The main thing seems to be the phrase "law and order." It would help the anti-Trump cause quite a bit if people would believe the phrase "law and order" signals white supremacy. It's easy to do the counter-spin however: It is racist to hear "law and order" as white supremacy.
Accompanying that video montage is this article — "A Half-Century After Wallace, Trump Echoes the Politics of Division/George Wallace’s speeches and interviews from his 1968 campaign feature language and appeals that sound familiar again as the 'law and order' president sends federal forces into the streets" by Peter Baker:
The president rails about the “anarchists and agitators” and accuses “the radical left” of running rampant through the streets of cities run by “liberal Democrats.”...MEANWHILE: At the New Yorker, they're talking about Joe McCarthy because — don't you know?! — Trump is like Joe McCarthy. The article, by Louis Menand, is "Joseph McCarthy and the Force of Political Falsehoods/McCarthy never sent a single 'subversive' to jail, but, decades later, the spirit of his conspiracy-mongering endures." Excerpt:
Like Mr. Trump, Wallace denounced “anarchists” in the streets, condemned liberals for trying to squelch the free speech of those they disagreed with and ran against the elites of Washington and the mainstream media....
Like the pugnacious Mr. Trump, Wallace enjoyed a fight. Indeed, he relished taking on protesters who showed up at his events. “You know what you are?” he called out to one. “You’re a little punk, that’s all you are. You haven’t got any guts.”
Larry Tye’s purpose in his new biography, “Demagogue: The Life and Long Shadow of Senator Joe McCarthy” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), is to make the case that Donald Trump is a twenty-first-century Joe McCarthy.... He more than makes the case. The likeness is uncanny.Trump is like McCarthy, who loved chaos, and Trump is like George Wallace, who loved law and order. Oh, that Trump — he's everything you need him to be.
McCarthy was a bomb-thrower—and, in a sense, that is all he was.... To his supporters, he could say and do no wrong.... He was... a conspiracy-monger.... What distinguished McCarthy’s claims was their outlandishness. He didn’t attack people for being soft on Communism, or for pushing policies, like public housing, that were un-American or socialistic. That is what ordinary politicians like Richard Nixon did. McCarthy accused people of being agents of a Communist conspiracy.... McCarthy lied all the time.... He was incapable of sticking to a script. He rambled and he blustered, and if things weren’t going his way he left the room. He was notoriously lazy, ignorant, and unprepared, and he had a reputation for following the advice of the last person he talked to. But he trusted his instincts. And he loved chaos. He knew that he had a much higher tolerance for it than most human beings do, and he used it to confuse, to distract, and to disrupt.
११९ टिप्पण्या:
George Wallace was a Democrat. Until he was a Dixicrat. Until he became an “anti Racist” after a crazy guy who couldn’t get to Nixon shot him.
History is complicated.
But orange man bad.
It shows how far from my DFL past I’ve come to note that I would now consider to be compared to George Wallace a compliment.
Does NYT realize probably only 25% of eligible voters were even alive in 1968?
How hard would it be to find Biden taking about law and order. Didn't that used to be his thing 30 years ago?
So does the NYT also support having an assassin put a few rounds into Trump? Asking because that would be the next logical step in theNYT demonization and dehumanization of the president.
Didn't George Wallace win a majority of his state's black vote?
On November 2, 1982, Wallace not only won the general election, but also over 90% of the black vote. Overall, Wallace received 650,538 (57.64%) votes against Folmar's 440,815 (39.06%) votes.
Me to NYT about the time this song was current:
I knew it all along
You're so predictable
I knew something would go wrong (something's always wrong)
So you don't have to call
Or say anything at all
You're so predictable (so predictable)
Wallace was a career politician, elected to the state legislature at 26 and at the government trough for the rest of his life. That's not Trump.
Again, it seems like our defunct news sources are trying to skip over the Voting and Civil Rights Acts.
