— Houston Rockets (@HoustonRockets) July 17, 2020Scroll at Twitter — here — to see how he's being attacked.
WaPo explains what's going on:
Harden’s face covering featured the “Thin Blue Line,” a pro-police symbol that critics have long claimed also stands for white supremacy and opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement, and a Punisher skull, which has been associated with far-right groups....Top-rated comment at WaPo: "Is that how it works now......show any sort of support for the police, and you're cast in with white supremacy and opposition to BLM? Good lord."
Among those who slammed Harden for wearing the mask were musician Trey Songz, who called Harden’s choice of a mask “certified clown s---,” tweeting that “I’ll say it for everybody who scared to.”...
The vast majority of NBA players have strongly supported the Black Lives Matter movement. The NBA agreed to paint “Black Lives Matter” on the courts at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex near Orlando, where the league will play, and will allow players to wear social justice messages in place of their names on their jerseys....
Unlike his fellow NBA superstar LeBron James, Harden has never been particularly vocal about politics. Asked earlier on Thursday whether he would choose a message to wear on his jersey, Harden demurred....
The symbol has been widely adopted by officers and pro-police organizations, but critics say that it also represents more extreme views. Thin Blue Line flags flew alongside Confederate flags at the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017, and in Maryland last year, Democratic leaders battled with Republican Gov. Larry Hogan over whether it was appropriate to hang Thin Blue Line flags in government buildings. An Oregon county last year paid $100,000 to a black employee who said she was harassed after asking that the flag not be displayed at her workplace....
It seems to me that opposition to police brutality is entirely consistent with support for the police. Police brutality hurts the police. There's a harmonious position that virtually all Americans could support but very strong voices that want to exclude that harmony and bully anybody who shows that it exists.
४९ टिप्पण्या:
Yes, it only took a handful of paragraphs to get to the nub- that the Thin Blue Line is akin to white supremacy. The Left is truly mid-educated to the point of needing psychological help on a massive scale. They are embarrassingly deranged.
James Hardin is his own man. He's a unique dude. Has always moved to his own music. That he's showing some BALLS and clear independent thinking here upsets those who demand everyone toe the line, fall into place, bend knee when instructed, and repeat only approved slogans (as handed out by the disgraceful NBA).
I've always admired Hardin for his ability to consistently play at the highest level. Now I admire him for his courage and independent thought.
I see the critics 'pounced'. I thought only Republicans pounced. What's going on here?
There are sports starts who have hurt other people- domestic violence or accessory to murder. I still support sports.
Yes, we can support the good of something (police) without supporting the Darren Chauvins of the world.
News orgs should never write about social media criticisms of anything. That’s idiotic.
Who gives a shit?
This is the exact same thing Bari Weiss talked about in her resignation letter: Twitter is basically the editor of every news org in the US, since those orgs use it to guide story selection and priority.
Think about how much value that brings to your life. It might be a negative number. Probably should be, in fact. If it isn’t you should think about making some changes ...
Just another way that social media makes us dumber as a culture.
The WaPo article is interesting in that it does something I've noticed often. "Critics say it also represents more extreme views" Well yeah, critics say anything. Is there any justification for that?
Critics have said the ok symbol is also white supremacy. Hawaiian shirts are white supremacy.
You can find a critic to say anything but does it have any validity? Why are you giving it validity for adding it to your story?
Is there any reason to assume- ever- that James Harden is a white supremacist? Isn't Shaquille O'Neill a sheriff's deputy or something?
Why would critics get to define what the symbol stands for?
Good thing Harden didn't smirk in the face of a mostly peaceful native american singer, he'd really be in trouble then.
Just the latest demand for slavish adherence to the cult of BLM from a prominent public figure.
It is very clear leftist tyrants arbitrarily determine random symbols are racists. When will the media stop paying attention to these disingenuous trolls. Oops, my bad, it advances the narrative. Which is to devide the people against each other when a Republican is President. Obama had the worst race relations of any President, but of course he claimed to be black, so...
That is EXACTLY how it works now, and that is by design.
I have been waiting for Trey Songz’ opinion on this topic. Brave of him to weigh in. Hope to hear more from him.
That thin blue line is the only thing separating those that hate it from bloody street justice. Street justice I have had the unfortunate opportunity to observe all to frequently during my travels. Street justice that involves stoning. Street justice that involves hundreds of people surrounding a person and setting them on fire for stealing a cell phone. Street justice where people are run over on purpose for stealing a car.
