I agree with him about LA traffic. When we go back to visit family, my wife, 4th generation native Californian, gets the twitches from the crowding. Now, our daughter who lives in Santa Monica is thinking about Idaho. My younger son is looking at getting out soon.
The overcrowding is “also”. He gave the main reasons first, as people do, and then the overcrowding is “also” a reason. It's not his main reason, and it’s not one of the two main reasons.
Mookie Betts has a great agent. He got a 65 million guaranteed signing bonus with the Dodgers and a lot of deferred compensation to avoid paying as much of California’s income tax as he could. None of that $65 million is taxable by California.
Betts lives in Tennessee. No income tax there either.
There's some nice country in E Texas. And rats and cockroaches and water moccasins and termites. I don't miss those.
The population in LA is insane. Yet not dense the the classic sense. Lots of individual houses on lots with room for gardens and patios. The air is much better than when I grew up there but it cost a lot of freedom to get there.
Wish they'd stay there. Well, I wish all over a conservalibertarian bent would move away and let the Libs rot in the s**thole they've created for themselves.
Unfortunately, they won't. Washington state used to be blue but then after the Californians ruined their own state, they moved north to Oregon and Washington and proceeded to wreck those as well. Now they're moving down here to Arizona and starting the process all over again.
Coastal California in not only beautiful but for the most part has great weather. So if people with means are leaving for Texas and other parts then it simply means that the other people in coastal CA are aholes and the taxes are too high. Otherwise, why leave?
After almost 25 years, my LA native wife and I also left, almost three years ago now. We already had been working from home for years and had aging family up the coast who wanted out as well as in Indiana. The whack politics were also strong incentives. Little did we know that a combination of a pandemic and catastrophically economically ignorant public policy responses would make urban centers a perfect storm of disease, tyranny, and riots.
Sometimes it’s nice to be right for even more reasons than you realized at the time.
Houston has terrible traffic, too many people, and is always an inviting target for hurricanes. The DFW metroplex has too many people and bad traffic. San Antonio and Austin are almost one giant metroplex but at its heart San Antonio is a military city with several Army and Air Force bases while Austin is an enclave for disgruntled Californians, see Elon Musk. El Paso is just too hot. All the large cities are blue. The suburbs and smaller towns are what make Texas a red state, for now. I’m a 5th generation Texan and when we talk about moving, we talk about Tennessee.
Joe had noticed LA had become a "shithole" months ago on his podcast and is still getting all sorts of grief for stating the obvious. The city allows homeless to camp anywhere and take a shit on the sidewalk just like San Francisco but at the same time nickel and dimes tax payers with ridiculous regulations banning drinking straws, banning plastic bags and regulating lot sizes.
If you are financially able, like Rogan, why on earth would you stay? You can always visit whenever you want but then don't have to put up with the other bullshit 24/7.
If you move to Texas from California and specifically move to Austin, you really don't want to change much about your California lifestyle (or voting patterns) except for the cost-of-living and the state income taxes that in large part were a consequence of your voting patterns.
“Montana was a good clean escape from both places.”
Lots for sale here.
The bad here is that the nearest Walmarts are two hours away in five directions. Ditto for Home Depot, Costco, and a decent selection of restaurants and ammunition. The good is that Fedex and UPS deliver overnight (but only once a day). Prime sometimes takes an extra day, because they typically deliver to a post office an hour and a half away, and then have to be trucked over here. Oh, and because of that they can’t deliver a bunch of weird stuff like batteries, lasers, etc. (banned for some reason or another by USPS, even though they don’t really go through the USPS system).
Part of the good is deer in the yard, resting in the shade in the afternoons, turkeys across the street, only able to see three other houses, a couple miles away from USFS, which surrounds us about 300 degrees, and is most of what you can see to the ridge lines. Open carry legal everywhere except in the court house (where everyone is armed, having taken the Justice of the Peace’s handgun course for their CCWs)(CCWs are easy with the JP on the third floor issuing the education certificates, for the clerk on the first floor, who takes them 100 ft to the Sheriff for his signature). If you like to hunt, plenty to hunt. Friend’s wife takes her elk every year from her kitchen table (one of his fall chores is to take the kitchen screen out for that).
Another downside though is that we don’t have cable TV. Which means satellite TV (Dish for us, thanks to bad experiences with Direct), and the problem there is maintaining a good line of sight to the satellites. We are surrounded by a thick forest of 100+’ coniferous trees (Ponderosa Pine, Spruce, and Fir) that won’t stop growing. Got a new dish two or three years ago for HD, set it south of the house into what looked to be an open slot in the trees. Apparently not. Need Dish to come out again. Need to get my garage built first, so my partner is going to suffer for a bit longer. The good news though is that the phone company is currently pulling fiber through the neighborhood. It’s going to be interesting to see which house has faster Internet, this one in rural MT, or our new one, in upscale Phoenix.
It is always weird every fall going south to PHX for the winters. All of a sudden I have to deal with (A lot of) traffic, Rude drivers, millions of people, crime gangs, etc. I have to get used to traffic lights (the only traffic lights in this County are for road construction, which they move around, year by year, depending on what road they are working on). We do have railroad crossing gates and some guy about the age of Dr K got whacked last month after he walked around one of them. When they are down, they are down for a reason, and that reason typically includes hundreds of tons of momentum.
Tennessee is becoming a bit of a tax haven. Mookie’s house is just up the road. Looks like it’s about finished. He built right next door to Johnny Depp’s house which was left about half-finished for a couple of years, having been started when all that domestic and financial stuff came up.
We are thinking either Nevada -- Florida (move with the seasons) or Montana -- Florida. Have been to Montana and Wyoming a couple of times. Spectacular country. My preference would be 100 acres in MT in the middle of nowhere, but my wife is more social than me.
Nevada would save us on taxes so might end up the winner.
When my employer offered to move us to Madison in the early '90s I jumped at the chance. Even then CA was too crowded, we had been burglarized twice and the Freeway Killers were fresh in memory.
Knowing little about Madison other than the bits and pieces I had picked up from co-workers who had lived there before they transferred to the CA office, and reading yhe WI State Journal during a two-week seminar, it seemed like a perfect place to raise our three kids. In many ways it was - the schools hadn't degraded to their current state, lots of parks and open space - just a Wisconsinly nice living environment.
