For The garden I am kind of picturing the Mitchell domes but en large. All season beautifully kept flowers and vegetation representing all parts of the United States. With the statutes interspersed with perhaps audio or audio visual explanations or text/speech making and future holographic projections if that’s a possibility. Or maybe Bluetooth audio in all the languages of the world. Plenty of benches to sit on and contemplate.
But I will say my wife and I enjoyed our 4th of July today while continuing to be isolated from friends and family since she can’t afford to get the virus, it would be very bad for her.
We also wondered if this might be the last 4th of July. I hope not, it has always been my favorite holiday.
Just got back from a 4th of July barbie/graduation party. 50+ people and no fear. Quite a bit of vituperative comment about the idiocy and hypocrisy of Inslee, Durkan, and their rioting protégés. Two people self-identified as new Trump voters for 2020. A good time was had by all.
“I hope I said 100 thousand people the first time instead of 100 million. I understand I said there were 57 states today. It’s a sign that my numeracy is getting a little, uh …” --Barack Obama
Holograms aren’t a bad idea. A mob of left wing loonies might try to tear down a hologram, but not with much success.
The list of candidates for the Garden of American Heroes includes Joshua Lawrence Chamberlin. Great choice! If Ewell has tried harder to take Culp’s Hill or, at the other end of the Union lines, had Chamberlin and the 20th Maine been less heroic, then Lee wins Gettysburg and the Civil War ends with a Confederate victory in the summer of 1863. And Crack’s ancestors remain enslaved.
Meade said... Maybe I’m biased but I hope to someday see a statue of the statuesque Mrs. Meade in the National Garden of American Heroes. But who wouldn’t?
In the statuary park there should also be fountains as in cities where statues and fountains form little parks where people sit and eat lunch. South Dakota would be a good place for the park because it has rolling grass swells so the scene would be varied. And there could also be a lefty statue area in downtown Seattle where the statues can be easily toppled like traffic standards. The area would be covered in graffiti and garbage and surrounded by barbed wire and every now and then a hidden gun randomly shoots visitors.
I'm glad you can't find the gofund campaign for the McCloskeys. They are progressive, BLM, trial lawyers, Democrats.
They supported this crap. Now they can worry about their home and their livelihoods. They can thank their fellow progressives for deplatforming their gofund me.
They weren't there for conservatives when they got deplatformed or threatened.
If Joe Biden thinks he is Joe Biden's husband, does that mean he is content to rub his own leg hairs instead of finding small black children to rub them?
Isn't it interesting that as soon as Berman is removed as the US Attorney for the SDNY, Ghislaine Maxwell gets arrested with a warrant that outlines nothing that we didn't already know 3 years ago.......
....and that when Epstein was arrested in NY the feds under the SDNY no one wandered over to Epsteins Manhattan residence with a search warrant until the next morning AND the island retreat of Epsteins wasn't "visited" by the feds for months and the New Mexico ranch has yet to be searched.
Gee, that SDNY crew was really "on the ball" on all that, weren't they?
And to refresh your memory, the SDNY crew has been the one the lefties have been lauding and praising and using to go after Trump associates.
Hmmmmmm, lots of lefties in the SDNY for years and years....and within 1 week of the head of the office being replaced by a real Trump appointee Maxwell gets arrested.
As is always the case, the words written for Donald Trump are played back to the believers as golden just as Althouse did while ridiculing the overreaction of the mean media.
Missing, of course, is the revealing ad lib remarks inserted into the speech by our Stable Genius - remarks that Plugs Biden could not have gotten a pass on:
Trump said, “In the fields and jungles of Vietnam, they delivered a swift and swiffian,(sic) It was sweeping like nobody’s ever seen happen.A victory in Operation Desert Storm, a lot of you were involved in that. A lot of you were involved. That was a quick one.”
So what does "swiffian" mean? The only other place that Goggle found the spelling, was misspell of Swiftian, referring to Jonathan Swift.
Even if Lee "won" at Gettysburg, it's highly doubtful that the war would have been lost. Any such victory would have come at very high cost, just as Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville were costly. And while Lee might have pushed the Union off the field, they would not have been able to destroy or capture the entire army.
Even if Lee had later been able to take D.C., the government would have fled elsewhere, perhaps to NY, and it would have only stiffened the resolve of the North to defeat and destroy the South.
Meanwhile, Grant won control of the Mississippi at the same time as Gettysburg was being fought.
