Says Robin Wright in "To the World, We’re Now America the Racist and Pitiful" (The New Yorker).
I'm surprised to encounter reverence for the Fourth of July holiday. If we're going to take this year's events as seriously as Wright wants us to take them, isn't the Fourth racist? Isn't it white supremacy? Why is she calling on us to be truer to its values?
We've had the 1619 Project to instruct us. Shouldn't there now be a call to abolish the Fourth of July as a national holiday? Should we even be calling holidays "national"?
I'm not seeing that suggestion — abolish the holiday. Not yet. It must be brewing out there, though, don't you think? I'm seeing articles that look like they're anticipating that idea and pushing it back before it emerges — aborting it, pre-born.
I'm talking about things like that Robin Wright article, and, more conspicuously, at WaPo — by historian Jonathan Lande — "The Fourth of July is a Black American holiday/Black Americans have long used the holiday to crusade for equality."
Throughout the 1830s and 1840s, black Americans sparsely celebrated the day, as they were routinely shunned or attacked in public, but by the late 1840s, black abolitionists had developed genius techniques to lampoon and lament American commitments to freedom amid rampant unfreedoms and inequalities. This included celebrating independence. They understood the day of freedom festivals served as the best moment to challenge Americans, especially white Americans, to reflect on subjects too often ignored: slavery and racism.
Black abolitionists organized celebrations... Frederick Douglass joined this movement... In 1852, he famously commemorated the signing of the Declaration of Independence... “What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July?,” Douglass asked the packed hall of white abolitionists. “I answer,” he continued: It is “a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless.”...
He closed his oration venerating the Constitution as a “GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT” and pushed for reforms to end bondage and inequality....
Black Americans... knew the hypocrisy embedded within the nation’s celebration of freedom and justice. But they, like those celebrated signatories of the Declaration, grasped the country’s potential for progress and that only dedicated, persistent protests and activism could deliver the nation from the ever-present tyranny of slavery and racism. Today, as protesters again assemble to challenge injustices, it is again time to imagine how we can better the country.
८१ टिप्पण्या:
To the World, We’re Now America the Racist and Pitiful
To the Sane, We're Still America the Free and Exceptional
"Today, as protesters again assemble to challenge injustices, it is again time to imagine how we can better the country."
Hint: It isn't by burning things to the ground and calling for the death of cops and white people.
it is again time to imagine how we can better the country.
Helter Skelter
"challenge injustices"
Like what?
More than half a century ago, we passed major civil rights laws. Nearly all court decisions since then have favored minorities. Social programs have expanded massively to the benefit of blacks. In areas where blacks concentrate, they have power--with the exception of governors in several southern states, either picking or supporting key officials. Black accomplishment and success are celebrated, not denigrated.
Speak for yourself with this game racism Carl the left is painting is all with....Talk about propaganda!!!!!
Card...not carl!
If you want to eliminate about 95% of racism in the US - treating people differently based on skin color - then forbid the government from treating people differently on the basis of their skin color. Use individual rights as the basis for the treatment of individuals, not group identification by ridiculous metrics like melanin content of the epidermis.
And while you're at it, forbid academia from doing the same. There goes most of the rest of real racism.
Maoism is all up in America's mind at the moment. You could see it coming years ago (thanks to many an academic), but now it is here and it is clear "the silent majority" ain't down with it. We're going to kill it folks, and we're going to do kill it without killing anyone. America is the greatest country to ever exist! Happy Fourth of July everyone! All the haters can suffocate on our red, white, and blue &$*@^$@!!!
Is there a better Nation on earth to be Black? Freedom and opportunity.
The only thing going on in America is Democrats are going crazy because President Trump is the first President since Lincoln, to improve the condition of Blacks in America. He did it by not pandering, but by implementing policies that "lift all Boats". (even black boats)
The 4th is about blowing stuff up with such cherry bombs and ashcans that you can lay your hands on, if you're a traditional kid.
It is undeniable that US prestige and influence has declined under Trump. Even the Australians have had to hedge their bets due to the manic instability fostered by the Trump administration.
Amazing what a fashion, a mood, driven by PR can do.
To people who live by fashion and PR anyway.
In 1945 the US was the virtual owner of the world. Everyone outside the USSR and its own rather pathetic sphere kowtowed, even what remained of the old imperial powers. And the US was vastly more "immoral" then. But what the US could organize with its power was a very effective propaganda line that was 100% Red White and Blue. And of course the world mostly bought it.