Some things struck me as odd, though. For a time, either Dane County or Madison had winter days when using your fireplace wad prohibited. And cats - cats! - had to be on a leash outside. Over time after we got to know the political mien in the city and county it became clear that this little region loves to regulate.
One other thing was strange as well. In CA our daughter's special ed classrooms were fully equipped and lacked nothing. Here, out daughter's first classroom was part of a multipurpose room sectioned off by four-drawer file cabinets and plywood. She moved to two other schools while in the elementary grades until finally, in middle school, she was able to stay in the same school for the full three years. I'll add that her education in high school was excellent and she keeps in touch with some of her teachers even now.
We moved out of Madison five years ago and tried out the Eastern Panhandle of WV. Beautiful place, but the politics are kind of schizophrenic, with Shepherd University skewing left and Berkeley County/Morgan County just a little center-right. We've tried a few other places - Kewaunee County and, currently, Wood County here in WI. Sitllmay end up in the Mid-Atlantic region, probably south central PA. Guess we'll see.
Only part of Texas I've spent much time in is Austin in July. Bad traffic, hot, and humid, but a lot of new construction is going on, it looks different every year I go there. The people are very friendly, but the summer weather doesn't suit me and I miss the mountains. It's a big state, there are probably nicer places to live than Austin.
"Another downside though is that we don’t have cable TV. Which means satellite TV" Yes, but, what do you do for internet access?
BTW, I've always thought Southern California must have been really nice sometime around 1950, when property near the coast was still affordable, the freeways were just starting to be built, and the overall population load was immeasurably smaller.
I don't understand why people listen to this idiot. He will babble at length about almost anything, but he is completely incapable of grasping how one thing connects to another. He thinks maybe there aren't any people in Texas? Of course the stupid shaved-headed bastard knows there are people in Texas. But that doesn't stop his saying he is leaving LA because there are "too many people". Guess what, dingbat; those people are allowed to go to Texas if they want to! Just like you! I really don't understand how a thoughtful person can stand to listen to the simple-minded non-ideas this bozo ladles out.
"There's too many people." I can agree with that as a reason not to live in a place. Two of my sisters live in the East Bay (SF area). My work brings me out there a few times a year and I often will extend the trip a couple of days to visit them. I love that area and all that is going on out there, including the geography and weather - except for the overwhelming number of people, and all the negative things that come with them. Thus, I will never live there. Nice place to visit... as they say.
I find it hard to believe that the 10% income tax he's going to save, right after doing a 100 million dollar deal with spotify doesn't represent part of his motivation.
Gliders are noisy (high wind noise) and not at all maneuverable (long wings). There's a very limited number of things you can get good at. Take a few rides first, or join a club. All that support help is needed too.
"We've been thinking of moving to Carpentras, France where she has lots of family. We visited Avignon a couple years ago, and we both looked at each other like: why are we killing ourselves in Oklahoma?? She is a citizen, but I don't like speaking French, so we agreed that I would not have to go to school, and just learn Burger King French."
LA has "too many people" because people like Rogan support massive illegal and legal immigration. He'll move to Texas, where will he move to when Texas gets too crowded?
We do have railroad crossing gates and some guy about the age of Dr K got whacked last month after he walked around one of them. When they are down, they are down for a reason, and that reason typically includes hundreds of tons of momentum.
Joe Biden's age, I assume.
Years ago, when our kids were little and we lived at the beach in southern CA, my wife used to take the little kids to the beach. Our house was on the bluff and she had to cross the railroad tracks in Capistrano Beach where we lived. One day she was about to cross with a couple of little kids when she looked right and the train was RIGHT THERE! No sound. It scared the crap out of her.
Having scraped up a few who ignored the gates, I tend not to go around them.
“Having scraped up a few who ignored the gates, I tend not to go around them.”
I can definitely see that. I do though have a question I was thinking that one of the reasons that I would not have liked your job was that it was so imprecise and non deductive. My engineering brain wants consistent answers, where 2+2=4 every time. When I was doing software, perfect reproducibility was essential. It has to work the same wY every time. It’s the maybes that would have driven me crazy, I think.
“ Joe Biden's age, I assume.”
I think that he had actually broken the octo boundary by a year or two. Apologize though about not thinking about China Joe first. Lost track of what happened to the guy. Helping him was that the ambulance and FD were a couple hundred yards away. The paper said that he had been transported to the ER in the next town, 20 miles away, and was in critical condition. The train was moving at a moderate speed, the engineer saw him well before he was hit, but stopping a hundred car train isn’t done quickly. The engineer also used his horn.
So, urban living isn't for everyone. Neither is rural living or suburban living or any other kind of living. Not a news flash that one size never fits all. Just a matter of finding what works for you. Seems like it took Rogan a bit longer than most.
We moved from LA to the Austin area (small town 30 miles south) in 2000 and have no regrets whatsoever, except of course missing friends and family. Austin was rated #1 in many categories in the late '90s which is what first got us interested. Amazingly, after 20 years of phenomenal growth it STILL is rated #1 or close to it in all aspects of urban life. But honestly, much of the quirkiness is gone. Many of the old-time districts, (Warehouse district, Rainey Street, etc) have been subsumed by skyscrapers, either offices or condos. We used to go to downtown Austin all the time, but over the last few years the city gov't has made it very car-unfriendly while at the same time doing nothing to create a regional transportation system. That forces us to drive, but when we get there we find street lanes converted to bus-only or bike lanes. They are basically unused, but the cars are stuck in gridlock in what lanes are left to them. And most of the parking lots are now skyscrapers. Luckily our little town has been revitalized so we have little need to go to Austin for things like nice restaurants etc.
Central Texas reminds me of So Cal in the '50s and '60s. Lots of energy, new subdivisions, towns being created out of ranchland, a very upbeat, positive spirit. But Gawd am I sick of Longhorn worship. Makes USC fans seem blasé.
I only know Austin and San Antonio, as a visitor, and both cities certainly had their attractions, but it's too far SW for me. Much like SoCal, for that matter, which I also know only from a short visit.
For whatever reason, my home state of TN comes up, and I think that's a capital idea. Very diverse state, fairly highly-rated state financial position, a long day's drive gets you to the Gulf and other places from anywhere, and the real estate buck still goes pretty far. (Most of us wear shoes year-round too.)
