August 5, 2020
"Look. Come on, man. I know you're trying to goad me, but I mean, I'm so forward looking to have an opportunity to sit with the President or stand with the President and debate."
Joe Biden doesn't need a tell-an-elephant-from-a-lion test! Just watch him, listen to him and judge.
Now, he did say "I'm so forward looking to have an opportunity" instead of "I'm so looking forward to having an opportunity," but it's speech, man. Talking is what it is. Trump makes his own mistakes.
ADDED: "Yo, Semites" is hilarious, but think more deeply about it. It means that Trump has very little interest in our national parks. I'd like someone to ask him if he has ever, on his own, outside of any political or business reason, traveled through the great landscapes of America. Has he ever hiked in Zion or the Badlands or Glacier? Has he seen the sunrise in Bryce Canyon? Which parks has he visited it? Did he ever go to one just to see it? Has he ever taken a road trip across America? Can he even drive? What's the farthest he, personally, has driven a car? I can only picture him driving a golf cart! Distance: 18 holes.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 249 of 249There was someone else missing at the John Lewis funeral. Three guesses and the first two don't count. It had something to do with punishing a dead man.
Trump was unwelcome, and would have been attacked if he attended.
I find it hysterical that Chuck managed to sneak in and proudly boast about how he wants to vote for a guy who assumes, apparently, that all black men need testing for cocaine use.
Racist much, Chuck?
Well, the market broke its resistance to 27000 today, Biden should be nervous, we will see how it goes.
Mr. Biden as A semite ?
Wouldn't it be easier to call him a rascist. Better yet, wouldn't it be easier to divert racism unto him while he's leaping bounds from an educated man, to a friendly liberal target. I'm still trying to get out of that trap post 40 years. Suggestion if I may. Drop the Matrix Ray Ben endorcement and lets make some google rocket launchers. My mom needs protection.
I think a lot of people are concentrating so much on Joe's mental decline that they didn't notice another reason for his strange behavior. The strange snigger told me he had a stiffener before the interview. Gin most likely. It makes you think you are much funnier than you are.
Still struggle with clitorous
She loves my latin accent with the 'r' trilling on the front of the tongue, and lips.
Bushman's link at 5:21 is from the same interview. Worth watching.
gadfly said...
Can Trump drive a car? He had a drivers license from NY State that expired on 6/14/20. Check the picture to see what a difference eight years can make.
Maybe we should all check our own pictures.
C'mon man!.
gadfly said...
Can Trump drive a car? He had a drivers license from NY State that expired on 6/14/20. Check the picture to see what a difference eight years can make.
gadfly does not know that Eisenhower did not drive a car from 1935 until he died. Hillary has not driven a car since Arkansas. Try to look reasonable informed.
for the life of me, I couldn't find this La Hoya place they kept talking about on the radio- until I remembered my HS Spanish and realized that La Jolla on the map was the missing La Hoya I was looking for....
One of my embarrassing introductions to California when I began college. I asked about this game of Jai Ali I had heard about in Tijuana.
Plus of course, the city is pronounced Sandy Eggo.
"The only president since T. Roosevelt whom I can imagine trekking through a national park is Bush II."
I don't know the boundaries of "trekking," but Hoover's fishing camp lies within Shenandoah Park. Coolidge was a huge fisherman. Eisenhower, Carter, Reagan, both Bushes were outdoorsy.
I'd like to see just one of the committed lefty commenters on this blog say "Hell yes Biden should debate Trump. Put that intellectual midget in his place." But none of them will. And everyone knows why.
When I was a kid I knew the sound of Yosemite because I associated it with Yosemite Sam. But, when it came to actually saying the word itself, or reading it when it was referring to the national park, I would I end up saying "Yose-mite" rather than "Yo-se-mitee".
Mispronunications of locales happens all the time. You can imagine the fun had at the expense of visitors to Massachusetts trying to pronounce places such as Scituate, or Worcester, or Gloucester, correctly. Hilarity ensues.
BTW... Currently, Yosemite Sam has his guns confiscated by fascist left wingers!
If this travesty is allowed to continue, it is going to be one of the most sad events in the history of American politics. It will be deeply regretted and people should be ashamed of themselves for letting it happen, but they won't be. It's really almost inhumane to let Biden do this to himself and our system, but the Democrats ruin everything they touch and they will ruin the rest of 2020 in epic fashion as they have the rest of it.
Howard: "You people love wearing the blue dress."
You people told us over and over again the blue dress never existed.
I'm seeing a theme there....
Of course none of this matters since the dems will move to place Michelle Obama at the top of the ticket during their convention.
I'm sticking with my prediction of over 2 years now.
