"... that Mr. Neff published pseudonymously on an online message board. Mr. Carlson told viewers that he would return to his show next week and described the vacation as 'long planned,' suggesting that his time off had been set before Mr. Neff was revealed on Friday as the author of the offensive posts.... Mr. Neff... resigned last week after Fox News learned of his activity on AutoAdmit, an online forum popular with law students. There, Mr. Neff had written messages that denigrated African-Americans, Asian-Americans and women.... 'What Blake wrote anonymously was wrong,' [Carlson] told viewers. 'We don’t endorse those words. They have no connection to the show. It is wrong to attack people for qualities they cannot control.'... Mr. Carlson, who has used his platform to denounce a so-called cancel culture that he says stymies free speech, appended a somewhat defiant note. He said that Mr. Neff 'has paid a very heavy price' for his behavior, 'but we should also point out to the ghouls now beating their chests in triumph at the destruction of a young man, that self-righteousness also has its costs... We are all human.... When we pretend we are holy, we are lying. When we pose as blameless in order to hurt other people, we are committing the gravest sin of all, and we will be punished for it, there’s no question."
From "Tucker Carlson to Take ‘Long-Planned’ Vacation After Writer’s Resignation/On his Monday evening show, the Fox News host said racist and sexist posts by one of his writers, Blake Neff, were 'wrong,' while castigating his detractors as 'ghouls'" (NYT).
I hope this "ghouls" terminology catches on. It was only 3 days ago that I myself said: "I've been seeing this Steven Pinker story out of the corner of my eye for a while. I don't even know what the cancel ghouls even say that he did wrong. I just assume they're crying wolf."
IN THE COMMENTS: Wince links to the fascination with the word "ghoul" in "Gangs of New York":
१४ जुलै, २०२०
"The Fox News star Tucker Carlson said on Monday evening that he would leave on a vacation, starting immediately, days after a writer on his program, Blake Neff, resigned over racist, sexist and misogynist messages..."
cancel culture,
Steven Pinker,
Tucker Carlson
१२२ टिप्पण्या:
Agree that "cancel ghouls" should be a new phrase. Like when TR invented "the lunatic fringe."
Men aren't angels. Neither are women.
Here’s what I heard: you can’t post shady opinions under a pseudonym without shady journalists “learning” about it because they cannot abide unapproved opinions.
Post under a pseudonym and if your overlords don’t approve, they WILL learn who you are and get you fired.
The rest of the details are meaningless.
I hope this "ghouls" terminology catches on. It was only 3 days ago that I myself said: "...I don't even know what the cancel ghouls even say that he did wrong."
"Ghoul? That's a good word."
Tucker will be removed from TV eventually. Leaving...whom? Pretty much no one to tell hard truths.
bigoted and derogatory comments about women, black, Asian, and LGBTQ people
Derogatory comments about straight white males are required by the MSM nowadays, so this sort of hypocritical racism and sexism doesn't seem fair and balanced, so to speak.
As far as I can see, he was actually complimenting Asians (but not Lasik surgery), and his other "horrendous and deeply offensive" comments were rather mild and slightly amusing. Rather than resigning, he should've made them fire him.
Carlson vacations in Maine every summer. So what?
Disparaging women surely isn't wrong.
If everybody who spewed hate and violence at me got cancelled, there would be no Progressives left on Face Book. Unfortunately, some people....like Al Sharpton, or Louis Farrakhan can spew whatever hate and lies they want, and they are still spewing...whilst innocent people are getting fired from jobs, thrown out of college ect.... This won't end well....
As usual, Althouse is the trendsetter in English language usage.
They caught a racist being racist - who writes for a guy denying whites are racist - and that makes them ghouls?
Y'all got a weird value system at work here.
I also like the idea of Tucker Carlson criticizing others where he can't even spot a big ol' racist in his head writer.
FOX can replace his show with one on race relations featuring Michael K now.
“Ghouls” is a good choice of words. These people feast on, live for (and through), the misery of others. There is something deeply wrong with their own character and purpose, and they know it, and they can’t or won’t fix it. And makes them sick with anger. They need to destroy others, for the most trivial and arbitrary provocation and ideally for no reason at all. The purest burn is to ruin good people just...because.
They are fully absorbed in hunting that high and cannot see how cruel and evil they clearly are. It won’t end well.
" Mr. Neff had written messages that denigrated African-Americans, Asian-Americans and women.... '"
Yeah?? What exactly did he write??
I can't keep up.
Just like Trump, he hires the 'best people'. That is until he drops them like a hot potato.
Didn't Bill O'Reilly take a vacation like this?
So, is Fox dumping TC? The network would not survive such a move. I wonder if they know that. Or care.
Carlson defended him as much as he could. Fox News is the one that fired him. The idea that someone should be fired for "sexist and migogynist" messages is absurd. It should be remembered he posted under a fake name, and someone did a lot of investigative work to dox him. I hope FOX is doing the same to people at CNN. Jeff Zucker at CNN_Time-Warner is trying to destroy the competition, I wonder if that is a restraint of trade.
This is the way the Left controls the USA and pushes "The narrative" but the R's except for Trump refuse to fight them. They only care about the Chamber of Commerce and $$.