What matters is power, full stop, nothing else. Every perception downstream depends on the propaganda system power buys, and its desired messaging, its volume, richness, mood, tone and style.
It helps also if the messaging flows along the grain of the peoples culture, customs and their self perception. This came together magically, for decades. The people who ran your culture and communications were largely sympatico with your volk, or at least, mostly, tried not to antagonize them.
The truth is that the people who ultimately pay Robin Wright have created your current problems, and these are vastly worse than whatever line they are pushing. And they control your national messaging, internal and external. And they are bitterly hostile to you.
You are being beaten, tortured, twisted, by a propaganda machine pushed to the max by your internal enemies.
You cannot argue with the likes of Wright.
You cannot argue without a willing interlocutor.
You are, even in your minds, arguing with concrete walls.
"To the World, We’re Now America the Racist and Pitiful"
Clearly, this is not a country anyone should join. Hence progs' effort to warn potential migrants and keep them out at all cost. Wouldn't want them to suffer from racism and succumb to pitifulness.
Your only "argument" in this sort of conflict is to get at the owners of your media and culture and credibly threaten their interests. Trump, with all that executive power, was one way of doing this.
Is there another, short of shooting?
"To the World, We’re Now America the Racist and Pitiful"
That's why millions of non-white people from all over the world are literally dying to get into the US: so they can be mistreated.
Today, as protesters again assemble to challenge injustices, it is again time to imagine how we can better the country.
That's an easy one: stop blaming white people for the shortcomings of black people.
Identity politics, including racial identity politics, isn’t interesting or compelling.
It’s an incredibly boring, droning subject.
I’m not moved to fight over this stuff. I’m more moved to find some kind of intellectual conversation that is worthwhile to take its place.
Every day, I plead with my FB friends to try to find something better to talk about.
Playing music, which is what I spend a lot of my time doing, is a blessed relief from this endless, boring blabber.
We've had the 1619 Project to instruct us.
You say you want a revolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know you can count me out
Don't you know it's gonna be alright?
You say you got a real solution
Well you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well you know
We're doing what we can
But when you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is brother you have to wait
Don't you know it's gonna be alright?
You say you'll change the constitution
Well you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well you know
You better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know know it's gonna be alright?
"U.S. still [2018] No. 1 desired destination for potential migrants"
I caint wait to string me up some o' dose funny lookin furriners hur hur hur.
Serious question: In which country do dark-skinned peoples have the highest standard of living?
The Declaration of Independence was a brilliant statement to the world. But it was never a guarantee. It's not a guarantee that humans will follow it. From the very beginning, those who wrote it had to make a bargain with the devil to get it passed, knowing and saying aloud that it would be for future generations to live up to it's words. We do so much good. We can still do better. But it will take all of us, recognizing that we're individuals. Our identity is not made up by the tribe we join. It's made up by our individual selves.
Want a better country? It starts with each one of us. Declaring a nation of 330,000,000 people as racist is not a step toward making us better. Dismantling the rule of law is not a step toward making us better. Using the powers of the government and media to remove an elected President is not a step toward making us a better nation. Tearing down the symbols of our history is not a declaration of anything except the inability to learn from that history.
We are better than what we're being shown as. We are letting the few taint us with their own fears, hates, and ignorance. On this July 4 it's time to stand up for the good of our nation. Those who belive in the good. Time to show it.
I copied and pasted the lyrics to Revolution but only now realized that the website ( added question marks to the end of the “alright” phrases. How and when did that change get done? That’s not how John sang it. He was assuring, not questioning. I’ll leave the above as reference, and not delete it, but add the point myself here: Ya know, it’s going to be alright.
The sheer volume of gaslighting in the media is a wonder to behold.
I love how ARM starts so many of his comments with "There can be no doubt that..." "It's indubitably true that..." "We can all agree that..." "No one questions that..."
Honey. That's high school debate material.
Isn't it obvious that ARM, the ChiComs and the DNC media are employing a desperate full court press to dampen enthusiasm for Trump?
Don't be fooled. This bullshit is all about the 2020 election.
I will be donating more than usual to targeted non-Democrat candidates.
ARM should be down at the border helping build the Wall to save all those would-be immigrants from this racist nation they are trying to invade.
"This Fourth of July holiday is one of the most humbling in our history."
