"The fact that someone of Indian origin could be 'a proverbial heartbeat away from the presidency is thrilling,' wrote Shashi Tharoor, a politician with the opposition Congress Party. Ram Madhav, a senior official in India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, saluted the history-making nature of the pick.... In Tamil Nadu, the south Indian state where Harris’s mother grew up, there was special pride. Kanimozhi Karunanidhi, a local politician, praised the 'inclusiveness' of the choice and wished Harris well in the election. Harris — whose first name means 'lotus' — has said that after her parents’ divorce, her mother raised her two daughters with an appreciation of their dual heritage. 'My Indian mother knew she was raising two black daughters,' Harris said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times in 2015. 'But that’s not to the exclusion of who I am in terms of my Indian heritage.'... Harris visited India regularly as a child and understands some Tamil, her relatives said."
From "Kamala Harris pick sparks delight in India and Jamaica" (WaPo).
There's something quite sad about saying "My Indian mother knew she was raising two black daughters." Why wasn't that mother — who did the work of raising the daughters and who contributed equally to their genetic makeup — allowed to feel pride in raising two Indian daughters? I know the stock answer. I just think it perversely gives power to the worst people.
ADDED: When Kamala Harris said "My Indian mother knew she was raising two black daughters," her mother had already died and was therefore in no position to speak for herself about how she conceived of her role as a mother. The mother, Shyamala Gopalan "was an India born Tamil American cancer researcher and civil rights activist": "She insisted on giving her daughters names derived from Indian culture to help preserve their cultural identity."
१५८ टिप्पण्या:
Quite a few of the disastrous marketing decisions made by US corporations that past few years have been made by Indian-American executives who don't seem to understand American culture. Gillette's transgender campaign, for example.
Harris strikes me as another example of bad marketing.
Well, acquiring and wielding perverse power is kind of the whole point of progressivism.
I guess technically she's a Brahmin, so one of the highest on the caste system.
"There's something quite sad about saying "My Indian mother knew she was raising two black daughters.""
WTF? What do you mean, sad? For progs, in the era of identity politics, there's nothing better than raising black daughters. Except for transgender girls, perhaps.
I guess Kamala's play for the nice white women's vote isn't quite working with Althouse just yet. Althouse's sad petty-bourgeois sentiments aside, there is still something remarkable about progs' willingness to subject themselves to identity pandering.
But then, identity, like anything else, is a tool.
There has to be a Trump counter punch coming. Pence replaced by either Condoleezza Rice or Nikki Haley in exchange for a promised cabinet position. If there are debates, Trump knows he can’t put a white guy on stage next to Harris. It’ll will take a “woman of color”. Rice has too much Bush baggage, so let’s hope it’s Haley.
She's as black as I am...not really black; certainly not African American...
In California, Harris ran as either a "Strong black woman" or "The first Asian-American to.." depending on what won her more votes. Per Wikipedia her mother died at 70 in 2008. Like Obama, who never saw his father, and was raised by his white Mother and Grandparents, Harris was raised by her Hindu mother. Later in life, both found it more advantageous to be "Black" and identify with their fathers. Having said that, its Harris did identify as black at a fairly early age, since she went to All-black Howard University - 86% of students are black. I wonder if she's a lesbian in the closet. she gives off that vibe.
I just think it perversely gives power to the worst people.
Yeah, if by the "worst people" you mean those that think skin color is the only critical factor.
But, truth be told, that was an absolutely necessity for Ms. Harris to be selected. So it's really the Worst People (D).
Yeah, the boomers love their "diversity" which is why we now have lawsuits about Untouchables being discriminated against by Higher Caste Hindus in Silicon Valley. This will spread to the rest of the USA, as the numbers of Hindus increase. Of course, the boomers will ignore all these conflicts and continue to cheer for more and more immigration.
If Harris was raising black daughters in India, it would be like black Obama staying in Indonesia, they would be cleaning bathrooms.
"that someone of Indian origin could be 'a proverbial heartbeat away from the presidency"
Origin, skin color are not what concern me. That she won't intend to adhere to the oath of office that she'll take (as required by Article VI) is my worry. A worry I have about every, single Democrat.
Joe said the selection of a running mate of Indian heritage was specifically intended to curry the 7 Eleven vote.
I just think it perversely gives power to the worst people.
Now that’s Progressive!
Besides definitely being mostly "Asian" [in the UK anyway], Harris is probably genetically more European than African since Dad is from Jamaica's "mulatto ruling class".
Thanks to America's Institutional and Systemic Racism™, "Indians are the highest-earning ethnic group in the US, with a median income of $100,000. This is almost double that of the national median." Numbers from Pew.
Remember how excited the media was when they realized Melania Trump was going to be the first Slovenian First Lady? Yeah, me neither.
I'm old and tired and fed up with picking my way around race outrage.
I do know, however, that There's something quite sad about saying "My Indian mother knew she was raising two black daughters" is racist because context does not matter when dealing with black persons' familial relationships or their consequences. To say that something about such matters is "quite sad" may be true, but asserting sadness about black persons' upbringing is definitely racist by today's critical race theory analysis protocols.
Come to think of it, using the same critical race theory guidelines, my assertions about the assertions are very likely racist as well.
Never mind.
Would someone please call trhe Democrat Party social enforcement apparatus - Antifa - and let them know to "Never Mind"?
I guess technically she's a Brahmin, so one of the highest on the caste system.
There's a lawsuit about about "A number of Dalits in US tech companies point to the irony of their casteist colleagues supporting Black Lives Matter while continuing to suppress Indians from so-called lower castes."
It might even be true even though the nyt has articles about it.
