I cried at the thought of aborting my first born and everyone was so concerned about me... I’m concerned for the world that feels you shouldn’t cry about this subject.— ye (@kanyewest) July 31, 2020
Notice that he did not say he was concerned that the world feels you shouldn’t cry about abortion, so you don't need to say that many people in the world do feel you should cry about abortion. He's talking about the world that feels — the subsection of all people — that you shouldn't.
If you click through to see the comments he's getting on Twitter, you'll see lots of people telling him either that he should shut up because he's not a person who can get pregnant OR showering him with anti-abortion material. I didn't see anything that falls into the category that is his stated opinion (and also mine) that the woman does have a right to end a pregnancy but that it is terrible to abort a child.
Why must we be so divisive?
१२८ टिप्पण्या:
"If you click on twitter comments"
Why would anyone do that?
>>Ann Althouse said...
Why must we be so divisive?<<
Better question: Why must Kanye's mind be so divisive - between mania and depression?
A carve out for vagino-Americans to murder human beings, mostly because mean old men have told them abortion is criminal and sinful.
Althouse is his stated opinion (and also mine) that the woman does have a right to end a pregnancy but that it is terrible to abort a child.
Whether the woman has the right or not....and as of now she does have that right....does the father have no right to grieve over the loss of his child?
Just because he isn't 'carrying' the baby, doesn't mean that the man does not have personal feelings about the process.
She has right....AND so does he.
In 2020 any discussion about virtually any political topic seems to have been reduced to a binary choice situation. There can no longer be any nuance to any position, and to even suggest that there may be any is tantamount to wanting people to die or wanting people to be slaves. And taking no position or just keeping your opinion to yourself is evil too.
but? i thought Everybody Knew; that Abortion was GOOD?
How are we going to be able to keep the blacks down? if not by getting them to kill their children
Remember! BLACK LIVES MATTER*! they won't off themselves, By themselves: they need Our Help!
BLACK LIVES MATTER* queer black women, being followed; exclusively by white women
From the start, Black Lives Matter has been about LGBTQ lives
The Black Lives Matter movement has always been about queer people. What separates it from other movements such as the Civil Rights movement is that it centers the voices of Black women, Black queer women and Black trans folks.
"...that is his stated opinion (and also mine) that the woman does have a right to end a pregnancy but that it is terrible to abort a child."
No, your position is that abortion is murder.
There is no right to have an abortion. There is an absurd judicial fiat.
At some point several weeks in it is a baby that feels pain.
Women seem to demand that they are never responsible for anything they do.
They will suffer the most when civil society breaks down largely due to their own actions.
Why must we be so divisive?
Good question. Putting racial animosity aside - our species is very good at stirring up conflict. I would say some of the most divisive issues of our time have nothing to do with race. Venture into a 'woman's forum' and expose yourself to the childfree vs. children or abortion vs no abortion debate. Nasty stuff.
Either/Or = Puritan
Both/And = American
Kanye is way too smart for most people. He talks over their heads. And he is shameless for having a high Emotional IQ to go with his high intelligence IQ. So he is a difficult man.
Ann Althouse said...
"Why must we be so divisive?"
What you mean, 'we,' Kemo Sabe?
Well, the rationale I've seen (and been confronted with) is that because I'm not a woman, I have no right to express an opinion on the matter. That's just a variation on "Shut up, I explained."
The overarching reason for the divisiveness is that abortion is a way to control the population of deplorables, so any opposition to it must be shouted down. It's couched in terms of pro-choice, or making sure babies only land in families that want children, but like so many progressive policies, it's about state control. At its worst it devolves into forced abortions as in China, which leads me to believe that it never was about pro-choice in the first place.
Why must we be so divisive?
I guess not everyone agrees that it's OK to kill another person because that person, through no fault of their own but rather by the actions of the killer, happens to be inconvenient.
the woman does have a right to end a pregnancy but that it is terrible to abort a child.
The Right attacks the first half of the sentence, the Left the second.
Roe v. Wade was predicated on the awfulness of abortion.
If we’re going to take away the awfulness we should revisit the law.
No woman must be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything , ever.
"Why must we be so divisive?"
Because abortion "law" is imposed on us.
Now, progs can just rub it in, though fearful that what SCOTUS gives, SCOTUS can take away. And anti-abortion conservatives are reduced to wailing and weeping, faintly hoping that SCOTS can change. Between prog glee and con despairr, you get "division."
Of course, none of our actual overlords is considering any serious change, and Roberts will pull a stare decisis stunt if he has to.
Why must we be so divisive?
Why are you?
Which is more a sign of mental health, crying at the thought you might have murdered your beloved child or killing your child and never giving it a second thought?