Don't ask me if the punch tastes funny after you've pissed in the bowl.
well wright has been wrong, since the days when she covered up hezbollah being a totally iranian controlled pawn,
American white women journalists to world
Does this dress make me look fat?
Kerry and Obama style blather
Damn! I'm going to put my flag out right now. I'll be back.
Looks good. Feels good. Good for you. Good for me.
I store the house flag with my map of my and my friends' fathers' gravesites (WWII vets)
-- I wasn't able to decorate on Memorial Day but won't miss it this time.
Lenge leve Hans Christian Heg!
How did it come to pass that black people in America came to be the world's most celebrated oppressed people. You're not truly oppressed unless you're African-American.... Obama's Luo father was demonstrably more oppressed than Obama, but good luck making a movie about Daddy Obama's troubles and travails with the Kikiyu majority in Kenya. There are some 500,000 people still enslaved in Mauretania, but they don't get much attention from people of African descent here. Sadly, they are not enslaved by white people so their problems don't count.... Has Kamala ever apologized for the millenia of advantages that allowed her mother's people to lord it over the Untouchables. ...I've never heard of a black American who complained of the unfair advantages that being an American gave him. They are very much in the position of late 18th century white Americans who gave greater valence to the injustices visited upon them by the British monarchy rather than the injustices they visited upon the slaves. I long to see the African-American superstar who will turn down a contract from Nike because of the slave labor conditions in their factories.
he truth is that the people who ultimately pay Robin Wright have created your current problems, and these are vastly worse than whatever line they are pushing. And they control your national messaging, internal and external. And they are bitterly hostile to you.
You are being beaten, tortured, twisted, by a propaganda machine pushed to the max by your internal enemies.
True! All that. And they are relentless.
- Krumhorn
Althouse is correct- the mask in this case stays on just a little longer- about 4 more months.
ARM Said "It is undeniable that US prestige and influence has declined under Trump."
I am amazed but I actually agree! All of the parasites that suck our wealth and jobs and defense budget are not happy that we finally have an American president that cares about Americans first.
Of course, ARM could have said the same thing about FDR in 1942 - the German and Japanese governments really did not like us when we started fighting back.
As far as Australia, their opinions and $1.50 can get you a coffee at McDonalds...
Next week in the New Yorker:
"Why don't those stupid proles hate their country yet?"
"If you vote for Democrats, Europeans will think you're cool"
There was an essay link on RealClearPolitics this morning that shows how ridiculous this has all become- it read "America in 2020 Not Much Different For Blacks Than in 1852".
How can any reasonable and educated person really believe that title?
A search for fourth of july on Duckduckgo turns up an article in The Nation with the caption "Is the Fourth of July Worth Celebrating?".
Which is kind of interesting, because that question does not appear in the article, which is titled "Black Lives and the Fourth of July".
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
It is undeniable that US prestige and influence has declined under Trump.
Are you literally imitating the Soviet propaganda style? It's as if you fell out of a Solzhenitsyn novel.
It is rather remarkable, that the US was the only British colony to require a war to attain independence, and the only country to require a war to end slavery. Ruminating on the history of the 20th century, it seems quite likely that if the US had not gained its independence, the British Empire might still be intact. Of course, ruminating on the course of the 19th Century, it's also possible that Spanish would be the most common language in North America, with French and Russian close behind.
I read somewhere that Michael Jordan's made more money from Nike with his endorsement deals than all the Nike factory workers in Indonesia combined. There should be a mass movement led by African Americans to get Michael Jordan to divest his Nike money and re-distribute it to the Indonesian factory workers. Michael Jordan didn't build that sneaker. Ideally, Jordan should realize the inequity of his position and do it voluntarily. That would be the right thing to do, but, failing that, people of color and conscience should pressure him to do it.
I suspect most leftists, like ARM, at Althouse have always despised the United States and hated even the sight of Mt Rushmore.
Thats why the dems "Lion of the Senate" and Night Driver Extraordinaire Teddy Kennedy was so anxious to work with the Soviets to get rid of Reagan that he happily sent a letter to the Soviet Premier declaring just that!
Sebastian: "Clearly, this is not a country anyone should join."
We should build a wall around this terrible nation so no immigrants accidentally find themselves in this hellscape.
I have no trust in THE NEW YORKER.
The Euroweenies might very well look down on the US for not yet going totally statist. But statists are stupid anyway, so why should we berate ourselves for not living "up" to their standards?
