Of all the sunrises you have posted, to me, this is your best. Colors, textures, composition and the active emotions. I would hang this on my wall. It is a place I would love to be.
We crackers like the earth at the crack of dawn. The Wife and I watched Deliverance on Cable TV Sunday night and were surprised how many censored scenes had been restored. Other than that we enjoyed seeing the Chattooga River again. I guessed that we and kids did 18 raft trips on the River. NB: never try it in a canoe.
Saw the new Top Ten coronavirus lies about Trump, although I closed out the page and can’t find my link to it. I think it was on Townhall. It contained some interesting tidbits, one of which was the “inject bleach” myth that every talking head repeats when mentions Chinese Lung Aids or Trump. That April 25 news conference was wide-ranging as they were. Use of UV and disinfectants were discussed. Trump supposed about an injection or other medical procedure that could clean lungs the way bleach and UB kills viruses on surfaces. Later a reporter uses the phrase “inject bleach” in a loaded question to Trump. Trump deflects by emphasizing the bleach discussion was focused on cleaning surfaces.
Trump not only did NOT recommend injecting bleach or drinking disinfectant, two things said regularly here by lying progressives, but he explicitly rejected the reporter's set-up by redirecting back to the cleaning surfaces issue. I had forgotten just how dishonest the DNC-Media have been especially when we can check the tape or transcript to prove their lying.
Lunch time is usually when I take a brief break from work to grab some food and check in to this place and others. Renting as we are I do not have access to the network and cable news. This is a blessing as I am spared all the hair on fire outrage spewed every hour. Instead I learn what is going on after it has initially been reported and some of the hubbub has subsided. The truth is often more clear and sedate.
That lake is often lightly chopped up at sunrise, which is surprising to me. The ocean was quite calm this morning, looks like that big east coast storm will be tracking well inland (over eastern NY state, Western MA, VT, & NH). Not sure if Maine will even get any rain.
Have to agree with Annie C about the photo, Althouse. Something about the rough to smooth theme evident in the foreground, lake and sky. It all works well here. It would make a nice print. I don’t use Flickr so I wonder can you download large prints? Maybe Althouse Etsy is an option.
BTW, in a test run for November, a democrat judge in NY just ordered the Board of Elections to begin counting ballots returned without postmarks.......which is joined with counting ballots without signatures.
No postmarks, no signatures.....ballots mailed out by the hundreds of millions...and easily duplicated by outside actors.....
This is what the marxist dems and LLR-lefty dems want desperately for our national election.
MacIver Institute Retweeted Dean Knudson @deanknudson · Aug 3 CDC reports, but media silent on truth about Apr 7 Wisc election: No lines at 99.9% polling places, over 70% absentee, no evidence in-person voting risky. Masks encouraged not mandated for Nov voting; request absentee ballot now at http://MyVote.Wi.Gov https://nationalreview.com/2020/07/cdc-study-wisconsin-elections-caused-no-coronavirus-spike/ Quote Tweet Dean Knudson @deanknudson · Apr 29 Elections are "essential", In WI voting was shifted to 80% absentee w photoID & witness, record participation, but mail isn't perfect, right to vote in-person a critical safeguard. On Apr 7 WI showed voting can be done safely during pandemic with sanitation and distancing. 3/3 Show this thread
Mike: "Trump not only did NOT recommend injecting bleach or drinking disinfectant, two things said regularly here by lying progressives, but he explicitly rejected the reporter's set-up by redirecting back to the cleaning surfaces issue."
Inga was the local Althouse blog lying leader on that one, just as she has been for 4 full years of russia collusion lies.
This photo artist prints his photos in large formats that resemble the look and texture of oil on canvas. Key word: resemble (not match). Many of your photos would be very nice in that form.
My son and daughter left Epic for other jobs in a warmer climate. They were also getting tired of the 'Epic way' and they took pay cuts to do so. They walked the walk. Let's see how many of the complaining employees do the same, or if they will just stay and cry about how unfair Epic is and how Epic just want's them all to die...
“After two weeks battling COVID-19, State Rep. Randy Fine (R-Palm Bay) posted on Facebook that he needed his lungs X-rayed as his symptoms now included a recurring fever and a hacking chest cough. He remarked that the hydroxychloroquine therapy he had been on proved ineffective.
"I'm over it," Fine texted FLORIDA TODAY from his Holmes Regional Medical Center hospital bed on Monday. "People should be able to use it if they want. But people should stop pretending it is some kind of magic potion as well. If they need proof, look at me."
“He didn’t use the HCQ correctly,” a comment said on Randy Fine’s page. “You must take zinc with the hydroxychloraquine. (sic) The zinc is the magic bullet and the hydroxychloraquine (sic) carries it so it can prevent viral replication. Just curious, did you take the zinc too?”
“Yup. Sorry to burst the magic bubble,” Fine shot back.”
That was an ammonium nitrate blast. Could instantly tell by the yellowish-brown color of the early plume. Contrary to popular belief ammonium nitrate is itself explosive if it is able to achieve the appropriate ratio with a 'fuel'. Fuel can be anything from oil, to metal particulate (of the appropriate size), to grain dust (interestingly the 'factory/warehouse' where the blast occurred was directly adjacent to a grain elevator).
Furthermore, it is now being reported the AN was 'impounded', as in seized and was being held at the facility. The plot thickens.
It is entirely possible also that fireworks were also present at the facility, in which case fireworks detonations and particulate could've caused enough of a fuel-to-oxidizer (AN is a powerful oxidizer) ratio to get an explosive chain going. AN and 'fuel' is notoriously difficult to set off (it is classified as a secondary explosive) even for most primary charges, but if you have enough of it anything is possible.
Based on the blast wave size and propagation, I estimate it could be north of 1 Kiloton, possible 1 1/12 to 2 kiloton blast (for reference see the US Navy's 1970's Operation 'Sailor Hat' series of non-nuclear tests).
There will doubtless be hundreds if not thousands of dead, not counting other casualties.
I deleted my Twitter account and become about 17% more contented. Then I added another 8% by changing my Disqus password, writing it down, and then burning it.
“a democrat judge in NY just ordered the Board of Elections to begin counting ballots returned without postmarks”
In 2000, it was just the opposite, because the ballots coming in without postmarks were military and likely to go to Bush, they were disallowing them. Cheering every time they got a military ballot disallowed. They did this even though Florida was operating under a consent decree to count such military ballots.
---Drugs. After 8 days most will have been metabolized and won't show up on a lab test. [GoSpace]
That's a possibility I had not thought of.
She leaves a coffeeshop and (perhaps) shuts off her cell phone. She drives into the Cascade Mountains until her car runs out of gas. She leaves her sweatshirt in the car (that I got from another article) and she then goes so deeply into the woods that it takes eight days to find her. They find her by abandoned clothing.
