"The Democratic Party of the nineteen-eighties—of Walter Mondale, Dick Gephardt, Dan Rostenkowski, and Geraldine Ferraro—was a traditional operation, dependent on political machines in declining cities and the workingman politics of big unions. The Party that Clinton celebrated at the 2000 Democratic National Convention.... had been remade in his image: telegenic, optimistic, assured of its own expertise.... [T]he vision belongs to the Parkland survivors and the Sunrise Movement and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez....
"On Tuesday, the Party gave Ocasio-Cortez only the brief role of seconding the symbolic nomination of Bernie Sanders. She used it to dwell on some recent history that the Party might have been happy to paper over. Ocasio-Cortez praised the 'mass people’s movement' behind Sanders’s campaign: 'a movement striving to repair the wounds of racial injustice, colonization, misogyny, and homophobia, and to propose and build reimagined systems of immigration and foreign policy that turn away from the violence and xenophobia of our past.' Was she speaking from inside the Democratic tradition or outside it? She didn’t mention Biden once.... [H]aving spent much of his career working in a party that was dominated by the Clintonite wing, Biden finds himself the standard-bearer at a moment when leading the Party means undoing that choice—to identify the Democratic Party fully with the Black Lives Matter movement, to take a more combative stance on capital and wealth, to supplant [Bill] Clinton’s legacy.... What the Biden operation has chosen instead is to include what it can’t reconcile. The work of embodying this reconciliation, on Tuesday night, fell to Jill Biden... 'You can hear the anxiety that echoes down empty hallways,' she said. 'There’s no scent of new notebooks or freshly waxed floors. The rooms are dark as the bright young faces that should fill them are now confined to boxes on a computer screen.... The indescribable sorrow that follows every lonely last breath, when the ventilators turn off.'.... At the end of the video, Joe Biden appeared in the classroom, 'surprising' his wife with a kiss, a mask dangling from his hand."
From "Joe Biden, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the Shaky Unity of the Democratic National Convention" by Benjamin Wallace-Wells (The New Yorker).
Here's Joe Biden's appearance, replete with mask dangling and entangling — You can hear the anxiety!
Here are the 2 speeches in full:
८३ टिप्पण्या:
Why do you think the Dems keep talking about unity?
There will be no such talk next week.
I know I'm not helping here, and I wish I had a viable comment, but I simply do not. I cannot think of anything to say about the party that works so hard at destroying the country every day for 3.75 years, but then turns around for .25 of the fourth year to tell us how they are moral, incorruptible, noble, big-hearted, brilliant, and open to everyone.
It's unwatchable to me. So, I don't watch and I should not comment further. Meh.
The Democrats never have to take responsibility for their governance.
There is always another generation coming along to fix all the issues.
It’s a party of young monkeys typing Shakespeare-like policy proposals.
[T]he vision belongs to the Parkland survivors
I'm a Parkland survivor and if I had that vision I'd make an appointment with an optimist, STAT!
It appears scripted, just another fake news moment manufactured for the camera. Joe appears to be speed-reading the description of his wife, which is awkward and weird. If he’s not reading then he has some condition that causes his eyes to shift side-to-side when he’s talking. He’s mumbling so much in his clumsy mask entangling entrance that the Internet is evenly divided over whether he was declaring himself Jill Biden’s husband or Joe Biden’s husband. I recommend Yrump’s new ad “What Happened to Biden?” for a striking contrast to the Joe who vigorously campaigned just four years ago. Of course if you watch that you’ll then be pretty sure he did call himself Joe's husband last night.
... to take a more combative stance on capital and wealth...
Under standard english usage this can't be interpreted to mean anything but confiscation by violence, yet it is mentioned so casually.
I'll send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love- da da da da...
That guy was insane, too...
If you try to systematize taking people's stuff through violence the absence of the odor of a Trapper Keeper is going to be the least of your worries...
