"'What the f–k is you talkin’ about n—er!' the attacker — wearing a shirt with 'SECURITY' on the front and back — screamed after the thud of his victim’s head hitting the ground. The victim was then shown bleeding from a large wound in the back of his head as he appeared unconscious throughout another almost 2½-minute clip. The woman was shown sobbing nearby as the mob held her back and appeared to rifle through his truck. 'Black live matter, n—er!' one man continually ranted as other people checked the victim was still alive. Even as he remained unconscious, a woman was heard taunting him, 'Get your b-tch ass up!' Police in riot gear had to assist ambulance crews helping him as they were confronted by 'a hostile crowd,' Portland police said in a release. The victim was taken to a local hospital with serious injuries, police said. 'The incident is under investigation and no arrests have been made,' the force said. It was unclear what sparked the confrontation, but some witnesses tweeted that he had tried to intervene in an altercation between the mob and another person. Police said that 'protesters were chasing the truck before it crashed, and they assaulted the driver after the crash.'"
From "BLM mob beats white man unconscious after making him crash truck: video" (NY Post).
१२१ टिप्पण्या:
I’ve seen the video. This should not be happening in America. The Dems are to blame.
Your lack of commentary on this does not ennoble you it just exposes you as a disgusting coward.
This is your Democratic party in power.
As the mob dispersed to watch another fight, the main offender circled back around — kicking the defenseless driver in the face from behind, instantly knocking him out with his head cracking on the road. "What the f–k is you talkin’ about n—er!" the attacker — wearing a shirt with 'SECURITY' on the front and back — screamed after the thud of his victim’s head hitting the ground...'The incident is under investigation and no arrests have been made,' the force said.
Whew! That's a relief.
At first I thought it might have been a hate crime.
When only Black Lives Matter, then this driver's life, and the life he was trying to defend earlier, don't. Yet, the media calls them peaceful demonstrators, and actually stands by and watches.
The "other person" was a trans woman that was being harassed by the BLM crowd. The guy was trying to protect that person by taking them away and was violently attacked for his efforts.
That's what mobs do.
And when the majority of society has had enough of this lawlessness and does what every community does when there is no law and order and starts implementing "street justice" the MSM and Democrats and lefties will respond with 24/7 coverage of how the right is "escalating" tensions and turning to violence against peaceful protesters which will only prove how racist we all are.
The Democrats, media, liberals OWN this and they OWN where this winds up. Remember you all HAD multiple opportunities to stop this and chose not to due to "orange man bad". You will not like how this ends. The right does not want this. You just keep pushing. You are tearing down all the "old rules" that kept the majority safe. You will not like when the right embraces your new rules.
“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.“
I'll admit it: Althouse was on to something.
Antifa IS a right-wing shibboleth.
The brutal violence is coming only from Black Lives Matter protesters, not some nebulous Antifa.
The constant riots are caused only by Black Lives Matter protesters, not some Antifia figment of right-wing minds.
They have not been infiltrated or used or co-opted by those under the non-existent Antifa umbrella.
It is all on the Black Lives Matters protesters. There is no Antifa to blame.
I am Laslo.
Do they know who this POS is yet? Looking forward to the day he rots in jail. Or worse.
Here’s a full report of the event. It was sickening, but unfortunately, not unique. It’s truly hard to imagine where we go from here. Naturally, there’s nothing about this in the leftie press.
- Krumhorn
And the reason this could not happen to you or me is ... what?
I'm waiting for the inevitable remix of the DNC Outro with this and some other videos substituted in with some maybe added captions about democratically controlled cities.
Funny how "protestors" are "mostly peaceful" but every cop is a racist killer.
Still no condemnation from the left.
Can’t jeopardize the Antifa vote.
The police and media need to stop using the word "protesters" to describe these vicious mobs.
Your lack of commentary on this does not ennoble you it just exposes you as a disgusting coward.
That’s a gratuitously crappy thing to say. The fact that our hostess posted it at all is commentary enough.
- Krumhorn
I think that white supremacists must be in charge of BLM. They are clearly on the same team.
