That TV show on free TV on 8 channels was the dullest waste of time since the late 1940s TV . The production values stunk.The gaggle of liars and tap dancers was pathetic.
It irritates me when they are inaccurate (or lying), but I refuse to take on the impossible work of arguing every point. To live-blog you have to find a way to select things to mention. It takes a light touch... a light heart... and I don't have it. I have to blog about things that work for me.
And see what it brought out in me? My 8:59 comment is just sarcasm! And I've been saying I'm tired of internet sarcasm. But there I am doing it. I have to stay away from the convention.
So I guess women's suffrage isn't a thing anymore? No one cares that it's the 100th anniversary?
Or did Trump ruin it by pardoning Susan B. Anthony on her conviction for illegal voting? (With the NY Lt. Gov. bitching and demanding that he rescind the pardon.)
Meanwhile, the local news site here in Arlington ran a progressive column of some woman bitching that the women's suffrage movement was racist because they focused on their issue rather than someone else's issue, that is, the women's vote and not on the Black vote.
We bought two large screen Sony TV's through the Althouse Amazon portal in 2017. We were excited to have the new distraction, and re-organized the house around the luminous shrines.
Since that time....
My wife's TV watching has migrated to a five year old iPad, football has been cancelled, and the stream-casting protocol between a Sony TV, and an Apple device has been broken.
We attempted to watch the NBA play-offs, but the big screen Zoom party on the sidelines (the indicated spectators), and the men running in the empty field house was comparable to Biden in the basement. Just. Damn. Creepy.
My personal revelation is that I have NO interest in ANY of the content from Amazon, Netflix, or Comcast. The TV's have not been used since March.
Thinking commenters from earlier threads might see a reply here -- apologies to others:
Blogger Bob Loblaw said... The nerds are the vanguard in the prog culture war. They fight. They mean to kill the opposition.
Not really true. The actual nerds in companies like Twitter and Google are bemused by this kind of stuff. They have to mouth the appropriate cant to avoid a public self criticism session, but the people who are driving this stuff are in management and HR.
Blogger NorthOfTheOneOhOne said... Sebastian said...
The nerds are the vanguard in the prog culture war. They fight. They mean to kill the opposition.
Nah, the nerds want someone else to do the killing. That's why this all went ape-shit after George Floyd and BLM came on the scene. Nerds want BLM supermen to take out the people the nerds don't like. If BLM walked away, the nerds would quickly follow.
I meant it figuratively -- the "nerds" as in the people who runs the tech combines and social media: mostly progs who want to "kill" their opponents, deprive them of space and voice, and if necessary a job and a peaceful life, even if they are not personally violent.
This is literally, literally, a Democrat candidate on campaign.
More here, including his speech in front of her house.
Not until we return to normal am I shaving. That means no masks, no distancing, everything open. The only problem is that the beard doesn't grow evenly. And of course when I've tried to even it out, I've only made it worse.
The spouse is trying to watch Jack Ryan on Prime but can't get subtitles to work. I googled it and amazon says, start the video then select Menu...which is nowhere to be found.
I have been reminded that it's the 100th anniversary of the Doomsd-- sorry Nineteenth Amendment's ratification.
Oh, there were racists (racistas?) aplenty among the Suffragettes. White Southern women like Mrs. E. A. Meriwether were just as sincere in their feminism as Northern suffragists, and saw no contradiction between being modern women and keeping the colored down.
In her novels Mrs. M. analogizes the seceded South to a woman leaving a bad marriage (and Ireland under English yoke), and even shows an awareness of the parallels between male supremacy and the slave system.
Local lore (including her own) is that she, like the just-pardoned S B Anthony, voted in the 1872 election here.
She (Mrs. M.) is still and for now in the good graces of the feminist establishment, but that could easily change.
The TV's have not been used since March. I haven't turned on the TV since the last episode of Game of Thrones, and I own 3 large screen TVs and have every channel my cable provider has.
The last time I watched a single hour of the Democrap Party Convention was in. . . . . . . . . . . 1980?
Was pretty sure MY candidate (Ronald Reagan) was going to win in November after watching. That was the year the last oleaginous Kennedy brother (Tedster) tried to make an end-run against a sitting President. Teddy's one good virtue - Reagan's election was a bit more certain after that.
Some information that has not been forthcoming on the US Postal Service mess:
Through the first nine months of the 2019/2020 fiscal year, USPS lost over $7 billion - while at the same time its cash position actually improved by $5 billion. The reason is simple. the GOP Congress of 2006 changed the accounting rules, requiring the Post Office to do two things that other government agencies do not do under Government Accounting rules. Those two items are to build 75 years of employee retirement liability on the books and to depreciate capital assets. During these 9 months, employee benefits paid and accrued wen up a billion dollars that now have accumulated to almost $51 billion and depreciation expense burned another billion of profit. Net information to keep out of this is that since the P.O. reorganization $82 billion in deficits resides on USPS books and the so-called loans from Federal funds are never paid back. Perhaps we can call this game "Three-card Monte."