She is way up the mountainside somewhere.
She cannot give coherent answers after those eight days.
I have seen no follow-up as yet. I do note that she has hair down to her waist.
That’s how medicine advances. You throw out the experience of thousands and thousands based on an anecdote of a single person and his smartass remark. There are studies that show the death rate from COVID rising with the prohibition of HCT and falling with the return to the use of it. It’s not nearly as effective once things are already bad.
How many people does Inga want to die to score points against Trump, I wonder?
Just the first result on my DuckDuckGo search of many like it, but if you wanna make an omelette, you have to break some eggs so too bad so sad if people have to die, we need to score points against Trump?
Inga, time and again I have said that hydroxychloroquine is not a magic bullet. What I have said or I should say, what the papers I have linked to have said, because the information is really ultimately coming from them, is that either hydroxychloroquine or hydroxychloroquine plus zinc, it depends on the paper, can substantially reduce mortality from Covid-19 if given early enough in the course of an infection.
One paper that I linked to, a retrospective study, showed a halving of mortality when zinc was used with hydroxychloroquine. So that would suggest a lower bound of half the mortality compared to not using this. It's not an upper bound because the hydroxychloroquine plus zinc was given relatively late, and according to the theory, or a theory because there are actually multiple theories, it should have been more effective if given earlier.
But no sensible person, or perhaps I should say no knowledgeable person, has ever suggested that this is a cure. Instead it is about reducing the odds of a bad result.
It's unfortunate that Randy Fine has a reoccurring fever and a hacking chest cough, but aside from this possibly being a success, in context, if he believes that this disproves the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, then that proves he had an unrealistic expectation of what these drugs can do.
Perhaps I'm naive, but surely as a nurse you are familiar with the idea of giving medications or doing procedures that improve the odds?
People who may not agree with how they think you likely voted will be handling your ballot. What could possibly go wrong?
You might want to have Biden signs in your yard if the letter carriers collect your mail from the mailbox in front of your house. Unless you don’t mind your ballot winding up in a dumpster somewhere.
I have driven around with a pickup truck load of ammonium nitrate many times. Is it really that explosive?!! I'm sure you're seeing the photographs of the gutted and deformed buildings all around the Beirut site. That intense blast wave went quite a distance outward.
Farmers as you know routinely deal with this stuff and they are pretty casual about it.
There are studies that show the death rate from COVID rising with the prohibition of HCT and falling with the return to the use of it.
HCQ acts as a border guard. Zinc acts as a day after drug. AZ stands against the opportunistic diseases and inflammatory responses. This disinfectant cocktail acts with mechanisms characterized in vitro; with well-established minimal risk and profiles; and there are voluminous global observational and retrospective studies that are evidence of their effectiveness in vivo in a Planned Pathogen protocol to mitigate cellular infection, abort disease progression, and clear opportunistic infections. However, it is not a magical elixir, and while it works to complement and support normal body functions, it cannot reverse progressive corruption and damage. It needs to be administered early, before disease progression reduces a person's viability.
there's a lot of money that gilead and novamax and phizer has invested in therapeutics and vaccine, with the attendant studies and publications like lancet, to allow the hcq zpak cocktail to be effectively used as treatment,
Yes, let’s hold out for “gold standard” during a pandemic, when we have case studies of large populations that show that when it is administered, the death rate drops and when it is withheld, the death rate rises and when it is stopped being withheld the death rate falls again because we want to score points against Trump.
It's not actually a study, it's an article published in the middle of July. But if that data is real then this needs to be turned this into a real paper.
It plots the ratio of newly dead to newly recovered versus hydroxychloroquine use or not and the difference is dramatic. Estimating by eye it's about 12% versus 4% for hydroxychloroquine versus no hydroxychloroquine respectively.
"I have driven around with a pickup truck load of ammonium nitrate many times. Is it really that explosive?!! I'm sure you're seeing the photographs of the gutted and deformed buildings all around the Beirut site. That intense blast wave went quite a distance outward."
It depends very much on the size of the 'prills' (These are the little AN spheres...which for blasting purposes can get quite tiny). The smaller the prills, and the smaller the accompanying 'fuel' particulate, the easier it is to detonate or go through the process of explosive decomposition (explosives either detonate, deflagrate, or decompose). You driving around with a load of AN in your pickup is 99.99999999% safe because size of the prills used in the agricultural industry are purposefully kept rather large and there are large quantities of impurities in agri-AN. This is both because farmers aren't usually all that worried about their AN being used as explosive and also by design, as in the size and impurities make it extra-difficult to use AN as an explosive without the accompanying expertise and access to appropriate primary charges to set it off (AN is notoriously difficult to detonate, and those that use it in blasting typically need either PETN or TNT/Tetryl primary or booster to get it to go). Furthermore, agri-AN is super easy to track if it is used as an explosive main charge. The impurities are never uniform from batch to batch and large industrial producers are required to keep batch samples and send them to ATF on a regular basis. In other words, using agri-AN will usually leave a nice trail that leads right back to you.
I know quite a lot about this particular field. Yes. AN can detonate on its own.
Unbelievable. First it is fireworks bursting like popcorn, then it looks like the fireworks sets off the grain elevator with what looks like a MOAB going off.
Fun watching so many anti-big pharma folks derailing inexpensive generics because Orange Man Bad. They even get to through a black doctor under the bus in the process of censoring discussion. Multi-taskers...
Timmy, trying to regain his street cred with the Trumpsters he fought with here for months over his stance on Covid. He finally got his courage back to comment again after hiding out for a while after he was beaten down by the Althouse commentariat. Ha. Too funny.
Where I live, Milwaukie, Ore., I can't see the sunrise. But, right now, I'm waking up at 6:45, before any alarms. Winter is different, when I need an alarm to get up at a decent hour.
With all the BLM and JOE signs on the block, interspersed with American flags [a safe refuge], I've realized that I don't have freedom of speech here. In the Portland neighborhood adjoining ours on the west, Sellwood, McCain and Romney signs were vandalized in those elections.
I can't imagine what would happen if I put up a Trump 2020 sign on my corner. I have a bus shelter I built for "the people" last year that could be vandalized, as white "BLMers" already did to the Nepali-owned bodega on the far corner of the block.
My neighbors a few houses down, who I also know from them starting to work with the watershed group I'm a regular with, have two BLMs, two JOEs, a big gay flag and numerous little rainbow flags parked on the front lawn.
It must be nice to freely express your political opinions in public. This used to be America.
*People who may not agree with how they think you likely voted will be handling your ballot."
In MT you can go to the state elections web site to see if your ballot was logged in. I'm sure other states have similar services. Montana is never original.