BTW, the Liberal news media is always implying that Fox News hosts are going on vacation under pressure from Management, when in fact, they're just going on vacation.
Might have been nice if they’d made some effort to verify or refute that the vacation was “long-planned,” rather than stick it in scare quotes to convince their readers that it’s made up bullshit.
That's unfortunate for Carlson and Neff, but it could be worse. The St. Louis couple, a criminal defense attorney and his wife, that protected their homes with guns when armed protestors entered their property to protest the mayor, who didn't live there. Despite their previous donations to the Democrat Party and court room defense of people abused by police officers; they had their weapons seized by the government. So I would say the cancel ghouls have upped their game.
Tucker is one of the few public figures who seems to be able to stand up to the mob effectively and persuasively with his nightly monologues. So obviously he's viewed as dangerous by the organized left and has been a target. They've been wanting to bring him down for years, but lately it seems like the desire to silence him has grown to a fever pitch since he seems to be getting record numbers of viewers of his shows during the riots and pandemic. The people who hate Tucker of course will take this as a victory and will push for more advertisers to abandon him.
Tucker for 2024.an intellectual Populist with appeal to women is hard to find.
"Carlson vacations in Maine every summer. So what?"
I have it on good authority from people I trust that have known him for years that Tucker is already here in Maine. He's been doing his show from here since the lockdown. It is said that he's been coming to Maine to vacation every year since he was young.
Maine is 'Vacationland', after all. Fortunately for him he is not from MA - the governor here won't allow Massholes into the state without a 14 day mandatory quarantine. Baker, the governor of MA, a purported Republican, is unliked by Mills (ME Governor) but happy enough to keep the MA tourist dollars. Local business folk in Maine aren't too happy with Ms. Mills for allowing NY, NY, CT, VT, and NH folks into the state, but not those from MA. Canadians are locked out too.
"Y'all got a weird value system at work here."
I agree, Crack. The idea that there are no important differences between races is absurd, and no one believes it by the time he's thirty. This is evident from the decisions people make, particularly where they choose to live, and who they choose to associate with. But for some reason we are all supposed to pretend we "don't see color", so jokers like you can call us out for lying. It doesn't make a lot of sense. Can you explain it to me?
What a pussy. He fires his friend, then runs and hides. Typical Chickenhawk move.
A real man would stand and fight.
No wonder you people love him so much.
Tucker is racist too! Most ALL of donald's supporters are racist, misogynist and/or greedy
Stained forever without forgiveness.
Only democratics get passes for lies and crime and other assorted bullshit.
There, Mr. Neff had written messages that denigrated African-Americans, Asian-Americans and women.... 'What Blake wrote anonymously was wrong,' [Carlson] told viewers. 'We don’t endorse those words. They have no connection to the show.
But that won't keep people from using the big broad "everyone is a racist" stroke.
Jupiter said...
"Can you explain it to me?"
White people screwed it up at the beginning by saying "All Men Are Created Equal" and then proving they didn't mean it - over centuries.
Plus that innocent routine you're trying to sell me, too:
You guys are just a mess of a mess.
I've used 'ghouls' here in the past--as in 'the ghouls of Imperial Washington,' stolen from Professor Colonel Bacevich.
You're welcome
Howard said...
"A real man would stand and fight."
Defending the indefensible - smart.
Holy shit this is nasty stuff!
'Black doods staying inside playing Call of Duty is probably one of the biggest factors keeping crime down,' he reportedly wrote a few weeks ago.
In another he stated: 'Honestly given how tired black people always claim to be, maybe the real crisis is their lack of sleep.'
In other parts of the forum, he is said of have joked about 'foodie f*****' and 'Third World sh*******.'
'It is your f***ing right as an American to wear whatever T-shirt you want, and hold whatever political views you want. Christ.'
'...And they can wear whatever shirts they want. You thought that was true. You thought that was your right as an American,' he allegedly wrote.
Tucker quotes:
In one instance, he implied that accepting immigrants into the county make America 'poorer and dirtier.'
On Monday, Carlson claimed that decorated war veteran Tammy Duckworth was a 'coward' for not wanting to appear on his show.
Diversity breeds adversity. Don't indulge color judgments. Also, 1/2 Americans, and feminists (i.e. chauvinists), really? #HateLovesAbortion
For those who need a roadmap, the organized conspiracy to uncover “who said this?!” for the sole purpose of destroying them is a far greater concern to us — as a nation founded upon liberty — than whatever one random person says online, and it does not matter what they said. At all. Ever.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
They caught a racist being racist - who writes for a guy denying whites are racist - and that makes them ghouls?
Hard to do Q&As here, Crack, but if we looked at all of your anonymous online postings, or those of people you believe are generally decent, would we find writings that could be considered racist?
"We are all human.... When we pretend we are holy, we are lying."
1 John 1:8 - "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." [ESV]
They want to cancel everything.
The Freeman Hunt's of the world act surprised when the Cancel Ghouls won't stop at reasonable cancellation.
But those dumb asses were warned.
When even Althouse is seeing the end game, one wonders whether the idiot Freeman Hunts of the world will finally let go their stupidity.
