Seeing a lot of people say Jacob Blake was "armed," and thus his shooting was justified. According to DOJ, there was a knife on the floorboard of the car he was trying to enter, but he had no other weapons on him.
— Christian Schneider (@Schneider_CM) August 27, 2020
२७ ऑगस्ट, २०२०
Just a knife.
Christian Schneider,
Jacob Blake,
११२ टिप्पण्या:
Re-phrased, "Suspect with active arrest warrant would not cooperate, shrugged off a taser, ignored police commands at gun point, and aggressively entered vehicle where there was a knife with an officer trying to remove him from vehicle. At that time, officer fired his gun."
Other than seven bullets, he wasn’t hurt. So no biggee.
They should hire Crocodile Dundee to report from the front lines. He knows what a knife is and what a knife is not.
The cops don't know what's there when he goes for it. It could have been nothing, for that matter. They have to assume it's a gun.
"No other weapons on him."
Is that like "otherwise peaceful?"
He brought a knife to a gunfight?
Pretty sure there are pics of him holding the knife while walking to the car. His three sons were in the car, and I believe he's the non-custodial parent. He was recently arrested for domestic abuse and for sexual assault of his then-ex-girlfriend, now his fiancee, who's the mother of those three children. This was a very charged situation and who knows what he was going to do.
But, sure. No other weapons besides the knife. If he had a bazooka they'd say "but he didn't have a tactical nuke."
Has this been sorted out? Folks on Twitter have been showing images that are said to show him w/ a knife in his hand, IOW not in the car. Also, some folks say the knife was on the floorboard on the driver’s side. Some say it was on the passenger side floorboard. Some just say floorboard, nothing more specific. And, some say Blake was telling the cops that there was a knife in his car.
Doesn’t seem like it should be too hard to get to facts.
Guy gets tazed and doesn't go down, ignores police commands, reaches in to his car and has a knife. What are the cops supposed to do? Wait until he gets in his car and pray he doesn't have a gun? Watch him drive away? Then what? Leave him alone because as long as he is ignoring the police he has a free pass? That POS was wanted for raping a 14 year old among other things. A real governor would have called out the NG and issued shoot to kill orders for looters, arsonists and rioters. But then again all of this is only happening in DimCong cities, counties and states.
The cops were armed and told him to stop. To paraphrase Crack, that poor man had no other option than to go for his car and reach for a knife.....Epstein did not die in vain. Two of the last two martyrs had a record of convictions for sexual abuse of children. It is heartening to see that our left is broad minded and inclusive enough to include sex offenders in its honor roll of heroes. Not like the Republicans who ignore the hideous crimes of that ogre Kavanaugh.
Well, no one has ever been killed with just a knife.
I think the "searching under the seats" part was the clincher, Christian.
Since the police psychically knew this, they clearly targeted the man due to his skin color.
The police were absolutely justified in their actions from what I can tell. Ask Biden.
These armchair quarterbacks should do the Police's job for one day so they can see what "Just a knife" can actually mean. What a smuck.
It was justified because he was armed while threatening to harm others, and then when confronted by police, he walked away rather than dropping the weapon and having a conversation with police. I thought they wanted to have conversations?
A few days ago, I saw a photograph showing a hook-shape knife in Blake's hand as he was walking around the front of his car. I think I saw it in a comment on Steve Sailer's blog. Later, however, I could not find the photograph, so it apparently was a hoax and was removed from wherever I saw it.
I write this because I mentioned the hook-shape knife in a comment on this blog.
This shooting still looks like a bad one to me (a former prosecutor). However, most people don’t realize how deadly a knife can be and how quickly it can be deployed. Cops do.
On the one hand I think: So did he drop it when he got shot or was he reaching for it when he got shot?
On the other hand I think: Gee, I have a knife in may car too. It's a Swiss Army knife, folded, in the glove box, but it is in the car. If a cop gunned me down and the DOJ attempted to justify it by stating, accurately but misleadingly, that the perp (me) had a knife in the car, I would be perturbed if I was still alive.
