What's the evidence of "little success"? Is it the way Rasmussen's "approval index" jumped 6 points overnight from Wednesday to Thursday? The Times is just making an assertion — essentially wishful thinking. Trump, deviating from tradition, is having "little success." Just report what you want to be be true! Meanwhile, you'd think Joe Biden was some sort of religious transfiguration — the embodiment of light! It's so stupid that I'm drawn to read the transcript of the speech Trump gave yesterday in Joe Biden's home town of Scranton.
Maybe later I'll get to some of the convention speeches. I will confess to being seated in front of the TV at one point last night. It was just Chris Coons talking into the camera. I tried to watch for approximately 20 seconds, then said "Why do I have to listen to Chris Coons?" and got up and left. Oh! And I saw a triple-split screen of the [Dixie] Chicks singing the national anthem. Why them? Because long ago, in 2003, they outraged country music fans by openly opposing the war in Iraq? But Joe Biden voted for the war in Iraq. Because after all these years they dropped the word "Dixie" from their name, though they kept "Chicks"? The name Dixie Chicks was interesting because of the rhyme and the specificity. Now, they are generic, and why do these dames get to be all women?
I think it's that there's some idea that they have been irritating the deplorables since 2003. The Democrats wanted to pick that scab, remind people of the pain of that war their candidate supported?! "When the war was debated and then authorized by the US Congress in 2002, Democrats controlled the Senate and Biden was chair of the Senate committee on foreign relations. Biden himself had enormous influence as chair and argued strongly in favor of the 2002 resolution granting President Bush the authority to invade Iraq" (The Guardian).
Now, let's look at what Trump said in Scranton:
And I watched President Obama last night, and I watched him talking about everything, and I had to put it out. I said, yeah, but he spied on our campaign, and he got caught. That’s about as bad a thing as you can imagine. If that happened to another campaign on the other side, they would have had 25 people in jail for many years already. Many, many years. It’s a disgrace....Did anyone at the Democratic convention even mention the massive disorder in the Democratic-Party-run cities that has been raging for months? I see many references to Trump as "chaos," but the real-world chaos I see is going on in places that are governed by Democrats.
At stake in this election is the survival of our nation. It’s true. Because we’re dealing with crazy people in the other side. They’ve gone totally stone cold crazy.... These people have gone insane, and they’re radical left, and you look at some of the things happening in these Democrat-run cities, which we could solve in two minutes....
Joe Biden is a puppet of the radical left movement that seeks to destroy the American way of life....Did the Democrats say one word in support of law and order? It seems that they want to say the disorder is Trump. If Trump is the problem, the solution is easy. It all depends on our seeing Trump as the problem, and I think they've concentrated on that one argument. They won't talk about the problems they're responsible for — the condition of the cities (including police brutality).
If you want a vision of your life under Biden presidency, think of the smoldering ruins in Minneapolis, the violent anarchy of Portland, the bloodstained sidewalks of Chicago, and imagine the mayhem coming to your town and every single town in America. You’re not going to have law and order. Do you notice? And I shouldn’t say it because he’ll put it in his speech, if he can read it, which I doubt....
There’s only one thing standing between your family and the radical left wing mob, and that’s your vote this November. This is a very important … I feel like I’m a wall. You know, we built the wall on the Southern border.... If you want mobs and criminals, you got to vote Democrat. Look, because that’s what it’s about. They don’t talk about law and order. Now, I’m bringing it up now, but they haven’t, I haven’t seen anybody get up....He won't say "Delaware."
But if you want law and order, and I can say it, sometimes they’ll say, sir, say it gently. People want to hear gentle. They don’t want, say it gently. Don’t say law and order. Say, if you’d like law and order and safety. Nah, I can’t do that. If you want law and order, you’ve got to have law and order. You can’t have what’s happening in Portland. Did you see the kid get whacked the other day? Just whacked, like he was a piece of garbage? I mean, who could take it? We don’t want that, and pretty soon we’re going to have to send in our people because we’re supposed to wait to request? Now, I don’t know if they’re embarrassed or what, but these Democrat cities, they’re out of control. They have none. Look at Seattle, where [the mayor] said, no, we want a summer of love. I mean, this woman is crazy, and they would have never taken back Seattle except they knew we were going in the next day. That’s the only reason they even did it.
So tonight we have slow Joe will speak at the Democrat Convention, and I’m sure that he’ll just knock them dead. And he’ll remind us that he was born in Scranton. But you know, he left like 70 years ago, right? He left a long time ago.... But he loves Scranton. I mean, he keeps talking about, I was born in Scranton. I lived in Scranton. Yeah, for a few years, and then he left for another state. You know the state.
But this Scranton stuff. That’s why I figured I’d come here and explain to you one thing. But I think you people know it better than I do. He left! He abandoned Pennsylvania. He abandoned Scranton.He abandoned Scranton? He was a kid. His parents moved and took him with them.
He was here for a short period of time and he didn’t even know it. And today it’s amazing. It goes around in a circle. He still doesn’t know it.Oh! Mean joke!
But he spent the last half century in Washington selling out our country and ripping off our jobs and letting other countries steal our jobs, Mexico, China, all of them stealing our jobs....
A lot of Republicans don’t want me to say that, but I’ll tell you, unions are fine... And you have unions here. You have non-unions. What I talk about is the worker. They treated our workers horribly..... But these guys right here, are you all union people? I can tell. Are you union? It’s good, right? It’s fine.... American labor will vote for Trump Pence in 2020. They’re all saying that. And this area is going to be an incredible area. This used to be all Democrat until I came along. Until I came along, this was Democrat. This was heavily union. It was Democrat. It was everything. But they liked Trump and I’m going to never let you down and they will let you down. They will let you down....There's a long section about the coronavirus shutdown, and Trump accuses Democratic governors of keeping their states locked down for political purposes: On November 4th, the Governor of Pennsylvania is "going to say, 'Well, we’re going to open it up.'"