"While caste discrimination among Indians in US workplaces is not new, tech companies largely ignored the practise, primarily because, in strictly legal terms, it is not unlawful."
That's casteist!
Hmm, I wonder if Harris's selection will get more of the Indian vote. Trump seems to have been doing a good job reaching out to the US Indian Community, and has good relations with the BJP. Note the quote was from the "Congress" Party.
Did they ask anyone working at Dunkin or 7-Eleven for a reaction?
Harris's comment is another example of how the sprit of John C Calhoun has taken over the left and the Democrats. One drop rule.
It sounds as if Harris considers her mother little more than a "Mammy" nursemaid.
Funny how people given the choice of what race to identify as choose Black — and then claim to be oppressed. Maybe some economist could think of this as a revealed preference.
This is funny - in Jamaica
"There were different names for different combinations of racial mixing. Mulatto was the offspring of a white man and black woman; the child of a mulatto and a black, a Sambo. The child of a white and a mulatto was a quadroon; the combination of quadroon and a white was a mustee. The child of a mustee and a white man was known as a musteefino. Mustifeenos[sic] were free by law and treated as white in the eyes of the law."
Vote Mustifeeno!
who did the work of raising the daughters and who contributed equally to their genetic makeup — allowed to feel pride in raising two Indian daughters? I know the stock answer. I just think it perversely gives power to the worst people.
Because Kamala knew there was no career advantage being Indian, hence Aryan, hence Caucasian
She also calls herself African American when needed, rather than Jamaican-Indian and raised in Canada
She graduated from HS in Quebec.
Her husband is white
her father stated:
In a 2018 article written in Jamaica Global, Donald Harris claimed to be a descendant of slave owner Hamilton Brown
With two Ph.D. University profs as parents (Stanford and Cal) she is far from the classic AA experience. She trots it out when needed like Liz Warren trots out Oklahoma indians
Kamala - testing America's capacity for unintentional laughing.
I HATE identity politics. It is a poison tearing down our country.
Harris strikes me as another example of bad marketing.
Poor self-marketing is even more prevalent.
Sightly OT:
Is it significant, worth remarking at all, that Slooww Joe did not make any rousing statement on her behalf, no vigorous introduction, no public socially-distanced presentation of his VP?
Nicky Haley is reserved for he next election cycle . Kammie is a Caucasian. The skin tone is irrelevant. The brain color is everything.
Meh! Just shows how tribal the rest of the world is. Also how, in theory, the US is not tribal. They named a street after Arnold Schwarzenegger in his home town in Austria after he was elected Governor of California. Big whoop!
Similarly, the election of Barack Hussein Obama did wonders for the people of Kenya.
Whatever the reaction "...Indian politicians and commentators..." American Democrats remained as heavily invested in the "one-drop" rule as always.
Perverse? You mean, kind of like the way Barack Obama erased his white mother and grandparents who raised him in favor of the Black father he never knew?
Does make one wonder about her elibility for VP and President.
Harris is similar to Obama in that neither were raised by their black parent, but Harris was far more integrated into African American life than Obama: She attended a black church from childhood and went to Howard, an historically black college.
I suspect that African-Americans may recognize that Harris is not one of them.
Might not solidify the base as much as expected.
Wait, Kamala's indian now? I thought she was black?
So "who was that little girl" really? Biden's got problems with south Asians as much as blacks now?
Trump was making a play for Indian Americans. I wonder if that effort is largely futile now.
On the other hand, Harris has to thread a very fine needle. The campaign needs her to be black more than Indian. Does that lessen the appeal for Indian Americans?
Meanwhile, those with subcontinental Indian ancestry in this country are often small business owners who have seen the destruction of Leftists in Leftist cities. And they are going for Trump 90-10.
But the socialists who stayed in India love the Leftist Collectivists.
I'm sure that all those Black leaders who last week demanded of Biden that he choose a *Black* woman or suffer the consequences at the polls, will be thrilled to learn this. LOL
"I guess technically she's a Brahmin, so one of the highest on the caste system."
Oooooooooh please don't go there. We don't want to have 'that' conversation and open up that multi-millennia-and-still-current can of worms. P.S. word on the street is Kamala pushed for extra years of incarceration for Dalits. Pass it on.
In AMERICA, if you can pass as Black.... DO IT!!!!
In AMERICA, if you Actually ARE Black... You're SCREWED
Colin Powell
Barry O'Bama
Kamela Harris
What do these three ALL in common? NONE were children of African-Americans
At Least Colin Actually grew up in The States, unlike the other two
"For progs, in the era of identity politics, there's nothing better than raising black daughters." Unless your last name is Romney.
A real "wonder" candidate.
Can be many different things to many different people.
Just like Shimmer Floor Wax.
It's a floor wax! It's a dessert topping!!
A billion people, and I bet Trump wants to suppress their votes.
WTF? What do you mean, sad?
She means that racial essentialism is stupid and cruel regardless of whether it originates on the left or right.
Anyone think the moderate, female politician running mate of the moderate Biden is going to condemn BLM for attacking a Ronald McDonald's house for sick and dying children?
Haha of course not.
Anyone think Althouse will cover that story? Anyone think Althouse will condemn that activity as "ugly" and hope "they lose"?
Ron Silver gives it an 12.132 in 100 probability of occurring.
If where your ancestors came from and your skin color are the most important things about you, rather than what you've accomplished in your life here in the US, maybe you shouldn't be in a position of authority, responsibility and trust here.
"I guess technically she's a Brahmin, so one of the highest on the caste system"
Do they know she was Willie Brown's concubine?