Then there are 502 Siemens Delivery Bar Code (36,000 pc/hr) Sorters permanently removed from service. These sweethearts are huge; they cost about $500K a pop new and last about 20 years. (USPS holds onto assets -as for example, the average age of home delivery vehicle is 25 years.) BTW - The latest and greatest letter sorter is the NPI Crossfire SE which bangs out 100,000 docs/hour - so you can imagine how much those suckers must cost.
Alex Berenson @AlexBerenson AMERICAN CRISIS: HOW I MADE IT WAY WORSE AND SOMEHOW BENEFITTED POLITICALLY (Thanks, lil bro!) By Emperor-General-Viceroy Cuomo
Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays · Aug 17 It's starting to look as if Sweden got the best coronavirus result by pursuing the worst strategy, because herd immunity might be closer to 20% than 60%, which no one could have known months ago. That makes Sweden the smart ones, right?
I read through PJ media live blogging. Usually you have about 800 entries, comments, tweets, insults. The excitement builds. This stream felt sort of sullen: "why do I always have to watch the kids?" Only a few entries. Apparently at the end, five people with balloons ran into Joe's Basement in a spontaneous congratulations after the secret service checked the balloons for poison and he screamed: "Cornpop, you die," and shot them in a mostly peaceful thanks. The person nominating from Washington state was realistically beaten up on a Portland street but forced out the vote past the blood bubbling from her mouth. In California the lights realistically went off in a power brown-out but a backup generator was realistically there. In Wisconsin the delegate realistically refused to do the job even when it was pointed out that the whole thing was virtual. "I am not guinea pig, you are," the representative of the Teacher's Union said. However, mail-in ballots for Biden were found on the floor somewhere in Wisconsin and displayed to the camera. They said "2016" but in Wisconsin ballots can be late. And so it went across this great land of ours. Or maybe it was some other way. Maybe I was asleep and dreaming. Maybe it'll turn out that nobody actually watched, they only pretended, Fake liveblogging. Only Sturgis is still free.
Ken B., that video of the Democratic Party state senate candidate John Thompson is simply incredible. I went to look to see if there was condemnation of this from other Democrats running for office in Minnesota and was amazed to find that the governor of the state of Minnesota had endorsed him.
Naturally the only websites or news entities commenting or having links to the videos seem to be right wing.
But even so, even with the media trying to suppress awareness of this, surely knowledge of this sort of dramatic in-your-face evil behavior is going to get around.
I don't think I believe this. Not that it happened, but I don't see how Democrats could possibly win in Minnesota if they are running candidates like this. It doesn't matter if there are more local candidates who are not like this. Just the knowledge that there are people like John Thompson running as Democrats and who are being supported by the governor of the state should finish off the party.
If the Democrats do win in Minnesota this year, then I think I will take that as proof of a fraudulent election.
About to call it a night. I did see that Scott Israel has lost his primary. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel was the dingbat whose incompetent leadership resulted in the death of fourteen children in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. His deputies did exactly the opposite of what properly trained law enforcement officers are trained to do in a school shooting -- they formed a perimeter (watched too much "24" on TV?) instead of going into the building as soon as they had two officers. That's not even taking into account the "coward from Broward," the school resource officer who cowered outside the building while Nikolas Cruz shot everyone he could find to shoot at.
People like Scott Israel shouldn't hold an office if he's not prepared to do his job.
The ducks in your photo have good cammo. Wet snipers can learn.
Is Madison still violent now? Do white ally protest wreckers matter? Are students going to live in Madison in the fall or will they live in Oshkosh and be online?
Here’s a real Top Ten hit from the person who interviewed Biden. He wants to associate himself with this sort of garbage, he should help himself...
The spouse is trying to watch Jack Ryan on Prime but can't get subtitles to work.
My tech-savvy Dad had the same issue watching Bosch on Amazon. Start the show or movie, then hit pause on the remote. There should be some icons. Currently the icon looks like a speech bubble, but I've also seen "CC" previously. Use the remote to navigate to that icon.
Lucien said...What’s the deal with the term “lived experience”? Does anyone claim to have “unloved experience”? If so, why is one kind better?
Simple, it means first-hand.
A homeless person has lived experience with homelessness. A cancer patient has lived experience with cancer. The social worker and the doctor have professional experience. If they also have lived experience, that’s a different kind of expertise from their professional experience.
Talking about ducks... After 22 years on the internet I have changed my default search engine from Google to DuckDuckGo. In the unlikely case I want to know what the New York Times, the Bezos Bugle (“for all your false notes”), CNN, MSNBC, the Independent, the Guardian, Slate, Salon or the Kos Kids think about someone or something, I’ll seek them out.
