১১ আগস্ট, ২০২০

At the Tuesday Night Café...


... you can write about whatever you like.

৫২টি মন্তব্য:

Drago বলেছেন...

John Cardillo@johncardillo

Remember that time @KamalaHarris was San Fran DA and knew she had a drug addicted lab tech who was stealing opioids and tainting cases resulting in about 600 wrongful convictions, but covered it up and had to be smacked down by a judge?TEXT
5:50 PM · Aug 11, 2020

Sounds like just the kind of record a LLR can really get behind!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Slaves to Fashion
(Vuitton, Saks, Neiman Marcus, etc)

"Looting is Reparations" -- BLM

le Douanier বলেছেন...


le Douanier বলেছেন...

Just looking for some opinions re the wall surface in the reflection.

I can't figure it.

Mark বলেছেন...

Harris is one of those picks that just blows everything up, isn't she?

Either (1) the left is angered and stays home on election day or (2) the left abandons the cause and eats the shit sandwich and proves themselves to be frauds.

Screws them both ways.

narciso বলেছেন...


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

"Joe Biden made the pick that maximized his chances of continuing to make the race a straight referendum on Trump while also selecting someone whose resume suggests being ready to step in, if and when Biden decides to step aside" --CNN

Barack Obama on Kamala Harris as VP: "Joe Biden nailed this decision"

will she resign her senate seat?

le Douanier বলেছেন...



narciso বলেছেন...


Sally327 বলেছেন...

I just read an article at the NY Times about how major retail and restaurant chains aren't reopening or planning to do so in Manhattan. It mentions the Victoria's Secret in that area has been closed for 4 months and not paying its $937K monthly rent. And I thought, wow, almost a $1M in monthly rent, that's a lot of bras and panties needing to get sold to cover that.

I am fascinated by this, not Manhattan or Victoria's Secret necessarily, but by how things are going to shake out when it comes to commercial space, office buildings, restaurants, stores. There's a lot of it and it doesn't seem possible that it's all going to get used like it had been even once we are over the pandemic, not that it's clear when that's supposed to be or how we'll even know.

read somewhere else that Amazon is looking to turn JC Penneys and Sears stores into fulfillment centers. So maybe that's the solution, Amazon will just take over everything. Although even Amazon probably doesn't need all of that space. Which is another subject I find fascinating, Amazon is huge and it just keeps getting bigger. I bet Ma Bell would be jealous of that, how Amazon just keeps on doing what it wants.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Barack Obama on Kamala Harris as VP: "Joe Biden nailed this decision"


Tone deaf much??

Full disclosure......I think Obama is a profound idiot.

rcocean বলেছেন...

No Big-10 or Pac-12 Football this year. Supposedly "postponed" but I doubt they will be playing next spring. Lets see if the Southerners and Texans are made of sterner stuff.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Trump being attacked for wanting Gettysburg as a RNC acceptance speech site. Idiot press and Douglas Brinkley (a complete dnc hack think this is an example of Trump Loving the Confederacy.

The D's and the Press really hate this country don't they? And they hate Lincoln and the Union army too. Weird.

le Douanier বলেছেন...

Mike Pence is great.

Don't believe the press that fails to properly praise yur government. Cause that's the enemy of the people, not to mention the shitty part of A1.

Rather, believe Fox New....er.....I mean believe State Run News:



Mark বলেছেন...

Kamala Harris' history stands for everything that the Woke Crowd is against and she is a traitor the Black culture. As well as being the white people's acceptable Black.

That stuff does not sit well with them.

le Douanier বলেছেন...


To think, I coulda also claimed to predict the future. But for me it'd be re posts and comments here, re the pick. Regardless of who it'd end up being.

JK, nothing predictable here. Predictability is not interesting. Not allowed here.


George বলেছেন...

OK. VP solved. The next big question is who is going to be the Presidential candidate on the ticket?

wildswan বলেছেন...

I think Joe Biden picked Kamala because she won't challenge him or his handlers whereas Susan Rice with her Obama connections and foreign policy experience would have. Kamala seems like she might challenge Biden but somehow just the fact that Biden chose her suggests that she's actually weak in some unseen way and is always being run by someone else. Also it's strange to look at the clips of her and Biden debating - you realize that Biden has markedly deteriorated in just a few months. He was pink and assured back then whereas now he is white and shaky.

walter বলেছেন...

Free Darius Sessoms!

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

First, there was Jack & Jill

Then, there was Mutt & Jeff

Now, we have Sniff & Kneel

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Re: Kamala...

Great pick for Trump. Terrible pick for Biden (Michelle was the smart play). No electoral advantage...stupid.

And she's as much African-American as I am (hint; none). I didn't even know she was black until the news kept shoving it down my throat. I'm half Italian and darker than her.

It was like he was negotiating against himself and lost. How in the hell is he going to negotiate with China? Don't answer that, they already own him.

