August 7, 2020

"Faizel Khan was being told by the news media and his own mayor that the protests in his hometown were peaceful, with 'a block party atmosphere.'"

"But that was not what he saw through the windows of his Seattle coffee shop. He saw encampments overtaking the sidewalks. He saw roving bands of masked protesters smashing windows and looting. Young white men wielding guns would harangue customers as well as Mr. Khan, a gay man of Middle Eastern descent who moved here from Texas so he could more comfortably be out. To get into his coffee shop, he sometimes had to seek the permission of self-appointed armed guards to cross a border they had erected. 'They barricaded us all in here,' Mr. Khan said. 'And they were sitting in lawn chairs with guns.' For 23 days in June, about six blocks in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood were claimed by left-wing demonstrators and declared police-free.... On Capitol Hill, business crashed as the Seattle police refused to respond to calls to the area. Officers did not retake the region until July 1, after four shootings, including two fatal ones.... Much of the violence [business owners] saw and the intimidation of their patrons came from a group these business owners identified as antifa, which they distinguished from the Black Lives Matter movement. 'The idea of taking up the Black movement and turning it into a white occupation, it’s white privilege in its finest definition,' Mr. Khan said. 'And that’s what they did."

From "Abolish the Police? Those Who Survived the Chaos in Seattle Aren’t So Sure/What is it like when a city abandons a neighborhood and the police vanish? Business owners describe a harrowing experience of calling for help and being left all alone" (NYT).

The top-rated comment over there — by a lot — is:
This is pretty amazing because I certainly don't recall the NYT reporting on the chaos while it was occurring. The NYT reports made it sound like Seattle was having a block party when in fact the opposite was true. I saw some reports of the chaos on Facebook, but figured it was just right wing propaganda. I guess I'll have to get serious about getting the truth from many news sources going forward. It's naive to think that news reporting is not influenced by political agendas of those reporting it. I'm liberal, but I still like to know the truth even if it flies in the face of my beliefs and forces me to rethink them rationally.
2 highly rated responses to that comment:

You can safely throw in NBC, CBS, and ABC in with NYT for having no interest in telling the full story. The imbalance and lack of taking the time to discuss both sides of the story is race baiting and extremely divisive. I don’t know if that is their agenda or if they are afraid of being criticized for anti-BLM.
Bari Weiss said it best, as long as the venom is going in the right direction it’s fine for the NYT. Like you I’ve been seeing the blatant bias in this paper that is the lefts equivalent to Fox News. Clean it up NYT. We’re here for the best reporting not your progressive narratives.


Rick.T. said...

"...Mr. Khan, a gay man of Middle Eastern descent who moved here from Texas so he could more comfortably be out."


Laslo Spatula said...

 “Much of the violence [business owners] saw and the intimidation of their patrons came from a group these business owners identified as antifa, which they distinguished from the Black Lives Matter movement. “

Darn these business owners, spreading Trump and Cotton’s memes and using the right's shibboleth.*

(*“Is "Antifa" a useful word or concept? Is it a shibboleth of the right?” AA 9/27)

I am Laslo.

Susan in Seattle said...

"On Capitol Hill, business crashed as the Seattle police refused to respond to calls to the area."

Police officers were not allowed to enter the CHAZ/CHOP. This is much different than 'refusing' to respond.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, what you, with this post, and the people who wrote those three comments are REALLY saying is on the order of “Hey, New York Times, we all know you are biased to the point of bigotry, but try to do a better job of hiding it.”

Ryan said...

I recently canceled my subscription to the LA Times for lack of objective reporting. I simply want to know what is happening in the world and in my city. Is that so hard? It's insulting and demeaning to be constantly subjected to political messaging. Don't need it, don't want it.

Temujin said...

From 1931-1933, Walter Duranty, working for the New York Times, covered up for Josef Stalin as he embarked on the systemic murder of MILLIONS of people. He went further to deny that there was any induced famine going on in the Ukraine, despite the actual in-person reporting from there by Gareth Jones. For his efforts, the world was deluded, Stalin was able to gain more power and traction, get away with murder on a scale Hitler could only dream of, and the Ukrainian famine was (and mostly still is) a story left untold.

Also for his efforts, Duranty was given a Pulizter Prize.

The New York Times is not new to deceit. They made their name on it. It's the readers of the NYT that need to look at themselves. This has never been the 'paper of record'.

gilbar said...

when you lost the New York Times... You've lost Left Wing Amercia!

cubanbob said...

Bari Weiss said it best, as long as the venom is going in the right direction it’s fine for the NYT. Like you I’ve been seeing the blatant bias in this paper that is the lefts equivalent to Fox News. Clean it up NYT. We’re here for the best reporting not your progressive narratives."

If the NYT were to even try to be the left's equivalent to Fox News that would be a vast improvement in terms of accuracy and truthfulness. The top two comments appear to be the ice cracking in the NYT's ice fantasy.

wendybar said...

Listen to Greg Gutfeld talk the same about his NYC apartment and neighborhood.....and they wonder why the rich are fleeing??? Keep on chasing them out Progressives...your Utopia awaits. Enjoy it!!

Rick.T. said...

"We’re here for the best reporting not your progressive narratives."

That IS their best reporting.

Tom T. said...

Those readers would probably also be surprised by the rise in virus cases and deaths in Oregon and Washington since the BLM protests began.

rosebud said...