And even if the Confederacy had won, slavery was already on its last legs. It would not have survived long there. The economics would have compelled slavery to end.
BTW, it will come as a surprise to no one that Inga is lying again.
Russian Collusion Truther Inga: "Operation Desert Storm fought swiffian in the fields and jungles of Vietnam. Like nothing you’ve ever seen before. A quick one!"
Actual Trump speech transcript and see if you can catch where Inga gets it wrong (hint: the entire quote):
"These planes once launched off of massive aircraft carriers in the fiercest battles of WWII. They raced through the skies of Korea's MIG Alley. They carried American warriors into the dense fields and jungles of Vietnam. They delivered a swift and swipian (sic) -- you know that, sweeping - it was swift and it was sweeping like nobody's ever seen anything happen -- a victory in Operation Desert Storm."
The lefties/LLR-lefties lies are becoming ever more obvious and pathetic and the debunking cycle is getting faster and faster.
Taking a Closer Look at COVID-19, Health Inequities, and Racism Jennifer Abbasi JAMA. Published online June 29, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.11672
"Amid the historic convergence of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and antiracist activism in the US, JAMA spoke with Chicago public health legend Linda Rae Murray, MD, MPH. In the Juneteenth conversation, Murray said the pandemic glaringly exposed health inequities and systemic racism. The Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, further pulled back the veil on institutional racism in law enforcement, which medical organizations say is a social determinant of health (Video)..."
Didn't know the Journal of the American Medical Association had embraced the NY Times and Washington Post business model of publishing left-wing political tripe.
Mark, Lee wins at Gettysburg, Lincoln likely loses the election, and there is a settlement to end the war. There was a LOT of anti-war sentiment in the north.
Every building with 13 floors or more has a 13th floor. Naming the 13th floor something else is an act of self-delusion.
Every month has a 4th day, yet only one is deserving of special recognition.
Personal possession and setting off of fireworks is illegal in MA. And yet last night featured widespread, raucous, and sustained fireworks displays! Not a single arrest in the area of the Cape where I am.
“Personal possession and setting off of fireworks is illegal in MA. And yet last night featured widespread, raucous, and sustained fireworks displays! Not a single arrest in the area of the Cape where I am”
We have a fireworks stand in town that is pretty decent. But much of the fireworks market here is controlled by the Indian tribes.
Meade said... The statues could be holograms, roaming in perpetuity with the buffaloes. ----------========== are the holo-projectors mounted on the buffaloes ? (a la sharks with laser beams!)
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... I feel worst for Drago.
Inga said... “I feel worst for Drago.”
Me too. Makes the tears fall swiptly from my eyes. ------------=============== I am not clear on what this sentiment is : "for" - is a preposition of ambiguous value please clarify.
1c - used as a function word to indicate the object or recipient of a perception, desire, or activity 3 : because of
Mark said... The economics would have compelled slavery to end. ---------============ I have heard and read this statement often. I don't understand it.
Can you help me out with links and cites for detailed expositions of how the process plays out?
Wisconsin has a considerable military history, given its late establishment and small population. Something to be proud of. Granted though that this is entirely to the credit of its "legacy" population, descendants of the Yankees and Germans and Norse and all the other Europeans, among whom are all the descendants of its warriors.
I don't see why its suburbs and country towns should not seize back their monuments altars and memories from its unworthy capital and metropolis.
"They [the McCloskey's] weren't there for conservatives when they got deplatformed or threatened."
We may hope that they now take a more nuanced view of things. If we are to win the next election, and the ones after that, a lot of people are going to have to become more conservative. Fortunately, becoming more conservative is what people tend to do, as they get older, and you can get old fast with a riot in your front yard.
Drago. I agree. A lot of head scratching on how the fed has handled the Epstein investigation over the past 15 years. Don’t forget Acosta entering into a non prosecution agreement with him in exchange for nothing. Epstein pleads to a single minor state charge and feds dropped their investigation of him and his associates. Unprecedented.
“50+ people and no fear”. Gee. Maybe those with (reasonable) fear decided to opt out. How about 50+ people and lots of selfishness. I hope they all agreed not to use the limited hospital resources if they get infected and very ill.
Fireworks here in my old Vegas Neighborhood were intense and sustained as well. The most I have ever seen anywhere. Although technically illegal they are readily available at a nearby Indian reservation. These were all citizen generated and they were wild last night. Big, beautiful, scary close and inspiringly American in their audacity. The real audacity of hope.
