But then I saw this:
Does @TuckerCarlson want to walk a mile in my legs and then tell me whether or not I love America?— Tammy Duckworth (@SenDuckworth) July 7, 2020
From the WaPo article:
“You’re not supposed to criticize Tammy Duckworth in any way because she once served in the military,” Carlson said Monday night. That didn’t stop him from calling Duckworth, a contender to be presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s running mate, “a deeply silly and unimpressive person” and suggesting that she and other Democratic leaders “actually hate America.”...It's terrible that she suffered this injury, and we owe her great respect and empathy, but if she's going to be the VP candidate, it better not be because we're not allowed to criticize her ideas and her political intentions.
Duckworth’s combat experience has helped her ascend a list of Biden’s potential running mates... In 2004, she lost her legs when insurgents shot down the Black Hawk helicopter she was co-piloting with a rocket-propelled grenade....
Here's the entire Tucker Carlson monologue. The part about Duckworth begins at 11:45 as he notes, "You're not supposed to criticize Tammy Duckworth in any way because she once served in the military" (that is, he doesn't specify the grievous injury):
What Carlson holds up as "deeply silly" is Duckworth's answer to the question whether monuments to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson should come down. Duckworth gives the bland answer: "We should start off by having a national dialogue on it." That's dull and maybe deceptive, but it's not "deeply silly" (or even shallowly silly).
Actually, I happened to watch that monologue on TV last night, and the next thing Carlson said made me imitate him and laugh and laugh: "They're not looking for any kind of colloquy. What they want is a soliloquy." Why did I find that so funny? It was just the sudden turn to elevated vocabulary and rhetoric. That came out of nowhere. Caused me to look up where Carlson went to college! (Answer: Trinity College (in Connecticut).)
१५९ टिप्पण्या:
This is how the propoganda operates though.
it better not be because we're not allowed to criticize her ideas and her political intentions.
It is how Obama was, and is still shielded by the very same people.
Standard leftish operating procedure. "You can't point out my terrible arguments because of my moral authority!"
"the Black Hawk helicopter she was co-piloting with a rocket-propelled grenade". I am trying to imagine how a grenade could co-pilot a helicopter.
Didn’t Tammy Duckworth criticize Trump’s speech at Mr. Rushmore by saying “He spent all of his time talking about dead traitors”? And did she not mean the four presidents on the monument?
Or was that some other Democrat nator named Duckworth?
As a rule, not sure if getting crippled in a war fighting, or flying aircraft, for the US, makes you a better or sounder person or politician. Years of torture and pain may just possibly scramble your brain.
John McCain and Tammy Duckworth were unfit for office when elected and have not improved (perhaps McCain has since 2018). Obama certainly never ceded an inch to McCain; remember the mocking his inability to type?
Huh. Way back when Tucker was Bowtie Guy I assumed he went to an Ivy or Oxbridge.
I'd watch his show more if he weren't so yelly. And giggly. Can't stand a man who giggles.
Yes,"we need a national conversation..."is deeply silly. Those on the left often say this with sincerity. But it's BS.
"if she's going to be the VP candidate, it better not be because we're not allowed to criticize her ideas and her political intentions."
Why not. To many (especially in the media) Obama was off limits because of his skin color. The (LOL) scandal-free administration's ideas and intentions were only questioned by racists as I recall.
At least Duckworth earned her status.
But she's still a loon.
What is deeply silly is the idea that no criticism of George Washington is allowed. That was pretty much the point of the revolution.
Duckworth is like McCain in that both are famous for getting their aircraft shot down. The experience addled their brains.
Quint: I'll drink to your leg.
Hooper: I'll drink to your leg.
Quint: Okay, we'll drink to our legs!
What I find deeply silly is Tucker’s seriously earnest expression when he’s listening to one of his guests.
"if she's going to be the VP candidate, it better not be because we're not allowed to criticize her ideas and her political intentions."
Generally, the left prefers spokespeople you're not allowed to argue with. The tendency is there on the right, but not as widespread.
But the left has a choice to make. Sen. Duckworth's tweet amounts to, How dare you imply that I am less than a wholehearted, full-throated, American patriot (probably much more than you) after all I have done and been through (almost definitely more than you)?
And that's fine. She's sure as hell earned it, and she had that right even if she hadn't. For most of my adult life, liberals have been complaining (sometimes with justification; sometimes out of the clear blue) about conservatives questioning their patriotism.
More and more now, though, what used to be a fringe position is now mainstreamed: No, in fact, I don't love America, and here's a litany of reasons why I am right not to and you shouldn't either, unless you're one of Them.
A political movement can hold up a disabled veteran and say, How dare you question my love of country? Or it can put up spokesman and mouthpieces to suggest that to celebrate the American founding is to applaud white supremacy. It cannot do both.
(OK, and my inner critic now chuckles and says, Don't be so naive, of course it can.)
This is the same thing that happened with McCain.
A very marginal service career and questionable political career CANNOT be questioned because of injuries in service.
I appreciate your service and sacrifice.
But it doesn't give you lifetime immunity for anything.
Duck you, Tammy.
John Henry
There's always the inspiring can-do story of the unidexter.
One Leg Too Few.
I had forgotten Duckworth had lost her legs. Is that were intelligence resides? Her attack on the 4th of July observance is stupid from an knowledge of facts and history,perspective. Tone deaf, from a "proud to be an American" political perspective. She called Confederate soldiers traitors, ignoring the facts that Confederate leaders felt they were defending a higher sovereign power. The State they loved. States were in charge. The federal govt answered to the states, no the other way around. To leftist that ignore the fact, States, not the Federal govt, is who the early Americans pledged their support. But like all democrats, the DNC/media covered for her ignorance instead of asking her to give context to her statement.
Her biggest lie was that Trump praised confederates during his speech at Mt. Rushmore. Completely false. Democrats know their voters don't listen to first-hand accounts, just the regurgitated propaganda. If you’re going to get on TV and outright LIE about something so simple, to mislead the sheep, who cares about your legs?
