He's getting pushback. I'm seeing tweets like: "We all saw the tape! No one 'attacked' you. They were protesting, and yelled at you while you were cowering behind a police escort." And: "The video proved that @randpaul is a liar. This was a stunt to send to #FoxNews." Where's the video? I see this, but I don't know what portion of the incident it shows.
There's also this tweet: "See, if the police provided this sort of protection to every person of color instead of firing bullets in their back, people would not be protesting in the first place." It seems to me, the reason the police were on the scene in the Jacob Blake incident was that they came to protect a woman who had called them. The woman had made a call and the call was responded to. Does this tweeter want the police to provide protection or not? If a woman calls and asks for help in a domestic situation, should the police leave her to handle her own problem?! Whatever happened to concern about violence against women?
Maxine Waters: “And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.” pic.twitter.com/1efIW8VI3e
— Kelb Hull (@CalebJHull) August 28, 2020
९१ टिप्पण्या:
It's called menacing, and it's illegal.
Whatever happened to concern about violence against women?
It’s been sacrificed to the greater good of the Narrative.
There is video from outside showing the police surrounding Paul and his wife being shoved.
AA, you ask questions too difficult for our Leftists to answer. So they stay away.
He is recovering from injuries suffered when attacked by an angry mob of one.
If they are not of your tribe, they are presumed to lie.
How uneducated are these people? Rand Paul is one of the strongest advocates for police reform in either party.
What tangled webs we weave...
He wasn't attacked in that no one was trying to whack him with a skateboard, but they were surrounded by a huge group of hostile people who would not let them move until more police officers came to escort them to the hotel.
There were women in this group that was stopped and held captive by the mob. Violence and intimidation towards women is part of what they do.
Take them for their word when they say, "By any means necessary."
Rand is having another bad hair day
The Soros paid riot forces do not like assault being a crime if they stop an inch from battery. Maybe all visitors to DC can be issued a Rittenhouse model AR-15 with free ammo. Then assault away, you insane terroristic scum.
If a woman calls and asks for help in a domestic situation, should the police leave her to handle her own problem?!
well, that's Going To Be the new norm. Want help? call MS-13; they're in charge now
"Whatever happened to concern about violence against women?"
The Professor, looking for logic in all the wrong places again.
I see it totally differently.
The cops didn't save Paul's life, they put it in jeopardy by not securing the streets. making White House guests walk into a mob with no police protections is straight up criminal.
We are very, very luckily nothing horrible happened on the streets of the nation's capital last night.
It only gets worse every passing day.
so, let me see, if i've got this straight?
They surrounded Sen Paul and tugged and grabbed; BUT! were prevented from doing more by the police
And THAT MEANS, he Wasn't attacked?
hypothetical question
if i pull out a weapon (gun? angry mob?), and point it at your head;
BUT! the police prevent me from killing you.... Then you're a liar to say you were in danger?
No one attacked him? And his wife?
This tweet includes the video
On-brand for 2020, the thug working herself up into a frenzy yelling about Breonna Taylor is chasing the man who introduced the Breonna Taylor Act, which would bar no-knock raids.
D.D. Driver said...
How uneducated are these people? Rand Paul is one of the strongest advocates for police reform in either party.
DD? i doubt that they are interested in police reform
if the police stopped shooting blacks, what would angry white boys have to riot over?
The roving BLM mobs are menacing, threatening forces. They surround people and get close to them (against social distancing, btw). They follow regular people around and spit on them. They punch and they shove people and they fight cops. They shine bright lights into regular people’s houses late at night and shout at them using loud speakers.
Their behavior last night was disgraceful. Starting to feel like I can say that every single day.
After what happened to Rand by his one brute asshole progressive criminal neighbors- Rand has every right to be fearful of the corrupt Nazi menacing Antifa terrorists trolling the streets illegally.
The polling blackout continues...and so does the organized unrest. Some didn't get the message yet....
It does make we wonder- didn't the rioters who thought they'd be protected by the elected Soros officials get whacked with Federal charges in DC? Seems like a bad place for the Biden protection racket to do business...
"Whatever happened to concern about violence against women?"
If we're going to expect cops to do better at policing maybe we should expect women to be better at picking the men in their lives.
Everybody's gotta up their game.
I am Laslo.