I strongly recommend that you not engage with Inga, nor react to her ravings (aka: comments). She is an unserious person that derives pleasure from the suffering of others. Ignore her and she will eventually go away; or devolve her postings to the point of being banned, just as she who shall not be named. Her commentary is neither conversational nor helpful.
"That’s the title of a new podcast distributed by the New York Times which argues that many black and brown children are not excelling in our public schools because of “what is arguably the most powerful force in our schools: White parents."
I usually resist piling on, but really, Inga: HCQ+Zinc is widely available, inexpensive and seems to have at least a middling positive impact for populations for which it has been prescribed. It seems to have few negative side affects. What's your malfunction?
"Of all the sunrises you have posted, to me, this is your best."
I guess you're not a fan of clouds!
To me, it's all about the clouds and when there are zero clouds (almost true here), it's the same as many other sunrises. It's what I call a type #3 sunrise.
They're too busy rewriting historical association with the KKK, Maoists, Mugabeists, Nazis, fascists, imperialists, dictators, and other single/central ruling regimes, that they can't be bothered to remark on their Antifa posterity. Then there's some, select Black Lives Matter, a Pro-Choice sect of the diversity racket.
Storm is heading through here right now, some pretty good gusts, one tree down earlier, but it was pretty rotten, chain saw went through it like butter.
Storm is heading through here right now, some pretty good gusts, one tree down earlier, but it was pretty rotten, chain saw went through it like butter.
First, they came for the white men, then the babies, then the men, then the white women... such a "burden". There is a logical, unmistakable progression. In left-wing ideology, there can be only one, or a minority, interchangeable, exchangeable, disposable by virtue of their diversity class.
How many people does Inga want to die to score points against Trump, I wonder?
You are assuming something that does not exist. Inga is not intelligent enough to plan anything. She is a collection of nerve endings that are not connected to a cortex. You might as well ask my basset hound what the weather will be tomorrow. She might have successfully emptied bedpans or passed out Thorazine to crazies but thinking is not in her wheelhouse.
what is arguably the most powerful force in our schools: White parents
Yellow, in recent years, decades, has been more White than White. Orange has been performing well, too. That said, diversity breeds adversity. #BabyLivesMatter
" Trumpsters he fought with here for months over his stance on Covid. “
I still call out the COVID deniers all the time. It did take me a while to accept how stupid so many of the commenters here are, more than just you, Inga. Yesterday we had a beaut going on about “face diapers.” It’s sad, but as I said, it’s a little bit quaint compared to the burning and looting of businesses, the murders, the rapes, the blinding of federal agents, all done in the name of “mostly peaceful” protest. I am disappointed in Althouse for blogging mask denialism, but the answer to bad speech is more speech, so here is an article that reviews the turnaround of the thinking on masks from “don’t bother, it’s only for show” to “Must wear” and as is said here “with receipts.”
FranceSoir: Covid-19, hydroxychloroquine works, a proof?
This is one, yes. Thanks. The drug is known to work in vitro. It poses a minimal risk with a well-established risk profile. It has been observed to be an effective "border control" for the virus and Zn in vivo. It has been determined to be an effective prophylactic in the field when administered before disease progression causes systemic damage.
The multiple molecular mechanisms by which chloroquine can achieve such results remain to be further explored. ... preliminary data indicate that chloroquine interferes with SARS-CoV-2 attempts to acidify the lysosomes and presumably inhibits cathepsins, which require a low pH for optimal cleavage of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
I think I*** understands we are at war and nothing matters except victory, hopefully by ending as many of the opposition as possible so when they resurrect it can be snuffed out quickly.
She sure seems to have the best of the "oh yeah, well just you wait then, just you wait, by golly you'll see" arguments she has faced here. Can you believe some jackasses think the FBI/CIA/NSA etc. will do anything to protect the constitution from enemies domestic or foreign? I*** knows the strong horse is Emmett Sullivan, fighting fighting fighting no matter if it destroys the position he holds or not. His kids will end up teaching Ivy League Law no doubt.
I am still not sure why people aren't embarrassed to be merely arguing facts with people wanting to bury them.
I bet even Neville would have understood Nikita saying "We will bury you" but most here at the Althouse blog seem to think they are so righteous they can stop all evil by saying please stop, you're misinformed Mr. Devil Satan.
I feel now all I can say is let's give civil war 2 a chance, even knowing my side would leave the enemy alive to get stronger no matter what the circumstance. I guess I could be wrong and the enemy could actually be slaughtered ineffective permanently, but like the poor it seems they will always be with us.
I found this interview of Meredith Levien, who is the new NYT company CEO, via the interviewer's Twitter account (I can't defeat the paywall so only know what's at those two links). Can't imagine what games, videos, music etc I'd want to buy from the Times. Maybe Mr Slim is wanting to move more of his assets out of Mexico.
I like the composition of this picture, with the rocks and greenery in the bottom corner. After so many sunrise pictures, it's nice to see one that is a bit different.
"Of all the sunrises you have posted, to me, this is your best." ————————— “I guess you're not a fan of clouds!
To me, it's all about the clouds and when there are zero clouds (almost true here), it's the same as many other sunrises. It's what I call a type #3 sunrise.” —————————
I agree! The dark clouds looming over the deep red sun struggling to rise, whoa could be a metaphor... but the cloudy sunrises are what makes a sunrise memorable.
I have driven around with a pickup truck load of ammonium nitrate many times. Is it really that explosive?!!
Ammonium nitrate is nitrogen fertilizer. 34-0-0, Chemically N03. That's 3 oxygen molecules. that moves it into the class of "oxidizer" meaning its explosive. All you need is some fuel Like diesel fuel, and an ignition source, a small spark, a single blasting cap, and all that oxygen is just waiting to feed the fire. The Oklahoma city bombing was ammonium nitrate mixed with diesel fuel. Farmers don't use it much in the midwest. It is VERY hygroscopic, is sucks moisture out of the air and then solidifies into a solid, granite like, mass. It has other benefits, but Urea, 46-0-0, owns the dry nitrogen market.
“Trumpsters he fought with here for months over his stance on Covid. “
“I still call out the COVID deniers all the time. It did take me a while to accept how stupid so many of the commenters here are, more than just you, Inga. Yesterday we had a beaut going on about “face diapers.” It’s sad, but as I said, it’s a little bit quaint compared to the burning and looting of businesses, the murders, the rapes, the blinding of federal agents, all done in the name of “mostly peaceful” protest. I am disappointed in Althouse for blogging mask denialism, but the answer to bad speech is more speech, so here is an article that reviews the turnaround of the thinking on masks from “don’t bother, it’s only for show” to “Must wear” and as is said here “with receipts.”
