Said Kanye West at his rally yesterday. He's running for President. Do you think he's out of his mind enough to be President?
Here's the part about abortion:
The statement is, in the Bible, its says Thou should not kill. I remember that my girlfriend called me screaming and crying and I was just thinking. Because at that time I was a rapper, I was out there, I had some girlfriends and everything and I just thought to myself I want to word this in a way that, hey I don’t give a f***... So my girlfriend called me and... she said, I’m pregnant. And I said, yes, and then I said, no. So, I’m going to tell you what was in my mind. She was crying, she said I just came from the doctor, and said Oh my God [inaudible]. Because I was having like a rapper’s lifestyle. So, she said she was pregnant and for one month and two months and three months, we talked about her and I having this child. She had the pills in her hand. You know these pills, that if you take it, it’s a wrap, the baby’s gone. So, I was sitting up in Paris and I had my leather pants on. You already know if you got leather pants on, you already know who this person must think they are, right? And I’m in the apartment where my wife was actually robbed and I had my laptop that got all of my creative ideas. I got my shoes, I got my sound cover, I got communities, I got clothes, I got all this and the screen was black and white. And God said, If you f*** with my vision, I’m going to f*** with yours. And I called my wife and she said we’re going to have this baby. I said we’re going to have this child. I know people who are 50 years old that didn’t have children. They didn’t have that child. That have never got to experience the level, the level of joy that I’ve experienced in having a child. So even if my wife were to divorce me, after this speech, she brought North into the world, even when I didn’t want to. She stood up and she protected that child. You know who else protected a child? Who do you think might’ve protected a child? 43 years ago, who protected a child? My mom. My mom saved my life. My dad wanted to abort me. My mom saved my life. There would have been no Kanye West because my dad was too busy. I almost killed my daughter. I almost killed my daughter. And then they said to me, You can’t, you can’t tell them about this story, you’re going to lose your drop deal. They made me put a [inaudible] deal over my daughter. They made me put an Adidas deal over my daughter. They’re going to run this. They’re going to try to tell you that I’m crazy, the world’s crazy. I love my daughter. My idea…no, no, no. Everyone quiet down. No more Plan B, Plan A. Anyone who is pregnant, you have an option of $50,000 a year that I will support with the organizations that I make, to take care of the child. You have the Plan A option. ... We understand the conditions of women in America. We understand that we live in a white supremacist world, and until that is equalized, people stand on rights that make them more equal. The idea of a woman having a choice, I understand because it says 'Hey, I can do this stuff.' When a black man breaks, gets mad, raps, plays ball, wears gold chains. I got gold teeth. My bottom teeth are removed for my gold teeth, and partially it’s because I can do that... So I understand the risk. And here goes the liberals, 'He compared abortion to gold teeth.'... People saw me put up a tweet where I showed the six month baby.... Now what I’m saying is, I’ve even heard that they can abort a baby up to eight months, but I wanted to show everyone… exactly what the six month baby that is legal to be destroyed in [inaudible] looked like..... So let’s say when the baby is conceived, at that point it is a soul. It is a real, living thing. That six month year old baby, that’s a real living thing. Do we agree that that was a real baby? That six month old baby?... My stance is not to make abortion illegal at all... In 2020, abortion should be legal, but the option of maximum increase should be available. Maximum increase would be everybody that has a baby gets a million dollars, or something like that.... If you had had the opportunity to be given a million dollars just for being pregnant, would you have considered? And then everybody would start making children? The greatest gift of life? Maybe there would be a million children on this f***ing beautiful place?... It is a God situation. It is a family situation. Money can’t fix things. Money’s not even real....
६८ टिप्पण्या:
"And the freedom does not come from an election. The freedom comes from you not loading up pornography. The freedom comes from you not taking the Percocet. The freedom comes from you not doubting your brother and your sister. The freedom comes from you putting that gun down and not shooting people at the gas station."
I think I'm maybe beginning to understand why it takes more than Abe Lincoln's signature to make Black people free. That last one, especially. Without my white Privilege (TM), I'd probably be out there with my 45 right now, driving around looking for a gas station.
Way back when restaurants were open, I would give my hame as Kanye when they asked. "Table for Kanye."
"That's me!"
Usually got some laughs.