“Caused me to look up where Carlson went to college!” – who cares where anyone went to college anymore? Harvard just turned into an overpriced University of Phoenix. The Diane Chambers “I studied X in college” is now the sign of an empty head.
She could give stump speeches while Biden remains in his hide-out.
What is “shocking” is the continued push to portray Democrats and those on the left as people who “hate” this country. That is going to backfire in a big way come November. To describe Duckworth as someone who hates this country or Biden, or other Democrats who are honest about America’s warts is deeply silly, worse actually it’s deeply toxic. It’s comical that Trumpists were so outraged about being characterized as being deplorables, what Trump and his minions are pushing here is far worse, basically calling fellow Americans unAmerican. That tactic won’t get Trump any votes except from those who are already deeply entrenched in Trumpism. Independents and liberals won’t be induced to vote for the man who describes them as those who hate their country.
Ticket Carlson comes across as a slightly more intelligent Sean Hannity.
Tucker 2024. His IQ is Trumpian.
Co-piloting with a rocket propelled grenade seems extra dangerous.
Tucker's mistake is looking for "leadership" by consent when Control is sufficient for Left - they lead with leash around your neck.
Didn't we already have this with John McCain...he got a pass because he was shot down and suffered horrible experiences. That does not cancel out that he only got to his place in the first part because of his father, he was a horrible student and cheated on his wife and for the most party was a bad person?
"They're not looking for any kind of colloquy. What they want is a soliloquy."
I bet there's a lot of truth there. Republicans are more forthright--they don't pretend to want to "start a conversation." Both sides have moved to a place where they want to tell you what to think and cancel or shun you if you don't go all in.
That said, the weakness of Tucker's criticism of Duckworth suggests to me how much conservatives fear her.
"...she was co-piloting with a rocket-propelled grenade..."
That's some flying.
Tammy Duckworth is not going to be the VP choice. She fails in several significant ways. She's being used as a shield to take criticism for awhile before he pivots to his actual choice. And maybe she's being lightly tested on how she can handle it.
The real test is going to be Susan Rice vs. Kamala Harris.
Right now I'm coming down on the side of Susan Rice. She's been a Obama-Circle loyalist and has actually held executive positions through the entire Obama admin. She's known to Biden and people close to Biden. And she's used to being in the national spotlight and can be scripted. She's got demons/controversy in her past, but Harris does equally.
Rice has lots of issues but her experience is one of a hard-working person who has actually had to take strong national/foreign positions and see the results play out. And she's expressed regrets for past failings. I have respect for both of those things.
I say all this because I believe Biden's VP pick will be, if he's elected, future president. Harris would be a disaster. So would Duckworth.....Susan Rice may not be perfect, but she'd actually be a rational and logical choice with relevant experience and she fits the identity profile Biden needs.
Remember when Dems couldn't criticize John McCain because of his injuries suffered as a POW? Haha, of course you don't, 'cause it didn't happen. Fen's Law.
""We should start off by having a national dialogue on it." That's dull and maybe deceptive, but it's not "deeply silly""
It is silly: prog dialogues are always soliloquies, as Carlson noted, the obvious deception is itself silly, and the notion that anyone on either side would take it seriously is silly.
Couldn't criticize Obama because he is black (and liberal). Can't criticize Duckworth because of her injuries. (And because she is liberal.) etc etc
Can't criticize people's positions because of a disability? That's too bad because she Duckworth doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Does @TuckerCarlson want to walk a mile in my legs and then tell me whether or not I love America?
There are many members of ISIS who’ve also lost both legs.
Prosthetics does not indicate patriotism.
No need to quibble here about the meaning of silly, It is silly, or if you prefer, completely useless. What kind of national dialogue can there possibly be, there are two entrenched positions. In my opinion there is a force for destruction on one side. Democrats want white people to suffer damage to what they hold precious. I think antifa blm want to do things that make their enemies suffer some hurt. I think they want people to be scared. What kind of national conversation will that engender? It’s silly to think that will be of any value.
I live in Illinois and I know who Durban and Duckworth pander to.
If she believed she lost her legs in a wrong-headed war, she might just hate her country.
I think she also described the Founders as "dead traitors." That qualifies.
As a veteran who is unapologetically patriotic, I can confirm that there are a lot, and I do mean a lot, veterans that hate/detest this country, and want to change it into, well, they really don't know, but they do want to be in charge of the decisions that have to be made daily.
that's entirely possible, but it doesn't explain her handling of the illinois veterans bureau, nor her contacts with the alexandria shooter,
Duckworth reminds me of Kara Hultgreen, who was affirmative-action fast-tracked until she crashed the taxpayers' F-14.
rhhardin mentioned that she would be very good on the stump.
“ Right now I'm coming down on the side of Susan Rice. She's been a Obama-Circle loyalist and has actually held executive positions through the entire Obama admin. She's known to Biden and people close to Biden. And she's used to being in the national spotlight and can be scripted. She's got demons/controversy in her past, but Harris does equally. ”
I agree. She would be the better choice. And a much better President. But she isn’t a politIcian. And that could mean that she wouldn’t be able to convince the country to follow her, or to win re-election.
What is “shocking” is the continued push to portray Democrats and those on the left as people who “hate” this country.
If it wasn’t obviously the truth then the charge wouldn’t stick.
That is going to backfire in a big way come November.
We’ll see.
"honest about America’s warts is deeply silly"
Honesty about warts doesn't include treating them by amputating the limbs they are on, and then doing chemotherapy. That is what the left is pushing for.
Susan Rice may not be perfect, but she'd actually be a rational and logical choice with relevant experience and she fits the identity profile Biden needs.
And, she can tell outrageous lies with a straight face. Important for a Democrat.
"If you like your doctor...."
Hey baby, do those legs come all the way off? Oh they do, that's convenient for walking with them.
Benedict Arnold had a much more storied career than Tammy Duckworth before he turned traitor like she did, but it didn't vindicate him with history. It's not going to save her either.
Trinity College is a very good school. But it's not as if we should think Tucker's a dummy if he went to, oh I don't know, let's say Michigan (which is also a very good school even if it's not as hoity-toity as Trinity, being a state school and in flyover country).
nga said...
