A lot of these videos have been shocking. I audibly gasped at this one. https://t.co/xiS5ppOV79
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) August 28, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
A lot of these videos have been shocking. I audibly gasped at this one. https://t.co/xiS5ppOV79
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) August 28, 2020
९४ टिप्पण्या:
More firey but peaceful protests. Better than Dallas anyway.
Such a shame. If, instead, a social worker had been responding to that situation this wouldn't have happened.
As soon as Biden's after breakfast nap is done, his staff will put out a statement.
What do the "protesters" say? ACAB?
The lefties don't need to defund the police. They will leave on their own accord. Can you imagine putting up with this shit?
Those are just peaceful Democrat protesters playing a little Frisbee, right?
America is being peacefully protested to death.
The only way to stop this insanity is to shoot these rioters. There is no other way.
Gusty is right- the CNN chyron will probably be something like.....
Man dazed in mostly peaceful game of Urban Frolf.
Let me speculate. Person doing the video was positioned to capture the object striking the Officer, carefully excluding the thrower.
"The only way to stop this insanity is to shoot these rioters. There is no other way."
I've been staying away from such comments, but that is absolutely an appropriate response to the fucker who threw that. That was attempted murder. And in point of fact, we don't know the extent of the officers injuries.
Trump’s fault because orange man bad. Sarcasm off
I didn't gasp, but I was taken aback. Gasping is a perfectly acceptable response.
Every single Democrat in office or running for office from the presidency to governorships to mayors and from Congress to state legislatures and city and county commissioners support this. This year to vote any Democrat no matter the office is to support this.
The only way to stop this insanity is to shoot these rioters. There is no other way.
It looks like Kenosha was quiet last night. You can thank that Rittenhouse kid for doing the job the police won't do.
Twitter replies summary: “Deserved it.”
You want 17 year old vigilantes armed with AR-15s? Cause this is how you get 17 year old vigilantes armed with AR-15s.
Also: The friends of the "SJW" from Kenosha who was wounded are saying that his only regret was that he didn't mag dump on Kyle Rittenhouse when he had the chance.
Here's Harris's opinion. https://mobile.twitter.com/ArtValley818_/status/1299226817610407937
I gasped too - usually they're throwing bricks, rocks, or balloons filled with poop. The metal piece (base of a sign or post?) was a complete surprise.
Peaceful protest intensified, police officer mostly unharmed.
Does anyone believe the DC police provided enough security for this event? What happened to "protest zones" that kept and separated moonbat activists away from people attending a political event. It's just more evidence the democrats need to be put down like the rabid animals they are.
This is the same shit that happened down in San Jose in 2016 where Trump rally attendees where jumped by democratic thugs and the cops passively stood by.
As an aside, statehood for DC? Hah. FUCK OFF. They are a branch of the democratic party and should remain forever in guardianship by the Federal government.
Where did this happen? I tried to read what was on the door of the cop car, but it was too blurry to see.
So, today a story popped up on the Yahoo News homescreen--What we know about the Kenosha victims--from Daily Beast. Total whitewash. No mention of sex offender status or domestic abuse arrests for those two losers.
Yahoo News is disgusting.
Yancey Ward said...
As soon as Biden's after breakfast nap is done, his staff will put out a statement.
Why wait? To maintain the fiction that he's actually running his campaign?
In Portland, Mayor Ted Wheeler finally came out yesterday to say the violence has to stop. This is something he needed to say and take action on 90 days ago when this started. Ninety Days, people. To say he is feckless is to demean that word. Likewise, the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, et. al. have all been playing around like there's nothing but peace among the disenchanted youth.
These people, these Democrats, have shown their stuff. They've shown they are more interested in the destruction of our country- and race relations- than they are the truth, in order to gain power. That's it. They are demanding power, and they know they will probably not get it through a lawful election process, so they are doing two fronts: (a) Their "civil" approach is to allow the election to take place, but only with national mail-in voting along with ballot harvesting. If that doesn't do it, then (b) all out anarchy.
Power is the goal. They like to use the phrase, "by any means necessary". They mean that. We need to understand that.
The State of Virginia just changed this criminal act from a felony to a misdemeanor.
Animals roaming in the street. Mostly young white liberals too.
The Democrats thought this kind of stuff would get rid of Trump, they're out of touch with average people. And these people are our betters...
The man who did it should be shot down in the street like a rabid dog.
I've got covid. I'm cranky.
Yep. I did't gasp. I said "Woah". what city?
The lefties don't need to defund the police. They will leave on their own accord. Can you imagine putting up with this shit?