Why can't we be more reasonable and polite and tolerant about the killing of innocent human beings and about the exploitation and medical endangerment of those encouraged to engage in it?
"Why must we be so divisive?"
I recall something about King Solomon ...
"Why must we be so divisive?"
That is the question of our time. Everything is right or left today. Answer that and we'll know what is wrong today. I think that the left has overreached.
"that the woman does have a right to end a pregnancy but that it is terrible to abort a child."
That's pretty much 1619 thinking right there: It's terrible to own slaves, but folks have that right.
The support for slavery came because the economy encouraged it persisting, thinking that it was the slaveowners who had the right and were exercising their personal choices to maximize their lifestyle.
And there will be the day when people look back and wonder how that was somehow consistent. If it's terrible, people shouldn't have the right.
To come out and assert that aborting an innocent child in utero is justifiable homicide is at least intellectually honest, if wrong.
But to engage in "personally opposed, but . . ." or "it's a woman's right, but awful" - or the use of euphemisms rather than calling it what it is - is nothing more than cowardly weaselling.
I would imagine people who do this to public property are the same people who celebrate Planned parenthood bady parts industry.
I would like scientists to come up with way some to x-ray unborn babies and see which ones would grow up to be statists, so those would be the fetuses we'd abort. Imagine a world with no statism . . .
I would like scientists to come up with way some to x-ray unborn babies and see which ones would grow up to be statists, so those would be the fetuses we'd abort. Imagine a world with no statism . . .
I think you should not decide how you feel about abortion unless you actually see, and I don't mean figuratively, what actually happens in the worst of them. We all understand the other side, where a woman might be stuck with an unwanted child, and how that could be devastating to your plans, but there are other options for her besides killing her fetus. All of them are better for the child, even if they are a little more problematic for her, and some may be better for her too. We are, in the end, talking convenience or preference over a life taken in a very brutal fashion. I'm not 100% pro-life or pro-choice, but this is much more serious than the pro-life side seems to accept, because they simply don't have to see what is actually done, and they don't have to justify it to others who also would know what actually happens.
Four choices and Pro-Choice/abortion (i.e. selective-child), the wicked solution. Also, clinical cannibalism. When does a human life acquire and retain her right to life?
Divisive, huh. They subscribe to diversity dogma (i.e. class-based taxonomic systems, processes) and exclusion. They normalized political congruence (i.e. selective exclusion). They normalized Feminism, a sex chauvinistic ideology that pitted women against men and babies... Fetal-Americans. They back immigration reform (e.g. catastrophic, refugee crises) in lieu of emigration reform. They support social (i.e. relativistic) justice anywhere is injustice everywhere. They conduct witch hunts and warlock trials in protests/riots and by press. Cancel/rape culture. They spread the Green blight, unreliable, disposable technology and environmental hazard. They back climate cooling... warming... change in denial of the normal state of the Earth system. The Twilight faith, the mortal gods and goddesses, and the "secular" Pro-Choice religion are selective, opportunistic.
Then there is SARS-CoV-2 virus, Covid-19 disease, denial of treatments (e.g. HCQ+Zn+AZ) and excess deaths. Planned Parent. The defense of open immigration and migration to replace/displace Americans, to secure foreign student tuition, and other purposes.
Libertarianism is self-organizing. Liberalism is divergent. Progressivism is [unqualified] monotonic. Conservativism is moderating. #PrinciplesMatter
If the unborn is a human being, abortion is murder. If the unborn is not a human being than there is no reason to restrict abortion. The only honest people are those at the polar ends. It is the "reasonable people" in the middle that are insane: "I agree that murdering the baby is bad but I will allow it because..."
Tell me under what other scenario we would ever accept such moral equivocation for such high stakes issue?
"I agree that slavery is bad, but I will allow it because..."
"I agree that statutory rape is bad but I will allow it because..."
The dissonance that arises from the Althouse position is too hard for most abortion supporters to deal with. It is far easier to tell oneself that abortion is ok because it isn't a baby being aborted, and if it isn't a baby, then there is no reason to feel bad about it.
If you support a woman's right to kill her unborn child, then you own it and all of the ugliness that goes along with it. Abortion rights folks twist themselves out of shape trying to justify it, but there's no justification for killing an innocent unborn child. Even to save the life of its mother is de-valuing the unborn child's life. We might have to accept it, but that doesn't make it right. There are only times when it's less wrong.
Either/Or = Puritan
Both/And = American
Earnest Prole = Nothing but net.
I think Roe v. Wade is directly responsible for the way we have lost our reverence for human life in this society.
All human life.
So when I hear of a horrific senseless murder I don't ask myself how or why anymore. Its just a natural progression.
