I’m not a Trump fan but this is a flat out lie... https://t.co/Y1Lha9XzAR— Ethan Nicolle (@AXECOP) August 13, 2020
Here is the post I wrote on April 19, 2020, "Biden's announcement video is anchored in a demonstrable lie":
I'm blogging this morning in a public place, so although I've put up 2 posts about Biden's announcement video, I had not yet listened to it. I finally got out my headphones out so I could listen, but I could not get through to the end, because I became so angry at the LIE and the continued music and montage became torture to me.
In the part that I did see, we were shown images from the Charlottesville march — replete with the "Jews will not replace us" chant and swastikas — and then Biden's blandly earnest face asserted that Trump said some of them "are fine people." But Trump did not say that! It's absolutely established that Trump excluded those people explicitly before saying that there were some fine people on both sides of the question of keeping Confederate statues. (At the time of the fine people remark, Trump said, "I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.")
How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?! The hypocrisy of offering to bring us together and embrace lofty values when he is either repulsively ignorant or just plain lying!
I could not finish watching that video. I tried, but I couldn't force myself. It's utterly toxic bilge.
If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President.
८८ टिप्पण्या:
The dems are the party that does that, in particular in voting lockstep.
Structurally you can't vote for any of them so long as that's true. Forget the women's judgment of whether the individual means well. Biden probably means well but you can't put him in charge.
when he is either repulsively ignorant or just plain lying!
Insert the obligatory embrace the power of and here.,,
They must believe they are losing.,,
Not only didn't Biden retract it he doubled down? What's that do for ya?
What DON"T they lie about??? Kamala is a liar too. And the media?? Jesus, they may as well stick their noses up Kamala's butt, they are so excited that the affirmative action candidate was picked. Picked based on skin color and gender. Exactly what we have been teaching people NOT to do. MLK is rolling over in his grave.
I consider him disqualified."
He was already disqualified, but this just makes him doubly so. But where are the MSM and their "fact checkers" on this? He'll keep saying it until someone calls him on it.
Racism and socialism is all they have and none of it is good for America.
How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?!
What do you mean "How dare he?"? Biden has simply done what every Democrat has done since 1964.
According to the Democrats every Republican is a racist homophobe who wants to put women back in their kitchens, gays back into their closets and Black people back into chains. After he's dead, he then becomes a saint that other Republicans can't live up to. Look at how the Democrats have treated the Republicans willing to roll over for them. Bob Packwood was hounded from Congress for doing less than Clinton did, even though he was a Democratic ally. Useful idiots Mc Cain and Romney are evil Republicans when running against Democrats, but fine fellows before and later while they are stabbing other Republicans in the back.
How dare he? Why the fuck not? It works! It gets women and minorities stirred up and angry, which makes them more likely to vote, and more likely to vote Democratic. If anyone calls the Democrats on it, the MSM starts gaslighting to cover the Democrats.
This is Althouse discovering that water is wet.
The usual suspects will go to their graves believing that lie because it is comforting to them.
I wonder what it's like to have no honor.
Picked based on skin color and gender. Exactly what we have been teaching people NOT to do.
Well, teaching White men not to do.
We've been teaching White women and minorities that Affirmative Action is nothing more than what they are entitled to. One of the reason that the claim that the US has a system based on institutional racism that benefits White people is such utter bullshit is the fact that for fifty years we have had actual laws on the books and policies in our institutions that actively discriminate against White men, on purpose. Justice O'Connor told us that those would be ending at some point. Does anybody still believe that?
They lie because they know that the press will let them get away with it. And of course it serves their purpose.
What won't they lie about?
but! But! But CHUCK has told us, over and over again that:
A) the Charlottesville hoax hoax is Nothing But a Hoax! That Trump Actually IS a NAZI
B) that EVERY Poll in 2016 was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT
who are we supposed to believe ?
Chuck and Jo Biden?
or, the Facts?
confusion confusion confusion
If he doesn't like, no one will vote for him. His own pro segregation past must be made to seem bland in comparison to Trump, so he lies. He's not stupid to lie, it's a rational aption when you're Joe Biden.
"He [Biden} does not have the character or brain power to be President."