There are still plenty of people who swallow down whatever the media tells them without any complaint or introspection, but more and more people are seeing that what's on their television doesn't align with what's out their window.

gilbar said...

a Black ex-con OD's while resisting arrest in Minneapolis
which leads to
white womyn across the country to rise up and support a marxist struggle
which leads to
white stormtroopers (wearing Blackshirts; on account of because: that's what stormtroopers do)
which leads to
Gay Arab immigrants wishing that they'd Never Left Texas

We get that, a lot

Ralph L said...

Meanwhile, Khan will continue to vote for the party who ruined his business.

Sebastian said...

"figured it was just right wing propaganda"

So, prog, what does it tell you that "right wing propaganda" turns out to be right and lefty narrative spinning wrong? What else do you think you are missing?

"I guess I'll have to get serious about getting the truth from many news sources going forward."

Funny stuff. Anyway, though the commentariat is not a "news source," NYT commenters are welcome here -- they'd be way ahead of the prog curve. Take the Russia collusion hoax, on which we called BS when the NYT was still colluding with the actual colluders. But wait, NYT commenter, you don't still think Trump colluded and the FBI are the good guys, do you?

"the blatant bias in this paper that is the lefts equivalent to Fox News"

Which itself illustrates lefty bias. What did Fox News fail to report or misreport to the same egregious extent as the NYT?

paminwi said...

These so-called “elites” are just figuring out the NYT is biased?
In reality they are as dumb as a box of rocks and/or just college educated fools with blinders on!
This “protesting” has gone on for 2 months and they are just catching in now?
The white liberals that read the NYT just can’t believe other sources.
See: the host of this blog who pretends Antifa doesn’t exist.

rehajm said...

Fox News is no longer the Fox News the second comment assumes. Under new management they're stating to go with the leftie flow...

James L. Salmon said...

Glad Ann found some reporting on riots that meet her standards, unlike Andy Ngo's in person VIDEO footage of the same / similar riots in the Pacific Northwest. From the comments at the NYTs it appears other liberals are suffering similar cognitive dissonance as the FACTS emerge.

Gk1 said...

There was media embedded at CHOP and they actively lied their asses off the entire time about the nature of it. ONly now as the dust clears and BLM/Antifa protesting becomes increasingly unpopular they will quietly post the truth with anecdotes from the victims. They aren't fooling anyone.

Rory said...

"I'm liberal, but I still like to know the truth even if it flies in the face of my beliefs and forces me to rethink them rationally."

No way was this written by a modern day liberal. Could be a conservative satirist, or maybe planted by the NYT to point toward a new direction in their reporting.

Lucid-Ideas said...

That anyone, any one, could've believed what they read as opposed to what they saw in May in June is proof positive of massive cognitive decline in a sizeable proportion of the population.

What is even more depressing is how it was handled. There was a time in this country in the not-too-distant past when such a fiasco would've resulted in a huge mass casualty incident. Better yet where organized crime would've just 'disappeared' these thugs in holes dug 'upstate'.

Wilbur said...

"Clean it up NYT. We’re here for the best reporting not your progressive narratives."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Quit it, you're killing me.

Bari Weiss, that ship sailed a looooooong time ago.

Nonapod said...

but figured it was just right wing propaganda. I guess I'll have to get serious about getting the truth from many news sources going forward. It's naive to think that news reporting is not influenced by political agendas of those reporting it. I'm liberal, but I still like to know the truth even if it flies in the face of my beliefs and forces me to rethink them rationally.

Is this what they mean by "red pilled"? Somehow I'm actually simultaneously astonished yet unsurprised that readers of the NYT would be so poorly informed. I mean, I get it when I think about it, but it still is weird. Why are so many people so willing to dismiss something that disagrees with their own world view as simply "right wing propaganda"? Aren't these people intellectually curious enough by now to actually be willing to challenge themselves?

Many long time commenters around here are often annoyed by the small gaggle of left leaning posters. But at least those left leaning posters are willing to expose themselves to alternate viewpoints. It's sad that so many NYT readers are evidently unwilling too, at least up to now...

Lucid-Ideas said...

These anarchists running around with guns in broad daylight, literally extorting protection money, is proof positive that more of the same is coming, and that preparations should be made (many are making said plans) to meet such behavior with violence.

This problem isn't going to be solved by letting it simmer down. I want those people dead. I'm not alone. That's how this problem gets solved. They have to sleep somewhere.

Narayanan said...

self-appointed armed guards
in all those weeks they did not hold any elections for office in the autonomous zone?


Deevs said...

There are multiple gifs of John McClane saying, "Welcome to the party, pal!" Seems appropriate.

n.n said...

Diversity breeds adversity. Some, select Black Lives Matter.

getting the truth from many news sources going forward

The old-fashioned standard of extracting facts that speak to truth, is a method of signal processing to isolate a signal that is obfuscated in a corrupt environment by noise and distortions.

We are all liberal (i.e. divergent, notably generational). Libertarians, conservatives are of the classical liberal variety. Each has a religion (or its relativistic cousin "ethics"), a behavioral philosophy that orders the chaos and sets limits in a social environment.


Earnest Prole said...

Why it’s almost as though Antifa’s Maoist revolutionaries and nihilist anarchists had no interest whatsoever in describing their violent activities to the New York Times. But since the Times’ had no interest in reporting on the violence anyway, it was a win-win.

And you have to be willfully obtuse to realize that only today.

