You may wonder: What about Trump's Middle East deal? Isn't that the big news? Well, it is over there on the right-hand side under the heading "Opinion," the 4th item down, a column by Max Boot: "Despite the UAE-Israel deal, Trump will leave the Mideast a bigger mess than he found it."
It's easy to understand. Whatever happened, it's bad for Trump, and it's important to the extent that it's bad for Trump.
I see I have a tag "going Washington Postal." I'm adding it because it seems randomly appropriate and because I want to publish and click on it to see what it really is.
२१८ टिप्पण्या:
218 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»i watched Millennial Millie's video that got her arrested
All News Is FAKE News
Cruel neutrality is going to be a long haul over the next few months.
The narrative engineers latching onto this conspiracy theory speaks volumes about their actual outlook on the election. They know they will lose, and every thing is focused on preparing for the delegitimization efforts after.
Screenshot this.
Eyes, millions of eyes just might be opening on the failure of, actually the hatred shown by, the MSM.
One can hope their empires come crashing down in November.
In Pennsylvania, the dopey [or trouble-making?] Dem Secretary of State established October 27 or 28 as the last day you could request a mail-in ballot. The election is just one week later . The postmaster said it could not guarantee the ballots would get back by election day. That seems like reasonable feedback since it has to go to the voter and the voter then mails it back. So now the Sec of State wants the courst to allow ballots to be counted even if received 3-4 days after election day.
If the election is close, it's going to be a mess caused by the Dems and their push for universal mail in voting enacted with shitty planning.
Whatever happens in November, there is absolutely no way I’m going to put my health at risk to give one of these clowns my vote. I won’t even risk getting a cold for these jerks.
I just looked at the home page of the WAPO. There are about 10 opinion columns on the right side of the page and each slams Trumps and/or praises Harris-Biden. So your Washington Postal tag is spot on.
Does the UAE Israel deal benefits the USA more than having a postmaster general financial profit from running USPS into a ditch to suppress vote by mail?
Boulder housing prices must be going up every day. Be sure to exit through the Amazon port hole, today's special is a tactical decoder ring with flashlight and built-in dog whistle. Apt fast, supplies are limited.
When I was in TN several weeks ago I voted early in the Aug 6th primary by going to the designated polling place and voting in person. It was no problem at all. All the poll workers were masked and gloved, there were plastic shields in place at each desk, there was hand sanitizer to use after voting, 6ft spots marked out on the designated line (but there was no line). I can see no reason why anyone needs to use vote by mail. I see plenty of people going in Wal-Mart, Target, and the grocery stores with far less protection than this. Absentee, yes, but that is a different process. Vote by mail is being set up for fraud. I have a bookmark folder in my Safari browser where I bookmark every article on problems with vote by mail that I come across. It is getting bigger every day.
At my former home here in GA, where I lived in a 55+ condo community for 4 years, we had nothing but problems with USPS the whole time I lived there. We had one of those central mailbox stations where the postal carrier posts the mail into individual boxes. Even though inside each box was an address label they constantly mixed up the mail and packages. Every day there were e-mails flying around the neighborhood from people looking for mail that was in their Informed Delivery but was not delivered and people looking for packages. The USPS was using contractors to perform this work and every day it was someone different. They never got anything right. I wouldn’t trust them with my ballot.
Lunatics. Every one of them.
Who had "USPS" in the "Next Hoax to be Deployed Against Trump" game? Whoever it was, well played.
The Dems are in full combat mode on this mail-in voting thing. They want everyone to be scared through the election.
Vote by mail is how the Dems steal the election.
If the Dems were true patriots (ha, ha), they'd be for the normal voting method as that would eliminate doubt about who really won.
The Democrat party cheats any chance it gets. Don't forget about Al Franken's first win in MN and the "found" votes and felons who voted.
All News Is FAKE News
It is the rare occasion when the facts do not precede the truth, when the picture is not framed for presentation, or where you are not steered to a preferred outcome.
Absentee, yes, but that is a different process. Vote by mail is being set up for fraud.
What a bullshit statement (which Trump continually also says). Absentee voting is vote by mail, you moron. The only difference is with absentee voting you have to give a reason as to why you can't make it to the polls, and the acceptable reasons to request an absentee ballot vary widely by state.
The postal service has been running ads on radio for a month. I assumed this was because they were running out of money for 200th time.
Howard brings a new POV. Obviously the postal workers' union is into Democrat politics big time.
"Vote by mail is how the Dems steal the election."
Think about what may be unfolding before our very eyes:
1) Dems push hard for mail-in voting (already happened)
2) Repubs gently nudge narrative that Trump is weaponizing USPS, knowing full well how the Dems will grab it and run wild (already happened)
3) Dems push HARD against mail-in voting (coming?)
Vote by mail is how the Dems steal the election.
You do realize that the only recent documented case of ballot harvesting was to the benefit of the Republican candidate?
Trump drove Israel-UAE deal off front page with his mail fraud rants. What us he tweeting about now?
Ann, your president just admitted (out loud in front of God) to his impeachable Postal Service actions to hinder and otherwise prevent registered voters from voting in less than twelve weeks during the raging pandemic. And you want to rank the likely fake and speculative news from Israel about progress toward peace in the middle east ahead of our domestic reality?
I would simply point out that horses, not humans, are most likely equipped with blinders when saddled.
The biggest story is the FBI agent who lied, and changed e-mails to help force the Russian Collusion lie for the last 4 years...but I guess that doesn't matter to progressives.
Absentee voting is vote by mail, you moron.
No. It isn't.
Absentee ballots are requested by the voter.
Vote-by-mail simply mails ballots to everyone listed as registered at whatever address they used when they registered.
Rather the difference.
Closing down democratic options is obvious and important, where the treaty is complicated. And this from the NewStatesman:Yet the agreement also demonstrates just how far the needle has swung. Israel agreed to suspend the annexation of land that it does not rightfully own under international law, an idea which it had held off on implementing anyway. The agreement was not caveated on making some sort of progress on ending the occupation of the Palestinian Territories – merely on holding off on its further entrenchment. The deal spins the status quo as a win.
Here is what Dr Fauci (PBUH) says about voting in person:
"What about voting? So many people are concerned. We are in an election year. Some people are going to be heading to the polls in the next few weeks, can people go out and vote in person given there is so much concern about the vote?" ABC News' Deborah Roberts asked Fauci during a recent interview.
"I think if carefully done according to the guidelines, there's no reason I can see that not being the case. For example, when you look at going to a grocery stores now in regions and counties and cities that are doing it correctly, they have x's every six or more feet and it says don't leave this spot until the person in front of you left their spot, and you an do that. If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don't have a crowded situation, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that," Fauci said. "There's no reason we shouldn't be able to vote in person."
Prepping the space for a full court press in defense of mail in voting.
Note to Dems: It's payback time.
"The man who rules the post office rules the world." - Benito Mussolini
How can the post office deliver the correct results in 2020?
Keep counting!
Freder - the only documented case.
Documented is the word.
Democrats loathe the idea of one-person/one-vote.
MountainMan said...
At my former home here in GA, where I lived in a 55+ condo community for 4 years, we had nothing but problems with USPS the whole time I lived there. We had one of those central mailbox stations where the postal carrier posts the mail into individual boxes. Even though inside each box was an address label they constantly mixed up the mail and packages.
We have the same setup and problem in our subdivision in AZ. It got so bad that Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne rented a PO box at the local UPS store to send our mail-order prescriptions to. I think we will probably be sending all mail there shortly.
I refuse to vote by mail and will be voting in person in November come hell, high water, or COVID.
" by mail is being set up for fraud"
Tell us how it works. What is the fraud?
Because when I scan that return envelope in, I have no fucking idea how it's voted because the ballot is still in the privacy envelope.
And no additional ballots can be logged in for that record. Total votes = total scanned.
So come on, man. Theory of the Crime - ?
Trump says x. Therefore, Dems say non-x.
Anyway, the only question is whether the nice women of America will call BS on Dem shenanigans. If they do, there's hope; if not, there isn't.
I don't really understand what the conspiracy is going on with the post office right now, but yesterday I saw the Postal Union post this:
If you don't want to click, it shows Fascism as one of the things that won't stop the post office. So.....how does that make Trump voters feel good about mailing in their ballots? The union is calling him fascist.
You do realize that the only recent documented case of ballot harvesting was to the benefit of the Republican candidate?
You do realize the media is - at this very moment - working hard to not document an actual Middle East peace deal?
It's important to vote democrat in Nov.
In Wisconsin, absentee voting has a lot of checks and precautions to make sure that the name on the ballot and the actual voter match. You have to be registered and when you register they take a picture of your driver's license. You send in the ballot with a photocopy of the license and a witness statement. It must be received at your voting precinct before the polls close. And so on. As I understand mail-in voting, a valid ballot is sent to an address of a registered voter. These registered voter lists have not been purged and they contain the names of many voters who have moved so it is certain that valid ballots are are going out by the millions into the void. Anyone could fill them in - anyone could send them back. Basically the Dems are trying to ruin the election process. They wouldn't be doing that if they thought the polls were right.
Never mind the fraud that will be perpetrated.....the USPS CANNOT HANDLE THIS VOLUME OF MAIL even without fraud. They cannot do this.
They can barely handle the mail that they have to process today, much less hundreds of millions of ballots to be delivered and counted in a few days time. The election will stretch out over weeks if not months.
Because the fraud will be so very rampant...NO ONE...I mean literally no one will be happy with the results no matter who is declared the winner.
When no one accepts the legality of the government....you know what is next.
This may be the straw that breaks the camel's back and throw us into a real civil war.