That's what's happening in Chicago: PO's are retiring in record numbers at record rates.
See the blog site Second City Cop for info in this regard.
The word has gone out to liberal automatons-- eight replies in a row used the exact same phrase, "this is Trump's America". So you encourage racial hatred, violence, arson, rioting and assault on police and others, and blame Trump for it? No wonder so many perceive the left as fundamentally the product of idiots and liars.
One reason I could never be a cop? if that happened to me or my partner someone would have got shot.
what's next ?? Lowering the penalty for assaulting cops??
oh wait-- Virginia Senate Passes Bill to Reduce Penalty for Battering Police Officer
AllenS said...
The only way to stop this insanity is to shoot these rioters. There is no other way.
That is the tradition al way with looters anyway. It may come to that. The guy who fired warning shots in the residential part of Kenosha saw the BLM run.
An inch or two lower and that edge-focused blow could have easily fractured his cervical spine, and rendered him quadriplegic.
Almost as vile as the assault itself is that not a one of these animals went over to render aid to an injured human being.
I've had a carry permit for years, but never carried a weapon.
I've now started carrying. If that's the country these people want, so be it.
all the papers, missed that biden, mixed up rittenhouse and blake, but he's sharp as a tack,
I was most impressed by the howling mob... be sure the sound is on.
I imagine that this is what it sounded like around the guillotine in France in 1793.
Crack forgetting which party put them in chains. Once again clueless ands a loser.
People who are seeing this but not in it, or not seeing it and therefore ignoring that its happening, don't understand - that's assault with intent to cause serious and potentially fatal bodily harm. If that happened to me while attempting to enter my vehicle and I responded with deadly force, why would I not be justified as a citizen? When you throw something heavy into the back of someones head, you don't know the outcome besides it's going to hurt them alot.
When it's in the middle of a riot against police/institutions, at night, and it's against police...and the surrounding people are just gleefully filming it/accomplicing the act, why wouldn't police be well within their rights to begin using deadly force?
To put this another way: Law and order has broken down in these situations and it's playing out frequently. The rioters are gradually stepping things up. What comes next isn't GOOD for the rioters. It's disastrous for society as a whole.
All us white people, Crack? You mean all us white people who go to work every day and raise our kids and mind our own business?
Thanks for that. You stupid jerk.
Carlyle offers (undoubtedly, makes up) a quotation from Napoleon:
"It is false, ‘says Napoleon, `that we fired first with blank charge; it had been a waste of life to do that. Most false: the firing was with sharp and sharpest shot: to all men it was plain that here was no sport...."
Never understood how mass slaughter (think a gigantic shotgun loaded with angular metal fragments) would have been a waste of life. Now I get it. These last months would have been very different if the Portlandian or the Seattlean principled barbarians had been offered the whiff of grapeshot in the beginning, instead of tongue baths from mayors and councils.
“Audibly gasped?” At that floating tin saucer tapping his helmet? That had about 1/100th of the brutality of a kick or skateboard swung at an unhelmeted head. Haven’t we seen hundreds of bottles thrown in these riots, each of which had far greater injury risk? I understand it was disrespectful, but let’s stop the dramatic pearl-clutching over this when there are real threats that deserve real (and permanent) solutions.
cops should be free to respond with in-kind level of harm
How you doing Roughcoat? Today marks the four week mark for me. Finally feel pretty much normal.
So, what will the nice women of America do in November?
Kneel or resist? That's the question.
According to Inga and Howard and Freder et al, this actually never happened at all, except that if it had it would have been justified, except that it didn't, unless Steve Bannon made it happen, but since it never happened its no big deal, except Trump is now (as of 24 hours ago) officially responsible for this act because Trump secretly eggs it on and probably funds it thru the russians.
I think I've captured all the lefty/LLR-lefty "nuance" there.
Crack Emcee: "Y'all's a joke as a people."
Describe the machine you are using to type that and explain where it came from.
Browndog said...
Peaceful protest intensified, police officer mostly unharmed.
This is how right media should mock the left's misrepresentations, but the subject can't be police since violence against them doesn't move BLM.
Instead when someone brings up the Kenosha shootings dismiss their concerns since the "rioters were mostly unharmed". That will bring some outrage.
Y'all's a joke as a people.
Yet according to you we're still on top.
What does that say about you and your people?
You know the saddest thing is, I was raised to consider you part of my people.
Y'all's fools...there be black people in the 'hood who be dealing with dis shit from whitey now for centuries...you caint kid a kidder...y'all are crazy.
