Legg was defending his townsfolk from the charge of ethnic animosity that the NYT highlights. More highlighting:
“We have droves of out-of-state Spanish people and they leave their crap lying on the ground,” said Lester Tomson, 58, who regularly fished the stream.I appreciate that the NYT let us know that Tomson is a Democrat. I had to look it up myself, but Legg is also a Democrat. We are told that the mayor is a Democrat. Here's what she said:
Mr. Tomson, a registered Democrat, is one of a number of people who, on social media and in conversation, have suggested that Immigration and Customs Enforcement should have been called to the park.
“It’s not a racist thing,” he said in an interview. “It’s a thing where you observe things, and your observations are based in facts and not in racism.”
“We are an inclusive community. We are going to be accepting of everybody, regardless of race or faith or who you love,” Mayor [Michele] Lee, a Democrat, said. “We did what we have to do because it was really becoming a safety concern.”
The mayor said that the crowds grew drastically after a TikTok video that called the site a “hidden gem” went viral. Ms. Lee said that the borough’s decision had nothing to do with any overt or subtle xenophobia or racism — like the discussions about the cleanliness of “those people” that could recently be overheard over pints of Keepin’ Local beer on the patio of a local brewery and taproom. “I find those kinds of comments more disgusting than any of the garbage I saw left behind at the lake,” Mayor Lee said.
At Lake Solitude the day before it was shut, the ground was pristine, and few people enjoying the park felt there was a problem.
“People are just looking for an excuse not to have colored people around, to get us out of their town,” said Alej Rodriguez, 26, a truck driver who drove in from Upper Manhattan with his family, to visit the lake and the sights on the rolling grounds, like the remains of the Union Iron Works forge, which smelted cannonballs for the Revolutionary War. “You’ve always got a target on your back as a colored person,” he said. “You’ve always got to watch your back, even at a beautiful lake where we come to have fun.”
NIMBY. Without being racist of course.
Similar thing happened at my beach a few years ago. It's a private beach on the Cape and some magazine listed it as one of the "Top 10 Places To Watch The Sunset on Cape Cod!" or something like that. It's a tiny beach, and we had cars backed up on every road. The Association ended up putting up a bunch of signs stating that Residency passes were needed for parking, etc. (there are no such passes, never have been) and that helped a bit.
I appreciate that the NYT let us know that Tomson is a Democrat.
I'd identify this as sarcasm but coming from Ann I'd give odds of fifty fifty...
All those Democrats being quotes but not one Trump hate?
It must be in the story somewhere...
Cultural differences. How were you brought up? To use the outdoors as a garbage can, or to leave it as clean as you found it?
This brings to mind Phil Ochs' classic "Love Me, I'm a Liberal":
"I cheered when Humphrey was chosen
My faith in the system restored
I'm glad that the Commies were thrown out
Of the A.F.L. C.I.O. board
And I love Puerto Ricans and Negros
As long as they don't move next door
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal"
An updated version was covered by Mojo Nixon and Jello Biafra in the 1990s
"a truck driver who drove in from Upper Manhattan with his family"
Why are there no recreational opportunities for this truck driver in Upper Manhattan? What have the (can I assume Democratic?) politicians there done to create an amenable-to-families environment?
There was never a don't Litter campaign in Mexico. I lived in Mexico, it shows, they just throw the garbage out the window, you drive across the desert and it's beautiful but there are multicolored plastic bags hanging from every shrub and blowing in the wind. The propaganda campaign spread by Lady Bird Johnson worked wonderfully and today if we try to have another it would be called racist
Why is he driving in from Manhattan for something this unimportant? Isn't he supposed to be avoiding travel and not crossing state lines?
After Interstate 78 was completed out of Manhattan in the 80s, both Spruce Run and Found Valley state parks in that same area were inundated with urban types who trashed the area. It was not uncommon to pull into a picnic area and hear a car stereo playing rap with the volume at 11. There was even a gang related killing in '90. Locals quickly surrendered the park.
Influx of outsiders ruining nature is nothing new.
I don't think it's a racist or ethnic thing as much as it's a level of unconscious expectation. If you live way out in the country, no one cleans up after you but yourself. Any trash you throw down on the ground stays there until you pick it up. No one comes around and takes your trash to a landfill for you. You might get weekly trash pick-up if you live in the suburbs, but the only time the streets get swept is once in the spring to clear the sand and salt left by the snowplows. There are no trash receptacles on every corner that get emptied by city workers. City people have a whole army of people whose only job is to clean up after the people who live there. I don't think city people are being pigs deliberately when they go off to commune with nature or enjoy a day at the beach. They're just used to someone else coming along behind them and cleaning up. I think a lot of the people leaving red solo cups at the swimming hole would be surprised it was an issue.