Now do Nikki Haley.
dumb question!
Robert Barnes
"In order to appeal to disaffected black voters who might lean toward protest voting (Kanye) or not voting (2016), Democrats ingeniously picked the one black candidate whose parents are not from America, whose ancestors had slaves, and who spent her career locking up black men."
With Kamala in the mix, maybe we can finally get to the bottom of that horrific MAGA attack on Jussie Smollett.
Because Black outranks Indian in the social game hierarchy, we have to celebrate Harris as an African-American (whether she is or not). Good for the Indians! They have a right to be proud and claim her.
The Left just stole Nikki Haley's thunder and they don't even realize it.
South India is largely populated by people of the Dravidian ethnicity, and their skin is often as black as (or even blacker than) any African, so one could easily argue that "black" and "Indian" are not mutually exclusive terms in any way.
The Indian comedian Vir Das noted that in one of of his skits, how a south Indian man saw an African for the the 1st time and in his poor English said to him "Black black? Black!" in spite of the fact that as a South Indian he was "10 times blacker."
Some examples: https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=dravidian+people&form=HDRSC3&first=1&scenario=ImageBasicHover
Racism is all they have.
God Almighty, what ever became of simply being an American? Bugger all these ethno-separatists.
She can be the one run into the 7-11s for Joe's Squishees.
She would say she had some Finish DNA if the DNC thought it would help the cause.
Um, she isn’t black, unless Indians are black. And she most certainly is not African-American, because Jamaica isn’t in Africa.
Unless you’re pulling a ‘Shaun King’ or ‘Rachel Dolezal’, which makes for only the most recent gaslighting.
Or perhaps you’re ‘culturally appropriating’.
Or lying.
You choose.
Nonaspod said:
I guess technically she's a Brahmin, so one of the highest on the caste system.
Technically, no. Only a half-Brahmin, for what that is worth. BTW Brahmins are THE highest caste.
Is she still a Jamaican citizen?
Doe she have a PIO card from the Indian govt?
Should either disqualify her for the vice presidency?
Not constitutionally, of course. She is a natural born citizen.
But is it OK to have someone with dual citizenship in the vp potentially prez slot?
John Henry
Oh no, the running mate from 7-eleven. What was Joe thinking.
Diversity dogma and exclusion is an ancient progressive ideology.
"Why wasn't that mother — who did the work of raising the daughters and who contributed equally to their genetic makeup — allowed to feel pride in raising two Indian daughters?"
Your inference makes sense only if you take that one sentence out of context. "Harris ... has said that her mother raised her two daughters with an appreciation of their dual heritage." Her perception of her Blackness is "not to the exclusion of who I am in terms of my Indian heritage."
I would imagine she was picked because she polls high with Suburban White Women. They get to feel woke by voting for her. As a prosecutor she screwed black people, but I'd guess that's baked in.
"She is also well prepared to handle the nastiness of the upcoming campaign, he added. Harris “doesn’t take things lying down.” "
Eh, I beg to differ...
Liz Warren chose to be the wrong type of Indian.
"Does make one wonder about her eligibility for VP and President."
It shouldn't. There's no question whatsoever about her status as a natural born citizen and raising the issue probably helps her more than it hurts.
I really do not want a President or Vice President stupid enough to be fooled by Juicy Smollett.
I was wondering just what exactly Althouse might have meant by "it perversely gives power to the worst people" but then I read the comments.
Bill, Republic of Texas: "Anyone think the moderate, female politician running mate of the moderate Biden is going to condemn BLM for attacking a Ronald McDonald's house for sick and dying children?"
According to Howard regarding his Heroes, this attack on the Ronald McDonald House will go down in history as equivalent to the Marines storming the beaches of Guadalcanal.
Inga will claim it was Steve Bannon's fault.
readering will explain that the antifa/BLM attack on the Ronald McDonald House only occurred because some terrible right wingers somewhere were attacking the RMH from another direction.
ARM will claim the Heroic ChiCom's People's Army rose up to protect these children from that dastardly OrangeManBad.
Pretty sure that if I had learned that some American was poised to become second in command to Mugabe, or Maduro, or some other leftist catastrophe, I would have been dismayed, not proud.
Ashamed and embarrassed as an American too, In the same way and I am embarrassed as a Washingtonian that we keep sending Patty "Osama the daycare provider" Murray backup to the Senate.
I do find it fascinating- and says so much about the world- that Indian politicians would be excited about someone who is racially like them being on the United States ticket. If an American were on the Indian ticket, how excited would "Americans" be?
What an ideal reason for voting for Biden-Harris. It will make the residents of the subcontinent of India feel good about themselves for a few minutes!
One slept her way to the top, the other sleeps at the top. As Clinton came from Hope, as Obama from Audacity, comes now a Democrat team, transcending differences of race and sex, united in that which unites us all daily: Joe and Kamala - the candidates from Sleep. 2020 strikes again.
One slept her way to the top, the other sleeps at the top. As Clinton came from Hope, as Obama from Audacity, comes now a Democrat team, transcending differences of race and sex, united in that which unites us all daily: Joe and Kamala - the candidates from Sleep. 2020 strikes again.
Fernandinande said...
There's a lawsuit about about "A number of Dalits in US tech companies point to the irony of their casteist colleagues supporting Black Lives Matter while continuing to suppress Indians from so-called lower castes."
Well, it's about fucking time! This needs to be addressed now!
The maybe someone can start looking into how Indians in tech won't hire anyone but other Indians.
Just wait until the campaign ads showing Slow Joe attacking the Little Sisters Of The Poor (much to LLR-lefty Chuck's delight) combined with Kamala attacking zjudges simply because they are Catholic begin to run throughout the midwest!!