I didn't hear a single emergency siren all night. I assume no enforcement of fireworks laws and no injuries needing ambulance. A good enthusiastic Birthday for America.
“We also wondered if this might be the last Fourth of July”. Next year the calendar will go from July 3 to July 5. Seriously, that’s the dumbest comment I have read on this blog in awhile. And that’s no easy feat.
Didn't know the Journal of the American Medical Association had embraced the NY Times and Washington Post business model of publishing left-wing political tripe.
The AMA has not represented most doctors since the 1980s. I think the membership is now below 20%.
Steve Uhr: "Don’t forget Acosta entering into a non prosecution agreement with him in exchange for nothing."
You always seem to be missing critical info....(purposeful?)
Acosta has testified, under oath, during his confirmation hearing for Sec of Labor, that during his Epstein investigation in the Southern Region of Florida, US Intelligence Services told him (Acosta) to back off as Epstein was some sort of asset for US Intelligence. Acosta was told this was all above his paygrade.
Acosta testified he cut a deal after that.
So what was even more interesting about that testimony is that the dems did not press the all. Hmmmm.
Guess who was head of the FBI then? Bobby Mueller.
Sounds like the Whitey Bulger case, doesnt it?
It also sounds like the Asimov case and the George Nader case as well.
Boy, that Bob Mueller sure gets around...just like Peter Strzok.
Btw, if you know nothing about the life of Czech refugee turned UK citizen and UK MP Robert Maxwell, the father of Ghislaine, you really need to read up on that cat. He was into everything everywhere with all the major intel services.
Did you know MI6 actually purchased an entire publishing conpany for Robert Maxwell? Maxwell used that to become a billionaire.
Robert Maxwell supposedly died of a "heart attack and fell off his yacht" (a physical impossibility) which was named The Ghislaine.
Question: Did Epstein recruit Ghislaine or did Ghislaine recruit Epstein?
steve uhr said...Don’t forget Acosta entering into a non prosecution agreement with him in exchange for nothing.
Acosta said he was told that Epstein was an intelligence asset. That strikes me as an understatement.
Epstein likely worked with the FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI6 and other agencies. His activities had to be buried because so many important people were directly or indirectly dirtied by their association with him.
agoh20 said... Fireworks here in my old Vegas Neighborhood were intense and sustained as well
We saw none this yea but Tucson has a very left wing Mayor and the downtown is very deep blue. We saw a lot the last several years but one aerial thing last night.
“ Question: Did Epstein recruit Ghislaine or did Ghislaine recruit Epstein?”
I think the latter. About the only things that we know for sure here is that Robert Maxwell was considered by Israeli intelligence to be one of theirs, and to have died in the line of duty (a friend who was in Israeli military intelligence before he immigrated here, and has close ties even today, has claimed to have seen his plaque, among those for other fallen agents, on multiple occasions, most recently last summer). and that Massad, in particular, is a family business. If he was going to bring any of his kids into the business it most likely would have been his favorite, the daughter he named his yacht after, Ghislaine. My theory is that she was Epstein’s handler, as well as his long term lover. That would also help explain where his money came from - the same place her father initially got his.
Last night was probably the biggest Fourth since we bought this place in 2006.
This morning the wife and I had to get COVID checked again--got a thing to do on Wednesday.
We had to get tested five weeks ago, and it took about 15 minutes in the drivethru in the hospital parking lot. Today we got there before the 7am opening and spent 2.5 hours in line; people coming in when we left could count on 4 hours or more.
Luckily it was overcast (actually very very foggy until 8) and not very hot yet. Used a gallon of gas in line (w/o A/C).
Lee, even if he won Gettysburg, would have had a shattered army; he might have been able to press that temporary advantage, but with diminishing strength as he went-- where?
He was in a net, and while he could damage and demoralize, there's no reason whatever to think he could have taken DC in the summer of 1863, and he would have been hard pressed to besiege the place even if he got there.
Meanwhile, Grant has taken Vicksburg! In the emergency, the new Western hero is rushed to the East, along with reinforcements by land and sea. Lee, his army as hungry as ever, is forced back to Virginia anyway, along with the immense booty they have collected in Pennsylvania and which is the only thing that sustains them through the next year.
Rosie clears Tennessee, just as in OTL.
And the politics? Sure, it's not good for the North, but how good is it for the South? It's not an election year; Lee has won battles before; neither abolitionists nor slaves have any reason to change their aims.