I don’t expect her to blog it though, even though it would be a good counter to that “bad science” post yesterday.“ ————————————— Tim, great article, but it’s wasted on the deniers here. They’re just going to call you a weak sister whiny bitch again, or maybe it doesn’t matter, in that case that’s exactly how I feel. These people here have their own opinions, as is their right and I have mine, as is my right. I’ll continue expressing my opinion here until there no longer is an Althouse blog. I’m glad that you will too. I reserve the right to call you “gross”, lol.
The Ford group hospitals in Michigan did a study of 1200 patients, half HQZ, half other treatments. the result is the group with HQZ had 50% fewer deaths. Not ZERO deaths. Ignore that. pay attention to an anecdote from one person. Not a Doctor, a patient. A patient that claims, without evidence, of taking HQZ. Go back to how happy, some here were, when they believed the news about the people eating fish tank cleaner. Good times for sure.
I don’t understand people becoming so emotional ally invested over a therapy they so t even likely need. And really if it works for some why do the few bitch so much about it being discussed? And why are so many “studies” of HCQ focused on late use without zinc or zpac. It’s almost like they’re trying to prove a negative since they are trying so hard.
I was really upset with Whitmer when she issued her executive order effectively banning HCQ for treatment of Covid and threatening doctors and pharmacists who dared disobey. IMHO she did it to stick it to Trump and get attention. In other words, it was purely political. She was auditioning to be Biden's VP pick. IMHO whether to use it or not should be between the doctor and patient. Now the Henry Ford study came out. HF is a large and well respected hospital system here in Michigan. Then the op ed by the Yale epidemiologist came out saying the treatment was effective when administered under certain conditions and it was being suppressed for political reasons. Then the attacks on both came fast and furious. I questioned myself - was my initial reaction wrong? I thought about it. No. If this was about science, the study and the op-ed would not be under such virulent attacks. Instead, people would be saying, we should look at this again and quickly so we can save lives. That is not happening because the whole thing is political. The Dems, the left, and the media were so totally invested in suppressing this treatment in order to damage Trump that admitting that the treatment may be valid would be tantamount to admitting that people needlessly died due to them. It's better to them that people continue to needlessly die than admit what they were really up to.
Inga said... Timmy, trying to regain his street cred with the Trumpsters he fought with here for months over his stance on Covid. He finally got his courage back to comment again after hiding out for a while after he was beaten down by the Althouse commentariat. Ha. Too funny.
Inga, I'm not saying that the answer is "never," but when's the last time you ever said anything nice, kind, supportive, helpful here?
mandrewa said... "That was an ammonium nitrate blast.
I have driven around with a pickup truck load of ammonium nitrate many times. Is it really that explosive?!!
Yes. Interesting tidbit of WWII history. That I know because my uncle was a WWII merchant sailor- after being rejected for the Navy, Army, and Marines in January 1942 which gives you a clue as to how bad his eyesight was back then....
Ammonium nitrate was shipped in bulk during WWII. During shipment- even going to or from an explosives plant- it was always classified as "Fertilizer". Always. If it was classified as "Explosives" the sailors would be entitled to hazardous duty pay. I don't think that injustice was ever addressed.
The Texas City, Texas explosion of 1947 was a cargo of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. To be used as fertilizer...
"Older readers may say, so your parents lived in Texas City right after World War II and before your birth in 1951, then they must have been there when the great Texas City Disaster occurred (in 1947). Yes, indeed they were, and they always taught me not to yield to the temptation to become a spectator at the scene of a disaster. (Read the story at the link if you don't know what happened to people in Texas City who went to watch a spectacular fire that was consuming a ship full of ammonium nitrate.) I have written before that I owe my existence to coffee. (Here's the story of how the smell of coffee caused my parents to meet.) But I owe my existence to coffee a second time. On the day of the Texas City Disaster, my father was working at a desk near a window. He got up to get a cup of coffee, and, while he was away from his desk, the burning ship exploded, sending a shockwave through the city, that drove a huge triangular spear of glass deep into the chair where he would have been impaled had he not gone for that coffee."
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९० टिप्पण्या:
Of all the sunrises you have posted, to me, this is your best. Colors, textures, composition and the active emotions. I would hang this on my wall. It is a place I would love to be.
Thank you.
We crackers like the earth at the crack of dawn. The Wife and I watched Deliverance on Cable TV Sunday night and were surprised how many censored scenes had been restored. Other than that we enjoyed seeing the Chattooga River again. I guessed that we and kids did 18 raft trips on the River. NB: never try it in a canoe.
Saw the new Top Ten coronavirus lies about Trump, although I closed out the page and can’t find my link to it. I think it was on Townhall. It contained some interesting tidbits, one of which was the “inject bleach” myth that every talking head repeats when mentions Chinese Lung Aids or Trump. That April 25 news conference was wide-ranging as they were. Use of UV and disinfectants were discussed. Trump supposed about an injection or other medical procedure that could clean lungs the way bleach and UB kills viruses on surfaces. Later a reporter uses the phrase “inject bleach” in a loaded question to Trump. Trump deflects by emphasizing the bleach discussion was focused on cleaning surfaces.
Trump not only did NOT recommend injecting bleach or drinking disinfectant, two things said regularly here by lying progressives, but he explicitly rejected the reporter's set-up by redirecting back to the cleaning surfaces issue. I had forgotten just how dishonest the DNC-Media have been especially when we can check the tape or transcript to prove their lying.
This story of the 18yo who disappeared struck me as full of interesting details. What might explain her behaviors?
Corrected link to 18yo article, sorry:
I got a thing for grape tomatoes now, if that's what you're talking about.
Otherwise, did you watch John Oliver's breakdown of American history?
Or hear my new release on Spotify?
How you been, Girl?
And where-the-fuck is Meadey?
Choppy seas. I had to use my summer quilt last night, it was refreshingly cool.
Another high level mainstream media person quits. She views her network (MSNBC) as a "cancer [that] stokes national division". I'd extend that to virtually all of mainstream media.
Kai Akker said...
This story of the 18yo who disappeared struck me as full of interesting details. What might explain her behaviors?
After 8 days most will have been metabolized and won't show up on a lab test.
Veritasium: Missing half of universe found
Lunch is for Wimps
I see Neil Young is sueing Trump over use of his songs. What Would Boby Dylan Do?
Lunch time is usually when I take a brief break from work to grab some food and check in to this place and others. Renting as we are I do not have access to the network and cable news. This is a blessing as I am spared all the hair on fire outrage spewed every hour. Instead I learn what is going on after it has initially been reported and some of the hubbub has subsided. The truth is often more clear and sedate.