But as far back as 1971 it could have been said that "he does not have the character or brain power to be a US Senator."
Biden has never been a decent man.
"How Biden lost me," by Ann Althouse.
But where are the MSM and their "fact checkers" on this? He'll keep saying it until someone calls him on it.
just came from snopes.com; which says:
"You searched for: biden says trump first racist president"
and Snopes returns Two Things
1) the AP article where Jo Biden said that... With NO rating of true/false
2) Another AP article, where Jo Biden says: He Was Wrong in Comments About Segregationists
again, with NO rating of true/false
i wonder WHY snopes is ignoring this? Chuck? Igna? Anybody?
I will be interested if you hold Trump to this same level of perfection in messaging.
Cruel neutrality does not seem to be practiced regarding Trump.
When Donald Trump was a Democrat he received awards from civil rights organizations and praise from people like Jackson and Sharpton. When he became a Republican, he suddenly became a racist, homophobic, serial rapist. If he attacks a Republican after he leaves office he will be a respected statesman that the current Republican can't live up to.
Without a Bill Clinton in his prime, that party finds its narrative difficult to sell to perceptive listeners. Big Dog wouldn't have made that mistake, but he would have effectively sold the same conclusion without the direct untruth.
Trump's mendacity (this word makes me picture Burl Ives playing "Big Daddy") is of a different type and has a different purpose. He believes what he says like Robin diAngelo believes in white fragility, i.e. he is sincere but literally can't see where he is wrong. He really believes what he says is true, I think. The same is true for Biden, but he's not the liar that Clinton and Trump are, plus he currently couldn't say "rubber baby buggy bumper" if his life depended on it. It's like Jack Benny playing the violin onstage with Heifetz and Stern. The differences are pretty stark and obvious.
What we're getting is the intro to the Tchaikovsky concerto from Jack, and we're not looking forward to hearing the rest.
Biden had to get the Blacks to vote for him in order to win the primary elections.
He will have to get the Blacks to vote for him to win the general election.
Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election because too many Blacks did not vote for her.
This is where all the fake fact checks about "Trump's lies" really pay off.
Even though Trump never said most of the outrageous things Trump is accused of having said (and even the things he did say get distorted to make them seem worse), the media meme (itself a lie, ironically) that Trump is a shameless liar has made it virtually impossible for Trump supporters to object to any lie told about Trump.
True with or without the lie that bothers you, Althouse.
Biden is a corrupt politician with his hand in the till.
He was disqualified with his first felony.
Let's not forget the genesis of this shameful time in American history-
Nikki Haley, conservative republican, caved to the woke mob and gave them a trophy. I'm sure she's still proud of the racial healing she facilitated just by removing that one flag, just this one time.
As war memorials, priests, and former Presidents are ripped from the public square all these years later, Once in a while a republican will mention their displeasure on twitter.
Another battle Trump has to fight alone.
He told it during the Kamala Kickoff yesterday too.
Maybe it should be excused because it’s obviously one of his favorite lies.
Their whole press conference was a lie...Trump coddles terrorists?? REALLY??? What planet do they live on??
The link to the old blog post is wrong and so is the date, which was April 25, 2019 not April 19, 2020. The substance is just as fuzzy. Althouse claimed back then that “Trump excluded those people explicitly.” But Trump did not explicitly exclude white supremacists in general, just a couple of subcategories, and in a back-handed way that wasn’t explicit.
Racism is the greatest sin
All white people are inherently racist,
To destroy sin you must destroy white people.
A five-year-old white boy was shot at point-blank range, in front of the sisters, by a black neighbor and it is barely made the news because he was just a future racist
I'm sure there are some fine people who believe Biden's lies. But then, there are probably some fine people somewhere in almost any political movement.
But why don't all the other lies bother you? Why doesn't the bragging about getting the Ukrainian AG fired bother you? Why doesn't all the family thieving bother you? Why this putrid little falsity -- why is it only this that disqualifies Biden in Althouse's view? He is a nonstop liar as the entire Democratic Party has become. The dots here are so plain to see, almost anyone could connect them.
This tweet is a flat out lie smearing the president. The recent Michael Brown tweet was a dog whistle smearing the police.
How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie...
He dares because no one will hold him accountable.
