"... describing a 'hostile work environment' where co-workers had insulted her or called for her removal on Twitter and in the interoffice communications app Slack. 'I do not understand how you have allowed this kind of behavior to go on inside your company in full view of the paper’s entire staff and the public,' she wrote. Mr. Sulzberger declined to comment.... Ms. Weiss, who did not immediately respond to a request for comment, has been known to question aspects of social justice movements that have taken root in recent years. She was critical of a woman who described an uncomfortable encounter with the comedian Aziz Ansari and questioned whether the sexual assault charges leveled against Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh should disqualify him from the post.... Ms. Weiss recently came under fire for online comments on the staff unrest that followed the publication of a Times Op-Ed piece by Senator Tom Cotton calling for a military response to civic unrest in American cities during the widespread protests against racism and police violence.... In her resignation letter, which was posted on her personal website Tuesday, Ms. Weiss said 'intellectual curiosity' was 'now a liability at The Times.' She added: 'Twitter is not on the masthead of The New York Times. But Twitter has become its ultimate editor.'"
"Bari Weiss Resigns From New York Times Opinion Post/In a letter posted online Tuesday, she cites 'bullying by colleagues' and an 'illiberal environment'" (NYT).
Weiss's letter:
Part of me wishes I could say that my experience was unique. But the truth is that intellectual curiosity—let alone risk-taking—is now a liability at The Times. Why edit something challenging to our readers, or write something bold only to go through the numbing process of making it ideologically kosher, when we can assure ourselves of job security (and clicks) by publishing our 4000th op-ed arguing that Donald Trump is a unique danger to the country and the world? And so self-censorship has become the norm.
What rules that remain at The Times are applied with extreme selectivity. If a person’s ideology is in keeping with the new orthodoxy, they and their work remain unscrutinized. Everyone else lives in fear of the digital thunderdome. Online venom is excused so long as it is directed at the proper targets.
Strangely, Andrew Sullivan announced his withdrawal from New York Magazine today too, though we don't have a long explanation from him yet,
just a few tweets. Are the two of them — Weiss and Sullivan — working on some new project together?
९३ टिप्पण्या:
Progressives slapped in the face by the charge of McCarthyism - all their mirrors must be cracked.
Another "journalist" bites the dust. Doesn't like the taste.
Why would any sentient being believe that Times management has even a grain of integrity? The idea that it’s the “paper of record” is ludicrous.
Heartfelt, sincere, and a letter obviously written in anguish.
And it will be completely ignored by those whom it was written for.
NYT and its readers: "Don't care"
I'm sure there was little to no weeping at the Times
Corruptocrat party lit the cancel culture Cult on fire. It's spreads like covid 19.
The final straw for me was when they apologized for factually reporting on Biden corruption in Ukraine and China because it served to help Trump. Not only apologized, but stopped the reporter from further covering the story. BTW, Jon Solomon got separated from The Hill at about the same time for reporting that has never been discredited factually, just politically. Whatever they do, they must not report any facts that go to show that impeachment was a cover up for widespread DNC corruption in foreign policy, corruption which no doubt attracted Hillary to the job of SoS, for which no IG was ever appointed by Obama for some reason. I guess why do you need an IG when the utterly trustworthy Hillary is in charge? Those hundreds of millions she took from the Russians and others were clear as day above board!
"All the stuff they see fit to tell you about.”
As far as Sully goes, he drank the Kool Aide, joined the mob, and he should have seen this coming way before the stink got this bad.
If you don’t want to outright quit the NYT, which is very easy, you can just log into your account and start quitting, and they will give you a big discount to stay.
No comments? This is a travesty.
Fantastic letter and right on the mark. Read the whole thing if you have a chance.
She also received the leaked FISA warrant.
She was part of the conspiracy to remove a duly elected president.
The fact that she is not woke enough for the NYT staff is interesting.
But maybe don't conspire to deprive Americans of civil liberties next time?