On the third hand I would never fight a cop, so I don't think I'd have to consider my second hand. It's more a what-if.
The video shows him carrying a knife which is probably what the cops did not tackle him. More lying.
It seems to me that Blake told the policemen that he had a knife in his car. Then Blake went to get the knife out of the car. Fearing that Blake might use the knife to attack the policeman, the policeman shot Blake.
Blake should have told the policeman to fetch the knife out of the car.
When Blake himself went to get the knife, the policeman should have backed away to a safe distance when Blake was reaching into the car. However, maybe the policeman thought Blake actually would pull a gun, not a knife, out of the car.
The policeman panicked because Blake was acting unpredictably.
"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl."
I, too, often get Kenosha and Philadelphia mixed up with each other.
Now you really have to wonder what the stupid bastard thought he was going to accomplish.
2 movies as Scott Adams would say. I am guiding my unhinged liberal neighbor to consider that this child molester clearly wanted to die. It was suicide by cop.
They tried everything from negotiation, to tasering and then had to take him down as he was clearly going to get something out of his car or take off and injure people fleeing. It's not any more complicated than that.
We need a better class of "Civil Rights Heros"
Other than the knife, he was unarmed.
Other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?
I'm waiting for the 'It was only a knife' crowd to chime in.
Police aren't paid to get slashed before they shoot.
If you resist arrest and then go on to reach for a deadly weapon (can we agree that knives can kill?) then you will be shot. And not in the leg as a warning shot (per Biden).
Police are trained to shoot at a body mass multiple times.
So interesting that it took so long for this to come out.
Videos show him pulling the commando fighting knife from his front belt. Then the drunk guy refuses to drop it and tries to Open the car door and reach underneath the drivers seat to hide it. The police officer arresting him thought he was swapping the fighting knife For a gun. At that point the officer is trained to shoot first and ask questions later. His stupidity got him shot.
Well, guess there'd better be more rioting then. After all, he just must have been 'peaceably ' going for the knife to give it to the cops, right?
Journal Sentinel
Jacob Blake had knife in car but was otherwise unarmed, Wisconsin DOJ says as it releases name of Kenosha officer who shot him in the back
8:10 PM · Aug 26, 2020
The kind of knife that's mostly peaceful?
I think the fundamental problem here in this particular situation was the lack of a means to bring him down short of shooting him with a pistol. They apparently did tase him to no effect. Did this fail because tasers' potency has been reduced to prevent other injuries? I don't know, but I do see lots of stories in the last several years talking about tasers failing, and I have to wonder why this happens. For the record, I have been tased before in a demonstration of how to use one about 20 years ago, and it dropped me instantly and I pissed on myself- but then I wasn't hyped up on adrenalin at the time.
I am guessing a trained canine at that scene might have been most effective.
In traditional "justice" the question of whether the accused has a criminal history, or is related to criminals, or is of a class or race or neighborhood known as prone to criminality -- all must be set aside. Did the accused commit THIS crime? All other knowledge is irrelevant and inadmissible.
In SOCIAL justice the question MUST include whether the accused grew up in a broken home, with abusive criminal parents, in a crime ridden neighborhood, as a member of a class known to prone to violence ... in SOCIAL justice all this stuff must be determined as a part of the narrative which MUST be admitted into consideration.
So it's necessary to determine whether this guy was prone to go about armed, with what sorts of weapons, and what prior use he's made of weapons ... it's all about SOCIAL justice. We must be class conscious and use our enlightened awaken perceptions to treat this person -- victim or perpetrator, whichever -- as a representative of the group with which he is most affiliated.
Seems to me he's representative of a criminal class (outstanding warrant) and his SOCIAL class deserved to be punished. Individually, I would agree his treatment was unjust. But socially? Social Justice seems to suggest he got what members of his class should expect from the system as it is designed.