So what the NYT is pointing out is....
Biden's speaking style is halting, easily angered, broken up, frequently derailed by his own thinking and his speeches have no substance and no firm stances.
And they are pointing out how Biden, during a time of national crisis and attack on the systemic government he helped build up until 3 years ago, has only really taken an anti-trump stance. He hasn't actually - at the time of something happening - proposed a set of actions differently than trump. He has solely monday-morning quarterbacked.
Wow, they are really pointing out the weakness of Biden as a leader.
The NYT and nearly all media are racist, propaganda garbage. How anyone can vote democrat is beyond me.
(Brooklyn accent) You know what it is? Toimerl.
Law and order isn't a pleonasm. They're different things. Try saying order and law to clear the cliche.
I'll make it easy for the Duranty Times reporters- Peter Baker, Nichlos Kristof, et. al. Instead of spending all of your time gaslighting the public every day, go talk to actual tax paying residents in Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Newark, St. Louis, New Orleans, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Atlanta, Nashville, Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne, South Bend, Miami, Jacksonville, Charlotte, Boston, oh..and of course New York.
Ask them how they feel about law and order. Ask them if they are OK with BLM posing as caring about Black lives? Ask them if they miss their kids, having lost them to a shooting. Ask them if they feel safe walking to a store. Ask them if they even have a store in their neighborhood any longer. Ask them if they can see any hope. Then go back to your overpriced Manhattan apartment, sip pour-over at your local coffee shop, and ignore the trash heap that your own city has become.
The times truly is the enemy of the people and has been since it both covered up and supported the genocide of MILLIONS of Ukrainians in the 1930s. Nothing has changed- either with the New York Times or the Pulitzer committee. It's past time the Times was ignored.
Well, I can speak like both of them,
"MAGA today, MAGA tomorrow, MAGA forever"
What, Hitler wasn't available?
"Trump is like Joe McCarthy"
You mean, like, he's like Joe cuz he's right the far left has in fact infiltrated many institutions?
"To his supporters, he could say and do no wrong...."
Because, if anything, McCarthy underestimated the extent of the conspiracy. He in fact did no wrong because he didn't go nearly far enough, though he went further than anyone else was willing to.
I won't bother giving that execrable article a click, but let me guess: The word "Venona" doesn't appear even once?
The pics of the Portland arrested are 90%+ white. Law and Order is racist all right but the race it attacks is whites.
I have to admire your scholarly diligence to wade through these pieces. Unless something relevant catches my eye, I'm moving on.
What this morning tells me, is the shapers of the narrative have no desire to talk about policy and platform differences between President Trump and Biden(placeholder) Cant talk about substance. Instead we get some tenuous connection between President Trump and a politician from ?1/2 a decade ago.
Like Kristoff yesterday, the writers goal is to give low information voters another thin reed to grasp onto and justify a vote for a man with dementia, with out feeling sleezy about themselves.
These are not serious pieces. How many readers know about Wallace? Well the facts about Wallace, not todays re-write of history about Wallace.
The Left never quits and is never satisfied.
They are going to be shocked when Trump wins about 40 states. And I have evidence to back me up in addition to the fact that I predicted 2016 correctly.
Over at Power Line, Paul Mirengoff had a post yesterday that a pollster has found very strong support for Trump in swing states.
"accuses “the radical left” of running rampant through the streets of cities run by “liberal Democrats.”"
What do they mean, "accuses"? Isn't the racial left proudly "running rampant"? And why the quotes around lib dems, as if it's some odd Trumpian appellation -- they are aren't they?
Joe McCarthy was right
Another work of fiction from the NYT.
They've progressed from half-truth and spin to full out deceit and deception. And they do so without appology.
Perhaps we need a new tag?
Trump is Like...
Wallace, McCarthy, Hitler, who can't Trump be? Pol Pot? Stalin? Yes, not them, they were leftists.