"hame" = name
132 isn't crazy high, but I suppose it's what you do with it that counts:
"the current view of psychologists and other scholars of genius is that a minimum level of IQ (approximately 125) is necessary for genius but not sufficient, and must be combined with personality characteristics such as drive and persistence, plus the necessary opportunities for talent development."
Can you imagine what it must be like to work for this guy? Talk about yer combat pay!
Reminds me of the first time I read the Dr Bronner's soap label.
Is he out of his mind enough to be president? I don't know. But I can think of no better way for him to support Trump than take to half the black vote away from Joe Biden.
Was he high?
I remember overhearing two black women discussing Kanye-Kardashian on the L. It was really funny (you can only think of the know which one and you'll understand), and one of them said something about how (paraphrasing) "those Kardashian women really f*ck up their men. Play with their heads. Just look at Bruce Jenner! What is up with them ladies!?!"
I don't know imply to know I actually knew what they were saying, but seriously, what do Kardashian women do to anything that has a penis?
"Do you think he's out of his mind enough to be President?"
Just about. A little ways to go on the senility scale though.
"Maximum increase would be everybody that has a baby gets a million dollars, or something like that...." I wonder if there could be unintended consequences?
That's a free market solution to abortion! And he's not lowballing: "a million dollars, or something like that."
"Do you think he's out of his mind enough to be President?"
If he's not, he's close enough that we can make do.
...not any more insane than the Democrats campaign...
It's really just rap lyrics, right?
Most people with an IQ of 132 never mention their micro-encephaly!
I wonder why that is??
Having babies is not a choice. It's a byproduct of having sex. This supposed choice is just a moment in time which is rapidly coming to an end
He should stick to rapping.
The story about his daughter is extremely powerful, and is a perspective on abortion that I don't think gets taken as often as it should be. How many people seriously thought about aborting the children they eventually had and then raised to be the people they loved more than anything else in the world? It is one thing to be someone who never considered aborting their children preaching about how abortion is a great evil- quite another to be someone who did seriously consider it, and now can't believe he ever considered ending his daughter's life.
Is Kanye West too crazy to be president? I would say, no he isn't, based on what he has been saying recently. Unorthodox for certain, but not disqualified.
I'm scratching my head Kanye. How do you get to be a genius with an IQ of just 132? But then people's perceptions do differ.
Do you think he's out of his mind enough to be President?
If he's crazy enough to want the job, then yes.
Sounds like he's endorsing Hungary's family planning policies.hi
One child- $30k loan.
Rates slashed after 2 kids, loan forgiven after 3.
Four kids, mom doesn't pay income tax for life.
I don't understand why you think he's "out of his mind." Apparently you haven't spent a lot of time in black churches.
He’s been doing that for a while, streaming his mind and heart direct to his audience without filter or the typical requirement of sensibility, and people eat it up. Scott Adams, years ago, posted one of Kanye’s early streams/rants, and said this was a master persuader at work: if half the audience thinks you’re making no sense and are in fact deranged, but the other half finds depth and meaning in your outburst, apparently that’s a tell for a master persuader.
I think Kanye is both nutty and charismatic enough, and I’d like to see him run in 2024 for real.
He's the black Pat Paulsen.
Kanye nails it.
He's more qualified than Obama was. At least he's successfully run something besides his mouth.
The biggest weapon Biden has is a presumption of normalcy. Let's see if he can keep that in his favor for the next 107 days..
Kanye 2020: Sure, He’s Crazy, But What If He’s Right?
Kanye is saner than Joe Biden.
Wow. Was kinda disappointed to reach the end. I wondered where he would go next.
The positives are he’s not a conventional politician, faith seems important to him, and he sees the family unit as the building block of society. He could pull over 10% of the black vote, more if his friends endorse him.
Hmmm... well, there's nothing funny or attractive about a lush, so I don't follow the appeal. And I'm not too big on marsupials as house-pets, but that's just me, I suppose.
>>Money can’t fix things. Money’s not even real....
Can I have a few million of your unreal money, please? I promise I won't try to make it fix things.