Unknown said...

'Pravda journalism'. In Stephen Kotkin's biography of Stalin he quotes Trotsky's wife as saying every article in Pravda was a lie. This is the standard they strive for.

Every article about Trump in the NYT from Trumps nomination to last year to when the Ukraine narrative took over contained brazen lies about him and Russia. Someone should examine every Trump article in the NYT since his nomination and write a book about it. Day by day and lie by lie.

Kai Akker said...

Agree with Rory 1:26. Top comment way too carefully phrased and considered. A conservative strategist or someone similar put effort into that piece of marketing. BUT it was the top-rated comment, and even if some of that is bogus, some has to be real.

n.n said...

"...Mr. Khan, a gay man of Middle Eastern descent who moved here from Texas so he could more comfortably be out."

Transgender is trendy, but is his liberal sexual orientation relevant in this context?

“Much of the violence [business owners] saw and the intimidation of their patrons came from a group these business owners identified as antifa, which they distinguished from the Black Lives Matter movement."

Antifa is the KKK, the armed wing. Some, select Black Lives Matter is the spearhead of the diversity racket, and complementary to the former.

Leland said...

your Utopia awaits

It won't be Utopia without federal tax dollars to prop it up. That much they are already making clear. Dollars, not troops to protect that the dollars are spent as they are regulated to be.

Jake said...

This simply can't be true. Antifa doesn't exist. That's Trump, Fake News Malarkey. Ask Joe Biden (if you can find him).

eric said...

The people who visited the Chaz remind me of those naive liberals who would take a vacation to a third world country and talk about how much better things are there.

Know why it's better? Because you're JUST VISITING!

The people who live there know what a terrible and dangerous place it is. When you go, you get in a nice hotel, stay in the resort towns, and are treated like royalty.

Likewise, when they visited the Chaz all they saw was the sunny side. "It was like a happy fun block party! Everyone was having a good time and dancing and we had music. So much fun!"


For the people who had to live there, it was terrifying.

Drago said...

Inga and Howard and LLR-lefty C**** and readering and victoria and ARM told us Faizel Khan was a liar and clearly a tool of Steve Bannon.

We should listen more closely to the "truth" over "facts" that the Althouse lefty crew has been offering for the last 5+ years.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Ace over at Ace of Spades has repeatedly alluded to what has to be apocalyptic polling/impressions of the riots for liberals and democrats. If such allusions were true it would come as no surprise.

How on earth would anybody expect anything different when the vast majority of those subjected to this behavior were probably liberals themselves? These shop owners just got mugged by reality, and then their own politicians kicked them when they were down and pissed on them. They got a front row seat to an example of just how much their hard work and their rights matter to the militant wing of the party.

I would say it serves them right, but no one deserves what these people were subjected to by people who should be 6 feet under the ground.

Earnest Prole said...

It is, however, horrible that Trump (and Cotton) and the New York Times (and Althouse) have spread the meme that Antifa led violent acts at protests.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

truth/reality = 'right wing propaganda'

Lucid-Ideas said...

Making matters even worse is what set this all off. The released body cam footage of the Floyd arrest is proof positive of yet another massive cover up and fraud perpetrated on the nation and the world.

Floyd was a thrice-time loser with enough fentanyl in his system to kill an elephant, and entire neighborhoods have been burned down in his memory.

The number of people that are livid is off the charts. Moreso because it seems like yet again no one will pay for this.

F*cking livid. And if you aren't, there is something wrong with you.

Jim at said...

I, for one, hope they gut the Seattle PD. This is what Seattle voted for.

Give it to them good and hard, and watch it burn.

GRW3 said...

He had to move to Seattle from Texas to be comfortably out? He didn't look around here very much. Gays have been comfortably out in Houston, particularly the Montrose area, since the '70s. The Westheimer Art Festival (does it still exist?) was the bomb and all us hip baby boomers went to it, straight or gay. Then, of course, there's Austin, the granola city (what isn't fruits or nuts is flakes went to old joke). Failing that there's the artist colony area around Wimberly. Even San Antonio has a substantial gay population. The statistical equivalent of nobody cares.

I'm guessing that the real reason is he hated summers that were 10 inches from the sun, and humid.

Narayanan said...

Temujin said...
From 1931-1933, Walter Duranty, working for the New York Times, covered up for Josef Stalin as he embarked on the systemic murder of MILLIONS of people. He went further to deny that there was any induced famine going on in the Ukraine, despite the actual in-person reporting from there by Gareth Jones.
was reporting by Gareth Jones available to widely audience? nice to know there were some honest Americans.

no use blaming Stalin for deluded choices made by the West leaders - did not FDR recognized Soviet Russia around that time - is almost like Obama Iran reset deal.

PM said...

Cool. Seattle is gay-friendly.

Gk1 said...

"This problem isn't going to be solved by letting it simmer down. I want those people dead. I'm not alone. That's how this problem gets solved. They have to sleep somewhere."

I think we are already seeing signs of it being solved as these hoodlums try this crap in the suburbs and are met with gun wielding home owners who aren't really interested in their shit any more. Like those jackasses that tried showing up at the Seattle Police Chief's house unannounced. They meekly scurried away the minute their lily white asses were in danger of being shot.

Earnest Prole said...