My guess is the changing of the cattle car doors will signal the reconsideration.
I hope FOX is doing the same to people at CNN.
You can't anymore. The Left has realized that enforcing standards on the Right allows the Right to do the same to the Left. So the Left just decided to abandon standards altogether in the naked quest for power and control. Not only is Northam still around, I bet he gets re-elected. You've got editors for major papers making racist statements with impunity. Football players are making anti-Semitic statements (perhaps the worst of which is calling Jews false Semites and claiming to be Semitic themselves) The NBA is fellating the Chinese Communists. Governors are releasing tens of thousands of rioters and convicted criminals. COVID cases on the Southern border rising due to illegal immigration ignored.
None of the weapons being used by the Left to attack the Right will work the other way anymore. Any attempt is met with a dismissive "Republicans pounce". Our penultimate weapon is the ballot box. If the Democrats steal this election through ballot fraud we will be left with our last recourse: Massive, armed rebellion. I truly hope it doesn't come to that.
Notice that in the whole conversation it is assumed that what was written by Neff was "racist, sexist, misogynist" as determined by the NYT and their left-wing cancel culture ghouls. I rather suspect nothing written was actually racist, sexist, or misogynist except by the hyper-leftist definition "I don't like it and it's not nice to people whom I want to use for my own power".
The fact that Crack calls it racist tells me the writings were most likely not.
The ultimate cancel ghoul is an abortionist.
So what did the guy say that was so offensive? Was it statist? Because statism is far worse than racism or sexism. Statism kills.
"Y'all got a weird value system at work here."
Not really. Publicly humiliating a man and depriving him of his livelihood is a big deal. It's the kind of thing that can lead to suicide. Anybody whose been unemployed and broke knows how soul-crushing it can be. While I guess Fox had no choice in this case, let's not pretend like this is somehow a proportionate response to shitposting racist remarks, aimed at no one in particular, anonymously. But celebrating ruining another person's life and destroying their ability to make a living is ghoulish.
When the ghouls get their just comeuppance, I won't celebrate.
9:21 Nonapod ---- that.
Tucker is a fly fisher. A fly fisher who doesn't take some serious time off to pursue their passion at this time of year is just a poser.
“ Tucker is one of the few public figures who seems to be able to stand up to the mob effectively and persuasively with his nightly monologues.”
I have taken to watching his opening monologues. I have to record them, since they come during “family time”, and these late night FNC shows rile up my partner, making it hard for her to fall asleep. She agrees with them (and me). But she just doesn’t want to have to think about Democrat perfidy late at night.
What he does better than anyone these days is talk truth to power. Hannity and Ingraham seem loathe to attack Trump Carlson will. But mostly his wit and ire are aimed at the left. The Cuomo brothers are his special targets. Carlson will often replay the brotherly interviews that Fredo does of his governor brother on CNN. He had a Recent monologue about getting into Harvard. It started with a lot of shots of Fredo lifting weights all the time, even on the air. Where did someone that stupid sounding go to college? Maybe some junior college. Nope. He went to Harvard. The school where Asians are routinely rejected with 800 SATs and >4.0 GPAs. How did such a dufus get into one of the most prestigious colleges in the world? Easy. His father was a prominent Dem politician - governor of NY and occasional Presidential candidate. Carlson then went and listed many of the other prominent Dem politicians, of unexceptional intelligence, with kids of just as questionable intelligence, who went to the very top schools - Harvard, Yale, Brown, Stanford, etc. AlGore seems to have taken the top prize, with all five of his kids having attended Harvard, following his footsteps, having been admitted there when his father was a powerful Dem Senator. And why Does this happen? Because the parents can, and do, steer billions of dollars in federal money to these top schools.
"White people screwed it up at the beginning by saying "All Men Are Created Equal" and then proving they didn't mean it - over centuries."
At least they had ideals they aspired to, however flawed and imperfectly they managed to implement them. I wonder what the ideals were, of the blacks in Africa who sold their brothers into slavery?
“Not only is Northam still around, I bet he gets re-elected.”
Unfortunately, the VA governorship is term limited. And their two Senate seats are safely held by Dems maybe even of lower worth integrity than he exhibits Sen Warner is Vice Chair of SPSCI, and is maybe the biggest reason that that committee has done precisely zero to investigate SpyGate. Indeed, the copy of the Carter Page FISA application leaked to the press by the committee’s security chief, Wolfe, was checked out in Warner’s name, and then Wolfe got a sweetheart deal with the DOJ, despite having been caught red handed leaking highly classified documents (dates in the FISA application had apparently been tweaked in order to identify the leaker) thanks to the dirt he had on Werner.
sunsong is a racist. A dumbbell too.
Tucker Carlson ain't my hero. A real man would have spoke about what their writer actually said, insisted that wasn't enough to fire them over, and invited anyone who had a problem with that to shut their vag. He would add that given how much sexual harassment goes on in the upper echelons of Cucks News, they have zero space to chuck stones at anyone else.
