July 24, 2020

"The 'Wall of Moms,' while perhaps well-intentioned, ends up redirecting attention away from the urgent issue of murdered black bodies."

"This might ease the consciences of white, affluent women who have previously been silent in the face of black oppression, but it’s fair to ask: Are they really furthering the cause of justice, or is this another example of white co-optation?... The president and his allies want spectacle.... What is happening in Portland is the fuse of a great, racist backlash that the Trump administration is baiting us to light. We cannot fall for their deception.... This is a moment for serious action... We welcome our white brothers and sisters in this struggle. In fact, we need them. But I must ask them to remain humbly attuned to the opportunity of this moment — and to reflect on whether any actions they take will truly help establish justice, or whether they are simply for show."

Writes E.D. Mondainé, president of the Portland branch of the NAACP, in "Portland’s protests were supposed to be about black lives. Now, they’re white spectacle" (WaPo).

ADDED: In case you haven't heard of the "Wall of Moms," there's a link to "‘What choice do we have?’: Portland’s ‘Wall of Moms’ faces off with federal officers at tense protests" (WaPo).

The fledgling collective, formed less than a week ago, has dubbed itself the Wall of Moms — and new chapters have already formed in cities around the country from St. Louis to New York, Chicago to Philadelphia and even in the nation’s capital....

“When you’re a mom you have this primal urge to protect kids, and not just your kids, all kids,” said Wall of Moms organizer Jennie Vinson, 43. “To see a grown man reaching out and calling for his mother — I think that was a transformational moment for so many of us. It’s like: What choice do we have but to do this?”


wild chicken said...

There are not enough Black Bodies in Portlandia to do this right.

There used to be. There was even a whole jazz scene there. What happened?

White people happened. We just can't help ourselves.

rehajm said...

I recognize a lot of the so-called “moms” as the same antifa women who dressed in black as recent as a couple days ago. They just put on a yellow shirt now for optics. Most of these people aren’t mothers & many don’t even identify as female

- Andy Ngô

Mary Beth said...

One lights backlashes? If they are flammable, how is the Trump administration baiting them to light it?

rehajm said...

Moms l know like to protect their children from the kind of violence being dished out in leftie cities. This group must have been invented to counter poor polling with white women.

Mark said...

Then there is this from the mayor of San Francisco --

I have a real problem with the takeover of the movement by white people . . . The Black community [of San Francisco] is capable of speaking for ourselves and deciding what’s in our best interest. . . .

What’s happening in San Francisco now, and has for so many years, is you have a progressive movement made up of people who are mostly white and feel that they know what’s in the best interest of Black people. I’m over that.

I think it’s important that we support and respect the Black people here enough to know that we have a mind of our own. Because half the policies pushed in San Francisco are “progressive policies” that don’t work for Black people. Because, if they did, why are things far worse for Black people here?


It's not only white progressives who can be woke.

Black people are becoming woke to the racism of white progressives.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Black Lives mater"

Michael K said...

Hilarious. White suburban women think they are immune to the consequences of this stuff. Many live in "historic districts where multifamily Section 8 housing could never be built."

Mark said...

The Washington Post had a story about gentrification in the struggle for racial justice as exemplified by the yoga sessions that had taken over Black Lives Plaza in front of Lafayette Park.

Breezy said...

Yes, what choice do you have? I wouldn’t think lining up with Antifa and against cops is a good message for your kids but what do I know?

Hubert the Infant said...

I am Jewish and have a black wife and children. I believe that I am in a better position to determine whether President Trump is anti-Semitic and/or racist than most people -- especially white women living in city whose population is less than 6% black or politicians and media people who lavish praise on Al Sharpton. He is not, and doing things like painting Black Lives Matter in front of the Trump Tower in NYC is both stupid and vile.

Gordy said...

"Moms" can be even more insufferable than school teachers.

Retail Lawyer said...

Is E.D. that crazy-pants white woman who passed as black and became some sort of official in the NAACP somewhere in the Northwest?

Ray said...

Andy Ngo, who has reported on Antifa Portland for a long time, says that he recognizes many of the "Moms" as Antifa, and has seen them in black. He also says some don't identify as women.

Birkel said...

Is this where we talk about murdered Trump supporters?


Is this a Royal ass Inga thread?

Birkel said...

How many of the moms have made up numbers of kids?

Royal ass Inga might have details.