It's still in the humid subtropics, especially west, so summers are brutal. Winters can get bad in middle and east, on account of elevation if nothing else . . . bad for the Southland, which is probably a joke to Yankees and Norwesters.
Speaking of Austin, a 'protester' was killed last night, after approaching a car that was driving through the protests. He was carrying an AK-47, and from the video, it sounds like he fired at the car. You be the judge.
The kicker is the NY Times report of the incident, which is absurd as it doesn't mention that he probably fired first, or that he was a tough talker prior to getting killed.
'Protesters' also managed to shoot each other in Aurora and Louisville. Fucking morons.
My engineering brain wants consistent answers, where 2+2=4 every time. When I was doing software, perfect reproducibility was essential.
Having done both, I can see that Medicine and Engineering are quite different. Surgery is another thing too. Surgery is bit more like Engineering. I used to get one student each year interested in Surgery. Internal Medicine is more about feelings and emotions. Half of patients, for example, don't take their medicines. Surgery is more objective. If the numbers don't add up, the bridge collapses. If the operation I do isn't just right, it doesn't work. Having had a sizable one ten days ago, I have an interest.
Bruce Hayden said... “ But Gawd am I sick of Longhorn worship. Makes USC fans seem blasé.”
SC is working very hard to drive football fans away. I had season tickets 50 years. No more. The place is as left wing as Berkeley these days, plus greedy.
Washington state used to be blue but then after the Californians ruined their own state,
Someone is confused. -----------
I think he meant to write 'red' but even that isn't entirely accurate.
The last Republican governor was John Spellman in 1984, and he really wasn't much of a conservative. It could be argued Dixy Lee Ray was the most 'conservative' governor in the last 60 years. And she was a D. Scoop and Maggie were Ds, but compared to The Dumbshit Twins - Murray and Cantwell - they were regular Birchers.
Washington used to be more of an independent state, but with the influx of Californians and the snotty leftists who rode the tech boom in King/Snohomish counties, it's possibly the bluest state in the nation.
However, there are a lot of red areas waiting behind enemy lines. Patiently waiting.
I've been to Texas just twice and both times were for business. Spent 3 days in El Paso the 1st trip and 3 days in Lubbock on the 2nd trip. I liked Lubbock - it's a growing college town. In El Paso, my client recommended Red Lobster as the place to go for dinner after I asked for his suggestion for a good restaurant. He answered "there are none. Go to Red Lobster". That was 20 years ago so the culinary scene may have improved since then.
Californians keep leaving, then vote for what made them leave California, ruining their new home. Stay here and fix California, you assholes. Don't repeat what you've done in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and are doing to Texas , Idaho, and Arizona.
However, there are a lot of red areas waiting behind enemy lines. Patiently waiting.
East of the Cascades. I remember a secession movement in the 50s. That was when Seattle was a blue collar town. Maybe Idaho could annex everything east of the Cascades.
"Maybe Idaho could annex everything east of the Cascades."
That might help Idaho. Biggest problem in SW Idaho right now is an influx of Seattle/Portland progs looking to escape the mess they've made there, and recreate it here.
He’s about to earn $100 million a year. Why pay $13 million of that to CA when he can pay $0 to TX? The trick for him is to buy a property in Texas that doesn’t come with a massive property tax bill, because property taxes are high in Texas. I’d buy a nice spread in the country, near Austin or San Antonio, and I’d have goats or whatever to get an agricultural exemption.
I know if I lived in Idaho I'd key as many California cars as I could and burn their new homes down before they move in and spread. It's like trying to stop the spread of pod people or a kudzu vine. Once they take root you're all doomed!
But if you have to drive the freeways to and fro normal working hours? Yes, it sucks. Particularly downtown or the 101/405 interchange in the Valley.
I remember LA in the 50s when we would date UCLA girls and drive across LA from SC to UCLA in 20 minutes. I like Raymond Chandler's novels as they are a history of old LA, just like Dashiell Hammett's are a history of old San Francisco. When I was in college, there were none of the new Freeways. The Harbor ended at Century Blvd, the Pasadena was there but the Santa Ana ended at 17th street and there was no I 10. The Hollywood ended in Hollywood. Good memories. Glad to be gone.
I actually enjoyed reading all the comments, not that anyone should care. That wasn't a compliment either, just an observational tickle.
I am afraid of LA. My one track mind has been get out of NYC for over 30 years. SF, I was ok with in my 20's. A friend reminded me, why trade one shit for another same shit, I'm still trapped.
Realistically, Joe may be able to purchase a mansion or a farm in Texas for similar price as an LA closet space studio. Not factual. I gather some of the intent is to ride a dirt bike in an open field. Target practice ? I disagree with cow tipping, but that's where I draw my line. City stress. The few on my mind. He's like a child with huge muscles. Sorry Mr. Rogan. In Austin he will blend in. Mature enough not to press certain politics unto 2nd amendment Concervatives. Do not know if he is Cowboy's fan. Strong team though.
My curiousity is any change in his shows, not change to the immediate surroundings of his habitat.
Yes, the overcrowded sardine can City life is not for everyone. Athough, feels like everyone is here.
I guess I'll just have to be rude and say Please don't come to Texas. The major cities are already too crowded, and beautiful San Antonio is just eating up the limestone hills and making the place look like any other big city. Same with Austin. They both have water problems, there is only so much to go around.San Antonio, in particular, has hit their limit on water use. DFW was lost a long time ago, Houston has always been a dirty oil and port city. The traffic in all of the above is just crazy. We cannot handle even one more migrant from California, especially of the liberal persuasion. So I'll just be rude and say, sorry, we're full.
I left L.A. three years ago, and I feel like I dodged a bullet. Actually I was hit by a number of non-fatal rounds, but escaped just in time. The cost and logistics of the move for me and my business has cost me millions, but if I stayed any longer it would have been worse, and then I still would be there with no remedy in sight. The only problem is what others have said here is that the political retardation has followed me. After 20 years of two term Republicans doing very well for the state, the voters elected a Democrat governor and legislature. In their first year in power they have devastated the state's economy and will now destroy everything that has attracted people here: low taxes, freedom, and prosperity. I cannot put my company though another move, but I am exploring the possibility of moving myself again, because I can still smell California and it's dysfunction from here. They keep coming every day like rats from a sinking ship, and they want to chew through the hull here now. I don't understand humans who do not appreciate or value freedom and self-reliance. They are a different species - one immune to experience.