I appreciate the demand for and commitment to honesty and desire for rhetoric that aims to bring us together rather than divide us. Additionally, it makes no sense for Biden to say this; undecided voters won't come to support Joe because of this, Trump voters know it is a lie, and the rest of the electorate are anti-Trump already. Maybe he's skimming the Kanye vote?
Just one of many reasons Biden/Harris are unqualified and disqualify themselves.
Brainless Babbling Biden Blows Bull Dust. The bozo does it every day--so what else is new?
Correct back then, correct today.
They have a bit of a pickle. Have you checked the corona box scores the last few days? They're running low on 'new cases' and nearly fresh out of deaths. Globally. The virus might crap out before the cure get here. The real danger for Democrats is that it craps out before election day.
Sure they can try the cases will spike in the fall but without any numbers it will be a tough sell. Plus they just sent us all back to school because endless summer for teachers didn't go over well...
Let’s see - one lie by Biden. 25,000 by Trump. And the conclusion is that Biden is disqualified. Makes sense.
Watching so-called reasonable people, who refer to themselves as democrats, support this lie demonstrates to be how utterly nasty they really are.
I think Mike Sylwester is right. The lie is told because of the Democrats soft bigotry of low expectations. They don't expect black voters to learn the truth for themselves.
I don't listen to Trump very often. I heard a large segment of a press-conference, yesterday, and there was nothing but a normal stream of thoughts, which, unfortunately if you take piecemeal you could make him out to be evil incarnate.
You’re right. You were right then too. The myth building began in earnest at that point when the “fine people” remark was pounced upon by Democrats and has become a mantra, kind of a bill of particulars that includes the other foundational myths like the “Muslim ban” (that somehow only affected 13% of the worlds Muslims) and “Mexicans are rapists.” Taken out of context and never corrected by the army of “fact checkers” that swarm every Trump tweet. This obsession in labeling disagreement and rhetorical flair as LIES is such a contrast with Media that is presently allowing a serial admitted plagiarist to ramble without any tether to the truth.
You were right. I hope you keep that firm stance. Others see it too. The fact that the gaslighting media pretend it ain’t so does NOT go unnoticed. Trump is unique. But he’s not uniquely dishonest the way the Swamp likes to pretend. He’s far more transparent than they can tolerate. And by “they” I mean about 99% of the 535 in question and their staffs and family.
Blaming Biden for his campaign is like blaming Bernie for the Weekend.
I see that without my yet posting a single comment on this page, my name has been invoked for ridicule.
To the few remaining fair-minded readers of the Althouse blog comments pages; Althouse is wrong. Althouse has credulously accepted the silly and stupid defenses of Trump advanced by the likes of Trump toadies Steve Cortes and Scott Adams. Whose fixation is on Trump’s having once (in at least five statements about Charlottesville) said that he condemns white supremacy.
But in that complete mess of statements, filled with errors, vagueries, and contradictions, Trump had several different messages. The most important message being the meta-message that Trump cannot competently communicate a coherent message.
Despite my repeated prompting, Althouse has never once answered the comprehensive and detailed takedown of Trump’s Charlottesville remarks authored by Charlottesville resident and conservative writer Robert Tracinski for The Bulwark.
So here is that link, for the dwindling number of fair-minded readers of Althouse’s blog:
If you want to fight about this, that’s fine. Just please address yourselves to Tracinski’s column and not me personally. Stay on point. Speak to the subject of Althouse’s blog post. Not personal attacks.
If he’s so concerned about the soul of our nation, why is he not condemning with full force all the looting and pillaging going on in a few large urban areas, causing irreparable harm to hundreds of businesses, a large portion of which are minority-owned? That’s national soul crushing!
How difficult was it to say there are no fine people associating with the Nazis who marched through a town they didn't live in, with lit torches chanting “Jews will not replace us” and then killed a young woman? How difficult was it to set a decent standard? A standard every president since FDR would have been comfortable setting.
Trump lost the election that day. Everyone knows it, which is why Trump's apologists have worked so hard to muddy the truth - Trump is not a fit person to be president.
“Blogger Mark said...
I will be interested if you hold Trump to this same level of perfection in messaging.”