What is “shocking” is the continued push to portray Democrats and those on the left as people who “hate” this country
Yes, that is the Democrats' platform this year. I agree it is shocking.
What is “shocking” is the continued push to portray Democrats and those on the left as people who “hate” this country.
The position of the Democratic Party is that America is structurally racist and has been since it’s founding. See: Biden, Joe.
Are you telling me they “love” structural racism and a country founded on hate?
Because that would make them racist.
Great comments by iowan2 and TreeJoe. But way too sophisticated and nuanced for cable news.
I'd only add that Barack wants either Susan or Kamala so Tammy's out. And the NYT restaurant critic, Frank Bruni, wants Tammy so she's out.
Building on what Calypso Facto wrote at 7:46, I have a very specific recollection of lefty commentators laughing at McCain for not being able to use a keyboard. As it happened McCain couldn’t use a keyboard because his Vietnamese captors thoroughly smashed his fingers, but that didn’t stop the lefty snark now, did it?
“Right now I'm coming down on the side of Susan Rice.”
My daughter and many of her fellow military members are excited about Tammy Duckworth, but I think Biden will go with Susan Rice.
I'm not voting for someone I'm not allowed to criticize.
Now we know what gets the Perfesser all hot and bothered. Elevated rhetoric! We stand and would have parley!
And the NYT restaurant critic, Frank Bruni...
An advantage that Susan Rice has is the "can't investigate someone running for office" trope that is now current, despite the rectal exams given to all of Trump's team last time. Rice would be "exempt" from investigation of Spygate, lying in her won 'memo to self', and in Congressional testimony. Nice security blanket for her and Biden.
“National conversation” means national lecture with no dissent aired, so, yeah, she’s a witless stooge.
Like Obama, she saw her opportunity for personal aggrandizement and took it. Objectively, there’s nothing wrong with that. But since she’s a politician, which means inflicting all kinds of moronic destruction on the rest of us, she can fuck right off.
Bigger point is that Tucker Carlson is a liar, a grifter, and a racist. And nobody on television hates America and Americans more than he does.
like max cleland 2.0, no surprise, like ron kovic was resurrected back in the gulf war era, or the winter soldiers, that threatened to assasinate senator stennis, those were john kerry's fellow travellers,
Susan Rice is a creepy lying fraud. My money is on Hillary. The money Grubber who used a private server to serve her family bank account... with Russian money no less.
Goes well with Biden family US tax payer-/ Ukrainian graft.
Here - see the left's hypocritical lying asshole hot garbage media in action.
There's no way it's going to be Duckworth. Biden has to keep the base happy. The fact that people think Susan Rice would be a good choice tells you how short the bench is for appeasing the base. Kamala and Rice have the same problem: they're both married to white men.
What does Duckworth as candidate for VP do for the Biden campaign? The base is going to vote for him no matter who he chooses. Maybe some stay home if his choice doesn't check the requisite racial, ethnic, gender boxes. I don't see how Duckworth gets Biden any more than what he already has. So, will bet she's not a serious candidate.
TreeJoe said...The real test is going to be Susan Rice vs. Kamala Harris.
I agree completely.
Susan Rice is the favorite because:
1. She is actually African-American and;
2. She is less well known and the MSM can shape her image as a moderate, unifying AA.
It is not too often that Choo-Choo Inga and I agree.
I'm going to go with Trump's hugely unpopular perspective on this-
I like my military aircraft pilots to not get shot down.
"The position of the Democratic Party is that America is structurally racist and has been since it’s founding. See: Biden, Joe."
The position of the Republican Party is that American racism doesn't exist and has no deleterious effect on American lives, that it's okay for an American president to tweet White Power, that America was perfect from Day One so its founding must never be critiqued, and that America should thus honor pro-slavery Confederate traitors with monuments. See: Trump, Rage Tweeting Vulgarian Drama Queen. Aka Putin's puppet.
This is among the reasons why Trump's approval rating is tanking and why internal Republican polling shows blacks, women, youth, Latinos, Asians, suburban moms, educated whites, and now even some older voters fleeing the rotting carcass of the Republican Party. Keep digging and please proceed. #BlackLivesMatter #BlueWave2020 #HillaryWarnedUs
In this case, " ... we needed to have a national dialog ..." means: I don't want to answer your question about my position. Liberals can never tell voters what they really intend to do.
This is what I think of every time I hear "Duckworth".
Which is ironic in a way, I suppose.
Joe has to perform a balancing act right now. He has to have a running mate that will appease BLM, but won't piss off and drive away any White/Hispanic voters by being too BLM. Duckworth won't make the cut because she's not Black, Harris won't make the cut because of her past as a prosecutor. I think TreeJoe has it right, it will most likely be Susan Rice.
“What is “shocking” is the continued push to portray Democrats and those on the left as people who “hate” this country.
“The position of the Democratic Party is that America is structurally racist and has been since it’s founding. See: Biden, Joe.
“Are you telling me they “love” structural racism and a country founded on hate?
“Because that would make them racist.”
Always keep in mind that we are being lectured on systemic racism by the racist party. The party of slavery owners, who fought the Civil War to maintain slavery, and when they lost, imposed a century of Jim Crow, KKK, lynchings, etc, opposed the Civil Rights Acts of both the 1860s and 1960s, then proceeded to destroy Black families with their misnamed “War on Poverty”, which is the root cause of the dysfunction in the Black communities that has turned cities like Chicago so violent, and so deadly for Blacks.
These are the people lecturing us about systemic racism.
he was a horrible student and cheated on his wife and for the most party was a bad person?
As well as a very marginal Naval officer and aviator.
Marginal meaning very poor.
Duckworth, from the little attention I have paid, seems to have been a marginal officer and pilot.
John Henry
What is “shocking” is the continued push to portray Democrats and those on the left as people who “hate” this country.
If it wasn’t obviously the truth then the charge wouldn’t stick.
That is going to backfire in a big way come November.
We’ll see.