Fake doctor Jill is all over TV this morning trying to rebut the new Trump ad showing Joe's devastating decline. She claims Joe exhibits “NONE OF THE TRAITS” of mental struggle that appear to happen to him. Okay then, why is Jill out there saying it instead of Joe? Does she not realize that every time she demonstrates she can leave the basement and do a hit on cable or TV she is also showing JOE IS AFRAID GO LEAVE THE BASEMENT AND TALK DIRECTLY GO THE PEOPLE. If you really want to show me he is ok then show him to me.
Its still Journo-list.
All getting the memo all supporting the. Exact. Same. Narrative.
I keep thinking when those lefty white suburban moms listen to how these people are coming for them they'll realize I can't identify with these people.
I'm not gonna hold by breath...
When libs say Palin was a harbinger of Trump, I tell them Bill Clinton got away with first. A pox on both their houses.
The vision of a shining city set on a hill, except they don’t believe in hills and they don’t believe in foundations.
But boy what a city it will be if you all just do what we tell you to do. Or else.
RIP, to the "me too movement" invented to take out conservatives (Justice Kavanaugh), but keeps snaring prominent Democrats
The Raper in Chief is honored, celebrated.
Democrats are vile scum
Not much of a hug.
I am disconnected from all this--Jill in a school room, AOC seconding someone else, elevator operators for Biden?, some wokester at the New Yorker doing stream of consciousness--what the heck is going on? Biden must be dazed and confused. Who can watch this let alone parse it?
Meanwhile, support for the police is at an all-time high. Is that Joe's message?
From what I've read Liz dole and bob dole endorsed BIden. WHich doesn't surprise me. All the Republican losers of the last almost 30 years, Bush, Bush II, Dole, McCain, and Romney ended up either supporting Biden/Hillary or being neutral. but that was always the end-game of Never Trumperism, supporting Democrats.
Its oddly satisfying to me, since I hated all these people (except Bush II during his first term) and considered them losers and failures driving the Republican party into eternal darkness. All their talk about "we need to pull together and stop the Democrats" and "We can't have purity tests, we need to be pragmiatic and win" turned out to be lies. They were only on the R team, when they were in charge, once someone else was chosen to lead they either switched teams, or took their ball and went home.
I hope the average Republican will remember how the Establishment/Moderate R's have acted and vote accordingly in 2022 and 2024. But so many of them are so stupid, I'm not hopeful.
iowan2 said...
Its still Journo-list.
All getting the memo all supporting the. Exact. Same. Narrative.
It's been said many times that it is not possible to differentiate between a DNC talking point and a MSM headline.
Yet, too many still believe there's still such a thing as "the news" in America.
Pravda was more honest.
If the country has been on the wrong track for so long, and Biden has been a Politician in this country for so long, I think the solution is obviously not to have Biden purportedly in charge in the future.
My snarky self tells my neighbors: Why, if Madison blacks are in such dire straits, why should we re-elect all the politicians who have been driving the bus here for the past many decades?
Her students "shuffle in" to the classroom?
Clinton was not the ascendance of youth. LOL. By 1992 he'd be a Governor of Arkansas for almost 14 years. He'd be the keynoter at the 1988 convention. He was no more the voice of youth, then Dukakais. BTW, people seem to forget that Clinton never got 50% of the vote. He was elected in 1992, because people hated Bush (who couldn't get 40% of the vote as POTUS), and he was re-elected because Dole was a disastrous old fart of a candidate, who ran around croaking "where's the outrage" and talking about WW 2.
That's the thing about R voters. They're attracted to losers like flies to shit. If Trump hadn't run, they'd have nominated Yeb! or Kascich or Rubio and we'd be re-electing Hillary right now. I bet about 40% of the R's just can't wait to renominate Romney in 2024! The only reason the party exists is because the D's are even worse.
What’s to say? The photos of Bill Clinton getting a back massage from one of Epstein’s accusers in yesterday’s Daily Mail is all you need to know. That photo sums up Democrats, Deep State, and Hollywood. It’s all right there. They don’t even hide the hypocrisy anymore. They ride it. I wouldn’t be surprised in Hillary played with a few girls on the Island. Don’t tell me she didn’t know what Bill was doing.