Who goes for this sort of thing? Has a Trump supporter ever read one of these anti-Trump imaginings and decided not to support him any longer? I think not.
Biden is like ... Mr. Magoo.
Garbage. Science and scholarship require morals in order to be done properly. The practitioners need to pursue truth, balance the facts, and not tell lies. Our thinking classes have failed miserably when tested. They cannot be trusted.
Ha ha. The very same people who have been falsely accusing people of colluding with Russia are suddenly all lathered up about McArthyism.
donald is a proud racist
The NYT's Trump / Wallace montage is remarkably shameless hackery even by the recent standards.
But Larry Tye is doing a real public service. Thank goodness we no longer accuse people without evidence of working for the Russians; or drive people of their jobs for holding unpopular opinions, or for defending people who do. Scary to think that under the Trump administration this could happen again, since he's so much like McCarthy of course.
But...McCarthy was correct. The Soviets were pouring money and manpower into infiltrating US organizations and leveraging those resources for spying and steering US policy.
Nice Althousetaposition of two crazy and mutually exclusive prog theories. The tyranny of the Trump in their minds will leave scars long after the man is done being president. There is some truth to the Instapundit theory that Trump is the self-destruction Big Media chide for themselves. They made him and unmade themselves at the same time. All with the mistaken belief that they were using him to destroy Republicans! Priceless!
The RAVE Act was only 17 years ago. That was Biden's bill that treated night clubs as if they were crack houses if people were caught using MDMA.
Liberals pitching "Trump is like McCarthy" or "Trump is like Wallace" to Biden's primary voting group of young people and suburban women is like Hubert Humphrey pitching "Nixon is like Harding" to the youth of 1968. They don't even know who these people were.
George Wallace? The majority of today's voting age population wasn't even born in the sixties.
Joe Biden: Come on, Man. I served with George Wallace. I knew George Wallace. George Wallace was a friend of mine. Mr. President, you're no George Wallace.
All I get out of this piece is that the Trump is Hitler message is no longer having an impact.
As far as Trump's support in swing states, I can state anecdotally that in my suburb just outside of Philly in PA, virtually *every single house* in several blocks in every direction has at least one American flag hanging outside.
I cannot comprehend how anyone who would do that would or could vote for Biden, of the party of the admittedly fraudulent "1619 project". Can you?
Dave Begley said...
The Left never quits and is never satisfied.
They are going to be shocked when Trump wins about 40 states. And I have evidence to back me up in addition to the fact that I predicted 2016 correctly.
Over at Power Line, Paul Mirengoff had a post yesterday that a pollster has found very strong support for Trump in swing states.
7/30/20, 8:19 AM
And the left be crying (and rioting even more than they are now) when this happens because of the lies of her precious New York Times.
sunsong said...
donald is a proud racist
7/30/20, 8:31 AM
Proof please...or are you another one that believes the lies of the Main Stream Media??
mikee said...
So does the NYT also support having an assassin put a few rounds into Trump? Asking because that would be the next logical step in theNYT demonization and dehumanization of the president.
Next question?
Why does anybody read the NY Times or WAPO anymore, when they are just rags full of progressive propaganda that can easily be fact checked by anybody with a working brain??
One could easily do a comparison of the rhetoric of Biden, Hillary, and Pelosi and a communist, and extreme left-wing leaders like Castro, Allende, Angela Davis, or even Stalin. The same antifascist rhetoric, the same anti-police rhetoric, the same "soft on crime" rhetoric.
I think that's one reason whey Biden is staying in the basement. If he got out and was defending the left-wing violence like Pelosi and Schumer, he'd be dropping in the polls.
Them new yawk outfits sure are desperate.
People seem to forget that Wallace sloughed off his segregationist past, and ran in 1972 and was on the way to winning the Demcorat Nomination when he was shot. He continued to be Governor of Alabama all the way until 1987, with significant black support.