Rand Paul hit the trifecta: the Scalise shooter, a crazy neighbor, and now the BLM mob. That can wear you down.....I try to avoid twitter as much as possible. It's like being part of an angry mob, or, in my case, being part of an angry mob that is against angry mobs. There's a conundrum: how do you negotiate with jerks in a way that appears dignified and reasonable.....If you fight back, you're a fascist or white supremacist; if you do nothing, you appear acquiescent; if you walk away, they call you cowardly and accuse you of hiding behind the police.....I hope most people are as pissed off at these BLM fools as I am, but I'm not so sure. Rand Paul gives every appearance of being a decent man who advocates reasonable policies in an honorable way, and he has to take this crap. There is no one among the news pundits, or among the late nite comics, or in the Democratic establishment who will say that these BLM protesters are sanctimonious, violence prone assholes. They parse their criticism of arsonists and go all frothy mouthed when some high school kid wears a MAGA hat.
I saw Paul's bodyguard almost knocked off his feet right beside Paul.
Blake was tazered twice? In any event, he was reaching in not leaning.
It's almost too stupid to respond to. These protestors were right up and in the faces of numerous people who were there to watch the President give his speech of acceptance at a National convention. The 'protestors' were menacing, not protesting. They were right up to the line of doing actual harm to many people. I saw a couple of videos where I am sure I would not have been able to refrain from punching. And then all hell would have broken loose.
Remember- Steve Scalise was almost killed, and others wounded by one of these 'peaceful protestors'. David Dorn and many, many others were killed by an earlier version of these 'peaceful protestors'. And Rand Paul had broken ribs and damaged lungs heaped on him when his nutcase 'liberal' neighbor blindsided him. I'd say he's probably a bit gun shy of this stuff- as he should be.
These are thug mobs. Nothing less. To look at them and call them 'peaceful' in any way, shape, or form is a misuse of language- on purpose. Peaceful people to not wear black masks with skulls on them, and scream right up in your face, while shoving their phone in your wife's face. These are people who need to start answering to the rest of America for the damage they've done to this country and our cities. Time to pay the piper.
Like: don't pair up with men who have raped or abused children, or have a previous history of domestic violence.
That should cut down a lot of 911 calls, right there.
I am Laslo.
The committed left can not see what is before their eyes.
The Progressives are going to rue the day that they didn't stop their people from being hateful and violent.
“Progressives are now upset about ‘armed vigilantism’ but still not upset about riots, arson, wholesale destruction of property, and looting.”
-so say we all
How uneducated are these people?
My impressions are that white Antifa rioters seem disproportionately to be:
– pedophile
– transgender
– drug addict
– general criminal
– punk rocker
– enjoy vandalism and violence
– working or lower middle class by background
– physically unattractive
– firebugs: people who enjoy starting pretty, pretty fires
Mobs of leftwing Nazi... coming to your town.
He was attacked. They almost shoved him and police officer to the ground. Lots of video on twitter. They literally way laid some older white man at a different point.
Fascism is here in America.
So... in order to stop a mob lawfully, you have to wait for the mob to cause you bodily harm. And hope it's not too serious. Got it.
Antifa propagandists are panicked and swarming social media this morning falsely claiming the attack by their DC cell on Rand Paul was not violent - when we can see it for ourselves
Bus full of Trump guests surrounded by protestors.
Full video of Rand Paul and wife from the start (17 minutes)
I'm glad Senator Paul is unharmed. His speech at RNC against ongoing Democratic Wars all over the world really resonated with me.
@ Christopher 8:30
Pelosi/Schumer would put a halt to any common sense POLICE reforms from Rand Paul. The left would cheer old dried up drooling Nancy Pelosi for doing so, and never realize their own self-defeating BS.
The Democrat Party supports the mobs that riot, loot, tear down statues, commit arson, intimidate, assault and sometimes murder people.
Looked like an attack to me.
"Whatever happened to concern about violence against women?"
Head slap. I'm stupid. It just dawned on me that the cops must arrest someone in a DV response. (Isn't that part of the Biden 1994 Crime Bill?) Which addressed the question: why didn't the cops just let Blake leave and arrest him later. That would have been illegal.
I still can't justify shooting a guy in the back (when you pull the trigger the expectation is that your target will be a corpse in less than a second). But, the tackling and tasing... the federal government required the cops arrest Blake. I don't think they had any discretion to simply send him on his way.