-Woman called police: boyfriend wasn't supposed to be there
-Police tried arresting #JacobBlake; taser didn't stop
-He walked around car, opened door, reached in
-Officer Rusten Sheskey fired 7 Xs
-Blake admitted he had knife
-Knife found on driver's side
I'm confused. Why would anyone call the police? We are scolded daily that the police are evil, vile racist storm troopers. Nancy said so.
You have the luxury of hindsight unknown blue check nobody guy. Cops don't.
"This eruption in our city is based on years and years and years of oppression," Hall said. "What you see is a lot of pain, a lot of fear, and a lot of trauma. Both sides are afraid of both sides, because no one communicates to each other.""
Nonsense. The rioters, and the Blakes and Floyds, have no fear whatsoever. They believe themselves immune to consequences, if they even know what consequences are.
Yeah, "just a knife". This from the same kind of people who squeal with fear when someone calls them a bad name. People who don't have the guts to become Cops love to play the tough guy. And yeah too bad Mr. Jacob was shot. And Too bad they couldn't have tasered Mr. Jacob, oh wait they did. Too bad they couldn't have drawn their guns and gave him a chance to be cuffed. Oh wait they did. Too bad they Couldn't have wrestled him to the ground. Oh wait, they did. Too bad they didn't let him drive away with a knife, an outstanding warrant, and some kids in the back. Oh wait, they stopped that.
Anyway, glad that the DoJ and presumably a whole Team of FBI agents PLUS the state of WI are all looking into whether Mr. Jacob had his "civil rights" violated. Good thing he was black, because if he was a White wife beater with a warrant out for his arrest, no one would care. Call it Black crook privilege.
I would like to know how the story got out that he was there to break up a fight.
It's much like hands up, don't shoot, isn't it? Or like Trayvon talking to his girlfriend on the phone? This lore that gets out ahead of the facts.
According to the FBI, far more people are killed by knives in th US than by rifles or shotguns.
Let me get this straight. An individual with outstanding felony warrants and a history of gun violence ignores countless directions from a police officer, opens the car door and reaches under the seat. There have been many police ambushes lately so what would any reasonable person think was going to happen when Mr. Blake turned around. In addition, the use of certain drugs can make non lethal wounds inconsequential and not stop the individual. I can't imagine any police officer not responding exactly the same way.
We need justice reform. My suggestion:
All this needless drama comes about because the police insist on arresting black crooks when they're not in the mood. The Police need to ask Black crooks upfront if they wish to go to jail. And if not, just give them a business card. "Just call us its convenient", the police could say, "our numbers on the card".
Whites and Hispanics of course, would just be arrested. No one cares about them.
No one has ever killed anyone with a knife!
"Seeing a lot of people say Jacob Blake was "armed," and thus his shooting was justified. According to DOJ, there was a knife on the floorboard of the car he was trying to enter, but he had no other weapons on him."
I have seen one or two people suggest that he had a knife on him. But that is not why the police shot him. They shot him because he was reaching into his car to get something off the floor. Maybe Christian Schneider just misunderstood. Or maybe he is a deceitful troll.
I am missing the point here. The cops were trying to arrest him. They Tasered him to no effect. He went for a knife on the floor in his vehicle. They opened fire on him. They were then successful at arresting him. Moral of the story is that you don’t go for a deadly weapon when the police are trying to arrest you. It gives them legal justification to shoot you.
I wonder how the shooter is questioned in this sorta situation. Presumably the process of reviewing the shooting would have stumbled into revealing that the cop saw Blake w/ a knife, or he didn’t see Blake w/ a knife. Maybe the cops can go quiet and avoid answering any questions re such an incident. To keep their legal options open. Or maybe the investigation does know the answers re this, as told by the police, but they choose to not make that information public. For some procedural or other reason.