And do I need to remind you BOTH Biden and the Jamaican-Indian from the slave-holding family are pro infanticide and harvesting the body parts of babies while their hearts are still beating?
Or, as Inga would say, the "spark of divinity" reaping of baby body parts.
I wonder if all that will "play in Peoria"..or Scranton?
As a DA and later AG, Harris didn't work for justice in California, she was working for wins – to pad her resume – and would use any means necessary. Ruthlessly ambitious after taking it to her head to launch her political career.
And she laughs too much, especially at inappropriate times.
Yes, diversity is such a strength mixed-race children often carry around a lifetime of baggage over their identities.
Maybe Hillary can assist her with some fake accent coaching.
Quite a few of the disastrous marketing decisions made by US corporations that past few years have been made by Indian-American executives who don't seem to understand American culture. Gillette's transgender campaign, for example.
I don't think Gillette CEO Gary Coombe is Indian-American, and their #MeToo campaign (don't think they did transgender) was not a disaster:
"I don’t enjoy that some people were offended by the film and upset at the brand as a consequence. That’s not nice and goes against every ounce of training I’ve had in this industry over a third of a century," he said. "But I am absolutely of the view now that for the majority of people to fall more deeply in love with today’s brands you have to risk upsetting a small minority and that’s what we’ve done."
Gillette was bleeding money before the ads, due to cheap razors available online. I hate to admit it, but "Get Woke, Go Broke" is wishful thinking.
P.S. word on the street is Kamala pushed for extra years of incarceration for Dalits. Pass it on.
Coffee.in.keyboard moment. Priceless.
In 1991, former Kennedy White House aide and longtime college professor, scholar, and public intellectual Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., published a slim volume entitled The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society. Precisely because of his impeccable liberal credentials, Schlesinger’s brief against multiculturalism, anti-Americanism and anti-Westernism hit the intellectual world like a thunderbolt. Those being (very) different times, his book was—outside the fever swamps of the universities, and even by some within them—widely praised by Left and Right alike.
Today it would be denounced as a rightwing screed. Schlesinger criticized multiculturalists as “very often ethnocentric separatists who see little in the Western heritage other than Western crimes,” whose “mood is one of divesting Americans of their sinful European inheritance and seeking redemptive infusions from non-Western cultures.” We can’t go on this like this and remain a “we,” he warned, and urged Americans to (re)unite around our shared language, heritage, history and interests.
About a decade later, three-term Democratic Colorado Governor Richard Lamm gave a short speech, a third person-account of which became one of the earliest known documents to “go viral” online. In the speech, Lamm laid out what he called—tongue firmly in cheek—his “secret plan to destroy America.” All of his eight points focused on deliberately fostering disunity: encouraging multiculturalism, multilingualism, dual citizenship, “diversity,” the politics of victimization and resentment, and so on.
Every dire trend Schlesinger and Lamm warned about was already happening when they gave their warnings. Each is exponentially truer today
One of the reasons southern Indians are so dark is a millennia of arabs selling scores of millions of black Africans into Indian slavery.
A trade that continued up to the 20th century.
John Henry
MayBee said...
If an American were on the Indian ticket, how excited would "Americans" be?
A lot of American women and gays get quite giddy about Princess Grace (of philadelphia) and Queen Noor (of DC)
Like Kamala, they fucked their way into royalty.
John Henry
Kammy Harris - the Puppet's Mistress
Remember the tens of thousands of Indian-Americans showing up for a huge Trump/Modi rally in Houston?
Think they'd do that for Harris? Yeah. No.
My guess is that neither Biden or Harris will be in the dem ticket. So, the VP slot is just a sop to keep Harris happy and make her do what she's told him. Shrillary! will want to pick her own running mate.
the only African-American DNA found in Harris
...is from Willie Brown
If an American were on the Indian ticket, how excited would "Americans" be?
The first thing that comes to mind to judge a possible reaction to an American running for office elsewhere is when Boris Johnson became PM of the UK. Based on that, I'm going to say very few would even notice.
CJinPA said...
(don't think they did transgender) was not a disaste"
Gillette was bleeding money before the ads, due to cheap razors available online.
Not "cheap", good.
I just loaded the last cartridge from a 5 pack I bought in Walgreens in Sept 2019. @$10,iirc.
I shave every day. I get a month or more of smooth shaves from shick hydro 5 cartridges
Never used to get more than a week, if that from Gillette.
John Henry
The choice of Kamala doesn't interest me at all. I wonder if that is a common reaction and the MSM is just manufacturing a narrative, or if there is genuine excitement among some groups.
Doug said...
Shrillary! will want to pick her own running mate
I came so close to registering hillary-harris20.com and .org yesterday.
I was surprised they were available.
My thinking was to have them redirect to Trump's donation page.
I decided not to stir the pot. In these times someone might try to burn my house down.
John Henry
AllenS said...
If Harris was raising black daughters in India, it would be like black Obama staying in Indonesia, they would be cleaning bathrooms.
how do you know so much about India ?
>>The maybe someone can start looking into how Indians in tech won't hire anyone but other Indians.
That's a little overstated, but there's a definite preference at work and companies are starting to act on it.
Which explains why Indians are the highest earning minority in the US.... IT jobs generally pay fairly well.
She's 50% indian on her mother's side and somewhat less than 50% black on her father's side. The One-Drop Rule is alive and well!
Gunner said...
I really do not want a President or Vice President stupid enough to be fooled by Juicy Smollett.
that they successfully fooled you into believing "they were fooled!" --
is it some variation of the Costanza principle
"I just loaded the last cartridge from a 5 pack I bought in Walgreens in Sept 2019. @$10,iirc."