That was such a tentative hug. They should have gone full Al & Tipper Gore and started dry humping. That would have spoken to concerns about Joe's vitality and forcefulness.....Does Scott Israel count as a Parkland survivor? Didn't he run as a Democrat? They should have given him a speaking role at the convention. He should be the face of the Democratic Party when it comes to school shootings.....AOC is attractive. If you have to listen to that crap, it's so much more palatable when it's spoken by an attractive woman. Think of how unbearable those same words would have been if spoken by Bella Abzug or her spirit animal, Tlaib.
Jill Biden is so close to her dream.
President by proxy.
No one gets to Joe's pen without going through her.
Joe somehow makes it the four years and she runs in 2024 for his 'second term' like any self-respecting banana republic would expect.
Her commercials are already set: 'C'mon, America! You know who was REALLY running things the last 4 years'.
And we thought Pelosi was the crafty one.
I am Laslo.
Mike(MJBWolf) at 7:59--exactly!
He was elected in 1992, because people hated Bush (who couldn't get 40% of the vote as POTUS), and he was re-elected because Dole was a disastrous old fart of a candidate,
No he won both elections because Perot took more Republican votes from Bush and Dole than he did Democratic votes from Clinton.
The Clintons put grifters in charge of the Democrats. China bought them and the rest is history. There is no mystery about why the big money is all behind Biden. They know what they want and it has nothing to do with the best for America. Tom Hanks just became a citizen of Greece. I'm sure he has an island there all ready for them. Sort of like Jackie O when she decided to take the money and run.
Anybody who thinks the New Yorker knows anything about America west of the Hudson is kidding themselves.
#METOO is a joke now. They love their pedophile President who likes underaged girls, so what are they going to try to pin on Trump next??
"Her students "shuffle in" to the classroom?" Better than break dancing. Democrats racist to the bone.
"That's the thing about R voters. They're attracted to losers like flies to shit. If Trump hadn't run, they'd have nominated Yeb! or Kascich or Rubio and we'd be re-electing Hillary right now."
Amen brother, preach it! I will only add, the depressing thing about seeing Trump helicopter into the sunset one last time will be there is no one to hand the torch to. The republican party is completely riddled with corporate sell outs and big government goons. Trump will be an ahistorical, aberration when he leaves office. Hopefully all of the SCJ and judges he's appointed will put up a minor firewall before the whole thing collapses.
No one gets to Joe's pen without going through her.
So Kamala wouldn't be the power behind the throne? I know nothing about Jill Biden, has she ever shown any political ambition?
I'm always happy to dunk on Clinton but yesterdsy was a bit much.
I must have seen it 25 times. A story about an Epstein "victim" giving Bill Clinton a massage.
The "victim" was a 23 year old professional massage therapist. She had been hired, as a massage therapist, for the trip.
How is she a "victim"? Or is it just that women are always "victims" automatically?
The massage took place in what looks like an airport with rows of back to back seats. She was kneeling on the back seat working on Clinton's neck.
Pretty innocous to spin into this whole evil encounter.
Fake news.
John Henry
It worked for Edith Wilson, didn't it?
Except for the getting elected part.
John Henry
How about a big round of ughs?
“Clinton’s ascendance a generation ago...meant a belief in the transformative power of youth.”
Reading that, it occurs to me that Joe Biden is 4 years older than Bill Clinton.
The Dems are talking unity! It's very important to be unified before your voters assault police, burn down buildings and kick truck drivers unconscious on the street!
Temujin, at 7:45 a.m., said everything I was thinking.
They are hoping for the revolution.
They will be placed against the wall, before me.
The revolution will die when it moves past the cities.
AOC-led push to kill Amazon's NYC move under renewed scrutiny as city faces catastrophic job losses
John henry said...
I'm always happy to dunk on Clinton but yesterdsy was a bit much.
I must have seen it 25 times. A story about an Epstein "victim" giving Bill Clinton a massage.
The "victim" was a 23 year old professional massage therapist. She had been hired, as a massage therapist, for the trip.