Whitney @ 7:33 You are 100% correct.
And yes, the attacker has been identified. He’s employed as security at the Portland Airport which is where he got the security clothing from.
We all know even if he is arrested he will immediately be released to create more danger to the community.
How many moms did this enrage?
Say his name
Keese Love
That's the guy who allegedly did the kicking
John Henry
hello : in these days of pandemic
is growing a spine an elective surgical procedure ?
or is it the insertion into body that is elective?
- asking for a learned professor
"Y'all not tired yet?"
Looking forward to the day he rots in jail.
Forget it Jersey, this is Portland, and the DA has already refused to prosecute.
You want to replace our Republic with a Democracy? This is what you will get: mob rule; sometimes violent, always vulgar.
And the Democrats are praising these monsters. They are all YOURS Progressives.
What is going on? Is it the case they are trying to initiate a federal (read Trump) response or it it just these shitheads having "fun"? In any case, the media has blood on its hands for hiding this. No way democrats get voted in if people knew what was going on.
If you look at the entire kick, it was mostly peaceful.
A mostly peaceful beating.
This whole business is about extortion and wealth transfer. In Seattle, BLM goons marched into a neighborhood and demanded that the white residents “give us your homes...open your fucking wallets!”
Meanwhile, cowed institutions and companies and governments are throwing hundreds of millions of $$$$$ at the melanated extortionists.
I wonder if all that cash will encourage all the urban kids to buckle down in school and get an education or learn to repair air conditioning units. You know, something constructive.
- Krumhorn
Haven't seen Mark around lately telling us Portland is peaceful since the feds left.
BLM mob beats white man
Who says dreams don't come true?
Isn't it heartwarming, seeing peaceful people peacefully protesting for peace and harmony among the people? It's free speech, and democracy in action! Elect Joe Biden, and this peace and harmony can be nurtured and grow, till the day will finally come where no white interloper can drive their racist butts through a city without being forced to peacefully bleed on the street!
"It’s almost as if American society’s 50+ years of Systemic Anti-Whiteism since the 1960s, by constantly telling blacks that they deserve to be angry, tends to make them angrier than they really, truly ought to be."
Complete with another educational video.
I just want everyone to know that I am not a Democrat anymore. Please ignore the rumors that I once was. I also never supported the Black Lives Matter organization. It should be called "No Lives Matter".
It will probably take an army and someone with balls to use it to stop this. Oregon has nobody who even wants to put a stop to the mob - the mayor, the DA, the governor all want this to continue. So it will.
Biden voters, all.
"BLM mob beats white man unconscious after making him crash truck: video"
But, but, federal officers, and Trump, and systemic racism, and --.
Anyway, this is who they are, this is what they do, this is what the left has in store for the rest of us. Remember in November, Althouse.
Say his name. He has a name, doesn't he?
"Our guests live downtown, and related an incident on the 4th when they were coming home from a long day dealing with a familial medical situation. A block from the house they were stopped by protestors on bikes and forbidden to proceed. Whereupon two black-clad men with AR-15s appeared and told them they could go no further, because a BLM march was due to pass through. They were “security,” you see."
"A year ago: living in a beautiful [Minneapolis] neighborhood with spectacular views, access to parks and restaurants, peaceable dog walks after dark. Now: Carjackings, fireworks, madmen muttering outside the front door, a spiky sense that anything outside of a block or two radius is questionable."
"Blogger Laslo Spatula said...
I'll admit it: Althouse was on to something.
Antifa IS a right-wing shibboleth.
The brutal violence is coming only from Black Lives Matter protesters, not some nebulous Antifa."
Difficult though it is to admit fault, I join Laslo in apologizing to Althouse. As is now clear, we unfairly blamed Antifa, "without evidence." But the violence, the depredations, the mayhem -- it's all BLM. I'm sorry.
I don't watch any of the networks any longer, but I am betting this never did, and never will make it onto NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS. Neither did the brutal cold blooded murder of Cannon Hinnant.