I guess it doesn't really matter...if Biden wins we are all fucked...even the libs, only they don't know it yet.

rehajm বলেছেন...

The American Economic Association, in its instructions to its members on how to think, speak, act, and write about matters related to race tells us

We encourage all economists to seek out existing scholarship on race, stratification economics, and related topics. To get us started, our AEASP and CSMGEP colleagues and students are compiling a reading list on racism and the experience of Black Americans. Members of the AEA Executive Committee have pledged to continue to educate themselves in part by reading works from the list and to seek to integrate work by diverse authors in course syllabi, and we ask all economists to make the same pledge.

Tom Sowell appears nowhere on the American Economic Association list. Nor does Glenn Lowry. Nor does Roland Fryer, all topnotch economists who are, incidentally, Black, and who use economic tools to understand matters of race. (The list emphasizes social and political commentators, with a striking absence of economics for an AEA reading list, but no Clarence Thomas nor Shelby Steele nor ... well, you get the picture.) One cannot escape the conclusion that the American Economic Association is commanding specific narratives, not scholarly study of racial issues or even inclusion of Black authors per se. At a minimum, it's an interesting sign of the times that our professional association no longer feels the need to even appear politically or ideologically neutral, to go through the motions of mentioning two or more sides to a scholarly question.

- Coleman Hughes

rehajm বলেছেন...

BBC had a good story about Sweden's stay-open approach to the virus. There's even a mention of T cells, language the leftie police have yet to outlaw but soon will...

Jaq বলেছেন...

" the left abandons the cause and eats the shit sandwich and proves themselves to be frauds.”

What else is new?

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Cream of Wheat could use Harris as the new negro on the logo.

Jaq বলেছেন...

adss’s link is one more drop in the ocean of evidence that the New York Times and the Atlantic are all about keeping black Americans on the plantation. It sounds like petition signer suppression to me.

Jaq বলেছেন...

So they want to make use of killer robots a war crime. How has the UN ban on blinding lasers worked out?

Howard বলেছেন...

So it's settled, then. The Democrats are running a middle of the road Republican ticket. TDS will force the AOC wing to hold their noses and vote.

Howard বলেছেন...

Kamala's more fitting repping Starbucks new bestseller: Jamison's Chai Latte with a shot of espresso. The Baba O'Marley?

rehajm বলেছেন...

Looking more and more difficult to keep the deaths and 'new cases' numbers up before a vaccine arrives...

Gonna have to find new fear metrics.

Jaq বলেছেন...

"BBC had a good story about Sweden's stay-open approach to the virus. “

BBC has had decent coverage because they know that the US narrative of “It’s all Trump’s fault” is bullshit. Only people living in a bubble in the US like the mainstream media and their Democrat flock could believe that one. Maybe the T-cell thing will work out, but schools are just re-opening in Sweden after the summer break and the flu season will be here in a couple months and we can find out. But it would be an extremely lucky break given that other coronaviruses create no long term immunity and regularly re-infect their victims.

One thing is for sure is that where people have been hit really hard, like in Sweden, Italy, NYC, they have become extremely careful. Where people are not so hard hit, not so much. As Ben Franklin said “Experience is a hard school, but some will learn at no other."

Jaq বলেছেন...

Where’s Shouting Thomas lately? I miss getting scolded by him that I should go out and ignore this virus as part of my patriotic duty to the economy or I am a coward after he bragged about staying home during Viet Nam and fucking soldiers’ girlfriends. It’s all about which fights are worth fighting, I guess.

AllenS বলেছেন...

I seriously doubt that Slow Joe picked Harris, rather someone, or some committee picked her, and then told Slow Joe what their decision was.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

Susan Rice never made much sense. Kamala is a play for the white liberal lady vote. Blacks don't care about Kamala, and Biden already had the black lady vote tied up. They helped give him the nomination in the first place. Her immigrant/black identities will certainly be played up. The New York Times just published Kamala Harris, a Political Fighter Shaped by Life In Two Worlds. Gee, never heard that story before. They keep trying to make Kamala happen, but nobody's interested. She's not particularly likable. Her "blackness" seems forced, and she comes off like a suburban mom trying to sound hip. Her busing argument made no sense; she hysterically presented herself as some kind of victim of busing while trying to claim a pro-busing position. Did she even understand what busing was about?

In any event, this is all just nitpicking. Anyone Biden chose would've sucked. Biden sucks. Trump sucks. Our options this year are crap and crappier.

AllenS বলেছেন...

You have that option, Farmer, to not vote. Exercise that option, please.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

1. I made my appearance before the Omaha City Council against the mask ordinance. I cited Sweden and even had a chart. Ordinance passed 7-0.

2. Madison is going to get crushed economically without football.

stevew বলেছেন...

I am proud to say my record on political predictions is intact.

