Saying they were "misled" before endorsing Satya Rhodes-Conway in last year's election, the Madison police union on Monday announced members had approved a vote of no confidence in the progressive first-term mayor just as the city is roiled by the fallout from the death of George Floyd and COVID-19, as well as a sharp uptick in gun violence....
Her "unhealthy portrayal" of police creates an "us versus them" dichotomy, the union said in a statement... "We would never ask the mayor to ignore our inadequacies," the union says. "In fact, we call for a leader who is committed to rolling up her sleeves, diving in and working with us on systematic improvements rather than separating herself from us and further dividing our community."...
There is also an effort underway — led by a former Republican candidate — to recall [the mayor]...
२७ जुलै, २०२०
"Madison police union approves vote of no confidence in Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway."
The Wisconsin State Journal reports.
Satya Rhodes-Conway,
Wisconsin recall
१०५ टिप्पण्या:
We love government unions now
This is what happens when you elect Democrats
Meaning what exactly? How does she require their “confidence”?
Note to residents of blue cities: it IS “us versus them”.
Who would sign the recall petition?
Misled? Or willfully ignorant?
I'm going with the latter.
We love government unions now
Does the phrase "Lesser of two evils" ring a bell with you, Howard?
More, please.
Not a fan or recalls. Sorry, you elect people and hope for the best. If they suck, well, do better discernment next time.
Gay mayors are bigtime failures at their jobs. I suspect it is because they tend to be far left liberals which means they are mentally ill.
If she's recalled, she will not benefit from the lack of students on campus.
Clearly the police are all misogynist, right-wing, racist, Nazis.
All public sectors unions should be disbanded.
Blaska: Madison South Precinct Station Blockaded
"30 to 50 block police from leaving station
Between 30 and 50 “protesters” prevented Madison police from leaving the South Madison precinct police station for calls Sunday night (07-26-2020) at around 7 p.m.
For almost two hours, protesters blocked the driveway with vehicles and refused to let officers leave the property at the end of their shift. Other officers trying to get in to work were not allowed in.
Captain Mike Hanson told the Werkes command staff made sure police were out of the station and staged elsewhere. “We were able to respond to 911 calls.”
An officer was sent out to parlay with the crowd “but the rest of the crowd shouted him down, wouldn’t let a normal conversation happen.
“It was a lot of yelling and screaming and vulgarities.”
Remarkably, there were no arrests! Captain Hanson said his crew allowed freedom of speech and arrests would have exacerbated tensions.
The south precinct station is located at Hughes Place, just off Badger Road between Park Street and Fish Hatchery Roads.
The action appears to have occurred almost simultaneously with protesters descended on District Attorney Ismael Ozanne’s home. (More here.)
The We Support Madison Police website comments:
The notion that protesters can block access to a public police department is ridiculous.
Last word goes to We Support … “This type of behavior cannot continue to be tolerated in our community.”
There may be a post here later about this event, but for now this will suffice.
Howard is on the side of the leftwing antifa terrorists.
That takes courage.
Most police outfits in leftist hellholes like Portland and Seattle buckle under to the leftwing gods who rule. Trump-hate is more important than civic buildings we all share.
Their Social Worker replacements probably won't complain as much.
Black Trump supporter killed in Milwaukee.
Does anyone care?
Will there be riots?
Does the racist White Left care?
Howard showed his level of intelligence, saying...
We love government unions now
i'll speak S L O W L Y, so that MAYBE? you can follow it
A man named LBJ said something like: when you've lost government employees, you've lost America
BleachBit-and-Hammers missed a word, when she said...
Howard is on the left side of the left wing antifa terrorists.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Black Trump supporter killed in Milwaukee. by WHITE terrorist
Black Lives Don't Matter
I guess blaming all that's wrong in society on the police may be politically overall a net win for incumbent progressive politicians for a little while. Sure, they lose the support of the police unions, but they may gain Soros money and the votes of lawless nitwits (assuming those sorts even vote?).
Or at least it works until enough private property is destroyed by rioters that even the well meaning upper middle class white progs eventually start to realize that demonizing the police may not be such a great idea. This is the greater issue that is still perhaps unclear and isn't exactly reflected in any poll at the moment. My guess is very few liberals are being openly honest with anyone, least of all polsters, about their feelings about all this chaos. They're living in an environment where the speaking the truth may get a person socially ostracized at least and perahps their career destroyed.
