit all) but never someone as good as Inga.
Well done, Inga! I salute you. You may come out of hiding now and collect your accolades for a job well done.
Five More Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Susan Rice
4. Rice, not Clinton, took the fall for the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi because Clinton outsmarted her. One of the low points of Susan Rice’s career was when she appeared on five Sunday-morning talk shows on September 16, 2012, and made several inaccurate claims about the attack five days before on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the death of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens and others. Rice’s disastrous conduct included making the widely discredited, false claim that the attack was in response to an obscure anti-Muslim video and was not a pre-planned act of jihadist terrorism intended to coincide with the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda attacks on the United States. Rice received so much criticism for these farcical interviews that they scuttled her bid to be nominated to succeed Hillary Clinton as secretary of state. Geraghty quoted an unnamed Obama official who said Rice’s interviews were “dishonest and driven by ego.” From my own experience, I believe this was the case. It’s also important to note how unusual it was for the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. to do these sensitive interviews instead of the secretary of state. Clinton declined to respond when invited, almost certainly because she knew that such an interview was a hopeless assignment. She also did not warn Rice — effectively letting her rival walk into this media trap. Rice’s mother, Lois Dickson Rice, realized this before the interviews and told her daughter: “Why do you have to go on the shows? Where is Hillary? I smell a rat.”
Cigarette, or blindfold.
Nothing says forceful independent leader like “team player”.
So, she's a worthless sack of shit willing to lie for the "team"?
And she considers that a selling point?
Well, she's a Democrat, and I guess that for them it IS a selling point
Birkel said...
Trump will win 12-15% of the black vote. That is a net swing of 1.6% to Trump's side from the 2016 election.
This will be epic.
8/8/20, 5:50 PM
Trump may win 15% of the black vote. But Kanye will win maybe 5-10%. A good many black progressives despise Joe Biden, and don't care if everyone below the Obamas is dragged out and hanged. After all, they're all white. It's why Biden is making a $250 million outreach to blacks, and it's why he'll lose in a landslide.
Women reason with feelings, not structure.
She follows orders. Who's orders this time?
Such a profound downturn from DNC since the Clintons. Lends much to stories of Dixie Mafia.
"So the Real President won't be either Biden or Rice, but Momma Rice."
Died 2017. She was Brookings Institution, too.
"That was eight years ago, and it was sort of an early leading indicator of how ugly and dishonest our politics were going to get."
"That's a hell of an indictment of the Democratic party. I admire her candor.
Rice's mom, Lois, has a very interesting biography. Born in Maine of Jamaican immigrant parents, she was the yearbook editor, student council president, and valedictorian of her Portland high school class. She graduated from Radcliffe in 1954, and won a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship in education at Columbia. She went on to work for the College Board, became a VP there and lobbied for the Pell Grant program. Moved on to Brookings in 1982. She also sat on the boards of Firestone, McGraw-Hill, Control Data, Fleet Bank, and Commercial Credit Corp.
"Great. Let her run for president. Eisenhower had not run for political office, you idiot."
Nor George Washington for that matter.
In normal politics the question would be, does Susan Rice bring even a single extra vote to the ticket?
I haven't delved into leftist talking points about Rice, but as of yet I have not seen leftist explain how Rice expands the voter base.
".... And I said, “Mom, don’t be ridiculous. I’ve done this many times before.” She was absolutely right."
"I've done this many times before." So true.
I don’t watch the “Sunday shows”. Did even one of the alleged journalists ask:
So you were tasked to tell what turned out to be a huge lie?
What did you do to follow up on that?
Who was responsible for that lie?
What did the president know and when did he know it?
Was anybody fired? Disciplined?
Did Hillary know it was a lie when she told that story to the families of the deceased? Did you?
"Yes, I lied, but 160,000 dead from the CCP virus."
Look! Squirrel!
Washington had been elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.
I, for one, am glad the Democratic Party is willing to keep Susan Rice, self-admitted serial liar who will say anything to help her "team" in the public eye. First her "team' is supposed to be the United States, not the Democratic Party. Second, serial liars don't get credit for admitting they are serial liars when they are caught serially lying. The get fired, disgraced, and removed from any position of trust, responsibility and authority. Why she doesn't understand this, is a great reason to avoid voting Democratic in November.
Plus, Joe Biden has dementia and shouldn't be abused by his wife with a presidential campaign.
Either Rice was stupid or she thought we were stupid.
Embrace the power of “and”, Jaime!
The Drill SGT said...
Not getting troops to Libya in time to save a couple of the guys, is forgivable.
Not having launched them is unforgivable.
This. So much this. Everything you said.
The Drill SGT said...
Not getting troops to Libya in time to save a couple of the guys, is forgivable.
Not having launched them is unforgivable.
This. So much this. Everything you said.
Politicians as a class are mendacious liars and she has risen to the top of the class! Congrats.