He blames Democrats for the fires in California. There's quite a long rant about the failure "to clean your floors... to clean your forests... get rid of the leaves. You got to get rid of the debris. You got to get rid of the fallen trees."
The next section is about illegal immigration: "Biden wants to open your borders in the middle of the pandemic." Etc.
Foreign policy:
After eight long years, Joe Biden and Barack Obama left America weak, disrespected, and endangered. We are respected again. We are a respected country again. They said that one of the leaders called up, top top leader of one of the countries. He asked me to call President Erdogan of Turkey, who I get along with very well. He said, “Sir, please, would you do me a favor? Call Erdogan.” I said, “Why can’t you do it?” He says, “You’re the only one he respects. You’re the only person he respects.” I tell you this story. I like telling very personal stories. But they did say that. “You’re the only one he’ll listen to.” I said, “Is that because of the United States?” They said, “No, it’s because of you.” So that’s not so bad. I might as well. I might as well tell you the stories because they won’t....
We withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal, a horror show. The ISIS caliphate was destroyed. The founder and leader of ISIS, the animal known as Al- Baghdadi is dead. The world’s number one terrorist, Qasem Soleimani, is dead. Joe Biden voted for the war in Iraq. I kept us out of new wars. Everyone said, “Oh, Trump, it’s his … He’ll be in a war his first week.” Instead of that, I got you out of wars. We’re down to a minimum number in Iraq. Afghanistan will be down very shortly to 4,000 troops and that’ll come back shortly too. Syria, we took them all out other than where we kept the oil if that’s okay with you. We kept the oil. We have some back and keeping the oil. We should have kept the oil in Iraq too. Remember, I used to say, “Keep the oil. Don’t go in.” I’d say, “Don’t go into Iraq.” But I was a civilian. Nobody cared. I was like you. So nobody cares.That was an especially good section of the speech, but the next thing is about a mosquito:
I want to get that mosquito out of here. I don’t like … They’ll say it’s cruelty to animals. I don’t know. No, it’s true. They were saying the other night, the shark. They were saying, “Oh, sharks. We have to protect them.” I said, “Wait a minute. Wait.” They actually want to remove all the seals in order to save the shark. I said, “Wait, don’t you have it the other way around?” That’s true. I’m not a big fan of sharks either. I don’t know how many votes am I going to lose? I have people calling me up, “Sir, we have a fund to save the shark. It’s called Save the Shark.” I say, “No thank you. I have other things I can contribute to.”Ha ha. The Washington Post lunged at that with: "Looks like Trump just validated a key Stormy Daniels affair allegation — by complaining about sharks." It said this was "strong evidence [in support of] the former porn star who alleged she’d had an affair with him." Is anyone actually mulling over the question whether Stormy Daniels spent time in the company of Donald Trump? I thought we all accepted that he did. I forgot why we're supposed to care. But if WaPo wants to go down that road, I see a lady down that way, and her name is Tara Reade.
Back to the Scranton speech:
In every action, every moment, and every decision I’m fighting for you. I’m fighting for Pennsylvania. A lot of people got rich and got powerful at your expense. Now these same liberal hypocrites want to open up borders and let violent mobs rule the streets while they live in Waldorf compounds in communities. They want to defund police while hiring private security. They want to let rioters burn churches while jailing you for praying in your church. They want to abolish school choice while sending their children to the best private schools in the land. They want to cancel you. Totally cancel you. Take your job, turn your family against you for speaking your mind, while they indoctrinate your children with twisted, twisted, worldviews that nobody ever thought possible....
Joe Biden is the candidate of these privileged liberal hypocrites who hold you and your values in disdain.... Pennsylvania is the state that gave us the Declaration of Independence, Valley Forge, Gettysburg, and generations of American patriots. Just like you. You’re patriots. You love this country. That’s why you’re here. You’re sitting in this boiling, crazy hot, sun. But you’re smarter than me because with you it’s on the back of your head. With me, I’m going to go home and my wife is going to say, “What happened? You look like a lobster.” Look the sun. This is great. I want to look like Lou, nice and dark. Right Lou? But with Lou it’s a little easier I think.Who's Lou? A black person?! I search the speech. It's Lou Barletta. A Pennsylvania Congressman. Italian ancestry. It's a little out there to say "I want to look like Lou, nice and dark."
He mixes up Larry Holmes and Ernie Holmes: "Larry. Larry. Sorry about that. I know another one named Ernie Holmes. Larry Holmes." Both are from Pennsylvania at least.
As Trump approaches the 1-hour mark, God makes an appearance:
Together we’ll unite citizens of every race, color, religion, and creed, as one people, one family, one glorious nation under God. That’s another word they don’t want you to say, God. You know that, right? Did you see they were doing something last night that was extremely basic, and always has had the word God in it, and they decided to take the word God out. But this is where they’re coming from. They’re coming to get you....
११४ टिप्पण्या:
And a 7 year old boy was attacked by Biden supporters for wearing a MAGA hat in front of the convention. Typical hate and violence is what the left is ALL about.
"They’re coming to get you..."
He is absolutely right about that.
Under God ruined the meter in the pledge, as of the 50s I think.
Troll in chief.
Crowd lined the roads. Looked like a success to me.