Amazing what razors have become. I once won a Thickest Beard title in a Movember promotion. I'm now working on the 7th of a 14-pack of Costco cartridges bought in January 2019, at about $1.50 per cartridge.
chuck said...
The choice of Kamala doesn't interest me at all. I wonder if that is a common reaction and the MSM is just manufacturing a narrative, or if there is genuine excitement among some groups.
The DNC propaganda machine (i.e., the MSM) is trying to manufacture excitement because they know that the more you see of Kamala the less you like or respect. She is Hillary without the following and they would like to create a following.
Does anyone remember that Kamala was the NYT POTUS choice early on?
"Why wasn't that mother — who did the work of raising the daughters and who contributed equally to their genetic makeup — allowed to feel pride in raising two Indian daughters?"
What Kamala Harris said to the LA Times in 2015 does not necessarily have much to do with what her mother was thinking back in the 20th century.
"Like Obama, who never saw his father, ..."
It's a wise child ...
It's nice when the MSM doesn't obsess about race, as when a BLACK (blacker than Harris anyway) guy intentionally runs over two white women.
John henry said...
Not "cheap", good.
Partially. Most people forget that a lot of Gillette's woes (Shick's, too) started after; a) beards became the in thing among the Millennial crowd, b) people rediscovered old-school safety razors. Plenty of cheap, quality double edge blades from Japan available on Amazon.
2020 has turned out to be a year full of surprises. I hate surprises.
Did anyone forget to mention in the last fifteen minutes that Harris' nomination is historic? We just didn't get enough of that word when Red Diaper Barry was president.
It may just be a legend, but I've heard that whenever Democrats use the word "historic," a bit of liberty dies.
The Gillette ad campaign might not have been a good example since The P&G executive behind it is a Canadian woman.
Sundar Pichai may be a better example of a clueless CEO.
ha ha
"One candidate is running alongside an accomplished woman, the other labels them as "suburban housewives"
~ The Lincoln Project
Can Kamala tie a cherry stem into a knot using just her tongue?
I suppose we could ask Willie. My money is on yes...
Hillary can't, hence all the bimbos...QED.
The head of the Indian Congress party - formerly the dominant Indian party, founded by Nehru, the party of Indira Gandhi - is headed by Sonia Gandhi, the Italian wife of Indira's deceased son Rajiv. She has been party head off and on several times over the last @25 years.
Its quite an odd situation that a naturalized foreigner is the leader of the ruling party or the principal opposition in a major country,
PB: "She's 50% indian on her mother's side and somewhat less than 50% black on her father's side. The One-Drop Rule is alive and well!"
Democrats never get too far from their confederate/KKK roots.
About 30 years ago, Gillette introduced the sensor razor. It was a marvel. They mounted 2 blades on independent shock absorbers/flexors. The shave was way smoother than anything that came before and the damn blades lasted forever. I swear that I could go for 90 days, shaving every single day on one cartridge. Then they started gluing a crappy "glide strip" on the end which would wear out and thus make the blades uncomfortable to use after about 2 weeks. Then they kept lowering the quality so their newer, more expensive blades would sell. Even before Gillette's insulting, male shaming ad campaign, I would rarely buy Gillette. Now I wouldn't touch a Gillette (or proctor and gamble) product ever. by the way, Proctor and Gamble took an 8 BILLION dollar write down on the value of Gillette last year. Yes, get woke, go broke is real.
To put the energy thing in perspective - let us take electricity.
Generating costs in North America, including capital depreciation etc. for a 1980's suite of technologies is under 6 cents/kwh.
This is for a mix of mature low cost systems including nuke, hydro, coal, nat gas.
The effect of regulation and insistence on "renewable" requirements is spotty across the US due to the many different state regimes, so state by state comparisons are possible. From these we know that the effective cost can be driven to 18-22 cents per kwh. This is also where Europe is generally for mostly the same reasons.
There is no money (for investors) in low cost mature technologies.
Thats just for electricity. Throw in heating and transport and you can see what all of this is about.
J. Farmer said...
Yes, diversity is such a strength mixed-race children often carry around a lifetime of baggage over their identities.
J Farmer is back!! hurray! i haven't seen your posts for so long, that i was afraid your tractor got stolen
She's the affirmative action VP.
Blogger PB said...
... somewhat less than 50% black on her father's side...
8/12/20, 2:10 PM
So, can we call black people 'black', since she is not even a fraction 'African-American', or is it a 'Person of Color'? Jamaican-American doesn't really hold much sway.
Not that almost all people on the right actually care, but the left and democrats are obsessed with color of peoples skin.
Blogger DanTheMan said...
>>The maybe someone can start looking into how Indians in tech won't hire anyone but other Indians.
That's a little overstated, but there's a definite preference at work and companies are starting to act on it.
Which explains why Indians are the highest earning minority in the US.... IT jobs generally pay fairly well.
8/12/20, 2:06 PM
There's a correlation with the increasing failure of technology at the IT level (based on observation). But then IT has been on a slow slide into the hiring of non-competence.
Dems sure love their “one drop” rule, as retro as vinyl.
CJinPA thinks that the right thing for marketing to do when your brand is under stress is to give your most loyal, long term customers a big, one-finger salute. I do not think he’s right.
Regarding Harris, I think Rachel Dolezal has darker skin.
so one could easily argue that "black" and "Indian" are not mutually exclusive terms in any way.
