Writes (the amusingly named) Ed Scarce at Crooks and Liars.
Example of innocuousness:
I can’t get past the fact that Barron Trump is like 6’6” at 14 years old. he doesn’t even fit in the picture when he stands up pic.twitter.com/ysBXmKrGh0— Matt Sullivan (@msully_94) August 28, 2020
Scarce concedes that some of the tweets about Barron are a bit "mean":
Why does Barron Trump look like he was sent back in time to kill his father pic.twitter.com/xq85JaqUg3— 𝚆𝚎𝚜𝚝 🏜 (@southheastt) August 28, 2020
The tweeter of that comments on his own post to say: "Hello everyone I would like to make it clear that this is a joke and I do not hate Barron, he seems like a nice young man and I would absolutely run duos with him on Fortnite and get some epic victory royales."
I really don't care. Do you?
५० टिप्पण्या:
After what the left did to Sarah Palin's family, they have no moral standing to complain about what the right says about anyone's kids. After egging on Kellyanne Conway's obviously emotionally fragile daughter, they obviously have no shame. Barron is a drop dead gorgeous young man with highly involved parents who has a lot of support. The left is just debasing itself once again.
Does the Right get upset at it being pointed out that Barron Trump is really tall? We discussed this just the other day in a blog post, and I don't remember anyone saying it was wrong to talk about that subject. There are definitely things about Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters that shouldn't have been written when they were children, and the same applies to Barron Trump, but you become fair game as a poltically active adult, the way Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump have.
Poor kid, he doesn’t look too thrilled to be a part of all that. He is by far Trump’s most handsome son, hopefully his mom’s side of the family has some influence over him.
I can't speak for everyone on "The Right" obviously, but I honestly can't recall people "spewing" about the Chelsea and "the Obama girls" when they were kids. I'm not saying that such attacks never happened. I'm sure if you looked long and hard enough you could find hateful garbage directed at a Dem president's children by some tiny minority of self identified right wingers at some point. But generally it's tacitly agreed that the president's kids are off limits up until they're adults and they start publicly saying political things anyway.
I don't recall anyone on the right saying that Chelsea Clinton laughing looks like a horse eating an apple.
Or is that AOC. I forget.
Was Barron grown in a secret Russia lab? Is that what Putin has on Trump? The American people deserve an answer.
Just very full of hate. And won't they be surprised come November.
Scarce is lying. Republicans had very little to say about Chelsea, Sasha, and Malia.
These sort of complaints can always be switched around: "One would think that after the Left spent years being so fragile about anything said about Cheese Clinton and the Obama girl they would be little less likely to spew insults about Trump's son."
(Chelsea Clinton by the way is not a teenager - she is a full grown adult intent on living a well off life based on no more than one sinecure after another. She is quite different from Obama's daughters or Trump's son.)
I believe the only person suspected of “spewing” about/around the Obama girls was Harvey Weinstein, in whom Malignant’s (spelling?) parents (who are super duper judges of character) entrusted her “apprenticeship” and “entry” into Hollywood. And do I really need to point out to Progressives the obvious reasons Ivanka enjoyed some much more attention than the dem-kids mentioned in the article, especially in the prepresidential Trump era?
Did Barack Hussein sell out "his" kids to Harvey Weinstein like a New Orleans pimp? Inquiring minds want to know. What I do know is that if you said anything remotely like that on Twitter, not only would you be banned but you would instantly be doxxed and fired. So the gobble grabble turkeys can just shove that right up their asses.
I frankly can't remember all that much about Chelsea at the time Bill and Hill were in the White House. McCain got in trouble for saying what a lot of people were thinking about Chelsea's father but McCain was a creep. Amy Carter was never mentioned that I recall.
Look on the positive side: he only implied the murderous half the Oedipus complex.
Chelsea Hubble,
I thought Barron as the first home-school shooter was funny too. Too much child protection dogma has set in, probably thanks to women.
Nobody wrote or said anything about Hubbell's daughter or the Obama idiots until they were adults.
Once the kid's are 18 they are fair game, especially Chelsea as she is as big a grifter as her parents.
He can't kill his father. Time travel has to be consistent.
Safety Not Guaranteed (2014) has the most consistent time travel I've seen, or anyway takes into account the problem within the plot, and nicely at the end.
"Was Barron grown in a secret Russia lab?"
I am just waiting for Barron Trump to say to some nitwit, "I must break you."
Inga: "Poor kid, he doesn’t look too thrilled to be a part of all that. He is by far Trump’s most handsome son, hopefully his mom’s side of the family has some influence over him."
If Barron went out and raped a girl, assaulted other women and was illegally wielding a gun Inga would support him.
