He hasn’t condemned the calls to defund the police, therefore he supports those calls. Democrats, liberals, people like you, have established those rules, not realizing they might be applied to them.
In the same manner, all Democrat politicians are responsible for all statue toppling in the USA, including the one of Frederick Douglass in Rochester NY. None of them have condemned statue toppling, therefore they own all of them. Along with the flag burnings by their Communist allies.
All money that goes to BLM is redirected to ActBlue, which then spends it for mainstream Democrats. These people are the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party. So yeah, it’s fair. Until he disowns them, which he won’t, or will do it with a wink and a nod.
He has already said that if politicians won’t tear down the statues, lawless mobs should. In so many words.
BLM just wants thousands of government no-show jobs like "diversity consultant". In return, they will settle for President Biden's puppermasters dropping it.
Biden has promised to make people such as AOC part of his administration in charge of policies, so he has basically endorsed their positions. Yes, it is fair to pin in on Biden. Have you heard him say otherwise?
Unless Biden repudiates those elected officials that he announced were his team, such as AOC, who are explicit about it, it is. Until he repudiates those of his party who have already done it, it is.
What’s not fair about it? Do you or Meade seriously believe that Joe Biden would push back against the looters and rioters and murderers of children? I mean seriously? Althouse, dammit, YOU AREN’T THAT DUMB. You insult both yourself and us to pretend otherwise.
I repeatedly predicted that Trump would run against the Democrats and the rioters and looters This is a .30 caliber round. The mortars and howitzers and cannons are yet to open fire.
It Biden's party and supporters that want this defund the police nonsense, not Republicans and Trump supporters. When I vote for President, it's the entire package I consider. Consider Biden's tweet over the weekend: "We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it." In other words, we are going to take money and property from the people who earned it and it give it to those who didn't, but who we prefer. That and cave to the mob and their demands which would certainly transform the nation, if you're interested in living in a lawless, third-world style, socialist shithole.
If all of the people working to defund the police are on the left, and Biden, the left-wing Prez candidate doesn't emphatically deny his agreement and show major effort to support the police, my thought is he should be pinned with this blame.
"I do not support defunding police," in an op-ed Wednesday, as protesters around the country increase their calls for overhauling the criminal justice system and President Trump attempts to tie Biden to the "Defund the police" movement.
"I've long been a firm believer in the power of community policing—getting cops out of their cruisers and building relationships with the people and the communities they are there to serve and protect," wrote Biden. "Every single police department should have the money they need to institute real reforms like adopting a national use of force standard, buying body cameras, and recruiting more diverse police officers."‘
It should have started w/ an option to chose Mexican as the language instead of English.
Also, maybe have some more options for when a black man rapes a white woman, just lumping all rape together seems like a lost opportunity. And, why no option to deal w/ the massive problem re men dressed as women hanging out in bathrooms w/ little girls. And, black men dressed as women hanging out in bathrooms w/ little white girls.
Even as it is, w/o my great ideas added, I was really scared. Very effective/affective ad.
Folks should send money to DJT. Pay for more great content!
BTW, being glass is half full: can I ignore speed limits when Biden gets rid of the police?
Of course it is fair. It is an election. And an election against the Dems who tried to pin the fake Russia story on Trump and then tried to throw Flynn in jail.
Yes, it is fair if Biden won't speak against defunding the police.
He needs to make an affirmative statement to reject the protests that place people at progressive risk. Also, reform begins with the legislature, then the attorney general, bureaucracy, and so on. Ellison? Ellison? Ellison? This reminds me of the Seattle mayor who unflinchingly supported some, select, Black Lives Matter until her and her family's lives were at risk by the occupation.
Is it fair to in it on Biden? You betchum Little Beave
Dear Old Slow Joe is non compos mentis. If the Dems manage to push him over the finish line in November (and they just might) Joe won't be running the White House. He'll be drooling in his oatmeal each morning. A Democrat Politburo composed of all the leftiest minds in the Democrat party (and that's saying a lot) will be giving the orders. Trump's ad simply pins the Politburo's schemes and policies on Joe--and Joe will be the front man after all.
Trump should not accept the left's "defund" terminology, which can always be spun as "spending priorities".
The issue is whether blue state mayors and governors who support Biden intend to hamstring the police, not whether Biden will send more or less taxpayer money.
Trump should introduce his own more apt term "Hamstring the Police", which encompasses a wider range of operative changes affecting effectiveness, morale, retention and recruitment of law enforcement.
Hell yes it’s fair! If you vote for Biden and other Democrats, you’ll get those policies on steroids. If that’s what you want, vote Democrat. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Yes, it's fair. You don't just vote for the President. You also vote for the people he's going to have in his administration. That's especially true with Biden, because we all know he won't be the one in charge.
"I've long been a firm believer in the power of community policing—getting cops out of their cruisers and building relationships with the people and the communities they are there to serve and protect," wrote Biden.
Kinda hard to do, Joe, when your supporters in state and local government routinely vilify them for political advantage.
Which Democrat running for any office this has denounced the riots, the looting and the vandalism? Which Democrat in office at any level has condemned the vandalism, looting, rioting and violence? Silence is violence, right people?
It's a lame ass ad, definitely not better than nothing. The spot plays like a parody. Makes sense of course, you people are a parody, so you will snorffle it up like a supersized double whopper happy meal.
It's not unfair at all to Biden, he's running to be POTUS FFS.
Anne Althouse is a strange woman. She seems as if she may be quite smart, and yet not quite all there morally, or in terms of critical thinking. Is she on Paxil or some other mood altering drug?
AA - "...but is it fair to pin it on Biden...?" Is this a rhetorical question - are we not discussing 'Politics'-what's "fair" about that profession. I guess Trump thought all of these attacks: Russia; Impeachment; Deep State; Corona-it's Trumps fault - not China's; etc., was "fair" to him - really? I believe most people would say no on Trump and yes on the Biden question.
As little as I think of the man, Jacob Frey had the fucking courage to go to one of these protests all by himself and tell the defund-the-police advocates that he couldn't support their demands. Biden should do no less.
First of all, Biden didn't write anything in Forbes. I doubt Donald Trump writes most of the opinion pieces linked to his name either, but Joe Biden simply isn't capable. Even if he was- long-winded opinion pieces aren't going to calm down the frothing mobs attacking fuel trucks that are just trying to resupply liberal cities. At minimum, the Democrats need to stop their sponsorship of the BLM terror movement before the President decides to go after their organizers.
Of course, I really don't care, and rather hope blue cities starve without energy as truckers abruptly start refusing to risk the highway blockades. Then you'll see a show.
Violent crime has not exploded. Murders are indeed up this year but other violent crime is down.
I generally don't like to argue without facts and figures at hand, but I'm thinking that arson on main street is higher, looting has seen a big increase, and I'm pretty sure defacing and destruction of public property is on the rise. But if you're right about violent crime being in a downswing - what better time to be a cop? Time to cut their pay.
"Vivid Trump ad scares us about defunding the police — which is easy to do — but is it fair to pin it on Biden?"
Isn't it obvious that the ad pinned blame on Biden supporters, not Biden himself?
As far as Biden goes, he is going to "rip out there roots of systemic racism." I wonder what that means and what will be different from what he has done in 30 years in the Senate and 8 years as VP. He has to go BIG.
His supporters want police defunding, reparations, social workers instead of cops, censorship of hate speech and hate thinking. Joe's speech writers will try to support that without scaring off moderate Democrats. So you will see Inga cutting and pasting what his writers say on one hand, while on the other hand ..
The Democrats have pushed this nightmare from the beginning. Joe is the DEM candidate. It is his shitshow. He is not mentally together enough to even try to steer the Dems in another direction. Joe will be controlled by the most manipulative of the Dem cabal. The Marxists,
adSs: "It should have started w/ an option to chose Mexican as the language instead of English."
Is not choosing Spanish as the national language in 1789 one of the main reasons you hate the United States and its founders and consider them evil traitors, or just one of many?