Farmer's take on the value to the ticket of the Harris choice makes sense to me. I will only say that my survey of liberal voters - actually just my solidly liberal sister that lives in CA - indicates significant displeasure with the choice. And this sister was a huge Harris supporter and advocate early in the primary process. She does not like Harris at all now; sees her as shallow and inept.

rehajm বলেছেন...

indicates significant displeasure with the choice

It's just leftie whinging about purity. They're still gonna show up...

Drago বলেছেন...

Howard: "So it's settled, then. The Democrats are running a middle of the road Republican ticket."


Poor Howard. Always weeks and months behind the narrative but thinking he's on the cutting edge.

The marxist left is driving the dem party.

Congrats! Embrace what you've created.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

2. Madison is going to get crushed economically without football.

This is where leftists eat each other. Madison must be like Iowa City. They HATE football, and men’s basketball. But the city would be a working class river town without the stupid knuckle drag gets.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Harris is just what we need in our national leadership- another 1st generation immigrant who lived overseas in her youth and hates America. I will call her Obama the 2nd.

MayBee বলেছেন...

How many times with Joe forget her name?

Oh! And I already saw the first "Pence can't be alone on stage with her joke". Get ready!

MayBee বলেছেন...

J. Farmer said...
Susan Rice never made much sense. Kamala is a play for the white liberal lady vote.

Exactly. They are going to have to try to get some photos or events with Kamala and Michelle Obama together. Michelle Obama is currently the white liberal lady's black best friend, and they need her to get some of those sparkles on Kamala.

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

"And this sister was a huge Harris supporter and advocate early in the primary process. She does not like Harris at all now; sees her as shallow and inept." [stevew]

But will never question the insight that convinced her to support and advocate Kamala at first. Sorry to have to use your sister as an example.

Everyone likes a winner has a corollary.

MayBee বলেছেন...

In any event, this is all just nitpicking. Anyone Biden chose would've sucked. Biden sucks. Trump sucks. Our options this year are crap and crappier.

Every year the options get crazier and the elections supposedly get more and more important.

Jaq বলেছেন...


Takes a lot of deaths, but it slows it down. They make the point that the vulnerable, essential workers at risk, and the careless get it faster, burning through that population and so infections drop quickly as these populations reach a kind of immunity. While the careful, and those lucky enough to not be forced to work on the front lines hang back and wait and hope for a vaccine that may never come, or may come.

I liked this quoted tweet.

“It seems there is the ‘herd immunity is already reached’ team and the ‘we are all going to die’ team. The good thing is, that there is a third ‘let’s get the data and let’s look at what this all means team’ out there,” tweeted Florian Krammer, an immunologist at the Icahn School of Medicine in New York City.

It seems like people on the extremes seen to want to push anybody who doesn’t agree with them completely into the other team so that they can have straw men to knock down. If they don’t have somebody pushing ideas they don’t like, they will imagine that people who don’t toe the line 100% must disagree with them 100%. It’s hard to keep yourself honest and follow the data when people are trying to force people to take sides.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Oh! And I already saw the first "Pence can't be alone on stage with her joke". Get ready!

Why not? Did she offer him a blowie live on stage, if he lets her win?

Drago বলেছেন...

Farmer: "In any event, this is all just nitpicking. Anyone Biden chose would've sucked. Biden sucks. Trump sucks. Our options this year are crap and crappier."

What's the problem?

You spoke well of Sanders and a potential Sanders presidency during the primaries and now it looks like Sanders preferred policies will be the focus if Biden gets in.

You should be pleased.

Drago বলেছেন...

tim in vermont: "It seems like people on the extremes seen to want to push anybody who doesn’t agree with them completely into the other team so that they can have straw men to knock down."

You are so close to the point of appropriate self-reflection.......lets see if you take the last step.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...


What's the problem?

Your inability to understand a very basic point I've made over and over again. Whether or not we get more domestic spending and higher marginal tax rates is not a significant issue.There's a reason the neoliberal agenda has been consistently implemented for the last 40 years regardless of which party controls Congress or the White House. For one, both parties are establishment parties. Anyone who challenges the establishment's position is placed outside the acceptable mainstream. "far left" or "far right." For another, there's only so much change that elections can enable. A great deal of power in our society is outside of political elections: the media, financial institutions, the tech industry, think tanks, lobbying and major law firms, etc. The establishment wants more trade liberalization, more immigration, and more social liberalism. Guess what you're going to get. And you're going to get it no matter who wins in November.

Jim at বলেছেন...

No Big-10 or Pac-12 Football this year.

Good. Revoke their scholarships and let them protest on their own, damn dime.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Farmer observes: For another, there's only so much change that elections can enable. A great deal of power in our society is outside of political elections: the media, financial institutions, the tech industry, think tanks, lobbying and major law firms, etc.

Yes but we call it The Swamp.

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