BTW - Can anyone provide an update on the happenings on State Street. Everything still boarded up? Shops open? Ongoing demonstrations? Violence?
Black Lives Don't Matter
Some, select Black Lives Matter is a Pro-Choice sect.
Traitors pretend they don't care, but inside they're shitting themselves. If the police unions of urban Wisconsin, whose salaries are dependent on goodwill with prog politicians, are openly denouncing them by vote? That means when the tanks roll in and OURGUYS lynch Rhodes-Conway alongside her entire staff, the police will be standing by. Waving and laughing.
Unions are all they have, between the stupid pols and the nasty dangerous perps.
Teachers, same. Only substitute admin and students.
I've lost confidence in the MPD now that I know their Madison Professional Police Officers Association endorsed Rhodes-Conway in the first place.
You want warmed cockles? You got em.
Madison police union on Monday announced members had approved a vote of no confidence
to be consistent and taken seriously - will they go further and state her orders are illegal?
Hmmm...the Mayor should issue a declaration of no-confidence in the Madison PD.
More footage of the Toddler Terrorists in Portland.
They are irritated that anyone might be filming them.
BTW - Can anyone provide an update on the happenings on State Street. Everything still boarded up? Shops open? Ongoing demonstrations? Violence?
More importantly, is the riot artwork still available for ironic, sophisticated commentary that encourages even more graffiti?
"That means when the tanks roll in and OURGUYS lynch Rhodes-Conway alongside her entire staff, the police will be standing by."
Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast.
Cook... Why?
Did they kill George Floyd?
"They're living in an environment where the speaking the truth may get a person socially ostracized at least and perhaps their career destroyed." This is the bay area in spades. Its run very poorly by progressives who couldn't think themselves out of a paper bag.
Its like the school yard pecking order and everyone is afraid of mentioning out loud they are freaking out over the escalating violence in the blue cities. I kind of expect a persistent CHOP settlement in SF before this all dies out. Oakland had its moments a few weeks ago and it has exploded yet but its ripe for more disruption. That may happen once the $600 extra unemployment checks stop coming in a week or so.
And the Mayor has responded saying the Police are not embracing change and are sowing division. Hopefully the Madison Police will refuse to fulfill their public duties like the teachers. Really it’s their own fault for ever endorsing her, but I’d imagine, and this is actually hard to believe, she was the lesser of many evils in a Madison Mayoral race.
>Captain Hanson said his crew allowed freedom of speech and arrests would have exacerbated tensions.
So, the assumption is that if you arrest rioters, riots get worse?
If that's true, then... what's the plan?
The rioters are clearly in charge, and not the local government. Perhaps the mayor can peacefully petition the rioters for a redress of grievances?
It's completely backwards.
We are watching cities implement 'Broken windows' policing in reverse. Declare that rioters are free to destroy and break the law without consequence.
Riots continue, crime goes way up. Quelle suprise!
"BTW - Can anyone provide an update on the happenings on State Street. Everything still boarded up? Shops open? Ongoing demonstrations? Violence?"
I can tell you this, Madison city council rejected a plan to help looted businesses on State Street recover from damages because the owners aren't black.
"Ald. Rebecca Kemble, 18th District, said the equity program was not enough to get her on board with putting money toward Downtown, which she called "the whitest neighborhood in the city." She said the area already receives the most resources from the city, and the city should instead be focusing on investing in its Black community.
"This is quite literally institutional racism," Kemble said of the focus on Downtown businesses."
Disband the police. They’re worthless. I eagerly await what follows.
They have to resign en masse. Anything else is pussy bullshit.
The citizens of Madison are talking a big game. Time to call them on their idiocy.
The rioters are clearly in charge, and not the local government
A democratic or dictatorial form of government.
If that's true, then... what's the plan?
Planned Protestor (PP)? Hopefully, it won't progress to a wicked solution.
Mayor Rhodes-Conway received 61.9% of the vote in Madison's 2019 Mayoral election. I wonder how many of her local supporters / voters remain confident? I'd bet it's a lot. Even though Madison is quickly heading down the toilet, at least the sunrises over the lake are pretty.