Re the other side, the investigation has publicly revealed that during questioning Blake, while paralyzed in the hospital, told police that he had a knife in the car.
I dunno.
The need by white men to exert control over others is strong.
That's all this is.
He had the knife in his hand and dropped in of the floor board when he was shot. Reports are a woman called the police saying Blake was at her place and wasn't supposed to be (restraining order?) and had taken her car keys from her. Was that his car? Did he pull up with those kids in the car, or was he about to take off with them.
Yeah, because a knife is practically a spoon or something. Anyone who's ever watched TV or the movies knows that a guy with a knife can be easily disarmed by virtually anyone, and even if you're stabbed by it, you recover quickly enough to foil the bad guy by the fourth act. I mean, duh.
Just a knife. The officers should have known. Don't they get training to spot weapons hidden by suspects that are resisting arrest?
So he was only armed a little bit. Mostly unarmed, I guess. Also he fought the cops, seemed unaffected by the taser, and was apparently going to flee the scene with a car full of kids. I'm not saying the shooting was justified, but I'm glad it's not my call to make.
As in many cases, it comes down to how much risk is a police officer required to tolerate or take steps to avoid before using deadly force.
This case present a complex of factors involving who called the police for assistance, the behavior and history of the suspect, as well as his threat to the officers and the children.
Perhaps legally justified but something short of absolutely necessary?
After giving it some thought, that might be the appropriate twin standard for legal liability: justified (criminal) and necessary (civil).
Just what, exactly, clears the bar for Mr. Schneider? Molotov cocktail? Shiv?
Brave Twitter Posters have set new rules for engaging taser-resistant felons refusing to comply and going for a weapon:
1. Wait to see if the weapon he is reaching for is a gun or knife.
2. If knife, engage with department-issued Police Knife. To be fair.
3. If gun, try to die with dignity. Lots of people are going to see the footage.
"The reactionary gap is the distance needed to react decisively and effectively to a given situation. There is no definitive answer as to how far a reactionary gap should be and things like terrain, physical conditioning, situational awareness, skill level and the nature of the attack can affect the required distance." (stolen from a tacticool blog)
That said, since police in the US are being forced to abandon shooting, clubbing, tackling and other means of subduing a suspect, I expect modern forms of the sasumata to be used in the future of police/criminal interactions. Sasumata are standoff weapons, poles with hooks or rings on the end, used to grab and control a detainee without getting within knife or fist or foot range. Here in the US, I'd expect their use to be backed up by shotgun-armed officers who would put the arrestee down for good if a gun gets pulled.
Hey, you got any better ideas? Maybe intelligent, large white balloons like in The Prisoner?
Mike Sylwester said... The policeman panicked because Blake was acting unpredictably.
Blake was just another upstanding citizen with arrest warrants, who fought police and forced them to make a (possibly bad) life or death decision.
If we abolish the Police, upstanding citizens like Blake, Micheal Brown, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor will live with us in peace and harmony.
What could go wrong?
Well now Crack he showed them how it's done shittin into a bag the rest of his life and all. That's lotta homo, no sapiens.
Milo Minderbinder said...
Just what, exactly, clears the bar for Mr. Schneider? Molotov cocktail? Shiv?
It is too bad that there is no Conservative George Soros that could start a foundation that would pay people like Christian Schneider to spend a week doing a ride-along with his local police department. It might cure him of some stupid ideas he's got.
Dear Crack - I'd like to know why the woman called in the evil white storm troopers?
The need by white men to exert control over others is strong.
That's all this is.
Unless one believes that black women shouldn’t be assaulted or robbed...
There are a lot of blacks who want more police in their neighborhoods but don't want white police.
So, just like the way things are going on college campuses, let's just bring back the segregation of the Democrat Jim Crow south. Only black police in a neighborhood with 50%+ black citizens. Separate but equal.
So now, instead of white cops killing black people or white cops getting killed by black people, we have equitable black on black killings.