I think Roe v. Wade is directly responsible for the way we have lost our reverence for human life in this society.
All human life.
So when I hear of a horrific senseless murder I don't ask myself how or why anymore. It's just a natural progression.
I agree with Althouse--Kanye's tweet is actually very sweet and human and there is no reason to politicize it one way or the other.
Why must we be so divisive? Power and money, money and power? Some people just know they are morally right? Same old story for human beings. We're in big trouble.
We must be so divisive because social media puts us in a position where we are judged by our worst moments and groups are judged by their worst members. Never mind the millions that did not behave dismissively. No, thanks to twitter, those people are invisible.
polite and tolerant about the killing of innocent human beings and about the exploitation and medical endangerment
One-child, selective-Jew, selective-child... wicked solutions. And, of course, reduce, reuse, recycle... redistributive parts a la Mengele. There are precedents.
Nearly 100% excess deaths, an unprecedented amount, and collateral damage (i.e. physical, psychological, cultural) on a forward-looking basis.
Althouse: ...the woman does have a right to end a pregnancy but that it is terrible to abort a child.
The concept, that in some cases you have the right to do terrible things, is not ipso facto wrong, but it could use some deeper consideration.
To start with, what exactly is "terrible" about aborting a child? From the point of view, that is, of someone who doesn't think it should be prohibited.
In 2020 any discussion about virtually any political topic seems to have been reduced to a binary choice situation.
The abortion issue has been that way for fifty years. Democrats and Republicans have raised more money on that issue than probably any other.
I have a beautiful 36 year old daughter and a 9 year old granddaughter that I almost didn't have. My wife was on the table with her feet in the stirrups when she had a change of heart. I am so thankful. This changed my opinion about abortion. Trump had a similar conversion but I believe it was some friends children that were almost aborted that he got to know later in their life. I won't vote for any politician who is not pro-life. I say suck it up and become a parent. With the right attitude it will become a blessing and will change you for the better if you give it your all. Yes I'm old school.
I wrote a comment a week or so ago when Kanye told the story about his daughter that I thought his was as powerful an anti-abortion argument as I had ever seen. It was him telling how it made him feel that the daughter he loves might not be here due to some actions he actively encouraged before her birth. That guilt he bears was poignant, and he wasn't shying away from it either.
The worst thing about social media is that they allow us to see on a large scale what was previously observable only through direct interactions: Most people are disappointing.
"I’m concerned for the world that feels you shouldn’t cry about this subject. — ye"
---Notice that he did not say he was concerned that the world feels you shouldn’t cry about abortion [AA]
What I notice is that he did not say that he was concerned that his 7-y-o daughter now knows her father wanted to have her killed.
"Oh, but, I didn't end up doing that, did I?" with the I's lit up in neon, might be his reply. And his daughter will now always trust that her father has her best interests at heart in every case. She will never look at him and wonder about anything. Will she.
I agree with DBQ.
It is incredibly dehumanizing that we expect the father to have no feeling about whether his child will be aborted or not. I get that currently he has no legal right to stop it from happening. But don't we *want* men to love their babies? We can't make that love conditional on whether the mother decides to have an abortion or not!
I agree with Althouse and Kanye, too, that abortion itself is very sad. After having my own children, I (like Kanye) could almost cry at the thought of aborting one of them. I am so grateful that I never had an abortion, because I think it would kill me to look at my children and think about having killed one.
Why must we be so divisive?
The team which successfully convinces more adherents to spend their lives in political activity controls society, and the way to do that is convince those adherents the enemy is evil.
This is the essence of "the personal is political".
The phrase "shout your abortion" is horrible. Wicked. I'm w Kanye: let's cry.
However... the strategy of pro-lifers is partly responsible for leading us here. We do a terrible job of persuading. If all we wield is a stick -- blame, shame, a focus on the graphic brutality of abortion -- the other side will follow suit.
Wa St Blogger said...
Tell me under what other scenario we would ever accept such moral equivocation for such high stakes issue?
"I agree that slavery is bad, but I will allow it because..."
"I agree that statutory rape is bad but I will allow it because..."
Two examples - "I agree that slavery is bad, but I will allow it because..." I want cheaper Nike shoes
"I agree that statutory rape is bad but I will allow it because..." Bill Clinton supports Planned Parenthood.
I think Roe v. Wade is directly responsible for the way we have lost our reverence for human life in this society.
All human life.
Every so often with regularity we hear people bemoan, "Oh, X is awful," and later, "Oh, Y is terrible" regarding some societal event or development.
And you have to wonder where the hell they have been.