Wild Chicken: I complete share your frustration and have often had the same experience: the advise givers over-estimate my level of sophistication. I am watching something on Amazon prime, and I'm doing it through a Fire stick device, but here's what I see: After an ad has played (watch something else on Amazon Prime) the movie starts; if I push the pause button on my fire stick remote, a thing appears across the bottom of the screen, on the left showing time elapsed and remaining, then on the far right the word "options" with three horizontal lines in a circle. On my fire stick remote there is a button with that same three lines, and when I push that I get a pop-up with four things -- Audio Subtitles Watch from beginning and Next up. By using up/down (on my remote it's the ring around the big button near the top) I can high light "subtitles". Then a new box appears, and at first it appears to be all about size and style. But if you click on the far left box under the word subtitles, a menu opens up that allows you pick a language, and includes the option "off".
How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated? They're now on to their next confident prediction.
The politically astute play would have had Biden bow out before the convention. A clearing of the air. Fresh start. Honest examination of current events, and conditions. A calculation that admitting their candidate is experiencing mental decline, requires replacement, is the only way at having a chance of winning the Presidency. The Dems have said fuck it, Trump is unstoppable. That's why Harris is the VP. The absolute weakest of all the original candidates. She to is the human political sacrifice to the Prog Gods. Harris serves no discernable purpose on the ticket. What? She was going do deliver her home state EC votes?
That leaves Readering to make a prediction. If elected will Biden serve out his term? If not elected, What will Biden be doing June 1, 2021?
Good explanation of 'lived' experience. Obama is another example.
90%+ of voters have the lived experience of being an American. Obama has only an intellectual understanding. Hope that helps.
Navigation the menus of streaming services. Just start clicking on options, see where it takes you. Accept you will get lost and have to start at the beginning. That's why 3 year olds can run an i phone. They have no concept of choosing wrong, only the possibility of discovery of something new. As an oldster, just accept, I have to explore to learn, and accept I will be wrong a lot. No shame in that. Commit to 10-15 minutes a day exploring those menus on TV, phone, tablet...There are usually multiple paths to the outcome you seek, but you wont learn, if you fear being wrong and having to start over.
It's used to declare tribal membership; its ngram has the same shape as "systemic racism", both shooting up from about zero in 1960, indicating a fairly recent fad.
Seems to me that some sort of shadowy Democratic Party establishment has been pushing Harris very hard since the beginning of the primaries, polling be damned, so it wasn't very surprising that she popped up as the VP. She's pretty much the not-white Hillary, isn't she? So I don't see it as a desperation move – this is what an important part of the Party wants.
To be honest, I think Harris is pretty much the perfect embodiment of the Democratic Party, 2020. In that sense, she was a reasonable choice.
Also – is there some sort of "write like it's Pravda" contest that Steve Uhr is participating in? Tell us more about how the latest five-year plan is just killing it, dude.
Readering said...How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated? They're now on to their next confident prediction.
Any? Maybe someone floated the thought here or there before Biden crossed the delegate threshold. Once he did, that changed. Biden had to be nominated before he could be pushed aside.
You know who has been vindicated? Our hostess, who called it for Harris last summer. She was the choice of the DNC, but her campaign crashed on the debate stage, killed by Tulsi Gabbard, who they will never forgive. But look how it's worked out! If the Democratic ticket wins in November, Kamala Harris will be president within a year.
We got electricity back yesterday. That is 8 days, no power. We did find a generator to purchase on day 2. That allowed us to run the fridge, and sewage lift station, and by stringing drop cords around, power other luxuries. As usual, the linemen work their ass off. They earn every nickle of their 6 figure income. Strange that with linemen from all over the nation coming in to work this natural disaster, I don't see any minorities. Those oppressed minorities that are being held back by white privilege. In this case it's the privilege to leave your family for 2+ weeks work 18 hour days and earn an insane amount of money. I suppose that's some micro aggression an English Professor from Iowa State needs to learn me up on. (He's in the news, forcing woke on his students)
Glad to hear you got power back, iowan2. Here in central Iowa, it was bad, but not nearly as bad as further east – we were only without electricity for about a day and a half. Neighbor very kindly let us run a string of extension cords from his generator to our fridge, for which he was repaid in many beers. (That ISU prof. is a "she", btw.)
Readering said... How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated? They're now on to their next confident prediction.
It still isn't the election yet but many of us thought the DNC was still sane.
Thanks Paco, for your update. I'm thinking of taking my chainsaw to Cedar Rapids the next couple of days, I know of a crew I can join up with that will provide 3 or four people to drag stuff away from me. I'm about recovered from working up all my down trees and helping neighbor hood.
The ISU Prof, I had in my head male, not sure why. Thanks for the correction.
You know who has been vindicated? Our hostess, who called it for Harris last summer. She was the choice of the DNC, but her campaign crashed on the debate stage, killed by Tulsi Gabbard, who they will never forgive. But look how it's worked out! If the Democratic ticket wins in November, Kamala Harris will be president within a year.