Her letter is pretty damning...but she is only moderate left and not a Marxist and so they came after her. Her biggest sin is being a Jew who sticks up for Israel...no bigger crime for a writer of a newspaper owned by Jews.
Jen Rubin at the Washington Post is billed as a 'conservative' which is a huge joke. She is left of Lenin. Maybe she is just 'evolving' (like Obama on gay marriage) in order to save her skin.
Aside from the schadenfreude of the left (finally) staring to consume itself is the schadenfreude of the enabled turning on their enablers.
It will all be forgotten by the unemployed enablers come November...
"Are the two of them — Weiss and Sullivan — working on some new project together? "
Yes, they are probably conspiring to resurrect actual journalism.
I read her letter early (PDT) this morning & have been waiting for Althouse to acknowledge. As our hostess is an avid consumer of the Acela corridor media, I'd hoped she'd had, at least, offered up an excuse why she still thinks they're worth following?
I dunno, since retiring Althouse seems more open to the Acela corridor's version of the Nation/world than previously?
It just goes to show, don't hire women.
Althouse you owe us a response to this given your support of the NYT.
Ms. Weiss will never work in another MSM newsroom. Both she and her detractors will be happier. The news industry celebrates its tolerance and inclusion.
That Weiss just wrote a book on modern antisemitism, including its left-wing variety & is a fan of Israel no doubt did not endear her to her NYT compatriots or the left in general.
As I said in a previous thread, she still does that old Althouse "I don't understand" shtick, and finds it so so sad that the NYT is doing what it's doing--they should be better! it's wrong! they're not living up to Ochs!
She's also a little behind the Althouse commentators, since we've been onto the "new orthodoxy" for years now, but at least she can now report from inside the bubble.
But the bubble is immune.
Spare us the Captain Renault imitation, Bari Weiss. Every day, as you headed for the elevator bank, you passed this man’s Pulitzer, right there in the lobby,
Reality caught up with the Sulzberger hustle. What happened to that family that he is still in there?
Yes, Professor; we'd like YOUR feelings on this, and your continued support for the NYT's
Posted directly above “So honesty is outlawed here?” I guess for the answer is an obvious “Hell yes.”
tim in vermont: "The final straw for me was when they apologized for factually reporting on Biden corruption in Ukraine and China because it served to help Trump. Not only apologized, but stopped the reporter from further covering the story."
Well, given your repeated claims that you will certainly not be voting for Trump, you are already in the bag as a democrat party helper in 2020...
....because this election, like all others in the US, is a binary election.
So, far from being the "final straw" for you, the dems can already log you into the R -1 vote column.
Joe Smith: "Her letter is pretty damning...but she is only moderate left and not a Marxist and so they came after her. Her biggest sin is being a Jew who sticks up for Israel...no bigger crime for a writer of a newspaper owned by Jews."
Montagnards vs Girondists.
When the Maoists crank up, Liberals get the bullet too.
If only...Bari could channel Kelly Preston's character below, and deliver a one, two punch to Sulzberger. Sometimes, words aren't enough.
"...Kathleen Kingsbury, the acting editorial page editor, said, “We appreciate the many contributions that Bari made to Times Opinion. I’m personally committed to ensuring that The Times continues to publish voices, experiences and viewpoints from across the political spectrum in the Opinion report.”"
Is Kingsbury the "acting" editor in place of the guy they ran out of town on a rail because he published the opinion of a US senator?
Weiss is smart to get out, but it'll still take a while before the stink wears off her.
Give me a fuckin’ break, Hardin. As though there aren’t men in the Caveman Tribe Brain media. And as though it’s some kind of special testicle-related genius insightin’ to repeat the same song day in, day out, year after year.
I hope that she is planning a lawsuit. The discovery would shred the Times. All those tweets and emails ... Mmmm, tasty.
"...publish voices, experiences and viewpoints from across the political spectrum..."