The problem Inga misidentifies is the people who are unquestionably expressing hatred for the USA and their fellow Americans go UNCHALLENGED by Democrats when they are not being tacitly encouraged. Where is the condemnation for rioting coming from? Only Trump. Not D not GOPe not MSM. So the “charge” will stick to the political actors too afraid to condemn street violence who not coincidentally are the same political actors being funded by BLM/ACTBLUE/Hollywood.
The "Unknown" troll. I thought that comments had to have a name.
Patriot and Democrat - really? If Tammy Duckworth really loves America, won't the Dems cancel her very soon? She was part of the US Army in Iraq and attacked indigenous people as co-pilot of a Black Hawk helicopter. Isn't that what gets you cancelled? Her father's family served in the American Revolution under George Washington. Relative of patriots - isn't that a Cancel offense - or soon will be? The Daughters of the American Revolution set up a statue of Tammy Duckworth in Mount Vernon Illinois to honor her and, through her, women of the American Army. Honor members of the US Army? Isn't this a little Mount Rushmore? Won't the Dems be saying in a few months: "Tear that statue down?"
https://www.facebook.com/notes/illinois-national-guard/mount-vernon-statue-honors-women-vets-maj-tammy-duckworth/10150340 (You can't get there using the link unless you are on Facebook but you can from Google using Duckworth + statue)
Kamala and Rice have the same problem: they're both married to white men.
And Rice's husband listens to Rush Limbaugh and her son is president of the college Republicans at Stanford.
Ferdinand is tan,
Karen Hultgren was murdered by affirmative action.
There is no other word to call it but murder.
She may have been a fine person with lots to contribute to the navy and society. But she never should have been a Naval Aviator
John Henry
Don't be fooled by Duckworth. As someone who fled the sink8ng swamp of Illinois, she is still a corrupt Chicago machine crook. She may have no legs to stand on but she has no qualms about using the backs of instead opressed state populace instead.
rhhardin: Thanks so much. I'd come to believe that I was the only Cook & Moore fan in the US. I saw "Good Evening" in '74. But I've long since misplaced the recording of the show. I never thought to check YouTube. Regards.
She's smart too.
Look how quickly she proves his point.
Inga comes across as a significantly dumber Rachel Madow.
Sorry Inga when your whole party wants to transform America, that means they want to change it. Transform...........make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of. Logically, they dont like it now.
This isnt hard stuff Inga.
Difficult to have a dialogue when crazed, lefty mooks are running the streets looking for heads to lop off.
Tammy Duckworth was born in Thailand and her mother was a Thai citizen but her father was a natural-born US citizen. Could she run for President?
“The position of the Republican Party is that American racism doesn't exist and has no deleterious effect on American lives, that it's okay for an American president to tweet White Power, that America was perfect from Day One so its founding must never be critiqued, and that America should thus honor pro-slavery Confederate traitors with monuments. See: Trump, Rage Tweeting Vulgarian Drama Queen. Aka Putin's puppet. “
Is it that time again, already? There must be an election coming up.
I love the paid troll, fresh from their iron bubble, who bops into the Althouse comments section and just gets shredded. It must be very traumatic.
“The position of the Republican Party is that American racism doesn't exist and has no deleterious effect on American lives, that it's okay for an American president to tweet White Power, that America was perfect from Day One so its founding must never be critiqued, and that America should thus honor pro-slavery Confederate traitors with monuments. See: Trump, Rage Tweeting Vulgarian Drama Queen. Aka Putin's puppet. “
Is it that time again, already? There must be an election coming up.
I love the paid troll, fresh from their iron bubble, who bops into the Althouse comments section and just gets shredded. It must be very traumatic.
What if Tammy Duckworth ran against Ted Cruz?
"... criticism of Duckworth suggests to me how much conservatives fear her."
I hear that kind of BS a lot. Oh the right criticized X. They must fear X. Hence Islamophobia Homophobia no matter the objection.
We don't FEAR her. We think she's full of crap.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
I prefer My War Hero's to have legs
-Donald Trumpf
Duckworth actually does have a point about Washington & Jefferson.
They were both traitors. To England of which they were subjects. (and citizens?)
Had the revolution failed, they probably would have been executed in some very painful way as traitors to the Crown.
Let's say Britain exits the EU, and the EU tried to use force to keep it in. Would Nigel Farage be a "traitor" if he took up arms for his "state" (England) to secede from the EU?
If not, why should Lee, Jackson et al be traitors for taking up arms to defend a "Vexit" of their state.
John Henry
Gonna be Susie, she will be Obama's backdoor in a return to true power, and don't forget V Jarrett wants in on the action also, via Sue...
Blogger Inga said...
What I find deeply silly is Tucker’s seriously earnest expression when he’s listening to one of his guests.
I expect he would give you one of his “look at the loon eating a jar of mayonnaise with a spoon” looks, Inga.
Question: does Rice, given that her IQ is not actually zero, actually want the job? Either of VP or POTUS?
Howard said...
I prefer My War Hero's to have legs
-Donald Trumpf
It's a fair cop. Look what a twisted traitor you are, and you never saw a day in combat, just got buggered up by some DI crazier than you are. Imagine how fucked up you'd be if you'd ever been in the shit, let alone smashed up, and in a cause that you had or developed qualms about.
Maybe "silly" isn't the exact term for someone who uses the term "national conversation", but it isn't far off. Here's why I think that:
First off, as far as I can tell whenever some politician proclaims we need to have a "national conversation" on some topic what they seem to actually mean is for one group to shut up and for another group to lecture to the first group. I may be wrong, but that's the sense I get.
But even if we were to assume that a pol is somehow being sincere when they use the term "national conversation", what do they imagine something like that would even be? I mean, it's not like we can have 330 million people all in some room somewhere. So what then? Do we mandate that everyone create some social media account and all log in at the same time? How would such a thing even be moderated? How could we be sure everyone got their 2 cents in and everyone was heard? It's logistically impossible. It's... dare I say even silly to imagine such a scenario.