That lake is often lightly chopped up at sunrise, which is surprising to me. The ocean was quite calm this morning, looks like that big east coast storm will be tracking well inland (over eastern NY state, Western MA, VT, & NH). Not sure if Maine will even get any rain.
Have to agree with Annie C about the photo, Althouse. Something about the rough to smooth theme evident in the foreground, lake and sky. It all works well here. It would make a nice print. I don’t use Flickr so I wonder can you download large prints? Maybe Althouse Etsy is an option.
The early story is that this was fireworks, but I don't believe it: Electronic Telegraph>Beirut explosion, 8-4-2020
"Another high level mainstream media person quits."
From producer Ariana Pekary's website:
"My colleagues are very smart people with good intentions. The problem is the job itself."
If they're very smart and their intentions are good, why are they doing the job if the job is the problem?
If you're going to have an explosion, a small one is good first so that everybody can get their cameras working for the big one.
BTW, in a test run for November, a democrat judge in NY just ordered the Board of Elections to begin counting ballots returned without postmarks.......which is joined with counting ballots without signatures.
No postmarks, no signatures.....ballots mailed out by the hundreds of millions...and easily duplicated by outside actors.....
This is what the marxist dems and LLR-lefty dems want desperately for our national election.
MacIver Institute Retweeted
Dean Knudson
Aug 3
CDC reports, but media silent on truth about Apr 7 Wisc election: No lines at 99.9% polling places, over 70% absentee, no evidence in-person voting risky. Masks encouraged not mandated for Nov voting; request absentee ballot now at http://MyVote.Wi.Gov https://nationalreview.com/2020/07/cdc-study-wisconsin-elections-caused-no-coronavirus-spike/
Quote Tweet
Dean Knudson
· Apr 29
Elections are "essential", In WI voting was shifted to 80% absentee w photoID & witness, record participation, but mail isn't perfect, right to vote in-person a critical safeguard. On Apr 7 WI showed voting can be done safely during pandemic with sanitation and distancing. 3/3
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Mike: "Trump not only did NOT recommend injecting bleach or drinking disinfectant, two things said regularly here by lying progressives, but he explicitly rejected the reporter's set-up by redirecting back to the cleaning surfaces issue."
Inga was the local Althouse blog lying leader on that one, just as she has been for 4 full years of russia collusion lies.
LOL I see I posted "Boby Dylan" instead of "Bob Dylan". Jesus my typing and spelling skills are falling apart!
This photo artist prints his photos in large formats that resemble the look and texture of oil on canvas. Key word: resemble (not match). Many of your photos would be very nice in that form.
Jack Duford's Fine Images
Yes, really great photo!
My son and daughter left Epic for other jobs in a warmer climate. They were also getting tired of the 'Epic way' and they took pay cuts to do so. They walked the walk. Let's see how many of the complaining employees do the same, or if they will just stay and cry about how unfair Epic is and how Epic just want's them all to die...
'Sorry to burst the magic bubble' says Florida lawmaker of hydroxychloroquine as he battles COVID-19
“After two weeks battling COVID-19, State Rep. Randy Fine (R-Palm Bay) posted on Facebook that he needed his lungs X-rayed as his symptoms now included a recurring fever and a hacking chest cough. He remarked that the hydroxychloroquine therapy he had been on proved ineffective.
"I'm over it," Fine texted FLORIDA TODAY from his Holmes Regional Medical Center hospital bed on Monday. "People should be able to use it if they want. But people should stop pretending it is some kind of magic potion as well. If they need proof, look at me."
“He didn’t use the HCQ correctly,” a comment said on Randy Fine’s page. “You must take zinc with the hydroxychloraquine. (sic) The zinc is the magic bullet and the hydroxychloraquine (sic) carries it so it can prevent viral replication. Just curious, did you take the zinc too?”
“Yup. Sorry to burst the magic bubble,” Fine shot back.”
"The early story is that this was fireworks, but I don't believe it: Electronic Telegraph>Beirut explosion, 8-4-2020"
What do you speculate is the actual cause?
That was an ammonium nitrate blast. Could instantly tell by the yellowish-brown color of the early plume. Contrary to popular belief ammonium nitrate is itself explosive if it is able to achieve the appropriate ratio with a 'fuel'. Fuel can be anything from oil, to metal particulate (of the appropriate size), to grain dust (interestingly the 'factory/warehouse' where the blast occurred was directly adjacent to a grain elevator).
Furthermore, it is now being reported the AN was 'impounded', as in seized and was being held at the facility. The plot thickens.
It is entirely possible also that fireworks were also present at the facility, in which case fireworks detonations and particulate could've caused enough of a fuel-to-oxidizer (AN is a powerful oxidizer) ratio to get an explosive chain going. AN and 'fuel' is notoriously difficult to set off (it is classified as a secondary explosive) even for most primary charges, but if you have enough of it anything is possible.
Based on the blast wave size and propagation, I estimate it could be north of 1 Kiloton, possible 1 1/12 to 2 kiloton blast (for reference see the US Navy's 1970's Operation 'Sailor Hat' series of non-nuclear tests).
There will doubtless be hundreds if not thousands of dead, not counting other casualties.
You do know a teenage boy's joke lies in your post's headline?
The ever expanding nightmare of Black Lives Matter
Things are worse than I think most people realize.
ah this is interesting:
"My colleagues are very smart people with good intentions."
Smart people's good intentions can be dumber than hell.
CBS's Rome correspondent says that the big Beruit explosion couldn't have come at a worse time.
"CBS's Rome correspondent says that the big Beruit explosion couldn't have come at a worse time."
That all depends on your perspective : )
I deleted my Twitter account and become about 17% more contented. Then I added another 8% by changing my Disqus password, writing it down, and then burning it.
“a democrat judge in NY just ordered the Board of Elections to begin counting ballots returned without postmarks”
In 2000, it was just the opposite, because the ballots coming in without postmarks were military and likely to go to Bush, they were disallowing them. Cheering every time they got a military ballot disallowed. They did this even though Florida was operating under a consent decree to count such military ballots.
After 8 days most will have been metabolized and won't show up on a lab test. [GoSpace]
That's a possibility I had not thought of.
She leaves a coffeeshop and (perhaps) shuts off her cell phone. She drives into the Cascade Mountains until her car runs out of gas. She leaves her sweatshirt in the car (that I got from another article) and she then goes so deeply into the woods that it takes eight days to find her. They find her by abandoned clothing.
She is way up the mountainside somewhere.
She cannot give coherent answers after those eight days.
I have seen no follow-up as yet. I do note that she has hair down to her waist.
That’s how medicine advances. You throw out the experience of thousands and thousands based on an anecdote of a single person and his smartass remark. There are studies that show the death rate from COVID rising with the prohibition of HCT and falling with the return to the use of it. It’s not nearly as effective once things are already bad.