This was a cop that has watched Surviving Edged Weapons.
There are about 1,500 knife killings per year in the USA. A knife is a lethal weapon.
The man had a warrant for the rape of a 15 year old. The police were called to the site by a woman who apparently felt endangered. He ignored police instructions and reached into a car to obtain a weapon. All of a sudden his sister is comparing him to Emmett Till. It's disgusting.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
The need by white men to exert control over others is strong.
That's all this is.
Crack: "Why won't people listen to me?"
No one on the left seems happy that Blake might now be held accountable for raping a 14-year-old girl. In 2020, as far as progressives are concerned, underage female rape survivors can go kick rocks; the real victims are rapists who get shot while reaching for a weapon as they resist arrest.
After watching the video a few more times on a good monitor I'm beginning to wonder if the first shot fired by the officer holding the shirt was an accidental or unintentional discharge.
The rest could be explained by reflex and a split second decision to follow through with the shooting once committed, even if initially unintentional.
Just a possibility and we'll eventually hear from the officer (although he might have good reason to deny it), but keep your eye on the gun and the gun hand at the instant of the first shot.
The Crack Emcee said...
The need by white men to exert control over others is strong.
That's all this is.
The need for black men to be criminals is strong.
Solution? No cops responding to black domestic violence calls. Problem solved !
IMO: It seems likely that, if justice is served, all of the highly public deaths of black men interacting with police officers are going to be decided in the favor of the police, at least in large part. And then the real riots will begin.
Why argue facts? We now know Trayvon Martin was the aggressor. We know Michael Brown was running at the cop and his hands were NOT up. We now know the "I can't breathe" cry began as he sat in the back of the cop car, not when the cop had his knee on his shoulder, not his neck. And we now know that Blake resisted arrest,shrugged off the taser and was armed with a knife.
No one on the left will believe these fact. Or,perhaps more truthfully they don't WANT to know.
The absolutely disgusting lie, "It's open season on black men" is more useful to the left.... until it's not.
The Crack Emcee said, "The need by white men to exert control over others is strong.
That's all this is."
Crack, you gotta be trolling now. You ain't that dumb.
Pray tell, what would a bunch of black cops have done?
I guess if it was a black cop his "need" would instantly change to "I don't want to freakin' die here"
Last time I looked, Officer Tony Mensah was quite "melanated".
If America was as racist as some blacks say it is, blacks would be rounded up into concentration camps or back on Democrat plantations.
Instead, they're free, but somehow insist on living in Democrat-controlled ghettos.
Stockholm syndrome?
In this video, a Black police brutality activist goes through some use of force training and learns what is really up, and completely changes his message from blaming police to telling people how important it is to comply with them.
In the training scenario, he quickly kills an unarmed man, and sees how easy a cop gets killed if he assumes for even a moment that the suspect is not dangerous. Every activist should at least see this kind of thing, or they do not not what the hell they are talking about. Officers usually have about 3/4 of a second to make the decision that could save their life. The problem is not the cops, but the criminals, and people who act like ones when confronted by police. If you want police shootings to be reduced, the only way is to get people to stop resisting arrest. You are picking a fight with an armed man who does not have the luxury of walking away or giving up. That's just asking to get shot, and sometimes insisting on it. There are bad shootings by cops, and I think the training should give citizens more benefit of the doubt in some situations, but not if you are actively resisting. Take it up in court, not in the street. You will lose on the street, and now days so does everyone else for your stupidity.
I believe that the original source of this updated information is the WI AG's prepared statement. That statement appears to me to be deliberately vague on the question of where the knife was and when. (Of course the investigation is pending, so perhaps there are good reasons for the vagueness.) Apparently, the AG was asked several times whether the knife was in the car the whole time vs. just dropped there after the shooting and the AG refused to answer.