Less than two weeks ago I said, "I’ll make a prediction: The moment Antifa’s actions cease to serve the interests of the establishment wing of the Democratic Party, the New York Times et al will discover Antifa exists and is problematic (it’s similar to how Democrats rode Cindy Sheehan when Bush was president, then sent her to the glue factory for saying exactly the same things once Obama took office). And at the moment the New York Times discovers Antifa exists and is a problem for America, so will Ann Althouse."

robother said...

Kristallnacht was a block party, for certain values of block party. Small businesses are always the first eggs in the socialist omelet. Pathetic (but understandable) how eager most of them interviewed were to say how down they were with BLM, it was just these antifa outside agitators. "If only the Czar knew!"

n.n said...

But I'm transgender. But I'm liberal. But I'm progressive. But I'm... woke and drowsy. These people are so green and dull.

Skeptical Voter said...

Every now and then the reporters at the New York Times commit an act of journalism. Now and then in this case equates to the frequency of the appearance of February 29 every four years.

The leader of the Black Lives Community Protection/Extortion service operates in a fashion that would make Al Capone proud---nice little coffee shop you got there--shame if something would happen to it.

And as for those New Yorkers who keep returning Fat Jerry Nadler to Congress, it will come as a surprise that, contrary to Jer's pronunciamento on the subject, Antifa is "not a myth".

n.n said...

Transgender/homosexual is less politically congruent ("=") than Some, Select Black Lives Matter. Noted.

gilbar said...

but more and more people are seeing that what's on their television doesn't align with what's out their window.

That's Nothing! remember the dumbfuck?
that couldn't align what was out their window; with what they were told to think was going on?
And sat there playing tunes, and giving thumbs up; until a brick came through his window?
And his response to the brick, was to shout "We're on Your Side?"
Which led to ANOTHER brick through their window

modern liberals are Stupid. Give the Progressive Marxists credit; at least THEY know what's going on

Krumhorn said...

I don't know why anyone should be surprised that some Howard-type, whose dresser is covered with participation trophies, should strut around the field of chaos with some 'tude while strong arming some gay middle eastern fella for cash. Gotta pay for that cocaine habit somehow now that mommy isn't so forthcoming with the cash.

We all know the type.

- Krumhorn

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Still, the Lord of CHOP was black, so that made it kinda better.

n.n said...

Cool. Seattle is gay-friendly.

Trans/homosexuals have operated businesses in SLC since the early 20th century. The issue is normalization, tolerance, or rejection. The issue, furthermore, is political congruence ("=") a sociopolitical construct that is notably Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic. They want to abort the baby and keep her, too, a paradox, that cannot be reconciled without forcing progressive collateral damage.

Michael K said...

Ryan said... [hush]​[hide comment]
I recently canceled my subscription to the LA Times for lack of objective reporting

I was a subscriber of the LA Times from 1960, when they endorsed Nixon, until the paper began to resemble the Babylon Bee. It is pure parody now.

Krumhorn said...

I wonder what prompted the NYT to publish this article in the first place? I runs counter to their plans for the rest of us. Maybe it was because the fella is gay. Perversion is more compelling to them than their ideology, particularly, if they see a whuppin' coming their way in Nov.

- Krumhorn

Jaq said...

When the Upper West Side started to feel the heat, you knew it was only a matter of time until the New York Times came around to reality. I like to think that canceling my subscription because I felt it was morally wrong to support them in their agitprop and disinformation played a tiny part. I can’t be the only one. The fact is that liberals pride themselves on being broad minded to a fault, but at the end of the day, they believe in America and even NYC, not to mention their portfolios, and put some value on their personal safety. NYC is no better than Buffalo if you don’t feel safe on the street.

RichardJohnson said...

"...Mr. Khan, a gay man of Middle Eastern descent who moved here from Texas so he could more comfortably be out."

Rumor has it that gays find Austin a fairly comfortable place to live. Also note that cops in Austin didn't back down from the Antifa/BLM violence. Precisely why this occurred is open to debate. Some claim this is because state of TX DPS cops, at the order of the Republican governor, confronted the Antifa/BLM "demonstrators."

Jake said...

Good Call Earnest Prole

D.D. Driver said...

I've said this a bunch of times, but where is the Justice for Antonio Mays, Jr. movement? To use a Noam Chomsky phrase: he is an "unworthy victim."

rcocean said...

The readers of the NYT's are going to do what, now? Stop reading the times? Yeah right. Or maybe they'll switch to the Washington Post or the Boston Globe - they'll give 'em "the facts"? Hahaha.

BTW, what kind of moron ever thought they could just reed the Liberal press and get the objective facts? That's what truly scares me about the election. I bet there are MILLIONS of old boomers who do nothing but watch NBC/CBS/ABC/PBS or read their local newspapers and THINK they are getting the straight news! And these old farts vote.


rcocean said...

Mr. Khan a Gay man from "The middle east". I guess the NYT's wanted its readers to have sympathy for the business owner. That lets out native born white men or East Asians. I guess they couldn't find a black or woman of color. SO, it had to be a Gay guy from the "Middle East".

Vonnegan said...

Between this and the sudden about-face on reopening schools, I assume the Democrats internal polling numbers are atrocious on these issues. By the time the "convention" occurs, Biden will have always been the "back to school candidate" and the "law and order candidate". This will be reported with a completely straight face, of course.

steve uhr said...

I’m not so naive to believe that when a group of self appointed whoever takes over a part of a city it is possibly a good thing. Similarly, when the Mayor of Minneapolis decided to give the protesters the Third Precinct, it didn’t exactly quench the thirst of the rioters. If anything the opposite

Narayanan said...