You’re going to have to give examples. “ they said “ claims don’t cut it. Also, wide latitude is given dems for “ political “ exaggerations or promises even supporters know to be nothing but politics as usual.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...Trump is not a fit person to be president.
But delusional Joe is???
Biden has as much brain power as Inga and Beloved Commenter UnReasonableMan
steve uhr said...
Let’s see - one lie by Biden. 25,000 by Trump. And the conclusion is that Biden is disqualified. Makes sense.
It should be easy for you to give me a list of Trump's Top Ten lies given that he is up to 25K.
I am waiting.
"How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie"
They dare because Dems don't care, nice women are more disturbed by Trump tweets, and anyone who disagrees is racist.
There's nothing daring about it. Until the Althouses of America completely, and permanently, reject the Dems, they'll keep daring.
Since besides Althouse herself, her sisters are easily swayed by Dem propaganda, the Dems will keep doing what they're doing.
It’s one thing for a politician to lie. It’s a serious problem when they come to believe their own lies. You can show Joe Biden a rape of Trump’s speech, pause it at the key moments, emphasize what he’s looking at and listening to, and at the end he will look you square in the eye and say “See! See! I was right all along.”
Hell, he still believes his first wife was killed by a drunk driver. Doesn’t matter that the accident was thoroughly investigated and the conclusion was that the truck driver was not drunk and not at fault. Biden believes his lie, and so it shall be.
How difficult was it to say there are no fine people associating with the Nazis who marched through a town they didn't live in
Not difficult at all, because that's precisely what he said: "I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally."
And if you want to broaden the definition of "associating with" to include anyone who shows up in your vicinity, try to defend that.
Nikki Haley, conservative republican, caved to the woke mob and gave them a trophy. I'm sure she's still proud of the racial healing she facilitated just by removing that one flag, just this one time.
As war memorials, priests, and former Presidents are ripped from the public square all these years later, Once in a while a republican will mention their displeasure on twitter.
Another battle Trump has to fight alone.
Yes, and I do not trust Haley. She is maneuvering in the background.
ARM, typically, repeats the lie about the chant. Those young white men were chanting "You will not replace us" as they protested affirmative action. There was no context about Jews that day. Listen to the chant.
Nikki Haley, conservative republican, caved to the woke mob and gave them a trophy. I'm sure she's still proud of the racial healing she facilitated just by removing that one flag, just this one time.
As war memorials, priests, and former Presidents are ripped from the public square all these years later, Once in a while a republican will mention their displeasure on twitter.
Another battle Trump has to fight alone.
Yes, and I do not trust Haley. She is maneuvering in the background.
ARM, typically, repeats the lie about the chant. Those young white men were chanting "You will not replace us" as they protested affirmative action. There was no context about Jews that day. Listen to the chant.
ARM, you understand then BLM is responsible for Chicago looters? Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis? All the death and destruction, is BLM, for exactly your impeccable reasoning. But because you are burdened with innumerable sets of standards, you just too tired to care.
Condemn Biden, please, all you want for mendacious speech. But remember he has dementia and will not serve as president if elected. Kamala Harris? She too supports the lies of Biden.
You saw the Kavanaugh hearings - is that what you want to wake up to, for four years?
“How difficult was it to say there are no fine people associating with the Nazis who marched through a town they didn't live in, with lit torches chanting “Jews will not replace us” and then killed a young woman? How difficult was it to set a decent standard? A standard every president since FDR would have been comfortable setting.”
Because it is a pretty gross double standard. Right now we have violent BLM and esp AntiFA Commie Thugs intentionally mixing in with otherwise nonviolent “protesters”. Should we be condemning the otherwise nonviolent “protesters”? The difference is that the percentage of AntiFA Commie Thugs is inevitably a much higher percentage of the crowd they mix in with than the bare handful of Nazis who were there on the other side in Charlottesville. ARM is demanding that Trump condemn the 99% of the anti AntiFA crowd because a couple Nazis snuck in, but no one on the left, so far, is condemning the protesters, even when the AntiFA Violent Commie Thug percentage of the “protests” start to predominate late at night.
“Trump lost the election that day. Everyone knows it, which is why Trump's apologists have worked so hard to muddy the truth - Trump is not a fit person to be president.”