Tom Friedman (NYT) wrote a newsmaking column about the Israel-UAE deal. It was fair and at least partly complimentary to Jared Kushner and the Trump White House. Certainly more complimentary of Trump and Kushner, than Natanyahu, or the Arabs, or the Palestinians or the Europeans. And of course it was savagely critical of the Iranians.
But of course the New York Times is fake news.
I don't know if the Dems will actually use vote-by-mail for cheating purposes, but I do know that they're unwilling to do anything to allay Republican apprehensions about this. Rather the opposite.....The FBI used to be loved by the right and loathed by the left. That's had a polar shift, but support of the FBI remains politicized. Contempt for the USPS used to be bipartisan. People of the left and the right could agree on one thing: the Post Office sucked. Now the postal service has gone the way of hydrochloroquine (or however you spell it)..... I read Caro's book about the rise of LBJ. LBJ won his first election to the Senate based on massive voter fraud. Voter fraud has been part of American politics for quite a long time, and there's no reason to suppose that whatever reasons caused LBJ to cheat would not also motivate his heirs.
Pro-Fascism group antifa literally chanted "Kill the Jews!" In a Jewish neighborhood.
This was not a matter of interpretation.
They are on video doing so.
So the biggest story must be postal workers.
An FBI lawyer is pleading guilty to a crime.
He was part of a conspiracy to deprive American citizens their constitutionally recognized and God-given civil rights.
He has agreed to allocute his crimes and implicate others in this conspiracy.
The big story is the post office.
Democratics wish to steal an election.
They want to install a mentally infirm candidate so they can institute their Leftist Collectivist fantasies.
Democratics do not want their conspiratorial crimes exposed.
The biggest story is the post office.
After the mailman delivered my elderly neighbor's critical breathing medication to me and my bag of dog tennis balls to my elderly neighbor, then sat at the foot of my 1/4 mile driveway vaping something, I sort of decided to vote in person.
It's almost as I we're living in parallel universes with opposing realities.
Max Boot apparently thinks growing the ISIS caliphate, as Obama/Biden did, is good for the Middle East. Trump destroyed ISIS.
Max Boot apparently thinks beheading Christians and driving them out of the Middle East is good for the Middle East. Trump does not. Nor does most of America.
Max Boot apparently thinks that allowing the Iranians to slowly but surely grow their nuclear capabilities is so important that he is not only willing to go along with it, but he agrees with Obama and Biden that sending them pallet-loads of US cash to the tune of billions of dollars is a good way to help them do that. Biden and Boot don't think the Iranians will use it to fund terrorism, despite the fact that they've done that for the past 40 years.
This deal is big. And it'll become even bigger when other sultanates walk through this now open door.
As for the post office. Ask any US citizen: If you have an important document, or a check, or something personal to send to another person, do you feel comfortable sending it regular US first class mail? Of course not. That is why UPS and FEDEX do such big business and why even the US post office has registered or certified mail. So why would we allow our elections to hang on these people? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
WaPo has turned itself into something resembling an inter-office newletter circulated around the offices at Amazon.
So Althouse; let’s set aside the editorial decision on the “where” to place the Postal Service story versus the Israel-UAE story. Let’s look at the “what” in the story.
So do you agree that Trump’s comments about USPS funding are alarming and require much, much more explanation by Trump himself? And that it is hard to imagine how the remarks are anything other than a direct threat to the upcoming election? And isn’t that as big as any story of the day, when combined with other stories about recent operations changes at the Postal Service?
You must have missed the entire State of California in 2016 and 2018. Not surprising. Even with it being California, it has to make you wonder how that state went pretty much 90% Democrat in the state legislature. This is something that could not happen without a process to get it that way.
It was not through normal voting. Even the deeply red areas somehow voted in lefty regressives. Which is just one reason California is hemorrhaging people. Like New York. Like Illinois. Has it occurred to you what those 3 states have in common?
‘“Is the biggest story in the US today...?”
What about today being the 75th anniversary of Japan’s surrender in WWII? It’s all over the British media. I’ve yet to see a story about it in the US media.
Do they mention that postal workers union has endorsed Biden?
Freder Frederson is a liar, but that's not news either.
Requesting a ballot (and thereby expecting it to arrive) is different than mailing a ballot to the entire list of voters, including old addresses and dead people.
I wish stupidity were a terminal diagnosis with a three month prognosis.
Cannon Hinnant is buried in silence.
"You do realize that the only recent documented case of ballot harvesting was to the benefit of the Republican candidate?"
Whether or not this is true, unless you're a rabid partisan, this statement is still an argument against ballot harvesting. Is that your position?
Freder, you do realize that vote fraud and the Democrat party are naturals, hand in hand?
No one trusts your party. No one says to themselves, "Well, the Democrats wouldn't cheat--they are above that!" No, it's "Well, how did the Democrats cheat this time? Did they get away with it?"
A Republic or Democracy does not work when one party is completely distrusted. This last 4 years has proven that the Democrat party cannot be trusted, not one whit.
Look at Howard here. He's laughing, baiting, mocking people, because he knows that if Trump wins, nothing happens to him. If his side wins, you leftists have proven that the rest of us are in danger.
Which party would institute the "Final Solution" here in America? It's for sure the Democrat party, and everyone knows it. Inga and Howard would gladly volunteer to staff Auschwitcz II, Minnesota Bugaloo, as long as it was Republicans and Conservatives being sent there.
And the fact that I can type the preceding paragraph and millions of Americans would not see that as a fantasy is the real problem.
Apparently Pennsylvania is pushing hard for mail-in voting, including counting late-received ballots without postmarks. I don’t care what California or some other deep blue state does. But in a swing state like Pennsylvania, it is worrisome. Even if there isn’t widespread fraud because of mail-in voting (this is obviously an invitation for some to try), it’s going to be a wildly inaccurate count and degrade voters’ faith in elections.
Democrats seem to have little to no concern for vote integrity. No ID, mail-in voting, etc., all couched in high-minded sounding ideals about making sure everyone who can vote is able to vote. How can you be so cavalier about fraud or even just the chaos their ideas would cause?
"Howard brings a new POV. Obviously the postal workers' union is into Democrat politics big time."
You know what Howard and a hammer have in common?
Both are useful tools.
A very nice, new golf driver arrived at my house this week, addressed to my daughter. No one here golfs. Tracing the provenance of the package: it was originally addressed to a guy living in the same apartment building in which my daughter lived during her senior year at Univ of Georgia. The post office there, for some reason, forwarded the package to her. Her forwarding notice is 7 years old. Shocking incompetence.
"Vote by mail is how the Dems steal the election."
Doesn't matter if it is true or not, the election will not be definitive because there will be cause for argument that cannot be settled. Were there fraudulent ballots? Will there be lost ballots? That can be argued about forever with no certainty. Rather than bringing us together, the election may tear us apart. Call it Al Gore's revenge. Ugh.
The dems are mailing ballots to everyone. The plan is to keep counting until they win.
Freder: "What a bullshit statement (which Trump continually also says). Absentee voting is vote by mail, you moron."
Your lying BS is becoming even more pathetic, which I didnt think possible.
Absentee voting: verified by ID, signature verifucation, updated address, postmark required, required to be received by a date certain.
You marxists with your mass vote by mail schemes get rid of EVERY SINGLE ONE of those safeguards.
Every single one.
Every. Single. One.
And you probably know that (I have to allow for the possibility you truly are that stupid).
And notice the dems and their judges have already allowed in some jurisdictions for no signature, no postmark, no hard date for receipt, hundreds of thousands of ballots returned because they are undeliverable, congressional races dragging on for months, and on and on.
You'll need to up your Bundy Case Lying game quite a bit if you are going to keep pushing this latest batch of lefty lies.
No, it's the Clinesmith guilty plea that Althouse refuses to cover
I put up our US flag just now because many dozens of trucks and cars and motorcycles were driving past with US flags (I do whatever other people do), and a lot of big "Trump 2020" flags, as they drowned out the dorky BLM-related protestors.
Smallest story: Cannon Hinnant
I general vote by mail (while my wife loves the in person experience) so the "massive voter fraud" schtick is a bit ingenuous (its worked quite well for the generally red state of AZ).
HOWEVER, I certainly get anxiety pangs about the whole "vote harvesting" concept especially when I consider that a traditional key campaign goal is "to get the vote out on election day".
If I'm a "voter" not commonly motivated to go to the polling place but very likely to vote straight line one party (you can insert your additional demographic adjectives here) I'd be good with someone coming by to pick up my ballot.
And hell if you filled it out for me and gave me a little something on top of that, I'd like that.
Freder Frederson said...
Absentee, yes, but that is a different process. Vote by mail is being set up for fraud.
What a bullshit statement (which Trump continually also says). Absentee voting is vote by mail, you moron. The only difference is with absentee voting you have to give a reason as to why you can't make it to the polls, and the acceptable reasons to request an absentee ballot vary widely by state.
Idiot. Vote by mail as being set up ballots are sent to every registered voter at the registered address- with no attempt to verify whether they are still there. And nothing prevents anyone else from opening up the envelope, filling the ballot, and sending it in. 35 voters registered at the same apartment? No problem! They all get a ballot! Not that anything like that has been seen, but for a few dozen times.
Freder Frederson said... "What a bullshit statement (which Trump continually also says). Absentee voting is vote by mail, you moron. The only difference is with absentee voting you have to give a reason as to why you can't make it to the polls, and the acceptable reasons to request an absentee ballot vary widely by state.:
First, I am not a moron. Second, I very well know the difference between absentee voting and vote-by-mail. I have been a registered voter for over 50 years. And I don't usually respond to ad hominem attacks. I have never attacked anyone on this blog and called them a "moron" or anything else and I don't expect that to be done to me. If you have facts that say otherwise, state them and provide links to your references. I think Meade ought to let you go sit in the corner for a while.