His rhetorical use of Plan A over Plan B seems fairly effective. And he is directionally right in focusing in on supporting women who are pregnant so that the idea of a new baby doesn't seem as daunting and insurmountable a task. However, his idea of giving a $1,000,000 or whatever to every woman who gets pregnant is kinda crazy. If only there was some institution existed where a woman who was pregnant could get the support she needs at that moment and in the near future. And I'm not just talking about financial support, but also emotional support so that a pregnant woman, and then a new mother and child could feel safe, protected, provided-for. And if only there was some sort of backup where in case something happened to the provider in the that institution, there were other people who could also provide help, who would feel a sense of duty to look out for and help that child. Something like the way a grandparent would, or perhaps an Aunt or an Uncle. But what would that institution look like?
RBG thinks Kayne might be one of the wrong kind of people who escaped abortion.
"You win some, you lose some," days RBG.
Strictly speaking and I.Q. of 132, while well above average, is not "genius" level. Usually 144 is considered the cuttoff.
He's certainly out of his mind enough to want to be president.
A modern-day prophet, touched by God.
He's very similar to Trump in that he highly over estimates his own intelligence. 132 IQ, if Kanye has been measured at that, certainly indicates high intelligence, but it is not genius level.
...and yet, he is still more coherent than Biden.
Wrong about no bad people. Birkel is a person.
And who says comedy is dead?
Ladies and Gentlemen, Kayne West!
The thing is, if you can get the numbers into his head, he might change his numbers and try to do the right thing. Get the numbers into Biden's head, and he's trying to figure out his skim.
132, no where near Biden's intellect.
I don't know imply to know I actually knew
I'm saving that nuglet of whizzdom for prosperity.
So, what happened with the skull stuff?
which post is about drunken ravings? this one or the one preceding this?
Black Pat Paulson is exactly right and in some key swing states, he could be the difference. That is if he gets on the ballot in enough states.
Kanye has been admiring Trump's stream-of-consciousness rally speeches - so he first infers that he is Mensa-ready and then he lets fly his best Reality TV words.
Once a part of the Kardashian empire, he has it made because Kim actually recorded sex videos and turned them loose on the web. Ray J for Veep!
we talked about her and I having this child.
her and me
That must require 133 IQ points.
"132 IQ, if Kanye has been measured at that, certainly indicates high intelligence, but it is not genius level."
Humble brag...mine is higher than that and most days I feel like an idiot. And I've been known to do really dumb things : )
Robert Cook: "He's very similar to Trump in that he highly over estimates his own intelligence."
Once again.
As always.
"That Time Joe Biden Lied About His Academic Credentials"
"The presidential candidate bragged about graduating in the top half of his class at law school. He was 76th in a class of 85."
Besides, Robert Cook is a "damn liar" and a "fat" "dog faced pony soldier".
He's right in a lot of what he is saying. His stream of consciousnesses reminded me of a Alan Watts lecture I listened to the other night about over-thinking. Watt's main point is we are the eyes, ears nose and hands of the universe so that it can observe itself. Pretty facile, right? Bottom line, spend more time feeling connected to everything and experiencing life rather than thinking and rationalizing.
Que Rodney King: Can't we...
132 IQ is certainly above average, but far from genius level. I tested 179 on the Stanford-Binet in 4th grade. I found out when I graduated from high school, because they never told me the result previously. Didn't want to pay for the accelerated learning, I guess.
79. Consider this example. If one says "Moses did not exist", this may mean various things. It may mean: the Israelites did not have a single leader when they withdrew from Egypt - or: their leader was not called Moses - or: there cannot have been anyone who accomplished all that the Bible relates of Moses - or: etc. etc. - We may say, following Russell: the name "Moses" can be defined by means of various descriptions. For example, as "the man who led the Israelites through the wilderness", "the man who lived at that time and place and was then called `Moses' ", "the man who as a child was taken out of the Nile by Pharaoh's daughter" and so on. And according as we assume one definition or another the proposition "Moses did not exist" acquires a different sense, and so does every other proposition about Moses. - And if we are told "N did not exist", we do ask: "What do you mean? Do you want to say ... or ... etc.?""