I know if I lived in Idaho I'd key as many California cars as I could and burn their new homes down before they move in and spread.
When my daughter started U of Arizona, the first thing I did was get her car registered in AZ. The AZ cops hated CA plates. I did the same after we moved.
"Once that is done we have a very large home with the kids all gone, and we are down to one full-time maid. We got a maid and a Gardner many years ago because I was always travelling and my wife was working, but we enjoyed this old mansion in the heart of town. We even have a buyer and a price.
It's just way too big." - Etienne
"Never, ever ever ever, try to bullshit a bullshitter." - Ol' Guildy
Howard: "You people can't compete with the California diaspora."
2 points:
1) The left hates observant Jews and wants Israel wiped off the map, is that why you used the term "diaspora"?
2) If lefty California is so great, why is there a "California diaspora" at all?
Don't worry. I don't expect an answer from you as you are probably still in morning not just for Soleimani, but also for your big tough AR-15 toting antifa "hero" in Austin.....who forgot that he wasn't in a lefty controlled state....and pointed his gun at a guy who had the means and ability to shoot back....and got whacked like he should have.
Side note: the guy who answered antifa violence with his own much more effective violence now, officially, has more combat experience than Howard.
Why appretiate our soldiers and Veterans when we can just smoke weed get a bunch of wives, a younger sister gullable enough and underage. Disregard any laws. Add some orgies, chocolate. Feed the homeless and promote terrorism and make fun of the second amendment. Yeah, Inga wants to return to picking out each rice particle as an umph number wife ? Remember those days ? Nope. Got a BBQ ? Or, thanks toilet paper !? America is the worse ! That's why the Russians are here or post Russians, America iS the worse. Mongolia is quiet. Alaska's crab fishing guys, need to take care. Binghamton, N.Y. had really fast T2 cable internet. A lady in New York this year just had T12 installed. Say something bad about employment ? All of black supremacy wiped out by one Elvis fan. May he rest in peace.
Californians keep leaving, then vote for what made them leave California, ruining their new home. Stay here and fix California, you assholes. Don't repeat what you've done in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and are doing to Texas , Idaho, and Arizona.
Common boomer misconception. Your young people are destroying your state. Take a look around. Also, your greedy neighbors selling to Californicators at inflated prices instead of passing homes on to the kids-who, by the way, are fucking up your state.
Joe observes there are 'too many people' in L.A. but then is incurious as to why L.A. has so many people, why California has so many people, and why so many of them are either homeless (#1 in the USA) or present illegally as foreign nationals (#1 in the USA).
Joe also forgot to mention state income taxes, and their potential impact on his new $100 million Spotify deal.
Joe: What have you learned about L.A. life that you don't want anymore? How do you plan to vote after you've Gone to Texas? Maybe we should have a quick quiz first, before you cast your poll.
Here's the latest from the Austin Police about the shooting. The guy in the car fired first, three shots, hitting and killing the guy who pointed the AK-47 at him. Somebody else in the crowd fired 5 shots at the guy in the car and missed. No ID on that person.
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Althouse should try out her woman-feelz on this Trump interview
Dave Portnoy
via legalinsurrection
We should let more illegal entrants in... and make sure they can vote democratic.
crowding and poverty are amazing assets to the democratic agenda.
Otherwise - we are all racists.
I agree with him about LA traffic. When we go back to visit family, my wife, 4th generation native Californian, gets the twitches from the crowding. Now, our daughter who lives in Santa Monica is thinking about Idaho. My younger son is looking at getting out soon.
Probably going to Austin area, which, by the way, has too many people.
A Bernie Bro in the Lone Star State! Go Jo.
He didn't mention that his LA warehouse is probably too small and won't be zoned for a larger shooting range. No problem in Texas.
The overcrowding is “also”. He gave the main reasons first, as people do, and then the overcrowding is “also” a reason. It's not his main reason, and it’s not one of the two main reasons.
Taxes. No state income tax in Texas.
Mookie Betts has a great agent. He got a 65 million guaranteed signing bonus with the Dodgers and a lot of deferred compensation to avoid paying as much of California’s income tax as he could. None of that $65 million is taxable by California.
Betts lives in Tennessee. No income tax there either.
Cuz that's what all the kewl kids are saying.
There's some nice country in E Texas. And rats and cockroaches and water moccasins and termites. I don't miss those.
The population in LA is insane. Yet not dense the the classic sense. Lots of individual houses on lots with room for gardens and patios. The air is much better than when I grew up there but it cost a lot of freedom to get there.
Montana was a good clean escape from both places.
Texas is getting woke
Joe R: "they're wearing masks now, man".
Joey D: "well, they're waking up"
so.. a talk show comedian moving out of LA??? Why Texas? Why can't he go to Portland... and get lost.
No one has brought up that he said there's more of something else in Texas.
I hope he votes that way. Otherwise stay where the hell you are.
No one lives in LA anymore, it's too crowded.
Wish they'd stay there. Well, I wish all over a conservalibertarian bent would move away and let the Libs rot in the s**thole they've created for themselves.
Unfortunately, they won't. Washington state used to be blue but then after the Californians ruined their own state, they moved north to Oregon and Washington and proceeded to wreck those as well. Now they're moving down here to Arizona and starting the process all over again.
“ There's some nice country in E Texas. And rats and cockroaches and water moccasins and termites. I don't miss those.”
Fire ants. Vicious. When I was by Austin, it took me two years to get rid of all the ant piles. And had to be always on alert for them moving back in.
Coastal California in not only beautiful but for the most part has great weather. So if people with means are leaving for Texas and other parts then it simply means that the other people in coastal CA are aholes and the taxes are too high. Otherwise, why leave?
After almost 25 years, my LA native wife and I also left, almost three years ago now. We already had been working from home for years and had aging family up the coast who wanted out as well as in Indiana. The whack politics were also strong incentives. Little did we know that a combination of a pandemic and catastrophically economically ignorant public policy responses would make urban centers a perfect storm of disease, tyranny, and riots.
Sometimes it’s nice to be right for even more reasons than you realized at the time.
The key reason is more freedom.
Joe just doesn't want to emphasize that.
Because he would lose his corporate sponsorships.