Just as Inga supported the criminals in WI who got their just desserts for mob attacking the wrong guy.
And just think, if every member of the Trump family converted to islam and became islamic supremacists, nothing they did would raise an objection from Inga. That or joining MS13, the other crew Inga defends passionately.
Ambrose (Chelsea Clinton by the way is not a teenager - she is a full grown adult intent on living a well off life based on no more than one sinecure after another. She is quite different from Obama's daughters or Trump's son.)
That Chelsea is an adult is the main point here. When she was a child in the White House it is, and should be, that she should be treated with "kid gloves". No derogatory remarks, hurtful statements about her looks, made up stories etc. She was a child and deserved her privacy. Those are all just wrong. Just like any other child of a famous person, the child of a politician deserves privacy.
HOWEVER, once she becomes an adult and makes herself into a "public" figure by inserting herself into politics, acting in a public manner to take political stances and in general publishing her opinions on political things.....she is no longer a protected child.
Barron is still a child. A very TALL child and deserves to be left alone to deal with all of his own adolescent angst. Leave him out of it.
People who refuse to do this and attack or mock a child....deserve to be mocked and be raked over the coals.
And the implicit hypocrisy after what we saw with Chelsea Clinton and the Obama girls.
I guess I missed all that except for some well-documented commentary about Chelsea's real father, L. Ron Hubbard AKA Webb Hubbell.
"Rather plain" would be a polite way to describe "the Obama girls".
crooks and liars, is whp they are, I haven't been there in forever,
He can't kill his father.
He could if he was his own grandfather.
==Drago said...
Just as Inga supported the criminals in WI who got their just desserts for mob attacking the wrong guy.
8/28/20, 10:56 AM
Don't forget the evil little degenerate Aaron Coleman in Kansas, getting a head start on an Epstein career in blackmail, sex abuse, and "suicide" of his young girlfriends.
"There is a certain pride to know that, if elected in November, I may be both the only Jewish representative and the youngest member of the Kansas House." - Aaron Coleman
"Safety Not Guaranteed (2014) has the most consistent time travel I've seen, or anyway takes into account the problem within the plot, and nicely at the end."
Will have to check that out. My favorite is "-all you zombies-" though I've not seen the movie based on it. I really enjoyed "Primer."
HOWEVER, once she becomes an adult and makes herself into a "public" figure by inserting herself into politics, acting in a public manner to take political stances and in general publishing her opinions on political things.....she is no longer a protected child.
We've been lectured that's she's still off limits as an adult...
I don't remember any negative comments about Chelsea until she graduated from college and became part of the chattering class, at which time her protection obviously ended. And I still don't think I've seen negative stories about the Obama girls, except that the older one has a rich British boyfriend, and that's not really a nasty comment is it?
"One would think that after what the Right spent years spewing about Chelsea Clinton and the Obama girls that they'd be a little less fragile..."
That didn't happen. Maybe on the fringes, but I never saw it.
two words Bush Girls
off course there is that book that turned up in russia, that predicted barron trump, more than a hundred years ago,
I was 6'4" by the time I was in junior high school. Had a beard and mustache at 15-not-quite-16. Mostly, when this happens, the main consequence, in my experience, is that people treat you like an adult when they houldn't.
Rush got raked over the coals for mentioning her and then showing the picture of a dog.
I don't remember anyone spewing about the Obama kids except maybe when there were some pics of one of them partying during a college visit. There were some rotten things said about Chelsea's looks. If I recall, Rush was guilty of that. Kids should be off limits at least until adulthood.
NYC Rush got raked over the coals for mentioning her and then showing the picture of a dog.
As it should be. Rush was wrong to do that. She was 12 years old. Yes. Unfortunate looking, but that is beside the point. Leave the children out of politics. Even if not political, leave the kids alone. It is tough enough to be a teenager without adults piling on.
However...now she is an adult who has inserted her self into politics so she is fair game.
If she was the adult child of a political or other famous figure who had kept to a private life...then she/they should also be left alone.
The rules should be the same for all, no matter what political party they are on. Trump''s kids are fair game. Just as Chelsea is. Obama's kids seem to be fairly apolitical so they, until they prove otherwise, are private citizens.
I mean....Trump's ADULT children. Not Barron, who is a minor child.
That didn't happen. Maybe on the fringes, but I never saw it.
I want to know why Chelsea looks so much like Web Hubbell. Okay, looked like him before her plastic surgery. Is that spewing? I don't think that's spewing...
The infatuation with "Barron's height" is similar to the infatuation for all Presidential kids. It sells the news with one major difference - the ugliness of the so-called chattering class.