If there ever was anything fair about politics pose-modernism murdered it. There is no such thing as "fair" in politics But is it justified and right that Biden be saddled with and expected to answer for the policies of the party he leads into the election?
Yes, absolutely.
If America had a Free Press in the Founders sense of the term, they would be all over Biden & all Democrats about the havoc, destruction and murder their policies and "choices" are wreaking on America.
Yes, Inga, that's completely believable. I can so easily see President Joe Biden, all by himself, standing in solidarity with every Republican everywhere in stark opposition to every single other Democrat everywhere.
Cause he's always shown that kind of fortitude and independence from whatever the Democrat narrative of the day is.
And I'm sure the day he does that, the day he rebukes all other Democrats to stand with all Republicans in defending the police against the howling Marxist mob, that you'll be standing with Joe, and not the howling Marxist mob. No, actually, I don't see that at all. Cause, see, you have a history too.
Inga should apply to be a Biden spokeschick but AOC and then other communists probably got there first. Biden has "gone rogue to the left" and I doubt he even knows it.
Again, Inga, Biden needs to go to a protest and say he is against it- facing down the protesters is the only way to authentic way. He needs to be making this point every fucking day, else no one in doubt will ever believe him, and Trump's ad is effective otherwise. He needs to get his party in line, too, and on the exact same message.
ga6: "More Shot Kilt in Chicago than Covids deaths in all Illinois."
Not to worry. Every one of those killed by gunfire will show up in the ChiCom flu death column.
At this rate of changing definitions and rationales for essentially lobbing every death for any reason anywhere into the ChiCom flu column, I think its beginning to look more and more likely that Birkel will be proven quite correct and there will be almost no excess deaths (above the annual expected number of deaths year over year) for 2020.
They will simply have moved the cause of death for many non-flu deaths to the ChiCom flu column where they needed it for political purposes in November.
And when Biden has done that, he needs to advocate for not funding BLM and Antifa. He needs to say these kinds of things, else he will carry this albatross the rest of the campaign. And do you know how I know it is an albatross, Inga? Because you are desperately trying to convince us otherwise.
You let me know when Biden has gone to a protest and denounced the idea of defunding the police. You let me know when he has rebuked those in his campaign and his party for supporting such an insane idea.
I watch all of Biden's interviews, by the way- whenever he says he is "against it", it is the same mealy mouth bullshit you were trying to spin here several weeks ago about how the protesters aren't trying to get rid of civil police forces, but to reform them. However, BLM set the record straight- they want them gone. I believe them when they say this, I don't believe you, and I don't believe Joe Biden, and neither will any non-Democrat voter unless Biden makes it explicit.
"No, I don't support defunding the police," the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said in an interview with CBS while in Houston to meet with the family of George Floyd, whose death last month as a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck set off nationwide protests. "I support conditioning federal aid to police based on whether or not they meet certain basic standards of decency and honorableness. And, in fact, are able to demonstrate they can protect the community and everybody in the community."
He doesn’t support it, it’s just the centerpiece of his policy.
The ad refers to Biden supporters calling to defund the police. It’s time Democrat pols be held accountable for actions of their minions they don’t condemn.
The mediaswine seek to hold Trump responsible for E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
I imagine that Althouse is asking us to consider whether this is fair in some abstract sense that might then be applied to Trump. Is it okay to take the worst of one side and pin it on the other side's candidate? Strictly speaking, no. But calling for the Defunding of the police, pulling down statues, and rioting for weeks on end seems to be more than just a fringe of the 2020 Democratic Party. It's at least plausible to call them the heart of the party. Plausible enough that if the presumed nominee of that party feels differently than them, he needs to strongly distance himself from them and even seek to restrain them.
I remember Trump being asked repeatedly to disavow an endorsement from some Klan type last election. That was just one guy on the fringe, but the journos were desperate to have Trump address it. Fairness would dictate the press should badger Biden until election day about the violence and extremism of his political side.
The ad refers to Biden supporters calling to defund the police. It’s time Democrat pols be held accountable for actions of their minions they don’t condemn.
The mediaswine seek to hold Trump responsible for E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
Never forget that Inga's the one who spent 11 months after James Hodgkinson, the leftist Bernie bro, tried to kill numerous Republican congressmen/women... she spent 11 months claiming she would rather be waterboarded than be asked to denounce violence against Republicans.
Turns out, the left is filled with Hodgkinsons.... and they are all out shooting blacks and chanting "defund the police" and rioting and looting. Inga still supports them but wishes they would just kill Republicans--then she'd have no moral quandaries at all. Right now there's that cognative dissonance... "I support violent leftists, and I support Black Lives Matter... but they are shooting and killing black people! How do I support both? Oh, if only they would go kill some white Republicans--that's a cause I could gladly support!"
If it was me, I'd run an ad: open shot called "Democrat Paradise", Maximum security prison for violent offenders. Cut to 3 brutal looking guys in a cell--black, white, Asian. Clearly bad guys. Cops says, "Guys, the Democrat governor has ordered you released because you caught Covid. So we are setting you free in your hometown. Also, just to let you know, since the Democrat party won office, they have seized all weapons from the law abiding. Cut to nice street, children playing, and our three bad guys being let out of a prison van. Driver says, "Well, my last drop off. Now that the police have been defunded, I get to go home permanently! Enjoy yourselves, boys!!!" Three men grin, Walk up to a door, knock and the door opens to a pretty woman with a teen girl or two playing games on their phones in the background. The men push inside as camera fades to black, with female screams starting.
"Vote for Trump so this Democrat Paradise doesn't happen to you! Paid for by Donald Trump"
How could any leftist complain, since that is their policy right now?
Biden is going to need a lot more maternal impulses from a lot of people.
Nobody ever stepped in to save George Foreman, or Mohammed Ali, or Donald Trump. He's the warrior, the alpha, the guy to knock down to get some cred. He will be running against the entire Democrat party, 90% of the media, all of academia, and Hollywood. Just get Biden a blanket and some warm milk, and protect him like a kitten.
If Biden wants to be president and not just a pretty face with great hair plugs, he needs to address the issue.
Or, failing that, let his puppet master come out and address the issue.
It's unfortunate that the pandemic has occurred in an election year, but here we are. We have people stocking up on guns, dying in the streets and doing their best to destroy what is left of the traditional economy while the tech oligarchs, puppet masters themselves, have clean hands and haven't lost a nickel in the whole fray.
Yesterday vandals who know nothing of history but are filled with emotional rage tore down a statue of FREDERICK DOUGLASS, perhaps the greatest African American advocate of the 19th century. These current deranged clods want to tear the country down and replace it with ... what?
2020 will be a year when Democrats will first destroy the economy, kill thousands, and burn down cities and then pretend they had nothing to do with it, and it was all Trump's fault. Just keep this idea of fairness in mind as you watch that happen in real time day after day after day.
- in the Green New Deal which includes ending air travel and the beef industry, retrofitting every building in America within a couple of years, and the government paying anyone "unwilling to work" among other lunacies.
- in Title IX Campus Inquisitions.
- that moderate Republicans want to "put ya'll [blacks] back in chains".
No doubt these are moderate positions among Dem politicians, but they are not close to a moderate position of Americans.
I doubt this ad scares anybody as much as the real possibly of losing police protection. It's the obvious truth that's scary, not the ad stating the obvious. You do realize people are carrying signs, painting streets and actually voting to defund the police, and it has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, except all those doing that support Biden and vise versa.
Speaking to Jesse Jackson, Sr.'s Rainbow Coalition in June 1992, Clinton responded both to that quotation and to something Souljah had said in the music video of her song "The Final Solution: Slavery's back in Effect" ("If there are any good white people, I haven't met them").[5] "If you took the words 'white' and 'black,' and you reversed them, you might think David Duke was giving that speech," said Clinton.
Prior to his appearance, Clinton's campaign staff had conducted an intense debate about how far he should go in distancing himself from Jackson, who was unpopular with moderate voters. When Souljah was invited to speak at the conference, Clinton's advisors saw their chance.