I would bet you could go back and look at Biden's speeches from the 70s and 80s and you'd find no more than mild criticism of Wallace. He certainly didn't "disavow" him or try to get him run out of the D Party.
The biggest McCarthyite in the USA today is Hillary Clinton. How many people has she smeared as "Russian Assets" or "Tools of Putin"? its not just Trump, it was also Tulsi gabbard and anyone else she dislikes.
The only time the Demcorats and liberals dislike "mccarthyism" is when its practiced on them.
Based on years of data I think it's safe to say that Biden is more likely to call someone a 'punk' that Trump is.
But I'm just a lying dog-faced pony soldier, so what do I know?
Kevin said...
All I get out of this piece is that the Trump is Hitler message is no longer having an impact.
I get the same message. One thing that Trump and George Wallace agree on is that federal bureaucrats are just out for themselves.
"So does the NYT also support having an assassin put a few rounds into Trump?"
Support? They dream of it, baby!
McCarthy was a bomb-thrower
He was a mostly peaceful bomb-thrower, and a guy with an umbrella made him do it.
Althouse has THE best commenters in th blogworld.
My recollection is that, with the fall of the Soviet Union and the unearthing of documents that resulted, McCarthy was proven to be correct in asserting that people were agents of a communist conspiracy. See, e.g., the Washington Post:
I see Xmas beat me to the punch. But does this mean that the NYT actually believes that Trump is correctly identifying enemies of America lurking behind Antifa, much like McCarthy found the communists hidden in the system? Is the NYT saying that Trump is actually a very stable genius??
XMas, 8:38:
"But...McCarthy was correct. The Soviets were pouring money and manpower into infiltrating US organizations and leveraging those resources for spying and steering US policy."
Channeling McCarthy, I accuse McCarthy of having been a Soviet agent, planted to discredit the cause of anti-Communism and distract attention from actual Soviet spies, thereby providing them cover.
We have a verificationism convention here. Nothing they say is true.
Trump is like Joe McCarthy in seeing Russian collusion everywhere.
Oh wait...
sunsong is projecting. sunsong is the racist.
Law and order . . . it would be nice if the law were a bit more straightforward, e.g. the police ride up, read the riot act:
Our sovereign Lord the King chargeth and commandeth all persons, being assembled, immediately to disperse themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations, or to their lawful business, upon the pains contained in the act made in the first year of King George, for preventing tumults and riotous assemblies. God save the King.
And then the rioters disburse or get arrested. They need not all be hanged, though.
George Wallace said he was "the friend of the working man." Trump is just like Wallace!
FDR said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Trump is just like FDR!
Marx said, "Workers of the world, arise." Trump is just like Marx!
AOC is bad with numbers. Trump is just like AOC!
Maxine Waters said, “You cannot be successful and continue to be a victim.” Trump is just like Maxine Waters!
See the problem with verificationism?
Sunsong, are you a racist? "White Fragility" says you are. Are you?
If not, prove it.
Next question?
If you could go back in time, would you kill Trump at birth?
(obvious reference to the Hitler question)
I wouldn't say there's not a 'dimes worth of difference' but the parties are such,
Biden talks like a sausage.
Please be sure to exit through the Altazon portholes supporting Bezos Billionaires from consumption of cheap CCP crap
“Oh, that Trump — he's everything you need him to be.”
Indeed, that applies to his followers too.
99 percent of voters say, "George who?"
NYT can't meme.
“Biden's speaking style is halting, easily angered, broken up, frequently derailed by his own thinking and his speeches have no substance and no firm stances.”
That sounds like Trump.
These are illuminating New York media nincompoop analogies is Trump a segregationist? Is he a commie hunter?
All this nonsense will be over by the April elections.
So Trump talks like a mainstream, racist, KKK-supporting Democrat prospect for president? Good to know.
For almost two hundred years it was Democrats that enslaved, raped, back-of-the-bused African Americans. The sordid history of the Democrat party in the South is the biggest whitewash in American history.