Did you know, Ms. Kingsbury, that your colleague was defenestrated and un-personed for doing exactly that? Fat chance you'll be following his lead.
Gentlemyn, you can't print dissenting opinions in here! This is The New York Times op-ed page.
She should file an employment lawsuit for the hostile work environment. I hope she saved the documentation.
The NYTimes is a pathetic shadow of what it once was.
“Schadenfreude” was made for this occasion.
Gahrie said...
Althouse you owe us a response to this given your support of the NYT.
WTF? LOL ! Althouse tears the NYT a new asshole every other day !
"Are the two of them — Weiss and Sullivan — working on some new project together? ""
Yes. They'll be tying two rocks together, to see if they float.
I'm not sure what to make of this. I agree with her and with the signers of that letter. Maybe this is part of a significant push back against the madness, or maybe this is her last scream before the wave pushes her under for good.....She's not all that old. I wonder if she's out of touch or if it's the young people on the Times staff who are the ones who are out of it. Whatever she is, she's definitely not Trotsky. Probably someone more like Zinoviev. She'll go under without causing much of a ripple in the surrounding waters....DeBlasio is the mayor of her hometown. The next mayor will probably be to the left of him. Those assholes in the Times newsroom might actually be on the winning side. Maybe next year, if Biden wins, she'll be writing a profuse apology and beg forgiveness from her former colleagues.
... but as Bari Weiss cracks up, and Jimmy Dore dunks on her for abject stupidity as demonstrated on Joe Rogan, don't you dare say the left is anything but united. We've purged certain elites from the Republican Party, and now they're frantically trying to hold onto their control of the Democrats. The difference between 2016 and now is that Trump rode the wave into office, and helped it along. While Joe Biden is frantically trying to be "down with the yoof" despite being a senile racist dinosaur, and his neoliberal allies are losing power and prestige.
This thing is over, you guys.
Are the two of them — Weiss and Sullivan — working on some new project together?
No. They just could not any longer ignore the stench that is todays media. It is a diseased, dead body walking around as if it's still alive. The media/entertainment/academia complex is doomed. They are at the beginning of their own end. But they are not going to go out quickly or quietly. They will rack up as much damage as they can along the way. Then we will clean them all out and start fresh.
The 'paper of record' has not been so in decades. Today it is the newspaper version of CNN. And that, my friends, is about as low a standard as you can have.
I've decided to spend my time grooming my beard, like an ape (generally grooms, not the beard part specifically).
Something eventually will allow me to fit in with you people. And I shall think of it grooming.
Her description of the NYT shows how closely it’s come to imitating (really, wanting to be) an academic victimology department. Both have all the charm of a modern day Inquisition— the pettiness, intolerance, closed-mindedness, heretic-hunting fanaticism, it’s all there. Lovely, just lovely.
"working on some new project together?"
The crimefighting duo "Nazi Jew and The Amateur Gynecologist!"
They are both conservates who didn't fit in, from my liberal perspective. There are especially damning opinions they hold on a couple topics, Blacks are genetically violent and less smart by Sullivan and conservative Israeli governments can do no wrong by Weiss, for examples. As the nation is about to make a sweeping Left turn after the lies, incompetence, and corruption of this lying conman reality-show administration, maybe they feel it a good time to take a break from mainstream media.
If the NYT could issue a plain-spoken response it would be “we don’t give a shit”.
"Althouse you owe us a response to this given your support of the NYT."
There is no "us" teacher. There never was or could be the "us" you base opinions, God let us hope not beliefs, upon.
The only Rock your students know to build their beliefs in is Dwayne Johnson.
Still, I could not do what you do and give you credit and hope and pray it all works out panglossian. Per Colin Powell, goals achieved were shit goals. Set 'em so high you have to fail or become Steve Jobs. Everybody failing builds community via commaradere but not of the Commrade philosophy.