BTW Susan are you still waffling on whether one ethnic group murdering 800,000 of another ethnic group is genocide or not? It’s a tough one but you’ve had 26 years to ponder on it. I’m going with “yes” on that, fyi, based on the meaning of the word “genocide”. Maybe that’s just me.
Such bullshit. If only there was a group of people who would be able to research issues and ask intelligent questions of public figures to elicit answers on issues of import. Someone who, say, knew that the Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, was immediately aware of the fact that Bengazi was a planned terrorist assault and therefore it's ludicrous to believe that Susan Rice was unaware of this fact when she made her rounds days later. If Rice were closely questioned on this point, it would reveal either that she lied on the news shows, or, that the Obama administration knowingly kept her in the dark and pimped her out to spread lies.
Browndog said...8/8/20, 5:54 PM
Noting that there were 80-120 survivors and witnesses to the attack and eventual evacuation, some spending months in the hospital in Germany recovering, not one has ever been identified, let alone interviewed.
I think that this is perhaps the most remarkable item about Benghazi: the complete silence of those who were evacuated. No interviews. No books. No hint of personal revelations.
It's so unusual to keep a secret in the political universe*, especially in this era of seemingly inevitable disclosure of that which one would prefer remain hidden....
*something, something about "...three can keep a secret if...." : )
If Rice gets the nod, will harping on Benghazi get Trump anymore votes? She’s a woman, black and speaks blandly. That seems to fulfill a campaign promise and not take too much focus away from Biden. As it seems the mayors are out, Rice may be the best choice available.
If she is chosen, what strikes me is the clear echo of the Obama era. I believe that image will bring dems and some independents to the voting booth (or mail box) to check mark the “Biden/Rice” ticket.
Furthermore the smart move for the Dems/Biden is to be a temperamental contrast to Trump. Yes, you can say crazy things a la the Green New Deal but if you do it without rage that will attract some attention, if not votes.
I’d suggest that’s the Obama approach.
iowan2 said...
In normal politics the question would be, does Susan Rice bring even a single extra vote to the ticket?
I haven't delved into leftist talking points about Rice, but as of yet I have not seen leftist explain how Rice expands the voter base.
8/9/20, 7:49 AM
You won't hear leftists explain, but I can, if you like. Generally the VP selection is chosen in order to fill the president's greatest need or deficiency. In this case, since the hypothetical President, Biden, is incompetent, declining, and moribund, he needs a VP with a veneer of competence, health, and life. Since Rice may be thought to offer these appearances better than the other morons who have been floated as VP candidates, she may be appropriate as his VP candidate.
If people are genuinely voting for Biden under the rubric of voting for Generic Democrat or anyone but Trump, they nonetheless need some assurance that, when Biden melts, as he is melting now, his replacement will have at least some chance of understanding and dealing with what is going on. All these other people who have been suggested are jokes. Rice at least seems like she must know something.
She was the defensive captain on team BS.
I looked for some indication she was misled. Some words that said she was wrong. Any clue that she would have done things differently.
“Second, serial liars don't get credit for admitting they are serial liars when they are caught serially lying. The get fired, disgraced, and removed from any position of trust, responsibility and authority.”
Trump doesn’t even have the decency to admit he was ever mistaken or outright lied. Why should he be trusted with the Presidency?
"team player"
Rice suggested during a teleconference that the U.S. government should not use the term “genocide” to describe the 1994 massacre of about 800,000 ethnic Tutsis in Rwanda because of the effect this term could have on the 1994 midterm election. I worked on related issues for the CIA at the time and remember the CIA being pressured not to call these killings genocide. While I don’t doubt that Rice made this argument, I remember other Clinton officials also said this at the time. Rice and other Clinton loyalists also prevented the U.N. from taking any action in Rwanda — contrary to what Rice would have argued in PDD-25 — because they feared it would play into the hands of congressional Republicans who had harshly criticized the Clinton administration’s series of U.N. peacekeeping fiascos.
Rice also has been accused of condoning an invasion of the Democratic Republic of Congo led by Rwanda and supported by Uganda in the late 1990s. In response to concerns about this intervention in Congo and reports of genocide, Howard W. French, a former correspondent for the New York Times, wrote that Rice said, “the only thing we have to do is look the other way.”
Five More Things You Probably Didn't Know About Susan Rice.
I think that this is perhaps the most remarkable item about Benghazi: the complete silence of those who were evacuated. No interviews. No books. No hint of personal revelations.
I think it is referred to as "Arkancide."
I remember being outraged by the brazenness of Susan Rice's Sunday talk show lies. Back when all of us Republicans were pretty much on the same team.
But after four years of Trump, Rice's lies just seem quaint.
“If Rice gets the nod, will harping on Benghazi get Trump anymore votes? She’s a woman, black and speaks blandly. That seems to fulfill a campaign promise and not take too much focus away from Biden. As it seems the mayors are out, Rice may be the best choice available.”