Ehh, yes and no. Globally. it's true that a "black person" is generally anyone with a dark skin complexion (e.g. south Asian, Melanesian, Aborigine, etc.). But in the US, "black" is typically understood to mean a person of sub-Saharan African ancestry. Of course, with immigration from Africa, the issue is even more muddled, and we now have the term ADOS (American Descendant of Slaves).
Fernandinande said...
It's nice when the MSM doesn't obsess about race, as when a BLACK (blacker than Harris anyway) guy intentionally runs over two white women.
Is this the guy???
ImageLinkedIn › literaryroman
Edgar Roman - Senior Assistant Director - University of Chicago | LinkedIn
Chicago, Illinois · Senior Assistant Director · University of Chicago
View Edgar Roman's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Edgar has 5 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
Look at his LinkedIn. Get this - he is very young to be an AD - got his BA in English Lit in 2015 from - get this - UW-Madison.
Heckuva job, Annie!
John henry said...
One of the reasons southern Indians are so dark is a millennia of arabs selling scores of millions of black Africans into Indian slavery.
A trade that continued up to the 20th century.
Nope. Aside from skin color south Indians don't look like black Africans, because they're not.
See this, re the Dravidians of South India and their origins. Nothing about African slave ancestors, quite to the contrary.
"According to a large craniometric study (Raghavan and Bulbeck et al. 2013) the native populations of India and Sri Lanka have distinct craniometric and anthropologic ancestry. Both southern and northern groups are most similar to each other also show deep relations to populations of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The study further showed that the native South Asians, north and south, form a unique group distinct from “Australo-Melanesians". However Raghavan and Bulbeck et al., while noting the differences of South Asian from Andamanese and Australoid crania, while also noting the distinctiveness of between South Asian and Andamanese crania, explain that this is not in conflict with genetic evidence showing a partial common ancestry and genetic affinity between South Asians and the native Andamanese, stating that "the differences may be in part due the greater craniometric specialization of South Asians compared to Andamanese.[53]
A recent genetic study published in the "European Journal of Human Genetics" in Nature (2019) showed that most populations of South Asia, Western Asia, Northern Africa, Europe and parts of Central Asia are closely related to each other. *** These mentioned groups can be clearly distinguished from most populations in East Asia or Western Africa and Africans south of the Sahara.[54]"*** --wikipedia
Yes, African slaves were exported to India, specifically by Arabs and the Portuguese, but these were sent to Goa and Gujarat, far from the Dravidian South. A much larger and more extensive slave trade was conducted by the Dutch, British and Moguls, who enslaved native Indians and sent them to numerous destinations.
What's surprising is the extent to which free Africans played a part in Indian history:
"An exhibition, organised by the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture of The New York Public Library, in Delhi recently showcased such "forgotten" stories of Africa's role in India's history.
Kenneth Robbins, co-curator of the exhibition, says it is very important for Indians to know that Africans were an integral part of several Indian sultanates and some of them even started their own dynasties.
"Early evidence suggests that Africans came to India as early as the 4th Century. But they really flourished as traders, artists, rulers, architects and reformers between the 14th Century and 17th Century," he says."
as when a BLACK (blacker than Harris anyway) guy intentionally runs over two white women.
Colored person. Person of color, Something-American (i.e. 1/2 American)... diversity dogma is a progressive quasi-religious/moral (i.e. "ethical") doctrine. That said, whereas this was an act of retributive change, an elective abortion of a "burden", and attempted abortion of another "burden", Some, Select Black Lives Matter stands for redistributive change. h/t Obama h/t NYT (JournoListic) style guide
tcrosse - I, for one, have been surprised that 2020 has not been worse than I thought it would be.
Let us go back, my friends, to 2019, and look at the world as I saw it. The entire NBA was playing, in 2019, a game of step and fetch it to their Chinese masters, but in 2020, there have been, like the voices of birds in early spring, indications that the NBA plantation is seeking to throw off their CCP yoke. In 2019, Hezbollah was permanently planted in Lebanon, like the poisonous tree Upaz of which Pushkin wrote - now in 2020, the Hezbollah flunkies have all resigned their high positions in the Lebanese government.
In 2019, it looked like the Democratic party had an almost comically cold-hearted (based on their own feelings of a bad conscience, for the most part - it is no small thing to be an adult human being who supports abortion) hatred of Trump, but in 2020, our Democratic friends have been kind enough to nominate the weakest presidential candidate since Dukakis (if Dukakis had shown signs of dementia) - i.e., they kind of like Trump, or at least do not hate him enough to put any real effort into defeating him at the polls.
In 2019, the Chicoms were running concentration camps with no criticism at all, in 2020, the persecution of the Chinese minorities is close to the number one news story in the world. In 2019, many evildoers were at the apex of their power, and many of those same evildoers are now, in 2020 - for example, poor Bergoglio, poor Corbyn, and - if you follow African politics - quite a few of the evildoer tyrants there - are realizing that God is good, and more powerful than them, and that God has little patience with evildoers ---- and are acting, in a greater degree than I would have expected in 2019, in the humble way that tyrants who know they will soon be defeated act.
And, to tell the truth, if you told me in 2019 that in 2020 Americans would die at the rate of one or two nuclear bombs a month because of a China-born virus, and there would be no significant (and irrational) hatred of our Chinese brothers and sisters, I would have said, well, I hope you are right .... and you would have been right. Let us be happy about that, my friends.