The “Back the Blue” protesters last week in Fort Collins were right in calling the “Defund The Police”, AntiFA associated, protesters “Commie Scum”. That is exactly what AntiFA are: “Commie Scum”. The organization was founded 90 years ago by Stalin to violently compete with the Nazis for control of the socialist movement in Germany. Neither Biden nor Harris has condemned the violence being done by the AntiFA Commie Scum, the Commie Scum themselves, nor anyone protesting in their vicinity, giving them cover, but somehow Trump lost the election by not calling out and condemning the 99% anti Commie Scum protesters in Charlottesville who weren’t Nazis, but had a couple Nazis in their midst. Ha!
I've made the parallel in other places, to the white house being like the harkonnen palace on arrakis, it's enemy territory, well actually worse because at least there were fremen there,
BLM protestors from Paris to Washington have shouted anti-Semitic chants. It's not new. The Left has been a home for anti-Semitism for well over 100 years. It's out there, it's rampant on our college campuses, shared deeply throughout the Black community, and shouted in the streets by the left if you pay attention.
You also may have to look for it because you won't find it on Google or their You Tube division. They're too busy cleaning up history for Antifa and BLM. But the videos are out there of BLMers in Paris and Washington DC- to name just two quick ones.
The claim that white supremacists are everywhere among us and that any Republican is to be considered a suspect is, if nothing else, a distraction from the ugly truth about the Left.
Let’s start with an early one. April 2011 - he says he has investigators in Hawaii investigating the birther thing and they “can’t believe what they are finding”
He denied ever assaulting any women
He says that he put in place the China travel “ban” over just about everyone’s objection, including Fauci.
Respond to those and I’ll give you three more if I have time
If Trump does not make hay about this at the debate, he deserves to lose.
There are liberals (and not even the 'classic' kind) and leftists. Liberals can (and often are) nice folks.
Leftists, on the other hand, are only interested in political power by any means necessary. They don't care what they do to tear down the traditional fabric of the country. They just want to absolutely rule every aspect of your life.
Cocksuckers all...
Two Charlotte ville hoax posts. You people need to hit the Althouse touchhole to Jeff Bezos wallet toot sweet. That new house in Boulder won't pay for itself.
"decent standard? A standard every president since FDR would have been comfortable setting."
What was FDR's standard when considering who should be sent to Manzanar?
Temujin said...
The claim that white supremacists are everywhere among us and that any Republican is to be considered a suspect is, if nothing else, a distraction from the ugly truth about the Left.
8/13/20, 9:19 AM
That is a partial truth. White supremacists are everywhere, they are just Democrats, not Republicans. The Democrats started the KKK, they put orientals in camps, they kept the Jews out of the Ivy League, they keep POC out of their neighborhoods and country clubs. They keep inner city kids of color locked in failing schools. They do everything they can to destroy the traditional family, to denigrate religion (except for Islam) and they undermine self determination, merit, and self reliance. They are the reason the NRA exists in that the NRA fights against Democrat gun control which was also started to disarm blacks. Jim Crow, pole tax, the list goes on and on.
Due to their aligns in the media and in all of education, they have managed to blot out this history and blame it all on Republicans. This is the biggest of big lies and it is just accepted without push-back.
I thought the chant was "YOU will not replace us."
(Jeweat yet?)
Ann, the link to your old post does not work. Also, I expect the date is wrong. That had to have been in 2019, not 2020.
Critical Costanza Theory.
Democrats have been telling the same hate lie ever since Republicans ended the Senate filibuster that permitted passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. From the Senate website:
Minority Leader Everett Dirksen, who had enlisted the Republican votes that made cloture a realistic option, spoke for the proponents with his customary eloquence. Noting that the day marked the 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's nomination to a second term, the Illinois Republican proclaimed, in the words of Victor Hugo, "Stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come." He continued, "The time has come for equality of opportunity in sharing in government, in education, and in employment. It will not be stayed or denied. It is here!"
Progressives/Democrats have to continue to lie about their hateful heritage. It's the only way they can stay in power.
Michael K said...
There was no context about Jews that day.
Did you miss the part about the Nazis?