Guess Gropey Dopey Sleepy Creepy Joe's people don't see his chance.
Considering Biden does not know where he is half the time and, when he was in better health, never had a position that could not be changed on a moment's notice, pinning anything on Biden is a questionable affair. When you are dealing with the generic Democrat, you go after the party and his party most certainly do support this position or at least are trying to keep their heads down and hope it goes away. Maybe Biden's handlers can come up with some statement renouncing prominent Democrats around the country for their positions and, if they pump him with enough medication, perhaps Biden could communicate that. Good luck.
OPOQ: "Vivid Trump ad scares us about defunding the police — which is easy to do — but is it fair to pin it on Biden?"
How's this for fair?
Meanwhile, the older white female attorney in Minnesota//lawprof in Wisconsin who got stuck driving into an illegal march, abandoned her car, tried to flee, then spat in the face of a screaming 17-year old who was mobbing her with scores of others (international media accused her of using her car to block the protest then attacking the youth for no reason), was followed home by protestors who were directing other protestors to her house, and after merely slightly put hands on one 21-year old asshole ranting about re-educating her on her own front yard is arrested and charged with hate crimes.
Just a recent example of the elephant in the discussion: Was it fair for the entire media to totally misrepresent Trump's inspiring and positive speech at Rushmore? Was that accidental, unfairness, incompetent unfairness, or just what an enemy of the people does?
You have to remember that Trump and his campaign are vastly outnumbered in the communication game. If he is ever unfair to Biden, then that still one out of ten in volume of unfairness exchanges.
"Totally unfair!! Because all sorts of leading Republicans have been calling for defunding of the police. Right?" (sarc).
When Joe Biden and all the Democrats trot out this canard of "community policing," what they are talking about is turning the police into a taxpayer-funded social services program providing lots more union jobs for Democrat operatives with degrees in social justice, urban psychology and community activism. Just like all of their "initiatives." What they also mean is defunding the actual core job that taxpayers count on the police to do--protect the public and catch the bad guys.
So yes he is in favor of defunding the police.
And Hell, Yes it's fair. Politics ain't beanbag, and neither Mitt Romney nor GWB is the Republican nominee.
Biden (or whoever programs him) gave the right answer to CBS regarding whether he supports defunding police (Kevin quoted it up-thread). The Trump ad is fine for rallying the troops, but to win the election the Republicans need to do better than this. (I say "Republicans", not just "Trump", because even Republicans who aren't big fans of Trump will be big losers if Trump goes down.)
It's a clever ad in the sense that either Biden comes out and forthrightly denounces BLM, or Trump is absolutely right. Either way, he's screwed, especially because the BLM rioters don't mind using gunfire to get their way.
When Joe Biden and all the Democrats trot out this canard of "community policing," what they are talking about is turning the police into a taxpayer-funded social services program providing lots more union jobs for Democrat operatives with degrees in social justice, urban psychology and community activism.
Actually, "Community Policing" was part of the Giuliani program for reducing crime. It was expensive and so, Bloomberg reduced funding, and that is where "stop and frisk" came from. What Warren Wilhelm Jr is doing is bringing back the Dinkins years and Paul Kersey will soon emerge.
"Vivid Trump ad scares us about defunding the police — which is easy to do — but is it fair to pin it on Biden?"
Hell yes. Chuckle Scheamer talked Gov Bullock to run against Sen Daines for his Senate seat. Some supposed 3rd party group has been running ads against Daines (and thus pro-Bullock). In the ads, Daines is attacked for having voted for a lot of pork to big companies. What Daines voted for were the COVID-19 relief bills. If he had voted against the bills, they would have attacked him for voting to hurt all of the workers who were helped by the bills. He couldn’t win. The bills involved deals made between Speaker Palsi and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, that ultimately removed most of the Dems’ poison pills, such as mandatory mail in voting and bailing out Planned Parenthood. A fairly junior Senator like Daines had the choice of taking it, or leaving it. So, he ended up voting for giving everyone a cash payment, accepting large company welfare inserted by the Dems. Was that a fair attack on Sen Daines? In my mind, no less unfair than Trump’s attack here on Biden.
I have to admit it was rather fun watching the liberals around me try to explain what "defunding the police" meant as if they were 7 blind men feeling around and describing an elephant for the first time. And that was before the shit show that happened this holiday weekend in Atlanta and Chicago.
When you press them on why they would want to strip money away from putting more police in the streets and enforcing the law against blocking streets they only want to talk about that poor man Floyd George and don't I want to end police brutality??? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! Before they change the subject and flee. Trump has this power to make democrats do really stupid things, things which really are not in their long term best interest. How do they clean up their shitshow?
I'm so old I remember when the democrats "fairly" accused W Bush of being complicit with Osama Bin Laden in the Twin Towers attack, cut a commercial showing Paul Ryan shoving a wheelchair bound grandmother over a cliff, Harry Reid accusing Mitt Romney of not paying federal taxes for 10 years and, oh yeah, 4 straight years of the dems accusing Trump of being a russian agent all based on a hoaxed up lie that the dems had paid for and then used to sabotage an incoming administration.
When Joe Biden and all the Democrats trot out this canard of "community policing," what they are talking about is turning the police into a taxpayer-funded social services program providing lots more union jobs for Democrat operatives with degrees in social justice, urban psychology and community activism.
No, they are saying they will replace the police forces with armed Black Panthers and Antifa. We are on the cusp of another Reign of Terror.
When Joe Biden and all the Democrats trot out this canard of "community policing," what they are talking about is turning the police into a taxpayer-funded social services program providing lots more union jobs for Democrat operatives with degrees in social justice, urban psychology and community activism.
No, they are saying they will replace the police forces with armed Black Panthers and Antifa. We are on the cusp of another Reign of Terror.
While it is quite amusing to worry about whether Trump’s attacks on his opponents are fair (sounds like the concept of a Dave Barry column), the answer is obviously yes. It is fair. So obvious, in fact, that I'm left wondering why the question was even asked.
It’s probably the right approach to call-out Biden. This forces Biden to take a stand. Of course, Biden can - and does - lie about it. When you are not in a position to do anything, you can say anything to please the mob.
Plus: 300 million? For ‘community’ policing? Diversity - choosing people based on skin color? Give me a fucking break.
tim maguire said... While it is quite amusing to worry about whether Trump’s attacks on his opponents are fair (sounds like the concept of a Dave Barry column), the answer is obviously yes. It is fair. So obvious, in fact, that I'm left wondering why the question was even asked.
Typically, the cruelty of blows inflicted is only relevant if they do damage.
A recent acquaintance (a Trump supporter who does not blame the following on the President) believes that one of the recent advertisements noting Biden's mental incapacity seems to be painfully unfair. He is family to an Alzheimer's victim and of course it's a cruel foul disease.
I'm not sure that Biden's dementia or whatever his problem is should be covered up for the take of not hurting his feelings, though, as it would presumably affect governance.
Likewise Biden owns the activities of the left. It is what it is. You vote for him you vote for that. Sorry not sorry if it's painful.
“While it is quite amusing to worry about whether Trump’s attacks on his opponents are fair (sounds like the concept of a Dave Barry column), the answer is obviously yes. It is fair. So obvious, in fact, that I'm left wondering why the question was even asked.”
We all know the answer to that. We are asked if it is fair, because Dems sense that it is effective. And it is effective because it is accurate. Sure, China Joe, Palsi, and Scheamer, don’t actually supporting the number of police. But that is where their party is going, and instead of openly opposing their crazies, they go down on a knee to appease them.