Off topic, but if you are a pseudonymous commenter who calls Kamala Harris a "whore", I will automatically skip any comment you ever write under that pseudonym, ever again. I am a huge Trump supporter - I used to stay up, back in 2016, all hours of the night commenting on many websites, back when he was one of 17 candidates, setting forth, with late-night fervor, the reasons why he would be a great President ---- and I have absolutely no tolerance for misogynists who call Kamala Harris a whore. If you say things like that, you discredit yourself, not her. Of course her policy views are horrendous. But I have zero respect for the "insights" of anyone who, under the cover of anonymity or otherwise, is so full of hatred that they would say a thing like that, even if they think they are "scoring internet points" against people who espouse views that are, well, horrendous (and of course her political views are horrendous, and of course she does not have any real philosophical views). Not that anyone should care if I skip their comments or not, but remember, God listens to what you say.
And if you have a lot of friends, or even just one friend in this world, you HAVE TO KNOW that it is wrong to be one of the hateful bile-spewing crowd ---- it could be a friend of yours who might be called similar names by a similarly hateful crowd.
Look, we all know Willie Brown was not the sort of guy normal women like. But having sex with him does not make the sort of woman who would do such a thing a whore ---- in fact, there are no women in this world who are really whores. All of us are sinners, but none of us deserve to be called by an insulting name from anyone who is not a friend. And friends commiserate before they indulge in hate speech.
What? Kamala Black? C'mon man!
I'm Full of Soup said: "Liz Warren chose to be the wrong type of Indian."
The whipcrack.
"You aint Black, Kamala!"
--when running against Joe, calling him racist and a woman abuser.
but now, her Blackness is validated, by supporting this old whitey
The Democrats always get the majority of female votes and non-white votes. Kamala doesn't bring anything new to the ticket except maybe enthusiasm. People in India and Jamaica are not going to vote here. I think in the end, she won't make any difference.
>>Plenty of cheap, quality double edge blades from Japan available on Amazon.
I agree completely. I went back to a traditional razor years ago after getting soaked for $40 for a pack of those multiple blade razor cartridges. I wish now I had never switched from the double edge safety razor I used decades ago.
Feather brand blades are pricey but they last and are insanely sharp.
Technically speaking, Kamala Harris is a "dogla". This is the island term for a mix of Indian and African blood. She is no more African-American than Shouting Thomas.
Barak, and now Kamala. Among 37 million black Americans, the Democrats nominate two mixed race African-American candidates to the top ticket not descended from freed American slaves. What a coincidence - like a hidden caste system or something.
Kamala is NOT African-American. Jamaican slave owner and high caste Hindu.
Kamala Harris, what ho? A friend to the downtrodden, like Willie Brown's brown willy.
Just being silly. Really.
My biggest objection to her is that she's an ambitious powerhungry stateshtupping bitch.
Ambitious women often do what they must to give ahead
stlcdr said...
Blogger DanTheMan said...
>>The maybe someone can start looking into how Indians in tech won't hire anyone but other Indians.
That's a little overstated, but there's a definite preference at work and companies are starting to act on it.
It's been true of Indian and Pakistani doctors for 35 years. Always refer to cousins.
Why wasn't that mother — who did the work of raising the daughters and who contributed equally to their genetic makeup... I know the stock answer. I just think it perversely gives power to the worst people.
Diversity dogma intersects with politically congruent constructs.
The maybe someone can start looking into how Indians in tech won't hire anyone but other Indians.
There's still an opportunity to stand against racism, sexism, etc. and defeat the left's diversity dogma and Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic quasi-religious/moral ("ethical") philosophy.
"People in India and Jamaica are not going to vote here."
Why not? Are you a nationalist or something?
C'mon man. We all know now what makes you really Black. She just has to vote for Biden. I'm sure she will, but Joe is a real tossup. If he mails it in, he can get help at home.
and we now have the term ADOS (American Descendant of Slaves).
And ADOSO (American Descendent of Slave Owners).
Yes, diversity is such a strength mixed-race children often carry around a lifetime of baggage over their identities.
Diversity dogma denies individual dignity, denies individual conscience, progresses affirmative discrimination, color quotas, color judgments, is a class-based system, process, or belief system (e.g. "religion", "ethics", "law") not limited to racism, sexism, etc.
The effect of regulation and insistence on "renewable" requirements
There is no money (for investors) in low cost mature technologies.
Yes. This is why we see environmentalist lobbies standing for the Green Blight that is not a viable, reliable energy producer, is an environmental hazard, and threat to endangered species in the present and on a forward-looking basis. This is also why the Green Blight's resource recovery, manufacturing, and disposal are outsourced. It's a Gray nexus, yet another one, where conventional and renewable drivers and throwaway technology intersect.
"People in India and Jamaica are not going to vote here."
Why not? Are you a nationalist or something?
How is subject to two jurisdictions, say a native father, and alien mother, or both aliens, resolved?
Kamala being seen as tough on crime might not be as unpopular with black voters as Republics seem to think.
Biden nomination sparks delight in China
Where was that headline?
Stephen Cooper said...
Off topic, but if you are a pseudonymous commenter who calls Kamala Harris a "whore", I will automatically skip any comment you ever write under that pseudonym, ever again.
Look, we all know Willie Brown was not the sort of guy normal women like. But having sex with him does not make the sort of woman who would do such a thing a whore ---- in fact, there are no women in this world who are really whores. All of us are sinners, but none of us deserve to be called by an insulting name from anyone who is not a friend. And friends commiserate before they indulge in hate speech.
How funny, was almost missing you! Had certainly noticed you hadn't written in a while.
I must dispute your gallantry in this instance, whereas another time I would find it compelling. In the time of harsh truths, it is necessary to point out that, not only was the Harris-Brown relationship improper from the moral standpoint of adultery, but she received money and political influence/advancement in an apparent quid pro quo.