There are plenty of examples of Democratic vote-by-mail fraud out on the internet. Try using Google. If this moron can find them, maybe you can, too.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Tom Friedman (NYT) wrote a newsmaking column about the Israel-UAE deal. It was fair and at least partly complimentary to Jared Kushner and the Trump White House."
Trump, Kushner and the Trump admin deliver a deal ALL the "experts" said was impossible while those same "experts" and their allies toiled day and night to undermine the potential deal while the media and its international lefty pals worked hard to scuttle the deal.
But Trump/Kushner prevailed over all of that......so Trump and Kushner deserve "partly complimentary" praise for it.
LLR-lefty Chuck considers this 'fair".
In other news, the New York Times gives partial credit and praise for the US victory at Guadalcanal in WW2 to US military forces....but grudgingly.
By nature absentee voting has layers of security. First of all it is a requested ballot so if it never arrives at the home, that is a sign of potential tampering. Returned absentee ballots can be checked to make sure that they arrived and were counted. Returned absentee ballots are put on a master list at a physical voting location so someone cannot vote twice. To get an absentee ballot you have to be a registered voter. Absentee ballots usually have more restrictions for deadlines, too bad if it arrives too late so boxes of absentee ballots can’t be “found” after the date to change the vote.
If you really want mass mail in voting, it should be very similar to the absentee method. It must be requested, traceable via getting and sending and counting the ballot. People who are dead generally do not send ballot requests and people who have moved do not get ballots sent to their old addresses. You have to be a verified voter to get a ballot so none of this nonsense of same day registration and casting a provisional ballot that is mixed in with other ballots if it turns out that you are not eligible to vote.
As with absentee ballots there would be a master list of returned ballots so someone cannot vote twice. All mailed in ballots should have a deadline for counting and kept secret at least several days before the physical election so you cannot get a situation where boxes of “found” ballots are harvested to get the desired election results. The results of the secret and verified counting of mailed in ballots should not be released until the physical polls are counted. Very severe penalties (multiple million dollar fines and long prison sentences?) should be accessed for slow counting of ballots to drag out the election, looking at you several states. ALL federal funds will be withheld from States with too slow ballot counting. This may not prevent some locations from trying this but hopefully not to the extent than an election my be thrown.
As the postal service is involved it makes sense to have dedicated election only mailing boxes at multiple locations very similar to ballot drop off locations. This adds more security by having fewer people involved in the transfer of ballots to the official counting location. This also removes the excuse of ballot harvesting as harvesting creates more people in the ballot handling chain.
I think this is the best way to make sure that mass mailing does not create the possibility of fraud.
Rusty: "You know what Howard and a hammer have in common?
Both are useful tools."
Howard's Antifa Heroes have been very busy lately killing children, attacking old people, particularly ones in wheelchairs or with walkers, robbing young kids lemonade stands, screaming at residents to give up their homes in residential areas in the middle of the night, executing 5 year olds by shooting them at point blank range in the head while the young sisters look on...
Hey Inga! "Good news"! A 5 year old shot dead could probably yield lots of solid revenue for your heroic and brave infanticide practicing Planned Parenthood heroes.
Yes indeed, Howard's Heroes have been very busy indeed.
Howard, which confederate army did that 5 year old serve in again?....
Chuck thinks if Biden were President the NYT would announce his Middle East peace deal with just a Tom Friedman column.
I just went to the homepage of their mobile site and Friedman’s column isn’t shown.
One of these things is not like the other. You might try some information source other than CNN or the Daily Kos. Try CA '18 or NJ '20. Might want to look at NV '20 while your at it. Examples abound in the '20 primaries. Mail in is ripe for if not rife with opportunity for fraud. I would think that any American would be against fraudulent elections no matter what their stripe. Personally I think that anyone unwilling or to lazy to register and vote in person or go through the process of getting an absentee ballot shouldn't have a say. If you are afraid of CV infection go the absentee route. Plenty of time left.
I see two things with the Dem support of mail in. One is the opportunity for fraud of course. They've already shown us their moral character in this regard. The less obvious is the delay in election results they think they can drag out and play to their favor. It's what the whole Trump will have to be dragged out of the White House thing is about.
Does anyone believe that wherever Democrats are in charge that everyone loves them so much that voting approaches 100% in favor of the Democrat?
We rightly ridicule the Soviet Union and Iran and Iraq for having "elections" where the dictator or the communist gets 99% of the vote.
But here, we have California, and a variety of Democrat run cities. Does anyone really believe that 95, 98, 99% of the people there truly vote Democrat? That over 100% in some Detroit and Philly precincts?
The dead vote in vast numbers in Chicago, and the Democrat party does nothing--nothing at all--to try to disabuse people of the notion that they commit vote fraud. Indeed, they revel in it.
From "Ballot Harvesting" which somehow elected Democrats in Republican districts to Nancy's push to mandate ballot harvesting in all elections in America, to this new "Let's put the Heavyily Democrat postal union in charge of ballots" -- no one trusts Democrats, their policies, and so forth.
Who has more honest elections right now: California or Iraq? Chicago or Baghdad? And Freder and Chuck and the gang here want us to turn over our election process to a Democrat "Mail in ballots only!" idea?
For Trump's next trick, he will force the Democrats to defend the DMV.
An FBI AGENT LIED...and the WHOLE RUSSIAN HOAX IS JUST THAT...A HOAX that the media ran with for 5 years....and the Obama administration ALMOST got away with it.....and nobody is talking about it now?? WTF???
"and motorcycles were driving past" you poor dear child I'm so sorry for you.
And think of those big burly bikers in Sturgis! What an affront to your humanity.
Booing Elton John?! Well I do declare!
Trump's assault on the Postal Service? Seems to me that the USPS does a rather good job of shooting itself in the foot.
My HOA installed new mailboxes, as the old ones had recently been broken into. From conversations with a local contractor, I knew that the USPS needed to remove the locks for the old mailboxes before we could remove them. As the contractor said, USPS could "go postal" if we removed the old mailboxes before the USPS had removed the locks.
I made five trips to USPS- local plus the central office- over a number of months to get the USPS to remove the locks from the old boxes, before the USPS finally removed the locks. That should have taken several weeks. My conclusion is that the USPS is staffed with incompetents.
I recall one idiot at the post office who asked me why the HOA wanted to remove the old mailboxes. This after some months of the USPS doing nothing. For starters, a number of times, replacement mail carriers had deposited the mail in the old mailboxes instead of the new ones.
We have vote-by-mail here in Washington state. It's been the law for 10-15 years now, and the state works very hard at keeping the voter rolls clean and up to date. But, it still can take up to two weeks to get final results. Ballots are valid as long as they're postmarked by 8:00 on election day. They'll still be counted two-weeks after election day.
Trying to convert to all-mail voting three months before election day is asking for disaster. The logistics of getting the ballots mailed-out, delivered, mailed-back, validated, then counted are not something that can be done on a whim. The counties need more people and machines to do all of that, they need written procedures on how to do that. None of that is done.
NJ, NY, PA, VA have all tried to do mail-in voting during their primaries. The invalid ballots have been as much as 20%. VA had 500,000 invalid addresses when they blanket-mailed out absentee applications.
Trying to do all-mail voting is not going to go smoothly, the 2020 election will make the 2000 FL election look like a piece of cake. But, that's what the Democrats want.
"I have never attacked anyone on this blog and called them a "moron" or anything else and I don't expect that to be done to me."
"If this moron can find them, maybe you can, too."
Life comes at you pretty fast.
Phil: "HOWEVER, I certainly get anxiety pangs about the whole "vote harvesting" concept especially when I consider that a traditional key campaign goal is "to get the vote out on election day"."
Gee whiz Phil, let us know when you start getting really concerned about this transparent attempt to destroy our election integrity.
Phil you'll recall was rather indignant some time back when it was stated by some that the entire Mueller "investigation" was a sham. Phil was put off by that by golly. Mueller would never do such a thing. Why, it wouldnt be cricket don't you know.
You know, if the marxists continue with their violent push to destroy the American Republic, Phil might just start getting a tad miffed and consider jotting down a quick missive to the local paper expressing his mild displeasure.
And if that fails then one can expect a very stern look for at least 5 seconds from Phil to really drive his point home!
Thanks for "fighting the good fight" Phil!
Where I live - Broward County, Florida - you only receive a ballot-by-mail if you specifically request it. You can do so online, but you must provide proof of your identity, just like if you're renewing your car registration or driver's license online.
I'd like to know where Election Supervisors are mailing out ballots to all registered voters. That would be utterly ridiculous (and very expensive), but sounds like something our fraud-loving Leftist friends would adore.
Again, nothing matters in a Presidential election except turnout and fraud.
And I see the Dem talking points came out a few minutes after ten - shortly thereafter is when the Leftists hit this blog all at once.
Caroline said...
A very nice, new golf driver arrived at my house this week, addressed to my daughter. No one here golfs. Tracing the provenance of the package: it was originally addressed to a guy living in the same apartment building in which my daughter lived during her senior year at Univ of Georgia. The post office there, for some reason, forwarded the package to her. Her forwarding notice is 7 years old. Shocking incompetence.
Or - silver lining for USA culture ... history does not begin 15 minutes ago for USPS
Yes, there has been a hard pivot to the Postal Crisis very recently. If you watch Maddow and the rest of those msnbc/cnn opinion crew you'd have noticed a lot more segments about the mail. Yesterday I think half hour primetime segment on missing sorting machines followed by some slander against the guy who runs the place.