I don't get the resignation part at all.
why not Send in a letter of critique and await reply and consequences? why skedaddle like a cockroach ?
why the martyr complex?
In many ways progs are ahead. Whites 30 years from today are blacks after LBJ decades ago. Whites will learn valuable lessons from Al and Jessie and Hitler too. Same reasons. Same people pushing this Marxist Communist hatred.
Same pass mostly given too.
"Well she meant well."
Nobody's perfect.
Not Jesus, duh!
The Never-Trumpers don't wait to be cancelled: they run ahead and cancel themselves. The rest of us are learning that doing what the ghouls want never works, and laughing at them is what works.
"WTF? LOL ! Althouse tears the NYT a new asshole every other day !"
Yes, she does. But I am fascinated with the question as to how long she'll even continue to waste her time on them. As I get older, and as the time I have left grows short, I am constantly confronted with things I best let go. I don't have the time anymore.
All the ‘news’ that fits (the narrative) we print.
Dandy Juneboppers will be a band name others will get rich off of, even though it was my idea.
In the end, and often in the middle too if you're black, you'll get Carl Reinored and laughed at.
Marxist Reparations Y'all! Don't be hatin' y'all, give it up. You and yours can trust them this time. These Marxists using black bodies have nothing but the best intentions. Throughout history, Marxists have always only, as a matter of ABSOLUTE FACT, had black bodies as their sole interest. Truly. Their only fault is they care too much about others.
In honor of the great "Soon to be Gandolph" RhH I present you with this:
This is a link to text I should like to think would attract kind, curious minds.
Sampling the reader comments over at the NYT, looks like not many (so far, from the sampling) are sad to see her go. It's her fault for not standing up for her convictions, they say, or having so little faith in her beliefs and opinions that she resigned.
Typical illiberal expression. If you disagree with the woke left, you are the problem and must be made to suffer. Pins in the voodoo doll, and all that. And when you decide you've had enough, the partisan, tattooed, underage, wisdom-vacant, woke, white-bread class sneers, "Figures."
That's how the cancel culture sees you and deals with you, comrade.
Social justice means that we have to care more about the lives of criminals and drug addicts such as George Floyd and Raytard Brooks than about Robin Carre and Dr. Beth Potter, innocent victims of other shit-colored criminals. ARM wants reparations because he’s a natural-born slave and a thief.
To quote myself, accurately:
Donald Trump should keep doing what Donald Trump does.
There are reasons.
TO qyote myself accurately, nothing against Rush, but c'mon man. Quoting oneself accurately is contradiction in terms, in that the original is being redone in real time by the very player.
BUt it still can't be the original and is therefore not up to par compared to the original, no matter the original players were involved.
This is what I describe it as unless challenged by other than idiots.
"The NYTimes is a pathetic shadow of what it once was."
Duranty agrees!
That conversation with her on Rogan was brutal. Weiss was parroting talking points, terribly smug about Tulsi even acknowledging her ignorance, while Joe had Tulsi on several times and knew her well. This letter is well put and the NYT is awful: I hope the experience has given Weiss a better appreciation of giving people the benefit of the doubt.
It is literally beyond the most panglossian of imaginations the Donald J. Trump has busted the satanic in many ways in the United States of America unions of "teachers" so I will not comment on that development for now.
Thank you very much.
(Trump broke China, and also now the unions formerly composed of indoctrinators)
No mystery here- it is her last scream before being brought under and eaten. Same for Sullivan. Two fucking idiots who did nothing for the last 4 years to stand against the madness when they had the power to actually do something.
Democracy dies in........
What ought to happen and maybe not but why not for kicks kickin' just for kicks man Kid Rock swallows pride and does a "Where ya at Joe where ya at" with Crack as maestro.
Let's do this.
C'mon guys, for Christ's sake.
"Where you at Rock where you at ....
Where you at Rock where you at ......
WHere you at Rock where you at ??
A, at best, Menshevik removed by the bolsheviks. Can't say I have much sympathy.