He doesn't do that, of course, because he's as willing to play along with the Big Lies as anyone else, and the second he stopped being controlled opposition Antifa would burn down his mansion. Anyways, the left laughs at these conveniently timed vacations, and they're right to do so.
warner who made his money, through yandex ru, who had a back channel to steele, who was a minion of deripasha, also was in contact with assange,
Gosh, I was using ghouls and ghoulish in these very comments pages for many months.
Was it years?
A liberal sports talk radio guy [in Philly they are all liberal btw for some reason] was fine with the getting of Redskins name and Ceveland indians too. But he hoped "this stuff didn't go too far" as if his opinion was the absolutely determinant and hadn't considered that a lot of people felt it had already gone too far.
Fox News has called Neff’s posts “deeply offensive racist, sexist, and homophobic” and say they “swiftly accepted his resignation.” Mighty white of them.
meanwhile, over at the NYT's, the cultural revolution continues
Neocon Lesbian Bari Weiss Leaves the New York Times, Blaming Woke Millennials for Poisoning the Paper
Tucker was already on vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyoming —his appearance Monday night was the unplanned part. His vacation was planned and was in progress.
Blake Neff was naively stupid to think his anonymous misogynist and racist posts would not be discovered. He repeatedly hinted at his identity on AutoAdmit. All it took was someone to tip off CNN ghoul Oliver Darcy and Neff’s career and life imploded. Unfortunate.
"all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator"
At least they had ideals they aspired to, however flawed and imperfectly they managed to implement them
Exactly. The unabridged Charter has more to say about America's founding principles, and her "original sin", which was actually America's original compromise.
the blacks in Africa who sold their brothers into slavery
Recurring slavery, genocide, rape... rape-rape, cannibalism, and lynching, too. That said, we should be wary of tolerating liberal license to indulge diversity (e.g. monochromatic blocs) and exclusion.
As I am not a TV viewer, I seldom see Tucker's work unless I stumble across his name somewhere, like here at Ann's blog. So I didn't see his commentary on the strange access to Ivy League schools enjoyed by the offspring of Democrat politicians when it aired. It is really quite savagely brilliant.
"When the ghouls get their just comeuppance, I won't celebrate."
Oh, I will. Mostly because it seems so improbable at this point, sadly.
I'm Not Sure said...
"At least they had ideals they aspired to, however flawed and imperfectly they managed to implement them."
You r ideals didn't stop a single death, rape, or lie by a white person.
L Day said...
Tucker is a fly fisher. A fly fisher who doesn't take some serious time off to pursue their passion at this time of year is just a poser.
actually, for most of the country; this is a pretty shitty time of the year
not many mayfly hatches in July
no mother's day caddis... no october caddis
grasshoppers are Just starting up
many streams too warm and low for fun fish
i'm speaking as a fly fisher that spent last week in wyoming (it was, 'okay')
and will spend a week in the middle of march up in yellowstone
and last went flyfishing (in the driftless area) last night at dusk
October May March September June April November February August July January December
would be my personal ranking (with different states for different months)
"They caught a racist being racist - who writes for a guy denying whites are racist - and that makes them ghouls?
Y'all got a weird value system at work here."
Replace "whites" with "Democrats" in the above, and this is what happens every single time Republicans catch Democrats being racists. In any context. In every circumstance. When Republicans catch Democrats being racist, the only person at fault, ever, is the Republicans. What they get called when they do it makes "ghoul" seem a compliment.
Haven't noticed it bothering you overmuch.
White people would rather see this entire nation go up in flames - or every black in it die - than simply and sincerely say "We're sorry."
And THAT'S how fucked up white Americans are.
A decided lack of talent and a bad attitude mixed with just a dash of racial grievance makes a certain commenter boring AF.
As a person with native American ancestry, I ask you kindly to get off my continent.
You r ideals didn't stop a single death, rape, or lie by a white person.
Right, because that's all there is. The above is what passes for acceptable thought, apparently.
The Crack Emcee said...
"You r ideals didn't stop a single death, rape, or lie by a white person."
But they were better than "your" ideals. Better than any that existed.
"racist, sexist and misogynist messages..."
Sorry I'm lazy, but can anyone tell me the worst examples?
Achilles cites don't count--or do they?
Tucker Carlson deserves to lose his job, because he can't be FOX's "critical thinker" who defends the premise whites aren't racist, only to call people "ghouls" when he gets busted for just that.
His time's up
John McWhorter, who still does a lot of bloggingheads appearances on the Glenn show, in the last few weeks has defended Pinker, resigned from the National Book Critics Circle in support of a fellow member for whom the ghouls had come and is increasingly having to find a new venue beyond the Atlantic for his columns about antiracism and the 1619: Goldberg doesn't want to touch them anymore. McWhorter is also saying he expects that they will come for him soon, and is surprised that they haven't yet: he no longer thinks his scholarly credentials and output, his lofty Ivy League perch or even his skin color will offer a defense for those who question the orthodoxy. I first learned about McWhorter many years ago through this blog, and have followed him pretty closely since then. Besides criticizing the odd mixed metaphor (and here, I thought he was a linguist!), I think Althouse has been generally supportive and/or interested in what he's had to say. He seems resigned to the fact that he isn't long for the academy, or at least that he has no particular security despite tenure and admirable scholarly output. Like Althouse, he is constitutionally hostile to orthodoxy, so despite being an obvious liberal and public Obama supporter, the ghouls will come for him.