How is she a "victim"? Or is it just that women are always "victims" automatically?
Those are good questions. Do you have any answer, or just questions?
Some questions you apparently didn't think of:
1: What age was she when she started associating with Epstein?
2: When Epstein had her out on Pedo Island, was she raped? Because that's still victimizing, even if you're an adult and a massage therapist
I don't know the answers to either of those questions, and I don't have the time to look. Have you looked?
RE Bill Clinton remaking the Demoratic Party in his own image--how's that working out for the Party OR the country, which used to have a lot in common but are now two VERY different things.
The massage picture gotcha is just absurd. Both of them were adults, and nobody cares.
What is interesting to me: Bill Clinton finished serving two Presidential terms 20 years ago - and yet he's almost 4 years younger than Joe Biden. Nothing interesting to say from the Commentariat about this?
Trump will be an ahistorical, aberration when he leaves office. Hopefully all of the SCJ and judges he's appointed will put up a minor firewall before the whole thing collapses.
Yup. We are at the end stage of Gramsci's march through the culture. Reading a new book about it called, "The Long March," and has the history of the left's takeover of the culture.
EsoxLucius said...
When libs say Palin was a harbinger of Trump...
8/19/20, 8:03 AM
How dare we have any politicians that actually love their country and don't think you need to destroy it to improve it.
Bay Area Guy said...
The Dems are talking unity! It's very important to be unified before your voters assault police, burn down buildings and kick truck drivers unconscious on the street!
8/19/20, 9:06 AM
The thing about making omelets is that no one asks the eggs...
Blogger Greg The Class Traitor said...
Some questions you apparently didn't think of:
1: What age was she when she started associating with Epstein?
2: When Epstein had her out on Pedo Island, was she raped? Because that's still victimizing, even if you're an adult and a massage therapist
You're right. I didn't think of them because there was nothing in any of the stories to indicate that she had not been an adult when associating with Epstein, nor that she had been raped or assaulted by Epstein. Or that anything untoward had ever gone on with her.
If either had been the case, I would have expected the story to mention it to justify their calling her a victim.
There was nothing in the stories to indicate that she was other than a fully consenting adult providing professional services for money. There was no indication that those services included so much as a "happy ending".
If you have more information, I would be happy to reconsider my opinion. I think you are just speculating with no basis. Regarding this particular instance and this particular woman.
John Henry
If I recall correctly, Clinton beat Bush because of a fake recession and the trope that GHWB was an elitist totally out of touch with the common man. The DNC Media played a clip of Bush acting surprised at grocery scanners as an indication of how out of touch he was.
It was, as always an election about the propaganda powers of the DNC Media.
Wait, are people saying Clinton being on Pedo Island, and getting serviced by a pimped our adult is ok?
Sure, the neck massage is no big deal.
But the woman alleges she was run as a prostitute by her pimps.
The same pimps with whom Clinton flew to Pedo Island.
Now, we can legalize prostitution if that's what we want to do.
But the pimping and prostitution is currently illegal.
And transporting women across state or international borders is federal crime.
Do you people saying this is no big deal understand that laws were broken?
They must mean the "powers of youth" to transform everything into crap. Would we not be better off with the likes of Mike Mansfield and Bob Dole, to say nothing of Hubert Humphrey and Everett Dirksen? Not to say we should go back to that era, but that we should find some similarly serious people.
I saw Mondale speak at my college when he was campaigning in '84...it was an outdoor event and I was standing very close to him.
Maybe the most boring man on the planet.
Aggie: re Clinton vs Biden ages: Joe Biden has dementia. Is that sufficient as a response to your query about what the commentariat knows about their differences?
The DNC Media played a clip of Bush acting surprised at grocery scanners as an indication of how out of touch he was.
It was, as always an election about the propaganda powers of the DNC Media.
Yes, but Bush broke his taxes promise and then acted the asshole about it "Read my hips." Without that betrayal, the propaganda would not have had a foothold.
