৯ জুলাই, ২০২০

"Organizers of an effort to recall Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes Conway began today with the filing of required paperwork with the city clerk."

David Blaska reports, linking to the petition that's now on a 60-day deadline to get 36,203 signatures.

Here's an article in the Wisconsin State Journal about the recall effort:
[Recall petitioner Jon] Rygiewicz said Rhodes-Conway did not keep the city safe when groups of demonstrators tore down statues, beat up state Sen. Tim Carpenter, D-Milwaukee, and another man, and threw a Molotov cocktail into the City-County Building on June 23.

“The sheriff said it was unsafe because of rioting and looting and senators getting beat up and things getting trashed and (the City-County Building) getting firebombs thrown in them,” Rygiewicz said. “And nothing was done to stop that at that time.”

২১টি মন্তব্য:

Francisco D বলেছেন...

If the Madison mayor is in jeopardy, I suspect that many other Blue mayors and governors are as well.

Pass me the popcorn.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Are you going to keep voting for incompetent Democratics who have given you riots, looting, and general mayhem?

Heartless Aztec বলেছেন...

Recall nothing... Straight to tar, feathers and a rail.

Howard বলেছেন...

Democracy marches on. This is fantabulous news. I hope she gets defeated and they put in someone even more squishy.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Cancel her. I dare the Madisonian's to elect a Black business woman as Mayor. She would make the ultra liberal Edu crowd look worthless and stupid simply by dealing with reality in place of myths.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Now do Minneapolis and New York.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Maybe this is what Satya Baron-Conway wants -- a list of Madison's most deplorable.

StoughtonSconnie বলেছেন...

Oh please! The chances of this recall succeeding are about the same as the chances of me sprouting wings and soaring above the UW campus under my own power. Republicans these days garner (sorry!) about 30% of the vote in Dane County as a whole. What part of the 30% do you think comes from Madison proper? When I was on Scott Klug’s campaign, when we got 25% of Madison’s vote in 1990, we knew we won. 25% of Madison now would be a fargin miracle!

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

The citizens know how these idiots are going to run things when they vote for them.

Echoing @traditionalguy it's about time Madison has a black lesbian as mayor and better if they also had one as police chief. All of the big cities are doing it.

n.n বলেছেন...

I dare the Madisonian's to elect a Black business woman as Mayor

The diversitists should learn from principle, not be indulged in their philosophy and practices. Let all candidates stand for election, without the color of diversity to deny their individual dignity, to deny their individual conscience, to deny their individual achievement.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Elect progressives and get progressive disasters.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Birkel said...
Are you going to keep voting for incompetent Democratics who have given you riots, looting, and general mayhem?

Yes. Yes she is. Did she ever say whether she voted for Walker or Evers?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I’m torn on this. I voted for her (didn’t have a candidate I liked, she was least objectionable), & I hate how she’s handled this, but also opposed the Walker recall effort, as recall elections shouldn’t happen because your candidate lost, or every election would be followed recall.

mikee বলেছেন...

How nice that the Madison citizenry is using the established, legal, nonviolent methods of removing this vile creature from her position of authority, rather than emulating the protesters and simply demanding her toppling, and violently did so. I guess finding a fence rail, hot tar and a bag of chicken feathers isn't as easy as it used to be.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Has she even admitted that she made mistakes or is she still doubling down on protecting BLM at all costs?

madAsHell বলেছেন...

P.T. Barnum would have put Satya Rhodes Conway in the freak show eating pussy.

How does one not see her as the face of voter fraud??

Iman বলেছেন...

After seeing some photos of this mayor, I disagree with the petition. She even looks like she should be mayor of a place like Madison.

ALP বলেছেন...

You know - one good thing about all this is that female politicians are taken to task just as hard as male politicians. We may be horrible racists but we are treating women more equally. Although it isn't perfectly legal until a mob burns a female leader in effigy. Haven't seen that yet but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Equality!

Rory বলেছেন...

"Although it isn't perfectly legal until a mob burns a female leader in effigy."

Margaret Thatcher was routinely effigied. She was burned in effigy while her funeral was occurring, 20 years after she left office.

tommyesq বলেছেন...

SconnieFella said I’m torn on this. I voted for her (didn’t have a candidate I liked, she was least objectionable), & I hate how she’s handled this, but also opposed the Walker recall effort, as recall elections shouldn’t happen because your candidate lost, or every election would be followed recall.

This seems to be an instance where there is a specific allegation of malfeasance in one of the primary roles for city government, as opposed to simply trying to redo the election.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"Cancel her. I dare the Madisonian's to elect a Black business woman as Mayor."

The Blacks in Madison are there as a result of the very generous welfare benefits Wisconsin offered decades ago. They do not generally practice "business".