Besides. Biden isn’t mentioned at all in the ad. No one is. It doesn’t matter what Biden might, or would, do if he had the mental capacity to figure out a response himself. He likely doesn’t. At best, this can be said to be directed at the Dems in general, who have signed onto this Marxist BLM/AntiFA rioting, looting, and burning, along with their demands to “Defund The Police”. This is their crazy wing, and they are being appeased, because they are seen as attacking their enemy, Darth Trump. But at a minimum, it can be seen merely as an ad against those Marxist BLM/AntiFA violent thugs. It shows their violent rioting, along with their demands to defund the police, so they won’t be hindered in their rioting. If it is seen as an attack against China Joe, it is only that the Dems don’t like the ramifications of-the ad, and that Biden is caught by it in a vice, between Trump’s truth here, and the Dem crazies.
So, if anyone tries to tell you that the ad isn’t fair, ask them why not? And if they mention Biden’s name, just point out that Biden’s name isn’t mentioned in the ad even once. Nor is the Dem Party. Superficially, the ad only attacks the idiocy and duplicity of the violent rioters demanding that the police be defunded, so that they can violently riot, loot, burn, and murder in peace. Ask them then if it is accurate? Are the Marxist BLM and AntiFA protesters and rioters demanding that the police be defunded while they violently riot, loot, burn, and murder? Then ask them why, then, do they think that the ad is unfair? The answer, no doubt, that they are reading it as an attack on China Joe. But that is completely on them. They know that this makes the Dems look two faced and desirous of the destruction of the country. But Trump (and his ad) didn’t say that. The Dems know that this makes them look bad. And this is why the ad is good.
It was well made too. One of the things that I loved was that there is the slightest pause before the wait time (five days) is filled in. We have all heard that on numerous occasions, when we get this sort of recorded message, and the fixed portion of the recorded message ends, and the computer system generating it switches to the variable portion. A very nice touch. Every time I listen to the ad, I listen for that pause, and pointed it out to my parter last night.
After two high number weekends Chicago keeps on truckin.. 19 people were shot, four fatally Monday in violence across Chicago including six people who were shot in Gresham on the South Side
you have been entertaining us with your pictures of beautiful murals on State Street there in Madison.
But ponder why the stores are all boarded up.
Did the store owners decide to magnanimously provide a canvas for public art? Or were they trying to protect their buildings and inventory in case that mob that knocked down the statues right up the street moved down the block?
You had a recent story about how the City and County Building there almost went up in flames and by only a miracle a disaster was narrowly averted. And now your mayor has a recall effort. These store owners knew that in Madison's current environment the rioters and looters are given "room to destroy"... If your business and your sweat equity and blood and tears becomes collateral damage, well too bad, so sad.... maybe you should not have been a racist capitalist with the gall to open a store to provide what people want.
So is it the Trump ad that is scaring people? Or is the ad just a mirror? People don't board up their stores and their souls unless they perceive a threat..
Lawlessness might feel briefly exhilarating as you knock down the statue or block the freeway and dance the Cupid Shuffle. And then the speeding car of reality hits and throws you 50 feet in the air.
1. Joe Biden has dementia, and that is the only important thing about him or his campaign. 2. Because Joe Biden has dementia, yet is still in the campaign, every single policy of the Left belongs to him personally, because it is clear he is the blank slate upon which the Dems wish to write a new America.
Freder Frederson said... Violent crime has not exploded. Murders are indeed up this year but other violent crime is down.
Jeez. Fish in a barrel. "For the month of June 2020, the number of people victimized by gun violence and murder in New York City spiked significantly, when compared to the same period in 2019. Between June 1 and June 30, there was a 130% increase in the number of shooting incidents across the city (205 v. 89) as the number of shootings rose in every borough of New York. The number of people murdered citywide increased to 39 v. 30, (+ 30%) for the month, while the number of burglaries increased to 1,783 v. 817 (+118%) and the number of auto thefts increased to 696 v. 462 (+51%) citywide." https://www1.nyc.gov/site/nypd/news/pr0706/nypd-citywide-crime-statistics-june-2020
Every time I listen to the ad, I listen for that pause, and pointed it out to my parter last night.
These ads are on an assembly line, I'm sure. It was awfully nice of the Democrats to provide all that footage so the Trump shop can choose the best. I kind of like the video of the black guy crossing the street and holding his daughter's hand as the car pulls alongside and the hand with the gun emerges and kills the daddy. I can almost see the text. "Did this black life matter ?"
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१३४ टिप्पण्या:
More fair than media coverage of Trump.
Biden has ample opportunity to disown his own side. That he fails to do so is why a structuralist won't vote for him.
A feelingist will determine only whether Biden means well and will vote accordingly. To hell with structural instability.
Yeah, it'd be really sad if the Trump campaign was unfair to Biden, after how nice the D's are to Trump.
BTW, is "Moderate Joe" leading the charge to support the police? Is he taking on "Antifa and BLM"? Not that i'm aware of.
He hasn’t condemned the calls to defund the police, therefore he supports those calls. Democrats, liberals, people like you, have established those rules, not realizing they might be applied to them.
In the same manner, all Democrat politicians are responsible for all statue toppling in the USA, including the one of Frederick Douglass in Rochester NY. None of them have condemned statue toppling, therefore they own all of them. Along with the flag burnings by their Communist allies.
All money that goes to BLM is redirected to ActBlue, which then spends it for mainstream Democrats. These people are the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party. So yeah, it’s fair. Until he disowns them, which he won’t, or will do it with a wink and a nod.
He has already said that if politicians won’t tear down the statues, lawless mobs should. In so many words.
BLM just wants thousands of government no-show jobs like "diversity consultant". In return, they will settle for President Biden's puppermasters dropping it.
He said Joe Biden supporters, not Joe Biden himself.
Totally fair charge, since in fact all of the "defend the police" people are supporting Joe Biden, even if they were Bernie Bots earlier.
Yes, Biden represents the ilk that wants to defund the police for everyone but himself.
Will Biden personally topple statues, burn government buildings, and shoot children? I have my doubts.
But the cities in which these things are happening are run by Democratics. Too damned bad the party you prefer is radically unAmerican, Althouse.
This is on you and people who vote like you.
This is on Democratics.
"Vivid Trump ad scares us about defunding the police — which is easy to do — but is it fair to pin it on Biden?"
Um. Well, it is a major plank of his base, and most if not all of the Democrats in office are behind it.
So. Yes, yes it is fair to pin the tail on the memory care patient.
Fair? Who cares about fairness? The Democrats certainly don't. Their sycophants in Antifa and BLM want this, so Joe has to own it.
Fair? Who cares about fairness? The Democrats certainly don't. Their sycophants in Antifa and BLM want this, so Joe has to own it.
Yes, it's fair, because this is the policy of high profile Democrats and Biden is the de facto leader of the party. Until he shuts them up he owns it.
I don't know, what is Biden's position on Defund the Police. Would be nice to ask him.
Biden has promised to make people such as AOC part of his administration in charge of policies, so he has basically endorsed their positions. Yes, it is fair to pin in on Biden. Have you heard him say otherwise?
Unless Biden repudiates those elected officials that he announced were his team, such as AOC, who are explicit about it, it is.
Until he repudiates those of his party who have already done it, it is.
Violent crime has not exploded. Murders are indeed up this year but other violent crime is down.
What’s not fair about it? Do you or Meade seriously believe that Joe Biden would push back against the looters and rioters and murderers of children? I mean seriously? Althouse, dammit, YOU AREN’T THAT DUMB. You insult both yourself and us to pretend otherwise.
I repeatedly predicted that Trump would run against the Democrats and the rioters and looters This is a .30 caliber round. The mortars and howitzers and cannons are yet to open fire.
You're funny. Still talking about fairness
Would Joe Biden prevent it, were he president?
When did political ads start having to be fair?
Yes, it is fair if Biden won't speak against defunding the police.
It Biden's party and supporters that want this defund the police nonsense, not Republicans and Trump supporters. When I vote for President, it's the entire package I consider. Consider Biden's tweet over the weekend: "We’re going to beat Donald Trump. And when we do, we won’t just rebuild this nation — we’ll transform it." In other words, we are going to take money and property from the people who earned it and it give it to those who didn't, but who we prefer. That and cave to the mob and their demands which would certainly transform the nation, if you're interested in living in a lawless, third-world style, socialist shithole.