Bob Loblaw said...

The "urgent issue of murdered black bodies" is just as fake as the Wall of Moms. Black men who commit felonies are no more likely to be killed by cops as white men who commit felonies. There are simply more of them on a per capita basis.

Ray said...

https://twitter dot com/MrAndyNgo/status/1285839279843753985
Andy Ngo tweet

Rory said...

Andy Ngo: "I recognize a lot of the so-called “moms” as the same antifa women who dressed in black as recent as a couple days ago. They just put on a yellow shirt now for optics. Most of these people aren’t mothers & many don’t even identify as female."

Lucien said...

Just how many murdered black bodies were there in Portland (not counting gang killings)?

Smerdyakov said...

A couple of my liberal Facebook friends have posted canned stuff about Trump as a fascist and how this is reminiscent of Europe in the 30s. They usually don't post political stuff.I think they are rattled by Trump's response to the spoilt sanctimonious white thugs taking over neighborhoods and trashing them and burning things They realize this is a good issue for Trump. They realize it because they don't like these snotty little buggers either. But they can't say so because that would put them on the same side as Trump. So they try to paint his response as fascist, hoping nobody notices whose side they are on

Clyde said...

Portland so white.

Fernandinande said...

"the urgent issue of murdered black bodies"

Apparently the urgent issue is only those few-percent of "murdered black bodies" (what a lame construction) who weren't murdered by criminal black bodies.

silent in the face of black oppression

LOL, unless he's referring to the criminal black bodies terrorizing the other black bodies, which he isn't.

pacwest said...

What choice do we have but to do this?

Oh hell, I don't know. Maybe teach your kids not to riot and loot? But that's probably too hard. No instant virtue points either.

D.D. Driver said...

What is up with calling people "bodies"? I see this over and over again. On the surface it seems demeaning, but I guess it somehow isn't?

n.n said...

Stand against blacks for blacks. This is Hutu/Tutsi territory, or Progressive South Africa, or the thousand years that preceded them, or Liberal Chicago. Diversity is an insidious bigotry that has liberalized and evolved in the last century.

Automatic_Wing said...

Wall of Karens.

Big Mike said...

Althouse is old enough to remember “Chicks to the front!” This is just the 21st century version of a 55 year old strategy.

Spiros Pappas said...

People are not just "bodies."

Duke Dan said...

One would have thought the rioting and trying to burn down buildings would have been enough to realize the focus was no longer on black bodies.

M Jordan said...

I was wondering if they’re even moms but then I remembered , abortions.

rhhardin said...

A nagging wall, like the wailing wall.

Not Sure said...

I'd much prefer that Naked Athena got together with a few of her friends to form a Wall of Mons.

Skeptical Voter said...

Where are the black bodies in Portland? It's one of the whitest--if not the whitest city in the United States. I'm surprised that they have enough black er exxuse me Black people there to hold a prayer circle in someone's bedroom.

As for the Portland "Moms" yelling 'Mom's Here Feds Stay Clear", I'm told that many of the moms (who did look like they could play linebacker on a semi pro football team) are members of a Portland Lesbian Motorcycle Club. Whoo boy--I wouldn't cross them
The Portland head of the NAACP does have a legitimate concern about the numbers of young black men who are victims of homicide. Danged few of them are or were killed by police. The vast majority were killed by other young black men. I don't know that Anti Fa and Mayor Tiddly Winks Ted marching in Portland is going to solve that problem. It is a serious problem.

I'm reminded of a T shirt I saw on a young Black woman fifteen years ago. It said, "It's a Black Thing, You Wouldn't Understand". Looking at the carnage in Black neighborhoods in cities with Democrat mayors, I have to say I don't understand. It's a Black problem and they are going to have to solve it without Karen's help.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Do any of these spoiled brats or their "mommies" give one shit about the Uighur Muslims who are actually being used as slave labor in China?

The leftists are screaming about racist presidents from centuries past but don't give one good goddamn about present-day slavery - because white people aren't the slavers.

This shows exactly how these miserable antifas are created - not only do they have Marxist professors, but awful liberal mothers who couldn't bear to discipline their children for fear little Ryan or Caitlin would have poor self-esteem.

wildswan said...