So what then? Is everyone going to break up in to groups and talk amongst themselves about the topic in question? Don't we all do that anyway? Most Americans every day talk about all sorts of things and about all sorts of political and cultural topics. Guns, racial problems, current events, Trump, Biden, statues, protests, riots, covid19, ect. Are we to believe that they honestly imagine that these conversations aren't happeing?
If your ideas, policies, philosophy can't be defended without reference to your physical disability, then your disability is what you are. And all you are.
FDR didn't defend interning the US citizens of Japanese ancestry by pointing to his withered legs. Duckworth doesn't get to wave away charges about her policies by pointing out her lack of legs.
Her policies should be defensible as policies, not as policies of a disabled veteran.
Duckworth is a total zero and will do what she is told. Durbin has two votes with her in office. Illinois sends its worst to the Senate.
"They're not looking for any kind of colloquy. What they [leftists] want is a soliloquy." Exactly right. When you're among the Annointed (to use Thomas Sowell's term), what could the un-Annointed possibly say to you?
And then when you get down to the Stupid/Loony Left--which seems to be fastest growing segment of the Left these days--is even a semblance of a colloquy possible? Attempting a discussion with types like Inga and Howard would be like trying to have a rational discussion with the Crazy Homeless Guy who stands near a bus stop in my neighborhood ranting at the top of his voice about how Caucasians are the henchmen of Satan. What possible syllogism could one come up with to get through to him? It would be like trying to explain Von Miseianeconomics to Howard and Inga: that is, a useless waste of time.
Besides, there's no arguing religion, and that's especially true witrh State Cultists.
Question: does Rice, given that her IQ is not actually zero, actually want the job? Either of VP or POTUS?
Given what little I know about her personality, I would guess yes. She's always been a good soldier for Obama. She was willing to go on a bunch of Sunday shows and tell the same lie over and over for the good of Obama's reelection. She publically humiliated herself in that instance so she probably feels she's earned a chance to essentially become president (because obviously she would be if Biden picked her and he one). But who knows? She may be smart enough to deduce that going up against Trump and putting herself out there so to speak may invite too much chaos.
I don't think her legs are that great...a bit too metal-ly for me.
I am sick to death of 'absolute moral authority' and the way the left uses it like a hammer. They did the same thing with Bush and that Code Pink idiot Sheehan. Her son is killed in Iraq and she makes it her life's mission to dog the president everywhere he goes. I understand a mother's grief, but the media enabled the circus.
As a man, I hereby claim absolute moral authority on all things manly. Women cannot argue with me. I am always right and they are always wrong. Ground rules set? OK, now go make me a sandwich.
As to her being shot down, maybe she should have ducked.
Actually, I think it is silly. It really is silly to ask for a position of leadership and power and give an answer like that.
Should we withdraw troops from Germany? well, let's have a national conversation about that.
Do you favor third term abortions? Well, let's have a national conversation about that.
Would you raise taxes? well, let's have a national conversation about that.
That would be a silly candidate.
TreeJoe said: I say all this because I believe Biden's VP pick will be, if he's elected, future president. Harris would be a disaster. So would Duckworth.....Susan Rice may not be perfect, but she'd actually be a rational and logical choice with relevant experience and she fits the identity profile Biden needs.
7/7/20, 7:45 AM
And she is almost as great a liar as Obama was. Perfect fit for the Democrats.
Rice will never live down the lies she told on all the Sunday shows about the ineptitude of the Obama administration in Benghazi. If you don't think the Trump administration is going to bring that up over and over again (rightfully so), then I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn really, really cheap.
More hate from Tucker towards the other and in this case he doesn't have a leg to stand on--what has he done to serve the country?
wildswan said...
Tammy Duckworth was born in Thailand and her mother was a Thai citizen but her father was a natural-born US citizen. Could she run for President?
what better way to cancel USA Constitution than to completely fudgify operational requirement for qualifying to running for office
Yeah, we already went through this BS when John Francois Kerry -- who served in Vietnam -- was running.
Sen. Tammy Duckworth on President Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech where he defended Confederate monuments: "His priorities are wrong. What are we going to do to push Russia back? Instead, he had no time for that. He spent all his time talking about dead traitors"
Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) said Thursday that she wants confirmation in writing from Esper that he did not or will not block the promotion of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. Until she gets that assurance, she will maintain a hold on Senate confirmation of the hundreds of promotions.
1123 promotions to be exact. To protect Vindman. Who sold us out to Ukraine/Russia in multiple ways.
I am sorry she lost her legs. But almost all Disabled Vets you will meet are humble about their losses. Almost all disabled vets would feel terrible using their disability as a means to take power or shut down opposing viewpoints.
Duckworth is a piece of shit protecting actual traitors.
Part of being a democrat right now is being a piece of shit.
She hates the US.
Inga said...
What is “shocking” is the continued push to portray Democrats and those on the left as people who “hate” this country.
OK, this should be easy.
Colin Kaepernick, July 4, 2020: "Black ppl have been dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized + terrorized by America for centuries, & are expected to join your commemoration of “independence”, while you enslaved our ancestors. We reject your celebration of white supremacy." Not the words of a man who loves this country. Kaepernick is on the left.
Do you repudiate Kaepernick's statement, Inga?
Also on July 4, 2020, protesters burned an American flag in front of the White House. Not the actions of people who love this country. You would have to work pretty hard to prove to me that these protesters are on not the left.
Do you repudiate those actions, Inga?
John argues that she “cannot be questioned”. Is something preventing you from criticizing her? Obviously not. Is something preventing trump or pence from criticizing her. Ahh no. She volunteered to serve and paid a serious price. If mr bone spurs whose Vietnam was risking stds in the 1970s wants to make fun of her disabilities, I say go for it. And when he does you can be sure the press will give him the coverage he craves.
But the kicker, Nonapod, is, can she bear the load? POTUS is a big job. The biggest there is. You have to be something other than a time-server, a functionary, to fit the big chair. She looks like a pinch-faced order-taker to me.
Put her in a command center ordering military action, or a receiving center for wounded and the honored dead, or dealing with a plague, or economic crisis, or social crisis, or in a room with Putin or Xi and the authority/responsibility to make a deal, as opposed to telling facts to decision-makers, and see how that works out for her, and us.