The chicks got in trouble because they said in a London concert they were ashamed Bush was from Texas as they were. This is different than opposing a war a but in the context of the fact were at war and they did it overseas really jarred a lot of their fans. I imagine if an NBA player came out against BLM they would face a similar backlash today, particularly if they said they were ashamed of George Floyd in the middle of a game.
Democrats started the stepping on convention convention a few elections ago. Was it Gore or Kerry?
I was more interested in the political tradition whereby one party doesn't use the US Intelligence system to spy on the other during the campaign season. Alas Biden stepped on that tradition.
"What's the evidence of "little success"? Is it the way Rasmussen's "approval index" jumped 6 points overnight from Wednesday to Thursday? The Times is just making an assertion — essentially wishful thinking. Trump, deviating from tradition, is having "little success." Just report what you want to be be true! Meanwhile, you'd think Joe Biden was some sort of religious transfiguration — the embodiment of light! It's so stupid that I'm" giving up on the NYT as a source newspaper for anything, those lying idiots managed by a nitwit who has squandered whatever credibility the newspaper once possessed.
"Joe Biden is the candidate of these privileged liberal hypocrites who hold you and your values in disdain...."
I'm hoping that people will get it through their heads that if you start off with Hillary Clinton, make a determined resistance for four years, and still end up with Joe Biden, then all along your movement was being directed by the interests of others.
At least he didn't call either of those guys John Holmes.
This was Natalie Maines statement:
" Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas"
Just in case people forget that the celebrities and Democrats are always ashamed of Republican presidents, and they hate Trump so much because he is a Republican, and they hated Mitt Romney and John McCain, and they'll hate the next guy too. Want to be held hostage? Watch the DNC and notice.....all they have to do is throw a fit for three years of a GOP Presidency, and then run on restoring "Hope" and light.
I listen to Trump and he's all over the place. It works, obviously, but I don't see how. Trump has mostly gotten me out of the prognosticating business, at least where it concerns Trump. If you boil it down to his core message and his generally successful stewardship of the country and the world over his first 3 years in office, I can see it, and I will vote for him. But I listen to him talk or I read the transcript and I can't make heads or tails of it.
BTW, I loved the "little evidence of success" line. They're just making stuff up, which would be bad enough on its own, but the Times, as with all the major media, is constantly adding the phrase "asserted without evidence" to every claim Trump makes that is'n't accompanied by an annotated dissertation. Even his tweets. Even when what he's saying is probably true and uncontroversial or has been proven elsewhere. But if it's anti-Trump, no problem, just make stuff up. Just like The New York Times does.
rhhardin said...Under God ruined the meter in the pledge, as of the 50s I think.
It was originally a socialist pledge that did not have "under god" in it, so they're just taking it back.
Biden's plan for Coronavirus is: have done something sooner.
It seems newsworthy to me to track which governors have instituted his "mask everywhere outside your home" mandate. Seems to me a good indication of how effective a president he would be.
In the meantime, the Democrats love minority women so much, they didn't even invite Tulsi Gabbard (she won delgates!) to speak alongside the other candidates from this year. Didn't even invite her!
Didn't invite Marianne Williamson, either. Did they want to make Kamala stand out more or something? Just drop all the women besides Kamala and Warren. No other attractive women with dark hair ran, apparently!
Having "The Chicks" there is a nice little "eff you" to GWB, too, isn't it? The Democrats had been pretending they liked him again for a minute. Maybe because they couldn't get him to speak at their convention, like Cindy McCain did. So they haul out the singers whose last big minute was being ashamed of GWB.
One more thing: a prediction. Because Biden apparently did ok last night, there will be a push for no debates. They need this good speech in the bank.
There seems to be a bit of gaslighting feel to it. Dems saying, the darkness in their cities, their creation, will stop as soon as orange man gone.
Great post, Professor. Thanks.
I was disappointed with Biden speech.
I was hoping for him to come out wearing nothing but cowboy boots and carrying a chicken.
I wish I could credit the commenter who first put that image in my mind.
Not disappointed at all with my president.
MAGA, baby!
John Henry
If that happened to another campaign on the other side, they would have had 25 people in jail for many years already. Many, many years. It’s a disgrace....
Not really a good talking point for Senate Republicans...
The Contrast is clear repeats the President that we elected 4 years ago. He will ever abandon us. The Soros funded, Globalist Dems want us dead. Hmmm? Choices, choices.
Thanks for sharing the Trump transcript. Seems to me he dumped a barrel full of reality onto the DNC message. Looking forward to and hoping next weeks RNC convention will be a barn burner full of the same.
"It’s time for us, for we, the people, to come together." (Biden)
For us, the people.
It's an apposition. Both words take the same case, in this case the objective, as subjects of a non-finite verb (or, worse analysis, the object of "for").
Is it the way Rasmussen's "approval index" jumped 6 points overnight from Wednesday to Thursday?
You ever notice these big moves in the polls favoring Republicans are never widely reported? This is the moment we usually see the convention bounce. A drop of 6 points during your convention week is historic, yet not a mention.
Anyone suspect we won't see polls for a few days? Ever notice how new polls just seem to vanish sometimes?
And here we are discussing Trump's speech, not giving much time to Basement Joe. Trump rocks!
And here we are discussing Trump's speech, not giving much time to Basement Joe. Trump rocks!
"I see a different America. One that’s generous and strong." (Biden)
Plagiarised from Coleridge, "Tyrannous and strong."
Guy's been a Senator for >45 years and has done nothing except become wealthy through corruption. (well, it wasn't hard work of having good ideas.)
"And finally, to live up to and make real the words written in the sacred documents that founded this nation, that all men and women are created equal." (Biden)
Women isn't in the document, and they're not created equal.
This is why Trump will win. He can pull this off. Biden cannot. Pizza stop
Biden's speech is idiotic but he's not stumbling over words.