How many people does Inga want to die to score points against Trump, I wonder?
Just the first result on my DuckDuckGo search of many like it, but if you wanna make an omelette, you have to break some eggs so too bad so sad if people have to die, we need to score points against Trump?
Is Inga really a nurse?
"The American Postal Workers Union’s National Executive Board has voted to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States."
People who may not agree with how they think you likely voted will be handling your ballot. What could possibly go wrong?
Inga, time and again I have said that hydroxychloroquine is not a magic bullet. What I have said or I should say, what the papers I have linked to have said, because the information is really ultimately coming from them, is that either hydroxychloroquine or hydroxychloroquine plus zinc, it depends on the paper, can substantially reduce mortality from Covid-19 if given early enough in the course of an infection.
One paper that I linked to, a retrospective study, showed a halving of mortality when zinc was used with hydroxychloroquine. So that would suggest a lower bound of half the mortality compared to not using this. It's not an upper bound because the hydroxychloroquine plus zinc was given relatively late, and according to the theory, or a theory because there are actually multiple theories, it should have been more effective if given earlier.
But no sensible person, or perhaps I should say no knowledgeable person, has ever suggested that this is a cure. Instead it is about reducing the odds of a bad result.
It's unfortunate that Randy Fine has a reoccurring fever and a hacking chest cough, but aside from this possibly being a success, in context, if he believes that this disproves the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, then that proves he had an unrealistic expectation of what these drugs can do.
Perhaps I'm naive, but surely as a nurse you are familiar with the idea of giving medications or doing procedures that improve the odds?
People who may not agree with how they think you likely voted will be handling your ballot. What could possibly go wrong?
You might want to have Biden signs in your yard if the letter carriers collect your mail from the mailbox in front of your house. Unless you don’t mind your ballot winding up in a dumpster somewhere.
The Food and Drug Administration has not approved hydroxychloroquine for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. In mid-June, the FDA revoked its emergency authorization for the use of hydroxychloroquine and the related drug chloroquine in treating hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
“It is no longer reasonable to believe that oral formulations of HCQ and CQ may be effective in treating COVID-19, nor is it reasonable to believe that the known and potential benefits of these products outweigh their known and potential risks,” FDA Chief Scientist Denise M. Hinton wrote.
The WHO and the National Institutes of Health have also stopped their hydroxychloroquine studies. Among the safety issues associated with treating COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine include heart rhythm problems, kidney injuries and liver problems.
While some studies have found that the drug could help alleviate symptoms associated with COVID-19, the research is not conclusive. Few studies have been accepted into peer-reviewed journals. And large, randomized trials — the gold standard for clinical trials — are still needed to confirm the findings of studies conducted since the pandemic began.
If a therapy touted by Trump isn't always effective, hivemind left are giddy.
F you Inga. You're gross.
If Trump had said nothing about the therapy - the left would probably be OK with its use.
"That was an ammonium nitrate blast.
I have driven around with a pickup truck load of ammonium nitrate many times. Is it really that explosive?!! I'm sure you're seeing the photographs of the gutted and deformed buildings all around the Beirut site. That intense blast wave went quite a distance outward.
Farmers as you know routinely deal with this stuff and they are pretty casual about it.
I deleted my Twitter account and become about 17% more contented.
I love how "they" imagine they can quantify such things, as if we were cows giving 17% better milk.
There are studies that show the death rate from COVID rising with the prohibition of HCT and falling with the return to the use of it.
HCQ acts as a border guard. Zinc acts as a day after drug. AZ stands against the opportunistic diseases and inflammatory responses. This disinfectant cocktail acts with mechanisms characterized in vitro; with well-established minimal risk and profiles; and there are voluminous global observational and retrospective studies that are evidence of their effectiveness in vivo in a Planned Pathogen protocol to mitigate cellular infection, abort disease progression, and clear opportunistic infections. However, it is not a magical elixir, and while it works to complement and support normal body functions, it cannot reverse progressive corruption and damage. It needs to be administered early, before disease progression reduces a person's viability.
there's a lot of money that gilead and novamax and phizer has invested in therapeutics and vaccine, with the attendant studies and publications like lancet, to allow the hcq zpak cocktail to be effectively used as treatment,
Yes, let’s hold out for “gold standard” during a pandemic, when we have case studies of large populations that show that when it is administered, the death rate drops and when it is withheld, the death rate rises and when it is stopped being withheld the death rate falls again because we want to score points against Trump.
I agree with BB&H, Fuck you Inga, you’re gross.
"People who may not agree with how they think you likely voted will be handling your ballot. What could possibly go wrong?”
Ballots were stolen by postal workers during the 2000 debacle in Florida.
"I love how "they" imagine they can quantify such things, as if we were cows giving 17% better milk.”
Give or take half a point.
n.n., this is I think the study you're talking about:
FranceSoir: Covid-19, hydroxychloroquine works, a proof?
It's not actually a study, it's an article published in the middle of July. But if that data is real then this needs to be turned this into a real paper.
It plots the ratio of newly dead to newly recovered versus hydroxychloroquine use or not and the difference is dramatic. Estimating by eye it's about 12% versus 4% for hydroxychloroquine versus no hydroxychloroquine respectively.
"I have driven around with a pickup truck load of ammonium nitrate many times. Is it really that explosive?!! I'm sure you're seeing the photographs of the gutted and deformed buildings all around the Beirut site. That intense blast wave went quite a distance outward."
It depends very much on the size of the 'prills' (These are the little AN spheres...which for blasting purposes can get quite tiny). The smaller the prills, and the smaller the accompanying 'fuel' particulate, the easier it is to detonate or go through the process of explosive decomposition (explosives either detonate, deflagrate, or decompose). You driving around with a load of AN in your pickup is 99.99999999% safe because size of the prills used in the agricultural industry are purposefully kept rather large and there are large quantities of impurities in agri-AN. This is both because farmers aren't usually all that worried about their AN being used as explosive and also by design, as in the size and impurities make it extra-difficult to use AN as an explosive without the accompanying expertise and access to appropriate primary charges to set it off (AN is notoriously difficult to detonate, and those that use it in blasting typically need either PETN or TNT/Tetryl primary or booster to get it to go). Furthermore, agri-AN is super easy to track if it is used as an explosive main charge. The impurities are never uniform from batch to batch and large industrial producers are required to keep batch samples and send them to ATF on a regular basis. In other words, using agri-AN will usually leave a nice trail that leads right back to you.
I know quite a lot about this particular field. Yes. AN can detonate on its own.
Ho-lee sheets and pillowcases!
Unbelievable. First it is fireworks bursting like popcorn, then it looks like the fireworks sets off the grain elevator with what looks like a MOAB going off.