Will also point out the same day our Governor made his first statements (that Blake was "mercilessly shot" and the this shows Wisconsinites and other Americans need to work on their racism), he was also asked about reports that Blake had a knife; and Evers responded that there was no evidence that Blake had a knife.
The cynic in me predicts that the governor and Kenosha DA are going to go with the bad shoot narrative as long as possible, at least until after the election.
Think of what would happen if they made an announcement that there will be no charges against the officer and all the cops keep their jobs . . .besides the embarrassment for the Evers and the PTB in Kenosha, perhaps more riots? Which wouldn't be helpful for Biden's election odds. . . even CNN has figured that out.
I can’t tell if the title of the post is expressing tragic regret that Blake was shot by the police because it was just a knife in the car, or if the title is meant to sarcastically mock the idea that a knife isn’t a deadly weapon.
Which one is it Ann?
I have a genuine question:
If he was facing arrest for rape of a girl and was in the middle of intimidating his kids mother and taking her keys (which again raises the question of whose car was that the kids were in), what would he have done differently if he decided on suicide by cop?
He was tased and shrugged it off.
He ignored multiple police orders while surrounded by them including when they pulled firearms.
He went into his vehicle bent forward to retrieve something.
What exactly is different here than someone who is surrounded by police, ignore all commands and even efforts to subdue, and reach into their pants to pull out a weapon.
In virtually every one of the cases, it was a black man not controlling himself that caused the violence, and usually after numerous previous examples of him not controlling himself. That's all this is, over and over. The fact that people are refusing to see this guarantees it will continue to cost black men their lives. If you care about that, the solution is exactly the opposite of blaming other people.
Keep this in mind - at the distances involved here, knives are typically considered more dangerous than handguns. Inside the Tueller Drill distance of about 20 feet, you may do better with a knife, and definitely when in touching distance, as here. At those distances, often all you can get to are limbs, which can much more easily opened up enough to bleed enough to slow the other party down with a knife, than a gun, which just punches small holes. Guns are distance weapons, while knives are close in weapons.
I should note that while I most often carry a gun in the vehicle I am driving, I also carry a knife, and it is invariably more conveniently located. The pickup has my K-Bar sticking up between the seat and the console. The Audi has a bit smaller knife similarly located. If someone reaches into your vehicle, you probably want to react first, at those distances, with a knife.
The policeman panicked because Blake was acting unpredictably.
No. The policeman did not panic. The policeman followed his training. It is probably very surprising how far an individual armed with a knife can move and inflict a fatal wound before an armed person can react. That distance is 21 feet, commonly called the Tueller distance after a police sergeant who ran a series of tests to quantify how close is “too close.” The distance came up with was more or less confirmed in an episode of “Mythbusters” 8 or 10 years ago.
I think Christian Schneider must want police to carry a variety of knives on their belts so that if a suspect comes at them with a knife they can bolster their sidearms and grab a knife that is similar in blade length, thus making it more of a fair fight. Fortunately, that’s not how the law reads.
BTW, count me in with those who think this was a failed effort at suicide by cop.
The Washington Post (I think) has a list of 1400 or so black people killed by police. I am not sure if one of the 1400 is a black woman -- but I'm sure it's less than 10. So, all we need to do to eliminate the problem of police killing blacks is to have black men behave like black women. No police training, or justice reform, or anything else. Is there something wrong with this conclusion?
What was Jason Blake reaching for if not the knife? People keep saying he was trying to get into the car. But those are not the movements of someone trying to sit down; they are the movements of someone reaching for something -- on the floor boards or under the seat or in the lower front door compartment.
Taken in context, the police had every reason to believe Blake was reaching for a weapon and of course they feared a gun.
What if it had been a gun? Now the police officers may get killed, and if they fire back there are children right behind Jason Blake.
But it was a knife he was actually reaching for. There seems to be nothing else that makes any sense. The officer that shot Blake seems to have correctly assessed the violent intent of Jason Blake.
Imagine that you are police officer and you face this kind of threat day after week!