Gk1 said...linked to ...
. protesters-march-on-seattle-chiefs-home-met-by-armed-neighbors
if the neighbors had any sense they should have brought the chief out and offered to the protesters = rendition is the legal term

hawkeyedjb said...

rehajm said...
Fox News is no longer the Fox News the second comment assumes. Under new management they're stating to go with the leftie flow...

The news industry's self-destruction is a couple of years from completion. There will be nothing left but Party mouthpieces spouting endless propaganda. NYT readers will be the last to know...

Original Mike said...

"I wonder what prompted the NYT to publish this article in the first place?"

My guess is the lack of coverage became untenable. Now, going forward, they can claim 'we reported it'. But don't expect to read any more reporting on the rioting (erh, mostly peaceful protests).

5M - Eckstine said... is superior to the ivory towered NYT.

gspencer said...

The MSM follows the pattern of all tyrants. Control the flow of information. Remove the truth. Substitute what the proles should hear.

Original Mike said...

The top-rated comment over there — by a lot — is: "I'm liberal, but I still like to know the truth even if it flies in the face of my beliefs and forces me to rethink them rationally."

But, see, they don't want you rethinking your beliefs. And deep down inside, you don't want to either. They're doing you a favor.

And I don't believe for a second that all those top-rating this comment really want the NYTs to do anything any different than its been doing for years. If that were true, they would have left long ago. They just know it's what they're supposed to say.

Heartless Aztec said...

The NYT's travel section is - for the most part - still good to go.

mockturtle said...

It's kinda like someone told Seattle to go fuck itself and it did.

WisRich said...

'The idea of taking up the Black movement and turning it into a white occupation, it’s white privilege in its finest definition,' Mr. Khan said. 'And that’s what they did."

That's not white privilege, it's Liberal privilege.

Eric said...

Portland's main newspaper, The Oregonian, has coverage of it's home city that is just about as delusional. Maybe they're afraid that the mostly peacefuls will burn down their building.

chuck said...

Buffeting its load of tightly packed bodies , the gaily painted orange and blue truck drove on through the streets , passed a railway station and stopped at a crossroads . There , halted by a traffic - light , stood the dark - red car belonging to the Moscow correspondent of the Paris newspaper LIBERATION , on his way to a hockey match at the Dynamo Stadium . On the side of the van the correspondent read the words : MYACO . VIANDE . FLEISCH . MEAT . He remembered having seen several trucks like this today in various parts of Moscow . Taking out his notebook he wrote with his dark - red fountain pen : ' Now and again on the streets of Moscow you meet food delivery vans , clean , well - designed and hygienic . One must admit that the city's food supplies are admirably well organized

Ending of The First Circle

Sebastian said...

"Mr. Khan, a gay man of Middle Eastern descent who moved here from Texas so he could more comfortably be out."

Ah, from Texas. His previous discomfort couldn't be due to his community of origin, could it? I mean, the NYT isn't saying, is it, that anyone in or from "the Middle East" could have anything against gay men?

Paul From Minneapolis said...

Seems at least possible the commenter is a conservative type trying to use a voice to nudge the liberals along.

Sebastian said...

"His name is Rick Hearns and he identified himself as a longtime security guard and mover who is now a Black Lives Matter community guard, in charge of several others. Local merchants pay for his protection . . . He blamed the destruction and looting on “opportunists,” but also said that much of the damage on Capitol Hill came from a distinct contingent of violent, armed white activists. “It’s antifa,” he said. “They don’t want to see the progress we’ve made. They want chaos.”"

Whoa. Clearly not an Althouse reader. Otherwise he would have known not to make assertions about "antifa" or whatever it's called without evidence. On behalf of Althouse, I object to Hearns' baseless accusation.

Michael said...

The one-time Gray Lady of 42nd Street is now the Red Rag of Eighth Avenue.

Michael K said...

steve uhr said...
I’m not so naive to believe that when a group of self appointed whoever takes over a part of a city it is possibly a good thing.

Steve, be careful who you say that to. Just think about it.

Lucid-Ideas said...


"They meekly scurried away the minute their lily white asses were in danger of being shot."

I've said it here and I've said it frequently, if this continues THERE WILL be a heavy exchange of gunfire at one of these 'protests', whether or purpose, or more likely, by accident. Furthermore, the vast majority of the casualties will be among the 'protestors' because of simple military science - they are not dispersed and bunched together on purpose for strength in numbers. A 5.56 nato round (M855 green tip) will go through 3 people back-to-back before losing enough kinetic energy to come to a complete stop in the 3rd person. A 30 round magazine even in a semi-auto rifle can be dumped very quickly, and a lot of the people I'm seeing on both sides are wielding drums, not box magazines.

In my city it is well known where a lot of these agitators live (squat is more like it). They are one serious fuck up away from getting a satchel charge or fire bomb dropped on their 1st floor at 2am. They really don't realize or appreciate how close they're cutting it nationwide. If something happens that 'shocks' the nation they're going to find out really quick how a lot of normal people are perfectly willing to go outside the law to shame the law's inadequacy.

Original Mike said...

"Many long time commenters around here are often annoyed by the small gaggle of left leaning posters. But at least those left leaning posters are willing to expose themselves to alternate viewpoints. "

Seriously??? You think that's what Inga, Freder, et al. are doing here? Exposing themselves to alternate viewpoints?