As a very wise BLACK man said "We've given the word 'mob' a bad name."
"Does this tweeter want the police to provide protection or not?"
Protection is not the issue. Police bad. Revolution good. Logic irrelevant.
"If a woman calls and asks for help in a domestic situation, should the police leave her to handle her own problem?!"
Yes, if the person assaulting her is black; otherwise call a social worker.
"Whatever happened to concern about violence against women?"
Nothing. It was always a tool to persuade women to support prog causes. You didn't think they meant to take it seriously, did you? Anyway, understand your place in the pecking order: race first, race second, then gender -- as in, black men are the most put upon, so ladies wait your turn.
"Whatever happened to concern about violence against women?"
"Black" has more Wokemon points than "woman", for the time being at least.
How many Democratic congressmen or senators have been shot or assaulted since the 2016 election? How many Republicans?
By continuing to win hearts and minds, as well as creating the civil rights history of the early 21st century, the leftist base is doing the work.
The cop is pushed so hard he's knocked into Paul who almost goes down. It's an attack and a very unsettling scene.
Or protection for the 14-year-old Mr. Blake allegedly raped?
serious question
is there a person on earth (igna? i'm talking to You); that truly believes, that if the cops weren't there, Sen Paul Wouldn't have been beaten to a pulp?
speak up! inquiring minds want to know
"Or protection for the 14-year-old Mr. Blake allegedly raped?"
This one has been debunked/clarified. He was accused of sexually assaulting an adult girlfriend.
I still can't justify shooting a guy in the back (when you pull the trigger the expectation is that your target will be a corpse in less than a second).
Which is why they shot him in the back when it looked like he was reaching for a gun, after he resisted arrest and ignored tasers.
Howard said...
Rand is having another bad hair day
Howard loves this stuff as long as they stay far away from his all white suburb.
"If a woman calls and asks for help in a domestic situation, should the police leave her to handle her own problem?!"
Yes, if the person assaulting her is black; otherwise call a social worker.
No more police calls for domestic violence if the parties are black. Problem solved.
If you don't think this is already happening, you don't know much psychology.
I've heard a couple of clips of Rand on the radio this morning. He sounded kind of pissed off.
He was very pointed about saying that he thinks many of the agitators were bussed in from surrounding areas and paid to agitate.
DC is federal land. He either knows something already or he is giving the FBI a very big hint as to what he, a powerful US senator, would like them to look into.
rehajm: "The polling blackout continues...and so does the organized unrest. Some didn't get the message yet...."
On the contrary, Nate Silver has decided he needs to go Full 1988 and is claiming Biden is up by.....13!! Just like Dukakis was up by 10 over HW Bush in....Texas(!!) in August of 1988.
Of course he is. Of course he is.....that's why the dems have already announced the Biden Basement strategy is being jettisoned to get Biden out there to a few critical states in small, short presentation, controlled locations...because he's "winning".....that's why he's changing strategies....because he's "winning".... (wink wink)
Too funny.
They aren't even trying anymore.
"If a woman calls and asks for help in a domestic situation, should the police leave her to handle her own problem?!
That's exactly what they think. Domestic calls are one of their bugaboos.
Howard said...
Rand is having another bad hair day
Really? That's the best response you've got?
Haven't read all the comments yet (a side effect of moderation) so I don't know if this has been mentioned. But I am fed up with this claim that you have to put up with their shit right up to the millisecond they strike you. Same with Blake and his reaching into the car. You can not know what's coming next. This "protest" shit IS an attack on your person.
A Riot is an Ugly Thing. [Young Frankenstein]
The United States is chock full of people who see these mobs on television and say "Yes! This is what I want! I want more of this, everyday and everywhere in my life! This is for me!" Or they say, "I'm so terrified, I'm going to vote for more of this and then maybe they'll leave me alone and go away."
Which one of these makes sense to a normal person as a constructive choice? What normal person processes what they are seeing and sees a justifiable response to the police killing a criminal with a violent history, who won't be peacefully taken into custody?
I don't think we live in a country with a plurality of abnormal people. I think we live in a country with a plurality of normal people who know how to keep their mouth shut when it's unsafe but don't like it, and know that voting is an endeavor conducted in privacy and anonymity.