NYT project much?
Interesting how the NYT montage omitted George Wallace's famous photo of him blocking the schoolhouse door to the entrance of two black children. Then the Times might have to explain why President Kennedy was right to enforce Federal supremacy over the recalcitrant State of Alabama. I don't recall them using the term "storm troopers" to refer to the National Guard, but we didn't get the Times over the coconut wireless back then. (Yes, born and raised in Hawaii, and was this kid glad that we were 2,000 miles away from the Mainland in the 1960's.)
The last Presidential Candidate to use the term "Law and Order" - who Trump also sounds like - was Richard Nixon.
Second largest landslide win in American History.
Of course, they can't say that because that would possibly give Trump a positive election similarity twist. And that must be avoided at all costs by Trump haters writing for mostly Trump haters.
sunsong said...
donald is a proud racist
Examples please.
John Henry
Well Joe McCarthy was a horrible, horrible, person because of the Hollywood blacklist.
Oh, wait. That was Billy wilkenson in 1948
Well he was hoorible because of the loyalty oath all govt employees had to sign.
Oh, wait. That was Truman in 47
Well he was horrible because of the Mccarran Act.
Oh, wait. That was senator Patsy Mccarran in 49
Well he was horrible because...
Can someone help me out here?
Why was McCarthy so horrible?
John Henry
For those who believe Trump is going to win 40 states...
What the heck are you smoking? That is basic pablum for those inclined to such thinking.
Yes, the polls are useless right now for anything but base-riling and fundraising. Biden is days/weeks away from announcing a VP which will be carefully cultivated to further enhance support and split voters from Trump. I'm anti Biden given everything obvious about him and frankly anti democratic party since they are taking anti-american stances all over the place right now. But let's face it: Biden is basically doing almost nothing and holding a solid position nationally and he's going to select a female, likely black VP which will energize his base and the female vote - especially given his age.
He's doing solid because Trump is not doing well right now. His admin, mainly the CDC, screwd up the Covid response 3 years into his tenure. The economy is hurting bad from him appropriately delegating authority to state governors who broadly shutdown for months. He's stopped leading on Covid, he has no new major levers on the economy, and his foreign relations are stalling in the face of a looming election. On top of that, he has a divisive public persona that turns off even parts of his base. I've broadly supported a number of Trump's economic and foreign relation policies as well as his executive branch housecleaning, but he's not gonna win in November without some major improvements in the next 3 months in his positions and public persona and economy.
It's possible and I can see Trump pulling it off, but let's not pretend he's on track just yet.
Too late now but I wish pdjt had used the term order and law instead.
Same thing but it would have confused a lot of dems, reporters and others on the left.
John Henry
sunsong said...
donald is a proud racist
7/30/20, 8:31 AM
That word does not mean what you think it does. It does not mean "I don't like him". Educate your self, you will look less foolish if you do.
The New York Times Looks Like Pravda
...excuse me, talks like Pravda.
Joseph McCarthy was right all along. He failed in his quest, but he was right, and proven right many times since his death.
The New Yorker and NYT's are Marxist fronts.
Always have been.
How hard would it be to craete a video montage that shows that Wallace also talked like Joe Biden, or Barack Obama > Or Gandhi or Jesus?
sunsong said...
donald is a proud racist
Says a democrat voter that supports segregation then, now, and forever.
These people are just stupid.
Trump himself hasn't necessarily lived up to his campaign promises, but I still think they were good promises, that did not depend in any way on racism, a taste for authoritarianism, or anything else "evil."
1. Meaningful restrictions on immigration
2. Re-balancing trade with China, to ensure more benefit for the U.S. (probably only Trump among presidential candidates said this in 2016, now it is much more mainstream)
3. Re-balancing security arrangements/end endless wars
4. Conservative judges.
This shows much more thought and patriotism than Senator McCarthy ever showed. Trump trying to keep spoiled children from destroying property (and hurting innocent people) is some ways from a Dixie governor cracking down on blacks.