Fun watching so many anti-big pharma folks derailing inexpensive generics because Orange Man Bad.
They even get to through a black doctor under the bus in the process of censoring discussion.
Timmy, trying to regain his street cred with the Trumpsters he fought with here for months over his stance on Covid. He finally got his courage back to comment again after hiding out for a while after he was beaten down by the Althouse commentariat. Ha. Too funny.
Where I live, Milwaukie, Ore., I can't see the sunrise. But, right now, I'm waking up at 6:45, before any alarms. Winter is different, when I need an alarm to get up at a decent hour.
With all the BLM and JOE signs on the block, interspersed with American flags [a safe refuge], I've realized that I don't have freedom of speech here. In the Portland neighborhood adjoining ours on the west, Sellwood, McCain and Romney signs were vandalized in those elections.
I can't imagine what would happen if I put up a Trump 2020 sign on my corner. I have a bus shelter I built for "the people" last year that could be vandalized, as white "BLMers" already did to the Nepali-owned bodega on the far corner of the block.
My neighbors a few houses down, who I also know from them starting to work with the watershed group I'm a regular with, have two BLMs, two JOEs, a big gay flag and numerous little rainbow flags parked on the front lawn.
It must be nice to freely express your political opinions in public. This used to be America.
*People who may not agree with how they think you likely voted will be handling your ballot."
In MT you can go to the state elections web site to see if your ballot was logged in. I'm sure other states have similar services. Montana is never original.
Whether it's counted is something else again.
I strongly recommend that you not engage with Inga, nor react to her ravings (aka: comments). She is an unserious person that derives pleasure from the suffering of others. Ignore her and she will eventually go away; or devolve her postings to the point of being banned, just as she who shall not be named. Her commentary is neither conversational nor helpful.
Has anybody ever seen Inger the bitch and April Ryan in the same room together?
"That’s the title of a new podcast distributed by the New York Times which argues that many black and brown children are not excelling in our public schools because of “what is arguably the most powerful force in our schools: White parents."
So it's the color that brings the power?
Not the effort of the progenitor?
Oops forgot the link
but of course:
While some studies have found that the drug could help alleviate symptoms associated with COVID-19, the research is not conclusive.
Inga, the pretend nurse, is spreading bullshit again.
I usually resist piling on, but really, Inga: HCQ+Zinc is widely available, inexpensive and seems to have at least a middling positive impact for populations for which it has been prescribed. It seems to have few negative side affects.
What's your malfunction?
I see that Inga is posting links that she has neither read nor is capable of understanding.
Carry on as usual.
O noes!
Music Theory a vile bigot!
Reni Santoni (Poppie from Seinfeld) RIP at 81. He had a nice guest shot in the unusual first season of The Odd Couple.
mandrewa: "Inga, time and again I have said that hydroxychloroquine is not a magic bullet."
Are you really trying to reason with Inga the Russia Collusion Truther?
Inga still thinks Carter Page is a russian spy, the hoax dossier has been verified and that Brett Kavanaugh led a rape gang.
Go ahead, ask her.........
"Of all the sunrises you have posted, to me, this is your best."
I guess you're not a fan of clouds!
To me, it's all about the clouds and when there are zero clouds (almost true here), it's the same as many other sunrises. It's what I call a type #3 sunrise.
They're too busy rewriting historical association with the KKK, Maoists, Mugabeists, Nazis, fascists, imperialists, dictators, and other single/central ruling regimes, that they can't be bothered to remark on their Antifa posterity. Then there's some, select Black Lives Matter, a Pro-Choice sect of the diversity racket.
Storm is heading through here right now, some pretty good gusts, one tree down earlier, but it was pretty rotten, chain saw went through it like butter.
Storm is heading through here right now, some pretty good gusts, one tree down earlier, but it was pretty rotten, chain saw went through it like butter.
First, they came for the white men, then the babies, then the men, then the white women... such a "burden". There is a logical, unmistakable progression. In left-wing ideology, there can be only one, or a minority, interchangeable, exchangeable, disposable by virtue of their diversity class.
How many people does Inga want to die to score points against Trump, I wonder?
You are assuming something that does not exist. Inga is not intelligent enough to plan anything. She is a collection of nerve endings that are not connected to a cortex. You might as well ask my basset hound what the weather will be tomorrow. She might have successfully emptied bedpans or passed out Thorazine to crazies but thinking is not in her wheelhouse.
what is arguably the most powerful force in our schools: White parents
Yellow, in recent years, decades, has been more White than White. Orange has been performing well, too. That said, diversity breeds adversity. #BabyLivesMatter
" Trumpsters he fought with here for months over his stance on Covid. “
I still call out the COVID deniers all the time. It did take me a while to accept how stupid so many of the commenters here are, more than just you, Inga. Yesterday we had a beaut going on about “face diapers.” It’s sad, but as I said, it’s a little bit quaint compared to the burning and looting of businesses, the murders, the rapes, the blinding of federal agents, all done in the name of “mostly peaceful” protest. I am disappointed in Althouse for blogging mask denialism, but the answer to bad speech is more speech, so here is an article that reviews the turnaround of the thinking on masks from “don’t bother, it’s only for show” to “Must wear” and as is said here “with receipts.”
I don’t expect her to blog it though, even though it would be a good counter to that “bad science” post yesterday.
FranceSoir: Covid-19, hydroxychloroquine works, a proof?
This is one, yes. Thanks. The drug is known to work in vitro. It poses a minimal risk with a well-established risk profile. It has been observed to be an effective "border control" for the virus and Zn in vivo. It has been determined to be an effective prophylactic in the field when administered before disease progression causes systemic damage.
New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?
The multiple molecular mechanisms by which chloroquine can achieve such results remain to be further explored. ... preliminary data indicate that chloroquine interferes with SARS-CoV-2 attempts to acidify the lysosomes and presumably inhibits cathepsins, which require a low pH for optimal cleavage of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture
I think I*** understands we are at war and nothing matters except victory, hopefully by ending as many of the opposition as possible so when they resurrect it can be snuffed out quickly.
She sure seems to have the best of the "oh yeah, well just you wait then, just you wait, by golly you'll see" arguments she has faced here. Can you believe some jackasses think the FBI/CIA/NSA etc. will do anything to protect the constitution from enemies domestic or foreign? I*** knows the strong horse is Emmett Sullivan, fighting fighting fighting no matter if it destroys the position he holds or not. His kids will end up teaching Ivy League Law no doubt.
I am still not sure why people aren't embarrassed to be merely arguing facts with people wanting to bury them.
I bet even Neville would have understood Nikita saying "We will bury you" but most here at the Althouse blog seem to think they are so righteous they can stop all evil by saying please stop, you're misinformed Mr. Devil Satan.