They're all on it like clockwork. It ticks louder when the sound doesn't have to travel far. I noticed recently they have been kind of fishing around, trying to see how to hurt Trump, floating various stories here and there. No one wants to hear from that Cohen liar apparently so that fell flat. They tried a couple of times with look Russia is interfering again because they love Trump and also he is incompetent, but again people real tired of that Russia shit. The problem for them it's been four years now and anything they seem to bring up is related to something everyone is sick and tired of. Recently they were going on for like a week about Deutschebank and then it was gone, again because we heard it before. We have developed heard immunity.
But the Postal Crisis is brand new! Look ye and behold the Perfidy as it's being birthed upon the world. This is perfect. Now they can splain it to us in perfect diagrammed detail; whereupon before the movement of the letters was a mystery but now I see they move from Point A through the arrow to Point B, where the missing sorting machine makes the arrow curve back on itself like a trumpian ouroboros, forever shunting our precious mail-in votes into f-space (The 'f' stands for fascist in case you are not a scientist).
They're gonna push that shit hard, I mean there could be some grab them by the headlines stuff coming up, but as of right now that's all they got and they're running with it.
Israel agreed to suspend the annexation of land that it does not rightfully own under international law, an idea which it had held off on implementing anyway.
The Soviet Union had no such scruples in moving the German border hundreds of miles. The Sudeten Germans quietly packed up what they could and moved hundreds of miles from homes they had occupied for hundreds of years.
You lefties only accept that the losers of wars they started forfeit the territory if the beneficiaries are communists. The "International Law" you quote was a settlement of a war that was rejected by one side which keeps violating all standards of human conduct. You lefties are despicable.
Trying to do all-mail voting is not going to go smoothly, the 2020 election will make the 2000 FL election look like a piece of cake. But, that's what the Democrats want.
Of course. This is the left's version of Operation Chaos. They will use the post election chaos to try to argue that Trump is refusing to accept the election result.
are we having a debate about mail-in voting or
are we having ITS ONLY A DEBATE about mail-in voting and
is it time for a debate debate about mail-in voting
All the more reason for folks like you to oppose vote by mail then, right, Freder?
NPR had a Democrat on to rant how rural people need the postal service to get their Social Security checks.That sounded odd, so I checked.Over 99% of Americans on SS get their checks via direct deposit.So that doesn't sound like a winning argument.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
The dems are mailing ballots to everyone. The plan is to keep counting until they win.
Succinctly put and true.
I'm still puzzled by what Trump did that was an "assault on vote by mail" or "sabotage of the Post office". The postal service is supposed to be self funding. It operated at what--a $4 billion loss so far this year. Trump opposes a $25 billion bailout of the postal service, and that's an "assault on the Post Office". Give me a Freder Frederson Flippn' break.
Now as for vote by mail as a source of fraud. Yes I have voted by mail on occasion when I was going to be out of the country on election day. But mostly I vote in person and on election day I don't have to present ID--but I do have to sign the voter registration sheet by my name. So the election process knows that a real living, breathing human being was handed a ballot to fill out. I vote, and deposit the ballot in the box with my own hands.
Vote by mail fraud occurs with ballot harvesting--taking ballots mailed to people who were either dead--or "too busy" to go to the polls to vote. And it happens--certainly in the recent eledtions in Orange County California (by Democrats). But it will happen anywhere either party has a good ground game and goes to the homes of their respective registered voters and flushes out any uncast mail in ballots. "Shame you have an unmarked, unused ballot there, let me help you."
"Trump's assult on the post office . . ." Is this from the people who brought us "Republicans pounce . . . "? Or is he really assaulting it--and if so, how? By threatening to privatize it?
About damn time.
No, it's the Clinesmith guilty plea that Althouse refuses to cover
Clinesmith is a big deal, presumably a stepping stone to overcome the cover-up at the higher echelons of Obama's administration.
The UAE deal is a big deal, and a step forward in the spirit of Egypt, Jordan, and others to reconcile relations in the Middle East.
The Democrat effort to gerrymander, not merely steer, the vote, is a big deal... not even in a third-world country do they go to such great lengths to facilitate progressing the integrity of their elections.
Opportunity for fraud: ballots will be mailed to everyone, who was ever registered. Ballots may not even reach the intended recipient, because said recipient no longer exists. Yet, there is a ballot waiting to be used by whomever mails it back.
Indeed, my MIL got a primary ballot in KY from Philadelphia, even though she’s registered to vote in KY. I could have voted ‘on her behalf’ in a state which I have never lived.
Democrats have demonstrated they will do anything to win.
We need to defer to John Kasich on this.
Because..you know the thing!
ColoradoJim: "I think this is the best way to make sure that mass mailing does not create the possibility of fraud."
Which is precisely why the dems and their judges reject every single security measure you mentioned.
But only every single one.
Without exception.
Some of the abnormalities that election observers look for are the man of the house trying to cast votes for his entire family or representatives of the village big man checking everyone's ballot before dropping it in the box to ensure they vote the right way. Vote by mail is susceptible to these practices. Sure, absentee voting can have the same problems, but the scale is different.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "The dems are mailing ballots to everyone. The plan is to keep counting until they win."
Its worked many times in the past.
Finding "extra" ballots in a trunk of a car days after the election is what put Franken over the top in Minnesota.
Freder and LLR-lefty Chuck are no doubt highly supportive of the "lets secure the ballots by placing then in the car trunks of activist dems" tactic.
Imagine a Postal Service that was 99% Republican with its workers in a union 99% supportive of Trump. You still keen on vote by mail lefties?
"What about today being the 75th anniversary of Japan’s surrender in WWII? It’s all over the British media."
US commemorates the event on Sep 2, the day of the signing ceremony. British use the date of the announcement by the Emperor, Aug. 15.
One point on the Post Office - service in my town is very good. I have no complaints.
Those who want Biden to win know perfectly well that they are counting on widespread cheating to carry him over the line. They know it. They know it's a terrible thing in principle, but they have no principles. I can't think of anything they wouldn't do to win. Can you?
Isn't it glaringly obvious when one party is tenacious about making sure ballots cannot be done in ways that prevent cheating like requiring I.D., in person voting, cleaning out defunct registrations, etc.
What could they possibly have against cleaning out dead people from the registered voter rolls? Their arguments against voter ID are ridiculous and insincere, and their sudden need for mail in ballots would disappear overnight if somehow a way was discovered to 100% prevent those being faked.
Maybe this is the biggest story of the day. You know Biden is in trouble in his own party when Politco reports this story.
"One Democratic strategist who anonymously spoke to Politico claimed Obama has privately dismissed Biden's electoral prowess.
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up," the strategist claimed Obama told him.
Last year, Obama reportedly told a 2020 candidate that Biden severely lacked the ability to connect with the Democratic electorate, especially in Iowa.
"And you know who really doesn't have it? Joe Biden," Obama said, Politico reported."
You do realize that the only recent documented case of ballot harvesting was to the benefit of the Republican candidate?
No, that's ridiculously false. It was the only alleged *violation* because it occurred in a state where harvesting was still illegal. California made harvesting legal, and it was rampant, and likely influenced the outcomes in several congressional races that flipped from R to D.
Here in Utah we have only vote by mail this year. They've had it as an option for the last 4 or 6 elections, and they've mostly worked out the kinks.
But I believe here in Utah they regularly purge the voter rolls, they try hard to verify signatures; they have ballot drop-off boxes where you can put your ballot and not even use the mail, and so forth. Seems to work ok.
But they mail out ballots to every registered voter, and I have issues with that.
Freder's claim (10:19am) that "Absentee voting is vote by mail, you moron" is simply (moronically?) false. I have voted absentee more than once, and I did it in person at the county courthouse. It was still "absentee" voting because I was going to be absent from my precinct polling place on Election Day, at work in another state. For example, six years ago I was working M-F in Pennsylvania while living in Virginia. I paid rent on apartments in both places, but I returned home every weekend, never opened a bank account in PA, and insisted on having my paycheck sent to my credit union in VA specifically so I could preserve my VA citizenship (lower taxes) and voting eligibility. Since I obviously wasn't going to be able to vote at home in VA on a Tuesday, I went to the courthouse on the previous Saturday, explained the situation, showed lots of ID, and voted in person by absentee ballot. Not much possibility for fraud there.
cacimbo: "NPR had a Democrat on to rant how rural people need the postal service to get their Social Security checks.That sounded odd, so I checked.Over 99% of Americans on SS get their checks via direct deposit.So that doesn't sound like a winning argument."
I don't think you understand.
If something is said on NPR then, by definition, for LLR-lefty Chuck, Freder and the rest of Team Leftist it is "true".
I have written it many times, but will do so again. Here is what you have to have as a minimum for vote by mail to work:
(1) A numerical register of every ballot printed out. That way we know precisely how many ballots exist.
(2) As these ballots are returned, the numerical register is compared to the returned ballots- any duplicate numbers show up, then you know you have fraud.
(3) All ballots must be requested- no blanket mailings of any kind. It is on the voter to decide if he is going to vote by mail or in person. And the ballots have to be sent out as registered mail- you literally have to sign for the ballot when it is delivered.
(4) You probably need a national voter ID number for each registered voter that is issued at the point of registration. That ID number is directly tied to the ballot mailed on request, and as the ballots are returned, the ID numbers are collected automatically. Any duplicates show fraud. If your ballot is returned by someone not you, then tough shit- you don't get to vote.
(5) If you go two years without voting, you have to re-register.
(6) No ballot harvesting of any kind. No going door to door to collect ballots. Make it an ass-pounding-prison sentence of at least 5 years to do so. The ballot package can only be opened by the voter who requested it, and can only be opened by certified election officials in the presence of observers from all interested parties.
Now, these are mostly the regulations with absentee voting minus the justification requirement that is present in a lot of states, but it isn't wide-spread absentee voting the Democrats are trying to get- the Democrats want mass blanket mailing of ballots to all registered voters (and non-registered ones).