White people:
Capable of grasping TDS and nothing else.
Especially when it comes to themselves.
The greatest lack of self-awareness in the history of mankind.
And blacks get to endure them.
I admire a lot about McWhorter, although he too casually dismisses figures like Tucker Carlson as "bowtie conservatives," which is the caricature the left has made of McWhorter that he's some cookie-cutter right-winger. I think McWhorter and Loury's conversations lately, about the 1619 Project and the aftermath of George Floyd's killing, have been some of the most interesting commentary about the cancel ghouls and how they're impacting not just public debate, but also real academic work. It's a virus. Neither of them is optimistic, and both are increasingly aware of their own precarious situation. Both are also proudly defiant, and double-down on their own trenchant expression in the face of the cancel ghouls. Hats off.
The Crack Emcee writes:
"You r ideals didn't stop a single death, rape, or lie by a white person."
Or a black person, for that matter.
The Crack Emcee writes:
"You r ideals didn't stop a single death, rape, or lie by a white person."
Or a black person, for that matter.
Hey, Crack, you know who has been the biggest promulgator of murder, rape and lies? Your buddy, Massa State.
"You r ideals didn't stop a single death, rape, or lie by a white person."
I've never killed or raped anyone. You do the math.
Yes, I ignored "lie" because like everyone else on this planet (including you), I have lied. Interesting that you group "lying" with "killing" and "raping".
But celebrating ruining another person's life and destroying their ability to make a living is ghoulish.
More lame blame-shifting from the "party of personal responsibility." He ruined his own life with his ghoulish hate. He knew the consequences, hence why like most right wing trolls he hid his true identity.
Spending years online (up to last week) spewing poisonous bigotry like calling black people "n****s" is ghoulish. Yours and Tucker Carlson's amoral attempt to make him the victim by rationalizing his chauvinism is also ghoulish and why Trump is imploding. When the party faithful can't even score easy layups like, "Calling black people "n*****s" online is 100% wrong, full stop, period," it's no surprise independents and suburban whites are fleeing the rotting carcass of the Republican Party. Keep digging, Biden thanks you.
If the Democrats steal this election through ballot fraud we will be left with our last recourse: Massive, armed rebellion.
Proving Trumpists are not just violent, they are delusional. Aside from the reality that they have no money to successfully prosecute such a "rebellion," they also don't have the numbers or the standing. The minority of Trump's approving minority who actually are insane, neo-Confederate ammosexuals are going to convince the remaining Trumpsters (aging geriatrics, landed gentry country clubbers, Karens, and incel video gamers) to take up arms against their friends and children because they elected a harmless old man? In what world?
BTW, the Blue Tsunami, if it happens, will be driven not by Democrats, but by ex-Republicans who abandoned ship due to pathological lying, incompetent, corrupt, immature, rage tweeting scumbucket Trump.
There is something deeply wrong with their own character and purpose, and they know it, and they can’t or won’t fix it.
Because Tucker Carlson's White Supremacy Power Hour is a festival of joy, light, and contented happiness. Much like the inspirational, uplifting Twitter feed of Drama Queen Donnie. No anger in Trump's retweeting of a White Power video, of course. Just pure class, decency, and character or something.
"...comments were rather mild and slightly amusing."
Yeah, the n-word and racist/homophobic slurs are hilarious.
This comment thread shows, again, that the white supremacy ghouls who have destroyed the conservative movement won't rest until the number of youth voters and people of color who vote Republican is 0. Would it were that the right had some actual policy to offer Americans instead of whining about "cancel culture" aka "self-pitying anger that the free marketplace of ideas is rejecting right wing nuttery and that racist bullies can no longer say and do whatever they want without pushback that causes them to wilt."
Bilwick said...
"Hey, Crack, you know who has been the biggest promulgator of murder, rape and lies? Your buddy, Massa State."
White people have a 300 year head start on everybody.
Gilbar, Tucker Carlson isn't limited to "most of the country". I think he can afford to fish wherever he wants. It's summer, a great time to vacation with family and there's plenty of really fine fishing to be found. Here in the greater Yellowstone area many of our rivers are just now getting good after runoff, and we're still waiting for some to really come into shape. Then there are the mountain lakes, many of which aren't ice free until mid-July. Sure, late July and August can get tough on a lot of rivers, but some of our rivers get really good when the terrestrial gets going no earlier than late July.
I find an MC only capable of a single note not to be compelling.
I can only conclude that playing second notes is structurally racist.
The greatest lack of self-awareness in the history of mankind
There goes Crack projecting again.
Tucker is racist too! Most ALL of donald's supporters are racist, misogynist and/or greedy
Says the asshole who has no problem calling blacks 'Uncle Toms.' Repeatedly.
Crack Emcee: "The greatest lack of self-awareness in the history of mankind."
There are few commentators at Althouse that are more ignorant of world history than Crack Emcee.
Did you know he still doesn't know that slavery existed across the globe in every culture?
Did you know he still doesn't accept that there are open slave markets today in Libya?