I'm sorry, did you say "fair?" Hahahahahahhahahahahaha!
If all of the people working to defund the police are on the left, and Biden, the left-wing Prez candidate doesn't emphatically deny his agreement and show major effort to support the police, my thought is he should be pinned with this blame.
I have written it before- if you want to see what a community without police is like, visit any ghetto in the US.
Biden’s own words on defunding the police...
"I do not support defunding police," in an op-ed Wednesday, as protesters around the country increase their calls for overhauling the criminal justice system and President Trump attempts to tie Biden to the "Defund the police" movement.
"I've long been a firm believer in the power of community policing—getting cops out of their cruisers and building relationships with the people and the communities they are there to serve and protect," wrote Biden. "Every single police department should have the money they need to institute real reforms like adopting a national use of force standard, buying body cameras, and recruiting more diverse police officers."‘
OpEd USA Today
It should have started w/ an option to chose Mexican as the language instead of English.
Also, maybe have some more options for when a black man rapes a white woman, just lumping all rape together seems like a lost opportunity. And, why no option to deal w/ the massive problem re men dressed as women hanging out in bathrooms w/ little girls. And, black men dressed as women hanging out in bathrooms w/ little white girls.
Even as it is, w/o my great ideas added, I was really scared. Very effective/affective ad.
Folks should send money to DJT. Pay for more great content!
BTW, being glass is half full: can I ignore speed limits when Biden gets rid of the police?
"Is it fair to pin it on Biden?"
By ordinary standard of honesty, no.
By Democrat Party standard of honesty, what is not to like?
Of course it is fair. It is an election. And an election against the Dems who tried to pin the fake Russia story on Trump and then tried to throw Flynn in jail.
By Democrat Party standard of honesty, what is not to like?
Yes, it would be intolerant not to at least note their religious ("ethical") virtue... then move on.
Imagine there's no po-po...
It's easy if you try...
Yes, it is fair if Biden won't speak against defunding the police.
He needs to make an affirmative statement to reject the protests that place people at progressive risk. Also, reform begins with the legislature, then the attorney general, bureaucracy, and so on. Ellison? Ellison? Ellison? This reminds me of the Seattle mayor who unflinchingly supported some, select, Black Lives Matter until her and her family's lives were at risk by the occupation.
Let's play "Pin the Fail On the Donkey"
it wouldn't be pinning it on Biden, but those pulling his strings
Is it fair to in it on Biden? You betchum Little Beave
Dear Old Slow Joe is non compos mentis. If the Dems manage to push him over the finish line in November (and they just might) Joe won't be running the White House. He'll be drooling in his oatmeal each morning. A Democrat Politburo composed of all the leftiest minds in the Democrat party (and that's saying a lot) will be giving the orders. Trump's ad simply pins the Politburo's schemes and policies on Joe--and Joe will be the front man after all.
Trump should not accept the left's "defund" terminology, which can always be spun as "spending priorities".
The issue is whether blue state mayors and governors who support Biden intend to hamstring the police, not whether Biden will send more or less taxpayer money.
Trump should introduce his own more apt term "Hamstring the Police", which encompasses a wider range of operative changes affecting effectiveness, morale, retention and recruitment of law enforcement.
Hell yes it’s fair! If you vote for Biden and other Democrats, you’ll get those policies on steroids. If that’s what you want, vote Democrat. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Was it fair for Hilary to commission the Steele Dossier?
Was it fair for Obama to sic the intelligence agencies on his political rivals?
Don’t lose the thread ...
Yes, it's fair. You don't just vote for the President. You also vote for the people he's going to have in his administration. That's especially true with Biden, because we all know he won't be the one in charge.
Biden’s wearing the shirt covered in lurid orchids. Probably muttering something about “fine people”.
It’s more than fair to hang this on him.
And, by the standards of our resident Leftists, Biden has the blood of that 8 year-old girl on his hands as well.
"I've long been a firm believer in the power of community policing—getting cops out of their cruisers and building relationships with the people and the communities they are there to serve and protect," wrote Biden.
Kinda hard to do, Joe, when your supporters in state and local government routinely vilify them for political advantage.
These are Democrat cities with increased mayhem and murders.
Soccer Moms, they are coming to the suburbs if you vote for Biden.
Is it fair to pin it on Biden?
If he is held to the same standards as Republicans, unless he explicitly rejects it, yes.
Which Democrat running for any office this has denounced the riots, the looting and the vandalism? Which Democrat in office at any level has condemned the vandalism, looting, rioting and violence? Silence is violence, right people?
It's a lame ass ad, definitely not better than nothing. The spot plays like a parody. Makes sense of course, you people are a parody, so you will snorffle it up like a supersized double whopper happy meal.
It's not unfair at all to Biden, he's running to be POTUS FFS.
Anne Althouse is a strange woman. She seems as if she may be quite smart, and yet not quite all there morally, or in terms of critical thinking. Is she on Paxil or some other mood altering drug?
"Is it fair to pin it on Biden?"
Yeah, it's fair.
Inga, that shit won't fly. He needs to say it in public, and repeat it in public. An op-ed written by one of his staff is insufficient.
AA - "...but is it fair to pin it on Biden...?" Is this a rhetorical question - are we not discussing 'Politics'-what's "fair" about that profession. I guess Trump thought all of these attacks: Russia; Impeachment; Deep State; Corona-it's Trumps fault - not China's; etc., was "fair" to him - really? I believe most people would say no on Trump and yes on the Biden question.
so cy vance is going after the dog caller, amy cooper, because of course she would,
As little as I think of the man, Jacob Frey had the fucking courage to go to one of these protests all by himself and tell the defund-the-police advocates that he couldn't support their demands. Biden should do no less.
Unless Biden has specifically and unequivocally denounced "Defund the Police," Yes it's fair.
First of all, Biden didn't write anything in Forbes. I doubt Donald Trump writes most of the opinion pieces linked to his name either, but Joe Biden simply isn't capable. Even if he was- long-winded opinion pieces aren't going to calm down the frothing mobs attacking fuel trucks that are just trying to resupply liberal cities. At minimum, the Democrats need to stop their sponsorship of the BLM terror movement before the President decides to go after their organizers.
Of course, I really don't care, and rather hope blue cities starve without energy as truckers abruptly start refusing to risk the highway blockades. Then you'll see a show.
The Democrats have been writing Trump's ads for months now. You have not seen the tip if it yet.
Freder Frederson said...
Violent crime has not exploded. Murders are indeed up this year but other violent crime is down.
Chief Freder has spoken. Anyone who disagrees will be sued for libel and it's a slam dunk. Just like defunding the police.
Worked well for Seattle and Atlanta.
Serious question? if so, serious answer. Yes.
getting cops out of their cruisers and building relationships with the people and the communities they are there to serve and protect,"
And murdered, of course, like that young Muslim cop in Toledo with two kids.
Violent crime has not exploded. Murders are indeed up this year but other violent crime is down.
I generally don't like to argue without facts and figures at hand, but I'm thinking that arson on main street is higher, looting has seen a big increase, and I'm pretty sure defacing and destruction of public property is on the rise. But if you're right about violent crime being in a downswing - what better time to be a cop? Time to cut their pay.
"Vivid Trump ad scares us about defunding the police — which is easy to do — but is it fair to pin it on Biden?"
Isn't it obvious that the ad pinned blame on Biden supporters, not Biden himself?
As far as Biden goes, he is going to "rip out there roots of systemic racism." I wonder what that means and what will be different from what he has done in 30 years in the Senate and 8 years as VP. He has to go BIG.
His supporters want police defunding, reparations, social workers instead of cops, censorship of hate speech and hate thinking. Joe's speech writers will try to support that without scaring off moderate Democrats. So you will see Inga cutting and pasting what his writers say on one hand, while on the other hand ..
Some people are so easily fooled.
Inga: ""I do not support defunding police,""
Biden has already demonstrated quite conclusively how quickly he "evolves" after being elected.......