I wonder if the "Media" will ever regain any credibility after this is all over ? Cook says it's always been partisan and this has a good point but there was always a newspaper with both or more than two sides. We have never seen this one sided propaganda war in this country.
They are going to be shocked when Trump wins about 40 states.
I'll take that bet. Trump won 30.25 states in 2016 (he picked up one of four electoral votes in Maine). Which nine states is he going to flip this year while retaining everything he won in 2016?
Democrats Opposing Federal Riot Intervention in 2020 sound just like Democrats Opposing Federal School Desegregation Intervention in the 1950s.
Really. A blog recently posted the quotes, but dang I can't find it.
"That sounds like Trump."
I know you are, but what am I? fucking juvenile.
I'll take that bet.
Ya. That's prolly easy money. I might take a flip of NV and/or NM. NH if I had odds but me gut tells me it's a leftie state now like VA.
40? No...
LOL - these people, reporters at the NY Times, are desperate now! Trump, a New Yorker, speaking like Wallace, a Alabamian. Now that's what I call reaching for the 'fraud button'. What's interesting is the NY Times doesn't even pretend anymore. I bet they don't even know the average New Yorker working in their newsroom has a heavy NY accent, just like Trump. Ladies and Gentlemen what we have here is a front row seat to an operation of propoganda of massive proportions destroying a once great media organization.
I despise, detest, and distrust the NYT (and its little dog, WaPoo, too!)
Trying .. too .. hard.
But I suppose the same people who think Samantha Bee, The Daily Show, and the late night monologues are funny will lap this up.
“I know you are, but what am I?”
No, it’s an apt observation to anyone who hasn’t got their heads up Trump’s sorry ass.
"Hannah Reid (London Grammar): Hey Now (recorded live)"
Wow. That's awful.
The NYT's viziers (or proletariat, whichever is running the zoo) might want to consider the position they will be in if their favored candidate is elected in November.
Will they line up behind a new, softer China policy from a president whose loser son has benefited from a billion-dollar "investment" from Xi and the gang? Will they defend new taxes and ostensibly green spending that lay waste to thousands or possibly millions of jobs? How about a Medicare for All program that causes just about every doctor over the age of 50 to retire or work outside the system? What will be their defense when the elimination of charter schools and vouchers -- now promised to teachers' unions -- cause enraged poor people and parents of color to march in the streets nationwide?
Slinging lazy, inaccurate slurs at Trump will look easy by comparison.
You are a petulant child. We can't all be as polished as Obama, who couldn't say 'good morning' without a teleprompter...uh, uh, um, uh...
I'm pleasantly surprised that the Times did not go straight to a Trump-is-Hitler "Downfall" pastiche.
Growing up near a college town I really appreciated Wallace's characterization of 'pointy-headed professors who can't park their bicycles straight.'
I doubt that 1972 Democratic Senate candidate Biden and 1972 Democratic Presidential candidate Wallace had much to disagree about except Biden was friendlier to big banks.
Trump on the other hand forced integration of Palm Beach and NY metro country clubs and opened the luxury NY market to folks who couldn't get approved by Park Avenue co-op boards. They used to give him awards for civil rights back when he was a Democrat.
Crazy Jane said...
Will they line up behind a new, softer China policy from a president whose loser son has benefited from a billion-dollar "investment" from Xi and the gang? Will they defend new taxes and ostensibly green spending that lay waste to thousands or possibly millions of jobs? How about a Medicare for All program that causes just about every doctor over the age of 50 to retire or work outside the system? What will be their defense when the elimination of charter schools and vouchers -- now promised to teachers' unions -- cause enraged poor people and parents of color to march in the streets nationwide?