My own personal option would be that all voting has to be done in person- I wouldn't even allow absentee voting. I would just extend the voting period up to a week culminating on Election day, but no longer than a week, and preferably just the weekend and Monday-Tuesday. And, again, none of this provisional ballot bullshit. If you can't be bothered to register properly, or if someone has voted in your stead without your knowledge- then tough shit- you don't get to vote.
Again, I will point out that California never actually finished counting their primary elections from last March. They just assigned the delegates after about a month and quit counting.
I get the distinct impression that Democrats don't really respect our laws. They have been doing everything they can to ignore them from the the 1st Amendment to the 2nd, and down the line. They refuse to prosecute the worst offenders, but go after citizens only wanting their rights and nothing more. They really do not act like America or it's special freedoms and protections are something they would choose to keep if they had the choice.
Imagine an America where Democrats got everything they want. It would be unsustainable, with prisons empty of criminals, hospitals full of their victims, the rest hiding unarmed and helpless in their basements, prisons refilled with political prisoners, pets on the menu, and dumpsters with attached bar-b-ques.
Here is Freder showing his ignorance:
"You do realize that the only recent documented case of ballot harvesting was to the benefit of the Republican candidate?"
A lot of places, Freder, ballot harvesting is perfectly legal, and Democrats and Republican parties both practice it. It should be illegal everywhere, like it was in North Carolina.
Is there a bigger POS than Max Boot? Because I'm having trouble thinking of one.
You know what's funny?
LLR-lefty Chuck assured all of us, ALL of us, way back in 2016, that Trump would be unable to execute any trade deals nor any critical foreign policy deals....nor reduce regulation.
According to LLR-lefty Chuck none of that was going to happen without the establishment "experts" who had already failed for 5 decades. Ever. Only dumb Trump supporters believed that Trump could deliver on that.
But then Trump did deliver on it.....specifically because Trump defied the "experts" whom we now know are hapless, corrupt, inept fakers who just happen to have the right connections.
Absentee voting is vote by mail, you moron. - Freder
There's a difference, you moron.
Here in Mass. we received our unsolicited mail-in ballots more than three weeks ago---and promptly ripped them up.
But...what if we had filled them out and sent them in a day before the electin---and then showed up on Election Day to vote again?
Our town uses old-fashioned paper ballots. So...how will duplicate votes as in the situation I'm hypothesizing be detected and resolved? Will all election results have to be counted twice to detect multiple votes?
Or, if ballots are sent out and snatched up by Biden-supporting postal workers who fill them in and postmark them for delivery, while the people they were meant for vote in person, who will know which votes are valid?
Suppose you are one of those defrauded voters, and you are told "you already voted". What's your recourse?
Anyone know?
"Tell us how it works. What is the fraud?
Because when I scan that return envelope in, I have no fucking idea how it's voted because the ballot is still in the privacy envelope.
And no additional ballots can be logged in for that record. Total votes = total scanned.
So come on, man. Theory of the Crime"
If you allow me and my fellow partisans to handle the ballots, Wild Chicken, between the voter's residence and the election office, I can quite reliably fix any election I want to if the mail in vote is a large enough fraction of the total vote. I don't even have to open up the ballots to do so- all I need to know is the voter's zip code.
bagoh20 said...
I can't think of anything they wouldn't do to win. Can you?
They wouldn't support a Nazi sympathizing sociopath?
Readering said...
"Trump drove Israel-UAE deal off front page with his mail fraud rants."
Trump made them bury the news? You don't really believe this, do you? You're just stirring the pot, right? The first actual peace, not just cease fire, framework, pathway or some such agreement in the region for decades, and you think it takes a back seat to a dust up over voting procedures?
Freder Frederson said...
"You do realize that the only recent documented case of ballot harvesting was to the benefit of the Republican candidate?"
South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates (Yeah, 2014 on, but still recent enough.) Nut here's a more current event:
All-mail pandemic election ends in fraud charges against NJ politicians
Not scientific but I am one of the last million or so with a Netflix dvd subscription (3 at a time). The last main fulfillment center is in my state so have gotten fast service. I put disk in mail day 1, Netflix logs it in and mails next in queue day 2, and I get day 3. (If I mail back Friday or Saturday, they mail next on monday.) if a disk is in short supply or out of state Netflix annotates on my queue so I can avoid if I choose. Until the last month or so. Now delays in both directions. Diminishes value of subscription.
Take 40% of the worst, incompetent, lazy existing US Postal employees, and send them to grad school, then hire them at the CDC.
As a result, both inept Govt agencies would improve.
Moderation sucks. You know, not everyone is retired and has all day to check in and see if the blog is still comatose.
Seems strange to me hat we can shop for groceries in person but cannot vote in person.
Note to whomever negotiated the contract with Amazon on behalf of the USPS. You. Effing. Moron.
It's all over the Democrat-controlled news media because it's a Democrat talking point, as well as battlespace preparation for a Biden loss, when we'll hear endless complaints of "voter suppression." You can tell that the news media is the handmaiden of the Democrats because the story just sprang up all over the place. Journalism is dead; all that remains is propaganda, and the Democrat-controlled news media has the same relationship to journalism and the truth that Pravda had in the Soviet Union.
@bagoh20, speaking of Iowa, does anybody know yet who won the Democrat caucuses?
Smart move
Max Boot's entire business model is whatever happens, Trump is terrible and he is to blame. If he cannot shoehorn the news into that business model, it is not news. That said, he is creative enough that he can pull it off, often to parody levels.
Note that this is his current business model. He'll shill for whatever you want, as long as you pay him. His current grift is a conservative who hates everything conservative, making him a perfect pet for whatever leftist will have him.
CWJ you don't think Trump drives the news, as unfortunate as that may be?
"They wouldn't support a Nazi sympathizing sociopath?"
If he had a D after his name, sure they would.
"You do realize that the only recent documented case of ballot harvesting was to the benefit of the Republican candidate?"
Of course that's complete bullshit, if you just follow the links that will undoubtedly surface here shortly.
But let's say it is only Republicans. I'm still against it because it disenfranchises voters, as in it's very wrong, but you have no problem with that?
I can vote in person and I will, and will also drop off sealed ballot for 90 year old with COPD with whom I live. (He doesn't shop these days either.) And I won't be asked to show id, just give my name and address. Potus will mail in his ballot mailed to the location he illegally declares his residence. (A term of permit converting mar-a-Lago from private home to country club was that it not double as a residence.)
Big Mike said...
" @bagoh20, speaking of Iowa, does anybody know yet who won the Democrat caucuses?"
The actual vote never really matters to Democrats. That's why we are having this very discussion.
If we lived in a country run by Colorado Jim and Mountain Man we'd be OK.
Otherwise not so much.
I had to file a provisional ballot last week because I lost my licence (cattledog took the wallet to the woods as he is wont to do with leather and dead possums) and the new one had not arrived by mail. I was fine by that. Absent Covid, I'd have the new license already. I want there to be many checkpoints on voting. The majority of my neighbors in three settings over the last 20 years have been illegal immigrants. I love them as people but they have no right to live here, let alone participate in electoral politics.
Ironinically, based on comments, I'm VERY sure I live in the same state legislative though not federal district as Mountain Man. I ran for office here two years ago: I know every inch of the district. It just goes to show you what illegal immigration has done to America: his community is wealthy, protected, etc. Mine a few miles away is a mess of dysfunction, poverty, sexual exploitation, violence, and property decay.
My neighbors get up in the morning to go mow lawns and subcontract for the county road projects in his neighborhood. Just saying this will come to everyone at some point, and it is definitely not pretty. Act accordingly.
Readering: "CWJ you don't think Trump drives the news, as unfortunate as that may be?"
Yeah, that terrible Trump.
Did you know that Trump refused to accept the narrative that he colluded with Russia and fought back against it?
I have also written it before, but will do so again:
Where ballot harvesting is legal, the Republicans need to up their game. Where is it being practiced illegally by the Democrats, the Republicans need to up their game and copy the Democrats.
If you let me at it, I can create a very, very efficient ballot harvesting operation for Republicans, just as a good as the one Democrats operated in California and Arizona in 2018. Republicans got caught flat footed, as usually happens. I strongly suspect the Trump Campaign is well prepared to use mail in voting operations just as good as the Democrats.
Additionally, I think the Democrats are setting themselves up for a big failure on Election Day by discouraging in-person voting the way they are doing it. On Election Day, who do you think is more likely to be brave enough to go to a polling place and cast a vote- a Republican or a Democrat, given the media's dire coverage of COVID-19?
Beijing Boy ARM: "They wouldn't support a Nazi sympathizing sociopath?"
Oooooh. Back to the nazi charge again!
Trump remains in the Dewey, Eisenhower, Nixon, Goldwater, Reagan, HW Bush, W Bush, McCain, Romney category!
The good news for Trump? Romney was called Theocratic Hitler and Trump hasn't been called that!
bagoh20 said...
I can't think of anything they wouldn't do to win. Can you?
"They wouldn't support a Nazi sympathizing sociopath?"
Good point, ARM. Very creative, and totally original, but I think you're wrong. They would vote for such a person, and you would defend it, even if the characterization was not based on a lie that you continue to lie with. I'm also sure that you would support Biden if he said what Trump did, even if Biden didn't explicitly exclude the Nazis and white supremacists, like Trump did.
The fact that you are willing to support a candidate who doesn't know where he is, or what office he's running for, and can't express simple ideas shows you're a very careful voter.