Besides, it was only a cop...nobody cares.
Another thread that won't be graced with the presence of our lefties. What the hell happened to ARM? Is it possible he's embarrassed?
I had a different audible reaction.
Such hateful people - the perpetrators and their enablers. So long as governors and mayors stand by and watch they are in the latter category. Denouncing violence is not enough from those in a position to act.
Crack Emcee - Red Herring Master
Clues? said...
“Audibly gasped?” At that floating tin saucer tapping his helmet? That had about 1/100th of the brutality of a kick or skateboard swung at an unhelmeted head. Haven’t we seen hundreds of bottles thrown in these riots, each of which had far greater injury risk? I understand it was disrespectful, but let’s stop the dramatic pearl-clutching over this when there are real threats that deserve real (and permanent) solutions.
8/28/20, 1:40 PM
That looks like a lid from a municipal garbage can. It is not tin, it is stainless steel and probably weighs five or ten pounds. That was a good throw, too. I don't deprecate the other attacks, not in the least, but let me hit you in the back of the head or neck with even the blunt edge of a five or ten pound ax or sledge, and see how long it takes you to recover your pearls.
The fact that it looked absurd did not mean that it was not serious. The fact that Huber attempted to decapitate the boy in Kenosha with a skateboard, instead of a katana, was no less serious for being absurd.
The Austin police used a line of mounted officers to disperse the local ruffians, recently.
Apparently rioting isn't much fun, when it results in bites from angry horses and kicks from iron-shod hooves. I suggest the officers in other locations try the same. Even kids in Madison should know not to hit a horse, and if not, they'll learn.
The Crack Emcee said...
I like how white people have sheltered themselves from the centuries of horrors they inflicted on others - generations of Americans relegated to poverty and all that entails - but this puny bullshit makes them gasp.
Y'all's a joke as a people.
8/28/20, 1:14 PM
I mean, I agree with everything you just said. Americans used to be capable of shocking cruelty to minorities, but especially to the native tribes- most of which no longer exist outside the sufferance of the government. They used to have a functioning Christian society that would have expelled the entire Epstein family long before he could corrupt the nation itself. In short, they used to be way less sensitive.
Have you considered that Americans would generally go back to the bad old days, rather than continue worshiping "Queen Bey" and pro athletes, if that's what it took to make their cities livable again? Nelson Mandela enjoyed many advantages your people simply don't have, and he lost his military campaign. HORRIBLY. You should get with the program like Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson, before you face the fate of the Sioux.
Please don't think I wish terrible ill upon you. Black people simply aren't the leaders of the BLM movement. Oh, eventually we gotta make an example of the rioters, but I don't feel like hunting down black people. It's the leaders I'm after.
It says a lot that I was expecting worse . . .
Some thoughts occur to me, in the spirit of Whatiffery.
What if local police, on a nationwide cooperative networked basis, were to declare say, 9-11-20 as "Stay Home From Work Day"? If only a fraction participated, it would still be a great real-time experiment, and not beyond their technical and organizational capabilities.
Or even bigger, what if the working taxpaying man and woman decided, en masse, to do that?
The police, fire, EMS all just walking away . . .
Wouldn't the keening and ululation be delicious to hear?
I know, not an original concept, but new conditions create new opportunities
Michael K said...
Crack forgetting which party put them in chains. Once again clueless ands a loser.
I didn't mention party - you're just a stupid partisan.
A stupid white partisan.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
I like how white people have sheltered themselves from the centuries of horrors they inflicted on others - generations of Americans relegated to poverty and all that entails - but this puny bullshit makes them gasp.
Y'all's a joke as a people.
8/28/20, 1:14 PM
Coexistence, Crack. I ain't promising you nothing extra. I'm just giving you life and you're giving me life. And I'm saying that men can live together without butchering one another.
Doesn't White Fragility assert that white people are unavoidably racist? Doesn't it follow, then, that white people have no moral responsibility to change behavior, since it looks like they are born that way?
I'm telling you, Crack- you might think white people are racist NOW, and you might even be right. But you're really going to miss these soft, gullible, generous civic nationalists when they're gone. What replaces them will absolutely be worse for you. The only question left is, will they be bad enough for you to flee to the Carib or Africa?