"Give me a fuckin’ break, Hardin."
Okay that's one break given Ma'am. What are you giving now in return Ma'am?
I would be surprised if Ms Weiss does not appear on Rogan very soon.
It will be an interesting show
Posted directly above “So honesty is outlawed here?” I guess for the New York Times the answer is an obvious “Hell yes.”
You can probably find the original that she sent to Sulzberger somewhere in the rubble of the Times building, once the fallout clears and the radiation subsides a bit.
There's NYT employees who think Bari Weiss shouldn't be allowed to write for the Times and there's Althouse commenters who think Althouse shouldn't be allowed to read it. Wrongwrite matched by Wrongread. On the one hand, the left hand moves, and on the other, the right hand moves; but left looks like right and right looks like left. Mirror, mirror on the wall mirroring on the wall mirror mirror. Fall.
Progressives are eating their own. Nick Cannon...cancelled after his anti American, anti white, anti semitic comments and refusing to take them back. Pass the popcorn!!!
I don’t know that much about Bari Weiss, but Sullivan’s insane quest for Sarah Palin’s scalp absolutely delegitimization any concerns he might have about media integrity.
I, for one, would be grievously disappointed if the institution I considered to be "THE NEWS" was revealed to be a propaganda outlet in the class of Pravda or China News Daily.
Looked at the NYT article on Bari's resignation, and surprised to find they allowed comments. 9 of the top 10 upvoted comments are supportive of Bari and decry, to one degree or another, cancel culture and the NYT caving to the mob. This is the second article in the NYT in the last few days with surprisingly moderate to conservative comments upvoted to the top of the stack. Not what I was expecting from NYT readers.
I have formed my impression of Bari Weiss through a Joe Rogan podcast where she was a guest. Never read, seen anything from her before that.
This was not a flattering image. She made radical claims, then after JR gave her a slight push-back, it became obvious she didn't even bother to check whether the claims were true. She was just repeating something she heard. Weird for a journalist, or maybe not nowadays.
Of course claims were around Trump, Republicans, can recall right now.
Generally not impressed, either positively, or maybe even at all.
Her resignation letter, however, was nicely written.
One of the first comments on the Times's piece about BW's resignation: Another example of how the right can dish it out, but can’t take it. Doesn’t getting so upset and quitting because others don’t agree with you make you a snowflake? That is level of discourse that the Times is comfortable with these days. Words, they can mean whatever I want them to mean.
This had been building for a while.
"Are the two of them — Weiss and Sullivan — working on some new project together?"
You’re missing the point.
It’s the Times and New York Magazine which have embarked on an exciting new project together.
Sorry Drago, I can’t fit my politics into a “binary” so you play that game. Sorry people called you names. Remember the stuff they said to me when I said that it would be better to try to prevent getting COVID as long as possible because they would work out better ways to treat it and the fatality rate would begin to fall? No, I was informed gently, no medical progress would ever be made and it was important to go continue on as if it weren’t happening because all of the stats were BS and the sooner we got to herd immunity the better!
Now that fatality rates are dropping, as I predicted they would, you guys are waving that fact around like a bloody shirt as if to prove that you were right all along to oppose the lockdowns in the first place. Sorry, I just can’t get sucked into that shit. I don’t care who wins, to be honest. Trump has shown us that our ruling class are a collection of craven self dealing sociopaths, Republican and Democrat. History shows that we can hope for no better. I would rather tend my garden than think about it any further.
The NYT is what their crazy audience wants them to be.
Blame the consumer for demanding Shit on a Stick, not whoever sells it.
Of course, maybe that consumer is convinced they need Shit on a Stick because someone sells it and creates the market for it.
50/50 then.
