"Not just among news networks. All of television. The average live Fox News viewership in those hours outstripped cable rivals like CNN, MSNBC and ESPN, as well as the broadcast networks ABC, CBS and NBC, according to Nielsen. That three-hour slot is a narrow but significant slice of TV real estate, and it is exceedingly rare for a basic-cable channel to outrank the Big Three broadcasters, which are available in more households and offer a wider variety of programming. Even the return of live sports did little to stop the momentum: The Fox News programs hosted by Mr. Carlson and Sean Hannity drew more live viewers than competing baseball and basketball games, including a Yankees-Nationals matchup on Opening Day.... MSNBC, whose liberal prime time is an ideological inverse to Fox News, has increased its audience from a year ago. But Rachel Maddow, once neck and neck with [Sean] Hannity at 9 p.m., has fallen behind all three of Fox News’s prime-time stars in total viewers. [Laura] Ingraham, who appears in the less desirable 10 p.m. slot, has drawn more viewers than Ms. Maddow for many months.... Major advertisers, including the Walt Disney Company, T-Mobile and Poshmark, boycotted [Tucker Carlson's show after he] denounced the protesters as violent anarchists. Later, the host called Senator Tammy Duckworth, a wounded veteran, a 'moron' and questioned her patriotism. In recent days, Mr. Carlson called former President Barack Obama a 'greasy politician' and wondered if [George] Floyd’s death had been caused by drug use rather than being pinned to the ground by a police officer. Mr. Carlson’s ratings have never been higher."
From "Boycotted. Criticized. But Fox News Leads the Pack in Prime Time" (NYT).
७५ टिप्पण्या:
Later, the host called Senator Tammy Duckworth, a wounded veteran, a 'moron' and questioned her patriotism. In recent days, Mr. Carlson called former President Barack Obama a 'greasy politician' and wondered if [George] Floyd’s death had been caused by drug use rather than being pinned to the ground by a police officer. Mr. Carlson’s ratings have never been higher.
If this is the sort of things that give a NYT reader the vapors, then they really need to get out & see more of the world. This may be "red meat" for a right-wing audience, but it's ground beef rather than sirloin.
The sponsors’ boycotts make Carlson more appealing.
His populism and humor attract a big audience. He does a good job scorching the GOP’s fake antics and skewers Jarod Kushner and Trump for listening to Kushner.
maybe a cartoon, of a fox hunt-- the other MSM outlets
in the red jackets, chasing the wily Fox thru ratings land.
related-- just heard a piece on the radio (NPR?) about
conferring legal personhood to water
so maybe content/modicum of sanity has something to do with
Welcome to the 2020 preference cascade.
The left has not just lost.
They have convinced most Americans they are a positive threat to everyone else's freedom.
We see you with your BLM friends. We know you are hoping antifa silences us.
We all see you now you shitheads.
The best thing you can do is hide and hope we lose interest.
The highest-rated channel in prime-time garners (and I use that word mockingly) the attention of roughly 1 percent of Americans.
And that's counting the extra rooms LLR-lefty Chuck listed as separate residences with independent cable connections to bump up Rachel Maddow's and Joy Reid's viewership numbers......
Everyone knows the major media outlets are just owned tools of the globalist left.
And the left is finished.
They went all in to get Trump.
And Trump won.
The next 5 years of the Trump presidency will be interesting as he cuts out a lot of grifters and shysters who were feeding at the DC trough.
Hopefully we get to hang a few.
I find the commitment of the entertainment, sports and news industries as well as their corporate sponsors to their narratives in the face of facts and consumer preference to be almost admirable in a Charge of the Light Brigade kind of way. I hope their China profits are worth it.
This primal facial proves it's over for the demoncrap party forever. Trump wins again.
Mr. Carlson called former President Barack Obama a 'greasy politician' and wondered if [George] Floyd’s death had been caused by drug use rather than being pinned to the ground by a police officer.
People are hungry for the truth.
"and wondered if [George] Floyd’s death had been caused by drug use rather than being pinned to the ground by a police officer."
What kind of a wacko would bother to read a toxicology report and think being on fentanyl and morphine could have any effect on someone dying, a total loon that's who.