I am still convinced that Bush made a deal with Rostenkowski to raise taxes in return for Democrats' supporting the Gulf War. Then George Mitchell killed a capital gains tax cut to start a short recession.
Bush got suckered every time he dealt with Democrats. He was Reagan's worst mistake.
"wounds of racial injustice, colonization, misogyny, and homophobia, and to propose and build reimagined systems of immigration"
Wait, Bernie's campaign was about all this? I thought he was more of a straight Marxist economic justice guy.
wild chicken: "Wait, Bernie's campaign was about all this? I thought he was more of a straight Marxist economic justice guy."
According to LLR-lefty Chuck and many other notable "muh conservative principles" "conservatives", having the Bernie agenda completely adopted by Dementia Joe and implemented at all levels of state and federal government for the next 40 years is.....
....and hold on to your hat here...
Of course, you might read that and think to yourself, hey, upon reflection, that seems to not make much sense at all and would essentially lead to the complete destruction of the American Republic.
And you would be absolutely correct.......and you would have summed up the last 5 years of the NeverTrump FakeCon movement.
Which is now completely funded by far left billionaires who know an unprincipled grifter when they see one.
"I am still convinced that Bush made a deal with Rostenkowski to raise taxes in return for Democrats' supporting the Gulf War."
That reminded me that Bush stopped the army short of taking Baghdad and leaving Saddam in power, when he should have been left hanging from a lamppost. Another reminder that the U.S. military is an unwitting mercenary force paying in blood for our politicians' retirement funds.
Nonsense. Trump is so hip and modern, the youngsters are going to put him over the top. They just lie to pollsters so the progressives will get complacent. It's the same phrenology as the below the radar Sooper Secret Trump support from the Blacks, LatinX, South and East Asians, and Women's.
Birkel said...
Do you people saying this is no big deal understand that laws were broken?
8/19/20, 10:00 AM
The answer is no, that's not known here. You may be providing useful new info. Also help if you had cites.
Bay Area Guy said...The Dems are talking unity! It's very important to be unified before your voters assault police, burn down buildings and kick truck drivers unconscious on the street!
Stronger Together!
Gonna be fun if Ellison has overcharged...
"had been remade in his image: telegenic, optimistic, assured of its own expertise"
"his image": DLC "moderate," rogue adulterer, death-penalty-dispenser, phony feel-your-pain lip biter.
Clinton did remake the Democratic Party- he is the only Democrat I have ever voted for President with enthusiasm (I also voted for Obama in 2008, but only because the race was already over with), and, in truth, I still think he was a good president overall- after 1994, he governed from the center of the political divide, and the country benefitted from it (Gingrich deserves a lot of credit for this, too, for just reviving the Republican House at the time).
In hindsight, I wish Bush I had won reelection is 1992, but it isn't a strong feeling- I have a much stronger feeling about the 2000 election- the country would have been far better off with Al Gore in the long run.
I watched Clinton's speech, was just sad to see him in this state- a shell of the man he was.
Michael K said...
Yes, but Bush broke his taxes promise and then acted the asshole about it "Read my hips." Without that betrayal, the propaganda would not have had a foothold.
Jerry Pournelle put it very well in the mid 90s:
Bill Clinton has never lied to me, because I've never believed a word he said. George Bush LIED to me
IIRC, Jerry voted for Bush in 1992 anyway. I didn't, because with "read my hips", and with abandoning the Iraqis that Bush had called on to rise up against Saddam, GHWB lost me for all time.
Bush could have spent teh 1990 election season fighting with the Democrats. He could have refused to raise taxes, and gone to the voters asking them to vote out of office any Democrat who refused to support him against Saddam.
But that would require GWHB to value the American people over the American ruling class. And like so many of the current NeverTrump former Republican scum, Bush wasn't willing to do that
For all teh evil that Clinton has inflicted on America, I'm still glad GHWB lost
Laslo Spatula said...
"Jill Biden is so close to her dream.
President by proxy.
No one gets to Joe's pen without going through her.
Joe somehow makes it the four years and she runs in 2024 for his 'second term' like any self-respecting banana republic would expect.