El presidente, Dave Portnoy is the personification of "male toxicity".
via #StuffRhSays
"Migration can bring great opportunity not just to migrants but also to the places they go." -- Joe D. Migrant
100 million reasons, to softpedal,
Texas is safer because of open carry of Peacemakers...OK Glocks. And the gas is cheaper.
Houston has terrible traffic, too many people, and is always an inviting target for hurricanes. The DFW metroplex has too many people and bad traffic. San Antonio and Austin are almost one giant metroplex but at its heart San Antonio is a military city with several Army and Air Force bases while Austin is an enclave for disgruntled Californians, see Elon Musk. El Paso is just too hot. All the large cities are blue. The suburbs and smaller towns are what make Texas a red state, for now. I’m a 5th generation Texan and when we talk about moving, we talk about Tennessee.
Joe had noticed LA had become a "shithole" months ago on his podcast and is still getting all sorts of grief for stating the obvious. The city allows homeless to camp anywhere and take a shit on the sidewalk just like San Francisco but at the same time nickel and dimes tax payers with ridiculous regulations banning drinking straws, banning plastic bags and regulating lot sizes.
If you are financially able, like Rogan, why on earth would you stay? You can always visit whenever you want but then don't have to put up with the other bullshit 24/7.
He's a lying sack of shit. Now that he has hit it big, he's moving to save himself from California's confiscatory taxes.
Another liberal hypocrite.
I have to agree with the too many people problem. It's just hard all of the time.
If you move to Texas from California and specifically move to Austin, you really don't want to change much about your California lifestyle (or voting patterns) except for the cost-of-living and the state income taxes that in large part were a consequence of your voting patterns.
“Montana was a good clean escape from both places.”
Lots for sale here.
The bad here is that the nearest Walmarts are two hours away in five directions. Ditto for Home Depot, Costco, and a decent selection of restaurants and ammunition. The good is that Fedex and UPS deliver overnight (but only once a day). Prime sometimes takes an extra day, because they typically deliver to a post office an hour and a half away, and then have to be trucked over here. Oh, and because of that they can’t deliver a bunch of weird stuff like batteries, lasers, etc. (banned for some reason or another by USPS, even though they don’t really go through the USPS system).
Part of the good is deer in the yard, resting in the shade in the afternoons, turkeys across the street, only able to see three other houses, a couple miles away from USFS, which surrounds us about 300 degrees, and is most of what you can see to the ridge lines. Open carry legal everywhere except in the court house (where everyone is armed, having taken the Justice of the Peace’s handgun course for their CCWs)(CCWs are easy with the JP on the third floor issuing the education certificates, for the clerk on the first floor, who takes them 100 ft to the Sheriff for his signature). If you like to hunt, plenty to hunt. Friend’s wife takes her elk every year from her kitchen table (one of his fall chores is to take the kitchen screen out for that).
Another downside though is that we don’t have cable TV. Which means satellite TV (Dish for us, thanks to bad experiences with Direct), and the problem there is maintaining a good line of sight to the satellites. We are surrounded by a thick forest of 100+’ coniferous trees (Ponderosa Pine, Spruce, and Fir) that won’t stop growing. Got a new dish two or three years ago for HD, set it south of the house into what looked to be an open slot in the trees. Apparently not. Need Dish to come out again. Need to get my garage built first, so my partner is going to suffer for a bit longer. The good news though is that the phone company is currently pulling fiber through the neighborhood. It’s going to be interesting to see which house has faster Internet, this one in rural MT, or our new one, in upscale Phoenix.
It is always weird every fall going south to PHX for the winters. All of a sudden I have to deal with (A lot of) traffic, Rude drivers, millions of people, crime gangs, etc. I have to get used to traffic lights (the only traffic lights in this County are for road construction, which they move around, year by year, depending on what road they are working on). We do have railroad crossing gates and some guy about the age of Dr K got whacked last month after he walked around one of them. When they are down, they are down for a reason, and that reason typically includes hundreds of tons of momentum.
He'll be flying private back and forth once/if "The Store" opens.
Washington state used to be blue but then after the Californians ruined their own state,
Someone is confused.
Tennessee is becoming a bit of a tax haven. Mookie’s house is just up the road. Looks like it’s about finished. He built right next door to Johnny Depp’s house which was left about half-finished for a couple of years, having been started when all that domestic and financial stuff came up.
@Bruce Hayden
We are thinking either Nevada -- Florida (move with the seasons) or Montana -- Florida. Have been to Montana and Wyoming a couple of times. Spectacular country. My preference would be 100 acres in MT in the middle of nowhere, but my wife is more social than me.
Nevada would save us on taxes so might end up the winner.
"20 million plus people"? LA County is a little over 10 million. But he's right about the traffic (pre-covid).
When my employer offered to move us to Madison in the early '90s I jumped at the chance. Even then CA was too crowded, we had been burglarized twice and the Freeway Killers were fresh in memory.
Knowing little about Madison other than the bits and pieces I had picked up from co-workers who had lived there before they transferred to the CA office, and reading yhe WI State Journal during a two-week seminar, it seemed like a perfect place to raise our three kids. In many ways it was - the schools hadn't degraded to their current state, lots of parks and open space - just a Wisconsinly nice living environment.
Some things struck me as odd, though. For a time, either Dane County or Madison had winter days when using your fireplace wad prohibited. And cats - cats! - had to be on a leash outside. Over time after we got to know the political mien in the city and county it became clear that this little region loves to regulate.
One other thing was strange as well. In CA our daughter's special ed classrooms were fully equipped and lacked nothing. Here, out daughter's first classroom was part of a multipurpose room sectioned off by four-drawer file cabinets and plywood. She moved to two other schools while in the elementary grades until finally, in middle school, she was able to stay in the same school for the full three years. I'll add that her education in high school was excellent and she keeps in touch with some of her teachers even now.
We moved out of Madison five years ago and tried out the Eastern Panhandle of WV. Beautiful place, but the politics are kind of schizophrenic, with Shepherd University skewing left and Berkeley County/Morgan County just a little center-right. We've tried a few other places - Kewaunee County and, currently, Wood County here in WI. Sitllmay end up in the Mid-Atlantic region, probably south central PA. Guess we'll see.
Only part of Texas I've spent much time in is Austin in July. Bad traffic, hot, and humid, but a lot of new construction is going on, it looks different every year I go there. The people are very friendly, but the summer weather doesn't suit me and I miss the mountains. It's a big state, there are probably nicer places to live than Austin.