I rate Lee very highly as an army commander--he sought a decision, when he thought he had the chance--but IMO he would have reached what Clausewitz called the culminating point of victory: the utmost advance, after which the retreat begins.
Narr DC was the toughest nut in this hemisphere by then
"...Enjoy your freedom..." Thank You AA! I hope it lasts for our country a few more decades. The 'erase history culture' is sad and is trying to erase our freedoms every day now.
I don't like to indulge myself in re-fighting the Civil War, but in the Spring of 1863 the South had three jobs, Preserve control of the Mississippi at Vicksburg, Defend Atlanta, and threaten the Middle Atlantic States. The Union Army had one goal, to re-elect Lincoln and defeat McClellan, the Democrat, who would have made peace with the South. In hindsight, the South should have created the "Army of the Railroad", under a Lieut. Gen Forrest, and made it an Army Command. A defended rail system from Mississippi to Chattanooga / Atlanta, to Richmond, that could have sent troops and logistics on interior lines to serve all 3 threats could have won. The detachment of Longstreet to Chickamauga after Gettysburg where he broke the union line and pissed off Bragg thereby, is a prime example. They could have robbed every locomotive in Mexico and Cuba and Texas, and some in Missouri. Braxton Bragg would have made this impossible. A. S. Johnston's loss at Shiloh also was pivotal. There is much misunderstanding of the war because Albert S Johnston and Joseph E Johnston had the same last name.
Josephbleau@837-- interesting thoughts! Not sure I follow your timeline, though.
Anyway I don't see ASJ as a factor; he died in a battle early in the conflict, and IMHO he didn't exhibit any great brilliance setting it up or fighting it. Not enough to expect better in the future.
JE Johnston was, like it or not, the man on the spot in the West; he did there what he had done elsewhere--to such effect one study dubs him the 'destroyer of the iron horse.' He misused and abused the creaky rail assets he had, and dithered over everything else.
Forrest actually was, in his sphere and at his level, a True Military Genius. That's a no-lie historical fact, just like his murderous racism. But he didn't play well with others and might not have been effective with a large command-- personally I think he topped out at 10-15k.
Speaking of Confederate railroads, when I was working I discovered the Meriwethers of Memphis (later St. Louis). My favorite Confederate yuppies, she was a real hoot--novelist, newspaper owner and editor, suffragist, supporter of Irish independence, and memoirist; Mr. Minor Meriwether was an engineer by trade--railroad tunnels, Mississippi levees, and at least partially responsible for Ft Pemberton on the Tallahatchie (which thwarted one of Grant's moves to Vicksburg).
He was first a major then a lt colonel in the CS army and he and a naval officer-- constituted as The Commission on Railway Iron-- had to go about the Southern heartland and locate RR plant and infrastructure; when necessary, the CS government would confiscate rails and move them elsewhere (since they weren't making any new stuff).
This embroiled the "war socialist" CSG with a lot of pissed off railroad execs, who weren't any more willing to give the gummint their property than the slaveholders tended to be, and took the CSG to court.
After the war, based on his harrowing experiences, Minor Meriwether went into law and made a shit-ton of money, first in Memphis and then upriver.
Narr He and Forrest were business associates postwar, and Lee Meriwether (1862-1964) claimed that the KKK was formed around the Meriwether kitchen table
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६१ टिप्पण्या:
Maybe I’m biased but I hope to someday see a statue of the statuesque Mrs. Meade in the National Garden of American Heroes. But who wouldn’t?
I think it should be a grassland of heroes. 100 square miles, 30 foot statues.
Enjoy your freedom.
While it lasts.
“ it should be a grassland of heroes”
Agreed. Wyoming.
The statues could be holograms, roaming in perpetuity with the buffaloes.
If they are going after Bascom Hill Abe Lincoln, it’s going to happen tonight. Any scuttlebutt?
For The garden I am kind of picturing the Mitchell domes but en large. All season beautifully kept flowers and vegetation representing all parts of the United States. With the statutes interspersed with perhaps audio or audio visual explanations or text/speech making and future holographic projections if that’s a possibility. Or maybe Bluetooth audio in all the languages of the world. Plenty of benches to sit on and contemplate.
Happy Birthday America!
Bill, Republic of Texas, beat me to it.
But I will say my wife and I enjoyed our 4th of July today while continuing to be isolated from friends and family since she can’t afford to get the virus, it would be very bad for her.
We also wondered if this might be the last 4th of July. I hope not, it has always been my favorite holiday.