Can you imagine where this country would be right now, and where it would be headed if the Democrats just accepted the 2016 election result like adults (as everyone else does)? We were on a economic rocket ship with strong fundamentals and foundation, and we were heading away from decades of mistakes and war. Then the left decided that could not happen under Trump, and they threw a 4 year tantrum with ever-increasing volume and hysteria, abandoning all principles and precedents to feed their fever dreams. I expect they will be punished in November, but even it that happens in dramatic fashion, it can never replace what they took from us all. Damn you all to hell.
jimbino: "There are plenty of Semites at our national parks and forests. What you won't find are Black, Brown and Red Amerikans, who are taxed like the rest of us to buy and maintain them."
jimbino wants blacks, browns and red Americans kidnapped and taken against their will to National Parks.
But then again jimbino is a racist who believes it rests upon him to tell blacks, browns and red American's what they should do with their cash and leisure time.
Has he ever hiked in Zion or the Badlands or Glacier? Has he seen the sunrise in Bryce Canyon? Which parks has he visited it? Did he ever go to one just to see it?
So you’re saying Trump is our second black president.
Yo-Semite is the original usage, btw — see here, here, and here
"And Trump is going to lose to this guy, badly."
Unlikely, but if so, your glee will be short-lived, and your embarrassment permanent. Trump voters will be able to hold their heads high long after you have been shamed by your own choices.
exiled - I work basically as a Curator, with an English History remit. I can hardly repress laughter at some of the visitors I deal with, especially as they had done some homework and tried. Don't get me started on the Welsh, or the Cornish. What is helpful to me is that in my period, everything is phonetic, so they spelled it as they spoke it for the most part. It is here you can pick up regional dialects. Fun at times.
Iman said...
Be mindful that if Trump loses, the voices of hate and division will only increase in number and volume. If you are white and have children or grandchildren
Michigan Governor Gretchen halfWhitmer today is declaring racism a public health crisis and pursuing initiatives to "eradicate and prevent discrimination and racial inequity" -- including making all state employees undergo "implicit bias training,"
Among other things, her executive order is declaring that All Non-Woke white people will be imprisoned; with all of their assets going to folk that want them
Serious Question. Did ANYONE NOT see this coming?
"So you’re saying Trump is our second black president."
Earnest! Don't you read the comments or something? Please!
Way back, at 9:39, a fellow great mind etc. etc.
You do get the feeling, don't you, that Trump's NP habits would have been given a positive spin for any Dem. Even Althouse has trouble giving him credit for disinclination to travel (FL doesn't count).
Michael K: "gadfly does not know that Eisenhower did not drive a car from 1935 until he died. Hillary has not driven a car since Arkansas. Try to look reasonable informed."
There is a reason that gadfly launched a blog that failed immediately and has long been known as The Poor Man's LLR-lefty Chuck.
gadfly simply regurgitates the democrat talking points of the moment and pretends he had an original thought.
I am assuming that Alex Trebek always gives us the correct pronunciation.
Isn't he a Canuck?
I can guarantee that Trump has visited several National Parks. You blogged about one just one month ago. Or have you forgotten about his speech in the Mount Rushmore National Park?
He's probably spent more time in National Parks than most of the commenters here - he lives in a National Park (the White House) which is found on a different National Park (Pennsylvania Ave)
You can't turn around in Washington DC without tripping over a National Park. They're everywhere. In fact, the vast majority of National Parks are located east of the Mississippi. We just have really big ones out west.
Trump has had a Rolls, a Lamborghini, a gold motorcycle, and yes, he does even drive.
Earnest! Don't you read the comments or something? Please!
Sorry! I confess I often comment before reading what others have to say. Consider it reinforcement in this instance.
I learnt just how much of a native English speaker I am when I was 17 and standing on a grave in Westminster Abbey. Cholmondeley.
No way I though is chol-mon-del-Lee the way an English name is pronounced. It took me a few moments to figure it out, but I did. Do you see it?
How do you pronounce comptroller?
Cholmondeley is pronounced chumlee. And comptroller is controller.
gadfly said...
Is there anything for which he does show up?
His inauguration?
Jimmy Carter mispronounced the name of a town near here during his call-in talk. The name is spelled Mantua, pronounced Man-a-way.
with all the advanced intel about speech at Mt. Rushmore I am surprised D's infiltrated Resistance did not think to pra(un)k Trump with Cognitive challenge - they could have inserted Mt.RushLimbaugh - named for a great American etc.
If you saw the video, he could not finish the sentence. It was especially bad because he was trying to make the point that he hasn't declined and he failed, not once but twice.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
And Trump is going to lose to this guy, badly.
Just wondering: what if you're wrong?
Drago said...
Howard: "You people love wearing the blue dress."
You people told us over and over again the blue dress never existed.
I'm seeing a theme there....
Yes, Drago. A special snowflake who craves attention from people he clearly don't like. A Marine projectionist. Saying anything, while saying nothing at all.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
"Not everyone is interested in the same things. I love hiking and nature - and our national parks are a treasure.
so what if Trump would rather be on the golf course. Or in a suit behind a desk?