Inga said...

“Inga and Howard and LLR-lefty C**** and readering and victoria and ARM told us Faizel Khan was a liar and clearly a tool of Steve Bannon.”

Really? When? I never heard of Faizel Kahn.

Drago is a liar, but oh well what else is new?

Gordy said...

I know a middle age woman who moved from Madison to Seattle because she thought it was more progressive. I wonder how she's doing. Middle age women kinda like to have the police around.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Interesting. Their readers are revolting. When consumers demand a better product they usually get it. If not from the original a substitute will come along.

chickelit said...

But Inga told us at the time that Antifa didn't really exist and that all the chaos was coming from the right wing.

Michael said...

How long before some editor at the NYT gets cancelled for letting this slip through the gated narrative.

n.n said...

“They don’t want to see the progress we’ve made. They want chaos.”"

Progress is monotonic. Chaos implies a hidden order. You are a visible obstacle to their progress.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

There's a meme I've seen a number of times recently. It goes something like this:

It used to be that the news told you what happened, and you had to figure out what you thought about it.

Now the news tells you what to think about something, and you have to figure out if it even happened.

Sounds like even some lefties are starting to notice.

n.n said...

all those top-rating this comment really want the NYTs to do anything any different than its been doing for years

Progress is monotonic, and notoriously dysfunctional.

Rory said...

"Ending of The First Circle"

Thank you. I almost posted this a couple of days ago.

mikee said...

Sacramento shop owner shows how to handle peaceful protesters who intensify.
A different approach.

readering said...

I'm confused by many of the comments. This news was published in the NY Times.

Yancey Ward said...

I pretty much guarantee you that the top rated comment wasn't written by a liberal, but by a conservative who knows how to get around the censors.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Good object lesson that Classical Liberals still exist in NYC, and care about a free and honest and vigorous Press. Of course they might vote for Trump now, seeing as the NYT readers are soon going to discover the truth about Joe too. Schadenfreudaliscious.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It’s clear that this story and the reaction to it is proving true that survey that said we distrust the Press more than ever, and correctly blame them for striving to divide America.

Dude1394 said...

Sooner or later Baghdad Bob has the tanks driving behind him. NYTimes and the rest of the democrat propagandists Baghdad bob moment.
And you have to ask the number one commenter, if they are lying about looting, killings and burnings what else are they lying about.
If they won’t report those things, forget about reporting anything else truthfully.

cf said...

Gilbar at 1:19
{laughing-so-tears-are-flying Emoji}

James K said...

The New York Times is not new to deceit. They made their name on it.

And not just Duranty. A few years later they hushed up the holocaust, putting anything about the genocide of European Jews in the back pages if they covered it at all.

Amadeus 48 said...

I am pretty sure that the business owners did not really feel better about BLM than antifa, but they wanted people to think they did.

mockturtle said...

If you remove the police, who will the Karens report you to?

Original Mike said...

Blogger readering said..."I'm confused by many of the comments. This news was published in the NY Times."

Two months late, when they couldn't hide it anymore.

Kirk Parker said...

Sebastian @ 1:22pm,

Come on, man... Fox reports stuff that is unfavorable to the Democratic Party. QED.

ccscientist said...

I recently had a discussion with a young person who had not heard about CHOP/CHAZ, and denied that a section of town had been taken over, denied that Antifa in portland were blocking streets and threatening the drivers, based on someone who lived in Portland who had not seen these things. But I have seen dozens of videos of the action in portland and suspect her friend there lives in the nice part of town.
The reporter who tried to out Stalin about Ukraine was assassinated, by the way, and Duranty's apology won the day at the NYT. The fascination of the left with communist dictators has always disturbed me but now has gotten so obvious. Peaceful protesters carrying communist flags? Isn't that a warning we should heed?

Drago said...

readering: "I'm confused by many of the comments. This news was published in the NY Times.'

Someone at the NYT realized how moronic your lies have been for the past weeks in claiming there were no riots, only peaceful protests, which then became violent only when Trump sent additional officers in to protect the federal courthouse in Portland.

The, you know, actual real-time video putting the lie to the lefties (in particular readering, Inga and Howard at Althouseblog) claim there was no violence really did require that at some point the Walter Duranty NYTimes offer up something approaching reality.

And so they did, though very reluctantly.

But it no longer matters. After 2 straight months of cities burning, people assaulted and murdered, molotov cocktails flying everywhere, destruction of churches and memorials, it is now impossible for the idiot lefties to carry on such lying nonsense.

We already know of course that Inga and Howard will keep on trying to push the hilariously false narrative. Only time will tell if readering will fully join them.

Joe Smith said...

Why didn't he just move to the Middle East? Oh, that's right, he would have been killed.

There are a lot of people, especially women, who voted for Obama and Hillary and will now hold their noses and vote for Trump. Women don't like riots.

DanTheMan said...

The NYT left out some key facts.
Like the part about the violence being caused by white supremacists.
And, as Susan Rice assured us, Russians.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that New York Times has done some polling and now realizes that "Abolish the Police" is polling very badly with ordinary black people and Democrats. So now the paper is going pro-blue to prop up a veer shift to try to salvage the election.

Inga said...

“But Inga told us at the time that Antifa didn't really exist and that all the chaos was coming from the right wing.”