That would appear to make Kamala Harris an actual, literal whore. (I dignify her with the full, earned title, not shortening to "ho" or "hoe.")
This also constitutes sexual misconduct in the modern workplace, as female subordinates not at the sexual disposal of Mr Brown failed to receive public funds in the amount of $400,000, or help getting appointments and winning elections. No, this was not equals in separate work areas treating for dinner...and breakfast.
If not "whore" do you prefer "strumpet" or "doxy" or some other euphemism? Mistress perhaps? Concubine? Side-piece? Streetwalker? I can keep going.
Harris was (is?) not a mere slut. I have nothing but appreciation for sluts. They make the world go round. Talk about giving of oneself! Talk about win-win!
But a slut is not a lady of the evening. You often speak of the cold-hearted as if they had their own circle of Hell. I must say that if a prostitute is not a cold-hearted individual, she must certainly soon become that way.
It should also be clear that persons in their position, as opposed to a pair of fry cooks at Lutece or programmers at IBM, have a particular responsibility to behave with propriety.
So I'm unconvinced of the desirability of sparing the feelings of a woman being cheered on wildly by her side to "kick Mike Pence in the balls." Pence would be an exemplar of the courtesy you conjure upon us, and such would be his reward, while between knees she clings to the armor of her sex and no doubt ancestry.
Well, the main thing is she's not white.
So it's all good.
Would have been sweeter if she was Muslim Paki
instead of mutt
BO was Muslim Atheist
this is very good combo for libs
When she f's up she can be Asian 1/2
And when they like her she can be 1/4 or 1/8 Black
Is her dad full on black?
Whats the pedigree?
Or is it like gender, whatever you identify as is PROTECTED
FullMoon said...
Kamala being seen as tough on crime might not be as unpopular with black voters as Republics seem to think.
Good point but the anti-police thing has always been about the white left. Blacks are still only 13% of the population.
Why is Willie Brown being airbrushed out of Kamala's history? He has commented that he would regret it if he ever talked about their office furniture romance, but that doesn't mean the media should be silent about their (ahem) relationship. Or maybe it is the reason they are.
I'm as white as Wonderbread, but I'm an American descendent of slaves. I'd venture to say we all are. Most of us just got over it.
Nichevo at 11:24 --- That was a very persuasive comment. You did not persuade me of the merits of your claim, but you came across as sincere and articulate. I think you must have gone to law school, or must have spent time on a debate team, or at the least you spend a lot of time IRL (in the real world, or in real life) debating important issues.
For the record, I will not be commenting much on the internet in the future, due to other long-pre-planned commitments, so feel free to find someone else to add to your list of adversaries.
I noticed that you mentioned that I think there is something "special" (and not in a good way!) about excessively cold-hearted people. If you are interested in why I focused, in so many comments, on cold-heartedness (which is one of my faults, too, I never seriously claimed otherwise), let me quickly explain. If you are not interested, feel free to stop reading!
First, I usually didn't comment here to be amusing (other people take care of that). And, since most people on these comment threads are fairly nice people who obviously are proud of their successes in life, and who obviously care for those who are near and dear to them, and for others as well, I have not seen any kind of need to quote, in these comment threads, Bible verses denouncing murder, child abuse, rape, robbery, fraud, and similar horrible sins and crimes.
That being said, over the years (and, back in the day, I read the comments here for many years - at least 5, maybe 10, before my first comment) I noticed something that maybe you have noticed too. Lots of people here are articulate, with interesting things to say, but they often say really cold-hearted things about others. Sometimes it is couched in positive terms, with claims of deep love for those who are close to them accompanying the words of scorn for those who are outside the charmed circle, for one reason or another. To put it more plainly, I noticed that a disproportionate number of people who comment here, lots of people, actually (well, more than one is lots, so let's say at least two) are simply sad crabby old people who come across in their comments as cold-hearted, when it would be SO EASY for them to just say to themselves - "Look, I am old, and crabby, and not good for much in the way of hard work or great sacrifices of time and effort for those I love, but the least I can do is stop feeling like a crabby old person who only cares about a few people, those I love and those who take care of me."
So time after time, I pretended to be worse than I am, and tried to wake those crabby people up (they would not listen to me if I pretended to be better than I am, now would they?) to the simple fact that, hey, if you are not tempted to any of the major bad things people do, why don't you just try to be warm-hearted and pray for everyone, even people who will never be useful to you?
It is as simple as that. Micro-targeted sermons to a small set of people who might listen, about a subject that was nearer and dearer to their hearts than they could imagine - 'why am I such a fussbudget'?
And trust me, when I see a sidewalk preacher, I know in my heart that the preacher in question has no hope of reaching more than one person, but could not go on without hope of reaching one person.
God loves us all. Cor ad cor loquitur (heart speaks to heart).
I will pray for you, and for your intentions, to the best of my ability, in the time I have left in this world. As will my faithful guardian angel. We are not God's absolute favorites, my angel and I, and I don't always try my best (the angel does, but that is just how angels are), but hey, I do promise to try to get my prayers heard. I apologize in advance for any failures.
(for the record I am nowhere near as arrogant in real life as I have tried to come across as being here!!!!!) (not even close)
Interesting, Stephen. Thanks for the courtesy of your reply. I'm sorry you regard me as an adversary or vice versa.
In any case, though such words taste ill in my mouth, I hope you won't shun me if I use them, which again I don't wish to do, but may if I feel it necessary. I wonder if you mistake cold-heartedness for anger, or else I have misunderstood your definition/explanation.
If you wish to pray for me, pray for my parents instead. I will always take that kindly. Good luck with your future plans.
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