Considering how Mostly Peaceful Protests have a way lately of intensifying into looty, shooty firefests, the cops erred on the side of caution.
*Oswald shoots JFK*
"That is JFK's America"
Do leftists know how stupid that sounds?
"Logic irrelevant"
Quite. The only logic left is that of war; the only thing that matters is expediency.
Mass media: We get to decide what "mostly peaceful" means; ignore those burning cars and buildings in the background.
D.D. Driver said...
How uneducated are these people?
I'm sure some of them have degrees from some of the finest schools in the country!
But being "educated" and having a lick of "walking around" sense are two different things entirely.
I was sympathetic to Paul, but then I heard him talking about how the crowd was chanting "Jacob Blake", at him and Paul thought that was odd because he had Just sponsored the "Jacob blake act" with police reforms. What a Cuck! Why doesn't Paul start wearing a BLM mask when he goes outside?
Reminds me Flaky Flake caving on the Kavanaugh hearings after a woman protester yelled at him. These R senators deserve harassment, since their first response is always appeasement.
"I'm sure some of them have degrees from some of the finest schools in the country!"
That's the problem "having a degree" does not equal "having an education."
hypothetical question
if i pull out a weapon (gun? angry mob?), and point it at your head;
BUT! the police prevent me from killing you.... Then you're a liar to say you were in danger?
That's different because, shut the fuck up! OR ELSE!
Another case of, "Who are you going to believe, us or your lying eyes?"
"On-brand for 2020, the thug working herself up into a frenzy yelling about Breonna Taylor is chasing the man who introduced the Breonna Taylor Act, which would bar no-knock raids."
These people are dumb as dirt. And they claim the moral high ground.
" I think we live in a country with a plurality of normal people who know how to keep their mouth shut when it's unsafe but don't like it, and know that voting is an endeavor conducted in privacy and anonymity.
Mail-in voting is designed to "fix" that. Seriously.
"Whatever happened to concern about violence against women?"
A bunch of middle-aged white women said that not hurting those rough, Black men (it sends little anticipatory shivers up their spines just to imagine being raped by one) is actually a bigger concern. Who cares what he does to some stupid, Black baby-Mama? And when they're not running around with inaccurate replicas of their genitalia on their heads, those white gals get out and vote.
That answer your question?
The violence will continue as long as there are no meaningful consequences for it. To date there have been none. I want these violent protesters put down with the same violence they have deployed. I want to exercise what I call the "Justinian Option." I am referring to the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I's response to civil insurrection -- the so-called "Nika Riots" - in Constantinople in 532 AD. The situation then was roughly analogous to the one now. The mob had its way for about a week, burning half the city, killing thousands, and subjecting the palace to sustained assault. Then, at the forceful urging of his magnificent wife, the Empress Theodora, Justinian summoned troops under the generals Belsarious and Mundus. The climactic moment came in the Hippodrome, during the chariot races, where the most part of the insurrection faction was gathered. The generals had their men seal the exits to the stadium after first allowing the loyalist faction to escape. Then they sent in the army. Tens of thousands were killed in the subsequent fighting. Result: No more civil unrest.
Yes. That IS what I'm advocating.
Poor Rand Paul, first his neighbor and now the mob of angry rioters. Sheesh, does he have “kick me” written on his back?
You left out James Hodgkinson, Inga.
The viral videos have been a medium for spreading political myths, social contagion, and forcing protests (e.g. invasions, intimidation, assaults).
Rabid diversitist. Colored person? Brown Lives Matter. #BabyLivesMatter
The question is if they offer equal treatment to every violent perp who resists arrest, then runs to his vehicle, for, what, a bag of skittles?
People are protesting based on warlock judgments and dreams of redistributive change (e.g. looting) motivated by the Church's diversitist dogma (i.e. color judgment).
It's called menacing, and it's illegal.
But "I'm Progressive" comes to mind. Or that scene where they were in that woman's face and prevented her from standing.
Inga said...
Poor Rand Paul, first his neighbor and now the mob of angry rioters. Sheesh, does he have “kick me” written on his back?
Inga gets a little quiver of pleasure up her back or where ever her pleasure center is. Safe in her all white suburb, like Howard who also get vicarious thrills from seeing Rand Paul attacked and injured. You and Maxine want your lefty allies to "get in their face" and hurt them if possible. Playing at revolution can get dangerous, of course.
and know that voting is an endeavor conducted in privacy and anonymity.