7/30/20, 12:43 PM
Sorry but how cute! Those NYT folks are not worried in the least about ANY of that stuff. Everyone they know supports Biden (or Burnie, or who ever they prop up) and to a one, none of them know ANYONE (and would not dare admit to such if they did) that supports Trump. Asking for actual "reporting" from the NYT is like asking a blind man to describe Van Gogh's starry night. You just can't get there from here. They are not only ignorant but they gleefully bask in their willful ignorance. They wear it like a badge of honor.
I ran across this gem from the head of the "1619 project" which says everything you need to know about the NY Times and shows the paper has no integrity just a political narrative.
"NYT creates a video montage"
For folks who, the media says their polling shows, have the wind at their backs, they sure don't act with the calm assurance and confidence that would come if those numbers were actually accurate. Instead, crazy is on the loose. The internal numbers must be real bad.
- Krumhorn
I'm surprised that no one has commented on the amazing resemblance between Donald Trump and Mother Theresa. He really channels her spirit.....Joe McCarthy was far more self destructive than self aggrandizing. He drank heavily and didn't know how to ride the forces he unleashed. Those forces eventually destroyed him, and that may have been his plan all along.... Trump simply isn't self destructive. He doesn't drink, knows how to negotiate favorable business deals (including pre nup agreements) and has lived at the top of heap for all his life. He's not a tragic figure....I don't know if Joe McCarthy was a tragic figure, but, at no point in his life, did he ever enjoy Trump's success.
I'll take that bet. Trump won 30.25 states in 2016 (he picked up one of four electoral votes in Maine). Which nine states is he going to flip this year while retaining everything he won in 2016?
Hmm. I'm not betting. However, I'd say Virginia, New Mexico, Colorado, Minnesota. I wonder which state is most likely to flip the other way.
I remember the 1968 election Wallace was running as someone who had had a major conversion and was now SUPPORTING civil rights. I'm not sure that's really the message the NYTs wants to send - comparing Trump to someone running on a pro-civil rights platform.
According to documents that were available for a short time after the call of the USSR, McCarthy was absolutely right about American communists. They were dedicated to the overthrow of the US government and they were taking orders directly from the Kremlin.
"The pics of the Portland arrested are 90%+ white. Law and Order is racist all right but the race it attacks is whites."
That's because there just aren't very many Blacks in Portland. Maybe around 5%. Which is why it's so ridiculous that they are supposedly tearing the place up to protest the mistreatment of Blacks. They might as well be marching around screaming Martian Lives Matter!
Overheard at the Vatican recently, "I don't care if every negative allegation against Joey Mac is Gospel truth, He is a saint in my book", said Pope ME!
"Over at Power Line, Paul Mirengoff had a post yesterday that a pollster has found very strong support for Trump in swing states."
I'm amazed that so few people on the left are acting with an awareness that it doesn't matter if they turn out another 10,000,000 votes in California and another 1,000,000 in Illinois - they'll still get the same number of electoral votes. It's Ohio, Florida, et. al. that they need to win more votes in.
I'm not thinking that people living in Detroit are looking at Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis and saying to themselves "Yeah, we need more of that."
Lloyd Robinson:
"Trump himself hasn't necessarily lived up to his campaign promises, but I still think they were good promises, that did not depend in any way on racism, a taste for authoritarianism, or anything else 'evil.'"
When it comes to things like how many people showed up for his inauguration Pres. Trump is full of B.S. When it comes to keeping his campaign promises he may well be the most honest President we've had since Kennedy.
What! no gross and we are already in pain?
In 1963 George Wallace called for "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” Today’s black students at universities demand ... their own, segregated dormitories, their own segregated student union building, etc. Wallace was just ahead of his time in proposing to give blacks what they really wanted.
The most salient fact about Joseph McCarthy is that he was right. The US was largely infiltrated by Soviet spies.