Blogger Freder Frederson said... Absentee voting is vote by mail, you moron. The only difference is with absentee voting you have to give a reason as to why you can't make it to the polls..." 8/15/20, 10:19 AM
Well Einstein, here in California, since 1978 you don't need a reason to vote Absentee Ballot. But you do need to be a registered voter, ahead of time, and that means provide a valid I.D., not one of the "fake ones" issued by Democrats like you. But your one of these Liberals who believe providing I.D. for registering to vote is racist, against poor people, etc. Your the "moron" in CA if your poor you get an I.D. for free. If your invalid they'll come out to pick your up to register. All of your memes (lies) are breaking down. CA also will mass mail ballots for voting, which was a disaster, during the June Primary Elections. But people like "Freder Frederson" loves hims some fraud as long as it goes to his side. Liberals propaganda 24/7 that's all they know.
"CWJ you don't think Trump drives the news, as unfortunate as that may be?"
Actually, TDS drives the news 24/7 and has for four years now, so in a way, yea, he does, he likes it, and the media can't quit him. What the hell will they talk about if Biden wins? I'd bet it would be how Trump made it so hard for Biden to accomplish what he's failed to for 4 decades. I wonder how much attention will be focused on all the murder and crime in cities without cops.
Mrs. stevew and I have sold our MA home and moved to southern seacoast ME. We are renting a cottage on a private lane to which the USPS does not deliver mail. We are renting a Post Office Box in the town where we are now living. This was all set up just prior to the sale of our MA home.
We filled out all the necessary paperwork with the now previous local USPS office to have our mail forwarded to our new location (the PO Box). Part of the paper work required that we list our physical location (the Lane). A few weeks after we sold and moved we noticed we were not getting any forwarded mail. We don't get much but none was unusual. Mrs. stevew called and double checked, everything seemed to be in order. She decided to send herself something from here to our old address as a test. She included our current PO Box in the return address space. About a week later the test mail item shows up in our PO Box. There are two stickers attached by the USPS:
"No Mail Receptacle, Return to Sender"
"Forward to XXXXX Ln, Town, ME"
They were trying to forward it to the physical private street address rather than the PO Box. We confirmed that with our local postmaster; she said that is what the second sticker shows. When we called our old postmaster he said that was not possible because the paperwork was filled out correctly. When told about the sticker with the invalid street address he said he had no idea how that could have happened. P.S.: we are talking about a town with about 10,000 people.
Convinces me that vote by mail will work like a charm, for the folks that want to corrupt the vote. I'm with Max on this one in that I blame President Trump.
"I can vote in person and I will, and will also drop off sealed ballot for 90 year old with COPD with whom I live. "
Will he get to see who you voted for on his ballot? See how easy it is?
We can be absolutley sure that millions of mailed ballots will not be used by the voter they are intended for, but will they be used anyway? How can you know? You can't.
Yancey - your ideas are superb. I'd say please - go volunteer at some level and get your ideas in on the ground floor.
Readering, No I believe the animus directed towards Trump drives the news. You've reversed cause and effect. If it wasn't the USPS, it would have been some other Orange Man Bad story which which led. There was no way the ME deal, FBI guilty plea, or 5 year old's racial murder, was ever going to be the lead story. The notion that they would have given prominence to one or more of these latter stories if only Trump had refrained from commenting is at best naive. Thinking that Trump "drove" the ME deal off the front page is akin to putting the editors in the position of criminals saying their victims forced them to take the actions they did. I'd like to think you're not stupid. That's why I assumed you were pot stirring.
We are in northern Wisconsin for the summer, rather than our Madison home, and so we filed to have our mail forwarded up here. It has been a fiasco. Some mail goes up north, some to Madison, some seems to just disappear.
We were in Madison recently and I corralled the mailman who was delivering mail to our house (remember, it is supposed to go up north). He said their computer system was "having problems".
Anybody who claims the post office can handle many millions of mail-in ballots either doesn't know what they're talking about or has an ulterior motive.
BTW, talking to the mailman hasn't fixed our problem. We're still getting mail both places.
And why would half the country trust this process when the Postal Workers Union is declaring that Fascism" is not going to stop them? I'm sure the lefties think that's funny, but it is despicable. This election may be the darkest day this country has ever seen.
There is a very simple solution. I live in Portland Oregon and we are 100% vote by mail. You can return your ballot by mail, or you can drop it off in a ballot box. If certain counties aren’t prepared for so much mail, they can just have ballot boxes at various locations. It works well here and we have election results the night of the election because most people don’t wait until the last day. There’s also a deadline for mailing it back, I think it’s like five days before election day to get it in the mail, otherwise you have to drop it off in the ballot box.
You know what Howard and a hammer have in common?
They are both usually in the bag?
If you just rephrase the question as "what is the most important story to Democrats?" you get the top stores of most of the media.
The 5 year old murdered child Cannon Hinnant, may have been ignored by the media, but not by the rest of us. Their GOFundme was asking for $5K for funeral expenses. Right now it's nearing $700K. If the races were reversed, we would be having a second George Floyd experience right now. I don't think either murder deserves nationwide, and certainly not worldwide attention, but it shows how the media is the main culprit in the division, hatred and destruction we see in our country lately.
It’s easy to understand why the Mideast agreement isn’t today’s biggest story. It was two days ago. Every thing I read gave trump lots of credit. Ann’s reaching here. ESP given her strong view that one should draw no conclusions about what she decides not to blog about.
Con media has also moved on from the so-called big UAE thing.
That kinda Fs Althouse’s jabber re media is mean to DJT. Sorta proves that Althouse is always on hair trigger re jabber re media is mean to DJT.
Anywho, regardless of nobody caring about UAE, it’s got to be some sorta derangement syndrome to not care re POTUS stealing an election and thereby destroying American Democracy.
Why does Althouse frequently set herself for such easy takedowns?
Odd. IMHO.
Nice to see Epsteins very very very good pal Clinton is getting a prime time speaking slot at the dem Convention.
Hillary too!
And to think that not that long ago Inga was explaining how the dems have moved on from Bill and Hill..........
As if Bill and Hill would even allow that!
Great moments in civil discourse: "I'd like to think you're not stupid
But...what if we had filled them out and sent them in a day before the electin---and then showed up on Election Day to vote again?
You would have committed an easily detectable felony.
Hah, the progressive flying monkeys have gotten their orders and this is the topic amongst my progressive friends. It's really kind of funny as do they really want to pretend the Post Office is so beloved and revered like the IRS, that people are going to be outraged it's getting some well deserved scrutiny? It took me less than 12 seconds to find numerous stories of Postal workers dumping, destroying and storing mail they didn't want to deliver. I think they doth protest too much.
"Yet, there is a ballot waiting to be used by whomever mails it back."
It would never pass signature verification in my state.
And it's "whoever."
It's a pivot from protesting one set of civil servants to protesting on behalf of another set of civil servants.
I read the postal commissioners have 7 year overlapping terms. But all the current commissioners were appointed by Trump. That implies that the previous administration let a lot of commissioner slots remain vacant as the organization faced a financial crisis.
Whoa, Scott Adams reads Althouse.
Original Mike said...
This election may be the darkest day this country has ever seen.
8/15/20, 3:29 PM
Nope. Election Day is going to be a Trump victory. Now, the day after, when the Democrats turn what's left of their authority to rejecting that victory and running a coup? That's going to be the darkest day of American history. So far.
If you didn't prep when times were good, I got no sympathy for you. The grasshoppers will die this winter, and die horribly. Starvation will be one of the kinder fates.
Is there a bigger POS than Max Boot? Because I'm having trouble thinking of one.
No, I think he's reached the maximum size.
I'm not surprised to find him bashing Trump again in WaPo, as his career has a limited shelf life. Whatever happens in November demand for this kind of nonsense will be down, and if Biden wins the election Boot may have to change his name to find employment.
“ They were trying to forward it to the physical private street address rather than the PO Box. We confirmed that with our local postmaster; she said that is what the second sticker shows. When we called our old postmaster he said that was not possible because the paperwork was filled out correctly. When told about the sticker with the invalid street address he said he had no idea how that could have happened. P.S.: we are talking about a town with about 10,000 people.”
This is a real problem. The USPS doesn’t handle things well when you have a street address, but no delivery there. I had that up in the mountains in CO, and now in NW MT. Compounding things, the Cano address was for a condo, with its street address including condo complex, building, and unit. Several times in the last 50 years the USPS physical address shifted a bit you would think that using our PO Box would suffice. It does for getting mail... But all sorts OF big companies use the USPS physical address database to validate physical addresses. The problem is that they don’t have any use for the information (because all mail is delivered to PO Boxes), but they maintain 5he definitive database of valid street addresses - which they have little incentive to keep current, when they aren’t using the addresses for delivery. So, we are on the 3rd or 4th different street address for the condo building. You would think that they would tell you when they arbitrarily changed the street address for the building. Nope. Of course not. They are effectively unionized bureaucrats working for the federal government. All that you know is that you can no longer get FedEx deliveries because the street address is no longer valid, but have no Easy way of figuring out the new street address.
Ran into something similar here in MT last weekend. AT&T couldn’t deliver (via UPS) a replacement phone to us, because according to the USPS database they automatically checked for valid street addresses, our house here didn’t exist. When I complained to the librarian maybe Thursday, she told me that she had had the problem for years for the library, but that Larry at USPS figured out how to fix it. So, I was in there yesterday, and he did his magic - I hope. He has an advantage that USPS is his second career, and his previous one was as a programmer. The problem here was not that I didn’t know the most current street address, as was the case in CO, but rather that our house just didn’t exist in the USPS address database. No reason that they needed that information, since they only deliver to PO Boxes there. So, in the 15 years since the house was built, and my partner bought it, it apparently was never added.