Ah, Tim, you've just explained why Ann will vote D. Not for the unspeakable liar Biden, but for the fabulous Harris, to vindicate her fabulous self, who is never wrong.
How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated?
I don't know about anyone else, but I've been predicting a Torricelli maneuver where Biden gets the nomination and then Hillary replaces him after Biden blows the first debate.
How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated?
Well, I wasn't one and I won't claim to speak for those who did. But I suspect they thought some sanity would prevail amongst the Democrats and the smart people would realize nominating a mental patient wasn't a good idea.
The fact that didn't happen doesn't stain those who predicted it. It stains those who think nominating a mental patient is a good idea. In other words, you.
Whodathunk I would be boycotting Goodyear, but here we are. I doubt I will knowingly buy another Goodyear product for the rest of my life. They are probably hoping that now that Roberts has ok’d laws forcing us to buy stuff, that we will be forced by the government to buy Goodyear.
I stopped buying G.E. after seeing an interview with the CEO where he says that they never compete on price, and I realized that if a store sold G.E. you could not get any other brand. Not to mention that they buy news networks to so that they can pressure and bribe Democrats to spend untold billions on their products. They don’t give a shit about the ad revenue from their news operation, except as a way to defray costs where possible. It’s the graft where the real money is.
All of our media is now owned by people who use them as pry bars to move government policy.
“Readering said...How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated? They're now on to their next confident prediction.”
My theory has long been that the Dems should have replaced him before today, if they had been smart. The problem now is that they are running out of August, and Labor Day marks the stretch. Moreover, they should expect resistance from a number of (mostly Red) states if they dally too long. Sure, in deep Blue states, like NJ (Torricelli), they can wait until the last minute to swap candidates. But not in some states, which might make winning in the electoral college problematic. And that might mean that they get electoral slates legally bound to two different candidates into the Electoral College, forcing the decision into the House, where states vote as states, guaranteeing a Trump win, even if the Dems slates together would form a majority. Very messy. Besides, shortly after Labor Day, states start printing out, and mailing out absentee ballots. Again a big mess.
What I think happened was that Biden just hid in his basement for the summer, and was under enough control that he didn’t get into too much trouble. And the Dems just got complacent with the status quo. As they run out of time to switch him out, the Republicans are starting to run ads pointing out his rapidly advancing senility. Do we really want someone in his condition taking Crooked Hillary’s 3 AM call, or with their finger on the nuclear trigger? Are they going to try to explain why that doesn’t matter, and that some shadowy aides would be taking those calls, or authorizing nuclear strikes?
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८४ टिप्पण्या:
Would be fun if Ann would live blog at least an hour or two of the Democratic Convention.
We have a solitary female mallard hanging around our feeder. The pond has dried up so the other ducks are gone.
I wonder if a hawk got to her brood.
Oh. Is there a convention going on?
Why a duck?
“Joe Biden has not forgotten where he comes from!”
One if the few things he hasn’t. The jokes write themselves. And Elizabeth Warren attending the Native American delegate conference. Oy!
That TV show on free TV on 8 channels was the dullest waste of time since the late 1940s TV . The production values stunk.The gaggle of liars and tap dancers was pathetic.
Sad to see a loner duck left behind by the flock. It could be some ducks’ mother. I blame Trump.
I understand Cindy McCain will make an appearance to complete her transition to the left.
What a turd AOC dropped in the punch bowl. LOL.
"Would be fun if Ann would live blog at least an hour or two of the Democratic Convention."
Oh, yeah. Big fun!
I see Sally Yates proved herself a hack by speaking at the Dem Zoom show.
It irritates me when they are inaccurate (or lying), but I refuse to take on the impossible work of arguing every point. To live-blog you have to find a way to select things to mention. It takes a light touch... a light heart... and I don't have it. I have to blog about things that work for me.
And see what it brought out in me? My 8:59 comment is just sarcasm! And I've been saying I'm tired of internet sarcasm. But there I am doing it. I have to stay away from the convention.
The state roll Call is tonight. The best part of any convention.
So I guess women's suffrage isn't a thing anymore? No one cares that it's the 100th anniversary?
Or did Trump ruin it by pardoning Susan B. Anthony on her conviction for illegal voting? (With the NY Lt. Gov. bitching and demanding that he rescind the pardon.)
Meanwhile, the local news site here in Arlington ran a progressive column of some woman bitching that the women's suffrage movement was racist because they focused on their issue rather than someone else's issue, that is, the women's vote and not on the Black vote.
We bought two large screen Sony TV's through the Althouse Amazon portal in 2017. We were excited to have the new distraction, and re-organized the house around the luminous shrines.
Since that time....
My wife's TV watching has migrated to a five year old iPad, football has been cancelled, and the stream-casting protocol between a Sony TV, and an Apple device has been broken.
We attempted to watch the NBA play-offs, but the big screen Zoom party on the sidelines (the indicated spectators), and the men running in the empty field house was comparable to Biden in the basement. Just. Damn. Creepy.