Yes, It Was NPR
"Should Rivers Have Same Legal Rights As Humans? A Growing Number Of Voices Say Yes"
what if that river has a great big beautiful Trump Boat Parade?
wondered if [George] Floyd’s death had been caused by drug use rather than being pinned to the ground by a police officer.
And the leaked body cam videos shows he was probably right.
For a [definitely NOT NSFW] discussion of what they reveal, here is Tommy Sotomayor's review on youtube:
Full Video Of George Floyd Arrest: Does This Change The Way You Feel About What Happened?
The highest-rated channel in prime-time garners (and I use that word mockingly) the attention of roughly 1 percent of Americans.
Just ignore all the tweets, retweets, youtube, email sharing and things like, you know, blogs.
and wondered if [George] Floyd’s death had been caused by drug use rather than being pinned to the ground by a police officer
In Carlson’s defense, he happens to be right. @Althouse, the reason why you steadfastly decline to watch video of Floyd’s arrest is not due to squeamishness, but due to your fear that you would be forced to challenge your biases. Now go find a corner of your ivory tower to hide in. For the times, they are a-changin’.
Landslide is coming, because Americans are sick and tired of being lied to over and over again by Democrats and their Propaganda media cohorts.
Based on the body cam footage, it actually does appear that George Floyd's death was caused far more by drug use that whatever the cops did...
Why is it horrible to contemplate the truth?
Besides...who wants to watch democrats sports stars with their little slogans get paid millions whilst they are protecting China who uses slaves to make the Nikes that these millionaires wear, get paid to promote, and then cry about how oppressed they are in their million dollar mansions. They can go fly a kite for all I care.
Most people just want the truth.
Earnest Prole— yes, it is one percent, but it is more than ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and MSNBC. It is a lot more than the other cable news channels. I don’t think those other channels are doing it right.
Some people may hate Fox News, but more people love it.
Fox news is not the ideological inverse of MSNBC. There is no such thing. MSNBC is 24/7 orange man bad. Fox is not 24/7 any one thing. It's the only network left that occasionally shows some news. So if you actually want to have some idea of what's going on, you're stuck with Fox. The other networks aren't in that business anymore.
Based on the body cam footage, it actually does appear that George Floyd's death was caused far more by drug use that whatever the cops did...
Why is it horrible to contemplate the truth?
For one thing, any underlying condition of the deceased is legally IRRELEVANT. If the cop's action in keeping his knee on the suspect's neck was at all a contributing factor in his death, either by diminishing his breathing OR by increasing his mental distress leading to a cardiac event, then that is a legal cause to support a murder/manslaughter/negligent homicide conviction.
What happened before the sustained knee on the neck is interesting, but beside the point as far as the perpetrator's actions are concerned. The body cam might support the co-defendants though.
"Based on the body cam footage, it actually does appear that George Floyd's death was caused far more by drug use that whatever the cops did...".
I confess that I really don't see why everyone finds the recently-released body-cam videos so surprising. It was evident from the autopsy report that Floyd had a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl in his system, and severe heart disease. And the new videos only expand upon what was already evident from the footage that was immediately available, showing Floyd struggling with cops, behaving irrationally, and ditching a paper packet while they were not looking.
I guess people were so disgusted by the image of the knee on the neck that they just assumed it must inevitably be fatal. They don't realize that it was SOP in Minneapolis, and lots of other places. You can't tell how much weight is on that knee from a video, but the autopsy found no neck or throat injuries.
One simple trick accounts for the winning: reporting honestly. The NYTims would not understand.
Usually the out ideology garners all the fervor, as it’s adherents seek reassurance. However the Democrat’s hysterics have managed to accomplish the rather unusual feat of making Trump both the incumbent and the challenger. That’s the significance of Fox’s ratings.
Who knows how many votes Biden will get. Maybe enough to win. But he’s not in the race in the usual sense.
"Should Rivers Have Same Legal Rights As Humans? A Growing Number Of Voices Say Yes"
That would be great, so when the river floods my basement I can get a civil judgement against the river. I could force it to provide me hydro power via a dam until the judgement is paid.
Later, the host called Senator Tammy Duckworth, a wounded veteran, a 'moron' and questioned her patriotism. In recent days, Mr. Carlson called former President Barack Obama a 'greasy politician' and wondered if [George] Floyd’s death had been caused by drug use rather than being pinned to the ground by a police officer. Mr. Carlson’s ratings have never been higher.