If society is willing to go along with THE INTENTIONAL SLAUGHTER OF SIXTY MILLION INNOCENT HUMAN LIVES and respond to it with a collective yawn, then any evil is possible.
That is 60 million human beings butchered in this country alone since the days of Roe. Hundreds of millions more killed around the world.
And for the bloodthirsty ghouls, it is not enough.
And, of course, they demand your complicity and your money to pay for it all while they enrich themselves with that blood.
LOL @ sanctimonious men. Women abort because the BF said get rid of it. "I'm not ready to be a father, I don't want to pay child support, blah blah"
Men were hard hearted long before Roe. We just learned to be more like you.
Why must we be so divisive?
Ask Barack Hussein 0bama.
I have heard many women express regret about having had an abortion. I have never heard a woman express regret about not having an abortion. Once you actually have the child, it is very difficult to say that you wish the child were dead, or to evaluate the child's life in terms of the costs it has imposed upon your own. Indeed, I suspect one reason women want abortions is precisely because they realize that having a child will completely alter everything in their lives, starting with what they regard as important.
you'll see lots of people telling him either that he should shut up because he's not a person who can get pregnant
my at the time's girlfriend's SISTER'S husband proudly said to me 15 years ago:
"I don't have an opinion about abortion, 'cause i don't have a womb"
i smiled at him and said:
"I don't have an opinion about slavery, 'cause i don't have any slaves"
He looked at me Very Weirdly, and didn't talk to me much the rest of the day
ps. obviously, i was being sarcastic; as a radical republican, i thought
People with slaves should have lost ALL their property; including plantations
That property should been given to the PEOPLE that had been their property
pps. when i 1st posted this, i accidently left off the "Sister's"
that made it more interesting; but less true
Rape and incest exceptions taint the NO child murdering laws. The up to the 13th week of pregnancy exception in the original Supreme Court legislated law is still the best political compromise. But the Dems have a taste of blood and will never compromise.
Divisiveness is the fuel of social media, and the news media. Thus those entities encourage and exalt it.
Like SeanF, I would like to hear how it can be acceptable to abort a child when it is terrible to do so. Terrible how and in what context?
"Why must we be so divisive?" Shouldn't the violent termination of innocent life be a unifying event?
"I don't care what they say, I won't live in a world without love!"
Me, I live in a world where other people make the rules. I can no more prevent abortion than I can perform one, and I let other people deal with the results of their fornications.
Spellcheck questions fornications
Why do women have to kill their own children?? Use birth control. Use the morning after pill, whatever...but thousands of murders a day is disgusting. Have some accountability for your own actions.
How terrible can it really be if it's legal for any reason or no reason, and if some people can become celebrities and make a fine living cracking jokes about it, and others can proudly proclaim they have done it?
Something doesn't add up. Is it really terrible or is it that just something people say to assuage guilt. I'd like to see a comedian show a video of a late term abortion, or even just an honest animation, and then tell a joke about it. That would get the laughs.
Bagoh20 said: I'm not 100% pro-life or pro-choice, but this is much more serious than the pro-life side seems to accept, because they simply don't have to see what is actually done, and they don't have to justify it to others who also would know what actually happens. }}}}
It seems as though you may have meant to type that "this is much more serious than the PRO-CHOICE seems to accept..."??
It's "terrible" to undergo surgery to remove a tumor. Abortion doesn't even require surgery. In any case, the woman involved has the fight not to be subjected to condemnation by others, including the gummint. Can't we get the gummint to start worrying about male genital mutilation (aka infant circumcision) instead?
SeanF said: To start with, what exactly is "terrible" about aborting a child? From the point of view, that is, of someone who doesn't think it should be prohibited.
Well since you are coming from the point of view of someone who wasn't aborted and has the luxury of living, and is able to have a viewpoint....perhaps you can guess what is terrible.
Abortion kills a living human child. Murders a child. A child that will never live. Never have viewpoints. Never be able to contribute their unique potential to the human race. Never be able to be adopted into a family that wants a child. Never never never never.
If you are religious (which you probably aren't) you might also consider that you have extinguished a soul. Murder is a sin according to many religions. If you believe in reincarnation and karma. You just racked up some serious negative karma point and returned a soul that had chosen to reincarnate as YOUR child.
I'm agnostic, but I prefer to go the route of do no harm and hedge my bets. Killing another living being for no other reason than you are inconvenienced is wrong. If the choice is between your life (actually living not just being saddled with a child) and carrying a child. That is a much harder and terrible decision to make and EXTREMELY rare case.
If you can't see what is terrible about aborting a child...then I am assuming you are a terrible person.
Men today no longer have a right to anything that reveals their humanity.
I am concerned about the world that doesn't believe you should stop and think before tweeting.