Not exactly true. I said there were right wing instigators belonging to groups and militias loosely known and affiliated with “Boogaloo” in the George Floyd protests early on. I have said these protests in the Northwest coast were more anarchist with loosely affiliated Antifas. I never said Antifa types didn’t exist.

Inga said...

“I'm confused by many of the comments. This news was published in the NY Times.”

The NYT is only credible when they agree with the premise. Predictable.

iowan2 said...

I know it doesn't egg on the race war. But..
How about an elite panel on cable news define the purpose of govt.

Is Seattle and Portland, and Minneapolis performing basic government function? Is protecting private property a function of government?

This, if done right, will shed some light on what people demand for the tax, taken at the muzzle of the governments gun from working citizens.

Inga said...

“There are a lot of people, especially women, who voted for Obama and Hillary and will now hold their noses and vote for Trump. Women don't like riots.’

Women are not a monolithic bloc, also most liberals don’t like riots either and are not aligning themselves with those who riot. Many women will NOT hold their nose to vote for Trump because some anarchists are acting the fool in the Northwest. You don’t hear Biden or Democrats defending anarchists and rioting, no matter what you WANT to think. You are engaging in wishful thinking.

pious agnostic said...

How long, do you think, until the editor apologizes for publishing this act of journalism, for causing harm to marginalized members of the staff?

Original Mike said...

"You don’t hear Biden or Democrats defending anarchists and rioting, no matter what you WANT to think."

Nice dodge, Inga. They've not defending them, but they will not criticize them either. And in most cases they won't even acknowledge their existence. That's the whole point of the lefty press hiding what's going on. So they don't have to defend them.

Nichevo said...

Inga said...
“But Inga told us at the time that Antifa didn't really exist and that all the chaos was coming from the right wing.”

Not exactly true. I said there were right wing instigators

You said nothing but; you said it up and down all day everyday. You wouldn't lend an ear hair, let alone an ear, to notions of the alternative. I guess in your estimation you were sly enough not to have explicitly denied the left wing angle, but it was pretty clear that you were doing your damnedest to lay all the blame (that you couldn't ignore or excuse or justify) on the Boogaloo boys. No prints on the cookie jar required.

Well, now the check for their fun is come due and the question is who pays it. You said yourself that liberals don't like riots either. You're right. Half those polled say PDT hasn't been firm ENOUGH on the riots, I think. That's not all us ogres. There may be a lot of liberals out there looking left and right and wondering what to do.

Even if they just can't stand that awful orange man, they may find it in their hearts to stay home, or go for Kanye. Vote for Biden? How can they burden that poor man with the weight of office? Let him rest.

n.n said...

The NYT left out some key facts.
Like the part about the violence being caused by white supremacists.
And, as Susan Rice assured us, Russians.

Also, bugaboos!

n.n said...

especially women, who voted for Obama and Hillary and will now hold their noses and vote for Trump. Women don't like riots.

They invariably evolve with rape-rape of women-women. The Libyan sodomy and judgment sessions of Gaddafi, Stevens et al were the exception to the rule.

n.n said...

If you remove the police, who will the Karens report you to?

Assuming they haven't knelt before Some, Select Black Lives Matter, then they have three choices: pay money to the Antifa mob squad, purchase credits from the Green blight, or bray at, perhaps occupy, the Democrat Churches for peace.

Joe Smith said...


But Joe thinks women are monolithic. Oops, sorry, that's just blacks.

I probably should have said 'moms.'

The reason most single white women vote Democrat is because they are looking for daddy government to keep them safe. Democrats and big government are no longer keeping them safe, instead they are in bed with the rioters and part of the problem.

"You don’t hear Biden or Democrats defending anarchists and rioting..."

But they're not condemning them either...tacit consent. Hirono, dumbest senator maybe ever, refused to say anything negative about Antifa at a recent hearing.

Michael K said...

You don’t hear Biden or Democrats defending anarchists and rioting, no matter what you WANT to think. You are engaging in wishful thinking.

Liar but bedpan commandos are not expected to know anything

Inga said...

“Liar but bedpan commandos are not expected to know anything.”

Senile coots are not expected to know anything.

Big Mike said...

Hirono, dumbest senator maybe ever ...

@Joe, Sheldon Whitehouse gives her a run for her money.

Inga said...

“The reason most single white women vote Democrat is because they are looking for daddy government to keep them safe. Democrats and big government are no longer keeping them safe, instead they are in bed with the rioters and part of the problem.”

Yawn...your “insights” are typical right wing talking points, but are not based in any widespread reality of a Democratic woman.

So you don’t think married women with children and grandchildren vote Democratic?

RichardJohnson said...

You don’t hear Biden or Democrats defending anarchists and rioting, no matter what you WANT to think. You are engaging in wishful thinking.

Technically, Inga is correct. Instead of "defending anarchists and rioting," the Demo muckety-mucks do deny or minimize the existence of "anarchists and rioting." "Mostly peaceful," oh yeah.
Barack Obama: "We can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators,” he said. Mostly peaceful. You know, like the laser rays directed at the eyes of the feds. Quite peaceful, that. And of any of the feds lose their eyesight from those laser rays, Obama will undoubtedly claim they were blinded peacefully.

JAORE said...

The Portland rioters were ignored until the Feds were sent in to protect the Courthouse. Then the media jumped on this as an Orange Man Bad ditty. Why, they claimed, the riots were only because of the Feds. If Trump had not sent them in there would be not anarchy. This required the media to SHOW the riots.

