२० जुलै, २०२०

I didn't watch Trump's interview with Chris Wallace, but I'll read the transcript.

Why didn't I watch?! I told myself to watch, but I did not. I've turned away from watching the news on television. It's becoming a real aversion. I prefer to get my information from reading, so let's look at this transcript. I'll just do a few excepts, I think:
WALLACE: But -- but this isn't burning embers, sir? This is a forest fire.

TRUMP: No, no. But I don't say -- I say flames, we'll put out the flames. And we'll put out in some cases just burning embers. We also have burning embers. We have embers and we do have flames. Florida became more flame like....
Ugh. They're debating about the metaphor — the ember/flame distinction.
They don't talk about Mexico.... But you take a look, why don't they talk about Mexico? Which is not helping us. And all I can say is thank God I built most of the wall, because if I didn't have the wall up we would have a much bigger problem with Mexico....
He wants to tell you about this wall he built "most of."

They have a dispute about how high the "mortality rate" is in the United States. I think that means the number of deaths in proportion to the population (not in proportion to the number of detected cases), and the website I look at puts the U.S. in 10th place. Wallace said we were in 7th place. Trump asserts, "I think we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world." That's just wrong and Wallace tells him so. Trump doubles down, "I heard we have one of the lowest, maybe the lowest mortality rate anywhere in the world."

That sound crazily wrong, but he might be thinking the "mortality rate" is the ratio of deaths to cases. We do so much testing that we get a very high number of cases, and that causes the percent who die to look very low. Trump asks Kayleigh to get the numbers and insists, "I heard we had the best mortality rate... number one low mortality rate." Knowing this disarray looks bad, he says: "I hope you show the scenario because it shows what fake news is all about." Ridiculous to attack Chris Wallace like that, to call him "fake news" to his face.

Now there's a Wallace voiceover, saying "It’s a little complicated." There were 2 different info sources, and Wallace was right about his, and the White House had another source that was somewhat different but not that different. The U.S. is certainly not "the best mortality rate," as Trump said.

Skipping ahead...
WALLACE: The stimulus bill is running out at the end of this month.... The Republicans say they want liability limits, which the Democrats don’t like. You say that you want a payroll tax cut, which even some Republicans are cool to.... Will you only sign a bill that has those two provisions?

TRUMP: Well, we’re going to see. But we do need protections because businesses are going to get sued just because somebody walked in. You don’t know where this virus comes from. They’ll sit down at a restaurant. They’ll sue the restaurant, the guy’s out of business.... So we do need some kind of immunity. You do need it just like you need immunity for the police, OK, whether they like it or not. You need immunity for the police. But they do need a form of immunity. You don’t know if they caught it. And nobody’s ever going to be able to prove it one way or the other. You can’t put these – you know, the people that – look, the Democrats don’t want to do that because they’re total – they’re totally captured by the lobby of lawyers. The lawyers’ lobby is probably the most powerful in the country....
They discuss the weather:
WALLACE: Hot enough for you here, Mr. President?
TRUMP: It’s hot. It’s about, well, sort of almost record breaking stuff.

WALLACE: You know, we wanted to do it inside. This is your choice.

TRUMP: But I wanted you to sweat a little bit.
Ha ha. I heard that Trump thinks he looks better in the sunlight.

They talk about crime in the cities, which Trump points out are "Democrat-run cities, they are liberally run. They are stupidly run." But Democrats have been running these cities for a long time, so that's no answer to why it is suddenly especially bad now. Trump grasps for an answer but it seems mostly to be changing the subject... and this leads to another factual disagreement:
TRUMP: They run them poorly, it was always bad but now it’s gotten totally out of control and it’s really because they want to defund the police. And Biden wants to defund the police.

WALLACE: No he, sir, he does not.

TRUMP: Look. He signed a charter with Bernie Sanders; I will get that one just like I was right on the mortality rate. Did you read the charter that he agreed to with…

WALLACE: It says nothing about defunding the police.

TRUMP: Oh really? It says abolish, it says -- let’s go. Get me the charter, please.

WALLACE: All right.

TRUMP: Chris, you’ve got to start studying for these.

WALLACE: He says defund the police?

TRUMP: He says defund the police. They talk about abolishing the police. They talk about illegal aliens pouring …

WALLACE: I look, I look forward – I look forward to seeing that.
Eventually we get another voice over:  "The White House never sent us evidence the Bernie-Biden platform calls for defunding or abolishing police—because there is none. It calls for increased funding for police departments--that meet certain standards. Biden has called for redirecting some police funding for related programs—like mental health counseling."

Later, the topic is the Confederate flag — Does Trump find it offensive?
TRUMP: It depends on who you’re talking about, when you’re talking about. When people – when people proudly have their Confederate flags, they’re not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the south, they like the south. People right now like the south. I’d say it’s freedom of, of, of many things, but it’s freedom of speech.