Michael K: "The "Unknown" troll. I thought that comments had to have a name"
A LLR-lefty by any other name smells just as FakeCon.
I find it it funny that anyone finds the words "colloquy" and "soliloquy" to represent some kind of notably elevated rhetoric.
Duckworth literally called Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt "traitors".
No one who actually loves America would do that.
And that coincided with the democrats shock troops attacking memorials to those American figures.
And that coincided with the entire democrat party and lefty/LLR-lefty "media" praising the attacks on those historical figures.
Something tells me Inga's latest made up Boogaloo excuses arent going to make the daily 24/7 visual images which conclusively prove the dems despise America go away.
Tucker recovered quickly from his elevated language saying right after " They speak, and we shut up and listen". Why did he call Duckworth "silly"? Because he knows she's a disabled vet and wanted to hit soft. Even calling her "silly" resulted in Duckworth, playing the "I lost my legs, how dare you criticize me!" card. Sadly, I'm beginning to think Biden will probably select her for VP. Not because she's smart, or brings anything to the table, but because she's immune from criticism. She a woman. She's a Vet. She's disabled. AND she's a minority. Hit it hard, and you're a woman hating, racist, who despises America and the handicapped. She's the perfect Front-man for a Left-wing dictatorship.
If you grew up in the 50s, you might recall that brunettes are leggy, blondes are buxom.
I'm not sure Rice would like the role of re-interpreting the bizarre word salads that seem common to Joe Biden these days. "When Joe said, Zamma Zamma ding dong, what he really meant was ..."
The most laughable part, which shows that Tucker is still part Cuck, is that he says: "Saying someone is unpatriotic, is a serious charge to make, and one RIGHTLY does so reluctantly"
THis made me LOL. Yes, we shouldn't call anyone on the LEft unpatriotic - its serious charge. Unlike the Left calling us Nazi, Racist, Fascist, Bigots, Russian Assets, etc.That's just "Fun & games'.
The real problem with the Center-Right is they will not fight. And they don't really care about winning. They always want to hit soft. They always want to give up, and hope the Left would just stop bothering them, so they can go watch football and have a beer. If your primary concern is "behaving like a Gentlemen", and "being a nice guy", you're going to lose in Politics. It ain't beanbag, and nobody cares "how you play the game". As a Football coach said, "Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser".
Label her an anti-masker.
Maybe not deeply silly, but cowardly.
What Duckworth said was cowardly if she doesn't believe the statues should be taken down, and deceptive if she does. This exactly what Biden has done with the "defund the police" movement- no firm unequivocal stand against it.
I don't remember democrats giving Bob Dole much deference for his withered arm that was shot up by a german machine gun nest in Italy. He gave as good as he got and every once in a while a democratic punk would make fun of him but they were routinely disowned by a different democratic party. Boy I sure miss those guys.
Duckworth is just a typical mediocrity the democrats use as a human shield when they have taken a bone headed position like calling Mt.Rushmore 'a monument to slavery'. It really reminds me of the time Sen.Durbin called U.S interrogators at Gitmo "worse than gestapo" and then had to tearfully take it back a week later. Completely untenable and bone headed politically. That is where the democrats are now but they don't have the moral strength to admit their mistake and try to move on.
The lady doth protest, but at least she didn't make an appeal to diversity. Baby steps.
You can’t criticize Aaron Alexis — he served in the Navy
You can’t criticize Lee Harvey Oswald — he served in the Marine Corps
You can’t criticize Hitler — he was a war hero who was blinded in a gas attack
I have no idea who Joe Biden is going to pick for VP, but Duckworth would probably be a brilliant choice electorally. I don't that's because she's a great politician (I have no idea - I don't live in Illinois) or because she'll be immune from criticism. This is the reason: Tucker Carlson and his ilk will know where the line is when it comes to criticizing and otherwise going after Duckworth. Trump will not. He will almost certainly say something incredibly stupid and demeaning about her and that will blow up in his face. And ya'll will be left defending it, rather lamely I might add.
So if you're a Democrat: Duckworth for VP!
Susan Rice has a Russiagate problem and will be drug away in the undertow as Durham's investigation wraps up this summer. If the fix is in with Barr maybe she has nothing to worry about but I wouldn't want to put such a liability on the ticket if it could be avoided.
Tammy Duckworth is not a "Natural Born Citizen" as the Constitution requires of both the President and Vice-President. Article Two, Section One.
She was born in Bangcock, Thailand of a Chinese descended mother and an American who, at that time, was a private citizen working for a private American corporation. He was not stationed in Thailand as part of a posting for any American Government Agency, i.e., he was there by choice in his private capacity.
This was vitally important and disqualifying information to the Democrats and MSM when John McCain ran for President in 2007. It was also vitally important to both entities when Ted Cruz was running for the nomination in 2017. It was also mentioned once or twice in regards to President Obama I believe.
Curious that no one is mentioning it now.
Duckworth will not be the VP choice- the lady is a moron. You may think she is immune from criticism, but that is an illusion the media is trying to sell you so that you don't critique her- Carlson blew up that illusion last night.
How do I know she is she a moron? Because if she were smart, she wouldn't have given that mealy mouthed answer to that question. This was was a Sister Souljah moment for Duckworth, and she fucking failed it, the way Biden has failed it repeatedly for the last 5 weeks. This will have consequences for both of them this November.
Susan Rice probably won't be the VP pick either, but she is far more likely than Duckworth.
Althouse: “That's dull and maybe deceptive, but it's not "deeply silly" (or even shallowly silly).”
No. It’s deeply silly. Duckworth is probably not dull and, despite being a Democrat, did not appear deceptive when she gave this answer.
Despite her admirable history, it ought not to be a push in a country brimming with Democrat pols who are clownish nincompoops to regard her answer and the whole Mt. Rushmore “debate” as deeply silly. For example, how do you top this for absurdity.
This is the company she keeps.
Looking up where somebody went to college because they used two words? Elitism much, Althouse?