New narrative out this morning. Protests are violent. Need to stop. They are really just helping Trump.
As they try out how to phrase this; expect it to morph into something like "Republicans hate the federal government so it was really they carrying out the violence while helping Trump", because it can't be Antifa, eh?
Government unions are bad until they’re good. Police unions have always been the sweethearts of the right. Teachers unions evil, police unions can never be evil, eh? Why does the right naturally lean towards authoritarianism?
Did they kill George Floyd?
I'm surprised it wasn't classified as a Covid-19 death. He was SARS-CoV-2+.
That said, yes, under the Pro-Choice religion, they can be judged, labeled, and aborted... declared and cancelled as witches, warlocks, or babies... Fetal-Americans without cause or due process, and under diversity dogma, they are all uniformly guilty under a colored social justice umbrella.
Why did Walker exempt police unions when he enacted Act 10?
I think the "mostly peaceful protests" narrative is slowly starting to collapse in the face of incontrovertible reality. The media is finding it more and more difficult to pretend weeks and weeks of chaos aren't happening. They're finding it increasingly difficult to categorize all the videos and images of fires and violence circulating on social media as somehow just anomolies. And perhaps most importantly, I think it's beginning to dawn on more and more actual voters that they're being lied to.
Saying they were "misled" before endorsing Satya Rhodes-Conway in last year's election
Oooh, that's nice. Is misled in quotes because it's a direct quote?
Or is it one of those Dr. Evil air quotes around a word because they weren't really misled at all?
"We love government unions now"
Nope, like FDR, still don't like them.
Funny thing, government jobs used to be a tradeoff between pay and security. You might not make as much as in the private sector but you pretty much had a job for life.
Now you make the big bucks (in 2016 a BART janitor made $276,000) and are almost impossible to fire.
Ah, this was the woman who released a private video praising the police, and then when the video was leaked she immediately folded and begged for forgiveness, right? That sort of behavior is disqualifying of anyone in public office. We like our sniveling liars to at least have some self-respect.
Many on the right don't leads towards authoritarianism, but authority, and its necessity. Maintaining legitimate authority is VERY difficult.
If you constantly see totalitarianism/authoritarianism everywhere, it's very likely your own ideas are being projected outwards. Your own failures are so easy to see when projected onto the wall of your 'enemy.'
This is why, Inga, so often, I observe you are caught between liberation, a few truths, some courage and childish rebellion and pathetic appeals to authority (althouse, dem politicians when they are useful etc.).
You don't have to come up with a thourough understanding, just endless criticism and uncivilized rebellion.
Backlash is coming and it is going to be glorious.
>> Police unions have always been the sweethearts of the right.
Please just stop posting this kind of nonsense - as if you had any clue at all as to what conservatives think.
I refused to join either the FOP or the PBA when I was a patrolman. I had LOTS of company.
"Saying they were "misled" before endorsing Satya Rhodes-Conway in last year's election..." Hahahahahah. As someone up-thread asked, why don't the police simply resign? That would put some bite into a easy-to-do-with-no-consequences no confidence vote.
nga said...
Government unions are bad until they’re good. Police unions have always been the sweethearts of the right. Teachers unions evil, police unions can never be evil, eh? Why does the right naturally lean towards authoritarianism?
Liar. Not even Roosevelt thought government employee unions should be allowed. Teachers' unions have wrecked public education. There is a better argument for police unions and firemen unions but they have never been favored by "the right." I have always been neutral on trades unions. Many have apprenticeships, for example.
Shorter Inga - Cancel anything not properly leftwing.
"You might not make as much as in the private sector but you pretty much had a job for life."
Body cameras should be required whenever government employees negotiate with government employee unions.
Did you refuse the union won bennies (salary, OT, vacation, pension, health, donuts, etc), Dan the Man?
Inga said...
Government unions are bad until they’re good. Police unions have always been the sweethearts of the right. Teachers unions evil, police unions can never be evil, eh? Why does the right naturally lean towards authoritarianism?
Trying to decide if you're ignorant or disingenuous. Most conservatives dislike public sector unions in principle. That includes police unions.