My only question is: How does Ted Wheeler view his time as Mayor of Portland? Is he considering running for another term?
And what of that of Kate Brown? Does she see herself as a standard for women in governance?
If ever there was a populist revolt- and I don't mean a Marxist destruction of the city- but a tax-payer populist revolt, the old solution of tar and feathers should be applied here. Both Kate and Ted are about the most deserving of any "leaders" in recent times.
And that's saying a helluva lot.
Reginald Denny of 2020. Except this time within 24 hours we know the identity of the man who kicked him unconscious as he was sitting in the middle of the seat not moving or threatening anyone
Somewhere there is a former special ops guy who has Keese Love's name on his list.
I have reads that the white truck driver has since died.
If I lived in a shithole town like Portland or Seattle (once beautiful btw) I would carry a gun in my car at all times, and one on my person whenever I ventured out.
They could still get me, but I'd be proud to take 10 or 12 of the cocksuckers with me.
All this outrageous mayhem is spurring firearms sales on a scale not seen even when Obama presided over us with his phone and pen. Ammunition manufacturers literally cannot make enough product to keep up with demand. And guns - particularly home defense weapons like .12 pump shotguns - are becoming scarce. I read an article recently that attributed nearly half of the surge in sales to first-time buyers - i.e., people who have never before owned a firearm. Americans of all stripes are heeding the smoke signals from Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis, Atlanta, etc.
There's your UTOPIA lefties. How do you like it??
The Left in all it's glory.
The Left in all it's glory. And still no national news on the 5 year old white boy gunned down by a black man in SC.
The most amazing part of this?
Come November, Democrat’s will get votes. These people are getting exactly what they voted for...good and hard.
So vote Democrat!
It's a great comfort when an Airport Security Guard beats people on the street. I'm so happy it was not a Federal Storm Trooper who did it, that would have been wrong.
I think the DNC started believing their own Trump Fantasies and thought that the riots would make Trump go crazy and shoot all the Black people, creating the perfect Kent State Death moment. They are still all in with that plan, they have nothing left in their toolkit except vote fraud.
Kicks to the head of a defenseless person are generally considered attempted murder by DAs who use law, rather than political ideology, as guidelines for prosecution.
In Seattle, we went up around around the borders of CHOP while it was still there. Two younger, scruffy black guys let us know it was time to move along. They probably had guns somewhere, but they weren’t flashing them around.
First Hill, which is very counter-culture and anti-establishment, is now a lot more rough. Many more homeless. The homey, rainbow family values and hippie feel is a lot more lawless.
The IPB (Insane Progressive Babies) elected to run Seattle (an actual socialist and many radical revolutionary chic enviro-global solidarity humanitarians fuck you give us all your money all the way to some can see the Center Left) are now curiously silent about the tree of progressive identity-protest-utopia bearing the fruit of chaos, anarchy and lawlessness.
You believed in this stuff, here it is. Childish assholes. Of course the ‘system’ is still oppressing you. What have you some with all that freedom and responsibility?
If we're lucky, this will be a tipping point, where Antifa is no longer tolerated.
Strikingly peaceful!
Krumhorn said...
This whole business is about extortion and wealth transfer. In Seattle, BLM goons marched into a neighborhood and demanded that the white residents “give us your homes...open your fucking wallets!”
one report described that neighborhood as "gentrified.'
- so who would do such a thing as gentrifying! without having city hall in their pockets?
would R's even know how to gentrify? (other than putting skirts around the trailer)
How many Reginald Dennys is it gonna take?
White antifa, meet the real "fa."
Forget it Jake. It’s Portland
Note, no police around during the entire multi-step incident
1. guy gets attacked
2. trans woman steps in
3. she gets her possessions stolen
4. she gets attacked
5. guy driving truck tries to help her.
6. he get attacked, runs to his truck and tries to flee
7. thus outraging the mob
(in portland fleeing in an auto is an attack on the mob anf carries a potential death sentence. One must passively be dragged from your car)
8. mob chases truck, driver loses control and hits a tree
9. mob drags him from truck and beats him
10. why he sits beaten and dazed, but passive, he is kicked in the head
(exactly the sort of authoritarian violence BLM claims to abhor)
Dems and media are to blame. They lie to the masses and inspire this rage.