I wonder what percentage of 2020 voters will know that Biden supported the Iraq war, while Trump opposed it?
I'd guess WAY less than 50% of them. And they surely will not be told this fact by the mainstream media.
You get all bent out of shape that Biden "lies" about what Trump said about Charlottesville, yet when Trump lies repeatedly that the Obama campaign spied on his campaign and committed treason (even if everything Trump lies about what Obama did were true, it still wouldn't be treason), that doesn't seem to bother you in the least.
The Times is just making an assertion — essentially wishful thinking.
The Times gave up objective reporting years ago, but has gone Full Monte over the last few months. They simply report what they want us to believe in hopes of shaping the election. The "Truth" as they want us to see it.
All of Dunder Mifflin's employees showed up at Trump's event.
Including Angela.
You got to get rid of the debris. You got to get rid of the fallen trees.
He’s right and the trust fund environmentalists who set policy in this area for the California Democrats are wrong.
If only Biden had the opportunity to work in a government position, we would't have all these issues...
"It’s time for us, for we, the people, to come together." (Biden)
For us, the people
In my head I read that line as, "It's time for us, for "We the People," to come together."
"It’s time for us, for we, the people, to come together." (Biden)
For us, the people.
In my head, I read that line as, "It's time for us, for "We, the People," to come together."
Biden's plan for Coronavirus is: have done something sooner.
Anyone besides me remember that Trump mentioned his administration was keeping an eye on a new disease in China all the way back in the State of the Union address in early January? The speech Nancy Pelosi dramatically tore up on camera? Anybody besides me remember how hard the Democrats fought to block Trump’s early efforts to keep the disease out of this country back in January and February?
You accuse Biden of having dementia, yet when Trump goes on an incoherent rant about sharks, seals, and mosquitoes, that is perfectly normal.
During Obama’s boring recitation on WED (during which that six point drop happened, I posit) he mentioned another trope of the DNC, that Trump is only in power to “enrich his family and friends.” Obama is not the only one who said this one way or another. Without even talking about the well known enrichment of the Bidens and Clintons and Obamas similar to the stunning accumulation of wealth by so many “public servants,” one can objectively see that Trump gave up a good life, put his personal and business fortune at risk to serve as president. Why do Democrat’s keep slagging Trump with a false charge that, even as the words hang in the air, seems to do much more aptly describe the DNC and GOP elite that fight so hard against Trump?
Coming from Althouse at the end of the election campaign: "How Biden Lost Me."
Answer: he accepted the nomination.
Now these same liberal hypocrites want to open up borders and let violent mobs rule the streets while they live in Waldorf compounds in communities. They want to defund police while hiring private security. They want to let rioters burn churches while jailing you for praying in your church. They want to abolish school choice while sending their children to the best private schools in the land. They want to cancel you. Totally cancel you. Take your job, turn your family against you for speaking your mind, while they indoctrinate your children with twisted, twisted, worldviews that nobody ever thought possible....
Joe Biden is the candidate of these privileged liberal hypocrites who hold you and your values in disdain..
Just thought it deserved to be repeated.
They want to defund police while hiring private security. They want to let rioters burn churches while jailing you for praying in your church. They want to abolish school choice while sending their children to the best private schools in the land.
Powerful. I would expect to have these lines in his acceptance speech.
Compare, contrast, repeat.
"It’s time for us, for we, the people, to come together." (Biden)
Biden's speech was of course written by a speechwriter. In fact dozens of people surely studied and polished every word of that speech before Biden ever saw it.
The contrast between this and Trump's words which are written, so to speak, as he speaks, is kind of jarring. Many people are being fooled by that, and don't appreciate that they are being given an honest view into what and how one man, Trump, thinks versus the polished lies of the hidden actors behind that fading puppet, Joe Biden.
It is mildly entertaining to spot the errors in the polished words of the puppet speeches given by Joe Biden and Barak Obama. (Although I'm sure Obama reviews and understands the polished speeches he reads off a teleprompter, even if they are almost always written by someone else.)
But I think the phrase "we, the people" is meant to evoke the preamble to the Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
and that means there shouldn't be a comma between we and the people.
Understanding the meaning that is intended is completely dependent on the listener recognizing the evocative reference, which everyone reading this probably does, but I'm entirely uncertain whether the young people today do the same.
I don't know what to call a construction like:
"It’s time for us, for we the people, to come together."
Certainly it's not grammatically correct. But to give it credit, I think it was an intentional error.
Obama = Nixon, Freder. No matter how you kick against the goads you cannot change the fact Obama used DOJ/FBI to harass and attempted to entrap Trump abusing national security laws in the process. No act by Trump has been illegal or improper, especially if you find no fault with the prior admin. Who exactly was in charge in 2016?
Althouse sez:
So I decided to ignore the Democratic convention, and focus on Trump.
No listening to Biden's speech, or the Obamas' speeches, or Warren's speech, or Powell's speech, or Bloomberg's speech. No trying to identify the themes that the Democrats want to campaign on or whether they were persuasively presented. No evaluation of the case for Biden or of Biden's performance in his marquee address--although it would clearly be relevant to the concerns about his competence that I keep raising. I chose to ignore all this because it was a fake event.
Of course I know without watching what the Dems did and said--so I can critique them for their failures and omissions. And frankly, I'm not interested in their strengths, because they are not bloggable--meaning I can't name them honestly without losing readership and my links from Reynolds and Adams.
So, I'm going to focus on Trump's stump speech in Scranton. Although I'm not going to subject it to criticism for its omissions or untruths or flat out lunacy, because that too would alienate my right wing readers. But look, it's great on foreign policy.