My personal revelation is that I have NO interest in ANY of the content from Amazon, Netflix, or Comcast. The TV's have not been used since March.
Most sports is dead to me. Kneeling and other politics have consequences.
And I'm not the only one. Kneeling and other politics have consequences.
Thinking commenters from earlier threads might see a reply here -- apologies to others:
Blogger Bob Loblaw said...
The nerds are the vanguard in the prog culture war. They fight. They mean to kill the opposition.
Not really true. The actual nerds in companies like Twitter and Google are bemused by this kind of stuff. They have to mouth the appropriate cant to avoid a public self criticism session, but the people who are driving this stuff are in management and HR.
Blogger NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
Sebastian said...
The nerds are the vanguard in the prog culture war. They fight. They mean to kill the opposition.
Nah, the nerds want someone else to do the killing. That's why this all went ape-shit after George Floyd and BLM came on the scene. Nerds want BLM supermen to take out the people the nerds don't like. If BLM walked away, the nerds would quickly follow.
I meant it figuratively -- the "nerds" as in the people who runs the tech combines and social media: mostly progs who want to "kill" their opponents, deprive them of space and voice, and if necessary a job and a peaceful life, even if they are not personally violent.
This is literally, literally, a Democrat candidate on campaign.
More here, including his speech in front of her house.
“ I have to stay away from the convention.”
You have to stay away from the (D) lines on ballots.
And, no.
Not until we return to normal am I shaving. That means no masks, no distancing, everything open. The only problem is that the beard doesn't grow evenly. And of course when I've tried to even it out, I've only made it worse.
did POTUS get the Left to dunk on Susan B Anthony?
Susan Be Rasiss!
The spouse is trying to watch Jack Ryan on Prime but can't get subtitles to work. I googled it and amazon says, start the video then select Menu...which is nowhere to be found.
Typical. First think to click doesn't even exist.
I have been reminded that it's the 100th anniversary of the Doomsd-- sorry Nineteenth Amendment's ratification.
Oh, there were racists (racistas?) aplenty among the Suffragettes. White Southern women like Mrs. E. A. Meriwether were just as sincere in their feminism as Northern suffragists, and saw no contradiction between being modern women and keeping the colored down.
In her novels Mrs. M. analogizes the seceded South to a woman leaving a bad marriage (and Ireland under English yoke), and even shows an awareness of the parallels between male supremacy and the slave system.
Local lore (including her own) is that she, like the just-pardoned S B Anthony, voted in the 1872 election here.
She (Mrs. M.) is still and for now in the good graces of the feminist establishment, but that could easily change.
A gutsy dame, she was
The TV's have not been used since March.
I haven't turned on the TV since the last episode of Game of Thrones, and I own 3 large screen TVs and have every channel my cable provider has.
wild chicken said...
The spouse is trying to watch Jack Ryan on Prime but can't get subtitles to work.
There's four little icons on the upper right corner of the screen next to the X. The one furthest to the left does subtitles.
The last time I watched a single hour of the Democrap Party Convention was in. . . . . . . . . . . 1980?
Was pretty sure MY candidate (Ronald Reagan) was going to win in November after watching. That was the year the last oleaginous Kennedy brother (Tedster) tried to make an end-run against a sitting President. Teddy's one good virtue - Reagan's election was a bit more certain after that.
Republican Kim Klacik Slams The Democrats Running Baltimore.
Crazy Darn Fool Duck!
Colin Powell - wow what a speech.
As the errand boy for the Bush Administration, he went to the UN a la Adlai Stevenson and told the world that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
Dems were pretty, pretty, pretty pissed at him then. And he was humiliated and lost all credibility, when MWD's weren't found.
But somehow 17 years later he's pissed at Trump?
Trump is fortunate to have clueless enemies.
A Democrat candidate beat a woman to death in effigy, at a campaign event which was held on her driveway. The crowd cheered.
I saw people call this third world stuff. It isn’t. What third world country has such dreadful stuff?
Some information that has not been forthcoming on the US Postal Service mess:
Through the first nine months of the 2019/2020 fiscal year, USPS lost over $7 billion - while at the same time its cash position actually improved by $5 billion. The reason is simple. the GOP Congress of 2006 changed the accounting rules, requiring the Post Office to do two things that other government agencies do not do under Government Accounting rules. Those two items are to build 75 years of employee retirement liability on the books and to depreciate capital assets. During these 9 months, employee benefits paid and accrued wen up a billion dollars that now have accumulated to almost $51 billion and depreciation expense burned another billion of profit. Net information to keep out of this is that since the P.O. reorganization $82 billion in deficits resides on USPS books and the so-called loans from Federal funds are never paid back. Perhaps we can call this game "Three-card Monte."
Then there are 502 Siemens Delivery Bar Code (36,000 pc/hr) Sorters permanently removed from service. These sweethearts are huge; they cost about $500K a pop new and last about 20 years. (USPS holds onto assets -as for example, the average age of home delivery vehicle is 25 years.) BTW - The latest and greatest letter sorter is the NPI Crossfire SE which bangs out 100,000 docs/hour - so you can imagine how much those suckers must cost.