"How difficult was it to say there are no fine people associating with the Nazis who marched through a town they didn't live in, with lit torches chanting “Jews will not replace us” and then killed a young woman?"
As I recall, the "young woman" died of a heart attack after a kid who was driving a car, not marching, put it into reverse to get away from the murderous mob she was part of, which was attacking him. Of course, the Black Fascists running Charlottesville railroaded him faster than they could tear down a statue.
Did you receive different information, ARM? Check your sources.
Typical Democrat LIES, Exactly!
steve uhr said...
Let’s start with an early one. April 2011 - he says he has investigators in Hawaii investigating the birther thing and they “can’t believe what they are finding”
He denied ever assaulting any women
He says that he put in place the China travel “ban” over just about everyone’s objection, including Fauci.
Respond to those and I’ll give you three more if I have time
1. You are stating that Trump knew otherwise on the birther investigation? Do you have mind reading ability or are you just lying?
2. Do you have evidence that he assaulted any women? My anti-Trump wife believes that he always paid for his pussy. Remember that thousands of women accused Brett Kavanaugh of rape and as many have accused Trump. As a lawyer do you believe that he is innocent until proven guilty?
3. Just about every Democrat vilified Trump for the China ban. Did you miss that?
I am waiting for more examples. Your first effort was surprisingly weak. I am looking for something on the order of "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." It is not necessary to enter Clinton or Dan Rather territory
Wait a minute, stop the presses, hold the phone! Is someone saying that "liberals," "progressives" and other State fellators LIE? Shocking! I mean, if you can't believe people whose basic economic agenda is legalized looting, and come out of a "No truth but socialist truth" tradition--I mean, who CAN you believe?
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Michael K said...
There was no context about Jews that day.
Did you miss the part about the Nazis?
The marchers were "white supremacists, according to DNC propaganda. You can find context in your own head so I expect nothing but crazy stuff from you.
I listened to that video sound multiple times. But I don't have your need for evil conspiracy.
BLM is responsible for Chicago looters? Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis? All the death and destructio
Some, Select Black Lives Matter is a Pro-Choice sect of the Progressive Church. #BabyLivesMatter
Racism and socialism is all they have and none of it is good for America.
Diversity (e.g. racism), redistributive change, and the wicked solution.
I’m trying to remember. Wasn’t it “Annie Hall” where Woody Allen made fun of the sort of Jew who deliberately hears an insulting reference to “Jew” when a goy says the word “you.” As in “would you” being heard as “wood Jew.” I remember that scene very well.
Explains ARM and a few others.
"Did you miss the part about the Nazis?"
ARM, it's been 75 years since the Nazis had any significant impact on human affairs. In th US, they were long ago reduced to requiring the assistance of the ACLU, originally created to protect Communists. During those 75 years, Communists have killed tens of millions. Communists were marching in Charlottesville, and are rioting all over our country. They want to seize control of our government, and do here what they have done elsewhere. Are you concerned? How concerned are you?
You know, if Trump was as awful and racist as the left says he is, they wouldn't have to go around lying about what he actually said.
teve uhr said...
Let’s start with an early one. April 2011 - he says he has investigators in Hawaii investigating the birther thing and they “can’t believe what they are finding”
Steve, being a lawyer,. I'll bet you can explain why that Obama birth certificate does not look like other Hawaiian birth certificates. I can still get a photostat of my own birth certificate from Illinois.
Blogger Mark said..."I will be interested if you hold Trump to this same level of perfection in messaging."
Mark claims this is an accident.
Does the country not realize Trump is the closest we'll ever have to President Camacho?
Jew eat?
If primed for it, Jew will hear it. Add dozens of voices at varying distances, almost imperceptibly out of sync, with unavoidable crowd noise, and Jew will hear it no other way
AA sez: "Here is the post I wrote on April 19, 2020, "Biden's announcement video is anchored in a demonstrable lie":"
AA for the win.
Biden is a liar. And he is lying about a toxic issue (racism) to foment riots, destruction and violence.
And, Dems approve this lie.
"If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President."
When you cast your vote for him in November, you can console yourself that it was really a vote for Kammy.
So, Charlottesville was full of KKK, but the riots and mayhem the last few months were full of "mostly peaceful protestors". Irony, anyone?
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