The Democrats have pushed this nightmare from the beginning. Joe is the DEM candidate. It is his shitshow. He is not mentally together enough to even try to steer the Dems in another direction. Joe will be controlled by the most manipulative of the Dem cabal. The Marxists,
adSs: "It should have started w/ an option to chose Mexican as the language instead of English."
Is not choosing Spanish as the national language in 1789 one of the main reasons you hate the United States and its founders and consider them evil traitors, or just one of many?
Freder Frederson: "Violent crime has not exploded. Murders are indeed up this year but other violent crime is down."
Hey Fox Butterfield, do you wanna take a wild guess as to why that is?
Today Atlanta's black democrat female mayor called Howard's Heroes "cowards".
I don't think Howard has recovered from that yet.
Fair is foul and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air.
If there ever was anything fair about politics pose-modernism murdered it. There is no such thing as "fair" in politics But is it justified and right that Biden be saddled with and expected to answer for the policies of the party he leads into the election?
Yes, absolutely.
If America had a Free Press in the Founders sense of the term, they would be all over Biden & all Democrats about the havoc, destruction and murder their policies and "choices" are wreaking on America.
But those days are gone.
Fair's got nothing to do with it.
Yes it's fair. We Are At War with these Democrat bastards in case you hadn't noticed the last four years -- their war. All's fair, just ask them.
I was going to say something about daisies and Willy Horton but y'all probably wouldn't get it.
“He needs to say it in public, and repeat it in public. An op-ed written by one of his staff is insufficient.”
In an interview with Norah O Donnell, Biden says “No, I don’t support defunding the police”
Hell yes it’s fair! If you vote for Biden and other Democrats, you’ll get those policies on steroids. If that’s what you want, vote Democrat.
There's a substantial voting block that would rather have those polices vs a President Trump tweeting mean things...
Yes, Inga, that's completely believable. I can so easily see President Joe Biden, all by himself, standing in solidarity with every Republican everywhere in stark opposition to every single other Democrat everywhere.
Cause he's always shown that kind of fortitude and independence from whatever the Democrat narrative of the day is.
And I'm sure the day he does that, the day he rebukes all other Democrats to stand with all Republicans in defending the police against the howling Marxist mob, that you'll be standing with Joe, and not the howling Marxist mob. No, actually, I don't see that at all. Cause, see, you have a history too.
More Shot Kilt in Chicago than Covids deaths in all Illinois.
Inga should apply to be a Biden spokeschick but AOC and then other communists probably got there first. Biden has "gone rogue to the left" and I doubt he even knows it.
Again, Inga, Biden needs to go to a protest and say he is against it- facing down the protesters is the only way to authentic way. He needs to be making this point every fucking day, else no one in doubt will ever believe him, and Trump's ad is effective otherwise. He needs to get his party in line, too, and on the exact same message.
ga6: "More Shot Kilt in Chicago than Covids deaths in all Illinois."
Not to worry. Every one of those killed by gunfire will show up in the ChiCom flu death column.
At this rate of changing definitions and rationales for essentially lobbing every death for any reason anywhere into the ChiCom flu column, I think its beginning to look more and more likely that Birkel will be proven quite correct and there will be almost no excess deaths (above the annual expected number of deaths year over year) for 2020.
They will simply have moved the cause of death for many non-flu deaths to the ChiCom flu column where they needed it for political purposes in November.
Biden loves America.....and he can't wait to transform it into something completely different.
And when Biden has done that, he needs to advocate for not funding BLM and Antifa. He needs to say these kinds of things, else he will carry this albatross the rest of the campaign. And do you know how I know it is an albatross, Inga? Because you are desperately trying to convince us otherwise.
You let me know when Biden has gone to a protest and denounced the idea of defunding the police. You let me know when he has rebuked those in his campaign and his party for supporting such an insane idea.
I watch all of Biden's interviews, by the way- whenever he says he is "against it", it is the same mealy mouth bullshit you were trying to spin here several weeks ago about how the protesters aren't trying to get rid of civil police forces, but to reform them. However, BLM set the record straight- they want them gone. I believe them when they say this, I don't believe you, and I don't believe Joe Biden, and neither will any non-Democrat voter unless Biden makes it explicit.
Is it fair to blame Democratics for the looting, rioting, and general lawlessness in Democratic controlled places?
Is Joe Biden the Democratics' standard bearer?
So is it fair to blame Joe Biden for the faults of Democratics?
Are the collective left and the hot garbage leftwing press fair to Trump?
F them.
Biden’s own words:
"No, I don't support defunding the police," the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said in an interview with CBS while in Houston to meet with the family of George Floyd, whose death last month as a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck set off nationwide protests. "I support conditioning federal aid to police based on whether or not they meet certain basic standards of decency and honorableness. And, in fact, are able to demonstrate they can protect the community and everybody in the community."
He doesn’t support it, it’s just the centerpiece of his policy.
“ So. Yes, yes it is fair to pin the tail on the memory care patient.”
I see what you did there.
Well played.
You can spend unlimited funds on any purpose but still frustrate or hamstring it’s ostensible purpose.
The “Great Society” welfare state for example.
Chicago again: And only 9 mass shootings this weekend alone!!!
The ad refers to Biden supporters calling to defund the police. It’s time Democrat pols be held accountable for actions of their minions they don’t condemn.
The mediaswine seek to hold Trump responsible for E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
I imagine that Althouse is asking us to consider whether this is fair in some abstract sense that might then be applied to Trump. Is it okay to take the worst of one side and pin it on the other side's candidate? Strictly speaking, no. But calling for the Defunding of the police, pulling down statues, and rioting for weeks on end seems to be more than just a fringe of the 2020 Democratic Party. It's at least plausible to call them the heart of the party. Plausible enough that if the presumed nominee of that party feels differently than them, he needs to strongly distance himself from them and even seek to restrain them.
I remember Trump being asked repeatedly to disavow an endorsement from some Klan type last election. That was just one guy on the fringe, but the journos were desperate to have Trump address it. Fairness would dictate the press should badger Biden until election day about the violence and extremism of his political side.
The ad refers to Biden supporters calling to defund the police. It’s time Democrat pols be held accountable for actions of their minions they don’t condemn.
The mediaswine seek to hold Trump responsible for E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
Never forget that Inga's the one who spent 11 months after James Hodgkinson, the leftist Bernie bro, tried to kill numerous Republican congressmen/women... she spent 11 months claiming she would rather be waterboarded than be asked to denounce violence against Republicans.
Turns out, the left is filled with Hodgkinsons.... and they are all out shooting blacks and chanting "defund the police" and rioting and looting. Inga still supports them but wishes they would just kill Republicans--then she'd have no moral quandaries at all. Right now there's that cognative dissonance... "I support violent leftists, and I support Black Lives Matter... but they are shooting and killing black people! How do I support both? Oh, if only they would go kill some white Republicans--that's a cause I could gladly support!"
If it was me, I'd run an ad:
open shot called "Democrat Paradise", Maximum security prison for violent offenders. Cut to 3 brutal looking guys in a cell--black, white, Asian. Clearly bad guys. Cops says, "Guys, the Democrat governor has ordered you released because you caught Covid. So we are setting you free in your hometown. Also, just to let you know, since the Democrat party won office, they have seized all weapons from the law abiding.
Cut to nice street, children playing, and our three bad guys being let out of a prison van. Driver says, "Well, my last drop off. Now that the police have been defunded, I get to go home permanently! Enjoy yourselves, boys!!!" Three men grin, Walk up to a door, knock and the door opens to a pretty woman with a teen girl or two playing games on their phones in the background. The men push inside as camera fades to black, with female screams starting.
"Vote for Trump so this Democrat Paradise doesn't happen to you! Paid for by Donald Trump"
How could any leftist complain, since that is their policy right now?
Biden is going to need a lot more maternal impulses from a lot of people.