The police need to go to Satya Rhodes-Conway's house, and on the street in front of her house, paint in LARGE BRIGHT YELLOW -- TRUMP 2020.
Howard said...
Did you refuse the union won bennies (salary, OT, vacation, pension, health, donuts, etc), Dan the Man?
Those "bennies" were won against exactly WHICH "oppressors", Howard?
Private unions negotiate with companies who have skin in the game; their profits, their competitiveness are on the line.
Public unions pretend to negotiate with government officials who have absolutely nothing to lose but everything to gain by caving into public union demands. After all, it's not **their** money they're playing with.
Police unions have always been the sweethearts of the right.
Your stupidity and dishonesty never ceases to amaze me.
Unions - of any and all stripes - have never been embraced by conservatives. Never.
Unionization - by its very definition - is a collectivist concept and is anathema to those who value individualism.
We see a lot of chest-thumping and talk, but I don't see any of these lefty shitholes following through on the threat/promise to eliminate the police. Yeah, there are proposals for discussing the idea of forming grassroots committees to consider the possibilities of thinking about new ways of imagining how to define "public safety," but I'd like to see someone pull the plug. That's why we have these wonderful Laboratories of Democracy.
Inga: "Police unions have always been the sweethearts of the right."
This just keeps getting better and better.
History, once again, as always, began 15 minutes ago for Inga!
It really is amazing, isn't it?
Workers have unions because they have shitty dangerous jobs that not a lot of people want to do.
Send social workers in to break up domestic fights and there will soon be a social worker union too.
She's the first openly Lesbian mayor. One impact of having women vote is the massive number of lesbians who end up getting elected to office.
Unions - of any and all stripes - have never been embraced by conservatives. Never.
Conservatives, on principle, oppose fascism, monopolies, and, generally, minority (e.g. dictatorial) and democratic (e.g. mob) regimes.
Not even Roosevelt thought government employee unions should be allowed.
Unions are antithetical to a republican form of government. As monopolistic actors, they are abrasive in the private sector, too.
That said, religion (i.e. moral philosophy, or its relativistic cousin "ethics") to keep honest people honest and competing interests to mitigate the progress of others running amuck.
Police unions have always been the sweethearts of the right.
Conflation of concepts and constructs. Security, defense, law enforcement, yes, are civil rights. Unions, monopolies, monopolistic practices, diversity dogma (i.e. class-based taxonomic systems, processes, and beliefs), minority (e.g. dictatorial), democratic (e.g. mob) regimes, no.
lefty shitholes following through on the threat/promise to eliminate the police
To be replaced with another force. Their goal is to cow people, to force them to their knees, then to raise them subservient deference to their authority.
Sure..but all the artwork!
It really is amazing, isn't it?
Naw, it's like the Planck constant.
By the way, any progress on nabbing the dumpy gals who pummeled Tim Kasten?
The "typical white frat boys" who torched Althea?
Satya needs something like The Census Cowboy to cool things down.
"We would never ask the mayor to ignore our inadequacies," the union says. "In fact, we call for a leader who is committed to rolling up her sleeves, diving in and working with us on systematic improvements rather than separating herself from us and further dividing our community."
They should just castrate themselves and make a burnt offering to BLM of their severed genitals.
She's the first openly Lesbian mayor.
Transgender is a trendy priority.
"One impact of having women vote is the massive number of lesbians who end up getting elected to office."
I'm not sure it's fair to blame that one on the 19th Amendment. It's been almost a century since it passed, and it was only fairly recently that most American women lost their minds.
Workers have unions because they have shitty dangerous jobs
Unions are a patch, with benefits, not the solution.
I wish there was a movement to revamp motor vehicles.
There's got to be a better way to do it.
$600 extra unemployment checks
The current federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. The Federal minimum wage hasn't gone up in a decade. Some states, cities, and counties are increasing their minimum wage rate based on the cost of living.
40 hrs/week x $15/hr = $ 600/week
any body else noticed stealth mandate of federal minimum wage = $ 15/hour
"She's the first openly Lesbian mayor. One impact of having women vote is the massive number of lesbians who end up getting elected to office."
Ten years from now, every large democrat city will have a gay or transgender mayor, police chief, fire chief, etc. It's like a badge of honor for lefty voters...shows how woke they are.
