"But you have now twice, without ever having met or interviewed me, attacked and mocked me on your opinion page (
'Is Kim Klacik running for Congress, mayor or chief Trump enabler?' Aug. 19). What gives? Not that it should matter, but I’m a moderate Republican.... As for my commitment to Baltimore, for nearly a decade, I have run a nonprofit, Potential Me, based and operated out of South Baltimore, which helps predominantly inner-city Black women prepare for careers, providing them with business attire and interview prep. But, you are right, I do not live in Baltimore. I have a young daughter I love and would not dare subject her to the blight, soaring crime, broken schools and low expectations of the city. You know who else would not? The tens of thousands of Black families who have moved from the city — half of my district — to the Baltimore County and Howard County half. I presume you’ve written me off because President Donald Trump has brought unsolicited attention to my race and Baltimore’s ills. I agree with some of his policies; I disagree with others.... How many corrupt, failed leaders have you failed to vet and, over and over, even endorsed?"
Writes Kim Klacik in
"What gives, Baltimore Sun editorial board?," published in The Baltimore Sun.
Klacik has received some very high-level attention, and the ad is quite viral (and hard to refute):
८१ टिप्पण्या:
All Black Lives Matter... baby steps.
The democrats destroy just about everything - while they enrich themselves personally.
Ask Hillary
The Obamas
Reminds me of Sarah Palin in some ways, taking on the corruption.
I'm a moderate Republican.
Good luck with that!!
That lady brings it.
I read her response to WaPo who's been attacking her. She's the kind of politician that likes to help people. Democrats don't like that. Eff them.
Good. Baltimore is a pathetic shithole. I hope she makes a dent in the corruption and nonsense. We've all know for decades how democrats really hate black people, so this should get interesting if she keeps her head on straight amidst the attacks to come for escaping the approved plantation she's supposed to stay on.
The red dress was appropriate. She has some fire
Powerful commercial. Powerful facts. But the Dems and Fake News have to destroy her like they tried to do with Clarence Thomas.
Oops. Baltimore Sun...
Trumps campaign needs to hammer home the fact that the worst outcomes for blacks occur under democrat controlled cities, under democrat policies.
You want change? Then vote out the ruinous policies imposed by democrats. You want black lives to matter, get rid of those who have destroyed tthe cities, family and culture.
Hammer it home....
That was a helluva OPED rebuttal she wrote for the POS liberal rag.
I liked her ad. There's a reason it went viral. It has very high production values and was well written.
But I liked her response to the Baltimore Sun editorial board even more. They took some shots at her--she doesn't live in the City of Baltimore--which is half of her district. Well she lives in the district, but out of the city which is not a healthy place for her daughter--or any other child. Maxine Waters doesn't live in her district in Los Angeles--her district is a poor one. She lives in a much wealthier part of town. In essence Maxine has something akin to the "rotten boroughs" of Victorian England as her base.
Ms. Klacik is a moderate Republican--or so she says stating policy positions that certainly aren't those of a conservative Republican. She praises Democrats who she believes are competent and names names and takes shots at those Democrats she deems (with some good reasons) to be incompetent bozos. And it's good to learn that her opponent Kweisi Mfume was pushed out of the NAACP for bad behavior. I like the lady and wish her well.
Trump says he can fix one of these city’s in 24 hours. Why doesn’t he? Doesn’t he care about the people who live there? Nothing is stopping him.
Speaking truth to power, baby : )
Almost every major U.S. city has been run by Democrats for decades and almost all are shitholes.
Nancy Pelosi's father was mayor of Baltimore. Did he make the city better or worse?
I do know that while mayor, he oversaw the dedication of a statue in honor of Confederate States heroes Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee.
I expect more from The Baltimore Sun than graceless screeds. You are not the right-wing media or a partisan liberal rag. You are the editorial board of Maryland’s paper of record. Like it or not, I am the Republican nominee for a contested congressional race where the Democratic nominee was pushed out of the NAACP, according to your reporting, amid allegations of sexual harassment, nepotism and mismanagement. That is the candidate you have endorsed. I am a woman of color running in a state that has no women in any elected federal or statewide offices. But you have now twice, without ever having met or interviewed me, attacked and mocked me on your opinion page (“Is Kim Klacik running for Congress, mayor or chief Trump enabler?” Aug. 19). What gives?"