AT&T doesn’t get off that easy either. It seems that every time that I talked to a real person there about this problem, they inevitably had the bright idea that we could bypass this problem by just picking up the new phone at my neighborhood AT&T phone store. They would then go into their sales pitch about how they had made picking up phones safe from COVID-19. Even if five minutes earlier I had explained to them that I was attempting to get delivery of the replacement phone by UPS, since the closest AT&T store was 100 miles away (actually 4 of them about 100 miles away in 4 directions), and I was trying to avoid driving that 100 miles each way. At least the USPS people mostly speak understandable English. AT&T seems to be doing a lot of their tech support out of India. Not only are they hard to understand at times, they also seem to do what a friend claims is universal practice of telling people (customers) whatever they want to hear and never telling them “no”, then doing what the can in the background.
Federal criminal law (18 USC 1701):
Whoever knowingly and willfully obstructs or retards the passage of the mail, or any carrier or conveyance carrying the mail, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.
So when will General Barr prosecute General DeJoy?
Freder Frederson said...
But...what if we had filled them out and sent them in a day before the electin---and then showed up on Election Day to vote again?
You would have committed an easily detectable felony.
The mail-in ballot with my name on it would arrive AFTER I voted in person.
So...is every ballot going to be cross-checked? How long would that take? Many states have antiquated computer systems for voting. How will they match my mail-in with my actual in -person vote.
WHO is going to do this "detecting", and how, especially if it is done in a massive fashion, which is what I suspect the Dems want to happen. In Dem-run cities like Philly, Chicago and Detroit, the voting princicts are overwhelmingly staffed by Dems Will they only "detect" multiple ballots favoring the GOP candidate?
Just watched a CBS News report about President Trump's attempt to gut the USPS. On the topic of main in voter fraud the phrase "without evidence" was bandied about quite a bit. No mention of the fact that we have not had mail in voting in the volumes contemplated for 2020. Also not mentioned:
- What happens when a voter casts a mail in ballot and then shows up at the polls on election day and votes again?
- When multiple votes are sent in from a house with multiple voters, how do we know who actually cast the vote?
- What happens to a ballot cast from a person at an address they no longer reside at?
- What happens when a registered voter that is currently deceased casts a ballot? And does anyone really know?
- What happens when I vote in my current state and also cast a mail in ballot mailed to me by my previous state?
We don't need "evidence" to postulate, with a high degree of confidence, that widespread fraud and improper voting is possible with mail in balloting.
My lady partner has a great idea for voting in person. Just do it in Walmart. Apparently everyone goes there without risk every week, and stays for half an hour or more, touching things, talking, even breathing. They could spend an extra 5 minutes voting. An alternative would be to put up Black Lives Matter signs at the polling locations, and then you can do whatever you want in complete safety from viruses or law enforcement.
Moderation is not working on me. I still screw up regularly. I just have to fix it later.
"It’s easy to understand why the Mideast agreement isn’t today’s biggest story. It was two days ago. Every thing I read gave trump lots of credit. Ann’s reaching here."
This has only happened, maybe two times in history?. If Obama had accomplished this it would be story one right up to election day. Hell, he got a Nobel prize for having 50% extra melanin and absolutley nothing else, which is something about a billion people have managed to pull off. If Obama deserved one Nobel, Trump deserves a place setting of them. Steve, you are the one reaching, becuase any Democrat would have been lauded like a saint for this.
If Democrats are so confident that this will not result in fraud, then lets make it a 30 year minimum jail ride for doing it, and a preponderance of the evidence as the threshold prosecuted by the Feds. Is a Presidential election of the United States not important enough for that level of seriousness?
CWJ said...
Readering, No I believe the animus directed towards Trump drives the news. You've reversed cause and effect. If it wasn't the USPS, it would have been some other Orange Man Bad story which which led.
Oh, I agree and the collapse of Rachel Maddow's ratings suggests that she did not deliver the desired outcome, no matter how unrealistic it was. What is next ? Maybe the current wave of anarchist rioting which seems to be driven by angry young whites, especially white women in their 20s. They must have empty lives.
In "State and Revolution," Lenin states that his "immediate aim" is "[t]o organize the whole economy of the lines of the postal service."
The libs love the postal service. Everything about it...
I started smoking when I was 16 (because I wanted to fit in with the friends, particularly a girlfriend, I had at the time). I came to enjoy it and gave it up around half-way through my military service at about 19. Cigarettes were easy to get at 16, because no one cared. Walk up to the counter, ask for a pack of Marlboro, pay maybe a buck and half, and light one up on the way out. My high school even had a designated smoking area for students (all under the age of 18) next to the cafeteria.
Now, no 16 year old can walk into a store and try to buy a pack of smokes without being asked to show an ID. Can you imagine a smoking area at a high school now?
I don't have evidence of people under the age of 18 smoking in the 70's, because no one cared. I only have my experience. When legal voting is as important as legal smoking, we will have honest elections. Until then, I don't trust the sons o' bitches.
You mean
The Amazon Jeff Bezos
Washington Postal
What must always be remembered is that the USPS is still effectively a government agency, with a long history of politicization and corruption, with a unionized work force. Postmasters are still, apparently political appointees, and were the original patronage appointees. Moreover, Congress is continually meddling and micromanaging.
My old law firm had the trademark and copyright work for the USPS. We tried to get their patent work. After doing a bit of patent work for them, we ultimately put together a bid that would have cut their patent prep and prosecution costs in half. The level that we were dealing with loved the millions that we would save them. Didn’t matter. At some point, they were told that the USPS was sticking with the Wash DC patent firm that was gouging them so badly. It became obvious that the decision was Purely political, and had nothing to do with what was more economical or productive.
Another problem is that many, maybe most, non supervisory, USPS employees are unionized, and do not get along, at all, with management. I talked with a cousin who had been a mail carrier for several decades. She had used her seniority to get the janitor job cleaning up the main office in the evenings. The problem was that management was mandating significant overtime for mail carriers, and with her daughter out of the house no longer needed the money she would have earned with the overtime. We are talking 5-10 hours a week normally, extending to 20-30 or more in the holidays. Making things worse, they can’t plan for it - they mostly had to be ready to work overtime most evenings. She had enough seniority that it wasn’t as bad as what the newer employees faced, but it was still a pain for her.
I talked to a retired rural mail carrier a couple weeks ago, while both of our significant others were having cataract surgery. Management thought that they knew how long it should have taken to do their routes, and that was the time allocated. F they took too long, they would be docked, or, ultimately, fired. And if they tried to speed up and take a rest in the middle, they would get in trouble there too. She had injured herself doing repetitive motions at a bad angle. She was supposed to have been given sufficient time to heal, but her boss would have had his bonus reduced, and was thus verbally refused. She ultimately was faced with being forced back to work before she was physically ready, or retiring. She retired. She then pointed out that she had been lucky - she had been a USPS employee. Around there (N ID), at least, the majority of rural delivery was done by contractors, who were not USPS employees, eligible for overtime, or even covered by workman’s comp.
I think that the big problem is that they have a serious management problems. A lot of the hostility between management and non supervisory employees goes back decades, with no resolution in sight. They are in a dead end industry, without the ability to do much innovation, and when they did, they inevitably had their inventions stolen by competitors, such as Pitney Bowles. They should raise their rates to cover their costs, but their rates have to be approved by Congress. Similarly, they typically can’t consolidate offices, since that too has to be approved by Congress.
Readering said...
Great moments in civil discourse: "I'd like to think you're not stupid.”
Why that’s deplorable, readering.
According to Rachael Maddow, Trump is defunding the Post Office to deprive democrats of a vote in the November election.
Rachael Maddow
just heard about it.
Tina Trent said: “Ironinically, based on comments, I'm VERY sure I live in the same state legislative though not federal district as Mountain Man.”
Based on comments I have seen from you earlier I believe you live in north Forsyth County near Hall County; I live in the south, just inside the county line, almost in John’s Creek. However, I do not vote here. I am still a legal resident of Sullivan County, TN (Congressional District 1) and i don’t plan to move my legal residence here until 2021 when I sell my house there. I only live here in Cumming part-time. I am sorry to say right now I am not sure what local and state districts I live in but I think the Congressional district is GA-7. I last voted in GA in 1974 and things have changed a lot since then in many respects.
I'm only sad that I rose to the bait. Goodnight and goodbye.
This is so stupid. The mail has no idea what candidate was checked on a mail-in ballot.
The headline "Trump's assault on Postal Service gives Democrats a new Campaign Message" is quite revealing of the media's underlying intent.
What happens when a voter casts a mail in ballot and then shows up at the polls on election day and votes again?
>>>>He would get a provisional ballot, to be counted later only if it's found that the other ballot was not returned.
- When multiple votes are sent in from a house with multiple voters, how do we know who actually cast the vote?
>>>>>Signatures would not match those on file with name in the bar code. REJECT
- What happens to a ballot cast from a person at an address they no longer reside at?
>>>>Signature would not match name record associated with bar code. REJECT
- What happens when a registered voter that is currently deceased casts a ballot? And does anyone really know?
>>>>See above.REJECT
- What happens when I vote in my current state and also cast a mail in ballot mailed to me by my previous state?
>>>>Can't do anything about that until there is a national voter database. Hoo boy there's a project!
Answers based on Montana system. (Find out how your state's system works!)
"The mail has no idea what candidate was checked on a mail-in ballot."
Exactly. Cuts both ways.
Only scheme I can think of requires all Democrats, say, to discreetly mark a certain part of the return envelope. Then ALL the ballot receiptors know to keep them and throw away all the others not so marked.
Whaddya think? Would it work?
Easily detectable felonies?
You mean like the 25,000 people the Chicago DA has refused to prosecute after lawful arrests?
Fuck off.
wild chicken: ""The mail has no idea what candidate was checked on a mail-in ballot."
Precinct/zip code voter registration by party is easily obtained.
"If Obama deserved one Nobel, Trump deserves a place setting of them"
It occurred to me that Soleimani's death probably made it less stressful for the Arabs to enter serious negotiations.