It's pretty amusing.
Well, looks like just one more reason there will be a Blue Tsunami.
You people have done this to yourselves.
The idea that declaring "All men are created equal" had no effect in freeing anyone seems to be entirely false. What was the first nation to abolish slavery? Was it Britain in 1808? No. Was it Haiti in 1804, as everyone on my Twitter feed is repeating as if it were both surprising (I've known it for decades) and true? In fact, it was the Vermont Republic, in 1777, when they declared independence from the three governments claiming their territory (New York, New Hampshire, and Quebec). Vermont was an independent nation for 14 years, until they joined the U.S.A. as the 14th state in 1791, and they abolished slavery in their declaration of independence. Most of the northern states followed, and all but one or two had abolished slavery before the Haitian revolution.
Did the U.S. Declaration of Independence also inspire the French Revolution? Of course, and they made some stabs at declaring the Rights of Man before succumbing to the Terror, Napoleon's dictatorship, and the restored monarchy.
I'm sure slavery would have been abolished eventually, but the U.S.A., and Vermont, seem to have started the ball rolling. Of course, the southern states were among the last European-descended jurisdictions to abolish slavery, so the U.S. record is decidedly mixed.
I've read somewhere that slavery looked like it was on the way out in the southern states as well, with slave-owners freeing slaves in large numbers, since the practice was unprofitable as well as obviously immoral, until two things gave it a new lease on life. One was Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin, which made it profitable again in large areas, since cotton was one crop that could be grown with forced labor that (rightly) didn't give a damn for the quality of their work. The other was (ironically) the Haitian revolution, after which the Haitians tortured, raped, and murdered every white person of both genders and all ages who didn't escape the island in time. (It's possible that the atrocities have been exaggerated. On the other hand, one of the people replying to a tweet about the Haitian revolution said something like "They really showed how to deal with white people, ha ha ha" or words to that effect, which suggests they weren't.) The Haitian atrocities (so I've read) were widely covered in U.S. newspapers, and convinced Southern slave-owners they were, as the saying goes, "riding the tiger", and could not get off safely, and therefore needed to hang on as long as they could, no matter the cost.
Jeff Brokaw said...
For those who need a roadmap, the organized conspiracy to uncover “who said this?!” for the sole purpose of destroying them is a far greater concern to us — as a nation founded upon liberty — than whatever one random person says online, and it does not matter what they said. At all. Ever.
What I find very telling is that the Prognoids who claim that they receive death threats don't post the Tweets, email or Facebook comments to allow the alleged perps to be outed. Ditto with the phone numbers or text message info.
How conveeenient to accuse, but not bother to find out who made the threats.
The Crack Emcee said...
White people:
The greatest lack of self-awareness in the history of mankind.
yeah...while blacks who loot and burn and kill, and blame Whitey for their actions, are filled with a HUGE amount of self-awareness.
Drago said...
"Did you know he still doesn't know that slavery existed across the globe in every culture?"
Name the other one that said "All Men Are Created Equal."
I'll wait.
wholelottasplainin' said...
"yeah...while blacks who loot and burn and kill, and blame Whitey for their actions, are filled with a HUGE amount of self-awareness."
We know 300 years of crimes happened that whites never answered for - so we don't care.
AKA We've adopted your value system.
wholelottasplainin' said...
"yeah...while blacks who loot and burn and kill, and blame Whitey for their actions, are filled with a HUGE amount of self-awareness."
We know 300 years of crimes happened that whites never answered for - so we don't care.
AKA We've adopted your value system.
DJK has determined conservatives are sub-human.
He would put us on cattle cars because we are violent.
I take you at your word.
The Crack Emcee believes the Earth is only 300 years old.
The religious right is impressed.
You beat them by 5700 years, apparently.
Blogger Inga said...
Well, looks like just one more reason there will be a Blue Tsunami.
You people have done this to yourselves.
Crystal Blue Tsunami ooo-hooooo
Better tell your mommy
What was the first nation to abolish slavery? Was it Britain in 1808?
Britain didn't abolish slavery in 1808. They banned the transatlantic slave trade in 1808 and used the Royal Navy to enforce that decree, but slavery was still legal everywhere in the British Empire. They banned slavery in their colonies in 1834, but slavery was still legal in the British Isles until... 2010.
Britain, in fact, paid reparations until 2015... to the people (and descendants of people) who were forced to free their slaves. Millions of pounds every year British taxpayers gave out to say "sorry that you're not allowed to own people anymore."
Drago writes of Crack Emcee: "There are few commentators at Althouse that are more ignorant of world history than Crack Emcee."
And yet he writes: "I know enough."
Crack is full of shit... 300-years is just the decorations on the icing on the cake. White Western Civilization is about 2,500-years old. We stand on the shoulders of 125 generations of giants. And no, none of us here built it, we inherited it.
Now the BLM folks want a seat at the table, Republicans say "you had your chance, kindly fuck off back to the hood"
The yellow dog Dixiecrats morphed into Trumper's.
Our resident Rhodes Scholar, Crack Emcee, writes:
"Bilwick said...
'"Hey, Crack, you know who has been the biggest promulgator of murder, rape and lies? Your buddy, Massa State."