Operation Desert Storm fought swiffian in the fields and jungles of Vietnam. Like nothing you’ve ever seen before. A quick one!
Many buildings have no 13th floor. Who says every month needs a 4th?
Freedom is socially constructed.
Just got back from a 4th of July barbie/graduation party. 50+ people and no fear. Quite a bit of vituperative comment about the idiocy and hypocrisy of Inslee, Durkan, and their rioting protégés. Two people self-identified as new Trump voters for 2020. A good time was had by all.
Agreed. Wyoming.
....and the new FBI headquarters in Cheyenne will protect it. If there's an FBI......
“I hope I said 100 thousand people the first time instead of 100 million. I understand I said there were 57 states today. It’s a sign that my numeracy is getting a little, uh …”
--Barack Obama
“I’m Joe Biden’s husband. Joe Biden.” - Joe Biden.
Duckduckgo lists a GoFundMe for the McCloskeys;
"Help the McCloskeys Defend their Lives -"
"This GoFundMe will go towards the cost of the security forces needed to protect their lives, as well as the legal fees associated with these events."
Strangely enough, when I click on that link, I get;
"Campaign Not Found
We're sorry, but that campaign cannot be found. Please check the link URL and try again."
This is why, when I do find the campaign I am looking for, I tip GoFundMe 0%.
Holograms aren’t a bad idea. A mob of left wing loonies might try to tear down a hologram, but not with much success.
The list of candidates for the Garden of American Heroes includes Joshua Lawrence Chamberlin. Great choice! If Ewell has tried harder to take Culp’s Hill or, at the other end of the Union lines, had Chamberlin and the 20th Maine been less heroic, then Lee wins Gettysburg and the Civil War ends with a Confederate victory in the summer of 1863. And Crack’s ancestors remain enslaved.
I feel worst for Drago.
Meade said...
Maybe I’m biased but I hope to someday see a statue of the statuesque Mrs. Meade in the National Garden of American Heroes. But who wouldn’t?
How about a nude, in topiary? Get cracking!
“I feel worst for Drago.”
Me too. Makes the tears fall swiptly from my eyes.
In the statuary park there should also be fountains as in cities where statues and fountains form little parks where people sit and eat lunch. South Dakota would be a good place for the park because it has rolling grass swells so the scene would be varied.
And there could also be a lefty statue area in downtown Seattle where the statues can be easily toppled like traffic standards. The area would be covered in graffiti and garbage and surrounded by barbed wire and every now and then a hidden gun randomly shoots visitors.
Is Trump trying to turn himself into a statue with the heavy layer of shiny bronze makeup?
Beijing Boy: "I feel worst for Drago."
What I love best about this is that you really don't have anything else left and it's obvious to everyone.
I'm glad you can't find the gofund campaign for the McCloskeys. They are progressive, BLM, trial lawyers, Democrats.
They supported this crap. Now they can worry about their home and their livelihoods. They can thank their fellow progressives for deplatforming their gofund me.
They weren't there for conservatives when they got deplatformed or threatened.
If Joe Biden thinks he is Joe Biden's husband, does that mean he is content to rub his own leg hairs instead of finding small black children to rub them?
Isn't it interesting that as soon as Berman is removed as the US Attorney for the SDNY, Ghislaine Maxwell gets arrested with a warrant that outlines nothing that we didn't already know 3 years ago.......
....and that when Epstein was arrested in NY the feds under the SDNY no one wandered over to Epsteins Manhattan residence with a search warrant until the next morning AND the island retreat of Epsteins wasn't "visited" by the feds for months and the New Mexico ranch has yet to be searched.
Gee, that SDNY crew was really "on the ball" on all that, weren't they?
And to refresh your memory, the SDNY crew has been the one the lefties have been lauding and praising and using to go after Trump associates.
Hmmmmmm, lots of lefties in the SDNY for years and years....and within 1 week of the head of the office being replaced by a real Trump appointee Maxwell gets arrested.
As is always the case, the words written for Donald Trump are played back to the believers as golden just as Althouse did while ridiculing the overreaction of the mean media.
Missing, of course, is the revealing ad lib remarks inserted into the speech by our Stable Genius - remarks that Plugs Biden could not have gotten a pass on:
Trump said, “In the fields and jungles of Vietnam, they delivered a swift and swiffian,(sic) It was sweeping like nobody’s ever seen happen.A victory in Operation Desert Storm, a lot of you were involved in that. A lot of you were involved. That was a quick one.”