Anyone ever ask Obama if he likes to visit national parks and take a hike? nah - why? because he lowered the seas."
President Obama closed National Parks and Monuments to the public for a while to inflict maximum pain during the budget sequester in his second term. He likes to use such things as leverage, not for enjoying nature.
"He's probably spent more time in National Parks than most of the commenters here - he lives in a National Park (the White House) which is found on a different National Park (Pennsylvania Ave)"
Yes and no. From The NPS website:
"The National Park Service manages 419 individual units covering more than 85 million acres in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and US territories. While there are at least 19 naming designations, these units are commonly referred to as "parks." Multiple parks may be managed together as an administrative unit within the National Park Service."
There is a "naming designation" list of "National Parks", of which there are 62. However, the White House is listed under "Other Designations" and Pennsylvania Ave. is listed under "National Historic Sites".
When people talk about national parks, I think they typically mean those 62 National Parks. I don't automatically consider google the final word on things, but if you google "how many national parks in the us", the answer is "62", FWIW.
jimbino: "There are plenty of Semites at our national parks and forests. What you won't find are Black, Brown and Red Amerikans, who are taxed like the rest of us to buy and maintain them."
I just retired from the Forest Service here in NM. Plenty of POC go camping here. Including my wife. At a lake in S. CO a few weeks ago, the campsites next to us were occupied by a black guy, his boyfriend, and a number of their gay and lesbian friends. They were replaced by a Hispanic family from Albuquerque, and when they left, a group of Iraqi immigrants moved in. The campsite across from us was open, then a lesbian couple from LA arrived, and when they left, another group of Iraqis moved in.
jimbino needs to get out camping more. But I hope he doesn't set up next to me. He sounds insufferable.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
gadfly said...
Is there anything for which he does show up?
His inauguration?
8/5/20, 8:57 PM
That will never happen. Biden is almost as senile as you are.
Eisenhower most certainly did drive a car personally after his presidency. He had a couple vehicles if I remember at his farm at Gettysburg, plus at least one tractor. He had an office at Gettysburg College when he was working on his papers (I think he also lit the National Christmas Tree by remote control from Glatfelter Hall - i forget the year). He would ditch the Secret Service and go by himself to the college post presidency. He often would stop at local shops after he was done working, and his secretaries would call the 5 and 10 cent store when he left. They would announce that Eisenhower was coming and could you all please move your cars from the front of the store. He couldn't park to save his life, so they cleared enough spaces so he could just pull in. Doubt he knew it was happening, as he would have been humiliated. This I learned while a Ranger at his farm. Amazing first person accounts of interaction between Eisenhower and Gettysburgians. The modern post-presidency smacks of Royalty and I heartily dislike it. Be like Truman and Ike, just go home.
The awkward way Biden starts down that paragraph ain’t nothing to his crash and burn (after alluding the questioners a crack head) ending trying repeatedly to say “mental acuity” and the fact it and “cognitive ability” has given him so much trouble lately is yugely amusing.
Drago said...
Of course none of this matters since the dems will move to place Michelle Obama at the top of the ticket during their convention.
I'm sticking with my prediction of over 2 years now.
that should pull Michelle out of depression. but what about the country economy?
Ann Althouse said:
" I'd like someone to ask him if he has ever, on his own, outside of any political or business reason, traveled through the great landscapes of America. Has he ever hiked in Zion or the Badlands or Glacier? Has he seen the sunrise in Bryce Canyon? Which parks has he visited it? Did he ever go to one just to see it? Has he ever taken a road trip across America?"
Has Creepy Joe? Professor, your cruel less-than-neutrality is showing again. At the heart of it, your questioning centers on "What does Trump have in common with the little people?" I'm thinking back to the hyper-inflated story of George Bush, pere, getting geeked-out over a grocery store scanner. Then came the follow-up things. Has he ever bought a gallon of milk? Does he feel people's pain? Etc., etc.
If Trump has done none of the things you mention, and even if he only drives a golf cart 18 holes, does that mean he shouldn't be reelected? Besides, if it's all about seeing America, did Hidin' Biden ever go to Iowa just for fun?
This (the Biden clip) would make a very good Trump commercial. All that is needed is Trump's voice at the end saying "I approve this message".
Inga the State's HandmaID WROTE: "I’d take a senile Biden over a senile Trump any day, so would millions of other people." C'mon, man! Are you a junkie?! I mean, besides the obvious addiction to the State-cult's Kool-Aid.
What a shock: with a choice of candidates, the State's Handmaid chooses the more statist one, senility and all. Who could have seen that coming? The woman seems determined to live her life on her knees.
Biden has dementia. Nothing else matters.
Trump sounded like he had just learned to read.
What do you use to start a fire in Yo Semite National Park?
A Mazel Tov cocktail, of course.
I'll show myself out. Tip your waitress!!
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Matthew 18 [6] But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Revelation 18 [21] And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
The end is near !
your favorite Billionaires !
Seeking research funding
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