Pre Obama... VERY Pre Cbama https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ-cBthmUPI
R.I.P. Cynthia Robinson
You can follow the news but unless you are extremely diligent, you'll rarely hear about this sort of crap. Why not? Aren't the media and the progressive left (but I repeat myself) proud of what they stand for? It's almost like they're ashamed of what they are and what they do. Unfortunately, they're not ashamed enough to stop.
As is now clear, we unfairly blamed Antifa, "without evidence." But the violence, the depredations, the mayhem -- it's all BLM.
Somewhere in Europe there's a war room with a crazy wall decorated with push pins and a full skein of yarn connecting the two...
I blame the victim.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but he willingly attended a riot, and whether or not he actively participated in rioting, he was a rioter. Snake handlers usually do just fine with their mostly peaceful snakes, but who is to blame when they bite? The man was woke until the football kick to the head.
Charlie said...
"If we're lucky, this will be a tipping point, where Antifa is no longer tolerated."
Tolerated by whom? In Portland, Antifa is in charge. They are the authority. They tolerate the other people who live there.
Guy is alive per this gofundme page:
Reginald Denny had permanent brain injury, after being attacked.
I think the DNC started believing their own Trump Fantasies and thought that the riots would make Trump go crazy and shoot all the Black people, creating the perfect Kent State Death moment.
I agree that was the intent but, instead, we end up with the DNC holding its breath until it turns blue and expects Trump to be the mommy. He will let the blue cities self destruct until November 4.
Forget it Jersey, this is Portland, and the DA has already refused to prosecute.
Hoping there are some federal charges involved.
@Althouse, until now I had been thinking you were —perhaps subconsciously — on the side of the mob. After all, you did blog abut the riots and arson, but you also had plenty of posts about art on the boarded up store windows, and those windows wouldn’t have been boarded up except for the riots. But the real tell was that of all the tragedies associated with the riots, the only one you ever had a post about was when those two women were hit by a car while dancing on an interstate that they were trying to blockade for no good reason. No post about the murder of 8 year old Secoriea Turner in Atlanta because her mother drove into a parking lot that BLM claimed as their own. No post about 24 year old single mother Jessica Whitaker, ambushed and killed in Indianapolis after asserting that “All lives matter” when she and her Hispanic boyfriend were confronted by a gang of BLM activists.
Also, you refused to watch the video of George Floyd before he died, which might have challenged your too-ready acceptance of the narrative that he was killed by the police (versus he died while fighting the police, which is a different thing), yet you posted a link to the horrific video of the young women on Seattle’s I-5 flying through the air when the car hit them. So you are not really afraid to watch videos of people dying.
So a belated welcome to those of us who think mob rule is not a good thing and the Democrats need to put a stop to it.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but he willingly attended a riot
He was driving through the area. He stopped when a gang of rioters were attacking someone - beating a trans woman with her skateboard. When he left, people were attacking his truck, forcing it to crash. They then began looting the truck.
I guess it's his fault for living in the wrong city? Or his fault for showing some human decency?
4chan had the attacker doxed shortly after the video was made public. Lee shouldn't have worn his Star Protection Agency security uniform to the protest.
Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization. It needs to be classified as such and their "for profit" organization should have its assets seized to pay for the damage they have caused.
Three women have accumulated inter-generational wealth in only six months by organizing BLM as a for-profit corporation and shaking down legitimate business for hundreds of million of dollars. They have no responsibility to report how they spend money nor who gave them money because they are not a 501C3. They are a corporation. They can funnel the money directly to their wallets.
A couple thoughts.
First, if faced with being dragged out of my vehicle, I will start shooting and hope that I have a chance to reload. The pickup truck isn’t a problem - I have both 9 mm and 10 mm double stacked semiautomatic handguns readily available with two spare magazines each in the DVD holder under the radio/DVD player. That’s 90 rounds. But the reloads in the Audi are behind the front seat. Not good. But we don’t plan on going to any Dem controlled big cities, anytime soon, where rioting like this is being supported by the city government, and police are forced to stand down.