Original Mike:
I am much improved, thanks for asking. Test results came back negative for Covid but they want me to test again in 7 days because they don't trust the results and because my symptoms were so severe out of the gate they want to be sure. I don't have a fever today and have gone off Tylenol, if I can remain fever free for 72 hrs without Tylenol I'll have cleared a major bar. Still very weak and feeling much crappy but I'm a long LONG way from the death-spiral misery I felt I was in 3 days ago. I asked my doc if it's not Covid what is it? He said there are several nasty and possibly as-dangerous viruses going around that have not received much notice because Covid is getting all the attention. He also speculated that it's possible I may have contracted West Nile or Lyme, as I spend a lot of time in the field with my dogs. That had not occurred to me and we're looking into it. In the event, and since I had all the symptoms of Covid (except lung congestion) to a severe degree, we're looking in that direction and proceeding accordingly.
Now that I tell people it looks as if I don't have Covid but something else they roll their eyes and go, "Oh, so it was never that serious to begin with." I guess if you're not actually stricken by the world's most notorious disease but something as bad and possibly equally dangerous you don't rate as much sympathy. Jeez.
Bottom line: Still sick but steadily improving, knock wood. Sleeping most of the day. In bed now, typing. Signing out, going back to sleep!
Women... Kneel or resist? That's the question.
Kneel or stand? Eyes down here. Friends with "benefits". 50 shades of gray, maybe. #MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed
That said, we should be wary of exercising liberal license to indulge diversity dogma, including color blocs (e.g. sexism).
You've already posted the Rand Paul mob and rioters and thugs. Democrats have ceded control of our nations capital to lawlessness. Only to get much worse under Democrat control.
This is the party platform.
Original Mike:
Mrs. Roughcoat says I have the "crud." She a charmer, that one. And blond.
Coexistence, Crack. I ain't promising you nothing extra. I'm just giving you life and you're giving me life. And I'm saying that men can live together without butchering one another.
8/28/20, 2:46 PM
I absolutely love that movie. Of course, official government policy at the time was "Prepare to die, you goddamned savage." Led by Union hero William Tecumseh Sherman, as the US government used genocide as a team-building exercise for the newly reunited nation.
Is Crack up for the Josey Wales agenda, or the Sherman one?
That was in Minneapolis Wednesday night.
Take it easy Roughcoat, and you too Original Mike.
The Crud is bad this year
Crack: "I didn't mention party - you're just a stupid partisan.
A stupid white partisan."
I think you meant to write "Parisian", because of your unfortunate "french" experience.
Nichevo wrote: That looks like a lid from a municipal garbage can. It is not tin, it is stainless steel and probably weighs five or ten pounds. That was a good throw, too. I don't deprecate the other attacks, not in the least, but let me hit you in the back of the head or neck with even the blunt edge of a five or ten pound ax or sledge, and see how long it takes you to recover your pearls.
I knew I’d get pushback. If you’re right about the weight, then I concur. But it really looks, and sounds, and bounces on the pavement like a very light, tinny public ashtray cover. Yes, the cop was startled and ducked way down, but it doesn’t look to me like it hit with any force at all, especially compared to the brutal head kick in Portland or the attempted skateboard homicide in Kenosha (which are worthy of gasping at). Like I said, I could be wrong.
Glad to hear you're doing better, Roughcoat. It does seem you should get tested again.
also, you can tell by how it floats in the air and how it bounces off on contact; a 5 pound disk would drop like a stone on contact; I don’t know why I’m arguing this... nvm
It all happened so fast. Like stepping off a curb and getting hit by a bus.
"The only way to stop this insanity is to shoot these rioters. There is no other way."
I suspect -- and certainly hope -- that you are wrong. But it would certainly be the most satisfactory way. I've spent hours watching Kyle zinging Skateboy and The Paramedic. They are so eager to stomp that pudgy little kid, who is running for his life, and so sure it's going to be easy for them and devastating for him. The sudden, massive discharge of Karmic energy is deeply gratifying.
More realistically, it would probably be enough to adopt a policy of selecting the most aggressive ones each night, swarming them with cops, arresting them, charging them with serious crimes and letting them rot in jail. Let their friends come visit them the next day, and see how much fun they're having. A few nights of that and you're gonna have peaceful protests, or none at all.
I have to hand it to Soros, he recognized the deep vulnerability of our society, and moved swiftly to exploit it. But you have to wonder what he is after. I don't think it is a Joe Biden presidency.
NO Clues said:
I knew I’d get pushback. If you’re right about the weight, then I concur. But it really looks, and sounds, and bounces on the pavement like a very light, tinny public ashtray cover. Yes, the cop was startled and ducked way down, but it doesn’t look to me like it hit with any force at all, especially compared to the brutal head kick in Portland or the attempted skateboard homicide in Kenosha (which are worthy of gasping at). Like I said, I could be wrong.