This is BS. No wonder you lost your friends.
You get all bent out of shape that Biden "lies" about what Trump said about Charlottesville, yet when Trump lies repeatedly that the Obama campaign spied on his campaign and committed treason (even if everything Trump lies about what Obama did were true, it still wouldn't be treason), that doesn't seem to bother you in the least.
Now I find it mind-boggling that someone would write those words as it seems clear evidence of a mind-boggling cluelessness or, should I say, inability to see what you don't want to see.
Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, suggested on Twitter that Biden had disqualified himself by telling "the most divisive lie in American history."
Just saw this over at Ace's place. So it looks like Biden decided to make the Charlottesville lie the center of his campaign.
And Adams rips off Althouse!
Armstrong and Getty say Biden was a little slurry, but okay. He'd probably had a couple of quick cocktails before the speech.
The media is one of many enemies of freedom. They prove it daily. If you haven"t seen it it is because you refuse to see.
"It’s time for us, for we, the people, to come together." (Biden)
Yes, and it’s time the Democrats put aside their petty politics and rally behind the President of the United States.
The odd and amazing thing about Trump's speech is that, although many times it drops into incoherence, there are several times where it becomes coherent and remarkable and more powerful than what was said at the Democratic convention despite the huge effort that was poured into the many speeches of those politicians.
This is of course the point that Ann is making.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Obama = Nixon, Freder. No matter how you kick against the goads you cannot change the fact Obama used DOJ/FBI to harass and attempted to entrap Trump abusing national security laws in the process. No act by Trump has been illegal or improper, especially if you find no fault with the prior admin. Who exactly was in charge in 2016?
8/21/20, 8:04 AM
This theme of “divided America” is curious too because a majority of our citizens believe Obama did much to divide the races and little if any to heal tensions. The charge by the DNC-Media complex is that Trump is the cause of division, as if everything was kumbaya pre-Orange Man. Yeah Hillary would have been a uniter right? But when Trump says things like “we can disagree peacefully” and “there are fine people on both sides of the statue issue,” two truisms that should serve to form agreement have been twisted by dishonest pols and media to mean the opposite of what Trump said. He has obviously reached out to black people with the HBU funding and continual highlighting of low unemployment numbers for black and Hispanic and women working pre-virus. Why would a racist want more minorities employed? We all could have come together over Trump’s July 4th hoedown last year. Nope. Democrats mocked him and boycotted the event, like they did his inaugural and his SOTU speech. Was Nancy unifying is when she threw a tantrum and ripped up his beautiful USA-celebrating speech right there on TV? They’ve spent every second dividing us by race, by party, by region, by support for the commie march of the day, by allowing violence and destruction in cities they control to cow the electorate to quiet the dissent from BLM bullshit.
Yeah they’re selling division but America is unifying behind the bad orange man again. Thank you incompetent opposition!
All democrat votes, previous unpopular or inconvenient public stances, and democrat power-corruption for private wealth gathering, are excused and swept under the rug.
Hunter who?
@Freder (7:41), it’s beyond any doubt anymore that the FBI was weaponized by the Obama administration to spy against the Trump campaign. And if placed on trial, Barack Obama would be reduced to Dick Nixon’s defense: "Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."
David Marcus has a great post at The Federalist: The Dem convention was boring because they approached it as a film event when it should've been a theatrical event. He hopes that the GOP gives us a live (limited) audience and the impromptu chance for mistakes. This Trump speech, with its idiosyncratic quirks and scorching message, is an exciting start.
Ann said:
"Did anyone at the Democratic convention even mention the massive disorder in the Democratic-Party-run cities that has been raging for months? I see many references to Trump as "chaos," but the real-world chaos I see is going on in places that are governed by Democrats."
Why would the democrats mention their own failures? I'm shocked the collective left are not blaming Trump for the failures in democrat run cities.
50+ years of democrat rule in Detroit and Baltimore, San Fran and Chicago etc... but somehow these hellholes are Trump's fault.
yet when Trump lies repeatedly that the Obama campaign spied on his campaign and committed treason
It wasn't a lie. Every single shred of evidence proves that. The only one lying now is you.
(even if everything Trump lies about what Obama did were true, it still wouldn't be treason), that doesn't seem to bother you in the least.
Do you see now why conservatives think liberals are idiots? You make a statement in the first part of your comment, then completely contradict it in your second part.
Andy NGO has running footage of leftwing antifa terror in Portland each night.
CNN and MSDNC-chiCom Maddow not interested.
---This is BS. No wonder you lost your friends.
Do whatever Stephen sez, or else, Althouse! Don't you dare write what you want to write about on your blog. You might lose some of those great friends he imagines. The ones who leave if you say the wrong thing.
PS to Stephen: please make an argument about any of the facts. You won't, because you know it will be devastated by the competing brain power on this site. That is why you stick to this creepy shtik.
“No evaluation of the case for Biden or of Biden's performance in his marquee address--although it would clearly be relevant to the concerns about his competence that I keep raising.”
It was made from his basement. Full stop.
The content is irrelevant. Someone else wrote it. How he delivered it is irrelevant. He was relentlessly coached, rehearsed, and medicated.
But he delivered it while hiding in his basement. That’s relevant as Hell.
Biden delivered his own eulogy.
As it turns out, he was just turning his life around...
I myself have had sex with several porn stars. While technically they weren't physically in the room with me when we had sex, there's no denying I had sex with them. I won't get into any Clinton level parsing and evasions. I had sex with them....This is not a justification or apologia for Trump's behavior, but the simple fact is that most American men have had sex with a porn star. That's probably why the charge didn't resonate. On the plus side, Trump had sex with an age appropriate porn star. That shows a certain amount of character.