I cam see how it's quite shocking to suddenly have a crowd of new faces. Sunday in The Public Garden is normally very quiet but one morning there were hundreds of Iranian families enjoying the park*. Farsi and chadors everywhere. Shocking, yes but racist to describe the scene? Only in an election year...
* This happened in 2015, shortly before the Obama administration was accused of granting tens of thousands of Iranians preferential immigration treatment as part of the nuclear negotiations. Snopes calls the claim 'unproven'...
so here's my theory. The left successfully marketed itself as the ideology of people who care about people so now they have tons of people who say they are on the left that say they are on the left so that other people feel that they care about people
Even the cannonballs smelted!
“It’s not a racist thing,” he said in an interview. “It’s a thing where you observe things, and your observations are based in facts and not in racism.”
Facts don't matter when everything is seen through the prism of race.
Stereotypes reinforced by observed behavior are hard to escape.
Maybe don't be pigs, and people who live there wouldn't be so pissed off.....
I used to operate a state park concession. To be sure, the ethnicity of litterers was very diverse and seemed more related to "class" than "racial identity". However it was pretty obvious that foreigners were more likely to ignore size limits on fish and violate laws in other ways. We would just go out and speak to them to try to inform them of the regulations but often they didn't understand English. (Actually the worst offenders we observed in this regard were Asian and not black or Hispanic).
I'll just leave these here, next to the trash can.
So... until white folks are shitting and pissing in the same amounts in the underbrush nobody should have said anything?
This is the problem with making everything about racism and insisting that all cultures (no matter where) are the same. Sure, it's something that would be NICE, but the reality is that a lot of people don't care about littering and if they see something discarded figure it's okay to throw out their trash also. And their kids will learn the same attitudes.
Plus - sanitation standards have to be TAUGHT at an early age - which doesn't happen to be the same everywhere or even within every family. Heck, backpackers have to be taught how to shit in the woods responsibly.
See "The Big Necessity" for an example of differing practices worldwide. https://www.amazon.com/Big-Necessity-Unmentionable-World-Matters/dp/1250058309
Humans are crazy creatures with few innate or instinctive good practices. (Or what we call 'good' by our current standards. 200 years back, the standards were different. 200 years from now, the standards will be different again. It's only by teaching our children that they become even nominally 'civilized' to current standards.) All we can do is our best and attempt to be good exemplars for our offspring.
As a consequence of the WuFlu pandemic, a most of the public beach access here on Chesapeake Bay has been cut off, either closed altogether, or restricted to county or even city residents. At the same time, as things have cracked open, the demand for beach to visit from the urban areas has skyrocketed. There is a beach just north of us, which I can walk to, a privately owned business that allows people to stay in old cabins, bring an RV or just pay per person to park and use the beach for the day.
It is quite heavily used on weekends by Hispanics, especially on Sunday, in large family groups. I talked to a guy who works there and he called it Hispanic Sunday, and said we love them (for the money), but it's a lot of work to clean up after them. They don't have the same ethic about picking up their trash as those of us who grew up in the era of "Give a hoot, don't pollute."
We can now add negative characteristic #94 to Tiktok.
... and it smells like a latrine after Woodstock."
I seemed to have correctly guessed the culprits after reading that. Along the San Juan river it's mostly Amerindians plus used diapers and Bud Light® cans.
observations are based in facts and not in racism.
What Sailer calls "noticing". You're not supposed to do it, and if you do it by accident you're not supposed to admit it.
“I find those kinds of comments more disgusting than any of the garbage I saw left behind at the lake,"
See? "Noticing" who's doing the littering is worse than littering. To deeply irrational people, at least.
“We are an inclusive community. We are going to be accepting of everybody, regardless of race or faith or who you love...”
What about people who just enjoy sex? When did "love" become an element of anti-discrimination?
Long ago, the medieval Catholic Church sold indulgences. These helped the really nice rich people buy their way into heaven.
Maybe the NYT could issue not-racist indulgences to Democrats in exchange for fees payable to the world's premier news source. As the article suggests, this also would make the paper's reporting efforts easier.
"Got your Not a Racist card? We've got your back."