Black crime is the underpinning of what is mistakenly called racism in America. Black men are 6% of the population and commit at least half the violent crime. If you are approached by a black man, the odds are he is a criminal and he may victimize you. If you are black, you are even more likely to be victimized. It is not racist to be aware of that and to act accordingly.
All the dumb progressive honkies in BLM parades do not obscure BLM’s Marxist roots, the videos of black people setting fires and looting stores, even boxcars, videos of black people playing “whack a mole” with white people, including elderly Jews, murders in Chicago and Baltimore, now increasing in NYC, cop killings, etc., etc. When they are through fooling around, those same honkies won’t be able to walk without risk through inner city black neighborhoods.
Those facts are ignored by the left wing, particularly Dem. pols and the leftmediaswine, for corrupt political reasons or out of blinding ignorance. Consequently, there will not be racial harmony in America.
"Today, as protesters again assemble to challenge injustices, it is again time to imagine how we can better the country."
I can easily imagine how. It's a little thing called "liberty," but I doubt Mr. Serwer and other State-fellators (including the ones who post here) would be interested.
The liberals/Leftists have always hated and despised the USA, and now they feel powerful enough to show it. Before they always hid behind jokes/sneers at excessive patriotic displays, or "Concerns" that foreigners were being left out, or talk of "Protesting against the flag is the REAL patriotism".
But now, they feel strong enough to just say it out loud: "Fuck you America". By which they mean, fuck you average Americans - we're global citizens. As for Black people, they've never been particularly patriotic for good reason, and are even less now. But black people are NOT driving this. Note: Nobody in the Democrat leadership, Pelvis Schumer, Biden, etc. are in least bit upset at the statue destroying, name erasing, or attacks on the flag or the country. The most they'll do is utter a few perfunctory words for political reasons.
Thx for link to The Atlantic's 1619 piece. Pretty balanced review of the fuse that's lit this recent bomb. Onto to reparations!
Beijing Boy: "Even the Australians have had to hedge their bets due to the manic instability fostered by the Trump administration."
I wonder what time ARM arises each day to absorb the new ChiCom talking points?
Here's the reality:
China in brace position as Five Eyes form united front
"Beijing can expect more concerted efforts against it from the US, Australia, Britain, Canada and New Zealand, observers say
Signs of joint action emerged two years ago with Canadian arrest of Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou, at the request of the US...."
Lots more mind-blowing non-Beijing/ARM propaganda at that link and others from the region, specifically in regards to Australia/US stellar cooperation against ARM's Beloved ChiComs.
I feel worst for ARM that the entire West and African nations have clearly figured out what ARM's Beijing Buddies are up to and are taking action.
Its very encouraging....from a non-commie perspective.
Not "To the World..." Just to Robin Wright and people like her.
Americans want someone to stand up for the Country. That's why Tucker is doing so well. But the Republcian party in DC is AWOL except for Trump. Its just Trump. The Senate R's finally got behind a resolution condemning the statue destruction, but the D's voted it down, and there was no real push behind it by McConnell. He just wants to talk about tax cuts for the rich. And then you have clowns like Romney marching with BLM, and others wanting to get rid of Columbus day for Juneteenth Day. With them its always cucking, surrender, and "What about cutting the Capital Gains tax?"
Last comment. Stop the defensive. "Gosh we're not racist, blah, blah, let me explain it to you". It NEVER works. They're always going to call you racist and white supremacists. NO MATTER WHAT.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
“It is undeniable that US prestige and influence has declined under Trump. Even the Australians have had to hedge their bets due to the manic instability fostered by the Trump administration.”
Another study in self awareness by another left wing hypocrite Instability? The Dem resistance and sedition started on Inauguration Day. Obot Judges bent the law to thwart him. The mediaswine push calumny about him in 90% of their coverage. And the list goes on.
Obama sold out the Middle East to Isis, bribed Iran illegally, corrupted federal law enforcemnt, gave guns to drug lords, presided over Biden family grifting, inflamed racial tension and tried to frame his successor, among other things. And Democrats didn’t notice.
You deserve the mentally deficient Mr. Biden. Like begets like.
Lord knows it would be just so very, very wrong to take a single stinking day off from the divisive, leftist attack on America.
Hillary Clinton didn't win because she tried to sell the idea that "America is already great"
“But it is harder today to convince others that Americans embrace—or practice—the ideals that Lady Liberty represents." Says Robin Wright.