Funny how the media heavily criticized Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican convention in 2016 as “dark.” His description of current America was so dark, they said, though Trump didn’t use the word himself. Four years later, Biden actually uses the word over and over as the main motif of his acceptance speech and the media now love it!
"Joe Biden voted for the war in Iraq."
There are lots of other things Joe did over the years that, on the merits, should outrage progs. But the fact that they are not outraged shows merits don't matter. Joe is a figurehead, and they figure he'll do their bidding.
"The Democrats wanted to pick that scab"
While claiming they want to overcome "division." We cynical deplorables are just not cynical enough.
No trying to identify the themes that the Democrats want to campaign on or whether they were persuasively presented.
Please put it here because it wasn’t in Obama’s or Biden’s or Harris’s or Bloomberg’s or Clinton’s or and RINO speaker’s remarks. The only mention of policy was by Sanders and Warren, the two most radical pro-socialist candidates. Nobody knows how Joe will govern because he didn’t say anything beyond Trump is bad and my old man worked hard. Policy? No mention of China or burning cities or the Middle East peace deal? No urgency to get everything up and running? Joe doesn’t even know the virus is disappearing right now, saying he would implement his mask law in January 2021!?!?!
Does he think the Wu flu will be raging in 5 months? Are there no epidemiologists among the prog horde?
I think that Althouse is finally figuring out that even thought Trump isn't her 'style,' he has gotten a lot done...good things done.
If nothing else, he's the guy (for those of us without public section pensions) who is going to protect our retirement dollars...no small thing.
And I don't think she's dumb enough, ultimately, to pull the lever for a sexual opportunist and a man who seldom knows what day it is.
“Party of science” for fucks sake.
Antifa militant & convicted pedophile who stabbed black Trump supporter in Portland released on $250,000 bail by antifa group
They’ve spent every second dividing us by race, by party, by region, by support for the commie march of the day, by allowing violence and destruction in cities they control to cow the electorate to quiet the dissent from BLM bullshit.
This! I’ve come to an inescapable conclusion that Democrats make life much less enjoyable. Shitcan the lot of ‘em.
There is no point in contradicting Freder. He is a delusional leftist who prefers "his truth" over facts.
The Democrats are counting on the Freders of this world to carry them to victory. If they lose, watch for all hell to break loose. That is their threat.
So, one speech by Trump's was more entertaining than the entire Dem convention.
And he's right about what's at stake.
And then guess what, Stephen? I see Althouse is posting a live-blog of her reading of the Biden speech transcript. I am sure all his great points will be highlighted, but almost everyone knows -- and you probably suspect, even though you hate to admit it to yourself -- that this nomination is one of the great follies of American political history. To nominate for the Presidency a man with visible signs of dementia, whose family has been thieving off his political influence for decades. But not to worry, right, Stephen? He will, sooner or later, be replaced in a particularly cynical ploy with that winner Kamala Harris! She's a paragon of virtue and there's a remote chance she even means whatever she says today. Not like all the stuff she said a few months ago. A remote chance. Or heck, maybe it will even be someone else entirely; who knows what ratty trick the Democratic Party has been working out in secret.
But why should anyone care about keeping faith with the voters, right? That's for the losers, the deplorables. Biden is bringing the light! The light of deception, dishonesty, spying, coup attempts, and incompetence. Go with it, man.
Do you see now why conservatives think liberals are idiots? You make a statement in the first part of your comment, then completely contradict it in your second part.
I wasn't contradicting myself at all. I said "even if".
The NYT judges that Trump had little success by looking around the newsroom and editorial offices at the NY Times Building and seeing that Trump had little success with them.
Why look any farther? The rest of the country is just deplorable and irrelevant.
Freder Frederson said... [hush][hide comment]
You get all bent out of shape that Biden "lies" about what Trump said about Charlottesville, yet when Trump lies repeatedly that the Obama campaign spied on his campaign and committed treason (even if everything Trump lies about what Obama did were true, it still wouldn't be treason), that doesn't seem to bother you in the least.
Say what ? Obama did not spy on the Trump campaign ? What basement have you been living? Joe's? The Field Marshal never fails to amuse.
Freder Frederson said... [hush][hide comment]
You get all bent out of shape that Biden "lies" about what Trump said about Charlottesville, yet when Trump lies repeatedly that the Obama campaign spied on his campaign and committed treason (even if everything Trump lies about what Obama did were true, it still wouldn't be treason), that doesn't seem to bother you in the least.
Say what ? Obama did not spy on the Trump campaign ? What basement have you been living? Joe's? The Field Marshal never fails to amuse.
“ You get all bent out of shape that Biden "lies" about what Trump said about Charlottesville, yet when Trump lies repeatedly that the Obama campaign spied on his campaign and committed treason (even if everything Trump lies about what Obama did were true, it still wouldn't be treason), that doesn't seem to bother you in the least.”
Agreed. It wasn’t the Biden campaign, but rather the Obama/Biden Administration (with the active involvement of Biden) plus very possibly the Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign, that spied on Trump, his campaign, and early Administration. Typical left wing fact check of Trump - claiming him a lier on small details, when he was essentially correct on the big one - that Biden was involved in spying on him.
And just because your papers called Trump a lier about Charlottesville, doesn’t make him one. Sure, a handful of Nazis or something marched with the original protesters on the right, and Trump refused to condemn the original protesters. But the much larger counter protest was led by Marxists. Want to compare death tolls for the fascists (including the Nazis) versus the Marxists over the Twentieth Century? Fascists and Nazis have been clashing for at least 90 years now - and our AntiFA avowedly comes out of that clash, proudly claiming descent to the Stalin funded and organized German AntiFA of the early 1930s. Where is your condemnations of the Marxists that turned the original nonviolent protest in Charlottesville so violent?