What must be remembered is that the driver had grounds to legally use deadly force in self defense. And because he was dragged out of his truck and almost beat to death, the rest of us likely have grounds to use deadly force too, when facing a mob trying to drag us out of our vehicles, or even coming close. We would just have to show a video of the beating at trial, to illustrate the basis for our reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily injury. As they say, better to be tried by twelve, than carried by six.
Third, it is apparently known, with some certainty, who the perp is, who kicked the guy in the head. The city and their law enforcement system have a choice. They can either arrest him and try him for aggravated assault (assuming his victim survives - otherwise for murder). Or, they can ignore it effectively declaring their city to be justice free. If they can’t provide minimal levels of protection for their citizens and visitors, they should expect to lose both to other places in this country that can. And don’t bother coming to the rest of us and asking for a bailout when you destroy your own tax base this way.
wendybar said...
There's your UTOPIA lefties. How do you like it??
8/18/20, 8:59 AM
As long as it is their foot and your face, they are loving it.
Portland DA has said, no arrests. They may have been triggered by police. Move along, this is the new US. We haven't hit peak yet. Watch, suburbs are next.
whitney said... Your lack of commentary on this does not ennoble you it just exposes you as a disgusting coward.
- Krumhorn said ... That’s a gratuitously crappy thing to say. The fact that our hostess posted it at all is commentary enough.
is it possible to choose? between the two sentiments - substitute
blog for art - and
cruel neutrality for metaphysical value-judgments.
Ayn Rand:
Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artist’s metaphysical value-judgments...
Art fulfills this need: by means of a selective re-creation, it concretizes man’s fundamental view of himself and of existence. It tells man, in effect, which aspects of his experience are to be regarded as essential, significant, important. In this sense, art teaches man how to use his consciousness. It conditions or stylizes man’s consciousness by conveying to him a certain way of looking at existence...
It is not journalistic information or scientific education or moral guidance that man seeks from a work of art (though these may be involved as secondary consequences), but the fulfillment of a more profound need: a confirmation of his view of existence—a confirmation, not in the sense of resolving cognitive doubts, but in the sense of permitting him to contemplate his abstractions outside his own mind, in the form of existential concretes...
Art is the indispensable medium for the communication of a moral ideal . . . This does not mean that art is a substitute for philosophical thought: without a conceptual theory of ethics, an artist would not be able successfully to concretize an image of the ideal. But without the assistance of art, ethics remains in the position of theoretical engineering: art is the model-builder . . .
The emotion involved in art is not an emotion in the ordinary meaning of the term. It is experienced more as a “sense” or a “feel,” but it has two characteristics pertaining to emotions: it is automatically immediate and it has an intense, profoundly personal (yet undefined) value-meaning to the individual experiencing it. The value involved is life, and the words naming the emotion are: “This is what life means to me.”
Some, Select Black Lives Matter is the reimagined incorporation of the Democrats' armed wing, the neo-KKK: diversity and exclusion. #BabyLivesMatter
Scum must be locked up and the key disposed of.
"Dems and media are to blame. They lie to the masses and inspire this rage."
Middle-aged white women are to blame. They are the ones who voted for this shit. They are the ones who are going to keep right on voting for this shit. They aren't stupid, they are something worse than stupid.
Jersey Fled said...
Do they know who this POS is yet? Looking forward to the day he rots in jail. Or worse.
Marquise ("Keese") Lee Love
-- Could this be him?
-- Could he be working/worked here?
-- Is this a photo of him as BLM?
"Dave's Not Here, Man"
video from another angle
"Love"... or de Sade ??
Aint This A Kick In The Head, Eh?
And not a SINGLE DAMN DEMOCRATS has voiced any criticism. They will be bringing it to your home and family next.
“ Blogger paminwi said...
Whitney @ 7:33 You are 100% correct.
And yes, the attacker has been identified.”