Joee try Alaska, less people and Texas does not want you..
Too many people is fair, but, if he goes to Austin, he's going to find the same stifling liberalism he complains about.
chuck said...
"There are probably nicer places to live than Austin."
I was laughing maniacally when I left - like I'd escaped.
"Another downside though is that we don’t have cable TV. Which means satellite TV" Yes, but, what do you do for internet access?
BTW, I've always thought Southern California must have been really nice sometime around 1950, when property near the coast was still affordable, the freeways were just starting to be built, and the overall population load was immeasurably smaller.
There are about 3,600 counties in the US and about 3,100 went for Trump. Just pick one.
I don't understand why people listen to this idiot. He will babble at length about almost anything, but he is completely incapable of grasping how one thing connects to another. He thinks maybe there aren't any people in Texas? Of course the stupid shaved-headed bastard knows there are people in Texas. But that doesn't stop his saying he is leaving LA because there are "too many people". Guess what, dingbat; those people are allowed to go to Texas if they want to! Just like you! I really don't understand how a thoughtful person can stand to listen to the simple-minded non-ideas this bozo ladles out.
Cubanbob says what I say to local californians when talking about how everyone is leaving the state:
"How bad have the politicians made this state when millions are leaving for...Texas"
It's interesting how next to zero of them think of it that way.
I'm here until they repeal prop 13.
"There's too many people." I can agree with that as a reason not to live in a place. Two of my sisters live in the East Bay (SF area). My work brings me out there a few times a year and I often will extend the trip a couple of days to visit them. I love that area and all that is going on out there, including the geography and weather - except for the overwhelming number of people, and all the negative things that come with them. Thus, I will never live there. Nice place to visit... as they say.
I find it hard to believe that the 10% income tax he's going to save, right after doing a 100 million dollar deal with spotify doesn't represent part of his motivation.
I really want to buy a glider,
Gliders are noisy (high wind noise) and not at all maneuverable (long wings). There's a very limited number of things you can get good at. Take a few rides first, or join a club. All that support help is needed too.
Etienne said...
"We've been thinking of moving to Carpentras, France where she has lots of family. We visited Avignon a couple years ago, and we both looked at each other like: why are we killing ourselves in Oklahoma?? She is a citizen, but I don't like speaking French, so we agreed that I would not have to go to school, and just learn Burger King French."
Tried it - didn't take - but good luck.
LA has "too many people" because people like Rogan support massive illegal and legal immigration. He'll move to Texas, where will he move to when Texas gets too crowded?
Its more likely he's moving to Texas because they don't have an income tax. But its too crass to say it.
We do have railroad crossing gates and some guy about the age of Dr K got whacked last month after he walked around one of them. When they are down, they are down for a reason, and that reason typically includes hundreds of tons of momentum.
Joe Biden's age, I assume.
Years ago, when our kids were little and we lived at the beach in southern CA, my wife used to take the little kids to the beach. Our house was on the bluff and she had to cross the railroad tracks in Capistrano Beach where we lived. One day she was about to cross with a couple of little kids when she looked right and the train was RIGHT THERE! No sound. It scared the crap out of her.
Having scraped up a few who ignored the gates, I tend not to go around them.
I don't think a big city can be governed.
Rudy [cough] Giuliani
“Having scraped up a few who ignored the gates, I tend not to go around them.”
I can definitely see that. I do though have a question I was thinking that one of the reasons that I would not have liked your job was that it was so imprecise and non deductive. My engineering brain wants consistent answers, where 2+2=4 every time. When I was doing software, perfect reproducibility was essential. It has to work the same wY every time. It’s the maybes that would have driven me crazy, I think.
“ Joe Biden's age, I assume.”
I think that he had actually broken the octo boundary by a year or two. Apologize though about not thinking about China Joe first. Lost track of what happened to the guy. Helping him was that the ambulance and FD were a couple hundred yards away. The paper said that he had been transported to the ER in the next town, 20 miles away, and was in critical condition. The train was moving at a moderate speed, the engineer saw him well before he was hit, but stopping a hundred car train isn’t done quickly. The engineer also used his horn.
if I were Rogan : I would stop at El Paso to keep the LA 'ambiance" without the weather.
and slowly hop east across TX.
So, urban living isn't for everyone. Neither is rural living or suburban living or any other kind of living. Not a news flash that one size never fits all. Just a matter of finding what works for you. Seems like it took Rogan a bit longer than most.
The Crack Emcee: "Too many people is fair, but, if he goes to Austin, he's going to find the same stifling liberalism he complains about."
Absolutely true.
We moved from LA to the Austin area (small town 30 miles south) in 2000 and have no regrets whatsoever, except of course missing friends and family. Austin was rated #1 in many categories in the late '90s which is what first got us interested. Amazingly, after 20 years of phenomenal growth it STILL is rated #1 or close to it in all aspects of urban life. But honestly, much of the quirkiness is gone. Many of the old-time districts, (Warehouse district, Rainey Street, etc) have been subsumed by skyscrapers, either offices or condos.
We used to go to downtown Austin all the time, but over the last few years the city gov't has made it very car-unfriendly while at the same time doing nothing to create a regional transportation system. That forces us to drive, but when we get there we find street lanes converted to bus-only or bike lanes. They are basically unused, but the cars are stuck in gridlock in what lanes are left to them. And most of the parking lots are now skyscrapers. Luckily our little town has been revitalized so we have little need to go to Austin for things like nice restaurants etc.
Central Texas reminds me of So Cal in the '50s and '60s. Lots of energy, new subdivisions, towns being created out of ranchland, a very upbeat, positive spirit. But Gawd am I sick of Longhorn worship. Makes USC fans seem blasé.
Rogan's real reason is probably taxes.
I only know Austin and San Antonio, as a visitor, and both cities certainly had their attractions, but it's too far SW for me. Much like SoCal, for that matter, which I also know only from a short visit.
For whatever reason, my home state of TN comes up, and I think that's a capital idea. Very
diverse state, fairly highly-rated state financial position, a long day's drive gets you to the Gulf and other places from anywhere, and the real estate buck still goes pretty far.
(Most of us wear shoes year-round too.)