There does not need to be a national conversation about Washington and/or Lincoln. We do not hold them up as perfect. We hold them up as influential and accomplished. And any national conversation that includes removing them will be had after a little bloodletting and a shooting war.
Good luck.
No, Inga, military people are not "excited about Duckworth."
Except for the "there's always that one idiot in every unit" factor. Which is where VoteVets comes from.
I appreciate her service and sacrifice.
However, a purple heart or losing one's legs do not, a hero make. Particularly when one wasn't in a decision making position.
By that I mean, an infantryman, who stands up and rushes a machine gun has agency over his actions, and might be a hero, and may be wounded.
A sailor who is wounded on his ship as it zigs instead of zags is not a hero. He had no part in putting himself in danger that day. though I appreciate his/her service and sacrifice.
Tammy was along for the ride I expect. The pilot made the decisions. Unless you are telling me that the pilot was dead and she took control and was landing in a hot LZ to pick up wounded. If so, she's a hero.
However, her decorations were a Purple Heart and an Air Medal, rather than an award for heroism, e.g. Bronze or Silver Star.
her helo zigged when it should have zagged...Pilots decision. I appreciate her service and sacrifice.
I live in Illinois. The only thing I know of Duckworth is that she's a veteran and got shot down and has no legs. Those solely are her qualifications. Therefor she's above criticism.
For those who think Rice will be sunk by Barr/Durham or some other controversy...
No way. McMaster, under Trump, cleared her name in the unmasking. Further, as NSA at the time, she actually had a fairly legitimate reason for seeking to know who was involved in high level discussions with foreign governments. What she did with that information is a different matter, but the unmasking itself wasn't criminal.
She's a career executive office bureaucrat who rose to positions of power not thru election but through actual work. I don't even agree with her positions and didn't like her at all as UN ambassador, for example, but she's been through the ringer and has shown the ability to get in front of many governments and pressers and come through smelling decent. Benghazi sucked ass but her history is one of promoting rapid military response - I don't blame her for Obama's failure, Hillary Clinton's failure, or the talking points she used on the press 24-48 hours later. Every politician ever has that sort of shit stain on them and she wasn't in the luxurious position of most congresscritters of taking a back seat during the literal fog of war and waiting until polls and positions came out. She was pushed front and center.
Here's my thing about Rice:
In 2016 and so far in 2020, the Democrats put forth terrible and deeply flawed leaders through their corrupted electoral primaries. And Republicans so failed in 2016 in their own primary process that a political outsider beat all their best "home grown leaders" and money. And both parties continue to promote representatives who haven't actually had to hold executive responsibilities and take strong policy stances and then be responsible for their results.
Rice would actually be a return to picking someone who has been on the executive side, has had some successes and failures, and has made public acknowledgements of her own poor past choices. And yes, I put a few points behind a female African american woman could help build better consensus in our nation right now (even if only temporary. A few more points for being a mother of 2 kids and staying married for 28 years.
I like to see people in government who by all references appear to be hard working folks who have had failures, admitted them, and moved to learn and grow from them. Even when I don't agree with most of their policies.
Gk1 said...
I don't remember democrats giving Bob Dole much deference for his withered arm that was shot up by a german machine gun nest in Italy.
That's because he didn't pimp his disability. Daniel Inouye lost an arm in Italy, he didn't pimp that. And neither man pimped their veteran status.
I have no problem criticizing Duckworth, she pimps both.
"Duckworth will not be the VP choice- the lady is a moron."
It seem to me that she is indeed a moron, but she's Socrates compared to someone like Hirono. That woman has cotton balls for brains.
It amazes me that someone like Hirono can rise to the position of a senator of the United States...only the best and brightest.
Tammy Duckworth is not a "Natural Born Citizen" as the Constitution requires of both the President and Vice-President. Article Two, Section One.
This was vitally important and disqualifying information to the Democrats and MSM when John McCain ran for President in 2007
Conceived and born to citizen mom and citizen dad. In a nation ruled by legal jurisdiction (e.g. "the People" and "our Posterity"), not em-pathetic appeals and democratic gerrymandering, this is the very definition of "natural born citizen".
Another blogger made an interesting point...Duckworth lost her legs in a war that Biden voted to authorize, one of only 29 senate democrats to do so. Does he owe her an apology?
If the Left really wanted a "national conversation" they would propose non-binding referendums for each of the items they say need to be discussed. They won't since they know in such a discussion they would fail to persuade the overwhelming majority. On the other hand in such a referendum the public could also be asked about eliminating a number of Left wing positions such as gun control, who can vote, unrestricted abortion, immigration amongst other items.
I maybe wrong, but I don't recall any Confederate officer being a Republican before the war. All those Confederate monuments were dedicated to Democrat traitors. As for reparations I don't recall the slavers capturing slaves in Africa. Instead they bought the slaves from other Africans and Arabs. First get the reparations from the sellers.
I find it it funny that anyone finds the words "colloquy" and "soliloquy" to represent some kind of notably elevated rhetoric.
Then biggest issue with Duckworth is that she lied about what Trump said in the speech. the media has repeated the lie, as they do, and Trump is perfectly justified, as is Tucker, in pointing that out. Her legs have nothing to do with lying.
Odd how war injuries only insulate Democrats from criticism. Did war wounds insulate Robert Dole? How about Dan Crenshaw?
If McCain had lost a body part in Vietnam, does anyone believe the Obama fanboys would not have smeared him in 2008 like they did?
And ya'll will be left defending it, rather lamely I might add.
So out and out lying is OK with you. You must be a Democrat.
Mr. Forward said...
What is deeply silly is the idea that no criticism of George Washington is allowed. That was pretty much the point of the revolution
Mr. Forward is misdiagnosing the problem. BLM, Antifa, and their political and media cheerleaders take the position that no praise of George Washington is allowed. Surprisingly, a lot of people resent that.
"the Black Hawk helicopter she was co-piloting with a rocket-propelled grenade" Why was she co-piloting the helicopter with a rocket propelled grenade?