Em-pathetic appeal, perhaps everyone does that. Moron or bad judgment. Patriotism as in America, Americans first.
Obama has escaped scrutiny and accountability on everything from social justice adventures to catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform to stoking diversity to to international transfer payments (overriding counter claims), elective economic distortions. Floyd's probable cause of death, infection by SARS-CoV-2 notwithstanding, was an overdose on fentanyl, which may have been exacerbated by multiple stressors, including criminal activity, physical constraint.
The thing I found a bit disturbing about the new videos was how quickly the cop drew his gun and pointed it at Floyd, when Floyd would not show his hands. But I watched it again, and he did not have his finger on the trigger. He was just getting ready, in case Floyd finally showed him the other hand and there was a gun in it.
What happens to the ratings if Trump wins the election in a blowout?
The left and their media allies have shoved all their credibility into the pot.
They'll have to delay the George Floyd trial several years until it's yesterday's news and people won't burn down all the dem cities after an acquital.
Obama's promissory notes to the medical industry came due, the short-term Medicaid fix was an impressive illusion that shared/shifted preexisting progressive prices caused by single/central schemes. Trump was on the right track. It's not clear if he still is. The em-pathetic appeals and anxiety stoked in the absence of a clear Planned Pathogen (PP) protocol, and disinformation about viable treatments notably HCQ+Zn+AZ, has forced course corrections that may or may not be justified. However, despite the spread of social contagion (e.g. "protests"), there has been a significant and perhaps sustainable recovery.
Truth is very attractive.
To some people George Floyd was an obvious scam from the beginning. The narrative made no sense. It's the same reason that discovered nooses are always scams.
Mark said...
"If the cop's action in keeping his knee on the suspect's neck was at all a contributing factor in his death ... then that is a legal cause to support a murder/manslaughter/negligent homicide conviction."
The legal principle you are referring to says that the fact the victim was peculiarly vulnerable to certain actions, and you did not know it, is not a legal defense ... if what you did was illegal. Which is not the case here. Nice try, though.
The problem for MSNBC is that they are not the leftwing version of Fox. They are the leftwing version of what liberals imagine Fox is. Ironically, its failure reinforces leftwing notions of their superiority. But it also demonstrates their inability to do honest self-analysis.
"What happens to the ratings if Trump wins the election in a blowout?"
The irony is, ratings- and money-wise, the liberal networks had better pray for a Trump victory.
I can't listen to Hannity anymore...haven't been able to for almost a year.
'Bleachbit and hammers, dirty air and water, etc., ad nauseum. The man needs a new shtick. God bless him for turning a mediocre intellect into hundreds of millions of dollars, and I will never question his work ethic.
At least Tucker, so far, has something new to say on topics that aren't four years old.
EP said:
The highest-rated channel in prime-time garners (and I use that word mockingly) the attention of roughly 1 percent of Americans.
A number in the same neighborhood as the total number of covid-19 cases reported in the U.S. to date.
A number so insignificant as to shut down the economy, close schools, put millions of people out of work, and bankrupt untold thousands of businesses.
Mock that.
I have to wonder how much of the Fox News surge is due to Fox News programming decisions and how much is due to MSM decisions to ignore or downplay the extent of the damage from the riots, the surge in murders following the riots and protests, the political agenda of BLM, polling data that suggests blacks don’t want fewer police, etc.? Americans may tune into Fox just to avoid the woke bullshit.
From the article:
"Complaints that Fox News prime-time hosts downplayed the coronavirus — and, in the case of Laura Ingraham, encouraged the use of hydroxychloroquine, a drug shown to be useless, and even dangerous, for Covid-19 patients — made little difference.
More NYT biased "news" - in the above excerpt, the report provided a hyperlink to the Laura Ingraham statement (bolded above), but provided NO hyperlink backing up that it "shown to be useless".
Its the best three hours of TV News. Carlson is the main reason. He tells it like it is. I'm not a big Hannity fan, but he does have some good guests. Ingraham is almost as good as Carlson.
Thank God Fox got rid of Ted O'Baxter.
"To some people George Floyd was an obvious scam from the beginning."