So what does "swiffian" mean? The only other place that Goggle found the spelling, was misspell of Swiftian, referring to Jonathan Swift.
The 24-year-old white woman that claims to be part the "Black Femme Matter".
Holy smokes it's a massacree out there! Never heard so much fireworks for so long.
Looks like SF and LA are really lit too.
Even if Lee "won" at Gettysburg, it's highly doubtful that the war would have been lost. Any such victory would have come at very high cost, just as Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville were costly. And while Lee might have pushed the Union off the field, they would not have been able to destroy or capture the entire army.
Even if Lee had later been able to take D.C., the government would have fled elsewhere, perhaps to NY, and it would have only stiffened the resolve of the North to defeat and destroy the South.
Meanwhile, Grant won control of the Mississippi at the same time as Gettysburg was being fought.
And even if the Confederacy had won, slavery was already on its last legs. It would not have survived long there. The economics would have compelled slavery to end.
BTW, it will come as a surprise to no one that Inga is lying again.
Russian Collusion Truther Inga: "Operation Desert Storm fought swiffian in the fields and jungles of Vietnam. Like nothing you’ve ever seen before. A quick one!"
Actual Trump speech transcript and see if you can catch where Inga gets it wrong (hint: the entire quote):
"These planes once launched off of massive aircraft carriers in the fiercest battles of WWII. They raced through the skies of Korea's MIG Alley. They carried American warriors into the dense fields and jungles of Vietnam. They delivered a swift and swipian (sic) -- you know that, sweeping - it was swift and it was sweeping like nobody's ever seen anything happen -- a victory in Operation Desert Storm."
The lefties/LLR-lefties lies are becoming ever more obvious and pathetic and the debunking cycle is getting faster and faster.
JAMA Woke:
Medical News & Perspectives
Taking a Closer Look at COVID-19, Health Inequities, and Racism
Jennifer Abbasi
JAMA. Published online June 29, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.11672
"Amid the historic convergence of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and antiracist activism in the US, JAMA spoke with Chicago public health legend Linda Rae Murray, MD, MPH. In the Juneteenth conversation, Murray said the pandemic glaringly exposed health inequities and systemic racism. The Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, further pulled back the veil on institutional racism in law enforcement, which medical organizations say is a social determinant of health (Video)..."
Didn't know the Journal of the American Medical Association had embraced the NY Times and Washington Post business model of publishing left-wing political tripe.
Lee wins at Gettysburg, Lincoln likely loses the election, and there is a settlement to end the war. There was a LOT of anti-war sentiment in the north.
Every building with 13 floors or more has a 13th floor. Naming the 13th floor something else is an act of self-delusion.
Every month has a 4th day, yet only one is deserving of special recognition.
Personal possession and setting off of fireworks is illegal in MA. And yet last night featured widespread, raucous, and sustained fireworks displays! Not a single arrest in the area of the Cape where I am.
“Personal possession and setting off of fireworks is illegal in MA. And yet last night featured widespread, raucous, and sustained fireworks displays! Not a single arrest in the area of the Cape where I am”
We have a fireworks stand in town that is pretty decent. But much of the fireworks market here is controlled by the Indian tribes.
Meade said...
The statues could be holograms, roaming in perpetuity with the buffaloes.
are the holo-projectors mounted on the buffaloes ? (a la sharks with laser beams!)
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I feel worst for Drago.
Inga said...
“I feel worst for Drago.”
Me too. Makes the tears fall swiptly from my eyes.
I am not clear on what this sentiment is : "for" - is a preposition of ambiguous value
please clarify.
1c - used as a function word to indicate the object or recipient of a perception, desire, or activity
3 : because of
Mark said... The economics would have compelled slavery to end.
I have heard and read this statement often. I don't understand it.
Can you help me out with links and cites for detailed expositions of how the process plays out?
yes he's nowhere
Wisconsin has a considerable military history, given its late establishment and small population. Something to be proud of. Granted though that this is entirely to the credit of its "legacy" population, descendants of the Yankees and Germans and Norse and all the other Europeans, among whom are all the descendants of its warriors.
I don't see why its suburbs and country towns should not seize back their monuments altars and memories from its unworthy capital and metropolis.
"They [the McCloskey's] weren't there for conservatives when they got deplatformed or threatened."
We may hope that they now take a more nuanced view of things. If we are to win the next election, and the ones after that, a lot of people are going to have to become more conservative. Fortunately, becoming more conservative is what people tend to do, as they get older, and you can get old fast with a riot in your front yard.