Be Kind To Your Web-footed Friends
Alex Berenson
By Emperor-General-Viceroy Cuomo
Scott Adams
Aug 17
It's starting to look as if Sweden got the best coronavirus result by pursuing the worst strategy, because herd immunity might be closer to 20% than 60%, which no one could have known months ago. That makes Sweden the smart ones, right?
Everything that pours out of the democrat elite mouth is a lie. A total lie.
I read through PJ media live blogging. Usually you have about 800 entries, comments, tweets, insults. The excitement builds. This stream felt sort of sullen: "why do I always have to watch the kids?" Only a few entries. Apparently at the end, five people with balloons ran into Joe's Basement in a spontaneous congratulations after the secret service checked the balloons for poison and he screamed: "Cornpop, you die," and shot them in a mostly peaceful thanks. The person nominating from Washington state was realistically beaten up on a Portland street but forced out the vote past the blood bubbling from her mouth. In California the lights realistically went off in a power brown-out but a backup generator was realistically there. In Wisconsin the delegate realistically refused to do the job even when it was pointed out that the whole thing was virtual. "I am not guinea pig, you are," the representative of the Teacher's Union said. However, mail-in ballots for Biden were found on the floor somewhere in Wisconsin and displayed to the camera. They said "2016" but in Wisconsin ballots can be late. And so it went across this great land of ours. Or maybe it was some other way. Maybe I was asleep and dreaming. Maybe it'll turn out that nobody actually watched, they only pretended, Fake liveblogging. Only Sturgis is still free.
Dems are killing it. No don or jr or Eric to stink things up
Ken B: "This is literally, literally, a Democrat candidate on campaign."
This is the sort of marxist democrat LLR-lefty Chuck calls dreamy and magnificent.
Ken B., that video of the Democratic Party state senate candidate John Thompson is simply incredible. I went to look to see if there was condemnation of this from other Democrats running for office in Minnesota and was amazed to find that the governor of the state of Minnesota had endorsed him.
Naturally the only websites or news entities commenting or having links to the videos seem to be right wing.
But even so, even with the media trying to suppress awareness of this, surely knowledge of this sort of dramatic in-your-face evil behavior is going to get around.
I don't think I believe this. Not that it happened, but I don't see how Democrats could possibly win in Minnesota if they are running candidates like this. It doesn't matter if there are more local candidates who are not like this. Just the knowledge that there are people like John Thompson running as Democrats and who are being supported by the governor of the state should finish off the party.
If the Democrats do win in Minnesota this year, then I think I will take that as proof of a fraudulent election.
Sarcasm is my favoritest thing ever. I NEVER get tired of it!
What’s all this I hear about pardoning Ann B. Davis? Long overdue!
The spouse is trying to watch Jack Ryan on Prime
You mean the Progressive PC Jack Ryan on Prime.
Once they made James Greer a Muslim, it lost all credibility.
Is it the first or second season, the second went moonbat in south america.
About to call it a night. I did see that Scott Israel has lost his primary. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel was the dingbat whose incompetent leadership resulted in the death of fourteen children in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. His deputies did exactly the opposite of what properly trained law enforcement officers are trained to do in a school shooting -- they formed a perimeter (watched too much "24" on TV?) instead of going into the building as soon as they had two officers. That's not even taking into account the "coward from Broward," the school resource officer who cowered outside the building while Nikolas Cruz shot everyone he could find to shoot at.
People like Scott Israel shouldn't hold an office if he's not prepared to do his job.
The ducks in your photo have good cammo. Wet snipers can learn.
Is Madison still violent now? Do white ally protest wreckers matter? Are students going to live in Madison in the fall or will they live in Oshkosh and be online?
... a dodo dynasty
How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated? They're now on to their next confident prediction.
For the non-Karens out there, though it really should be read by the Karens first.
Here’s a real Top Ten hit from the person who interviewed Biden. He wants to associate himself with this sort of garbage, he should help himself...
Gov. Cuomo announcing book on his COVID response
Bound to be a bestseller. It will be sold along with
Capt. Edward Smith's classic "Icebergs, And How To Avoid Them"
The state roll Call is tonight. The best part of any convention.
Even a Shamvention?
What’s the deal with the term “lived experience”? Does anyone claim to have “unloved experience”? If so, why is one kind better?
So, I can't find a link to the original video source, but I have screen shots from both CNN, and CBS with timestamps.
Joe Biden accepted the Democrat nomination while a young blonde white woman wearing a black flu mask hovered behind him.
Her black T-shirt said "No Malarkey".
Does anyone else see the irony?? Is the flu mask required to prevent malarkey?
I think the video is being rabbit holed as we speak.
wild chicken said...
The spouse is trying to watch Jack Ryan on Prime but can't get subtitles to work.