Identified by 4Chan, if you can believe it.
4Chan: Doing the work law enforcement doesn’t want to do.
Every Leftist Collectivist who voted for a Democratic voted for this outcome.
All of you.
That includes Althouse.
There are places in this country today where you had better be armed to the teeth before entering. Portland is one of them.
You reap what you sow.
The left has sown the wind...
I call foul on the BLM thing.
Portland has had a growing population of mostly white anarchists for several years now. This year they saw their opening after the George Floyd matter and pretended that they were all in on BLM (and, honestly, I don't know what BLM™ stands for).
Then, after Trump sent his "storm troopers" into downtown to protect the federal courthouse, they turned on a dime, trying to tear the place down with handmade Molotov cocktails and trying to blind the storm troopers with green laser beams (which were chosen with care because, apparently, they are 10 times as dangerous as red ones).
Then the storm troopers left, and it was back to BLM.
In a set of videos last week I saw a group of white antifa thugs with shields chase four white guys in shorts and T-shirts down a street, calling them names and threatening them. A heavy-set thug who'd equipped himself with a baseball bat managed to land some blows. Following that charming video came another -- a Black man confronting the fat thug: "You know who's going to get blamed for what you just did here? We are!"
The city and their law enforcement system have a choice. They can either arrest him and try him for aggravated assault (assuming his victim survives - otherwise for murder). Or, they can ignore it effectively declaring their city to be justice free. If they can’t provide minimal levels of protection for their citizens and visitors, they should expect to lose both to other places in this country that can. And don’t bother coming to the rest of us and asking for a bailout when you destroy your own tax base this way.
My stepson is a building contractor in a city about 60 miles south of Portland. It is a different country. Amazing. It is the Oregon "Wine Country" and he builds custom homes up to 7,000 square feet. His brother in law (They live in a 50 acre compound with four families, all related) has the biggest gun safe I have ever seen. The brother in law builds and services wine making equipment.
I suspect Antifa would have a life expectancy in minutes if they tried to riot there, although a couple of small college seem to be pretty leftist. I saw that Antifa had some sort of demonstration in Bend the other day. Not likely to be good for their health.
"Protesters punched and kicked a man to the ground in Portland, Oregon, after he crashed his truck onto the sidewalk on Sunday night near otherwise peaceful demonstrations."
That's the lead paragraph in the only article about the incident at the NY Times (which required a full site search to find).
Doesn't seem like anything to get upset about. Hardly worth reading the rest of the story. Hardly worth a blog post, much less a video link.
Cue up Lt. Drebin.
Difficult though it is to admit fault, I join Laslo in apologizing to Althouse. As is now clear, we unfairly blamed Antifa, "without evidence." But the violence, the depredations, the mayhem -- it's all BLM. I'm sorry.
meh, both are armed forces for whoever is behind all of this - would be like saying that Poland unfairly blamed the Luftwaffe when it was really the Wehrmacht.
If you kick someone in the head like that, you should be arrested and prosecuted for attempted (or actual, as the case may be) murder. Period.
Another mostly peaceful protest by mostly peaceful protesters. Nothing to see here, so move on. And it's the NYPost, not the NYT. So clearly the story does not qualify as part of 'all the news that's fit to print.'
Where is ARM, Inga, and the other apologists to tell us this is not as bad as one of Trump's tweets, or a carefully edited portion of what he said one time. This apparently doesn't bother them at all. C'mon, peeps, tell us how we can stop this, if you even think we should.
Inga's people. Be proud. Own it.
“He was driving through”
Maybe, but that’s not a fact in evidence. Video shows him hanging out a long time for someone just passing through, apparently before the attack against him began. Maybe he stopped to white knight for a trannie; if so, it was a beau geste, brave but foolish. How could he have prevailed alone against dozens?
I said “prove me wrong“ because I meant it. I still mean it, because I admit I may be wrong, and because I haven’t yet been proven wrong, despite the harsh response I garnered.
Jersey Fled said...
Forget it Jersey, this is Portland, and the DA has already refused to prosecute.