Widespread use of effective birth control is the best way to reduce unwanted pregnancies; but our Supreme Court protects both a right to abortion and a right for religious employers to avoid subsidizing employees’ birth control. Go figure.
@Wa St Blogger:"I agree that slavery is bad, but I will allow it because..."
...we're calling it "conscription" and it's war-time.
...it's part of a judicially imposed prison sentence.
"I agree that statutory rape is bad but I will allow it because..."
...the two parties are only six months apart in age and have been dating for two years.
... were married in a state where the age of consent was lower.
Abortion? Oh, yeah, its a few months before a presidential election. Rinse, repeat.
I, for one, look forward to the insightful but surprising resurrections in the news of the deficit, foreign policy blunders, taxes, and other "issues" that are used to drive votes rather than treated as ways to make the country better.
Finnish street cop (Roba season 1) on desk duty as a punishment, called on to address a school class on drugs and alcohol, reads a bit from the pamphlet, then tears up the speech to speak extemporaneously, as Goffman put it.
Fucking idiots
Okay. I should tell you some facts of life, right? Don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs. If a friend offers you a joint, you will end up in the gutter, lose your teeth and shoot up in the eye because your veins are done.
Or maybe not.
You're what, 15, now? Four or five of you drink and smoke reguarly. Next year, many more. But most of you will end up as proper tax-payers. But you know what's really dangerous?
If you thnk think that if you follow the rules, everything will be fine. If I study hard, I will get a job. If I love that person and promise them "I do," then they will love me back and won't leave me. If I do my job properly, I won't be punished.
Bullshit. If you think your life sucks now, wait until you grow up. That's when it begins to suck big time. Worst case, you will have a reason to get wasted every day.
Any questions?
- The kids look increasingly uneasy through this. The cop later gets in further trouble for it.
just one for the goody two-shoes tag.
Divisive people are always subtracting rather than adding.
Be fruitful and multiply.
-that the woman does have a right to end a pregnancy but that it is terrible to abort a child-
-that the woman does have a right to abort a child but that it is a terrible thing to end a pregnancy-
And without the euphemism:
-that the woman does have a right to abort a child and that it is a terrible thing to abort a child-
"Safe, legal, and rare." The smartest thing Bill Clinton ever said. Why isn't that the motto of the pro-choice population anymore?
There's no middle ground on abortion: it's all or nothing.
I have reluctantly been in favor of allowing abortion in cases of young women who get pregnant and it will keep them from becoming an educated adult. I think now that there should be universal birth control (long term implant) for young people until they are 21 or decide to have a child without the possibility of abortion. Are we forcing medicine on people? let them opt out without the abortion right. I don't think this is unsafe for anyone as the FDA has gold plated studies saying these drugs are safe.
because light has no fellowship with darkness
If you're gonna abort it, you call it a fetus. If you're not going to abort it, you call it a baby. Using a biologist's definition, you've killed a child. A legal definition you've excised a growth.
As a matter of self-defense, sure. A woman has a right to defend herself from anything threatening her very existence.
You've got a lot of work left to convince me of how your opinion is not grotesque and immoral.
Shorter Althouse:
Why can't the people who disagree with me quit being so disagreeable?
Shut up, she explained.
We kind of have to be devisive.
Upper class/Middle class/Lower class.
Cigarette smokers devisive from Marijuana smokers. Alcohol is devisive from coffee. Woman vs. Man, Women vs. Man, Woman vs. Men. All children are gullable at younger years, and then somehow devisive.
As per abortion I do not know.
As a young man, I cried when my cat was put to sleep. I recently also cried after hearing news of a childhood friend escaping NYC and purchasing a house.
I cry from chopping onions.
Rigeldog said:
"It seems as though you may have meant to type that "this is much more serious than the PRO-CHOICE seems to accept..."??"
Absolutely correct, and a very unfortunate oversight. I noticed the mistake as soon as it got posted, but trying to correct that kind of thing with another comment saying what I meant always seems too awkward. I hate moderation. Without it I would have deleted and fixed it immediately, but everything sucks this year.
I know moderation is supposed to make us more careful, but we are not all trainable like pets. I have a spunky, rambunctious nature that is careful challenged, and I need to imagine I'm spontaneous and fun like a bikini-clad surfer girl. Sorry, but that's how I identify. Call me "Sunny".
Why must we be so divisive? Because abortion is evil.
Didn't we have a president once who said abortions should be "safe, legal and rare"?
Weren't we told after the Roe decision that the matter was settled? Hadn't the matter been in the process of being settled on a state-by-state basis in a country where it was still legal to travel from one state to another?