My tech-savvy Dad had the same issue watching Bosch on Amazon. Start the show or movie, then hit pause on the remote. There should be some icons. Currently the icon looks like a speech bubble, but I've also seen "CC" previously. Use the remote to navigate to that icon.
Sarcasm is teen humor. Something's wrong and you have to guess what it is, because I don't know exactly.
Lucien said...What’s the deal with the term “lived experience”? Does anyone claim to have “unloved experience”? If so, why is one kind better?
Simple, it means first-hand.
A homeless person has lived experience with homelessness. A cancer patient has lived experience with cancer. The social worker and the doctor have professional experience. If they also have lived experience, that’s a different kind of expertise from their professional experience.
Talking about ducks... After 22 years on the internet I have changed my default search engine from Google to DuckDuckGo. In the unlikely case I want to know what the New York Times, the Bezos Bugle (“for all your false notes”), CNN, MSNBC, the Independent, the Guardian, Slate, Salon or the Kos Kids think about someone or something, I’ll seek them out.
Does anyone claim to have “unloved experience”?
Rachel Dolezal. Shaun King.
Wild Chicken: I complete share your frustration and have often had the same experience: the advise givers over-estimate my level of sophistication. I am watching something on Amazon prime, and I'm doing it through a Fire stick device, but here's what I see: After an ad has played (watch something else on Amazon Prime) the movie starts; if I push the pause button on my fire stick remote, a thing appears across the bottom of the screen, on the left showing time elapsed and remaining, then on the far right the word "options" with three horizontal lines in a circle. On my fire stick remote there is a button with that same three lines, and when I push that I get a pop-up with four things -- Audio Subtitles Watch from beginning and Next up. By using up/down (on my remote it's the ring around the big button near the top) I can high light "subtitles". Then a new box appears, and at first it appears to be all about size and style. But if you click on the far left box under the word subtitles, a menu opens up that allows you pick a language, and includes the option "off".
Lucien said...What’s the deal with the term “lived experience”?
It means you did not learn about this through your Twitter feed.
Although, if the tweet is triggering the line gets blurry.
How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated? They're now on to their next confident prediction.
The politically astute play would have had Biden bow out before the convention. A clearing of the air. Fresh start. Honest examination of current events, and conditions. A calculation that admitting their candidate is experiencing mental decline, requires replacement, is the only way at having a chance of winning the Presidency.
The Dems have said fuck it, Trump is unstoppable. That's why Harris is the VP. The absolute weakest of all the original candidates. She to is the human political sacrifice to the Prog Gods. Harris serves no discernable purpose on the ticket. What? She was going do deliver her home state EC votes?
That leaves Readering to make a prediction. If elected will Biden serve out his term? If not elected, What will Biden be doing June 1, 2021?
Good explanation of 'lived' experience.
Obama is another example.
90%+ of voters have the lived experience of being an American. Obama has only an intellectual understanding. Hope that helps.
Navigation the menus of streaming services. Just start clicking on options, see where it takes you. Accept you will get lost and have to start at the beginning. That's why 3 year olds can run an i phone. They have no concept of choosing wrong, only the possibility of discovery of something new. As an oldster, just accept, I have to explore to learn, and accept I will be wrong a lot. No shame in that. Commit to 10-15 minutes a day exploring those menus on TV, phone, tablet...There are usually multiple paths to the outcome you seek, but you wont learn, if you fear being wrong and having to start over.
“Dems are killing it. “
In Chicago they are killing it. Also killing random kids.
What’s the deal with the term “lived experience”?
It's used to declare tribal membership; its ngram has the same shape as "systemic racism", both shooting up from about zero in 1960, indicating a fairly recent fad.
"That's why Harris is the VP."
Seems to me that some sort of shadowy Democratic Party establishment has been pushing Harris very hard since the beginning of the primaries, polling be damned, so it wasn't very surprising that she popped up as the VP. She's pretty much the not-white Hillary, isn't she? So I don't see it as a desperation move – this is what an important part of the Party wants.
To be honest, I think Harris is pretty much the perfect embodiment of the Democratic Party, 2020. In that sense, she was a reasonable choice.
Also – is there some sort of "write like it's Pravda" contest that Steve Uhr is participating in? Tell us more about how the latest five-year plan is just killing it, dude.
Readering said...How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated? They're now on to their next confident prediction.
Any? Maybe someone floated the thought here or there before Biden crossed the delegate threshold. Once he did, that changed. Biden had to be nominated before he could be pushed aside.
You know who has been vindicated? Our hostess, who called it for Harris last summer. She was the choice of the DNC, but her campaign crashed on the debate stage, killed by Tulsi Gabbard, who they will never forgive. But look how it's worked out! If the Democratic ticket wins in November, Kamala Harris will be president within a year.
Personal update:
We got electricity back yesterday. That is 8 days, no power. We did find a generator to purchase on day 2. That allowed us to run the fridge, and sewage lift station, and by stringing drop cords around, power other luxuries.