"Moderation is not working on me. I still screw up regularly. I just have to fix it later."
I don't know if this is a Blogger problem for just iPads or if it occurs across all browsers, but the "Preview" feature is worthless for me. I can preview my post, all right, but I can not edit it in the preview window, nor can I backtrack to the original comment window and edit it there. Just doesn't work. If I see a problem in "Preview" I have to start over so I basically don't bother with "Preview". It has been this way for months, if not years. Pre-moderation it was less of a problem, because I'd see the error in the post and I could take immediate corrective action.
"My lady partner has a great idea for voting in person. Just do it in Walmart."
The experts, including Fauci, has deemed in-person voting safe. Of course, the Party of Science ignores that.
ZIP Codes people, ZIP Codes.
And you know who bans mail-in ballots? Most developed countries, especially in Europe, ban mail-in voting to fight vast fraud and vote buying that had threatened the integrity of their elections, according to an exhaustive review of voting rules and histories in over 30 major nations.
Does anybody remember the problems with Covid Stimulus checks (direct deposits, bank cards) going to dead people? April or May? What percentage of those payments went to unauthorized people?
Does anybody remember the problems with getting Census forms back to be counted from, when, April? Still hearing news stories about hiring door knockers and phone operators to get more people counted?
Let's see -- April to August is 4 months. Mid October to early January is just over three months.
Seems to me recent history shows that it's unlikely all ballots can be issued correctly and returned and counted correctly in the Constitutional time frame.
Voting fraud charges filed against Paterson councilman and councilman-elect
"In the wake of rampant allegations of voter fraud in the Paterson City Council race, the New Jersey Attorney General filed voting fraud charges Thursday against a city councilman and a council-elect.
Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal announced voting fraud charges against 1st Ward Councilman Michael Jackson, 3rd Ward Council-Elect Alex Mendez and two other men, weeks after the May 12 local election in which the Passaic County Board of Elections decided not to count 800 city ballots found scattered across different municipalities.
Both Jackson, 48, and Mendez, 45, were charged with fraud in casting mail-in votes, unauthorized possession of ballots, tampering with public records and falsifying or tampering with records, according to the statement. Mendez was additionally charged with election fraud and false registration or transfer."
‘It’s a mess’: Paterson voter fraud just a taste of mail-in ballot issues plaguing New Jersey
"Voters in Hoboken are aware of the kind of shenanigans that can occur with mail-in ballots. Elected officials and candidates there griped for years that vote-by-mail fraud schemes operated in the open, but it wasn’t until 2018 that federal prosecutors first filed charges.
The investigation ensnared five people, including Democrat Frank “Pupa” Raia, a real estate developer with powerful political connections. Raia was convicted last year of overseeing a cash-for-votes operation that saw voters getting money in exchange for their mailed-in votes for specific local candidates or ballot initiatives.
Hoboken Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher, a Democrat, said the pace of the Hoboken probe gives her pause when she thinks of the deluge of mail-in ballots New Jersey clerks must handle now.
“Given that it took so long to get a formal investigation into the alleged election fraud practices in Hoboken, it would surprise me if the state were prepared to handle that at a state level,” Fisher said."
Hard to imagine anyone can really be dumb not to see it: my township went for Trump in 2016, the adjacent one for Clinton. All they have to do is fast track the ballots on that side of the line, and slow them down on my side, and it gives the Dems an advantage.
"Hard to imagine anyone can really be dumb not to see it: my township went for Trump in 2016, the adjacent one for Clinton. All they have to do is fast track the ballots on that side of the line, and slow them down on my side, and it gives the Dems an advantage."
But the postal union, who just called Trump a fascist, would never do that, Rory. C'mon, man!
"What happens when a voter casts a mail in ballot and then shows up at the polls on election day and votes again?
>>>>He would get a provisional ballot, to be counted later only if it's found that the other ballot was not returned."
Provisional ballot? Why? That's some funny stuff right there. So vote again tells the election day officials he voted by mail? Yeah right. Otherwise, why the provisional ballot? Oh but we must assume that they have an up to date list of all mail in ballots logged in and processed before election day because mail in ballots couldn't possibly be sent such that they arrived and weren't logged in in time.
Wild chicken, you're trying too hard.
Never go full QAnon
You know, if Democrats had the intelligence of a pissant (but then they wouldn’t vote Democrat, would they?) they’d realize that the USPS negotiated a very bad agreement with Amazon, one that leaves the Postal Service stressed past the breaking point. The situation is exacerbated by COVID-19 closing so many stores and forcing people to shop online. Vehicles and routes designed for mostly letter delivery are problematic when the bulk of the space in the vehicle is taken up with packages that must be dropped at the customer’s door instead. You might blame Trump because you seek to find fault with everything he does, but this contract was negotiated in 2013. And back then Donald Trump was not the President.
>>Here in Mass. we received our unsolicited mail-in ballots more than three weeks ago---and promptly ripped them up.
That seems odd, because I didn't get an "unsolicited mail-in ballot." What I got was, admittedly, unsolicited, but it wasn't a ballot. It was a notice from the "Dark Prince" that I could ask for a mail-in ballot.
I certainly don't approve of just mass mailing ballots to all "registered" voters, if some states are doing that. In my experience, however, that's not what Mass. is doing, though I haven't looked into how rigorous the process is if you do request a mail-in ballot. And I don't know if there are problems with the timing.
I intend to vote in person. Including the September 1 primary, which usually isn't worth the bother. It's so long ago I don't remember, but apparently I registered as a Democrat at some point and am still registered as such. It will be painful to vote for Markey, but I can't pass up an opportunity to vote against a Kennedy. Particularly a young one with no apparent qualifications other than his self-perceived divine right.
wild chicken said...
What happens when a voter casts a mail in ballot and then shows up at the polls on election day and votes again?
>>>>He would get a provisional ballot, to be counted later only if it's found that the other ballot was not returned.
****what if that mail-in has not been received yet? Why would he get a provisional ballot?
- When multiple votes are sent in from a house with multiple voters, how do we know who actually cast the vote?
>>>>>Signatures would not match those on file with name in the bar code. REJECT
****AS IF signatures can't be forged!! AS IF election officials are competent to verify them!
- What happens to a ballot cast from a person at an address they no longer reside at?
>>>>Signature would not match name record associated with bar code. REJECT
***Then why are so many votes made by dead people counted, esp. in Democrat districts?
- What happens when a registered voter that is currently deceased casts a ballot? And does anyone really know?
>>>>See above.REJECT
****that's just laughable. How many cases have come up where dead people are not purged from the polls for years, yet vote? Just who is it that records all the obits and strikes those people from the rolls?
- What happens when I vote in my current state and also cast a mail in ballot mailed to me by my previous state?
>>>>Can't do anything about that until there is a national voter database. Hoo boy there's a project!
***no way. The POTUS election is and should remain a bunch of state elections.
Answers based on Montana system. (Find out how your state's system works!)
****Oh sure. AS IF any Democrat state will tell you about any weaknesses in their system!
****Montana is a sparsely populated state. It bears no relationship to Democrat totalitarian machines who drives politics in states with large urban populations. THEY have historically cheated for generations.
Your child-like faith in them is....charming.
The fucking bottom line:
EVERY attempt to normalize voting by people who do not actually show up at a voting place to cast their ballot is an insidious attempt by Democratic totalitarians to a create a "one man, one vote, one time" system.
Keep your powder dry.
Re Mass. procedure.
OK. I dug it out. It's an "application" for a mail-in ballot, not a notice. And it specifically says that a vote by mail is "final." Timing still a bit unclear to me, but it also says that, for the primary, the application has to be "delivered to your local election office" by 8/25, which is a week before the election. If "delivered to" really means "received by," that's pretty tight, but not necessarily impossible. Local mail service in Boston is usually just a say or two.
Thanks, CWJ. I didn't have the energy.
And thanks to wholelottasplainin'.
Several weeks ago I saw the claim that 'Democrats want to mail ballots to all registered voters, remove rules against ballot harvesting, and eliminate signature verification'. I never saw the actual proposal, so didn't share it - some of my friends ignore anything from right-leaning sources, and I couldn't find any other stories.
Well, this morning I found a source. It is only Nevada, so not national, but if you scroll to page 37 there is the proof.
If anyone has a good source for the claim that Dems were pushing for this as part of the Corona relief package, I would love to see it!
The left is insane. The End.
AZblondie: "Several weeks ago I saw the claim that 'Democrats want to mail ballots to all registered voters, remove rules against ballot harvesting, and eliminate signature verification'."
Nevada is the test run.
In Nevada the Gov is going for no postmarked envelopes to be allowed as well as allowing ballots to show up days and days after the election.
The dems will simply keep counting until they win. Every time.
And all it takes is a few preselected lefty Judges to let it all go thru along with democrat Secretaries of State who will not certify the vote until the dems are ahead.
We've seen this time and again over the last couple of election cycles.
This is as naked a democratical display of election destruction as we've ever seen....and if the dems pull it off they are going to institute national vote by mail....while handing out automatic voter registration to every illegal and legal resident alien along with Drivers Licenses.
The American experiment at that point will be over.
Howard: "Never go full QAnon"
Tell us more about Steve Bannon and boogalooers directing the nationwide riots for the last 2+ months.
I think the post office's amazon contract gave the post office a profit on the margin, i.e. was good for the post office, but didn't cover proportionate fixed costs, so was easily demagogued among the financially illiterate. So they cancelled the contract, amazon built its own package distribution system, and the post office lost more money.
The media and the democrat party KILLED Cannon Hinnant.
Why they wont' cover it. Same reason the hot garbage press wont' cover Hillary or Biden kleptomaniac kleptocracy.
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