These people just don't get it. It's not a joke. They really are trapped in here with the rest of us. That thin blue line is the only thing keeping gated communities from posting heads on pikes at the entry to a neighborhood as a warning.
I was doing some research into family history and I read a story about a black gentleman in a small city in Upstate New York who was working as a waiter in a popular club. When a man from Maryland who was traveling through had dinner at that club, he recognized the man as having escaped from slavery back in Frederick (Fredericktown in the account). The waiter was duly imprisoned and marched back south and re-enslaved, but in this case there was a happy ending, the members of the club took up a collection and bought his freedom.
I don’t know why this story came to mind. A story about a black man whose fate was completely controlled by whites who was frustrated when he first attempted to escape slavery on his own. Anyway, sorry about the off topic post.
Thin Blue Line flags flew alongside Confederate flags at the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017,
Guilt by association. Except when it goes the other way, that's a different standard.
BLM and protestors of the Floyd murder, inseparable from the rioters, thugs, arsonists, and murderers. Got it!
Unfortunately the people who live in cities that defund their police departments are going to learn why it’s called “The THIN Blue Line.”
Jeff Brokaw said...
News orgs should never write about social media criticisms of anything. That’s idiotic.
This is so great.
If only conservatives would respond to every single question the dnc/media sources from social media, exactly that way. "Uh, no. I refuse to validate twitter, etal, by responding to content dominated by bots, and anarchists"
MayBee said...The WaPo article is interesting in that it does something I've noticed often. "Critics say it also represents more extreme views" Well yeah, critics say anything.
That's the true beauty of social media. You can literally claim anything you want and somewhere out there is an example to back you up.
New frontiers in guilt by association: flown “alongside” the confederate flag. Do you know what kind of shoes were worn in the crowd “alongside” the flagbearers? Nikes.
In the beginning, it was "we must flatten the curve" by locking down for twp weeks so as to not overload the medical system.
Then it was don't wear masks cause they don't help.
Then it was we need to lock down for a couple of months.
Then it was we need to shut down gatherings like church services.
Then it was we need to close schools.
Then it was we need to wear masks.
Then it was gatherings in public of huge crowds/riots protesting (burning and looting) against a thing 99.999% of people agree was wrong and those responsible are being dealt with are OK but church services are still NOT.
Then it was we need to wear masks BUT don't wear the wrong mask!
The left, a boot stomping on your face forever...
"It seems to me that opposition to police brutality is entirely consistent with support for the police."
That's nice.
MayBee: "Critics say"
Somehow, they rarely cite conservative critics who say anything, do they.
"Critics say riots are destructive and insane, critics say the autopsy report showed no neck injuries, crisis say hands up don't shoot is a lie, critics say BLM is cover for extreme left politics, critics say the MSM got the Mt. Rushmore speech all wrong"
If YOU can’t tolerate differing opinions then YOU are the problem and maybe YOU should move somewhere without a first amendment so YOU will be more comfortable. Tolerance, it’s not just for others to practice.
Let me guess, these are the same people tweeting about the gestapo today.
Good job Sun Devil!
More and more people are starting to push back against the groupthink.
James Harden is a bit of an odd duck.
Personally I hope he knew exactly what he was doing and wanted this outrage.
It will be blacks who suffer most if the police do less to stop criminals.
New TV show idea, Hogan's Heroes: Portland
I am trying to actively avoid these kinds of bullshit news stories. Althouse keeps blogging about them makimg me consider whether I need to stop reading this blog.
Pro tip: what people say or think isn't newsworthy. Only things that happen.
Who is Trey Songz? It's not that anybody's opinion shouldn't count, but WaPo just finds that somebody and elevates their opinion over everyone else's? He's apparently more famous than Jerome Powell, the signer; but he's not as famous as James Harden and the thousands of police officers that represent the thin blue line.
A couple of boys are getting new NBA jerseys next week, and a certain blogger a few pennies for providing the impetus.
You must think alike, you must think alike, you must think alike....It seems James Harden stepped off the plantation...he must be destroyed. Unlike Nick Cannon who can call deficient whites savages and still keeps his job..... This will not end well...Choose your side wisely.
I'll repeat a suggestion I have had for a while. At the next Trump rally people should have signs with the Nike Swoosh. If there is a Confederate flag flying, hold the swoosh right beside it.
Then apply the "some critics say" and "associated with" standard to Nike.
Some critics my ass.