What gives?
What gives?
The media is democrat party hot garbage. Hacks will support wholesale crooks and criminals as long as those crooks and criminals have the right letter after their name. Insider deals. Soros pays.
Either she's a hell of a writer or she has a hell of a writer working for her. Either way, I give her credit. Same for her video. First-class persuasion.
I know bupkes about her policies, but she's a campaigner to be reckoned with.
And while complaining about city leaders, current and past, is fair game for anyone (and among our favorite pastimes), it’s ludicrous and overly simple to blame the city’s ills on party affiliation.
It's not mere party affiliation, it's the party's exclusive monopoly control.
AND, she is not a witch.
This woman is bad news for the Democrats. I saw that commercial a few days ago & you can see why it has had so many views.
She will no doubt lose her bid for elective office, but she has quite the future in the Conservative world.
She's speaking on the first night of the Republican convention.
@steve uhr
"Nothing is stopping him."
Lefties can't have it both ways. Either Trump is a dictator or he isn't.
By law, he can't 'fix' anything. The federal government has little to say about the running of states, let alone failed cities. It's up to the moron voters to stop electing Democrats who do nothing to better the conditions in those cities.
You can't be so stupid as to not know that. So why do you pretend that you are?
Nothing is stopping him
You sure about that?
It’s fascinating (and heartbreaking) to see how much suffering people will endure rather than question their indoctrination about alleged Republican racism.
Running against Kweisi Mfume In a majority minority district is not for the faint of heart. I sent her campaign some money, and if you liked her ad you should, too.
... but ... but ...
she has not been fact-checked - were those video spots locations really in Baltimore?
Kim runs a nonprofit that helps women of color find jobs. The democrat party hates her for it.
Why? because modern democrat party is asshole.
Kimberly Klacik
US House candidate, MD-7
"Team Klacik informs voters electing both @realDonaldTrump
& I is a must for career opportunities, job training, school choice, law & order, tax cuts, wall building, supporting capitalism & kicking socialism to the curb."
We hope.
Kim Klacik, Candidate From the Viral Ad: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know
Just keep scrolling. Her daughter is adorable.
If I ran a hospital where the patients died at 5 times the rate as other hospitals, it would be perfectly fair to blame me for the outcomes. Therefore, it is perfectly fair to blame the Democrats for Baltimore since they run the place and have done so for more than half a century.
Why doe nobody ever talk about how Nancy pelosi's family, the d'alessandros, are largely responsible for making Baltimore the shithole it is today?
Complete and compressive List of Republican mayors since 1900
Mckelden 63-67
Broening 19-23
Timanus 04-07
Fashion retailer M.M. LaFleur says it will donate clothing to any woman running for office in 2020. Here, five female candidates reveal how they will dress on the campaign trail.
have they / will they honor pledge before RNC?
report at 11
steve uhr said...
Trump says he can fix one of these city’s in 24 hours. Why doesn’t he? Doesn’t he care about the people who live there? Nothing is stopping him.
You mean other than the constitution, right, Steve?
The governor has to request his help. The president has no authority to do it on his own.
Or perhaps you would like him to act like an extraconstitutional dictator? As Joey says he will be?.
Is that what you are after Steve?
John Henry
Fashion retailer M.M. LaFleur says it will donate clothing to any woman running for office in 2020. ... Here, five female candidates reveal how they will dress on the campaign trail.
will they donate to Team Klacik : inquiring minds want to know!
General Inquiries bonjour@mmlafleur.com
Media Inquiries: press@mmlafleur.com
I was inspired to send her campaign some money. She's a brave woman to walk the mean streets of Baltimore in those fuck-me shoes.
"...she has not been fact-checked - were those video spots locations really in Baltimore?"
Oh, that is really Baltimore. There are miles and miles and miles of streets in Baltimore just like that. And underneath all of the dirt and boarded up windows and graffiti, you often see the structural evidence of what used to be well-built buildings and proud neighborhoods a hundred years ago.