But, Trump pulled the Federal guys. The media, apparently, figured they could now show anther sun n' fun event.

Yet the riots actually grew.

Too late to cover that turd up.

Openidname said...

Two curious developments today.

First, the New York Times and Mayor Ted Wheeler acknowledged that the protests in Portland aren't peaceful after all.

Senator Schumer and Governor Cuomo took the position that schools should reopen.

Two narrative about-faces, both on a dime.

Inference no. 1: Their previous positions were polling very, very badly.

Inference no. 2: There's a hell of a lot of coordination in the Democratic party that we can't see, like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. But if so, who calls the shots? Sure would like to hack those emails, or Slack channels, or whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

rcocean said...
Mr. Khan a Gay man from "The middle east". I guess the NYT's wanted its readers to have sympathy for the business owner. That lets out native born white men or East Asians. I guess they couldn't find a black or woman of color. SO, it had to be a Gay guy from the "Middle East".

I read that as a semi-doxing.

was it relevant to the story to say he was gay? no, but now the world knows
- gay
- muslim
- pracing a gay lifestyle
- khan
- his location
- he embarrasses our Muslim community

n.n said...

"You don’t hear Biden or Democrats defending anarchists and rioting..."

But they're not condemning them either...tacit consent. Hirono, dumbest senator maybe ever, refused to say anything negative about Antifa at a recent hearing.

Privacy in solidarity. Silence is violence.

Jaq said...

“Silence is violence.” Perfect.

MayBee said...

This is the kind of journalism I've been looking for. Michael Tracey did a good piece, too. The people inside the buildings they show us. We've only been seeing the riots and protests, and being asked to sympathize with *them*. We've been seeing the destroyed buildings and keep getting fed the idea that the paintings on the plywood are beautiful.

But there are real people inside their homes, and who own those buildings and businesses. And I'm happy to hear their voices, finally.

stlcdr said...

Scott Adams wrote a piece about being interviewed for a magazine/paper(?). His brother read the article and was laughing at how mischaracterized it was.

It was basically about how when we are ignorant of a subject, we accept the reporting at face value, but when we are knowledgeable, especially first hand, it is clearly full of distortions and untruths.

stlcdr said...

Again, I’m amazed that this is happening in Seattle. Indeed, all these purported leftist utopian cities. Aren’t these places supposed to be more intellectually superior than the rest of the world? Why would there be riots (er, protests) there?

(The questions are rhetorical. The surprise is along the lines of ‘shocked! Shocked, I tell you!’)

Iman said...

Interesting. Their readers are revolting.

Yes, disgustingly credulous, too.

mockturtle said...

Hirono, dumbest senator maybe ever ...

@Joe, Sheldon Whitehouse gives her a run for her money.

Don't forget Patty Murray.

Sam L. said...

From "Abolish the Police? Those Who Survived the Chaos in Seattle Aren’t So Sure/What is it like when a city abandons a neighborhood and the police vanish? Business owners describe a harrowing experience of calling for help and being left all alone" (NYT).

The top-rated comment over there — by a lot — is:

This is pretty amazing because I certainly don't recall the NYT reporting on the chaos while it was occurring. The NYT reports made it sound like Seattle was having a block party when in fact the opposite was true. I saw some reports of the chaos on Facebook, but figured it was just right wing propaganda. I guess I'll have to get serious about getting the truth from many news sources going forward. It's naive to think that news reporting is not influenced by political agendas of those reporting it. I'm liberal, but I still like to know the truth even if it flies in the face of my beliefs and forces me to rethink them rationally.

THIS is why I despise, detest, and distrust the NYT (and it's little dog WaPoo, too!)

Martin said...

So, where were all the NYT reader complaints about The 1619 Project, which was/is patently absurd and dishonest? Or teh Russiagate and Ukrainegate coverage now proven to have been not just wrong but deeply irresponsible lies--there is no other word.

And I agree with the comments that if the NYT were to improve a lot, maybe it could some day become only as biased as Fox News.

I have long thought that the 2004 election was an inflection point. Up to then, mainstream organs tended to cover both sides, though they spun things their own way by placement, size of the articles, using loaded language, etc. But it was often there if you looked for it.

After they couldn't drag Kerry across the line, they all seemed to change, as if a centralized word went out (was JournoList a thing, yet?). From the end of 2004 on, they didn't report anything inconvenient to their political/social agenda, unless something became embarrassing--like in 2009 when they never mentioned the controversy around Van Jones until Obama fired him and then they had to explain why.

And it has just gotten worse and worse. Those poor saps who think the NYT will give them a straight look at the news are deluding themselves---after 20 years of Pinch and his staffing and editorial decisions and direction, bias is so deep in the DNA that the institution cannot reform itself. It will continue to pay lip service, but it is no more credible than, say, Breitbart, and maybe even less so. World Socialist Net has been a lot more honest about The 1619 Project than the Times or its lapdog Pulitzer Committee. That will not change under current ownership and management, and even new ownership would need years and have to deal with multiple staff revolts.

Nichevo said...

I guess I'll have to get serious about getting the truth from many news sources going forward. It's naive to think that news reporting is not influenced by political agendas of those reporting it. I'm liberal, but I still like to know the truth even if it flies in the face of my beliefs and forces me to rethink them rationally.

So, not like Althouse.

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