She appears to have a temper, and that could maybe be needled by Trump, hitting her on all of her foreign policy misadventures. She may even have a worse track record than Biden, which would be an achievement. Both sides of Africa, Libya, Iran, etc.
The question about Benghazi is who screwed it up the most: Crooked Hillary or Obama? I can see Clinton getting us involved in Libya. She likely was being pushed from multiple sides to depose Kadaffi - by former Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece Huma Abedelin (when she worked for the family newspaper), and the dynamic duo of Sid Blumenthal and Cody Shearer scooping up security and intelligence contracts, and feeding her intel. But the decision not to clean up her mess in Libya, on 9/11/11, pretty much was above her pay grade. The decision to sacrifice the four Americans had to have come from the White House, and probably from Obama himself. Rice didn’t want to be on the Sunday news shows lying to the American public. That should have been Crooked Hillary’s job, or at least someone from the State Department (yes, Rice was tokenly an employee there, but in actuality was never really in Clinton’s chain of command, but instead reported directly to the WH). I think that Clinton avoided responsibility by telling the WH that Benghazi wasn’t her fault, and that they had to clean up their own mess. She might have sent Stevens there with inadequate security (highly likely), but she didn’t give the stand down order to the military. That was the WH.
iowan2 said...
In normal politics the question would be, does Susan Rice bring even a single extra vote to the ticket?
I haven't delved into leftist talking points about Rice, but as of yet I have not seen leftist explain how Rice expands the voter base.
She's a black female, she counterbalances Biden being a white male.
For the racist and sexist Democrat Party voters, this keeps them voting for Biden.
Is she going to bring in any non-racist votes? No. But they don't believe they need to expand the base, they think they just need to get the base out.
We'll see
I think she's going to turn out to be an utter disaster for the Dems. But, OTOH, I don't think the Dems have had any non-disaterous choices available to them for at least the last 9 months
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I remember being outraged by the brazenness of Susan Rice's Sunday talk show lies."
I didn't think it was possible for your rewriting of history and lying about what you are really about could get any more transparently hilarious.
But they have!
a woman, black
The diversity (e.g. racism, sexism) vote.
and speaks blandly
Social progress, or merely a distorted inference of nature and history.
Chuck: "Back when all of us Republicans were pretty much on the same team." Yeah, back before some (Life-Long) Republicans became (de facto) Democrats.
Right. Susan Rice was the real victim of Benghazi. Chris Stevens not available for comment.
But after four years of Trump, Rice's lies just seem quaint.
Exaggerating the size of a crowd: unacceptable.
Lying about presidential indifference to an ambassador’s death: quaint
Amazing how much some people’s envy of Trump corrodes their character.
So we now have from her own mouth that she will lie to us whenever convenient "for the team," and not just "little white lies," but whoppers.
That is quite a public position for someone running for VP, who, given Biden's decline amd the 22nd Amendment, will probably become President in early- or mid-2023.
Blogger Inga said..."...Trump doesn’t even have the decency to admit he was ever mistaken or outright lied. Why should he be trusted with the Presidency?..."8/9/20, 10:32 AM
Inga, you live in 'fantasy-land'! Tell us, given your wisdom, judgment, and experience, which President since our founding or which Leader in the World, meets your [unicorn] standards?
Is the film maker out of jail yet?
8/8/20, 2:20 PM
Supposedly living in a homeless shelter.
And the memo. A real team player move to save Barack. Team Obama, as Andrea Mitchell said has spoken.
4 more years.
Is this even real?
Ok, but whose 'team' was she on? Obama's team, sure, but not America's team, or she wouldn't have lied to us.
Is Inga an actual person or does Ann just make her up for contrast and comedy relief?
"After four years of Trump, Rice's lies seem quaint."
Sure, lying about the circumstances of the murder of Americans, where your 'team' left them inadequately protected, that your 'team' failed to come to their aid while under fire, leaving them to their fate, and even letting another country evacuate their bodies - Quaint.
Lying about crowd size, tho....
She is a team player for sure. For the other side.
You really need to make use of quotation marks. It gets confusing at times about when your quoting becomes your commentary.
What a tremendously poor response from Rice. She brings up the terrorist attacks in Pensacola and Niger. I don't recall anyone from the Trump administration go on TV and blame a video for sparking a spontaneous riot. Guess she had to deflect because there is no defense to what she did.
Benghazi was never about the attack. It was about the lies and coverup that came later.
First there was the infamous video that caused the protest and then the denial that Ambassador Stevens repeatedly asked for more security.
Had they told the truth, it wouldn't have survived more than two news cycles.
I guess she didn't do such a good job with her audition. And now we never have to care about what she says or thinks or did again. Kayn aynhoreh. Amen.
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