I had my suspicions we weren't getting the full story on Floyd. That the whole thing turned out to be a fraud shocked me. Once you see the ALL the body-cam video, you can see that Ellison is a crooked prosecutor abusing his office. Why I'm still getting shocked at Democrat and MSM dishonesty is puzzling. I need to get even more cynical.
wondered if [George] Floyd’s death had been caused by drug use rather than being pinned to the ground by a police officer.
wondered IF?
is that like someone, who wondered IF Althouse would have pix of the sun rising tomorrow ?
"In recent days, Mr. Carlson called former President Barack Obama a 'greasy politician' and wondered if [George] Floyd’s death had been caused by drug use rather than being pinned to the ground by a police officer. Mr. Carlson’s ratings have never been higher."
I'll give them the 'greasy politician'. I can believe that a person could be intelligent and well-informed, without agreeing that Barack Obama is a greasy politician. What is telling is that the writer clearly believes the idea that George Floyd died of a drug overdose is a despicable, racist smear, rather than a plausible inference from readily available evidence.
I'll concede Earnest Prole's point that the highest rated show on television is watched by only one percent of Americans. Let's say that that one per cent figure equals 3.3 million people--who are watching Tucker Carlson at 8 pm Eastern Time each night.
Aggregrate all the others and lets say that maybe 15 million people total watch television in any one week period--or 4% of the country's population. What does that say about the intrinsic value of network and cable TV? Not much--and yes you're correct, they are not of much value. Newspaper circulation is going down the drain.
People get their news (and maybe some incorrect views) in a lot of ways--but it's no longer on traditional media.
Someone confusedly said...
If the cop's action ... was at all a contributing factor in his death, either by diminishing his breathing OR by increasing his mental distress leading to a cardiac event, then that is a legal cause to support a murder/manslaughter/negligent homicide conviction.
So, If i'm pulled over for speeding; and this causes me mental distress?
and this mental distress leads to a cardiac event (helped by me being morbidly obese)?
And i Die from this heart attack? the cop is guilty of MURDER?
Have you ever considered USING Your brain? just asking
How about people that flee from arrest, and Then have heart attacks?
Is the Cop Guilty of murder THEN?
How about people the flee from arrest, in their car, and then crash?
Is the Cop Guilty of murder THEN?
apparently, some folk here think so
Mark at 4:08 AM
If the cop's action in keeping his knee on the suspect's neck was at all a contributing factor in his death, either by diminishing his breathing OR by increasing his mental distress leading to a cardiac event, then that is a legal cause to support a murder/manslaughter/negligent homicide conviction.
By stopping Floyd from thrashing around, the police officers extended Floyd's life for a while.
They went all in to get Trump.
And Trump won.
Not yet. We all have a lot of work to make this happen. And we have to work even harder to give him a Republican-controlled House and expand the GOP control of the Senate so that Mitt Romney becomes irrelevant. (More irrelevant.)
Kevin: "What happens to the ratings if Trump wins the election in a blowout?"
Depends on the House and Senate races.
In the event of a Trump win with the dems retaining the House and even getting close in the Senate (Romney is a democrat without the label.....so far....give him time....) we can expect to see the House dems craft and pass another impeachment bill immediately, even prior to Trump's second inaugural.
The idea would be to make sure Trump has to deliver his inaugural address under full scale antifa riots (which Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck will at first praise, then blame on Steve Bannon and boogaloo-ers, then pretend never happened at all) and impeachment.
If the dems have the Senate, we will be looking at the first 2-year continuous impeachment proceeding where nothing else is going on except for one House dem accusation after another lobbed periodically into the Senate to keep the perpetual proceedings going.
The dems know they can count on Romney completely and for Roberts to give them whatever they want in the Senate. After all, Roberts has lots to cover up as the head of the FISA court which allowed obama free reign to spy on all domestic political opponents since 2011 at least.
I certainly hope Tucker hasn't expressed any doubts about Althea Bernstein's credibility.
"From "Boycotted. Criticized. But Fox News Leads the Pack in Prime Time" (NYT)."
Confused, oh paper of record? Maybe I can help.
"Major advertisers, including the Walt Disney Company, T-Mobile and Poshmark, boycotted [Tucker Carlson's show after he] denounced the protesters as violent anarchists."
They are violent anarchists.
"Later, the host called Senator Tammy Duckworth, a wounded veteran, a 'moron' and questioned her patriotism."