Are these the best people for the job? Maybe, but it excludes 96% of the applicants...
>Did you refuse the union won bennies (salary, OT, vacation, pension, health, donuts, etc), Dan the Man?
The union did not provide me a salary. Or any benefits, or a vacation, or any health care. And I paid for my own donuts. The job paid less than the city garbage workers were making. I was always free to quit and do that job instead. So much for me owning the union anything at all.
The idea that without the PBA or FOP, I would have been working for minimum wage, with no health care is about as laughable as most other lefty drivel.
But, in your demented lefty fantasy, I was too stupid to realize how exploited I was, and needed some really smart union reps to "save" me from my own ignorance.
The joke, and it was only half a joke at that, was that your union dues insured a larger crowd at your funeral if you were killed in the line of duty. And not much else.
It's agreed that 420,000 people have left New York since the Rona began. With schools closed and police crippled they won't be back. This is a net loss of 200,000 since the 2010 census. This instantaneous emigration away from the Big Apple by the wealthy, the only group that can move at once, is the true measure of what people in general are thinking about Cuomo and DeBlaso and their actions.
>>Workers have unions because they have shitty dangerous jobs
And now, direct to you from 100 years ago! "Workers of the world, unite! Throw off your chains!"
It's 2020. We are not all working at the Ford plant in Hamtramck.
Try to keep up.
Misled? How, exactly? I think the police union leadership misled its members.
And Nonapod above is correct- it is getting harder for the media to hide the intensifying peaceful protests. YouTube and Twitter can't take down the videos fast enough any longer.
I noted about an hour ago, Yahoo, had up a front page story about the guy in Austin who brought a rifle to a protest and got shot. They took it down in an awful hurry for some reason. I wish I had read it because my suspsicion is that the writers didn't know the politics of the guy, and when they found out, realized the desired narrative wouldn't be supported.
to blame that one on the 19th Amendment
And, before that, women had the right to vote, or rather were not restricted by the constitution. There must be another explanation. Perhaps an ideological liberalization that followed and progressed with a change of religion, circumstance, influence, etc.
n said...
Not even Roosevelt thought government employee unions should be allowed.
Unions are antithetical to a republican form of government. As monopolistic actors, they are abrasive in the private sector, too.
I disagree here. The government employee union negotiates with management that does NOT have responsibility to pay the prices being negotiated. I am neutral on trade unions, mildly negative on Industrial Unions, which are made up of unskilled workers, and consider government employee unions to be a conspiracy against the tax payers. The union can buy the manager with bribes in the form of "contributions." Private sector employers must keep solvent. Else, the jobs will go away. The government used to require a balanced budget but the federals can print money and the states and locals can get funding by extortion.
I fully expect the cities being destroyed to seek funding if Biden is elected. New York City was largely destroyed by John Lindsey and was then outraged when Gerald Ford declined to bail them out without reforms.
"One impact of having women vote is the massive number of lesbians who end up getting elected to office."
The great liberalization forced by feminists and masculinists, was the resurrection of reproductive rites under selective-child, which was a milestone, keystone, really, of establishing the Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic secular religion. Once you debase human life for social progress, a dysfunctional convergence develops as a progressive process.
"Once you debase human life for social progress, a dysfunctional convergence develops as a progressive process."
I think what he is saying is that people who kill babies make lousy neighbors.
"It's 2020. We are not all working at the Ford plant in Hamtramck."
The same work dynamic--underpaid workers toiling at insecure jobs, exploited by overpaid bosses--abides. And, working as a burger flipper at a chain franchise, or as wait staff in a restaurant, or as a sales clerk or cashier in a retail store, is just as deadening but less remunerative than working the line at Ford.
What will Madison, Seattle, Portland, SF, Austin etc look like in 10 years. Will they be smaller and more violent?
oh..this just in:
MacIver Institute Retweeted
Molly Beck
Two Madison women have been arrested in the June assault of state Sen. Tim Carpenter.
Samantha Hamer, 26, and Kerida O'Reilly, 33, were each arrested on charges of substantial battery – party to a crime; and robbery with use of force – party to a crime.
Wow!! There might be a lesson here.
Seattle forced the pedophile Mayor Ed Murray out of office for fondling little boys that he was entrusted with foster care.