"White people have a 300 year head start on everybody."
i have no idea what that last statement means. Is he saying that the Caucasian race is 300 years older than other races? Or is he saying that the states founded by White people were 300 years older than than African and/or Asian states? He just comes across as a blithering idiot, on a level with Inga and Howard.
Crack Emcee (channeling Inga): "White people have a 300 year head start on everybody."
Yes ladies and gents.
Crack Emcee is quite literally asserting that there was no rape, murder or lies in the world until whites started it all 300 years before anyone else.
I think Cracks statement is not just a commentary on his own invincible ignorance, but think about the circle of acquaintances Crack has had to cultivate where such moronic statements could be uttered without the entire room pointing at Crack and laughing at him.
Its similar to Inga defending islamic supremacist mass murderers by blaming Christians.
And now Andrew Sullivan is leaving New York Magazine.....because of course he is.
A new Maoist Day is Dawning and Liberals get the bullet too.
Inga will be along shortly to explain how Steve Bannon and a crew of hawaiian shirt wearing boogalooers infiltrated the lefty New York Magazine to pull this one off.
Probably with russian funds....
sullivan has resigned from ny magazine,
"White people have a 300 year head start on everybody."
Odd, we make fun of fundamentalists that say history began 6,000 years ago.
For Crack the world apparently began in 1720.
Plus when he says we should say, "We're sorry", it comes out,"We,re $orry."
I'm sure Louis Dixon, aka The Crack Emcee, is quite angry with the police. After all, "aspiring hip-hop artist" has a career life shorter than "Hamas IED tester."
Howard: "The yellow dog Dixiecrats morphed into Trumper's."
Demonstrably, laughably false. Over and over again.
99.5% of Dixiecrats remained proud democrats until their deaths.
If you disagree, then name 5 Dixiecrats who became republicans.
Further, identify the years in which the state legislatures/state senates in the south went republican for the first time.
You will find that occurred 30 to 40 years after the passage of the Civil Rights bill, between 1995 and 2005.
As the improved business climate in the South led to rapid influx of businesses and migration into the South (including Back to the South migration from the north of american blacks (BTW, at last check Crack claimed this absolute fact never occurred)), racism in the South decreased and republicanism in the South increased.
Howard doesn't know any of this, even though it is easily researched, because he strives mightily to keep his ignorance levels on a par with his willingness to lie to advance the democrat cause.
And now, Howard is happy to push the BLM lies....along with their explicit and proud marxist, anti-Christian, anti-nuclear family agenda.
Just check out their website to see for yourself.
Others are seeing the obvious as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uno1oCW5RqM
It only took Marcellus Wiley about 5 minutes to look it up.
"I don't know how many people really look into the Mission Statement of Black Lives Matter. But I did, and when you look into it there's a couple things that jump out to me. And I'm a black man who's been black and my life has mattered since 1974. And this organization was founded in 2013...I'm proud of you..but I'm been fighting this fight for me and for others alot longer. Two things, my family structure is so vital important to me. Not only the one I grew up in but the one I'm trying to create right now. Being a father and husband that's my mission in life right now.
How do I reconcile that, what I just told you, with this Mission Statement that says, quote: "We dismantle the patriarchal practice. We disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family structure requirement."'
Watch the whole thing as this guy blows Howard and Howard's child-murdering "Heroes" out of the water on those points.
Anyone even remotely associated with Tucker should plan to have even their most passing comments no matter how far back seized upon and exploited by the ferrets of the cancellation left. Redemption on the road to Damascus is not something they would see as valid penance.
The Crack Emcee said...
Bilwick said...
"Hey, Crack, you know who has been the biggest promulgator of murder, rape and lies? Your buddy, Massa State."
White people have a 300 year head start on everybody.
Black people and Arabs had a 100 year head start on White people.
The Crack Emcee said...
We know 300 years of crimes happened that whites never answered for - so we don't care.
If I have to answer for what other white people did centuries ago shouldn't Crack be in jail for what other black people have done? Or is there something unique about white skin which uniquely confers guilt on its wearers?
Fucking racist.
Now the BLM folks want a seat at the table, Republicans say "you had your chance, kindly fuck off back to the hood"
You either haven't been paying attention, or are being deliberately ignorant. The BLM don't want a seat at the table, the want a new table, and they want all of the seats at that table.
That was meant to be a 1000 year head start.
More like 10000 in Sumeria's case.
13th century Africa slave trade routes/economy.
Crack is just another dumb racist who cannot see past skin color and blames all white people for the evils of white democrats.
Gahrie said...
None of the weapons being used by the Left to attack the Right will work the other way anymore
They do work, just differently. The left won't fire their racist employees but the fact that they won't delegitimizes their entire organization and worldview.
"Name the other one that said "All Men Are Created Equal."
There is none, becuase no other even cared to try. None cared to take the risk that ended up being quite expensive in lives and fortunes, yet they did take that risk, and they did deliver better than any other nation in history. White people did that for 13% of the population, which they could have ignored if their hearts and values were where you imagine them to be. That investment, that incredible price which was volunteered, doesn't guarantee that it cannot cannot be wasted or ignored by the ignorance, self-pity, and envy of some individuals.