Drago. I agree. A lot of head scratching on how the fed has handled the Epstein investigation over the past 15 years. Don’t forget Acosta entering into a non prosecution agreement with him in exchange for nothing. Epstein pleads to a single minor state charge and feds dropped their investigation of him and his associates. Unprecedented.
“50+ people and no fear”. Gee. Maybe those with (reasonable) fear decided to opt out. How about 50+ people and lots of selfishness. I hope they all agreed not to use the limited hospital resources if they get infected and very ill.
Fireworks here in my old Vegas Neighborhood were intense and sustained as well. The most I have ever seen anywhere. Although technically illegal they are readily available at a nearby Indian reservation. These were all citizen generated and they were wild last night. Big, beautiful, scary close and inspiringly American in their audacity. The real audacity of hope.
I didn't hear a single emergency siren all night. I assume no enforcement of fireworks laws and no injuries needing ambulance. A good enthusiastic Birthday for America.
“We also wondered if this might be the last Fourth of July”. Next year the calendar will go from July 3 to July 5. Seriously, that’s the dumbest comment I have read on this blog in awhile. And that’s no easy feat.
Acosta said that the state charges would somehow have precluded a fed case from proceeding. Not true.
tevew said...
Every building with 13 floors or more has a 13th floor. Naming the 13th floor something else is an act of self-delusion.
The 13th floor of the LA County Hospital was the Jail Ward. I always thought that was appropriate.
Didn't know the Journal of the American Medical Association had embraced the NY Times and Washington Post business model of publishing left-wing political tripe.
The AMA has not represented most doctors since the 1980s. I think the membership is now below 20%.
Steve Uhr: "Don’t forget Acosta entering into a non prosecution agreement with him in exchange for nothing."
You always seem to be missing critical info....(purposeful?)
Acosta has testified, under oath, during his confirmation hearing for Sec of Labor, that during his Epstein investigation in the Southern Region of Florida, US Intelligence Services told him (Acosta) to back off as Epstein was some sort of asset for US Intelligence. Acosta was told this was all above his paygrade.
Acosta testified he cut a deal after that.
So what was even more interesting about that testimony is that the dems did not press the all. Hmmmm.
Guess who was head of the FBI then? Bobby Mueller.
Sounds like the Whitey Bulger case, doesnt it?
It also sounds like the Asimov case and the George Nader case as well.
Boy, that Bob Mueller sure gets around...just like Peter Strzok.
Btw, if you know nothing about the life of Czech refugee turned UK citizen and UK MP Robert Maxwell, the father of Ghislaine, you really need to read up on that cat. He was into everything everywhere with all the major intel services.
Did you know MI6 actually purchased an entire publishing conpany for Robert Maxwell? Maxwell used that to become a billionaire.
Robert Maxwell supposedly died of a "heart attack and fell off his yacht" (a physical impossibility) which was named The Ghislaine.
Question: Did Epstein recruit Ghislaine or did Ghislaine recruit Epstein?
steve uhr said...Don’t forget Acosta entering into a non prosecution agreement with him in exchange for nothing.
Acosta said he was told that Epstein was an intelligence asset. That strikes me as an understatement.
Epstein likely worked with the FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI6 and other agencies. His activities had to be buried because so many important people were directly or indirectly dirtied by their association with him.
agoh20 said...
Fireworks here in my old Vegas Neighborhood were intense and sustained as well
We saw none this yea but Tucson has a very left wing Mayor and the downtown is very deep blue. We saw a lot the last several years but one aerial thing last night.
“ Question: Did Epstein recruit Ghislaine or did Ghislaine recruit Epstein?”
I think the latter. About the only things that we know for sure here is that Robert Maxwell was considered by Israeli intelligence to be one of theirs, and to have died in the line of duty (a friend who was in Israeli military intelligence before he immigrated here, and has close ties even today, has claimed to have seen his plaque, among those for other fallen agents, on multiple occasions, most recently last summer). and that Massad, in particular, is a family business. If he was going to bring any of his kids into the business it most likely would have been his favorite, the daughter he named his yacht after, Ghislaine. My theory is that she was Epstein’s handler, as well as his long term lover. That would also help explain where his money came from - the same place her father initially got his.
Last night was probably the biggest Fourth since we bought this place in 2006.
This morning the wife and I had to get COVID checked again--got a thing to do on Wednesday.