Hoping there are some federal charges involved.
Even in Federal court, you are gonna have a Portland jury pool. What are the odds you draw at least one anarchist?
Your biggest hope is that few register to vote and even fewer normally show up for juries. But if there is a rash of cases, more anarchists might show.
only takes one...
Thank you for your actions "BLM Mob...". More of this will produce a landslide victory for President Trump. Unbelievable!
The Bernie Goetz defense will be successful in these times.
Leftists everywhere will be angry, of course, as they were about the NYC jury decision in 1984.
But jurors knew in 1984 what NYC was like and that reasonable fear had expanded to include the use of deadly force.
Althouse was probably one of those appalled of Bernie Goetz' court victory.
But now what happened in NYC is happening nationwide.
How will she feel if Meade is on trial?
People are ignorant of history.
Police were invented to protect the criminals from the citizens.
So the elimination of the police, or the police refusing to engage criminals, will create a standard response of vigilantism.
Crazy Jane,
Anybody who supported or supports the Leftist Collectivists is to blame.
There is plenty of blame to go 'round.
Personally, when the real burning times come, I hope Portland gets the Sherman's Arch treatment.
A Republican President should order troops to start near Vancouver and march right down I-5.
And burn every building they find to the ground.
The victim was allegedly driving drunk. If so, I have no sympathy for him at all.
This is Ted Wheelers America. People have to accept it as happening. Everyone has a choice to make in this election.
1. Choose a Wheeler America and vote Biden. Avoid the riots eventually. Accept a new type of moderation over freedoms like writing and blogging. Those freedoms will be BLM'd.
2. Vote Trumps America. Endure some bad rioting. Be endowed with individual freedoms as long as you don't hurt any one else.
That's the choice. You only get a chance at making it this one time.
There is a political spectrum? Most all of it was operating in peace until Marxists perceived a wedge to exploit a crack in the American culture during a pandemic. The spectrum reacted with most saying or thinking " I can't believe this is happening!" There is a "tough love" response and a "I want to understand first" response. It's that black and white. The only yellow is the journalism.
This is essentially Obama's legacy. By Obama nationally one has to polarize and take a side. None of us really want to do that. The concept of "The thin Blue line" is there for a good and wise reason. Remove it and suffer. A wealthy person will be able to hide longer but events will eventually catch up with them. Dialogue will soon not be possible if the Mayors of Seattle and Portland are allowed to march on the rest of the country.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
There are places in this country today where you had better be armed to the teeth before entering. Portland is one of them.
Portland rioters probably test high for meth use. Meth use is everywhere. Its a fun day for meth users when the police are hamstrung. If you read up on meth use, their brains become paranoid and violent. Their dopamine likes the hit they get from violence. All college towns have this just under the surface. One has to own one or more guns and have a supportive sober community.
Ever since mobs beat Trump supporters at his rallies (which the media always denied were happening) these mobs have been assaulting people. Old ladies in the streets of portland. Drivers dragged out of their cars. Hundreds of beatings that the media will not report.
Inga, AR, Howard and the rest of the usual suspects. This is what you wanted. This is what you've brought. Own it.
"Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization. It needs to be classified as such and their "for profit" organization should have its assets seized to pay for the damage they have caused."
Exactly this. Not sure why Trump hasn't done it yet...maybe he's hoping to pick up a few extra black votes.
But win or lose, he should do so the day after the election. If he loses, it would be great trolling to make the next president reverse his order.
Char Char Binks, Esq. said...
The victim was allegedly driving drunk. If so, I have no sympathy for him at all.
Alleged by whom?
Oh, that's right--Antifa scum that threw that out on twitter, like they do with virtually every one of their victims to justify why they deserved it!
You are loathsome.
According to Howard, watching the thug double back and blind side kick the helpless victim is JUST LIKE watching Audie Murphy frontally storm a machine gun nest.
Except in Howard World, the antifa slime is actually braver than Audie Murphy.
Char Char Binks, Esq. said...
The victim was allegedly driving drunk. If so, I have no sympathy for him at all.