By the way I don't think Kim Klacik, if she is elected, will be able to change things that much. A lot of the problem is with the community. Many of the people in Baltimore have a terrible attitude and it is especially bad with the teenagers.
I do know what I would try to change first, if I could somehow do it, and that is to get the education of the children out of the hands of the public schools. The public schools are a nightmare.
I would like to see state money assigned to every child and that money should go with the child to whatever school the parent, and it is usually a single-mom, chooses. Those schools, the choices, need to be given the power to discipline the kids and expel them if they are misbehaving badly enough, and these school choices should just in general have the power to explore different approaches to teaching.
There need to be more men teaching than there are. Most of these kids don't have any positive male role models. We should let schools appoint and try out teachers that don't even have a teaching degree, or maybe don't have a degree at all. It might be a huge improvement.
It would take at least a decade to turn things around, but because parents unlike public school employees, genuinely usually care about their children, things would gradually improve.
Now she's done it. White liberals hate nothing more than a black person voicing an opinion they do not approve of.
teve uhr said...
Trump says he can fix one of these city’s in 24 hours. Why doesn’t he? Doesn’t he care about the people who live there? Nothing is stopping him.
Why lie steve? You know the reason yet you lie ? Is this how lawyers in Boston behave ? All those cities' Mayors have to do is ask. You know that steve, why lie ?
Can anyone remember when the Baltimore Sun had HL Mencken ? Even Jack Germond knew better.
I just sent the woman $250.
Can this women runs Trump's campaign?
come on honey you are fabulous.
btw- the corrupt horrid Nazi left will do all they can to destroy her. Watch.
“You sure about that”
I’m just taking him at his word. And in this case he is correct as he has shown in Portland and other places.
Prior steve uhr: Trump is a dictator who thinks he can tell states what to do!!!
Later steve uhr: "Trump says he can fix one of these city’s in 24 hours. Why doesn’t he? Doesn’t he care about the people who live there? Nothing is stopping him."
Li'l stevie uhr thinks everyone is like him where history resets every 15 minutes.
Spoiler: They aren't.
steve uhr said...
Trump says he can fix one of these city’s in 24 hours. Why doesn’t he? Doesn’t he care about the people who live there? Nothing is stopping him.
Really steve?
You were pretty pathetic in trying to describe Trump's "countless lies". This is an even worse effort.
Did you actually get into law school?
HOW DARE she, a mere black woman, explain things to White Progressive Men who know much better what is right and good for black people.
Blogger steve uhr said..."...Trump says he can fix one of these city’s in 24 hours...." Oh, Steve he can, but not as President. Mr. Trump has virtually no power at the federal level which can materially change Baltimore. But as a private citizen or politician at the local level he can. I guess your blinders or MSM omission did not show you what he did for NYC.
Mike Rowe addresses this ad on his Facebook page.
Good stuff. Decent takedown of the assholes at The Baltimore Sun, too.
This is a classic illustration of what happens to a black person who DARES to walk off the leftie plantation...even if in red heels.
- Krumhorn
Working for Baltimore
In my Red High Heels
steve uhr said...
Trump says he can fix one of these city’s in 24 hours. Why doesn’t he? Doesn’t he care about the people who live there? Nothing is stopping him.
Almost happy hour, steve. Be of good cheer.
"By law, he can't 'fix' anything. The federal government has little to say about the running of states, let alone failed cities."
Last time around, Republicans fought a civil war and then occupied Democrat territory for 11 years. And they were still the bad guy.
Blacks will vote for a white D over a Black R. Good luck to her, but I'm not hopeful.
Yes, BBH, Democrats have pretty much destroyed Baltimore and they’re doing their damnedest to violently euthanize Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, etc.. NYC is much degraded under Democratic control
And they think Americans haven’t taken notice.
I’m starting to really pick up a vibe that Trump and Rs are heading for a landslide victory. 1972 territory.
The video isn’t really for 7th District consumption; like its predecessor video, it’s meant for a national audience. That’s why it uses a map to show how other U.S. cities are under Democratic control...