There's an interesting story about Ed Mondaine at

It's mostly about his background in Portland and that of his challengers and their rather murky disputes about the running of the Portland NAACP. But I found a picture half way down the story where the NAACP was picketing Portland City Hall in 2019 with a sign which says:
Dismantle Policies of
Demolition and
Not as snappy as BLM but trying to get at the issue of displacement by gentrification. This is an issue which has completely disappeared. Wonder why? Is it possible that CHOP (which was in a gentrifying area I've been told) ended gentrification in Portland?

hawkeyedjb said...

"urgent issue of murdered black bodies"

On the west side of Chicago? Didn't think so.

wild chicken said...

What is up with calling people "bodies"?

Ta-Nahisi Coates meme I think. They've given up on their souls and want us to think about their bodies now.

I don't know why.

Sebastian said...

"the urgent issue of murdered black bodies."

Including the majority of black bodies murdered by other black bodies?

mccullough said...

Portland is 5% black. Like Seattle.

Oakland is the only black city on the West Coast.

Even LA has under 10% black nowadays.

Is this guy another Rachel Dolezal? Heading the Portland NAACP is like bring the Grand Mufti of South Dakota.

Ken B said...

Is it like Phil Spector’s Wall of Sound?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


...Mothers Against Law & Order

yo, take it easy

JaimeRoberto said...

I really don't get the whole black bodies thing. If you are trying to convince people that your lives matter, why dehumanize yourself like that?

Bob Loblaw said...

I'm reminded of a T shirt I saw on a young Black woman fifteen years ago. It said, "It's a Black Thing, You Wouldn't Understand". Looking at the carnage in Black neighborhoods in cities with Democrat mayors, I have to say I don't understand. It's a Black problem and they are going to have to solve it without Karen's help.

Karen isn't actually there to help, though she tells herself she is. She's trying to raise her social standing by striking a virtuous pose. It's cheap grace and nothing more. In any event she can't help with the root of the problem, which is illegitimacy.

bagoh20 said...

Of all the places in the world, does The United States today deserve the image being portrayed by these people as they imagine themselves the bestest people ever? Most everybody disparaging this nation would fight tooth and nail to stay here. That's their honest statement about America, but honesty just more White Privilege.

Their lack of perspective is embarrassing.

n.n said...

The message of diversity dogma and exclusion was lost in a black hole... whore h/t NAACP

The Moms, moms, and "moms" joined with some, select, black lives matter... some, select black lives matter in solidarity for Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic religious progress following the principle of social justice. #BabyLivesMatter

n.n said...

"urgent issue of murdered black bodies"

On the west side of Chicago? Didn't think so.

Yes, some, select black lives matter.

GingerBeer said...

Just one more clownish way for Liberal Whites to convince themselves they are superior to other Whites.

n.n said...

Not as snappy as BLM

So, true. Baby Lives Matter is something all people can support in solidarity.

n.n said...

Naked Athena got together with a few of her friends to form a Wall of Mons

Feminists are exploiting women for the visual gratification of their masculinist partners. #MeToo

n.n said...

People are not just "bodies."

That's true. Some, select Lives are also diverse clusters of profitable parts planned and prepared for [carbon] sequestration or redistributive change.

MD Greene said...

If Portland's activists wanted to improve the lives of African Americans, they wouldn't be passively supportive of wholesale destruction of the downtown core and its jobs.

They would have spoken up years ago about the yuppification of the traditional Black Albina neighborhood and the dispersal of its residents to the less expensive far east side where opportunities are fewer.

Activists who cared about Black people would have called bullshit when the city's gangs of white neo-Leninists turned on a dime to pretend their mayhem was in support of BLM.

As the city budget has been strained fighting anarchy in the streets, public-minded activists would be less interested in protecting the anarchists and more interested in providing schools-in-the-parks during the summer months and one-on-one tutoring for poor children, i.e., the ones losing the most ground educationally during the pandemic and whose single parents must work "essential" jobs while teachers still want to draw full paychecks but not to have to teach children in schools.

It's almost enough to make a person think that Portland activists don't care all that much about African Americans.

Jon Ericson said...

Peaceful Moms Form Human Shield

Narayanan said...

D.D. Driver said...
What is up with calling people "bodies"?
100 years ago it was cannon fodder

HMuns said...

You hang out with crazy people.

Big Mike said...

At 9:05 PM Not Sure won the thread handily. (But Athena wants you to watch where you put your hands!)