8/18/20, 1:59 PM
You believe this with no proof but demand proof that he didn't deserve to get kicked in the head? You negate the "allegedly" when you also say you have no sympathy.
This is an eye witness account. I don't expect you to change your mind, you clearly have an opinion and don't want to be confused by facts, but someone else might appreciate hearing what happened.
Hey NYT! These louts weren't protesting anything, they were hanging around getting high on the smell of blood in the air. They are on film assaulting random passers-by for shits and giggles around the same time they were robbing a transwoman and beating this man nigh unto death.
Who says the victim may have "deserved" to be kicked in the head? If someone thinks that, they have a shriveled prune in the place where their heart should be. Watch the available videos--there is at least one that shows the man sitting on the ground in the street, completely passive, trying to call his wife on his phone, while the demons danced around him and regularly sailed in to randomly punch or kick him again. He just took it, he was a broken man. Finally, Mr. "Love" bravely runs in and kicks the victim in the head resulting in immediate unconsciousness. That's an unbroken piece of video; watch it as many times as you like and you won't see any provocation.
Nobody deserves to be kicked in the head. The truck driver was said to be in recovery and seems not to have had a point of view but to have stopped out of concern for a trans woman who had been harassed and robbed by the "BLM protesters" and who was distressed.
I don't care about collectivist leftism as long as it doesn't involve public beatdowns, free-lance "security" and management of traffic on public streets and deliberate destruction of public or private property just to assert its power.
Portland has a generations-long history of accommodating emergent community groups -- starting with lazy press coverage (papers, radio, TV) of any new self-styled reformers' "press conferences." It also veered left with all-knowing grandiose politicians who graduated from college during the Vietnam era (not mine) and sought fame and fortune. They now are dying off and leaving behind an incomprehensible tolerance for sexual predation and irrational public discourse, plus a great big blind spot to the exile of the city's very small minority and poor populations to the nether regions of the metropolitan area. (If you're white and middle-class, none of this affects you.) The result is that the city over time has attracted unto itself young people seeking to be skinheads, then punk rockers, then social workers and lawyers and, finally, political activists with a totalitarian bent -- a self-selected group that burgeoned after that stupid "Portlandia" show that apparently portrayed the whole thing as benign nuttiness. (I don't want television.)
I was raised in Portland and attended a nice Catholic girls' high school up the street from this squalor. I still have nice friends there, but I will never return.
From the eye witness account linked above:
"A man who recorded the moment an person was viciously assaulted by protesters Sunday night near a federal courthouse in Portland, Ore."
Protesters don't viciously assault people- rioters do.
Just sayin'.
Portland was the setting of Beverly Cleary’s Henry Huggins and Ramona Quimby stories. It seemed like a nice city when she wrote about it, but it has all gone to shit now. I suggest we nuke it.
People keep typing "trans woman"
But I keep reading "man dressed as woman" who failed to defend himself effectively.
Which interpretation is correct?
Guns are the appropriate form of protection.
This is the Anarchy of Amerika that leftists want. They constantly kick the embers of civil strife, until, at the last, agitation becomes conflagration.
If I'm in the Trump campaign, I use all kinds of footage from the "mostly peaceful protests" in ads targeting mid-size cities and many many suburbs of larger areas, in heavy rotation. I put them up on YouTube and Twitter and get them huge earned media.
“There is a political spectrum? Most all of it was operating in peace until Marxists perceived a wedge to exploit a crack in the American culture during a pandemic. The spectrum reacted with most saying or thinking " I can't believe this is happening!" There is a "tough love" response and a "I want to understand first" response. It's that black and white. The only yellow is the journalism.”
Except that we knew last fall that this summer would be are violent one. AntiFA commie scum spent the winter recruiting and training.
Most all of it was operating in peace until Marxists perceived a wedge to exploit a crack in the American culture during a pandemic.
Marxists have been preparing for this since the 1920s. This may be the final showdown. What may happen if Trump wins (and I hope he does, by a large margin) is terrifying to consider. The living may envy the dead, as the old saying goes.
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