Nobody ever stepped in to save George Foreman, or Mohammed Ali, or Donald Trump. He's the warrior, the alpha, the guy to knock down to get some cred. He will be running against the entire Democrat party, 90% of the media, all of academia, and Hollywood. Just get Biden a blanket and some warm milk, and protect him like a kitten.
If Biden wants to be president and not just a pretty face with great hair plugs, he needs to address the issue.
Or, failing that, let his puppet master come out and address the issue.
It's unfortunate that the pandemic has occurred in an election year, but here we are. We have people stocking up on guns, dying in the streets and doing their best to destroy what is left of the traditional economy while the tech oligarchs, puppet masters themselves, have clean hands and haven't lost a nickel in the whole fray.
Yesterday vandals who know nothing of history but are filled with emotional rage tore down a statue of FREDERICK DOUGLASS, perhaps the greatest African American advocate of the 19th century. These current deranged clods want to tear the country down and replace it with ... what?
We deserve answers before we vote in November.
2020 will be a year when Democrats will first destroy the economy, kill thousands, and burn down cities and then pretend they had nothing to do with it, and it was all Trump's fault. Just keep this idea of fairness in mind as you watch that happen in real time day after day after day.
Biden believes:
- in the Green New Deal which includes ending air travel and the beef industry, retrofitting every building in America within a couple of years, and the government paying anyone "unwilling to work" among other lunacies.
- in Title IX Campus Inquisitions.
- that moderate Republicans want to "put ya'll [blacks] back in chains".
No doubt these are moderate positions among Dem politicians, but they are not close to a moderate position of Americans.
I doubt this ad scares anybody as much as the real possibly of losing police protection. It's the obvious truth that's scary, not the ad stating the obvious. You do realize people are carrying signs, painting streets and actually voting to defund the police, and it has nothing to do with Trump or Biden, except all those doing that support Biden and vise versa.
Inga said...
“He needs to say it in public, and repeat it in public. An op-ed written by one of his staff is insufficient.”
In an interview with Norah O Donnell, Biden says “No, I don’t support defunding the police”
7/6/20, 6:38 PM
SISTER SOULJAH! thou shouldst be living at this HOUR
Give BJ Clinton this, however calculatedly: he took SS' words and, in his mind way, crammed them up her exceedingly fat ass:
Speaking to Jesse Jackson, Sr.'s Rainbow Coalition in June 1992, Clinton responded both to that quotation and to something Souljah had said in the music video of her song "The Final Solution: Slavery's back in Effect" ("If there are any good white people, I haven't met them").[5] "If you took the words 'white' and 'black,' and you reversed them, you might think David Duke was giving that speech," said Clinton.
Prior to his appearance, Clinton's campaign staff had conducted an intense debate about how far he should go in distancing himself from Jackson, who was unpopular with moderate voters. When Souljah was invited to speak at the conference, Clinton's advisors saw their chance.
Guess Gropey Dopey Sleepy Creepy Joe's people don't see his chance.
Based on the comments here, it seems like Inga is a splooge stooge for our political commenting.
She is the Althouse Choo-Choo Girl.
Considering Biden does not know where he is half the time and, when he was in better health, never had a position that could not be changed on a moment's notice, pinning anything on Biden is a questionable affair. When you are dealing with the generic Democrat, you go after the party and his party most certainly do support this position or at least are trying to keep their heads down and hope it goes away. Maybe Biden's handlers can come up with some statement renouncing prominent Democrats around the country for their positions and, if they pump him with enough medication, perhaps Biden could communicate that. Good luck.
OPOQ: "Vivid Trump ad scares us about defunding the police — which is easy to do — but is it fair to pin it on Biden?"
How's this for fair?
Meanwhile, the older white female attorney in Minnesota//lawprof in Wisconsin who got stuck driving into an illegal march, abandoned her car, tried to flee, then spat in the face of a screaming 17-year old who was mobbing her with scores of others (international media accused her of using her car to block the protest then attacking the youth for no reason), was followed home by protestors who were directing other protestors to her house, and after merely slightly put hands on one 21-year old asshole ranting about re-educating her on her own front yard is arrested and charged with hate crimes.
That sound fair to you?
Just a recent example of the elephant in the discussion: Was it fair for the entire media to totally misrepresent Trump's inspiring and positive speech at Rushmore? Was that accidental, unfairness, incompetent unfairness, or just what an enemy of the people does?
Is it fair to ask us if it's fair?
Does fairness matter to progs? If it does, show me the evidence. If it doesn't, why fight fair?
Because it gives the Althouses of America a way to rationalize their vote?
You have to remember that Trump and his campaign are vastly outnumbered in the communication game. If he is ever unfair to Biden, then that still one out of ten in volume of unfairness exchanges.
"Totally unfair!! Because all sorts of leading Republicans have been calling for defunding of the police. Right?" (sarc).
When Joe Biden and all the Democrats trot out this canard of "community policing," what they are talking about is turning the police into a taxpayer-funded social services program providing lots more union jobs for Democrat operatives with degrees in social justice, urban psychology and community activism. Just like all of their "initiatives." What they also mean is defunding the actual core job that taxpayers count on the police to do--protect the public and catch the bad guys.
So yes he is in favor of defunding the police.
And Hell, Yes it's fair. Politics ain't beanbag, and neither Mitt Romney nor GWB is the Republican nominee.
Biden (or whoever programs him) gave the right answer to CBS regarding whether he supports defunding police (Kevin quoted it up-thread). The Trump ad is fine for rallying the troops, but to win the election the Republicans need to do better than this. (I say "Republicans", not just "Trump", because even Republicans who aren't big fans of Trump will be big losers if Trump goes down.)
Murders are indeed up this year but other violent crime is down.
Ridiculous. Shootings (apart from those that result in homicide) are also way up. Here's NYC data. Shootings up 50%. Robberies flat, not "down."
Watch the video in this link.
Please tell me about the unfairness of our hot garbage media
Like that other popular blogger says... "Cruel, but fair."
Fair has very little to do with anything anymore.
It's a clever ad in the sense that either Biden comes out and forthrightly denounces BLM, or Trump is absolutely right. Either way, he's screwed, especially because the BLM rioters don't mind using gunfire to get their way.
When Joe Biden and all the Democrats trot out this canard of "community policing," what they are talking about is turning the police into a taxpayer-funded social services program providing lots more union jobs for Democrat operatives with degrees in social justice, urban psychology and community activism.
Actually, "Community Policing" was part of the Giuliani program for reducing crime. It was expensive and so, Bloomberg reduced funding, and that is where "stop and frisk" came from. What Warren Wilhelm Jr is doing is bringing back the Dinkins years and Paul Kersey will soon emerge.
I like this ad because it reminds me of a good Simpsons episode.
"Vivid Trump ad scares us about defunding the police — which is easy to do — but is it fair to pin it on Biden?"
Hell yes. Chuckle Scheamer talked Gov Bullock to run against Sen Daines for his Senate seat. Some supposed 3rd party group has been running ads against Daines (and thus pro-Bullock). In the ads, Daines is attacked for having voted for a lot of pork to big companies. What Daines voted for were the COVID-19 relief bills. If he had voted against the bills, they would have attacked him for voting to hurt all of the workers who were helped by the bills. He couldn’t win. The bills involved deals made between Speaker Palsi and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, that ultimately removed most of the Dems’ poison pills, such as mandatory mail in voting and bailing out Planned Parenthood. A fairly junior Senator like Daines had the choice of taking it, or leaving it. So, he ended up voting for giving everyone a cash payment, accepting large company welfare inserted by the Dems. Was that a fair attack on Sen Daines? In my mind, no less unfair than Trump’s attack here on Biden.
I have to admit it was rather fun watching the liberals around me try to explain what "defunding the police" meant as if they were 7 blind men feeling around and describing an elephant for the first time. And that was before the shit show that happened this holiday weekend in Atlanta and Chicago.