As usual, the linemen work their ass off. They earn every nickle of their 6 figure income. Strange that with linemen from all over the nation coming in to work this natural disaster, I don't see any minorities. Those oppressed minorities that are being held back by white privilege. In this case it's the privilege to leave your family for 2+ weeks work 18 hour days and earn an insane amount of money. I suppose that's some micro aggression an English Professor from Iowa State needs to learn me up on. (He's in the news, forcing woke on his students)
Glad to hear you got power back, iowan2. Here in central Iowa, it was bad, but not nearly as bad as further east – we were only without electricity for about a day and a half. Neighbor very kindly let us run a string of extension cords from his generator to our fridge, for which he was repaid in many beers. (That ISU prof. is a "she", btw.)
Readering said...
How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated? They're now on to their next confident prediction.
It still isn't the election yet but many of us thought the DNC was still sane.
My personal revelation is that I have NO interest in ANY of the content from Amazon, Netflix, or Comcast. The TV's have not been used since March.
"Ice Road Truckers" has begun a new season. Watched it last night for a while.
Thanks Paco, for your update. I'm thinking of taking my chainsaw to Cedar Rapids the next couple of days, I know of a crew I can join up with that will provide 3 or four people to drag stuff away from me. I'm about recovered from working up all my down trees and helping neighbor hood.
The ISU Prof, I had in my head male, not sure why. Thanks for the correction.
"Ice Road Truckers" has begun a new season. Watched it last night for a while.
I still enjoy Forged in Fire even though it has become more contrived.
There’s two ducks.
You know who has been vindicated? Our hostess, who called it for Harris last summer. She was the choice of the DNC, but her campaign crashed on the debate stage, killed by Tulsi Gabbard, who they will never forgive. But look how it's worked out! If the Democratic ticket wins in November, Kamala Harris will be president within a year.
Ah, Tim, you've just explained why Ann will vote D. Not for the unspeakable liar Biden, but for the fabulous Harris, to vindicate her fabulous self, who is never wrong.
"How Harris Won Me"
Ugh. Enjoy your cities burning.
traditionalguy said...
Sad to see a loner duck left behind by the flock. It could be some ducks’ mother.
For you young'ins:
How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated?
I don't know about anyone else, but I've been predicting a Torricelli maneuver where Biden gets the nomination and then Hillary replaces him after Biden blows the first debate.
There’s two ducks.
The science is settled!!
How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated?
Well, I wasn't one and I won't claim to speak for those who did. But I suspect they thought some sanity would prevail amongst the Democrats and the smart people would realize nominating a mental patient wasn't a good idea.
The fact that didn't happen doesn't stain those who predicted it. It stains those who think nominating a mental patient is a good idea. In other words, you.
Whodathunk I would be boycotting Goodyear, but here we are. I doubt I will knowingly buy another Goodyear product for the rest of my life. They are probably hoping that now that Roberts has ok’d laws forcing us to buy stuff, that we will be forced by the government to buy Goodyear.
I stopped buying G.E. after seeing an interview with the CEO where he says that they never compete on price, and I realized that if a store sold G.E. you could not get any other brand. Not to mention that they buy news networks to so that they can pressure and bribe Democrats to spend untold billions on their products. They don’t give a shit about the ad revenue from their news operation, except as a way to defray costs where possible. It’s the graft where the real money is.
All of our media is now owned by people who use them as pry bars to move government policy.
“Readering said...How many commenters confidently predicted over the past months that Biden would not be nominated? They're now on to their next confident prediction.”
My theory has long been that the Dems should have replaced him before today, if they had been smart. The problem now is that they are running out of August, and Labor Day marks the stretch. Moreover, they should expect resistance from a number of (mostly Red) states if they dally too long. Sure, in deep Blue states, like NJ (Torricelli), they can wait until the last minute to swap candidates. But not in some states, which might make winning in the electoral college problematic. And that might mean that they get electoral slates legally bound to two different candidates into the Electoral College, forcing the decision into the House, where states vote as states, guaranteeing a Trump win, even if the Dems slates together would form a majority. Very messy. Besides, shortly after Labor Day, states start printing out, and mailing out absentee ballots. Again a big mess.
What I think happened was that Biden just hid in his basement for the summer, and was under enough control that he didn’t get into too much trouble. And the Dems just got complacent with the status quo. As they run out of time to switch him out, the Republicans are starting to run ads pointing out his rapidly advancing senility. Do we really want someone in his condition taking Crooked Hillary’s 3 AM call, or with their finger on the nuclear trigger? Are they going to try to explain why that doesn’t matter, and that some shadowy aides would be taking those calls, or authorizing nuclear strikes?
Tim in Vermont @ 4:25. Interesting observations. A little different topic but just as disturbing:
Scientific American: Jeffrey Epstein's Harvard Connections Show How Money Can Distort Research
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