The point is to show Baltimore is not an anomaly, that its problems are not intrinsic, and how poor results across many cities are correlated with Democrats in control.
How Does the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index Work?
The closer a market is to a monopoly, the higher the market's concentration (and the lower its competition). If, for example, there were only one firm in an industry, that firm would have 100% market share, and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) would equal 10,000, indicating a monopoly. If there were thousands of firms competing, each would have nearly 0% market share, and the HHI would be close to zero, indicating nearly perfect competition.
The U.S. Department of Justice considers a market with an HHI of less than 1,500 to be a competitive marketplace, an HHI of 1,500 to 2,500 to be a moderately concentrated marketplace, and an HHI of 2,500 or greater to be a highly concentrated marketplace. As a general rule, mergers that increase the HHI by more than 200 points in highly concentrated markets raise antitrust concerns, as they are assumed to enhance market power under section 5.3 of the Horizontal Merger Guidelines jointly issued by the department and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
Is she doing AOC with better content.
It's Baltimore. Could she make it worse?
MD's 7th district has not had a Republican representative EVER.
She has no more chance of getting a majority there than does President Trump.
>>Complete and compressive List of Republican mayors since 1900
>> Mckelden 63-67
>> Broening 19-23
>> Timanus 04-07
That damn McKeldin!
It's taken the Democrats more than 50 years to undo the damage he did in just four, and they still aren't done!
What I've been saying for years now. There should be no Democrats elected in any office, at any level, for at least 2 generations. It's the only way to clean out the mess, the corruption, the scam that is the Democrat party operating most of our large cities.
If Black Lives really mattered to anyone, they would stop voting for Democrats.
I sent her campaign $100 as soon as I saw her ad.
A single republican mayor, council member or any sort of representative in a years, or decades, long Dem stronghold will not make a bit of difference. Only majority right wing reps could possibly make a change, and even that would take many years.
Look at the resistance Trump has encountered. Seriously, what has he tried to accomplish that is so terrible? His main point has always been to bring jobs back to America. Seems as if all Americans would agree that is a good thing. Instead of help in bringing jobs back, he has been fighting ridiculous accusations one after the other.
AllenS said...
I just sent the woman $250.
I just made my first political donation this year. To her.
There should be no Democrats elected in any office, at any level, for at least 2 generations. It's the only way to clean out the mess, the corruption, the scam that is the Democrat party operating most of our large cities.
A lot of Radical Republicans were arguing for this in 1865. But Lincoln wanted to ease the South back into the Union as soon as possible. After Lincoln was assassinated, Johnson was even more lenient to the South. That's the real reason he was impeached. (and of course Johnson himself was a Democrat) We would have been justified in outlawing the Democratic Party, but didn't for political reasons both during and after the war. Even during the war, Lincoln faced a member of the Democratic Party for re-election, and could easily have lost.
The two parties went on to make what I consider the most corrupt and immoral deal in American History, the Compromise of 1877. This allowed the Democratic Party to regain political control of the South and impose segregation and Jim Crow. The Democratic Party would defend and support these policies even during the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's. Both the 1964 and 1965 Civil Rights Acts were passed over Democratic opposition and filibusters. Throw in the Trail of Tears and the Japanese Internment. Sprinkle in the history of the last fifty years of Democratically controlled cities.
Why hasn't the Democratic Party been canceled? It is the most successful racist organization in American history, and is directly responsible for slavery and segregation.
If I am guilty because I am White, why isn't the Democratic Party guilty?
This has got to be the most extreme case of Stockholm syndrome in human history.
I notice that while she is walking through that part of Baltimore, no one is approaching her. That tells me there is a pretty strong security presence just out of view of that camera. News teams have been robbed and their cameras stolen in places like that.
I live in her district! It's an outrageous gerrymander. It winds all the way from very affluent suburbs to total hell holes. It was the notoriously rat infested district of Elijah Cummings. I'm excited to be able to vote for her (not that I have any illusions that she's got a chance).
If you want to see who you're dealing with, look up John McIntyre. He's the longtime head of the copy desk at The Baltimore Sun, and he absolutely does not believe that his newspaper is biased in any way.