NYT observes that Trump — "[s]hedding the political tradition whereby each party defers to the other during the week of its nominating convention"
Greg observes that Obama shredded the political tradition whereby a President doesn't abuse the National defense apparatus to spy on opposing candidates
Greg observes that Obama shredded the political tradition whereby a former President shuts up about the current President.
When you don't let tradition stop you, it no longer protects you
LOL, it was the Dixie Chicks who annoyed the deplorables not this new group The Chicks. The Dems wrong footed themselves on that one.
I have long felt three gentile trans women should form a group called the Shiksie Dicks.
Freder Frederson said...
You get all bent out of shape that Biden "lies" about what Trump said about Charlottesville, yet when Trump lies repeatedly that the Obama campaign spied on his campaign and committed treason (even if everything Trump lies about what Obama did were true, it still wouldn't be treason), that doesn't seem to bother you in the least.
1: Here's a friendly hint, Freder: If you tell a flat out lie while complaining about someone else's "lying", you lose any right or expectation that you will be taken seriously
2: President Obama spied on the Trump campaign. It wasn't the "Obama campaign", Obama wasn't running for office. The point of the FISA spying on Cater Page was that they also got to grab all the electronic communications of people he communicated with, and the people they communicated with.
That is because the point of FISA investigations is counter-intelligence (hunting down enemy spies) NOT "crime fighting".
To claim that Obama was not spying on the Trump campaign, you must claim that Carter Page did not have a single electronic communication with any person in the Trump campaign. Which, since he was working for the Trump campaign at one point, is a clear, outright lie.
3: Treason is adhering to America's enemies in times of war. Iran has declared war on the US. The Obama Admin sent Iran hundreds of millions of dollars, cash, on pallets in US planes. Which the Iran government then used to fund terrorist attacks agains the US and our allies.
That sounds like "adhering to Iran in time of war with the US" to me. Which is treason.
You may disagree. The point is, it's at worst something people can disagree about.
There is no honest disagreement about what Trump said about Charlottesville and "good people on both sides". What Biden is saying is a flat out lie.
Now, can you see that difference? Or do your beliefs require you to be a pathetic and dishonest hack?
Mike: "Trump is only in power to “enrich his family and friends.”"
Yes, that is an especially weird and cynical charge by Barry. Trump no doubt lost money. His family lost business opportunities. Many of his associates became legal targets and lost money that way.
By contrast, the Clintons, Bidens, and Obamas, profited from "public service" and became multimillionaires, Hunter being especially egregious, but the "Clinton Foundation" and the Obama book and Netflix deals of a different order.
So, we have something entirely obvious here. And yet a former president spouts the BS without shame. It says a lot about progs today--and it tells us cynical deplorables that we are not yet cynical enough.
Is there anything progs say about Trump that isn't total BS?
Christ, Althouse. Give it a rest. We all know perfectly well what is at stake in this election. No lie that any politician can tell makes the least bit of difference. The matter is simple. The Democrats' plan is to obtain totalitarian control over every aspect of our lives, under the guise of "equality" and "rights". You can say Yea, or you can say Nay. The precise current extent of Joe Biden's dementia has no bearing on the question.
but he spied on our campaign, and he got caught.
Obama's not going to get an empty library, but there might be a lamp post!!
Freder Frederson said...
You get all bent out of shape that Biden "lies" about what Trump said about Charlottesville, yet when Trump lies repeatedly that the Obama campaign spied on his campaign and committed treason (even if everything Trump lies about what Obama did were true, it still wouldn't be treason), that doesn't seem to bother you in the least.
There is a very strict defined definition of treason in the U.S. Constitution- with good historic reasons for it.
But then there's the everyday use of the word. The line 3 definition at dictionary.com: the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery. Merriam-Webster line 2: the betrayal of a trust Using the definition that most people use in everyday conversation- the actions of Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, et al, all with the knowledge if not at the direction of Saint Obama and his acolyte Biden, are treasonous. Not to mention all the military people I know who think LTCOL Vindman should be hanging.
The Oxford English dictionary has the more historical version of treachery that our founders rejected writing the Constitution as being too broad and easily manipulated. (the crime of) showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government: If you look at Snopes what Obama said here could easily meet the Oxford definition. As well as his sending a pallet of cash to Iran. And trading high value prisoners for a deserter guilty of treason under this definition.
"I listen to Trump and he's all over the place. It works, obviously, but I don't see how."
The best part of Trump's speech is the simple contrasts between "defund the police, hire private security." kind of stuff. It's effective because it draws a clear line between what his (forget the GOP, they're largely useless) vision of America and what the Democrats' vision is going to become (Joe will be ineffectual at moderating anything within the party, even as President).
Howard said...
Howeeee captures the nation’s reaction to teh DNC’s Shamvention.
I am waiting for Trump to out the narcissist DNC for their appalling gaslighting. The street chaos of Democratic run urban areas needs to be called what it is: Extortion.
In effect, the Dems are saying, when orange man bad is removed from office, the urban violence and chaos will stop. Why? Because they are fomenting and enabling the Brown Shirts of our age to engage in unheard of violence against "We, the People" for unconscionable duration.
"You give us what we want and we will stop destroying your daily activity."
It may not be the Legal definition; but, it is Extortion by any other name.
The Times is just making an assertion — essentially wishful thinking.
I am glad Trump made fun of the fact that Democrats like Hillary and Biden pretend they have half a dozen home states.
WashPo is still chasing Stormy's g-string.