Or did Roe settle anything? Why are we more concerned with abortion "rights" than ANY CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUE every time a USSC vacancy comes up?
And this is trickier, but here I go: Why are more Republicans supportive of making very effective birth control pills available over the counter, and why do Democratic legislators block the idea every time it is raised? (Hint: Planned Parenthood.)
" The up to the 13th week of pregnancy exception in the original Supreme Court legislated law is still the best political compromise. But the Dems have a taste of blood and will never compromise.".
Knowing this is always the M.O. of the left, to move the goal post, or "progress", or "evolve", is what makes conservatives so loath to give anything when negotiating with them. We always know it's just the start, and even if we can agree with them now, we know they will turn reasonable into evil eventually. It is what "progressive" means and that's what they proudly call themselves.
When a progressive arrives in utopia they do not become a conservative. If we ever got there (utopia), they would throw a riot anyway,and call the utopia lovers "fascists" "oppressors" and "Nazis".
A reasonably smart and observant person would wonder why anyone would ever give into their demands. There will be no end, no new standard, no real solutions, just more demands the next day. Everyone should know by now that if they got everything they want they wouldn't stop, no matter what it was. Thus we have the most affluent and least challenged people in history rioting for more free stuff. How many times do we try to kick that football?
Divisive starts with a D
Kanye has this black man’s vote.
Light only exists in darkness and vice versa. It's the duality of nature, relatively speaking.
Widespread use of effective birth control is the best way to reduce unwanted pregnancies; but our Supreme Court protects both a right to abortion and a right for religious employers to avoid subsidizing employees’ birth control. Go figure.
Exactly why is an employer required to pay for your health choices? Does the employer own the burden of your choices? THe employer owes you fair wages for work done. You can sign up for your own birth control. In fact, it is obscene that we get our health insurance from our employer. When we lose our jobs we lose both our income and our insurance. Why should that be? How about we give every employee the money spent on their insurance as wages and they can buy insurance that THEY want at the same tax free status as the employer.
yet they fight like hell to spare Tsarnaev
As inclusive (Commie) orientated by birth, I will just say watching The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly on GRIT TV right now is precious. Many, many additional scenes, which I didn't expect, but add so much context to an already great film, that was obviously cut way down from what it is in this version that is so much greater, more fulfilling.
"Everyone should know by now that if they got everything they want they wouldn't stop, no matter what it was."
Gun owners all over the country are nodding their heads and saying "I told you so." (comment not directed at bagoh20)
Why must we be so divisive? Why not ask that infantile mimic you so admire, Sarah Cooper? She is trying to get Tucker Carlson fired. That seems divisive.
I was a 17 yr old kid. I got my 16 yr old girlfriend pregnant. It was 1975. I drove her to New York because they had abortionists. I liked her, but I had other things to do, y'know. I murdered my own baby. I live with that. I murdered my own baby.
My feeling is in 2020 things like outtakes previously unreleased except to a special few are now routine, such that people that have been paying attention, or paid attention, are now proven accurate, in a negative way.
These punks all copied and stole from each other, now want to blame China for emulating them?
Let's hope so, that is our best overall bet.
DBQ: there are many who would say “if you voted for Trump you’re a terrible person”, or “if you don’t think bringing an unwanted child into the world you’re a terrible person”. But maybe assuming reasonable people might disagree about something is a wiser course.
I mean the greats just took the great scene "Don't die, I'll get you water." and turned it into No Country For Old Men.
Others just blatantly ripped off the outtakes from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly thinking I presume "oh it's just a little wink wink how smart are we insiders who have seen these mostly unseen outtakes" are what I assume make up most of academia, media, and entertainment "players."
They are keeping the near-dead goose alive as yet another form of torture porn.
Rape is a war crime and any pregnancy that results ought be terminated.
Perhaps even against the women's wishes. If the state decides one, the state can decide the other is the lesson. Hardin knows. Trump listens. Ginsburg profits (or did until recently) off killing populations she doesn't want too many of.
Terminating pregnancies is ugly, even if justified in the rare case of rape.
Ignoring industrial, world-wide abortion profiteering is Satanic, like "dr." gosnell and too many others slightly less brazen to mention.
This all turns on the age-old problem of restrictive versus non-restrictive clause. A comma makes the difference.
"I’m concerned for the world that feels you shouldn’t cry about this subject."
--as you said, Ann, he's only concerned for a part of the world.
"I’m concerned for the world, that feels you shouldn’t cry about this subject."
--Now he's concerned for the whole world, and he notes that the world thinks you should in any case just shut up.
Tuco = Breaking Bad homage, not hacking.