We elected a homosexual woman to succeed him, and she has given us the "Summer of Love" in CHAZ.
How in the world could anyone think that another homosexual, without any skin in the game, would be successful??
She went hunting for her Kent State moment, and failed.
Robert Cook: "The same work dynamic--underpaid workers toiling at insecure jobs, exploited by overpaid bosses--abides."
Cookie longs for the "freedom" of the 1965 East German boot factory.....
Cook confusingly says...
exploited by overpaid bosses--
then, we find out; that he's talking fast food!
, working as a burger flipper at a chain franchise
That's RIGHT folks to someone at the apparent intelligence level of Robert Cook...
fast food managers are "overpaid"
Or you're a GODDAMN LIAR
i guess, i should embrace the power, of the word "AND"
>>The same work dynamic--underpaid workers toiling at insecure jobs, exploited by overpaid bosses--abides.
No, Cookie, it does not. Worker mobility has increased drastically, as has information availability about other available work.
We are not ignorant, and we are not stuck in a mill town.
If you feel exploited at your job, quit and go do something else.
Unions had their purpose, and were needed for the reasons you outline.
So did locomotives. Times have changed.
"Workers have unions because they have shitty dangerous jobs that not a lot of people want to do."
I worked my way through college as a front desk clerk at a major hotel chain. We had no choice but to join the union. Didn't really have an opinion at the time. But soon found out that our dues were pretty much going straight to the local mob boss. Good times.
The same work dynamic--underpaid workers toiling at insecure jobs, exploited by overpaid bosses--abides. And, working as a burger flipper at a chain franchise, or as wait staff in a restaurant, or as a sales clerk or cashier in a retail store, is just as deadening but less remunerative than working the line at Ford.
Well now we know what Cook does for a living.
walter said...
oh..this just in:
MacIver Institute Retweeted
Molly Beck
Two Madison women have been arrested in the June assault of state Sen. Tim Carpenter.
Samantha Hamer, 26, and Kerida O'Reilly, 33, were each arrested on charges of substantial battery – party to a crime; and robbery with use of force – party to a crime.
It would take an elephant gun to bring down that behemoth.
"Too big to be a buffalo, too ugly to be a gorilla"
I am neutral on trade unions, mildly negative on Industrial Unions, which are made up of unskilled workers, and consider government employee unions to be a conspiracy against the tax payers.
I note that they are abrasive, and they are. However, whether they are necessary as a patch or permanent fixture, can be considered separately. As for the public unions, Roosevelt's characterization is reasonable: they intrude on a representative form of government. Even here, we can consider some aspects of job execution separately from other considerations.
Robert Cook said...
"It's 2020. We are not all working at the Ford plant in Hamtramck."
The same work dynamic--underpaid workers toiling at insecure jobs, exploited by overpaid bosses--abides. And, working as a burger flipper at a chain franchise, or as wait staff in a restaurant, or as a sales clerk or cashier in a retail store, is just as deadening but less remunerative than working the line at Ford.
7/27/20, 7:32 PM
Shorter Cook: They be SLAVES!
No one is holding a gun to someone's head and MAKING them stay at a job they don't like/want. Want a better job that pays more and/or is more "fulfilling"? Earn it. If the company is under paying for labor, that labor will go elsewhere. In the opposite, if the government requires that a business pay an employee more than a job is worth, the job goes away. See how that works? Read some Adam Smith and Milton Friedman and grow up.
Hmmm...the Mayor should issue a declaration of no-confidence in the Madison PD.
Those of us that don’t want to see more murdered African Americans disagree with Mr. Cook’s hopes and dreams.
I'm not sure it's fair to blame that one on the 19th Amendment. It's been almost a century since it passed, and it was only fairly recently that most American women lost their minds.
That's not necessarily true. 20th century Progressives were just as bad or worse as the modern ones, and they were supported at least as broadly among women as the Modern Progressives are.
"And, working as a burger flipper at a chain franchise, or as wait staff in a restaurant, or as a sales clerk or cashier in a retail store"
There's a reason these jobs exist and most are not filled with 38-year-olds with 3 kids and a mortgage. Learn some fucking skills and you won't have to worry about being automated out of existence.
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