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Re: "black bodies": I think that's academe-speak; it was around already 35 years back when I was in grad school. It's almost certainly older than Ta-Nehisi Coates, and by "older" I mean that it existed before he was even born. It seems fresh only to those people who just aren't aware of its creaking antiquity.

Portland ought to do exactly as the protesters ask. Exactly. No Federal officers. No local officers, either. All the graffiti should be left exactly as it is. All the trash in trash bins should be collected, but not the trash outside bins, or on the street. (If all your trash bins have been used for purposes of arson, too bad, unless you go out and replace them yourself.) People in the riot zone should be exhorted not to pick up messes that they aren't responsible for. Let that part of the city stew in its present squalor until those responsible for it make some effort to clean it up themselves, and not before.

There is no need for any Federal buildings to be in Portland, which has other and better cities. Personally, I would disperse services as much as possible to basically everywhere else in the state, not neglecting the Eastern half. Salem (where I live) could take on some of it, but not all.

It will be very difficult to do this. There are several hundred protesters, and several hundred thousand other Portlanders, who by and large just wish the several hundred would crawl back into their holes. But who else can convince them?

Fly2Passion said...

Nice post

LordSomber said...

Wall of Moms = The Karen Korps

DeepRunner said...

Alleged child-protector Jennie Vinson said:
"“When you’re a mom you have this primal urge to protect kids, and not just your kids, all kids."

Here's an idea, X-er. Howzabout you take your entitled, tattooed, white-bread, aimless Millennial/Gen Z child off the street and away from the mob?

Unknown said...

African Muslim slave trade

Could provide Portland

With black bodies to use

Put all that corporate money to use

Freeman Hunt said...

So a bunch of criminals trying to burn down a federal building are hiding behind their moms? Okay.

PhilD said...

"urgent issue of murdered black bodies"
Somehow I don't think the race-baiting racist means the bodies of black people murdered by other black people. Pity, because there is a whole mountain of them.

eric said...

First it was the wall of moms.

Now it's the wall of moms, the wall of dads and the wall of veterans.

The moms are gonna be pissed. The dad's and the vets are stealing their thunder tonight.

We want attention, damnit!

wendybar said...

Portlands Wall of Mommies who have to come help their little progressive white BLM antifa's because they are little thug wannabe's is hilarious. And the Dad's out there with their leaf blowers to blow the tear gas back at the feds is just priceless. Bunch of heathens. Let them burn their city down, and then wall them all in to wallow in their filth.

Howard said...

Just like the US military created and expanded ISIS by the endless terror war, the federalis have created more peaceful protesters in Portland. Nobody likes a tyrant's stormtroopers. Except for you people who are nobody.

DEEBEE said...

Reminded me of the “liar Liar” elevator scene, where Jim Carey character looks at big boob and says “momma”. The organizers seem to have this as a call for them.

lane ranger said...

White supremacy exists primarily on the left, in that the white left insists they know what is best for blacks. This goes back to the creation of the Great Society and modern welfare policies, with the predictable negative impact on the black family, all of which is still championed by the white left while denying the highly visible and obvious damage. Worse, the white left, for political reasons, denies black children and their parents any hope of bettering their lives through school choice, once again forcing blacks to accept the "wisdom" of the white left about what is best for blacks, despite overwhelming support in the black community for school choice.

gilbar said...

Skeptical Voter said...
Where are the black bodies in Portland? It's one of the whitest--if not the whitest city in the United States

so, i decided to take a look
Portland's 5.5% black is slightly more than A THIRD of the black demographics of Waterloo (14.4%)
of course, That's Not fair; Waterloo Iowa is the Blackest Heart of Iowa...
But, you Know What? It Happens To Be:

EXACTLY the same percentage of Blacks as my home town, Cedar Rapids Iowa
THAT'S RIGHT! When you hear Portland Oregon, just superimpose CEDAR RAPIDS IOWA
The whitebread town where i was born, where my parents Still live, is JUST AS BLACK as Portland

could you superimpose Portland MAINE for Portland Oregon?
Oh, Hell To The NO! Portland Maine is 7.1% Blacks
close to half AGAIN as many as Portland Oregon

Leland said...

Racial protest, you're doing it wrong.

MayBee said...

The term "black bodies" is dehumanizing on purpose. It is supposed to remind us that we see only black bodies, and not black people or black souls. We are the ones doing the dehumanizing, we just don't know it.