Look: if you throw an object like that at ANYONE and hit him you would up for assault and battery in a heartbeat. Unlike you, the law doesn't engage in prissy distinctions about whether it hit with a force that YOU consider inoffensive: it obviously knocked the officer to the ground and injured him. The person you attempt to harm doesn't even have to suffer injuries---it's your ** intent** to do, or your intent to instill fear, that counts.
Your argument is a lot like a guy who holds up a liquor store while brandishing a pistol and gets shot by the owner. It doesn't do the perp any good to claim it was only a fake gun. He intended to instill deadly fear in the owner.
Anyone wondering if Crack has a rap sheet in his past? If so it would explain a lot about his warped view of whites, the police and American society.
But if he doesn't, and is just another malcontent blaming his personal failures on Whitey....all the worse.
Asking for a friend...
If Trump were to declare a state of insurrection and send in troops to quell the rioting, what would the ROI be? Would troops be legally empowered to, say, seal off an area, order all the paramilitaries to surrender their arms, and to fire on those who did not comply with the order after reasonable interval?
Are there gasps that aren't audible? Certainly, there are 'quiet gasps'; inaudible ones, though?
Just try that kind of S*it here in Texas... nah.. they don't have the balls to try it here.. even local citizens will shoot such scum that try it.
That was a mostly peaceful throw, and as we all know, deserving of a mostly peaceful, well-placed round.
Crack, what is your answer? If it's "reparations," forget it - you know and everyone else here knows that's the Danegeld and wouldn't solve the problem you perceive. So name another answer. Even though my own family never enslaved anyone (at least not in the slice of history we're talking about, and based on my family's general low degree probably not ever) and most of it came to this continent after the Civil War and lived in very rural Wisconsin and Quebec, I'm not insensitive to the fact that some of the descendants of the enslaved and of the victims of Jim Crow might find it overwhelmingly difficult to move beyond that history.
That doesn't mean I think they shouldn't try. Trying to move beyond your history (or your ancestors', or that of people who might or might not be your ancestors) and to move forward from the present as it actually is seems to correlate with better life outcomes.
Audibly gasped,but didn’t consider he might have been wrong about the riots all along.
These comments finally read like what I have been saying for 12-18 months.
wholelottasplainin', I agree with you, so apparently I was unclear. I’d mete out a beating and jail time for this, unlike any truly brutal assault (worthy of an audible gasp) for which I’d meet out a bullet to the head. Clear now?
I say a sign way back in the days of the TEA Party marches. It said, "She's not racist,she's my grandmother".
Although I ave no doubt Crack will disagree, that resonates with lots of people. Tell us we have an original sin of being white. Tell us we have to bow and scrape in a futile effort to wash away this unwashable sin. Show us nightly pictures of BLM or friends of BLM burning, looting and beating. Now tell us this is all our fault.
Crack, you and your kind have no idea how close to the edge you are pushing people. I pray the left stops pushing. No one will like the result. But the left will fare much worse for it. And the left will use blacks as the foot soldiers. They will be harmed most of all.
The left is encouraging this behaviour. The sooner America wakes up and gets rid of them, the better off we all will be.
JAORE said...
Crack, you and your kind have no idea how close to the edge you are pushing people. I pray the left stops pushing. No one will like the result. But the left will fare much worse for it. And the left will use blacks as the foot soldiers. They will be harmed most of all.
8/28/20, 11:05 PM
That's the thing. It's really hard to get any American to be a foot soldier against their will. Rosenbaum, Huber, and Grosskreutz are not blacks, to put it mildly. There are some black men with a great grudge against the government. And there are many, many more without either the desire or the ability (often both) to be cannon fodder.
The left really doesn't know what it's doing.
The election ended this week. Trump won all 50 states.
We got #MeToo where women removed the rule of laws and evidence from men and destroyed their careers on their say so. No evidence, not witnesses. (Don't look at Biden's accuser)
Women have paid a price for that. And this was just a few dozen men.
So what has BLM done for the black community and what consequences and 'trustworthiness' do you think that this community has shed as a result of this?
For that matter, how much faith and Good Will has the Academy shed for writing their shitty racist books?
Clues, not to hock your chinik, but I've seen the object in question. It's not a barbell plate, it's I dunno a couple mm thick, but at that size it still weighs a few pounds. It floats down because it's hollow inside with a hole in the middle and acts kind of like a parachute.
But I saw it hit; saw him fall and lie there like a dead man for a few seconds - definitely stunned - if I were next to him I certainly could have taken his gun before he knew it or could resist.
Like those. Not a paper plate.
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