It's still in the humid subtropics, especially west, so summers are brutal. Winters can get bad in middle and east, on account of elevation if nothing else . . . bad for the Southland, which is probably a joke to Yankees and Norwesters.
Come on in!
“ But Gawd am I sick of Longhorn worship. Makes USC fans seem blasé.”
Could be worse. No matter how bad Longhorn fans are, Aggies are worse.
Speaking of Austin, a 'protester' was killed last night, after approaching a car that was driving through the protests. He was carrying an AK-47, and from the video, it sounds like he fired at the car. You be the judge.
The kicker is the NY Times report of the incident, which is absurd as it doesn't mention that he probably fired first, or that he was a tough talker prior to getting killed.
'Protesters' also managed to shoot each other in Aurora and Louisville. Fucking morons.
My engineering brain wants consistent answers, where 2+2=4 every time. When I was doing software, perfect reproducibility was essential.
Having done both, I can see that Medicine and Engineering are quite different. Surgery is another thing too. Surgery is bit more like Engineering. I used to get one student each year interested in Surgery. Internal Medicine is more about feelings and emotions. Half of patients, for example, don't take their medicines. Surgery is more objective. If the numbers don't add up, the bridge collapses. If the operation I do isn't just right, it doesn't work. Having had a sizable one ten days ago, I have an interest.
"the simple-minded non-ideas this bozo ladles out."
Know-nothingism is his thing. Just an Ordinary Joe, trying to figure out this crazy world! It works a lot of the time.
But why does someone like that support Bernie? It was just an emotional leap.
Jordan Peterson tried to teach from a position of expertise and look what happened to him.
Bruce Hayden said...
“ But Gawd am I sick of Longhorn worship. Makes USC fans seem blasé.”
SC is working very hard to drive football fans away. I had season tickets 50 years. No more. The place is as left wing as Berkeley these days, plus greedy.
I’m a 5th generation Texan and when we talk about moving, we talk about Tennessee.
Davy Crockett in reverse.
Washington state used to be blue but then after the Californians ruined their own state,
Someone is confused.
I think he meant to write 'red' but even that isn't entirely accurate.
The last Republican governor was John Spellman in 1984, and he really wasn't much of a conservative. It could be argued Dixy Lee Ray was the most 'conservative' governor in the last 60 years. And she was a D. Scoop and Maggie were Ds, but compared to The Dumbshit Twins - Murray and Cantwell - they were regular Birchers.
Washington used to be more of an independent state, but with the influx of Californians and the snotty leftists who rode the tech boom in King/Snohomish counties, it's possibly the bluest state in the nation.
However, there are a lot of red areas waiting behind enemy lines. Patiently waiting.
Bruce Hayden: "Could be worse. No matter how bad Longhorn fans are, Aggies are worse."
Aggies never lose.......time just runs out.
May I nominate Rogan as a publicist for leaving liberal leftist progressive ideology back where you ran from, when you move to Texas? Please?
I've been to Texas just twice and both times were for business. Spent 3 days in El Paso the 1st trip and 3 days in Lubbock on the 2nd trip. I liked Lubbock - it's a growing college town. In El Paso, my client recommended Red Lobster as the place to go for dinner after I asked for his suggestion for a good restaurant. He answered "there are none. Go to Red Lobster". That was 20 years ago so the culinary scene may have improved since then.
Californians keep leaving, then vote for what made them leave California, ruining their new home.
Stay here and fix California, you assholes. Don't repeat what you've done in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and are doing to Texas , Idaho, and Arizona.
Maine is one of the worst places I've ever lived. So don't come here.
However, there are a lot of red areas waiting behind enemy lines. Patiently waiting.
East of the Cascades. I remember a secession movement in the 50s. That was when Seattle was a blue collar town. Maybe Idaho could annex everything east of the Cascades.
LA was glorious up until about 20 years ago, when Leftist Democrats took it over. But it's a large patchwork city.
If you live in Manhattan/Redondo/Hermosa Beach, it's nice and not too crowded.
If you live Palos Verdes, it's glorious and not too crowded.
If you up north in Pasdena, it's lovely and not too crowded.
But if you have to drive the freeways to and fro normal working hours? Yes, it sucks. Particularly downtown or the 101/405 interchange in the Valley.
I miss ole LA. I miss ole NYC, too. But Biden and his looters are wrecking those places,
"I was laughing maniacally when I left - like I'd escaped."
Me when I left Dallas.
If only the media would ask Gov. Newsom what he thinks about all the taxpayers leaving his state.
"Maybe Idaho could annex everything east of the Cascades."
That might help Idaho. Biggest problem in SW Idaho right now is an influx of Seattle/Portland progs looking to escape the mess they've made there, and recreate it here.
He’s about to earn $100 million a year. Why pay $13 million of that to CA when he can pay $0 to TX? The trick for him is to buy a property in Texas that doesn’t come with a massive property tax bill, because property taxes are high in Texas. I’d buy a nice spread in the country, near Austin or San Antonio, and I’d have goats or whatever to get an agricultural exemption.
I know if I lived in Idaho I'd key as many California cars as I could and burn their new homes down before they move in and spread. It's like trying to stop the spread of pod people or a kudzu vine. Once they take root you're all doomed!
That guy musta notta been in to Mexican food IFOS.
Ha ha ha ha ha. You people can't compete with the California diaspora. All you can do is whine and commiserate with your fellow travelers.
But if you have to drive the freeways to and fro normal working hours? Yes, it sucks. Particularly downtown or the 101/405 interchange in the Valley.
I remember LA in the 50s when we would date UCLA girls and drive across LA from SC to UCLA in 20 minutes. I like Raymond Chandler's novels as they are a history of old LA, just like Dashiell Hammett's are a history of old San Francisco. When I was in college, there were none of the new Freeways. The Harbor ended at Century Blvd, the Pasadena was there but the Santa Ana ended at 17th street and there was no I 10. The Hollywood ended in Hollywood. Good memories. Glad to be gone.
I actually enjoyed reading all the comments, not that anyone should care.
That wasn't a compliment either, just an observational tickle.
I am afraid of LA. My one track mind has been get out of NYC for over 30 years.
SF, I was ok with in my 20's. A friend reminded me, why trade one shit for another same shit, I'm still trapped.
Realistically, Joe may be able to purchase a mansion or a farm in Texas for similar price as an LA closet space studio.
Not factual.