Its going to be Biden-Obama (Barack)
They are waiting to announce until they cav fully vet and circulate the "no, its not at all creepy" talking points.
So, every war veterans who's suffered injuries gets a free pass? Their opinions cannot be challenged?
Or just the left-wing ones?
Fuck all the score settling, hero whoreship and morality posturing. Does it make you cucks feel virile again to shit on Tammy Duckwalk? It's like a porn fetish with you people. Thank G_d for the social distancing inherent to blogging.
The real issue is will Tucker move the needle one way or the other with Regan Democrat women in swing states? My guess is that this type of attack benefits the Dems in the senate and POTUS and is a wash in house races. Hopefully we will see more of it from the Foxy Trumpkins.
Picture this: During the course of the Democrat Convention, after Trump has spent millions against him, Biden stands/sits/broadcasts, “My fellow Democrats, this is the most difficult speech of my life. I must tell you for the good of the nation and our party that after extensive testing, my doctor confirmed yesterday that I am in the early stages of Altzheimer’s Disease and although it breaks my heart, I must withdraw as your prospective nominee for President of the United States.”
What happens next? Is Tammy Duckworth the successor nominee? I don’t think so. I also don’t rule out this scenario, nor do I think Biden will be allowed to pick his running mate. The Democrat bigs will do that.
"National conversation" is civility bull shit.
“ What happens next? Is Tammy Duckworth the successor nominee? I don’t think so. I also don’t rule out this scenario, nor do I think Biden will be allowed to pick his running mate. The Democrat bigs will do that.”
The problem is that until China Joe is formally nominated, and then formally announces his VP pick, that person have anything to stand on. Before that, if Biden drops out, even if he has picked a VP, Sanders and his Bernie Bros are going to object. He came in second, and rightfully, as the runner up, should get the nomination.
Is "colloquy" colloquial?
Howard said Fuck all the score settling, hero whoreship and morality posturing. Does it make you cucks feel virile again to shit on Tammy Duckwalk?
No one is shitting on her. I would presume that everyone respects her service and is appalled at her horrific injuries. I wish her well.
HOWEVER, just because she is a military wounded veteran it does not make her immune to criticism for her political stances and above any sort of scrutiny. She isn't some sort of Holy Saint that we are not allowed to question or disagree with.
Her condition does not make her political views special or outside of being opposed.
She doesn't have any special Moral Authority that makes her sacrosanct.
Holding Duckworth as being above criticism and attacking anyone who dares question the martydom is known as "Waving the Bloody Shirt"
In the history of the United States, " waving the bloody shirt " refers to the practice of politicians referencing the blood of martyrs or heroes to criticize opponents. Urban Dictionary.
All sides are guilty of this. Democrat and Republican. It is equal opportunity pandering. Using people's deaths and maiming for political purposes. A callous and shameful thing to do. Tugging at the heartstrings and empathy that people have for their military veterans and playing on their patriotism.
Remember Cindy Sheehan? No one was allowed to question her Moral Authority. Her (short lived) ride to fame on the back of her dead son. How she was used by the Democrats until she wasn't so valuable anymore. Waving the Bloody Shirt.
Duckworth is a version of this.
Calling for a conversation or dialog is always silly in this context. Nobody says that who wants to actually listen to anyone. It's a throw away line meaning nothing. Has there ever really been a national dialog on anything? There are just assertions, lies, attacks and threats. Maybe that's what the word "conversation" means today.
Howard said...
Fuck all the score settling, hero whoreship and morality posturing. Does it make you cucks feel virile again to shit on Tammy Duckwalk?
7/7/20, 1:47 PM
Look, Tammy Duckwalk is a truly sick burn, particularly under the circumstances. So if we're trolling you so hard you end up trolling your OWN side more viciously than we do, that's like the full-on terminal AIDS of blogging.
"Illinois sends its worst to the Senate"
Second worst. The worst they send to prison, via the governor's office.
"We should start off by having a national dialogue on it."
We should start off by having you describe what you imagine a "national dialogue" is.
First things first.
My guess is that this type of attack benefits the Dems in the senate and POTUS and is a wash in house races. Hopefully we will see more of it from the Foxy Trumpkins.
Duckworth lied about the speech. That, of course, is old news to you lefties as Slick Willie and his wing girl would still be in Arkansas if lying was disqualifying. I don't say that GOP pols don't lie. Of course they do. They are part of the Swamp. This election is Flight 93 Election volume 2. What comes after Trump is the question.
Hit it hard, and you're a woman hating, racist, who despises America and the handicapped.
All over a little trim? That would be a serious case of the fuckin' you get for the fuckin' you got...
Howard: "Fuck all the score settling, hero whoreship and morality posturing. Does it make you cucks feel virile again to shit on Tammy Duckwalk?"
Just shut up and go back to your child killing heroes.
TreeJoe is verbose and full of shit. Rice would be disastrous for China Joe, so I support her candidacy
Trump not vilifying Confederates is him being inclusive and following Lincoln's example. He saw the defeated foe as still being Americans. The A in CSA stood for America. It bothers me when Confederates and their descendants are called traitors. That charge is only valid if secession is deemed illegal. You can not be a traitor to a country you are not part of. That question was not settled at the beginning of the conflict. It was only settled at the end of the conflict by force of arms, not by legal argument in court or by the democratic process. Because it was done by force, it is still not settled in the minds of many people. There are secession movements in various parts of the US even today, and the US has supported secession internationally over the years. In Panama for one and more recently in Iraqi Kurdistan. The Confederates were not traitors. They were loyal to their duty as God gave them the light to see that duty. The Confederate flag represents the best qualities admired by the Southern peoples; honor, bravery, daring, self sacrifice, perseverance, and tenacity. But not least, loyalty to their homeland. It's unfortunate that some people have used that flag for unworthy purposes.
Every other Western country that had slaves ended slavery without a war. Brazil was last in 1888. We could have done the same. We had a war, in part, because of regional economic rivalry and hatred stirred up by politicians and newspapers, on both sides. Some of that hatred and animosity has been passed down and is evident today in many places.
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