She's a moron all right. As to questioning her patriotism, I'd have to know the context in which he said it.
"In recent days, Mr. Carlson called former President Barack Obama a 'greasy politician' "
He is. Most particularly, he's a race baiter.
"and wondered if [George] Floyd’s death had been caused by drug use rather than being pinned to the ground by a police officer."
A legitimate question.
"Mr. Carlson’s ratings have never been higher."
People recognize and appreciate the truth.
Earnest Prole— yes, it is one percent, but it is more than ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and MSNBC.
Roughly the same number of Americans that regularly watch YouTube quilting videos. Who cares?
I would love to see Trump win and be impeached. I think it would screw the Dems in '22...it will show conclusively what nut cases they are.
"but the autopsy found no neck or throat injuries."
That first video is too brutal and horrible to watch without getting up and calling for something to be reformed. I don't at all say abolish the police because that would just lead to more brutality and more deaths. But it isn't enough to discuss whether 4 or 3 or 2 or 1 were guilty of first or second or third degree murder or was it the ambulance being delayed. Every black person in the country has pictured him or herself lying with with their face ground into the street, dying, calling vainly for help while the police kneel on their back and drive away passers-by. That has happened and we can only deal with it.
If the cop's action in keeping his knee on the suspect's neck was at all a contributing factor in his death, either by diminishing his breathing OR by increasing his mental distress leading to a cardiac event, then that is a legal cause to support a murder/manslaughter/negligent homicide conviction.
The first problem with your analysis here is that you aren't allowed to convict in a criminal matter by just saying, "Well, it probably was a contributing factor." You have to prove it was a contributing factor beyond a reasonable doubt.
And when a guy is overdosed on fentanyl, has other illicit drugs in his system, has COVID-19, has an underlying heart condition, and was announcing he can't breathe before a cop touches him, there is plenty of room to reasonably believe that he'd have died from respiratory distress at the same time even if Chauvin had never touched him.
So the legally-correct outcome of the criminal trial, under the reasonable doubt standard, on Minnesota charges of second-degree murder (609.19), third-degree murder (609.195), and second-degree manslaughter (609.205), is a full acquittal, because "causes the death" is an essential element that must be proved beyond reasonable doubt.
The second problem here is that Chauvin isn't charged with the generic crime of "negligent homicide". The least offense he's charged with is second-degree manslaughter, which in Minnesota requires "culpable negligence whereby the person creates an unreasonable risk, and consciously takes chances of causing death or great bodily harm to another". Even if Chauvin's acts contributed to Floyd's death, the state of the defendant's health is directly relevant in establishing whether Chauvin's acts created an "unreasonable risk" (after all, a reasonable risk iis acceptable) and whether Chauvin's actions constituted "consciously" taking a chance of killing Floyd.
Amadeus 48 said...
Earnest Prole— yes, it is one percent, but it is more than ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and MSNBC. It is a lot more than the other cable news channels. I don’t think those other channels are doing it right.
I dunno. It sounds to me that he is limiting it to cable only, typical leftist argument. There is also the issue of the drop in TV viewing overall.
Speaking of George Floyd, am I the only one who remembers Michael Brown of Ferguson, Mo.? I recall in the early days and perhaps even weeks, every photograph on the news showed an angelic choir boy when in reality he was an enormous hulk the size of Floyd and a face that would make you cross the street if you were smart. Muscles on the muscles, so to speak. No wonder 90% of the NFL players are black and more than that in the NBA. Then, long weeks afterward, we learned that Brown had held up a convenience store and bum rushed a cop in his car, ignoring warnings he would be shot if he kept coming. Trump is right: the news media is the enemy of the people. So is the rest of the left.
But Obama is a greasy politician and has been from his entry into the State Senate of Illinois. That's how he won his first election- getting greasy help from greasy people. His stain still sits over America.
And yes, George Floyd, despite being canonized as a saint, was full of fentanyl and other drugs, had a racing heart, and was speaking out of his mind according to others on the scene. He was also complaining that he could not breathe before he was fully in custody, and while sitting in the car. Now- you don't go sit on a guy's neck when he's already complaining that he cannot breathe, so this officer was out of his mind doing what he did, but dems are da facts.