Tonight there was a "Wall of Vets" at the "protests". And of course, that's exactly how Twitter labels it. A wall of vets. There will be no actually looking into what is happening in Portland. It is supposed to be a coming together story.

mikee said...

Could be worse, could be a wall of baby sisters.

Temujin said...

Many, if not most of these 'moms' are simply far left and/or antifa women. They are not moms concerned with kids. If they were, they would not be living in Portland.

jnseward said...

These aren't "moms". These are radical left-wing lesbians. Wanna bet?

Danno said...

I thought these womyn were dykes that lost their bikes. Losers like these should not wear the yellow jersey.

BUMBLE BEE said...

This is vintage SDS. Smells like an Ayers-Soetoro production. They were probably "navigators" for Obamacare. That was a $750,000,000 sign up campaign run by the last administration, likely thru vestiges of acorn. Back then it was Chicago, this time Portland. When I saw the parade of babies holding the "fuck the police" signs marching while they chanted that phrase, I started humming "Teach Your Children". I'd bet half of them don't make it to 21.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The WHITE LEFT = they do no care about you. They are selfish assholes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The mom's of the antifa-rioters are labeled "peaceful" by the hack press.

Nichevo said...

urgent issue of murdered black bodies

If there's anything more dehumanizing than the usage "murdered black bodies" instead of "murdered black people," I wish I may be spared it.

Nichevo said...

Ah, Maybee, GMTA.

Bilwick said...

Let's have some truth in advertising. Call it "The Wall of Stupid Moms."

Birkel said...

Howard came close.

But he means the gun running of Obama's Administration out of Libya and into Syria grew ISIS.

Points for effort.

loudogblog said...

According to the US Census, Portland is only 5.8% black or African American. The Atlantic ran a story 2 years ago about the racist history of Portland and called it "the whitest city in America."

n.n said...

White supremacy exists primarily on the left, in that the white left insists they know what is best for blacks.

Blacks, "minorities", and allegations of diversity generally, are merely points of leverage. This is closer to a Hutu/Tutsi conflict, or the Progressive South African lynching of blacks, a means to suppress competing interests, and consolidate capital and control.

n.n said...

The term "black bodies" is dehumanizing on purpose.

Black holes... whores h/t NAACP

Jason said...

Frank Zappa has more of a claim to motherhood than most of these idiots.

RigelDog said...

DD Driver asks: What is up with calling people "bodies"? I see this over and over again. On the surface it seems demeaning, but I guess it somehow isn't?}}}}

Good question. It's definitely common Critical Theory-based terminology, I just haven't been able to trace it back to its roots.

11Bravo1P said...

Where are the black bodies in Portland?

Most of them are members of local/federal law enforcement agencies.

Mark said...

lane ranger gets it.

Bob Loblaw said...

Just like the US military created and expanded ISIS by the endless terror war, the federalis have created more peaceful protesters in Portland.

In English we call them "rioters", Howard.

Jim at said...

What is happening in Portland is the fuse of a great, racist backlash that the Trump administration is baiting us to light.

Really? Because it looks to me like nothing more than a bunch of left-wing shitheads throwing a temper tantrum.

n.n said...

Where are the black bodies in Portland?

Most of them are members of local/federal law enforcement agencies.

A sociopolitical taxonomic system derived from low information attributes... Now isn't that ironic. Don't you think.

tomaig said...

I guess "Wall of Moms" sounds better than "Barren Karens".

11Bravo1P said...

Howard said "just like the US military created and expanded ISIS by the endless terror war, the federalis have created more peaceful protesters in Portland".

In both cases, small groups of fanatical people tried using violence to control much larger groups of people. In both cases, appeasement didn't and won't work. In both cases, appeasement and reasoning only made the fanatics angrier and more violent over time. In both cases, because reason won't work, force will be needed.

Caligula said...

"When you’re a mom you have this primal urge to protect kids, and not just your kids, all kids," said Wall of Moms organizer Jennie Vinson, 43.

I'd really have to question both premises. A mother who's bonded with her baby will have a strong urge to protect, BUT that bonding does not always happen. Historically women have committed most infanticides and today, when infanticide is defined as criminal, mothers still commit most child abuse against very young children.

As for "and not just your kids, all kids," this was obviously spoken by someone who did not have a stepmother. Of course mothers favor their own children over those of others. And when resources are scarce, why would someone be surprised that a mother might sacrifice someone else's child to save her own?

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