"You give us what we want and we will stop destroying your daily activity."
I was just getting ready to write a longish comment on this same thought. Every time I hear the Dems talking about how divided America is, and how if we put them in power all the divisiveness will stop, Daniel's comment is what I hear. Loud and clear. Unless they get what they want the riots will continue. They will do their best to destroy the economy. They will subvert foreign policy.
It's a threat, pure and simple. Put forward by the Democrat's presidential candidate! How this message could resonate with anybody is beyond me. In a sense I pity them.
Freder is once again proving why no one believes a word of his bullshit.
Freder, you have to be capable of telling the truth once. Come on, man !
Since Stormy Daniels was invoked:
On Jan. 29, 2020, Stormy Daniels' lawyer revealed that she had written and signed a letter saying the affair with Donald Trump never happened.
Apparently, the letter was for the purpose of informing the grand jury in the Nike extortion case that Avenatti had persuaded her to extort Trump in 2016.
The letter is under seal so it can't be used as evidence against Daniels.
"I have long felt three gentile trans women should form a group called the Shiksie Dicks."
Star for that : )
rhhardin said...
Biden's speech is idiotic but he's not stumbling over words.
Was Biden's speech live or pre-recorded? How do you know?
Funny how the media heavily criticized Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican convention in 2016 as “dark.” His description of current America was so dark, they said, though Trump didn’t use the word himself. Four years later, Biden actually uses the word over and over as the main motif of his acceptance speech and the media now love it!
TheThinMan points out something significant here. Not only are the Dems stuck on the same political operators, the same cast they had in 2016's debacle, they are demonstrating a remarkable lack of imagination. Trump's vision for America in 2016 was "dark," they said. But it worked! He won, and the economy roared and our friends rejoiced and our enemies cower. So, let us appropriate that whole "dark" thing, since it works. Except it wasn't dark, that was just the largely inaccurate intelligentsia/literati interpretation of it. So they're going with dark because they think it worked for Trump, except that he's the most optimistic, glass half-full guy we've had in office at least since Reagan.
It's obviously not because they don't have talent on their side, but the Dems have become incredibly bad at propaganda. They just shout a lot, and have a huge megaphone, but the best they can do is appropriate what they think worked for Trump. Since they have so much access to effective media and tech and entertainment genius, their problem must lie elsewhere. Perhaps it helps messaging to have a fucking message, to believe in something. Or maybe relatedly it's that they run everything by committee, that there is no person with a vision, but a vision committee, and committee can't have vision, and can't as a result create coherent messaging. Whatever the fuck it is, they're a disaster, a slow motion train wreck, and I hope there is infamy for ages over their running a demented old man cutout for president. Even if I hadn't already abandoned the Dems, I'd be so done with them, as done as I was with the Yankees when they gave up a 3 game lead to Boston for the first ignominious time in MLB playoff history.
I realize this is a simple heuristic, and I'm just passing it along, but Sebastien and Mike zeroed in on the most cynical aspect of Obama's speech: if you want to know what prominent Dems are up to and worried about, just listen to what they accuse the other side of doing. It may be simple, but it's practically foolproof.
Wait until Trump wins and, over the next three or four weeks mail in ballots pour in.
Anyone not believe the left is all ready with STOLEN election!
Thus justifying Antifa 2.0, now with better weapons.
yet when Trump lies repeatedly that the Obama campaign spied on his campaign
It's not a lie, and you know it.
Stop lying.
Greg The Class Traitor said...
rhhardin said...
Biden's speech is idiotic but he's not stumbling over words.
Was Biden's speech live or pre-recorded? How do you know?
Memorex knows -
How many members of a campaign need to be spied upon before we can say that the campaign was spied upon?
JaimeRoberto said...
How many members of a campaign need to be spied upon before we can say that the campaign was spied upon?
With FISA, if one member of a campaign is spied on, every single member of the campaign who trades 1+ emails with the first person is spiderwebbed upon, as is every person who trades 1+ emails with then people who were added at step 1.
So the answer to your question is "one"
Jupiter said...
Christ, Althouse. Give it a rest.
that should be holy vagina teacher lady
Greg The Class Traitor said...
JaimeRoberto said...How many members of a campaign need to be spied upon before we can say that the campaign was spied upon?
So the answer to your question is "one"
he can be a plant and does not need to wear a wire either - which is the advantage
Meanwhile, up in Howard country (the northeast) this was just announced:
"USTR – United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and European Union Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan today announced agreement on a package of tariff reductions that will increase market access for hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. and EU exports. These tariff reductions are the first U.S.-EU negotiated reductions in duties in more than two decades.
Under the agreement, the EU will eliminate tariffs on imports of U.S. live and frozen lobster products. U.S. exports of these products to the EU were over $111 million in 2017. The EU will eliminate these tariffs on a Most Favored Nation (MFN) basis, retroactive to begin August 1, 2020. The EU tariffs will be eliminated for a period of five years and the European Commission will promptly initiate procedures aimed at making the tariff changes permanent."
Oh no! I was told by Althouse lefties (in particular ARM and LLR-lefty Chuck) that it was literally impossible for Trump to deliver on trade deals and foreign policy victories.
Literally impossible....yet Trump just keeps doing it.
I suppose LLR-lefty Chuck and ARM will find a way to claim those that were against these deals that were supposedly impossible are somehow now, magically, the ones who made them happen.
A truth bomb aimed right at Freder and the phony left.
Judge Orders New Election In Paterson, NJ, Due to Widespread Mail-In Vote Fraud Of Such an Extent That It Completely Eradicates Any Credibility of the "Vote"
22% of all votes cast were fraudulent.
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