Reminds me of when the New Left was circulating the spurious Hitler "law and order" quote to make people who preferred cities to have less rioting and fewer muggings to realize they were being closet Nazis. Depressing to see things haven't changed all that much, especially the propensity of the Left (the Old Left, then the New Left, and now the Stupid Left and the Crazy Left) for the Big Lie.
If Joe McCarthy did not exist, it would be necessary for the left to invent him. There were aspects of McCarthy's personality that were buffoonish, and he didn't pursue his arguments with precision or sobriety. He became the face of anti-Communism because that's who the left chose to have as its face. Bobby Kennedy and Harry Truman were just as vehemently anti-Communist but their vehemence is glossed over or forgotten.....The left was more buffoonish and vehement in their support of Commies like Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, and the Rosenbergs. Such people were guilty, far guiltier than Joe McCarthy and the people who proclaimed their innocence were
I wonder which state is most likely to flip the other way.
@MadMan, Michigan. But I think Trump will pick up New Hampshire (not a good swap from an Electoral College perspective). At this point I have trouble seeing Virginia going for Trump in three months and four days. Governor Northam hasn’t been the petty tyrant w.r.t. COVID-19 that other Democrat governors have been, so that helps Biden by proxy.
Hitler was a vegetarian. Just saying.
Law & Order was a very popular TV series for 20 years; Law & Order SVU ran for 21 years. Most Americans like law and order. They hate looting and arson.
I keep seeing lawn signs saying: "Any Sane Adult 2020." And I think, "You're setting the bar awfully high."
So the NYT and The New Yorker both find Trump to be a baiting scoundrel? Other than the fact that these two "publications" are the bullhorns of bullying, based in NYC, I am stunned. STUNNED. that they would reach these conclusions. Red-baiter. Race-baiter. The NYT and The New Yorker are masters at baiting, constantly wailing about the evils of Orange Man Bad. Eesh.
Other than an association with miscreant lawyer Roy Cohn, Tailgunner Joe McCarthy and Donald Trump lived and reacted to different stimuli. According to National Review:
At the time McCarthy spoke to the Ohio County Women’s Republican Club in Wheeling, W. Va., many Americans feared that the U.S. was losing the Cold War. By 1950, Stalin had invaded Czechoslovakia, controlled Eastern Europe, and, most chilling of all, had obtained the A-bomb. Citizens were at a loss as to how the most powerful country in the world could be losing the conflict.
A common public perception was that the American government was responsible for this troubling state of affairs. The Yalta accords, a wartime summit between Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill, were already seen as controversial because of FDR’s apparent willingness to capitulate to Stalin. (Privately, FDR had said, “I think that if I give Stalin everything I possibly can and ask for nothing in return, noblesse oblige, he won’t try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of peace and democracy.”) Anti-Communists blamed Roosevelt, who was, in the words of Senator Ralph Flanders, as “soft as taffy on Communism.”
Add the Alger Hiss espionage case in which this FDR associate was caught dealing with the Soviets and anti-communism was driving government programs and deepening the Cold War. So an anti-communist campaign easily got McCarthy into the Senate.
On the other side of this comparison, Trump took advantage of a huge mistrust of Federal government politicians, declared himself a Republican and dishonestly promoted National Populism, a concept that he frankly didn't understand and didn't care about one way or another. Any port in the storm. Obviously the "I'm failed businessman Donald Trump, so be stupid and elect me President" concept worked once.
Today we get to hear the lies about the all-time record 33% drop in GDP in a single quarter. That will be fun.
I found the Schiff/Nadler show to be McCarthyesque.
William wrote: "If Joe McCarthy did not exist, it would be necessary for the left to invent him."
Indeed, not just McCarthy but all the other Republican bugbears the collectivist Hive can use to frighten and distract the sheeple. "Look! Over there! See what the awful Republican is doing! See? WATCH, DAMMIT, WATCH!" And while the Hive points to the Republican miscreant with one hand, it's lifting your wallet with the other.
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