What other nation self-selects it's participants and leaders at every level from a small minority, even to the highest offices of power and prestige? What other nation creates those opportunities, and then sees them fulfilled at every level of success? What other nation sees so many of that oppressed race fight with all they have to stay in that nation. What other nation is there where that same race fights in such great numbers to leave their own nations to join that foreign one where they are a small minority. Blacks here and abroad are incredibly dumb, or America is a great place to be Black, because nobody is doing the obvious thing when you are oppressed and leaving the place. It's just the opposite.
Crack said:
"White people would rather see this entire nation go up in flames - or every black in it die - than simply and sincerely say "We're sorry."
And THAT'S how fucked up white Americans are."
Damn! You got us pegged.
Crack you are doing a nice job of cracking the racist shell of most of the Althouse bloggers.
Is this the big liberal "get" of the week? The scalp of some nobody who works on a Fox show that they detest? Zzzzzz.
I think the resignation of Andrew Sullivan from the New Yorker was more newsworthy. Looks like he's escaping the blood thirsty grip of the "woke" youngsters. I guess read 'Lord of the Flies' and knows what happens to Piggy at the end.
r/v: "Crack you are doing a nice job of cracking the racist shell of most of the Althouse bloggers."
Note: r/v officially in FULL AGREEMENT with Crack that rape, murder and lying was invented by white people 300 years before anyone else started doing those things.
Well played r/v.
Well played.
Jeff Brokaw said... [hush][hide comment]
Here’s what I heard: you can’t post shady opinions under a pseudonym without shady journalists “learning” about it because they cannot abide unapproved opinions.
Post under a pseudonym and if your overlords don’t approve, they WILL learn who you are and get you fired.
The rest of the details are meaningless
No doubt algorithms available or in the works to comb decades of emails for trigger words. Go back through entire life to find some reason to cancel a person.
Imagine if shoe on other foot and right wing extremists in charge looking for people who posted anti American comments. Lots of progressives would be canceled from work and life.
Crack said, "You r ideals didn't stop a single death, rape, or lie by a white person."
Isn't it more reasonable to believe that those ideals are the only thing that kept those evil white people from wiping you all out? After all we'd rather burn down the country than say, "I'm sorry".
I'm sorry your French whore did you wrong.
The white man stood with the colored people, newly emancipated, to free George's slaves, stood against diversity and other classes of bigotry, stood against redistributive change and artifacts of that liberal era, and stood against the progress of these intolerable enterprises for over 200 years.
Is there anyone here who does not understand that Crack is just looking for attention?
... and trying to draw people to his blog?
The lefties don't get it, but they don't get much anyway.
"White people would rather see this entire nation go up in flames - or every black in it die - than simply and sincerely say "We're sorry.""
My family already did that in the 1860s. Now fuck off.
Slavery existed in the United States proper for about 85 years. before that it was Britain that maintained slavery in N. America. Slavery of europeans in N. Africa had been going on since, well, recorded history.
So at some point after 1865 the onus is on you to improve your condition.
My contention is that post civil war tenant farming was much more detrimental to former slaves and poor whites than even slavery.
Name the other one that said “All Men Are Created Equal.”
That would be Ancient Rome. The legal and moral concept that “All Men are [fundamentally] Equal” was invented — not by Christianity, nor the (17th-18th century) Enlightenment — as folks today commonly suppose — but by Stoicism-steeped jurists of ancient, classical Rome (which was, one might note, as the Sparticus episode illustrates, one of the major slave-owning states of history).
The “created” part — as in “All men are created equal” — was tacked onto the text later as providing further explanation of what it means.
Those Roman jurists, one might note, did not proclaim this universal principle with anything like the flourish of the American Declaration of Independence — nor did anybody (even people with the power to do something, such as Stoic Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius) apparently hit on the idea of (gasp!) abolishing slavery as a consequence.
Roman jurists sought, rather, to apply this principle to ameliorate people's conditions in cases where its application was clear — such as among slaves, where rights to marriage, freedom for offspring when the mother was freed, etc., gradually became more generous in Roman law.
Historian R. H. Barrow of Oxford University discusses this (originally Stoic) principle that “All Men are Equal” in his interesting book Slavery in the Roman Empire, then explores its consequences in Roman law, specifically with regard to the institution of slavery.
As Barrow notes: [quoting…]
[W]hen the Roman lawyer asserts that “all men are equal,” he means, in [historian] Maine's words, “that under the hypothetical law of Nature and in so far as positive law approximates to it, the arbitrary distinctions which the Roman civil law maintained between classes of persons cease to have a legal existence.” […]
The old law remained, however, in essentials; the slave was still a res [thing]; but whenever new law had to be made, or old law revised, the humane spirit of Stoicism crept in.
It took America millennia later to bring the real meaning of “All men are equal” to legal fruition — at the cost, among other things, of over half a million dead in bloody civil war.
(R. H. Barrow [Senior Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford; Classical Sixth Master at Sedergh School], Slavery in the Roman Empire, 1928, Barnes & Noble, New York, 1996; pp. 152-156)
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