Health insurance in the USA is employer-based because . . . wait for it . . . the gummint in WWII decided that health care spending by companies wasn't taxable. Good insurance, and even child-care, were encouraged by incentives like that.
The reasons we still do it this way are too complex and boring for Friday night.
"However... the strategy of pro-lifers is partly responsible for leading us here. We do a terrible job of persuading. If all we wield is a stick -- blame, shame, a focus on the graphic brutality of abortion -- the other side will follow suit."
What could the strategy of pro-lifers possibly do that wouldn't be partly responsible?
A little shit in the ice cream is cool because, hey, they have more shit in theirs and were all equal?
"Widespread use of effective birth control is the best way to reduce unwanted pregnancies; but our Supreme Court protects both a right to abortion and a right for religious employers to avoid subsidizing employees’ birth control. Go figure."
Okay I just figured, and not having penis in vagina sex is the best way to reduce unwanted pregnancies, I hope you agree.
And religious employers who avoided subsidizing employees' (as you like) birth control account for about an insignificant amount of unwanted pregnancies, who even if reduced wouldn't come near to actually reducing unwanted pregnancies in a significant way like your conjecture.
But you felt really clever I bet, so keep it up. We like clever around here at the Althouse blod. We've got little else.
It is incredibly dehumanizing that we expect the father to have no feeling about whether his child will be aborted or not.
Actually, a large percentage of abortions -- if not a majority -- happen because the man demands it, and the woman goes along, often to great regret.
These comments give me hope. There is courage.
Rush actually made me laugh today, when he pronounced Paul Harvey, or was it Rush pronounced as Paul Harvey Paul Harvey's words? In any event, it was a great radio moment.
Had to do with FemNazi Sarah Jessie Rapheal (was she in Sex and the Sewer?) Chasnan or something.
I suspect the reason his opinion is not well understood is that most people will either be in the "it's terrible and should be banned" category or in the "it should be allowed and it's fine" category. I don't think anyone inhabits the "it's fine and it should be banned" category, but I suspect there aren't many people in the "it's terrible and should be allowed" category as people in general don't tend to tolerate that which they find terrible.
One thing came to mind while thinking about this. The COVID policies, particularly on masks, being pushed by the government are based on the theory that the individual must accept restrictions on what they do with their body because it might hurt someone else, and the way the government is acting, the safety of others trumps privacy rights. Abortion definitely hurts someone else, so if mandated mask policies are constitutional, banning abortion may also be viewed as constitutional by a future court based on the harm to others line of thinking.
I'll say it: I am quite certain if Chris Hitchens weren't killed by the (!*^#$$ he would be loudly, like Scalia, Cain, and Breitbart, celebrating what we all know, we all admire, the thing is Steve Scalise for doing. For keeping on keeping on.
God Bless Donald J. Trump, President of The United States of America.
Thank God America has millions and millions of resources to forever in human terms, not God's terms, forever live to explore other galaxies by any means necessary. We will indeed always fight to make it so; there is no alternative.
phantommut said...
"Safe, legal, and rare." The smartest thing Bill Clinton ever said. Why isn't that the motto of the pro-choice population anymore?"
He didn't really mean it...unless it depends on the meaning of "safe." And "legal." And "rare."
"Because light has no fellowship with darkness." ???
Inga self mantra'ing herself.
Darnkness has no fellowship with light ?
Your on wifi or cable internet, talking non-sence like the rest.
Combining wordly issues mixed with philosophy about Kanye's crying about abortion. What the scew ?
I've commented on this blog 1+ years, not much has changed, yet archives. Neutral enough.
Have you thought about your team selling you out as a pawn to sidetrack those who will not even pay for your coffee on a date.
Maybe they are angry at Clinton for not shutting down foodstamps. I don't know.
Those white people are cheap.
Paying, thinking, working, paperworking, starting businesses, hiring, etc., while trying to live.
I just free ride. Weee !
Than I attempt to aggitate any one who made my weee life possible.
I need a better, so called weee life.
Wifi and internet is not a farm life.
A farm life is not always weee.
Thanks white people, but no thanks !
Go complain on a homeless black supremacy blog.
I'm done.
The The - Wikipedia
Search domain en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_The
The The (/ ð ə ð ə /) are an English post-punk band. They have been active in various forms since 1979, with singer-songwriter Matt Johnson being the only constant band member. The The achieved critical acclaim and commercial success in the UK, with 15 chart singles (seven reaching the Top 40), and their most successful album, Infected (1986), spent 30 weeks on the chart.
The woman does have a right to end a pregnancy but that it is terrible to abort a child.
lol what is this bullshit reasoning?
One of the worst things of all time is the band pearl jam encouraging school shootings.
Pearl jam should be sued into oblivion based on their incitements of school shooters.