Who does the author think is trying to convince others to have a favorable view of Americans? Certainly not The New Yorker, or readers of The New Yorker, or any others in the media, or “celebrities,” or any of our supposed “elites.”
BCARM:"It is undeniable that US prestige and influence has declined under Trump."
Yes, US prestige has dropped in the white enclaves in Europe and Canada. Meanwhile it is very high in POC countries from Brazil to Nigeria to Japan and S Korea. Trump wants US disengagement from the concept of US control through expenditure of power. Of course NATO countries that failed to honor their own NATO obligations would dislike being told to live up to their word.
BTW, is your avatar Marcus Aurelius? If so, why are you celebrating a slave owning white man?
I'm surprised to encounter reverence for the Fourth of July holiday. If we're going to take this year's events as seriously as Wright wants us to take them, isn't the Fourth racist? Isn't it white supremacy? Why is she calling on us to be truer to its values?
I have been having the same conversation with my law firm co-workers. We got Juneteenth off with short notice, announced on a Monday for that Friday. Never mind the client deadlines, of which we had plenty and had to do a bit of scrambling. It would not surprise me at all if they start revising the firm holiday calendar. What if we see a return to the 'floating holiday concept'. Why not stay open all year, give people # number of days choose to have off that year. Choose what ever holiday you want to have off, even obscure ones. I know people that hate the Christmas frenzy and would gladly work if given the chance. My own family prefers to get together "off peak" anyhow.
NB: this BLM insurrection is of, by, and for the white Marxists. The actual black community loves the 4th of July Bar-B-Ques that are family reunions too. Which is why that community always wants a home with an acre or two backyard. The Ribs sold for that holiday are half of the year’s sale of ribs and are nearly all for the Black families. Money is no object. As usual the Propaganda guys made it ALL up.
It’s not the “Fourth of July” holiday.
It’s the “Independence Day” holiday.
We don’t call it the “First of January” holiday—we call it “New Year’s Day”; we don’t call it the Twenty-fifth of December” holiday—we call it “Christmas”.
To the world right now, we're not racist - just pitiful. Most of the world is shaking its head on the ability of a small number of mentally-ill people to hold a culture hostage and methodically execute its history. Wait'll they see the second act.
People who vote in glass houses elected rock throwers.
Bad strategy.
Some people call what the media is doing gaslighting. There is some gaslighting going on around the protests/riots and covid-19 for sure, and examples abound in the coverage of Trump and Biden and the various attempts at removing Trump.
But this is not gaslighting, this campaign against America, its symbols and its stature. It's a systemic attempt to demoralize and destroy America's luster, from within. Once we had the Soviets behind various psychological warfare operations that have bequeathed us an academy and press and leadership class emerging from these institutions hostile to our home country. Now they're just doing as they were programmed, and on command and in concert at high volume because the war against America has escalated. It's another flight 93 election, for both sides. It's the only kind we can have now.
My daughter is 22 years old and apparently an old friend from high school tweeted, if you have a Fourth of July party I’ll assume you’re celebrating our country’s institutional racism and capitalism. You can get drunk without celebrating our horrible past. She ended with, Il’ll be watching and a smiley emoji. These people are truly and deeply disturbed. . If there are any firework shows that manage to go forward (there’s one near me) I’m sure there’s an element on standby to ruin everyone’s good time.
Our leadership class mostly hates America. I don't think they're going public with that now because they suddenly feel they've persuaded enough people that this is generally accepted, but because demoralization is how they intend to persuade. It won't work the way they want it to, but there appear to be no brakes on this train.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
It is undeniable that US prestige and influence has declined under Trump.
It's strange so many left wingers define American success by the preferences of other countries. That's how colonialism works. The value of a country is judged by how it supports Europeans rather than how it develops for its own people.
Uh oh!
More REALLY bad news for our Beijing Boy ARM. We now know this:
"China Never Reported Existence of Coronavirus to World Health Organization
WHO backtracks on original claim that China self-reported, admits this never happened"
Think of how many lies ARM told over the months praising the ChiComs for their openness and transparency.......(yes, ARM literally was praising a commie govt for their openness and transparency).
Of course the Lie Train has traveled around the world many many times and the media will bury this newest "unexpected" revelation.