Critics say that Jeff Bezos and Karen Atiyah had a three-way with a dead goat.
The story was confirmed by anonymous sources.
Good thing his mask does not knock the Chicom party
Diversity and some, select, Black Lives Matter... are Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic enterprises a progressive condition. Have they determined if Floyd was restrained because of a reaction to fentanyl use complicated by SARS-CoV-2?
New frontiers in guilt by association
1619 projection and NYT-style guideline. This is remiscent of post-apartheid Progressive South African's lynching targeting blacks.
He has F-U money. I don't think he cares : )
Thin Blue Line flags flew alongside Confederate flags at the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017
At every lefty rally, lefty banners fly alongside the Hammer & Sickle. Every one. There's always some clowns from some commie group at the rallies with a hammer & sickle flag.
Talk about guilt by association.
C'mon man. Don't make me defend James Harden.
"It seems to me that opposition to police brutality is entirely consistent with support for the police. Police brutality hurts the police. There's a harmonious position that virtually all Americans could support but very strong voices that want to exclude that harmony and bully anybody who shows that it exists."
Any solution that might help, they oppose. Any proposal that creates more chaos, they support.
Why is that? Who benefits?
Who the fuck names their kid Trey Songz?
"Yes, we can support the good of something (police) without supporting the Darren Chauvins of the world."
It's Dereck, Maybee. Not Darren. And while I am on the subject, Dereck Chauvin didn't do anything he wasn't trained and paid to do, and he did not kill George Floyd. George Floyd most likely died from a self-administered overdose of fentanyl. you can read about it here
Best foul faker ever. Warriors have always punked him when it counts the most. Nobody cares what this clown wears except for you people.
Harden’s face covering featured the “Thin Blue Line,” a pro-police symbol that critics have long claimed also stands for white supremacy and opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement, and a Punisher skull, which has been associated with far-right groups....
This is pure Left-wing Agitprop. Opinion being presented as news.
Who are these "critics" and WHERE have they "long claimed" this? Further WHO says the "Punisher skull" is "associated" with "Far right" groups? And to go further, WHO are these "Far Right" groups and WHO labels them "Far Right" and WHY? Finally, what does the weasel/smear word "associated" mean EXACTLY?
Can we stop talking about police brutality. What police brutality? 12 Unarmed black men and more white men get killed every year by the police. These numbers have been the same since the WaPo started analyzing them in 2015. The vast majority of the killing are justified and occur because unarmed or not - the crooks attack the police officers.
We have 1 million law enforcement types in the USA making Millions of arrests. Its inevitable that not every single one is an angel, just like there are crooked bad lawyers/doctors/politicians/Professors. But I'd say 4-5 out of a million is a pretty good ratio. This whole "crisis" is manufactured and if Biden is elected, we won't hear about for another 4 years.
The Democrats and the Press need to keep racial tensions at a constant boil. The Democrats can't win in November, if too many black folks stay home. So, they must always be scaring black folks and making them believe the KKK is coming for them or every policeman is going to kill them. And that Trump and the Republicans support all this.
I despise, detest, and distrust the WaPoo.
Thin Blue Line flags flew alongside Confederate flags
Remember when it came out that Obama had worked hand in glove with a domestic terrorist, and because at the time the Democrats were more circumspect about their desire to destroy the country, the WaPo fell in love with the phrase guilt by association?
BLM protests never feature Confederate flags, just American flags. And they're always highly visible, because they're on fire.
The Democrats and the Press need to keep racial tensions at a constant boil.
After 16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock trials, "protests," and violence, stoking diversity and division is their fallback strategy, which actually well for America, since it is evidence that people are not woke but awake.
If there is any person in the whole wide world who should definitely wear a mask, it's James Harden. His teammate Russell Westbrook has covid.
By the way, in a story that is no doubt completely unrelated, Westbrook attended a BLM rally in Compton, California on June 8, 2020. Again, completely unrelated, just yesterday there was a story about California expanding testing in covid "hot spots" like Compton.
Howard said...Best foul faker ever. Warriors have always punked him when it counts the most. Nobody cares what this clown wears except for you people.
OMG. A Howie statement that isn't phallic.
Harden has nearly perfected the art of keeping his opponents off balance, including faking fouls.
Critics say the Washington Post sucks.
I can't wait to see Lebron with "Ignorance is Strength" on his back.
James Harden. His teammate Russell Westbrook has covid.
Covid-19 progression affects respiratory fitness. They should be careful with stressors that would affect his viability.
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