Along with the artist marshal mathers who stole black music for white profit like an asshole.
These whites deserve no protection of law. Justice demands they get theirs for taking black music and profiting at black expense.
Yeah Ann. Like your “anti-abortion” and not “pro-life”
To be uneasy about abortion is to be human.
People like Jeffrey Epstein LOVE abortion. It helps them hide their Child rape longer...Ask Bill Clinton. Yay for the Child rapist who gets away with it because Planned Parenthood would love to make lots of money selling the baby parts!!!!
I think Althouse was asking why must people be so divisive about many things not just abortion. And the answer is the Dem party is all about dividing us.
Nature aborts babies all the time. My mother told me, when I was older, that she had had four miscarriages from her pregnancies after I was born.
What I notice is that he did not say that he was concerned that his 7-y-o daughter now knows her father wanted to have her killed.
"Oh, but, I didn't end up doing that, did I?" with the I's lit up in neon, might be his reply. And his daughter will now always trust that her father has her best interests at heart in every case. She will never look at him and wonder about anything. Will she.
Much, much better he shut up and hide in the corner. Because his daughter clearly will never be capable of understanding. And his words are valuable to no one.
The problem with Kanye is that he is an existential threat to the Democrats and their control over the Black vote. Blacks are a dependency of the Dems, so have to accept easy access to abortion, but there are a lot of very fundamentalist Christian Blacks who are appalled at the numbers of little black babies never born. How can they say “Black Lives Matter”, then turn around and abort so many black babies? Whites are supposed to respect Black lives, maybe even more than their own, but then the Black community tolerates the highest murder rate, as well as abortion rate, of any group in this country. If Blacks don’t think that Black lives matter, then why should we?
I like that he found a way to give a male voice to abortion. You can tell us (males) that we don’t have a vote in determining whether we become a father or not, after a woman gets pregnant. But you can’t tell us that we cannot grieve if the woman chooses to abort our children. Grieving is a function of the heart, and is beyond the control of society. Of course, feminists will tell men to shut up about their grieving, because it doesn’t advance their cause. But many men now understand that the cause of feminism and female power is not their fight any more.
"Shut up and hide in the corner"? Risible. No, much better that he be a solid father to a young child before a blowhard to the world, Nichevo. A man who announces to the world that he wanted to abort his daughter is no man at all, in my book. Because she will always have a more vulnerable feeling about him than she otherwise would have, even with this particular father.
I would always have the shadow of that thought in my mind every time I looked at "Dad," I believe. Not a good thought to be stuck with.
Not sure his words are that valuable to the world, either. That is the "everyone needs to be educated" about everything, all the time mindset, even when the subject has been thoroughly aired for decades. Baloney.
The up to the 13th week of pregnancy exception in the original Supreme Court legislated law is still the best political compromise.
Not much of a "compromise" to those that are killed.
What kind of answer is that that someone would compromise with human life?
"Safe, legal, and rare." The smartest thing Bill Clinton ever said. Why isn't that the motto of the pro-choice population anymore?"
They NEVER meant it, although they did/do fool a lot of people.
They did not mean rare, and they did not mean safe. They only meant legal.
And they did not mean that it is a woman's right, but that it is the abortionist's right.
What they meant was that the man who yesterday was performing illegal coat-hanger abortions in the back-alley should be able to do those same procedures in practically the same conditions legally in some storefront facility -- and that you should pay for it.
If nothing else, this thread demonstrates clearly that there's nothing new to say about the Big A.
Anyone change xer opinion?
the Black community tolerates the highest murder rate, as well as abortion rate
Some, select, ... select Black Lives Matter is a Pro-Choice sect. Been there, done that. It's time to mitigate progress.
Nature aborts babies all the time.
Yes, Her Choice, compare and contrast with her Choice (e.g. selective-child), and single/central/minority Choice (e.g. one-child).
Nichevo- And his words are valuable to no one.
A man faces a choice. Darkness or Light. Kanye said he faced that choice. He was leaning to Darkness. Me too! The easy choice is Darkness. That's what I chose! But then he was drawn to the Light. He's a rapper. I don't even like the guy, but..he chose the light.
His words are valuable to me. God bless Kanye, and God forgive me.
My hunch is that most people are both pro-life and pro-choice. That is, they believe in the sanctity of unborn life, but that the decision to end a pregnancy is too heavy and too personal for government input. I'm onboard with that.
I also think most people find late term abortions, after 20 weeks or so, to be a bit gruesome and are only comfortable with them in extreme circumstances.
Given the low cost and high reliability of birth control, abortions should be rare. But they're not. They are a too common remedy for irresponsible behavior.
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