Her commercials are already set: 'C'mon, America! You know who was REALLY running things the last 4 years,"
Sounds like Peronism/Kirchnerism.
Michael K said...
Bush got suckered every time he dealt with Democrats. He was Reagan's worst mistake.
Unfortunately quite true, but Reagan needed a Deep Stater to show his gravitas.
Sorry Democrats "Identity Politics" is irrelevant in a Centrist country who you've ignored for many decades now. You lose!
Bush I was a very competent foreign policy president. The Berlin Wall came down on his watch. He navigated the dissolution of the Iron Curtain without a major war. The Obamaistas thought it looked so easy they tried it with their "Arab Spring" and made a godawful mess.
His domestic mistake was trusting the Democrats to do what was best for the country and/or to keep their promises. He was relentlessly attacked by the media at a time when people didn't realize how biased the media was. They practically canonized the Clintons and puffed up a third party crazy as a rational choice.
Birkel, Greg,
OK, I went back and read the whole article.It was Daily Mail, not Guardian as I said.
It does say, if you get pretty far into the article that she claims to have been raped by Maxwell.
So, assuming that to be true, and I've gotten to the point where I am not willing to assume that anymore, she would be a "victim"
On the other hand, there is nothing at all about sex with anyone, other than the rape, pimps, being passed around etc.
The article also says:
Davies claims she was sexually abused by Epstein for several years and finally escaped his clutches in 2005.
Yeah, a 22 year old woman is sexually abused for several years and finally escaped when she was 25.
Unless he kept her chained up, she seems to have been there of her own free will. (Women do have that contrary to some opinions). I don't understand the use of the word "escaped" in this context.
Annnnnnnd.... She has a book coming out.
As someone else said, this is a big nothingburger. Just an excuse to sell books get publicity by publishing something about Clinton.
The massage happened on a trip to Africa, not at pedo island.
It's a really shitty article just from a writing point of view. They copied and pasted whole paragraphs of the article at least 3 times in one instance.
John Henry
Unfortunately quite true, but Reagan needed a Deep Stater to show his gravitas.
Just like in 1976 he was so radical they had to come up with Schweiker for VP. That pretty much ended Reagan's chances, which was probably the idea.
Blogger Birkel said...
Wait, are people saying Clinton being on Pedo Island, and getting serviced by a pimped our adult is ok?
Certainly not me.
I was saying that per the article:
1) They were not on pedo island, they were in a Portugese airport waiting room with people around.
2) She massaged his neck.
3) She was Epstein's personal masseuse, an employee. Ghislaine asking her to give Clinton a neck rub is no different from her asking the butler to fetch him a drink. It is what they are getting paid for.
4) There is no evidence that she provided sexual services to Clinton or anyone else. Is there?
He may have abused her as an employee. He may have raped her. Or not. We all know women never lie about this stuff, right?
But she was a massage therapist with the education to prove it. And she was on the trip, on the payroll, to provide massage services.
John Henry
Did Bush lie about taxes or tax rates?
People keep saying "no new taxes" means the same thing as "no tax rate increases"
Seems to me that one has to be pretty simple to think that.
It was a really stupid thing for Bush to say though.
John Henry
The indescribable sorrow that follows every lonely last breath, when the ventilators turn off.
That is perfect.
No, GHW Bush did not make a deal with Rostenkowski. He made an agreement with Tip ONeill about taxes and spending cuts. Tip, so honored by Tingles Softball Matthews suckered him into a split sequential deal, tax increase first,then oooh we can cut spending. So he looked like he broke his word because he did, and he looked stupid and naive because he was. Because the spending cuts never happened. Laslo has the requisite cynicism and street smarts.
Blogger Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
She claims Joe exhibits “NONE OF THE TRAITS” of mental struggle
I agree. And I'm happy to vote Joe for..Senate.
Clinton: The era of big government is over.
Also Clinton: You might want to put some ice on that.
USPS has 120 billion in unfunded liabilities
AOC: Are you down for a progressive pen pal plan to save USPS?