Mail-in voting is designed to "fix" that. Seriously.
And intimidation, New Black Panthers, not withstanding. Also, authentication to prove the vote and safeguard democracy.
"See, if the police provided this sort of protection to every person of color instead of firing bullets in their back, people would not be protesting in the first place."
Sure. He was just reaching for some Altoids. Plus, defund the police!
If there's someone shot in your neighborhood,
Who you gonna call? Team Clipboard!
If they're bleeding out..and it don't look good,
Who you gonna call? Team Clipboard!
They ain't afraid of no thugs.
They ain't afraid of no guns.
If you just got grazed up beside your head,
Who you gonna call? Team Clipboard!
A tweaked out man jumping in your bed,
Who you gonna call? Team Clipboard!
"Remember- Steve Scalise was almost killed, and others wounded by one of these 'peaceful protestors'"
It was even worse than that. Nobody seems to know that one of the victims, besides Scalise, came very close to death himself. By the grace of G-d, the Murdering Asshole (I refuse to say his name) didn't know that there would be armed police at this particular event. Bad-ass female police officer jumped in and saved many lives, otherwise it would have been a slaughter.
They should have deployed Da Fauch and Scarf Queen to implore social distancing.
Rand Paul believes that without the police presence the mob would have murdered him. He was there. We weren't. I think we should be inclined to believe him, particularly given the violence exhibited by left-wing mobs around the country.
We know now that he and his wife weren't killed but they didn't know that while in the middle of a stressful, possibly life threatening situation. I thought Kelley Paul looked really scared.
Browndog said...
The cops didn't save Paul's life, they put it in jeopardy by not securing the streets.
This is a political decision that shouldn't be held against "The cops". The responsible parties are the mayor, city council, DA office, and Chief of Police. "The cops" meaning the rank and file had nothing to do with it.
Given the mob violence that has been happening all over the country, including DC, when confronted by a mob of the same people chanting the same things Paul and his wife have every reason to think they could be assaulted.
I value fair play and simply cannot stand people who want to have it both ways.
Like the mob in CHAZ/CHOP or in Kenosha the other night, when one of their own was shot they call for the police. Sorry, you just negated your own claims. You should go home, have Mommy give you some milk and cookies, and go to bed like the toddler you are.
I know that is unkind to toddlers, most of whom are sweet and have more innate intelligence than the people in the mobs, but you get my point.
Note the lasers shining on Sen. Paul and his wife, aimed at their eyes. That's an attack.
Inga said... "Poor Rand Paul, first his neighbor and now the mob of angry rioters. Sheesh, does he have “kick me” written on his back?"
Blaming the victim -- so funny! Now do Jacob Blake.
Nobody did nothin' to Rand Paul, and, besides, he deserved it!
"I was sympathetic to Paul, but then I heard him talking about how the crowd was chanting "Jacob Blake", at him and Paul thought that was odd because he had Just sponsored the "Jacob blake act" with police reforms. What a Cuck! Why doesn't Paul start wearing a BLM mask when he goes outside?"
I don't get it.
""They were shouting threats to us, to kill us, to hurt us, but also threats saying shout, shouting 'say her name,' Breonna Taylor, and it's like you couldn't reason with this mob, but I'm actually the author of the Breonna Taylor law to end no-knock raids, so the irony is lost on these idiots that they're trying to kill the person who's actually trying to get rid of no-knock raids," he said."
Is turnabout fair play, or is only one side allowed to use this technique of public violence?
Asking for my several dozen redneck cousins living in North and South Carolina, who would be...interesting... if unleashed from the norms of nonviolence.
What Browndog said:
"The cops didn't save Paul's life, they put it in jeopardy by not securing the streets. making White House guests walk into a mob with no police protections is straight up criminal."
They got one of Kelley's shoes.
This could force Rand into a war posture.
Maybe Mitt/Pierre Delecto is giving the various actors a heads up on where Paul is.
George said...
What Browndog said:
"The cops didn't save Paul's life, they put it in jeopardy by not securing the streets. making White House guests walk into a mob with no police protections is straight up criminal."
Yes, and the hotels did not have a safe way from guests to get back in.
This little privileged white girl seems high on meth.
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