"If America was as racist as some blacks say it is, ..."
They would be fleeing to Africa. It doesn't cost much these days to go to Africa. People say and believe things that are contradicted by what they do.
Joseph Mensah
The general idea I am getting from Crack is that blacks should never be arrested by white cops. So what is his position on rioting if a black cop shoots a black suspect?
He was holding the knife when he walked back to his car and opened the door. Both video and audio confirm it.
Prosecutor is lying.
I still think my modest proposal is the most reasonable response to the issue of white police officers shooting black people: All police officers must be black.
I suspect under such a scheme, the number of black men getting shot would go up, not down. But that seems a small price to pay for political correctness.
Josh Kaul (WI Attorney General). What a prize. His investigation into the incident may have been incurious.
In defense of Christian Schneider (erstwhile Dennis York), he's going by the limited info offered up by Kaul's DOJ. I don't fault him for giving the benefit of the doubt, but I would hope that as a journalist he would pursue a more robust, independent investigation.
In the old days they would've just cracked his skull with a police baton, problem solved. Miles Davis tried to attack a policeman on the streets of NYC and got a blackjack to the head. He didn't like it, but he didn't end up dead or paralyzed.
But liberals have reformed the police so they have to either let suspects go, shoot them, or taser them. And if the taser doesn't work - its either shoot or wave goodbye.
BTW, arguing with Crack is a waste of time, but some like it.
DantheMan, other solutions:
1) All blacks get a get at least 10 Lifetime "Get out of jail free" cards.
2) Only black policeman can arrest Black crooks. This could be a Jobs program for unemployed black men. They wouldn't have to do anything but ride in the police car and then interact with the black suspects. Arrest if necessary. White policeman would just stand behind them and "Supervise".
3) Excuse black people from being arrested for anything but Rape, Murder, and armed robbery. Domestic abuse, drugs, moving violations, speeding, etc. they would be immune from arrest. Like Samurai in 18th century Japan.
Some Twitter wisdom on the subject
If this guy had taken off and held his children hostage, the media would criticize the police:
"Here's a situation where the cops should have shot the guy. Their criminal inaction put the children at risk."
But as the statistics show, [AR-15s] really aren't being used against that many Americans. In fact, far more Americans are dying by knives. According to the FBI data, 1,515 were stabbed, cut, or maimed to death by a knife or other cutting instrument. This is a number 5 times higher than those killed by rifles, which sits at just 297.
Anyone who says it's "just a knife" is either an ignoramus, and idiot, or a liar
The suspect got what he deserved, lucky to be alive. Why do people want to make these criminals into saints?
>>But liberals have reformed the police so they have to either let suspects go, shoot them, or taser them.
This is absolutely right on point! Well meaning lefties (I'm being a bit generous here) have removed chemical mace and batons as options from many police (and jailers, too).
CS/CN gas is a great fight stopper, and a baton is a great way to make violent people less violent. But both involve inflicting a great deal of pain on the person you are arresting.
Some guys are just going to fight the police no matter what. Tasers work about 50% of the time. For the other 50% you need better options, many of which are being taken away.
But the new rule is you have to have a reasoned dispassionate discourse with violent folks until they see the error of their ways.
"This was a cop that has watched Surviving Edged Weapons."
Still the best episode of Wheel of the Worst ever recorded.
Summed up perfectly:
"Going with "cops must treat with kid gloves non-compliant, armed sex offenders violating domestic violence protection orders" is an interesting direction for Democrats to go."--Kurt Schlicter
When you don’t shoot a killer resisting arrest and reaching in his car...
Dave64 said...
The suspect got what he deserved, lucky to be alive. Why do people want to make these criminals into saints?
Saints? Try angels.
"The need by white men to exert control over others is strong."