Village of Redgranite, WI had to shut down their quarry park. The state & county parks were shut down due to COVID, so all the traffic migrated to the kinds of parks that do not have controlled access. Some of the blame placed on out-of-towners creating the demand. Issues with parking, traffic, and litter, lots of litter.
Redgranite Quarry closed until further notice
City people all in on saving the environment until they have to actually clean up after themselves.
“We have droves of out-of-state Spanish people and they leave their crap lying on the ground
i Was going to ask if people would have a problem with a Black or Hispanic person saying:
“We have droves of out-of-state white people and they leave their crap lying on the ground”
But, then i realized that
A) Blacks or Hispanics wouldn't have a problem with littering
B) Whites (mostly) wouldn't litter
So, then i thought; would people have a problem with a Black or Hispanic person saying:
“We have droves of out-of-state white people and we gonna the crap beat out of 'em”
then i Laughed and Laughed
“It’s a thing where you observe things, and your observations are based in facts and not in racism.”
But when we "observe" >11M illegals and want to close things down, that's bad and racist.
So Civilization is a White Privilege. Who knew? Build that Wall!
One of the features of Democrat gatherings is that they are pigs. Basically children who expect others to pay for them, clean up after them, and to make excuses for anything they say or do.
Think: Occupy Wall Street vs Tea Party gatherings. One was a pig sty that featured needles, shit, and rape, the other was an actual civil, peaceful grouping (for those of you confused with what that looks like in reality, here's a photo: The Mall gathering Thousands of tea partiers, peacefully assembled, left the Mall cleaner than they found it.
Think: Seattle. Portland. Chicago. Los Angeles. San Francisco (where they have poop patrols). And on and on.
I wish I had a different opinion of Democrats, but seriously, they've earned this opinion.
Just go some place nobody wants to go. Right now, any Macy's is a good bet.
NYT always makes it their business to know who is a Republican and who is a Democrat. Once in a town where I lived, the NYT did a glowing write-up of the place in their travel section, ignoring only one of the prime properties in the county, the one that was owned by a notorious Republican.
Hispanics eagerly jumping aboard the 'colored people' train : )
The article doesn't give much information about the origin of the visitors other than Manhattan. Are they originally from the US? Mexico? I've been to both places. The littering standards are 'more selective.'
If they're illegal they should be deported. If they're not they should be issued fines for littering...or is that racist too?
Spanish people? People from Spain? Did she mean "Spanish speaking"? Isn't Spain a Nation? Is "Spanish speaking" racist?
"observations are based in facts and not in racism.”
LOL. Isn’t this the defining credo of the alt-right?
"It’s not a racist thing,” he said in an interview. “It’s a thing where you observe things, and your observations are based in facts and not in racism.”
Weird. That's the standard I've been using my whole life and I've been repeatedly assured that it is, in fact, racism. I'm so confused.
I want to do better. I really, really do.
Windows stay broken in the City, so many of the people do not respect the environment.
Windows are repaired in the country and suburbs, so only urban people do not respect the environment.
Charge $200 per person for a yearly permit, for a defined zip codes. Problem solved, if thats the goal. Solving a problem.
The $ could be mailed back to the local address provided by the permit buyer, less small handling fee.
Pack your Trash
Noticing is racist!
You're supposed to just breathe deeply and enjoy the vibrant, diverse smells.
More seriously this is another case where a possible difference (between identifiable groups) might indicate a preferred group is worse in some way and so acknowledgement of that is automatically disallowed. If/when the problem was hordes of white people descending on a pristine foreign (or identifiably ethnic) nature spot and ruining it with their presence then there'd be no problem "calling out" selfish/thoughtless whites. White people have ruined Machu Picchu, etc. Everyone knows that's only allowed in one direction, though.
Noticing is racist!
You're supposed to just breathe deeply and enjoy the vibrant, diverse smells.
More seriously this is another case where a possible difference (between identifiable groups) might indicate a preferred group is worse in some way and so acknowledgement of that is automatically disallowed. If/when the problem was hordes of white people descending on a pristine foreign (or identifiably ethnic) nature spot and ruining it with their presence then there'd be no problem "calling out" selfish/thoughtless whites. White people have ruined Machu Picchu, etc. Everyone knows that's only allowed in one direction, though.
"(Actually the worst offenders we observed in this regard were Asian and not black or Hispanic)."
I believe it. From personal experience, China is the filthiest place I've ever visited, and I've been to many 'shithole' countries. I was there pre-Olympics for a couple of weeks for a baseball tournament that my son played in. Nicest people (even for commies) you could meet.