When you press them on why they would want to strip money away from putting more police in the streets and enforcing the law against blocking streets they only want to talk about that poor man Floyd George and don't I want to end police brutality??? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! Before they change the subject and flee. Trump has this power to make democrats do really stupid things, things which really are not in their long term best interest. How do they clean up their shitshow?
I'm so old I remember when the democrats "fairly" accused W Bush of being complicit with Osama Bin Laden in the Twin Towers attack, cut a commercial showing Paul Ryan shoving a wheelchair bound grandmother over a cliff, Harry Reid accusing Mitt Romney of not paying federal taxes for 10 years and, oh yeah, 4 straight years of the dems accusing Trump of being a russian agent all based on a hoaxed up lie that the dems had paid for and then used to sabotage an incoming administration.
Five days is enough time for me to throw a lot of lead.
Another circle jerk.
So the president does read!
Last 24 Hours without duplicates of Bolton news on Google and Lord knows what Twitter has.
When Joe Biden and all the Democrats trot out this canard of "community policing," what they are talking about is turning the police into a taxpayer-funded social services program providing lots more union jobs for Democrat operatives with degrees in social justice, urban psychology and community activism.
No, they are saying they will replace the police forces with armed Black Panthers and Antifa. We are on the cusp of another Reign of Terror.
When Joe Biden and all the Democrats trot out this canard of "community policing," what they are talking about is turning the police into a taxpayer-funded social services program providing lots more union jobs for Democrat operatives with degrees in social justice, urban psychology and community activism.
No, they are saying they will replace the police forces with armed Black Panthers and Antifa. We are on the cusp of another Reign of Terror.
While it is quite amusing to worry about whether Trump’s attacks on his opponents are fair (sounds like the concept of a Dave Barry column), the answer is obviously yes. It is fair. So obvious, in fact, that I'm left wondering why the question was even asked.
It’s probably the right approach to call-out Biden. This forces Biden to take a stand. Of course, Biden can - and does - lie about it. When you are not in a position to do anything, you can say anything to please the mob.
Plus: 300 million? For ‘community’ policing? Diversity - choosing people based on skin color? Give me a fucking break.
tim maguire said...
While it is quite amusing to worry about whether Trump’s attacks on his opponents are fair (sounds like the concept of a Dave Barry column), the answer is obviously yes. It is fair. So obvious, in fact, that I'm left wondering why the question was even asked.
Typically, the cruelty of blows inflicted is only relevant if they do damage.
A recent acquaintance (a Trump supporter who does not blame the following on the President) believes that one of the recent advertisements noting Biden's mental incapacity seems to be painfully unfair. He is family to an Alzheimer's victim and of course it's a cruel foul disease.
I'm not sure that Biden's dementia or whatever his problem is should be covered up for the take of not hurting his feelings, though, as it would presumably affect governance.
Likewise Biden owns the activities of the left. It is what it is. You vote for him you vote for that. Sorry not sorry if it's painful.
“While it is quite amusing to worry about whether Trump’s attacks on his opponents are fair (sounds like the concept of a Dave Barry column), the answer is obviously yes. It is fair. So obvious, in fact, that I'm left wondering why the question was even asked.”
We all know the answer to that. We are asked if it is fair, because Dems sense that it is effective. And it is effective because it is accurate. Sure, China Joe, Palsi, and Scheamer, don’t actually supporting the number of police. But that is where their party is going, and instead of openly opposing their crazies, they go down on a knee to appease them.
Besides. Biden isn’t mentioned at all in the ad. No one is. It doesn’t matter what Biden might, or would, do if he had the mental capacity to figure out a response himself. He likely doesn’t. At best, this can be said to be directed at the Dems in general, who have signed onto this Marxist BLM/AntiFA rioting, looting, and burning, along with their demands to “Defund The Police”. This is their crazy wing, and they are being appeased, because they are seen as attacking their enemy, Darth Trump. But at a minimum, it can be seen merely as an ad against those Marxist BLM/AntiFA violent thugs. It shows their violent rioting, along with their demands to defund the police, so they won’t be hindered in their rioting. If it is seen as an attack against China Joe, it is only that the Dems don’t like the ramifications of-the ad, and that Biden is caught by it in a vice, between Trump’s truth here, and the Dem crazies.
So, if anyone tries to tell you that the ad isn’t fair, ask them why not? And if they mention Biden’s name, just point out that Biden’s name isn’t mentioned in the ad even once. Nor is the Dem Party. Superficially, the ad only attacks the idiocy and duplicity of the violent rioters demanding that the police be defunded, so that they can violently riot, loot, burn, and murder in peace. Ask them then if it is accurate? Are the Marxist BLM and AntiFA protesters and rioters demanding that the police be defunded while they violently riot, loot, burn, and murder? Then ask them why, then, do they think that the ad is unfair? The answer, no doubt, that they are reading it as an attack on China Joe. But that is completely on them. They know that this makes the Dems look two faced and desirous of the destruction of the country. But Trump (and his ad) didn’t say that. The Dems know that this makes them look bad. And this is why the ad is good.
It was well made too. One of the things that I loved was that there is the slightest pause before the wait time (five days) is filled in. We have all heard that on numerous occasions, when we get this sort of recorded message, and the fixed portion of the recorded message ends, and the computer system generating it switches to the variable portion. A very nice touch. Every time I listen to the ad, I listen for that pause, and pointed it out to my parter last night.
After two high number weekends Chicago keeps on truckin..
19 people were shot, four fatally Monday in violence across Chicago including six people who were shot in Gresham on the South Side
you have been entertaining us with your pictures of beautiful murals on State Street there in Madison.
But ponder why the stores are all boarded up.
Did the store owners decide to magnanimously provide a canvas for public art? Or were they trying to protect their buildings and inventory in case that mob that knocked down the statues right up the street moved down the block?
You had a recent story about how the City and County Building there almost went up in flames and by only a miracle a disaster was narrowly averted. And now your mayor has a recall effort. These store owners knew that in Madison's current environment the rioters and looters are given "room to destroy"... If your business and your sweat equity and blood and tears becomes collateral damage, well too bad, so sad.... maybe you should not have been a racist capitalist with the gall to open a store to provide what people want.
So is it the Trump ad that is scaring people? Or is the ad just a mirror? People don't board up their stores and their souls unless they perceive a threat..
Lawlessness might feel briefly exhilarating as you knock down the statue or block the freeway and dance the Cupid Shuffle. And then the speeding car of reality hits and throws you 50 feet in the air.
1. Joe Biden has dementia, and that is the only important thing about him or his campaign.
2. Because Joe Biden has dementia, yet is still in the campaign, every single policy of the Left belongs to him personally, because it is clear he is the blank slate upon which the Dems wish to write a new America.
ga6: Are you saying those Black Lives taken over the weekend in Chicago - don't - Matter?
Heresy! Racism! and likely Urbanism! whatever that would be.
Freder Frederson said...
Violent crime has not exploded. Murders are indeed up this year but other violent crime is down.
Jeez. Fish in a barrel. "For the month of June 2020, the number of people victimized by gun violence and murder in New York City spiked significantly, when compared to the same period in 2019. Between June 1 and June 30, there was a 130% increase in the number of shooting incidents across the city (205 v. 89) as the number of shootings rose in every borough of New York. The number of people murdered citywide increased to 39 v. 30, (+ 30%) for the month, while the number of burglaries increased to 1,783 v. 817 (+118%) and the number of auto thefts increased to 696 v. 462 (+51%) citywide." https://www1.nyc.gov/site/nypd/news/pr0706/nypd-citywide-crime-statistics-june-2020
Every time I listen to the ad, I listen for that pause, and pointed it out to my parter last night.
These ads are on an assembly line, I'm sure. It was awfully nice of the Democrats to provide all that footage so the Trump shop can choose the best. I kind of like the video of the black guy crossing the street and holding his daughter's hand as the car pulls alongside and the hand with the gun emerges and kills the daddy. I can almost see the text. "Did this black life matter ?"
Nice blog and thanks for sharing this information.
Online CAD freelance
If he is not for it, let Biden say he is against it.
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