We had to get tested five weeks ago, and it took about 15 minutes in the drivethru in the
hospital parking lot. Today we got there before the 7am opening and spent 2.5 hours in line; people coming in when we left could count on 4 hours or more.
Luckily it was overcast (actually very very foggy until 8) and not very hot yet. Used a gallon of gas in line (w/o A/C).
Now we cowertine ourselves until Wednesday
You know that a sniff of Whatiffery summons me.
Lee, even if he won Gettysburg, would have had a shattered army; he might have been able to press that temporary advantage, but with diminishing strength as he went-- where?
He was in a net, and while he could damage and demoralize, there's no reason whatever to think he could have taken DC in the summer of 1863, and he would have been hard pressed to besiege the place even if he got there.
Meanwhile, Grant has taken Vicksburg! In the emergency, the new Western hero is rushed to the East, along with reinforcements by land and sea. Lee, his army as hungry as ever, is forced back to Virginia anyway, along with the immense booty they have collected in Pennsylvania and which is the only thing that sustains them through the next year.
Rosie clears Tennessee, just as in OTL.
And the politics? Sure, it's not good for the North, but how good is it for the South?
It's not an election year; Lee has won battles before; neither abolitionists nor slaves have any reason to change their aims.
I rate Lee very highly as an army commander--he sought a decision, when he thought he had the chance--but IMO he would have reached what Clausewitz called the culminating point of victory: the utmost advance, after which the retreat begins.
DC was the toughest nut in this hemisphere by then
"...Enjoy your freedom..." Thank You AA! I hope it lasts for our country a few more decades. The 'erase history culture' is sad and is trying to erase our freedoms every day now.
I don't like to indulge myself in re-fighting the Civil War, but in the Spring of 1863 the South had three jobs, Preserve control of the Mississippi at Vicksburg, Defend Atlanta, and threaten the Middle Atlantic States. The Union Army had one goal, to re-elect Lincoln and defeat McClellan, the Democrat, who would have made peace with the South.
In hindsight, the South should have created the "Army of the Railroad", under a Lieut. Gen Forrest, and made it an Army Command. A defended rail system from Mississippi to Chattanooga / Atlanta, to Richmond, that could have sent troops and logistics on interior lines to serve all 3 threats could have won. The detachment of Longstreet to Chickamauga after Gettysburg where he broke the union line and pissed off Bragg thereby, is a prime example. They could have robbed every locomotive in Mexico and Cuba and Texas, and some in Missouri.
Braxton Bragg would have made this impossible. A. S. Johnston's loss at Shiloh also was pivotal. There is much misunderstanding of the war because Albert S Johnston and Joseph E Johnston had the same last name.
Josephbleau@837-- interesting thoughts! Not sure I follow your timeline, though.
Anyway I don't see ASJ as a factor; he died in a battle early in the conflict, and IMHO he didn't exhibit any great brilliance setting it up or fighting it. Not enough to expect better in the future.
JE Johnston was, like it or not, the man on the spot in the West; he did there what he had done elsewhere--to such effect one study dubs him the 'destroyer of the iron horse.' He misused and abused the creaky rail assets he had, and dithered over everything else.
Forrest actually was, in his sphere and at his level, a True Military Genius. That's a no-lie historical fact, just like his murderous racism. But he didn't play well with others and might not have been effective with a large command-- personally I think he topped out at 10-15k.
Speaking of Confederate railroads, when I was working I discovered the Meriwethers of Memphis (later St. Louis). My favorite Confederate yuppies, she was a real hoot--novelist, newspaper owner and editor, suffragist, supporter of Irish independence, and memoirist; Mr. Minor Meriwether was an engineer by trade--railroad tunnels, Mississippi levees, and at least partially responsible for Ft Pemberton on the Tallahatchie (which thwarted one of Grant's moves to Vicksburg).
He was first a major then a lt colonel in the CS army and he and a naval officer-- constituted as The Commission on Railway Iron-- had to go about the Southern heartland and locate RR plant and infrastructure; when necessary, the CS government would confiscate rails and move them elsewhere (since they weren't making any new stuff).
This embroiled the "war socialist" CSG with a lot of pissed off railroad execs, who weren't any more willing to give the gummint their property than the slaveholders tended to be, and took the CSG to court.
After the war, based on his harrowing experiences, Minor Meriwether went into law and made a shit-ton of money, first in Memphis and then upriver.
He and Forrest were business associates postwar, and Lee Meriwether (1862-1964) claimed that the KKK was formed around the Meriwether kitchen table
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