But when I make a statement about Moses, - am I always ready to substitute some one of these descriptions for "Moses"? I shall perhaps say: By "Moses" I understand the man who did what the Bible relates of Moses, or at any rate a good deal of it. But how much? Have I decided how much must be proved false for me to give up my proposition as false? Has the name "Moses" got a fixed and unequivocal use for me in all possible cases? - Is it not the case that I have, so to speak, a whole series of props in readiness, and am ready to lean on one if another should be taken from under me and vice versa? - Consider another case. When I say "N is dead", then something like the following may hold for the meaning of the name "N": I believe that a human being has lived , whom I (1) have seen in such-and-such places, who (2) looked like this (pictures), (3) has done such-and-such things, and (4) bore the name "N" in social life. - Asked what I understand by "N", I should enumerate all or some of these points, and different ones on different occasions. So my definition of "N" would perhaps be "the man of whom all this is true". - But if some point now proves false? - Shall I be prepared to declare the proposition "N is dead" false - even if it is only something which strikes me as incidental that has turned out false? But where are the bounds of the incidental? - If I had given a definition of the name in such a case, I should now be ready to alter it.
Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations.
More than three standard deviations above the mean and the test becomes unreliable.
The tails cannot be effectively measured.
Anybody else know that RBG quote about abortion preventing the wrong sort of people from being born?
That Wittgenstein!
132 or so is no genius; trust me on that one.
Pro-natalist policies have been a feature of modern states for a century or more--the Nazis and Fascists, and eventually the Sovs IIRC, encouraged women to have kids with cash and medals, and so did many other countries. But the free market/private charity option is a rarity. (Not that it will work if tried: imagine the opportunities for fraud.)
Nword to ya mutha
Narcissism: Black is the new orange.
If Moses wore leather pants, there is no Moses--he wouldn't have been caught dead in them.
I remember when Michael Avenatti was talking about running for president.
He has my vote. But i live in california so my vote is maybe 3/5 of a real vote.
I was all dressed up in my rapper clothes in Paris when I heard my wife was pregnant. How can I be a father in rapper clothes? Leather pants - what do they mean? Well, they don't mean Dad. How can I accept this child? But my wife made me. And now this little girl means the world to me. Adidas wanted me to keep it secret or lose my contract - how can a rapper be a Dad? Sitting at a birthday party and helping my little girl blow out candles? What if that picture got around? Blow my whole career out. 'Course I know all the other rappers and guys on the street are leading double lives - they all found out the same thing as me but are keeping family in the closet to keep careers going. It's part of white supremacy to insist on imaging that a black rapper can't love his wife and kids. See, why are so many kids getting shot right now? 'Cause they're walking with their tough guy dad. And the police are gone. Yet when I talk to the people who come to hear me about Jesus and Moses and being led out of Egypt and saved out of destruction, people think I'm just a rapper. But really the message from the street isn't the street talk or the street walk. It's like they say "America is hard to find" and so is the street even when it shouts.
This genius named his child “North?”
North West.
I think the guy is a poet who goes where his mind takes him. I like that. But he’s out there.
BTW I don’t know my tested I.Q. (go figure) but based on SAT and LSAT scores it’s higher than 132.
I ain’t no genius.
Also my brain fits fine in my skull. The trick is a dedicated regimen of alcohol intake to kill off those unnecessary brain cells.
As Cliff Clavin explained so well, beer makes you smarter.
I like him (kanye), he reminds me of me a little.
But .... that being said, I was a man from the age of 17 or so on, and this little man was pro-abortion until a few years ago. I can't imagine,even at the age of 17, having been a sissy man like Kanye of just a few years ago, a sissy man who wants his woman to kill their child in the womb, so that he can wear leather pants and "rap", whatever the fuck that meant in his fucked up little world. So - I was a man at 17, and this little perfumed prince of a man did not grow up until he was 45 or so. Or however old the little prince in his own little mind was a few years ago,
I guess he reminds me of me if I were a loser like him until the age of 45 or however old the poor little creep was when he wanted to abort his daughter.
Nice that he finally understands the world, but seriously ----- why did it take him so long?
The mooks always told me I was no genius because my IQ was only 138. I guess everything is getting dumbfounds down.
But he did get there. Good enough for me.
Am I crazy? I’d heard it his speech was rambling and disjointed. But to me, it makes a kind of sense in a Dylan-ish stream of consciousness kind of way's what I was told. Buddha sat under a bodhi tree, and in the fullness of time, he became enlightened. When that happened, he was overcome with compassion because...
...everyone he saw, was lost. Lost souls, wandering about.
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