We went to a baseball stadium built seven or eight years before for some big pan-Asian games (yes, they play baseball). The seats were torn out and laying on the ground. Chunks of concrete had fallen out of the roof and were strewn about. None of the lights in the tunnels worked. But when I thought about it, it made sense. Nobody owned it so nobody cared.
At another game in a park, little kids (toddlers to 4 or 5) wore shorts with gaps built into the crotch. When they had to defecate they would just squat down and let it drop onto the ground. Nobody came by with a pooper-scooper to clean it up...just part of the landscape.
The Japanese on the other hand...cleanest people on the face of the earth. Maybe that's why they hold the Chinese in such low regard...
"Are they originally from the US? Mexico?"
'US' should be 'Puerto Rico.'
The sides of the road in Mexico have a lot more trash than those in America.
That is true in most of the ROW, because environmentalism is a luxury good.
That seems to be a strategy that might work. Let the outsiders enjoy the scenery at a price and have them pay for the cleanup.
In Rome, years ago, EU visitors were charged something like the equivalent of $5 for entry to the coliseum. Americans (my family) were charged three or four times that amount.
Even locally I pay more to play golf in a certain city because I'm not a resident.
People are incredibly stupid to let the Left/MSM/Whoever use "Racism" as a club to force them to do things that are wrong or put them on the defensive. If these people are illegal aliens they should be deported. "Racism" has nothing to do with it. If they are Legal immigrants, who gives a damn if they're Jewish, Hispanic, Irish,or Mormons from the South Seas, they're littering and trashing the place. But always people must cower and get defensive, because the worst thing in the world, even worse then child molesting, is being "racist".
Just pathetic.
Redgranite is one of my favorite WI town names.
Irish: dirty
Italian: dirty
Hispanix: dirty
Rite of passage - welcome to the club - now clean up your crap!
BTW, I've noticed a lot of parks and open space PARKING LOTS are being closed down, supposedly for CV-19, but more likely because the well-to-do like to enjoy these places without any crowds. Most beaches in Wa, Oregon and CA are closed down,, but you can be sure the rich people who live near them, are using them without any blow-back.
Littering is a real problem.I would like to see anti-littering campaigns return.
Finally, Americans never want to recognize that immigrants bring their values with them. If they come from a country with socialize medicine, or socialist parties, or not picking up trash they're going to behave the same way in the USA. This is what the stupid R's never understand. Why would an immigrant from a country with a national health system or mainstream socialist parties join in the Republican horror at Bernie's socialism or medicare for all? They also don't understand that most of these people - especially the middle class ones -are Dual citizens and keep in close contact with their home country.
Iconochasm said...
"Why is he driving in from Manhattan for something this unimportant? Isn't he supposed to be avoiding travel and not crossing state lines?"
7/29/20, 7:54 AM
NJ isn't requiring people from NY or CT to self-quarantine. I found this statement on the NJ website to be odd:
The self-quarantine is voluntary, but compliance is expected.
NY, CT, and now MA assess hefty fines for noncompliance.
"Most beaches in Wa, Oregon and CA are closed down,, but you can be sure the rich people who live near them, are using them without any blow-back."
Having paid $12M for their Martha's Vineyard beach cottage, you can bet your ass that Barack and Mooch are frolicking in the waves.
Sheltering in place is for the peons.
I should add my opinion that these closures are not so much about COVID-19 or business as they are about inflicting pain and promoting panic. They are analogous to the closures of National Parks and Monuments during the budget sequester in 2013.
You are going to miss us folks from Chicago up there in WI. I know we'll miss you down here.
Personally, if I were running Chicago, I'd be encouraging as many residents and visitors as I could. I think the WI travel restrictions show that Lightfoot and Arwady have no commercial sense whatsoever. There are plenty of people giving COVID-19 to each other right here in Chicago. A few more cases from across the Cheese Curtain won't make any difference.
As I have said before, the stupidity and counter-productive orders being given here are doing more to undermine the credibility of government than anything else.
Norms on littering are collapsing everywhere, at least with the young. Since the scamdemic got going, I have been walking outside a lot every day, even after the gyms reopened here in TN in early May. The local high school had a George Floyd protest day back in the first or second week of June, and the day after the parking and the street running behind the school looked and smelled like a landfill, even though there are multiple large garbage cans in the parking lot where the protest was held. It took the janitorial services two days to clean it up.
