August 5, 2020

Life, disrupted.


Earnest Prole said...

It just goes to show you: It's always something. If it's not one thing, it's another.

Kate said...

Forget her, I want to see the photographer. Was he on a steadicam?

Static Ping said...

On the plus side, her husband should never forget their anniversary.

Ice Nine said...

Evidence that Allah doesn't like trannies, perhaps?

Darrell said...

Sure. We don't want to see the bride falling on her ass.

Mr. D said...


Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It’s like rain on your wedding day, sort of.

mockturtle said...

How awful! :-(

madAsHell said...

Someone left the cake out in the rain!!

madAsHell said...

Judging by the comments, everyone heard the bad news before they felt it.

Iman said...

I gotta admit, I was admiring the beautiful bride and uttering my own allahu akbar right before the blast.

Narr said...

Allah akbar--it's the all-purpose vocable!

On campus, there were some modest Muslima students with smoking bods. They didn't veil, but covered their smoking bods with the tightest clothes this side of spray-on.

Allah akbar indeed

Wince said...

The fireworks are supposed to be saved for the wedding night.

Roughcoat said...

A classic Near Eastern beauty. Women who looked just like her no doubt graced the court of Cyrus the Great, Assurbanipal, Solomon, etc. Timeless.

Original Mike said...

It was a mostly peaceful day.

DavidUW said...

refer to my previous rankings of Mediterranean women.

JPS said...

Poor lady. I'm glad to briefly see her OK when the camera turns back.

Imagine being there, feeling a blast like that, taking shelter. They must surely have thought their city was under attack. Then imagine hearing from your government, No, no, just an accident. See, we confiscated 2700 tons of a stable but powerful explosive six years ago, we stored it all together, then we let someone pile up a bunch of easily flammable material next door. If only someone could have foreseen a problem.

Stephen said...

It had the same feel as when I saw Bambi vs. Godzilla in 1970.

eric said...

Why does someone say Allah Akbar before the blast?

I've seen lot's of video's as terrorists are about to blow something up say that.

But it doesn't seem like they know the explosion is coming, and yet they say it right before the blast.

William said...

On the news tonight, there was a video of some woman in labor when this happened. Both she and the baby survived, but there were certainly complications in the delivery. What a ghastly event, made even more ghastly if it turns out the cause was stupidity rather than malice or corruption.

The Crack Emcee said...

I crack up every time I see it:

She thought she was the SHIT.

stevew said...

A special day made even more memorable.

rhhardin said...

Too much makeup.

rhhardin said...

If air was a dispersive medium for acoustic waves, we couldn't understand each other but blast waves wouldn't happen. You'd get a loud chirp from an explosion, slower the further away the blast is.

You'd still be able to communicate in morse code.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Great summation Original Mike. Apt as hell.

Leland said...

A great example of what happens when your trust corrupt bureaucrats to do their job. Nothing like leaving ammonium nitrate stored next to fireworks and other flammable and explosives for 6 years. The immediate speculation by the world press was some nefarious act by Israel or maybe some other entity. Rather it was government bureaucrats leaving an explosive mix in the heart of a major city.

bwebster said...

Perfect metaphor for 2020.

ccscientist said...

I have visited an old WWII ammo depot: concrete bunkers set far enough apart that if one blew the others would not. There have been disasters like this in Texas and Halifax and England but people don't seem to learn.