But the Republcian party in DC is AWOL except for Trump. Its just Trump. The Senate R's finally got behind a resolution condemning the statue destruction, but the D's voted it down, and there was no real push behind it by McConnell. He just wants to talk about tax cuts for the rich. And then you have clowns like Romney marching with BLM, and others wanting to get rid of Columbus day for Juneteenth Day. With them its always cucking, surrender, and "What about cutting the Capital Gains tax?"
Exactly. I keep recommending Angelo Codevilla, who explains the uniparty.
For generations, the Republican Party had presented itself as the political vehicle for Americans whose opposition to ever-bigger government financed by ever-higher taxes makes them a “country class.” Yet modern Republican leaders, with the exception of the Reagan Administration, have been partners in the expansion of government, indeed in the growth of a government-based “ruling class.” They have relished that role despite their voters. Thus these leaders gradually solidified their choice to no longer represent what had been their constituency, but to openly adopt the identity of junior partners in that ruling class. By repeatedly passing bills that contradict the identity of Republican voters and of the majority of Republican elected representatives, the Republican leadership has made political orphans of millions of Americans.
That's how we got Trump.
“But it is harder today to convince others that Americans embrace—or practice—the ideals that Lady Liberty represents." Says Robin Wright.
This genius really knows what it's like to live in America? LOL! She's a prime example of a MSM hack living in the liberal/leftist bubble.
Reality is a bitch "Robin" and kills your narrative every second. Millions around the World are trying to come into the "racist" USA through legal and illegal means. Man once these people get going their narrative takes over their mind and exposes their fiction.
It’s not the “Fourth of July” holiday.
It’s the “Independence Day” holiday.
Thank you.
Then again, words don't seem to mean what they used to. For example, some "women" have fully functional male genitals now, and "equality" has drifted inexorably toward "preferences instituted to promote equality of outcomes."
"THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General." -- Kurt Vonnegut, "Harry Bergeron"
Americans have been using Fourth of July and Independence Day interchangably since the beginning.
Don't be such pedants
I just remembered something from many years ago, pre-digital times when I recieved the NYT on dead tree. Twenty years ago? Anyhow NYT sent a photographer out to the NY streets with a small US flag. Walked up to random people, asking them to hold the flag for a photo while stating in few words what the US meant to them. The results were published on a full page with about 16 photos on July 4.
Everyone that appeared to be an immigrant, POC, foriegn name had nothing but positive things to say. The average white American? Try and guess. Two decades ago at least.
"...If there are any firework shows that manage to go forward..." Well here in the LA Basin, it depends on the City. There are many cities whose fireworks show will come off without any political hitch. But, as I've indicated before, in L.A. their is a primary issue of health concern when it comes to fireworks. We are known for people shooting into the air with all manner of weapons. That's more dangerous versus Covit - 19. When you shoot a bullet the projectile comes in contact with 'law of gravity' which exercises its monopolistic power - 'Duck'.
I note that Australia is expressing their concern as it considers Trumps possible exit, not at the beginning of his administration. They know Biden is not going to have their back against China.
I'm atarting to wonder if all this noise about insurrection is setting up Biden to have a Sister Souljah moment sometime soon. I thought they were trying to entice Trump into a Kent State moment but Nixon did rather well in the election following that.
I note that Australia is expressing their concern as it considers Trumps possible exit,
The Aussies made a decision with that last election. The Liberals (conservative) were down so far in polls that no one thought they had a chance. Guess what? Now they see China is a lot closer to them than it is to us. They remember WWII and who pulled their nuts out of the fire.
To hell with you Robin Wright - if only Hilary Clinton had garnered (hello Ann) about 50,000 more votes 2016, you would not be writing anything like this.
Australia?! Who gives a crap what Australia thinks?! It has 0.0% effect on 100.0% of Americans.
Ditto with The World.
As for not being a natural born citizen, I shall be flying the US flag, shoot some guns and eat steaks this 4th of July.
Everyone else should do the same (or whatever floats your boat). Celebrate in unison, and not bow down to grievances.
I will observe the Fourth as I usually do, by reading select chapters from Jim Powell's TRIUMPH OF LIBERTY, and by reading various chapters from Murray Rothbard's CONCEIVED IN LIBERTY, especially the chapter on the writings of the Radical Whigs who helped lay the philosophical foundations of what was to come in 1776.The Radical Whigs were sort of the anti-Inga/Howard/ARMs and other serf-minded Eloi.
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