Notice none of the compassionate progressives on Althouse have anything at all to say about the hostile work environment, the intolerable conditions allowed to be imposed on a NYT employee. Really? An employer knowingly allows his employees to bully and denigrate and call a “dirty jew” and a “Nazi” openly, and the compassionate “liberal” response here from registered Democrats is “why the martyr complex?” So you also have lost your humanity and it’s not just jour-no-listers afflicted with hate for their fellow Americans.
Got it. Thanks for your honesty.
Kevin said...
"Are the two of them — Weiss and Sullivan — working on some new project together?"
You’re missing the point.
It’s the Times and New York Magazine which have embarked on an exciting new project together
Hey, NY Times, isn't it something when the gigantic lawsuit comes roaring down the freeway at 110mph, no brakes, no way to steer it off the road, big as a house, all steel bumper and enormous mass, and all you can do is watch it get bigger and bigger and bigger in your rearview mirror as you sit, stuck behind the other traffic?
Strangely, Andrew Sullivan announced his withdrawal from New York Magazine today too, though we don't have a long explanation from him yet, just a few tweets. Are the two of them — Weiss and Sullivan — working on some new project together?
Is everything you have ever said or done motivated by mere venality? Feel free to answer yes.
Althouse commenters who think Althouse shouldn't be allowed to read it.
We think she should be allowed to read the NYT. We just think she's smart enough that she shouldn't want to.
tim in vermont: "I would rather tend my garden than think about it any further."
You bought into lunacy, and clearly politics-driven lunacy, and used it to dial up your virtue signalling to "11".
And now you will crawl into a hole while the fight of a lifetime is underway for the very soul of the nation.
Because of course you will.
wildswan said...
There's NYT employees who think Bari Weiss shouldn't be allowed to write for the Times and there's Althouse commenters who think Althouse shouldn't be allowed to read it.
Bushwah, we may question why she's dating that slimy punk, but we're not chaining her up in the basement. We're not even disallowing her to vote for Biden, we're merely checking her with her hypocrisy.
Wrongwrite matched by Wrongread. On the one hand, the left hand moves, and on the other, the right hand moves; but left looks like right and right looks like left. Mirror, mirror on the wall mirroring on the wall mirror mirror. Fall.
And wildswan soars above it all.
Timinvt: I would rather tend my garden than think about it any further.
Then don't think, just vote R in November. Because only PDT will leave you alone to do so. Obama, or perhaps I should say his wife, said very explicitly, clearly, plainly, simply that he would NOT leave you alone. You have precious little reason to suppose that Biden or his Regency will.
I say this with kindness, Tim:
Your reaction is petty and unworthy of you. Cutting off your nose to spite your face.
And your vote is greatly needed in FL. Even in VT-the popular vote is grist for the leftist propaganda mill, so deny them.
"A new consensus has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially at this paper: that truth isn't a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else," her letter reads.
A great description of 'Pravda journalism' and propaganda. The 'party is always right'.
"Althouse you owe us a response to this given your support of the NYT."}}}
While I'd be very interested in seeing more input along these lines from Althouse, the fact is that she doesn't owe us shit.
How long till the NYT snaps up Nick Cannon?
They are both conservates who didn't fit in, from my liberal perspective. - Gary
The fact you think these two are in any way 'conservative' reveals just how insanely far-left you are.
You're not liberal. There is nothing liberal about you.
You're a leftist. A totalitarian, leftist thug.
"I don't get the resignation part at all.
why not Send in a letter of critique and await reply and consequences? why skedaddle like a cockroach ?
why the martyr complex?"
I think this is all about how she can get the most $ out of NYT. Before the Pandemic, she might have gone the traditional route, stick around, wait to be fired, and then bring a lawsuit. But now, with the Courts being closed, who knows when she'd see any settlement $.... It's easier, and faster, to put them on notice with this letter, with no details, and try to get $ on the threat that she'll go further and actually name names. Despite layoffs, NYT has deep pockets and I think they'd want to pay her off at this juncture, rather than let her keep going.
She made way
For a writer of color
Someone to share feelings
As a lesbian Muslim....
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