When I was a good deal younger, I had frequent adversarial encounters with the police, usually involving alcohol and loud music. Something I learned is that police officers feel an almost pathological need to be in physical control of the situation. If you make it clear that you don't threaten that control, they will put up with all kinds of crap. Really amazing amounts of crap, as long as they don't perceive you as a physical threat. Although, about the third time you crank up the amp and launch back into Gloria, you are probably going to jail.
White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across US, report says
A former FBI agent has documented links between serving officers and racist militant activities in more than a dozen states
And they - and their supporters - are fooling no one.
Why do people want to make these criminals into saints?
That's what Candace Owens and Shelby Steele keep asking? Why are the only people in our culture to glorify the lowest denominator.
Anyone else with a bad relation in their family would simply say..."Well..he got what he was asking for" and write him off as if he had never sullied their family.
Crack knows all those white supremacists are out to get him.
Time to head for Africa, Crack. Lagos, Nigeria might be nice. 25 million residents and all black. Not sure they want you, though. The Igbos are pretty picky.
As if the cops knew with 100% certainty exactly what he had in his car. But, hey, they are only cops and their lives aren't worth anything, anyway, right? That's sarcasm, btw.
I am SO disgusted by the media. The way they played this is just unconscionable and goes way beyond any acceptable amount of hyperbole in pursiuit of clicks. And your utterly execrable Governor? Words just fail me.
The video shows some poor police work, that crew pretty clearly had no training in how to handle a situation like that. Blake should never have got within 5 feet of his car door. But that is just to say the cops were too lenient with him when restraining him rather than lethal force was in order.
On Chicago's South Side, where I grew up, no self-respecting cop would ever show up to a brawl without a "throw-down" gun or knife for cover in his killing operation.
Big Mike,
You are correct about the silly "fair fight" idea that liberals seem to be pushing. Screw a fair fight. That's an outrageous notion. Damn near as stupid and dangerous to society as "defund the police."
The police dept should hire Rittenhouse once he gets out of prison.
He could have gotten the job done with far fewer wasted bullets.
Late to the party once again. I have multi-racial semi-brown children who I raised to Chicago. I hear this shit about Black parents having to "have the talk with their children, especially their boys."
Fuck, I'm a white dude with semi-POC kids in freaking Chicago. They got "the talk," too. Don't break the law. If you do it for high moral reasons, have OpSec and don't get caught, like your dad never got busted for being a commie. And number one, if some shit goes down, never resist arrest. It is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Whatever your "race," that is just some common sense.
I keep waiting for one of these so-called sports heroes to man up and state the obvious. Don't resist arrest and the cops won't shoot you.
I wish Shaq would make a public service announcement. He would take a lot of heat and might even lose some commercials, but he is the one guy that could pull it off.
Rittenhouse stood against the Neo-KKK, the diversitists. The Some, Select Black Lives Matter who invades people's neighborhoods, businesses, sets fires, loots (i.e. redistributive change), assaults people, intimidates people to force submission, and runs a diversity (i.e. racist) racket for profit.
White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across US, report says
The Guardian also thinks there are too many white girls in the Olympics. It's a far-left rabid diversitist (i.e. racist, sexist) publication that often fronts for far-left movements like Some, Select Black Lives Matter, and post-normal science agendas like catastrophic anthropogenic global cooling... warming... change.
Crack knows all those white supremacists are out to get him.
The rabid diversitists are. This is post-apartheid Progressive South African lynching mobs all over again.
" I hear this shit about Black parents having to "have the talk with their children, especially their boys.""
My parents never had the talk with me. Not because I'm white, but because they knew I was not stupid. Seriuosly.
Although grainy video is inconclusive, he looked to possibly have had the knife already, although whether he was reaching for it or dropping it doesn't matter to me.
I disagree with the seventh bullet, but where do you draw the line exactly? Surely at least one is warranted.
Every human society is maintained by the men within it. The Police are created to deal with those who exploit the weaknesses. There are always weaknesses. Let's try Grrlll Power! Yeah. Let's try that.
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