Howard has had almost 4 full years to fully internalize and adapt his thinking to the reality of the 2016 election results.
But he simply cannot.
Which is good and we can only hope that ALL the other leftists, like LLR-lefty Chuck, are also caught up in that same thought-limiting vortex.
For instance, not once in the last 4 years has Howard attempted to explain the 2-time obama voter = Trump voter nor the white women vote which Trump won.
It would be amusing to watch Howard try and explain just those 2 outcomes from 2016. It would be like handing an infant a spoon and telling the babe to go to town with that jar of peanut butter.
The Clintons have corrupted everything they ever touched.
“My…regret; when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations. Because of a number of her unethical practices, I decided that I could not recommend her for any subsequent position of public or private trust.
Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a senator or president — and if she were to become president, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson will be destroyed.”--Highly-respected Chief Counsel to the House Judiciary Committee Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, who supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the Committee.
He was right.
Just as every counselor’s a criminal
And all the Demmies saints
As heads is tails
The work of Lucifer
Don’t need no prior restraint
I remember the elections of 1992 and 1996. I remember how William Jefferson Clinton was successfully marketed as the leader of a new type of Democrat, a member of the Democratic Leadership Council, composed of men and women who were working within their party to drag it away from left-wing extremism.
Looking around today, I have to say that he ultimately failed to keep his party anywhere near the center. But without the marketing of him as a new kind of Democrat, I see Clinton finishing third in 1992 and becoming an interesting footnote.
Leora said...
Bush I was a very competent foreign policy president. The Berlin Wall came down on his watch. He navigated the dissolution of the Iron Curtain without a major war. The Obamaistas thought it looked so easy they tried it with their "Arab Spring" and made a godawful mess.
Sorry, I have to disagree. Reagan was responsible for the Berlin Wall and the rest. Bush pressured Ukraine to stay in the Soviet Union and absolved China for Tiananmen Square. Gulf War I was a tough call. We still depended on the Saudis, as we would if Biden ended fracking. Thatcher was stiffening Bush's spine ""Don't go wobbly on us, George."
He was never the conservative that Reagan was. Or Thatcher.
"The Arab Spring" was never real. It was wishful thinking. Ask Lara Logan about it.
What will happen to MSNBC and CNN if Biden wins? Consider that they are so highly dependent on Trump for their “bombshells”. I heard a prediction that their ratings would just crater. If so, their bottom line would go negative in a hurry. Would they be content to declare their mission accomplished and turn out the lights? Doubtful. Look for them to: merge, give their stars huge compensation packages (aka, New Green Deals) with an option for cushy retirement, while making this combined MSNBCNN an arm of PBS with generous government subsidies. Yeah, that’s ticket. Hunter Biden has an impressive resume to be put in charge, but that might be just a bridge too far, even for Joe.
Assured of their expertise??? In what? Certainly not in economics.
Some dude at The New Yorker muttered...
"[T]he vision belongs to the Parkland survivors and the Sunrise Movement and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...."
Yep. That's what the illiberal Dems are now. The politics of grievous grieving and grievance. They should take a lesson from their own history and MoveOn.
Clinton won because Ross Perot split the Republican vote...twice.
Who paid him off?
Yancey Ward,
That is a bit of 'out of context' theater you have going on.
After 1994, Clinton 'ruled from the Center' because his vast Democratic Majority in both houses fell on their swords voting for his 'Obamacare', i.e. tax increases and the Republican Revolution, the first two house majorities Republicans had had for decades, left him whining on television saying 'I am still relevant.'
So saying Clinton 'ruled from the center' is kind of like saying that a six year old cleaned his room out of his innate sense of hygiene...
Yancey Ward,
And this ignores that back in '92, Clinton and Madam Rodham-Clinton made an early bid for socialized medicine with 'Clintoncare'.
These were not centrist positions. Billy Bob Bubba never sent a balanced budget to the Republican Congress. He always demanded MOAR. What he GOT was out of his control.
Which is why Obama never submitted a budget: He didn't want to lose publicly
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