This is typical of his rhetoric.
I was interviewed by him for a Sun position back in 1990. Even then, staff members told me to buy a house in Howard County, especially if you have a kid going to school.
Nope. No bias here.
Man, that is one straight talking Polish chick!
Her campaign video is very impressive. In looking at all the boarded-up houses, I am reminded of a hometown peer who purchased a house in Baltimore, near Johns Hopkins. Cheaper than DC,where he was working at the time. Unfortunately, he sold the house for much less than he paid for it.
Charlety Pride performsSteets of Baltimore.
Regarding the Stun telling us that Democrats not being to blame for their 50+ consecutive years of running Baltimore? Recall the riots several years ago over the death of (was it Freddie..) a black prisoner while being transported to jail. Democrats had been running the city and thus the police department, for decades. Also recall that the then-mayor essentially gave the go-ahead for rioting over that. Didn't turn out well for Baltimore.
New York City performed a 50 year experiment.
It shows that Democrats ruin, Republicans recover, and to check the results, Democrats ruin.
I sent her campaign a donation.
The video's claim about blacks being crime victims was typically dishonest since it didn't mention that they're also the perps.
I have a young daughter I love and would not dare subject her to the blight, soaring crime, broken schools and low expectations of the city.
She want to keep her daughter away from black people.
The city is a mess because of its citizens, not because of its politicians.
Great ad, great person. I donated to her campaign immediately after seeing her ad.
ken in tx said...
I notice that while she is walking through that part of Baltimore, no one is approaching her. That tells me there is a pretty strong security presence just out of view of that camera. News teams have been robbed and their cameras stolen in places like that.
that same isolation also means she cannot connect to the locals
if security was available she could have tried to connect - may be a flashmob?!
of course anybody who spoke to her would have to face consequences from the hood
So far, I've given $500 to John James who is running for the Senate in Michigan. I'll toss another $250 to Kim Klacik later.
Time to seriously aid Black Conservatives with more than nice words.
It looks like that ad has turned into a goldmine.
mandrewa said...
"...she has not been fact-checked - were those video spots locations really in Baltimore?"
Oh, that is really Baltimore. There are miles and miles and miles of streets in Baltimore just like that. And underneath all of the dirt and boarded up windows and graffiti, you often see the structural evidence of what used to be well-built buildings and proud neighborhoods a hundred years ago.
By the way I don't think Kim Klacik, if she is elected, will be able to change things that much.
thanks mandrewa - I know why she was not fact-checked - nobody at Snopes wants to let reality mug D plantation dwellers.
if she is elected - that will presage the advent of the precursor to first steps for improvement
does FAA allow drones to be used for video shots? - they could have cut in some drone overheads embedded to display the expanse of ravaged cityscape -
in fact by flying the drone along the Gerrymandering which in and of itself will evidence the disparities that ensured John Lewis feudal fiefdom (for 50 years was it!)
or simply using google earth "map footage" (fair use?)
medium is the message and the medium is visual
We'll see in November if the black conservative movement has mass. I hope it does.
Kim Klacik is a rock star.
AllenS: "So far, I've given $500 to John James who is running for the Senate in Michigan."
Uh oh.
You've given money to a republican in MI in the fight against the democraticals.
A certain LLR-lefty in MI is NOT going to like that one bit.
Not. One. Bit.
Narayanan said...
By the way I don't think Kim Klacik, if she is elected, will be able to change things that much.
If she is able to at least start the movement in a better direction for the city, she will be deemed successful. I'm hoping others climb on her band wagon.
God bless her for stepping forward with that positive attitude.
She's a hell of a good-looking woman, and not in a slutty way. I knew as soon as I saw that video that she didn't need any money from me, and this thread proves it. Pretty sure this is the first time Big Mike, AllenS, wbfjrr2, Michael K and Scott all gave money to a Baltimore street-walker.
I sent my first political donation ever this past weekend.
To her.
Via PayPal.
If she wins, she and Tulsi Gabbard can start a caucus just for themselves: The Honest Congressmen. Maybe someday they will get a third member.
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