I wonder why it is such a bridge too far for the New York Times to deal in facts. Always has been. Always will be. Such is the life of the paper of record. Fox News doing better than MSNBC and CNN is not new. That Fox News does better than the major broadcast networks is a serious barrier that has been passed. ABC might have to come up with programming that does not include game shows.
All this story means is that no one under the age of 65 watches tv anymore
New York Times wistfully looks at the size of the audience it refuses to serve. I have stopped watching TV and mostly confine my viewing to streaming from foreign sources and old movies. I really don’t need to be hectored by wokescolds when I just want to relax and watch a story. I can’t believe I am the only one. They did hire a woke scold for Turner Classic Movies, but she is easy to skip over, and they still show the old movies.
All this story means is that no one under the age of 65 watches tv anymore
Exactly. I haven't owned a television since 1999.
"Later, the host called Senator Tammy Duckworth, a wounded veteran, a 'moron' and questioned her patriotism.”
When I see characterizations of what people said instead of quotes, I assume a lot of heavy handed and highly selected interpretation is going on. She does seem like a moron to me, but the unpatriotic part, I would like to see the quote too, as noted above.
Howard said...
This primal facial proves it's over for the demoncrap party forever.
I am left to wonder if our fake ex-Marine also had a pedicure at the manly spa this afternoon.
I rarely if ever watch Fox although I get accused daily. I do come across some on youtube. It seems that liberals watch Fox a lot as they're always quoting them. Looks like Pelosi fixed her face again and now has the perpetual smile again. When do these hard working people find the time to get these "necessary" procedures?
"The highest-rated channel in prime-time garners (and I use that word mockingly) the attention of roughly 1 percent of Americans."
Agreed, I would be surprised if anyone under the age of 35 watches cable news of any kind. Its as relevant to younger audiences as the Lawrence Welk show was to my generation growing up. Even quarantined americans hard up to watch anything after burning out watching Netflix and Hulu aren't really tuning in to cable news.
I find it telling that sad sack MSNBC channel and Rachel Maddow is struggling trying to find viewers which is hard to explain with Joe being 10 points ahead of Trump nationally. :-P
Well, all the MSNBC viewers were out protesting and all the Fox viewers were sheltering in place because they were so high risk for COVID death.
Joe Smith: "@Drago
I would love to see Trump win and be impeached. I think it would screw the Dems in '22...it will show conclusively what nut cases they are."
This is, interestingly, considered a best case scenario for a Trump wins/Dems win House and Senate by a number of observers with the idea that a much more republican friendly 2022 election would yield solid republican gains.
Does that tell you anything about polls that show Biden with a lead?
Have you tried to watch 1 hour straight of CNN -- any show?
I did recently at the airport. Whatever the story, whatever the reporter/anchor, whatever the issue, it's "OrangeMan Bad."
It's really pathetic. Go woke, go broke.
To some people George Floyd was an obvious scam from the beginning. The narrative made no sense.
None of the police are actually accused of physically killing Floyd; that's a falsehood perpetrated by the MSM.
Chauvin is charged with "Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous Act and Evincing Depraved Mind" and " Culpable Negligence Creating Unreasonable Risk" for restraining Floyd rather than calling an ambulance.
That's why the charging documents mention the fact that "While standing outside the car, Mr. Floyd began saying and repeating that he could not breathe." - that means the police should've known Floyd was in distress and should've called an ambulance. (Even though Floyd had been consistently dishonest up to that point).
And that's also why all four were charged with various crimes despite the fact that only one was near Floyd's neck.
The statutes they're charged under are the same ones they use to charge someone with murder even though they didn't kill anyone, e.g. that someone sold fentanyl to another person, and that person died.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sad for the NYT. Couldn't happen to nicer folks, but there aren't any at the NYT.
Funny thing - other than maybe 15 minutes during the lunch hour (once they replaced that sniveling simp, Shep Smith) - I never watch FOX News.
Yet apparently, I'm one of the drooling morons glued to FOX News ready to receive my right-wing marching orders. 24/7.
"Mr. Carlson called former President Barack Obama a 'greasy politician' and wondered if [George] Floyd’s death had been caused by drug use rather than being pinned to the ground by a police officer. Mr. Carlson’s ratings have never been higher."
Fox Butterfield, is that you?
Patrick said...
All this story means is that no one under the age of 65 watches tv anymore
Data up to Q1 2019...
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