I also have taken to doing some laps on the high school school track as part of my walk- the rubbery surface is easy on my 54 year old feet. The school's practice football field is encircled by the track, and the first football practice was held on July 20th- the next day, the entire place was littered with trash, mostly discarded water and gatorade bottles, but also disposable towels etc.- at least a 100 such items, even though there are multiple waste containers standing right in the middle of the pseudo-landfill. I can understand that the young boys don't think twice about it, but I don't understand the coaches just allowing them to all leave without tidying up the place. It was like that all week until the school maintenance staff went out and cleaned it up last Friday. I wasn't there yesterday, but I expect to find the same mess this afternoon during my walk.
'I believe it. From personal experience, China is the filthiest place I've ever visited”
I think he is talking about how they can’t understand why you would throw back a fish that is less than the size limit, since, well, they all taste the same and if you throw it back just to possibly increase the fish population at some future time, how does that put a fish on your plate today? If it’s a sacrifice made "for the greater good,” why bother since his personal good is decreased by this action. A lot of posters here fully understand and endorse this kind of logic.
Yancey Ward said...
I can understand that the young boys don't think twice about it, but I don't understand the coaches just allowing them to all leave without tidying up the place. It was like that all week until the school maintenance staff went out and cleaned it up last Friday.
Cheaper and easier to pay the groundskeepers to clean it up than dealing with the lawsuit you'd have if the coaches told the players they were a bunch of slobs and needed to clean up after themselves.
Are you OK? What the hell does filth in China have to do with fish?
I'm certain we have a different outlook on things, but at least make a modicum of sense.
[singing] There's too many minooooooooriteeeees, in my waaaaaater paaaaaaark!
It's time we confronted the deep-seated racism and bigotry endemic to the Deep North.
So we have to assume that a blind man would have no problem with the trash and sewage.
Does anyone need to know the ethnicity of the culprits to prefer they not shit in the park? I don't know about you, but white shit isn't any better. You know, it's just from white people. It's not even really white. If a sign says "No shitting here", is that an ethnic slur? If it is to you, then maybe you have problem.
Joe Smith, when I referred to the "worst offenders" being Asian I meant catching/keeping undersize fish. The limits at our lake were pretty strict, and often the Asians would have buckets full of illegal sized fish. Which I'm sure they intended to eat so at least they didn't go to waste.
The litterers included low-class people of every ethnicity, Hispanics tended to leave bait containers and pop cans on the lake shore, while the white trash people were more destructive, ripping live limbs off of trees for firewood (which doesn't actually work very well since the wood is still green) or trying to burn the picnic tables. The "Asians" weren't necessarily Chinese, more likely Vietnamese, Cambodian, Hmong, or others, although I am not very good at distinguishing people from different Asian countries.
I should also mention that my husband drives a semi and he is disgusted by the condition of truck stop bathrooms. He claims that certain people throw soiled toilet paper on the floor rather than flushing it. He mostly blames Mexicans for this but I have no idea whether or not this is true.
Tim in vermont, "I think he is talking about how they can’t understand why you would throw back a fish that is less than the size limit, since, well, they all taste the same and if you throw it back just to possibly increase the fish population at some future time, how does that put a fish on your plate today?"
That is what I was talking about, not that Asian immigrants were littering, just that they didn't understand or care about the laws limiting the size of fish you are allowed to keep.
Ms. Lee said that the borough’s decision had nothing to do with any overt or subtle xenophobia or racism
Of COURSE not! Dumb liberals think we believe their crap. [shakes head]
Sort of funny: NJ people complaining about of state people (from Philly) messing up their park. Meanwhile, back in Pennsyltucky, we're all complaining about out of state people (i.e. NJ + NY) screwing up our beautiful Beltzville Lake park. All those damned other people.
“It’s a thing where you observe things, and your observations are based in facts and not in racism.”
When the Communist regimes of the Soviet Union were slowly imploding in the 1980s, they Party members came up with a new explanation for why things weren't going their way. They claimed "external realities" were causing failures in communist endeavors. These "external realities" avoided blame falling on Party members, who of course could not control reality, especially when it was external to the Party. So it was safe for a Party member to fail because of an "external reality."
The Democrats have now reached that same stage, where to avoid condemnation by fellow party members, their "observations are based in facts," and must not, can not, will not, be judged as racist when they explain the failures observed. Even at the level of keeping trash out of a party spot in the woods.