Barron is the product of a Dad who's 6'3' and a Mom who's 5'11'; therefore, you know he would be tall. Another example would be Eric Trump who's 6'5' and Ivanka who's 5'11'. Donald Jr. the short one [relatively] is 6'1'. Such height is not unusual, despite Ivana's [1st wife] height of 5'6'.
Totally agree that kids ought to be left out of it. But to be fair I found that ‘sent back in time’ joke to be pretty funny.
During the Clinton administration, I felt sorry for Chelsea. Talk about having parents that embarrass you. Didn't pay attention to Bush's or Obama's kids.
I do not recall a single negative comment about Obama's daughters in eight years. NOT. ONE. SINGLE. COMMENT. Where TF does Scarce get his information, other than fever dreams of liberal projection?
The left is living in FantasyLand again. The right hardly ever mentioned the Obama girls, this was of course after a media frenzy over every instance of the Bush twins drinking for 8 years. As in the next post the left asserts whatever helps their argument as fact without any regard to whether it is true.
really? And what was the Right "spewing" about Chelsa and the Obama kids when they were 14?
3 examples from mainstream Right sources, please
I think of Chuck burning through keyboards trying to comment on this post, and failing...quick somebody make a sucker bet with him, he's GOT to need more Tanqueray!
Anyone who said anything mean about the Obama girls was punished.
Mostly, the family was worshiped. I had friends who kept the WH Christmas card with the Obama family photo out all year long.
Even when Malia was caught smoking pot at Lollapalooza, it didn't become a big thing.
Chelsea Clinton was criticized I guess when she was young by Rush Limbaugh, and that's bad. But she was kept out of the limelight well into adulthood. I remember...David ??? who was an MSNBC lefty star getting put on leave because he said in 2008 that the Clintons kind of "pimped Chelsea (then an adult" out for political events but you weren't supposed to comment on her even then. The Clintons were still saying she's off limits.
Melania and Barron mostly stay out of the limelight. I like that.
Paul Snively said...
I was 6'4" by the time I was in junior high school. Had a beard and mustache at 15-not-quite-16. Mostly, when this happens, the main consequence, in my experience, is that people treat you like an adult when they houldn't.
I can recall the first time I was treated as an adult by the parents of all my friends. At 65 now, my parents and all my friends parents came of age during WWII or Korea. Many of the fathers were veterans. I was home on 2 weeks leave following boot camp- and it coincided with school breaks. All my friends had gone off to college- I had enlisted.
As I visited around the adults all engaged me directly, offered my drinks (but not their own children), wanted to know what I was doing, what I had seen do far. Not only did I notice they treated me differently- all my friends noticed. It was after my first several month Caribbean run with several port visits and returning home and getting together with my friends that we all realized just how different my life was from theirs. A back emergency full at oh-dark-thirty even without a collision alarm when you're down in the engineroom is an experience hard to forget. The lead ship in our formation signaled "turn starboard 90", "Execute" and as the other 3 ships turned starboard 90 as she turned port 90 right in front of us. 50 yards was what were told was the closest point of approach. Fun times. Yeah, my non-military friends have never experienced anything like that. OTOH, the volunteer EMT friends I have have experienced worse...
AS for Chelsea- "Is she a Clinton of a Hubble?" is a question that was speculated on while Bill was still governor of Arkansas. Especially since it's been reported that he's told close friends he shoots blanks. Those reports coning from friends of friends and further out, with no one admitting it's something he told them directly... I'll bet Chelsea hasn't submitted her DNA to Ancestry.com or 23andme..... From other stories they are so much married as in a power alliance- they can both date and sleep with any woman they want.
AS for Chelsea- "Is she a Clinton of a Hubble?"
Go to Google images, pull up images of Hubble, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton and Hubble's other daughter. The truth is plainly visible.
Bill Murray "It Just Doesn't Matter!"
Someone should tell the fake admirers of John McCain that he made fun of Chelsea pretty bad, not Trump.
"That didn't happen. Maybe on the fringes, but I never saw it."
-- Rush and a few other shock-types (which I think Rush was much more of in the 90s/00s, though not exactly Howard Stern level, but still the same idea, on politics), did say some pretty mean things about Chelsea.
Honestly, I can't remember any story about the Obama girls, compared to the Bush twins.
I think this is an example of people vaguely remembering Rush said mean things about Chelsea, and assuming, 'Hey, I remember that happened, so it must have been big or often enough it happened a lot.'
The thing is that most people kind of didn't like when Rush did that, compared to the odd glee people have in trying to convince the world Barron has some sort of mental problem.
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