I feel now all I can say is let's give civil war 2 a chance, even knowing my side would leave the enemy alive to get stronger no matter what the circumstance. I guess I could be wrong and the enemy could actually be slaughtered ineffective permanently, but like the poor it seems they will always be with us.
I found this interview of Meredith Levien, who is the new NYT company CEO, via the interviewer's Twitter account (I can't defeat the paywall so only know what's at those two links). Can't imagine what games, videos, music etc I'd want to buy from the Times. Maybe Mr Slim is wanting to move more of his assets out of Mexico.
I like the composition of this picture, with the rocks and greenery in the bottom corner. After so many sunrise pictures, it's nice to see one that is a bit different.
Inga will not stand for any deviations from 100% Team Apocalypse.
"Of all the sunrises you have posted, to me, this is your best."
“I guess you're not a fan of clouds!
To me, it's all about the clouds and when there are zero clouds (almost true here), it's the same as many other sunrises. It's what I call a type #3 sunrise.”
I agree! The dark clouds looming over the deep red sun struggling to rise, whoa could be a metaphor... but the cloudy sunrises are what makes a sunrise memorable.
I have driven around with a pickup truck load of ammonium nitrate many times. Is it really that explosive?!!
Ammonium nitrate is nitrogen fertilizer. 34-0-0, Chemically N03. That's 3 oxygen molecules. that moves it into the class of "oxidizer" meaning its explosive. All you need is some fuel Like diesel fuel, and an ignition source, a small spark, a single blasting cap, and all that oxygen is just waiting to feed the fire. The Oklahoma city bombing was ammonium nitrate mixed with diesel fuel.
Farmers don't use it much in the midwest. It is VERY hygroscopic, is sucks moisture out of the air and then solidifies into a solid, granite like, mass. It has other benefits, but Urea, 46-0-0, owns the dry nitrogen market.
I found this story fascinating, 1947 Texas City explosion
“Trumpsters he fought with here for months over his stance on Covid. “
“I still call out the COVID deniers all the time. It did take me a while to accept how stupid so many of the commenters here are, more than just you, Inga. Yesterday we had a beaut going on about “face diapers.” It’s sad, but as I said, it’s a little bit quaint compared to the burning and looting of businesses, the murders, the rapes, the blinding of federal agents, all done in the name of “mostly peaceful” protest. I am disappointed in Althouse for blogging mask denialism, but the answer to bad speech is more speech, so here is an article that reviews the turnaround of the thinking on masks from “don’t bother, it’s only for show” to “Must wear” and as is said here “with receipts.”
I don’t expect her to blog it though, even though it would be a good counter to that “bad science” post yesterday.“
Tim, great article, but it’s wasted on the deniers here. They’re just going to call you a weak sister whiny bitch again, or maybe it doesn’t matter, in that case that’s exactly how I feel. These people here have their own opinions, as is their right and I have mine, as is my right. I’ll continue expressing my opinion here until there no longer is an Althouse blog. I’m glad that you will too. I reserve the right to call you “gross”, lol.
The Ford group hospitals in Michigan did a study of 1200 patients, half HQZ, half other treatments. the result is the group with HQZ had 50% fewer deaths. Not ZERO deaths.
Ignore that. pay attention to an anecdote from one person. Not a Doctor, a patient. A patient that claims, without evidence, of taking HQZ. Go back to how happy, some here were, when they believed the news about the people eating fish tank cleaner. Good times for sure.
I don’t understand people becoming so emotional ally invested over a therapy they so t even likely need. And really if it works for some why do the few bitch so much about it being discussed? And why are so many “studies” of HCQ focused on late use without zinc or zpac. It’s almost like they’re trying to prove a negative since they are trying so hard.
I was really upset with Whitmer when she issued her executive order effectively banning HCQ for treatment of Covid and threatening doctors and pharmacists who dared disobey. IMHO she did it to stick it to Trump and get attention. In other words, it was purely political. She was auditioning to be Biden's VP pick. IMHO whether to use it or not should be between the doctor and patient. Now the Henry Ford study came out. HF is a large and well respected hospital system here in Michigan. Then the op ed by the Yale epidemiologist came out saying the treatment was effective when administered under certain conditions and it was being suppressed for political reasons. Then the attacks on both came fast and furious. I questioned myself - was my initial reaction wrong? I thought about it. No. If this was about science, the study and the op-ed would not be under such virulent attacks. Instead, people would be saying, we should look at this again and quickly so we can save lives. That is not happening because the whole thing is political. The Dems, the left, and the media were so totally invested in suppressing this treatment in order to damage Trump that admitting that the treatment may be valid would be tantamount to admitting that people needlessly died due to them. It's better to them that people continue to needlessly die than admit what they were really up to.
Inga said...
Timmy, trying to regain his street cred with the Trumpsters he fought with here for months over his stance on Covid. He finally got his courage back to comment again after hiding out for a while after he was beaten down by the Althouse commentariat. Ha. Too funny.
Inga, I'm not saying that the answer is "never," but when's the last time you ever said anything nice, kind, supportive, helpful here?
Or interesting. I'll settle for interesting.
mandrewa said...
"That was an ammonium nitrate blast.
I have driven around with a pickup truck load of ammonium nitrate many times. Is it really that explosive?!!
Yes. Interesting tidbit of WWII history. That I know because my uncle was a WWII merchant sailor- after being rejected for the Navy, Army, and Marines in January 1942 which gives you a clue as to how bad his eyesight was back then....
Ammonium nitrate was shipped in bulk during WWII. During shipment- even going to or from an explosives plant- it was always classified as "Fertilizer". Always. If it was classified as "Explosives" the sailors would be entitled to hazardous duty pay. I don't think that injustice was ever addressed.
The Texas City, Texas explosion of 1947 was a cargo of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. To be used as fertilizer...
"I found this story fascinating, 1947 Texas City explosion."
My parents were there. I told the story on this blog years ago:
"Older readers may say, so your parents lived in Texas City right after World War II and before your birth in 1951, then they must have been there when the great Texas City Disaster occurred (in 1947). Yes, indeed they were, and they always taught me not to yield to the temptation to become a spectator at the scene of a disaster. (Read the story at the link if you don't know what happened to people in Texas City who went to watch a spectacular fire that was consuming a ship full of ammonium nitrate.) I have written before that I owe my existence to coffee. (Here's the story of how the smell of coffee caused my parents to meet.) But I owe my existence to coffee a second time. On the day of the Texas City Disaster, my father was working at a desk near a window. He got up to get a cup of coffee, and, while he was away from his desk, the burning ship exploded, sending a shockwave through the city, that drove a huge triangular spear of glass deep into the chair where he would have been impaled had he not gone for that coffee."
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