This would be hilarious if they weren't so serious about avoiding denunciation by their peers, who seek only to be the last vile denouncer standing.
if grammar and math are racist
...then so is cleanliness
When I visit some of my local state parks with my daughter I always bring along a plastic grocery bag. I use this bag to collect random trash other people leave around. I engage my daughter, who is 7, in this same behavior.
It is a very minor thing, I do not try to clean the whole park, but every little bit helps.
Personal responsibility is so-called "White", or is it "white", culture... perchance privilege. Also, diversity (division, and exclusion). I don't think it means what they think it means. Forward!
Thanks for the explanation. @Tim quoted me in his fish rant and not you so it was completely out of context.
"A lot of posters here fully understand and endorse this kind of logic."
Tim, it's not that we don't understand the concept of individual sacrifice for the greater good of the collective. It's just that we're hoping you will catch the COVID and die, and that may not happen if everyone wears little masks everywhere. Think of it as a personal sacrifice, albeit an involuntary one, that you can make for the greater good of the collective. Does that help? On the plus side, there's plenty of respirators available. Enjoy!
It's just that we're hoping you will catch the COVID and die,
PERSONALLY, if/when Tim commits suicide in protest of people not wearing masks,
i will give Serious thought to wearing one. Take one for the team tim!
Years ago, on the lower east side of Manhattan, I noticed that "Latinx" people would set up chairs and maybe a picnic table and umbrella in the middle of a garbage-strewn empty lot to hang out, and sometimes with a portable radio blasting music. They were nice people, and the garbage may have bothered them, but not enough for them to do anything about it. Visitors to Mexico, PR and the Carribean can verify that people just throw their garbage on the side of the road or leave it in the park when they are done. It's a cultutal thing.
So the solution to too much immigration was to restrict immigration?
And these people call themselves Democrats!
He claims that certain people throw soiled toilet paper on the floor rather than flushing it. He mostly blames Mexicans for this but I have no idea whether or not this is true.
It could be true. When I worked at a Mexican orphanage in high school we were supposed to put used TP in a separate container and not flush it down the toilet. The pipes couldn't handle the TP. It wouldn't surprise me if the Mexicans at the truck stops were thinking the same thing.
Marshall Rose "I always bring along a plastic grocery bag to collect random trash..." When we were in the mood to pick up trash at our local parks we would bring at least two extra large trash bags. We didn't have room for discarded furniture or car parts but we picked up plenty of beer and pop cans. It is discouraging to see how little care there is for the environment and for others' enjoyment of nature!
MadisonMan said..."Redgranite is one of my favorite WI town names."
Being a rock hound, I now want to go to this quarry. Maybe this fall or next year when things have settled down.
Well, it's not racial; it's cultural. Santa Monica's Will Rogers Beach, just to the north side of the SM pier, is popular with Latino (usually Mexican) families. They have large families and large picnics, and at the end of the day, they generally leave their trash where they dropped it. It does look like Woodstock's Monday morning.
Of course when I was in Mexico I thought it was stupid to put my used TP in a separate container, so I flushed it down and the toilet promptly overflowed. I suspect that somewhere right now there's a middle aged Mexican leaving a comment about the time that stupid Gringo kid flushed the TP.
Of course, such absolutes are not 100% true. Just reliably true in most cases:
Facts are only racist when employed by the right.
Pointing out ethnicity is only racist when pointed out by the right.
Smug pretentious assholes are only present when encountering the left.
Maybe show the complainers the aftermath of Antifa.
A few red solo cups will look like Christmas decorations.
"A few red solo cups will look like Christmas decorations."
Which is hilarious because the people turning Portland into a landfill are the same who would lecture you for hours about 'Gaia,' the environment, and the importance of recycling : )
"people defecate and pee in the woods and it smells like a latrine after woodstock"
WTF does Mr. Legg think it smelled like before the white man came to New Jersey?
It's as if they've suddenly discovered the infamous slovenliness of our valued friends from south of the border. What do they think multicultural diversity actually means? Not just what privileged white people are comfortable with.
Yep, another piece of junk news from the NY Times. They are becoming kissing cousins with the CCP propoganda machine from China. Look last week China announced in their Media (propoganda machines like the NY Times) that China's GDP grew 11% in 2nd quarter. The USA announced today that their GDP dropped by 33% the same time. Maybe China is not doing business with the USA anymore, or even Europe (whose GDP also dropped - 7%) to produce such great economic numbers of 11% growth. But like the NY Times it doesn't fit their political narrative so they lie.
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