I gather some of the intent is to ride a dirt bike in an open field. Target practice ? I disagree with cow tipping, but that's where I draw my line. City stress. The few on my mind.
He's like a child with huge muscles.
Sorry Mr. Rogan.
In Austin he will blend in. Mature enough not to press certain politics unto 2nd amendment Concervatives.
Do not know if he is Cowboy's fan.
Strong team though.
My curiousity is any change in his shows, not change to the immediate surroundings of his habitat.
Yes, the overcrowded sardine can City life is not for everyone. Athough, feels like everyone is here.
Elbow room is important. BBQ's also.
I guess I'll just have to be rude and say Please don't come to Texas. The major cities are already too crowded, and beautiful San Antonio is just eating up the limestone hills and making the place look like any other big city. Same with Austin. They both have water problems, there is only so much to go around.San Antonio, in particular, has hit their limit on water use. DFW was lost a long time ago, Houston has always been a dirty oil and port city. The traffic in all of the above is just crazy. We cannot handle even one more migrant from California, especially of the liberal persuasion.
So I'll just be rude and say, sorry, we're full.
Who is Joe Rogan?
Vicki from Pasadena
Bay area guy, it's Pasadena. And it is lovely here.
Vicki from Pasadena
I left L.A. three years ago, and I feel like I dodged a bullet. Actually I was hit by a number of non-fatal rounds, but escaped just in time. The cost and logistics of the move for me and my business has cost me millions, but if I stayed any longer it would have been worse, and then I still would be there with no remedy in sight. The only problem is what others have said here is that the political retardation has followed me. After 20 years of two term Republicans doing very well for the state, the voters elected a Democrat governor and legislature. In their first year in power they have devastated the state's economy and will now destroy everything that has attracted people here: low taxes, freedom, and prosperity. I cannot put my company though another move, but I am exploring the possibility of moving myself again, because I can still smell California and it's dysfunction from here. They keep coming every day like rats from a sinking ship, and they want to chew through the hull here now. I don't understand humans who do not appreciate or value freedom and self-reliance. They are a different species - one immune to experience.
I just can't stand looking Joe Rogan so I never pay him much attention. His face is puffy and his body looks pumped up on 'roids -- not a good look.
I know if I lived in Idaho I'd key as many California cars as I could and burn their new homes down before they move in and spread.
When my daughter started U of Arizona, the first thing I did was get her car registered in AZ. The AZ cops hated CA plates. I did the same after we moved.
"My house is only 1800 sq ft but the 5 GHZ doesn't make it from one end (where my cable modem is) to the other end (where my computer is)." - Etienne
"Once that is done we have a very large home with the kids all gone, and we are down to one full-time maid. We got a maid and a Gardner many years ago because I was always travelling and my wife was working, but we enjoyed this old mansion in the heart of town. We even have a buyer and a price.
It's just way too big." - Etienne
"Never, ever ever ever, try to bullshit a bullshitter." - Ol' Guildy
Howard: "All you can do is whine and commiserate with your fellow travelers."
Marxist uses the term "fellow travelers".
Paging Dr Freud......
victoria: "Who is Joe Rogan?"
Well, since its you who is asking, it doesn't matter how I answer. All you'll hear is "russian agent".
Howard: "You people can't compete with the California diaspora."
2 points:
1) The left hates observant Jews and wants Israel wiped off the map, is that why you used the term "diaspora"?
2) If lefty California is so great, why is there a "California diaspora" at all?
Don't worry. I don't expect an answer from you as you are probably still in morning not just for Soleimani, but also for your big tough AR-15 toting antifa "hero" in Austin.....who forgot that he wasn't in a lefty controlled state....and pointed his gun at a guy who had the means and ability to shoot back....and got whacked like he should have.
Side note: the guy who answered antifa violence with his own much more effective violence now, officially, has more combat experience than Howard.
Next up for victoria from Pasdena: What's Tesla?
Gk1: "I know if I lived in Idaho I'd key as many California cars as I could and burn their new homes down before they move in and spread."
No no no!!
They would just think its another antifa outing and feel right at home.
No, just clog up the starbucks drive thru lanes and make sure there are no salons open that offer grapefruit scrubs. That'll send them packing....
"You people can't compete with the California diaspora."
Competition has nothing to do with it. Apparently, you don't understand how voting works.
Why appretiate our soldiers and Veterans when we can just smoke weed get a bunch of wives, a younger sister gullable enough and underage. Disregard any laws. Add some orgies, chocolate. Feed the homeless and promote terrorism and make fun of the second amendment. Yeah, Inga wants to return to picking out each rice particle as an umph number wife ? Remember those days ? Nope. Got a BBQ ? Or, thanks toilet paper !? America is the worse ! That's why the Russians are here or post Russians, America iS the worse. Mongolia is quiet. Alaska's crab fishing guys, need to take care.
Binghamton, N.Y. had really fast T2 cable internet. A lady in New York this year just had T12 installed. Say something bad about employment ?
All of black supremacy wiped out by one Elvis fan.
May he rest in peace.
Californians keep leaving, then vote for what made them leave California, ruining their new home.
Stay here and fix California, you assholes. Don't repeat what you've done in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and are doing to Texas , Idaho, and Arizona.
Common boomer misconception. Your young people are destroying your state. Take a look around. Also, your greedy neighbors selling to Californicators at inflated prices instead of passing homes on to the kids-who, by the way, are fucking up your state.
I blame the parents.
“ But Gawd am I sick of Longhorn worship. Makes USC fans seem blasé.”
Could be worse. No matter how bad Longhorn fans are, Aggies are worse.
Alabama fans say,"Hold my moonshine".
Joe observes there are 'too many people' in L.A. but then is incurious as to why L.A. has so many people, why California has so many people, and why so many of them are either homeless (#1 in the USA) or present illegally as foreign nationals (#1 in the USA).
Joe also forgot to mention state income taxes, and their potential impact on his new $100 million Spotify deal.
Joe: What have you learned about L.A. life that you don't want anymore? How do you plan to vote after you've Gone to Texas? Maybe we should have a quick quiz first, before you cast your poll.
Here's the latest from the Austin Police about the shooting. The guy in the car fired first, three shots, hitting and killing the guy who pointed the AK-47 at him. Somebody else in the crowd fired 5 shots at the guy in the car and missed. No ID on that person.
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