WALLACE: So you’re not offended by it?

TRUMP: Well, I’m not offended either by Black Lives Matter. That’s freedom of speech. And you know, the whole thing with cancel culture, we can’t cancel our whole history. We can’t forget that the north and the south fought. We have to remember that, otherwise we’ll end up fighting again....
Then they talk about renaming the military bases that are named after Confederate generals.  Trump doesn't like it (even if the military does, according to a poll that Trump thinks is a "fake" poll):
TRUMP: Because I think that Fort Bragg, Fort Robert E. Lee, all of these forts that have been named that way for a long time, decades and decades… I don’t care what the military says.... Fort Bragg is a big deal. We won two World Wars, nobody even knows General Bragg. We won two World Wars. Go to that community where Fort Bragg is, in a great state, I love that state, go to the community, say how do you like the idea of renaming Fort Bragg, and then what are we going to name it. We’re going to name it after the Reverend Al Sharpton? What are you going to name it, Chris, tell me what you’re going to name it?...
Wallace brings up Trump's Mount Rushmore speech:
WALLACE: You said our children are taught in school to hate our country. Where do you see that?

TRUMP: I just look at – I look at school. I watch, I read, look at the stuff. Now they want to change -- 1492, Columbus discovered America. You know, we grew up, you grew up, we all did, that’s what we learned. Now they want to make it the 1619 project. Where did that come from? What does it represent? I don’t even know, so.

WALLACE: It’s slavery.

TRUMP: That’s what they’re saying, but they don’t even know. They just want to make a change. Cancel culture – I hate the term, actually, but I use it.

WALLACE: But are they teaching people to hate America?

TRUMP: Oh, I think so yeah, I think so. Look at the professors. Look at what’s going on in the colleges. If a conservative goes on a college – and look, we have as many as them. Excuse me, I think to the best of my knowledge, we’re sitting at the White House and the Oval Office is right behind me. We have as many as them.

WALLACE: Who’s them?

TRUMP: The liberal radical left... And don’t act like you’re surprised to hear this – there are books written about it, and we can’t let that go on. We can’t let them change the true meaning of what we’re all about and that’s what they’re trying to do and I don’t want it to happen. Not on my watch. It’s not going to happen on my watch.
Wallace brings up a new poll that has Biden ahead by 8 points. Trump says the polls are "fake." And he has other polls where he's leading. "I have a poll where we're leading in every swing state." Then he attacks Biden:
TRUMP: Biden can't put two sentences together. They wheel him out. He goes up -- he repeats -- they ask him questions. He reads a teleprompter and then he goes back into his basement. You tell me the American people want to have that in an age where we're in trouble with other nations that are looking to do numbers on us....
So Wallace just comes out and asks "Is Joe Biden senile?"
TRUMP: I don't want to say that. I'd say he's not competent to be president. To be president, you have to be sharp and tough and so many other things. He doesn't even come out of his basement... Joe doesn't know he's alive, OK? He doesn't know he's alive....
I think that's saying he's senile!
WALLACE: But I've got to tell you, if I may, sir, respectfully, in the Fox poll, they asked people, who is more competent? Who's got -- whose mind is sounder? Biden beats you in that.

TRUMP: Well, I'll tell you what, let's take a test. Let's take a test right now. Let's go down, Joe and I will take a test. Let him take the same test that I took.
That's the test where you only have to prove basic competence. As Wallace puts it, "They have a picture and it says 'what’s that' and it’s an elephant." Trump says that's "all misrepresentation." The test gets harder as you go along. You have to count backwards from 100 by 7s. That's not so easy! Can Biden do that? Wallace says "93." Yeah, 93 is easy. Keep going! Would Biden make it all the way down to 2?
TRUMP: And I answered all 35 questions correctly....
There's some talk about Mary Trump's book:
WALLACE: And one of her main points is that she says your dad, Fred Trump, Sr., damaged the whole family and here’s what she says about what you learned from your father...
TRUMP: My father liked to win. My father was a very good man. He was a strong man. It’s disgraceful that she said that. She was not exactly a family favorite. We didn’t have a lot of respect or like for her. I would’ve never said that except she writes a book that’s so stupid and so vicious and it’s a lie. My father was a great, wonderful man....

WALLACE: But even for Donald Trump, does it hurt you at all to be attacked in such personal terms?

TRUMP: Yeah.... It hurts me more about attacking my father, not being kind to my mother. I have a mother who was like a saint. She was incredible. She was an incredible woman. And [Mary Trump] was nasty even to my mother. She’s a very scarred person. She was not much of a family person. But look, let me just tell you, my father was – I think he was the most solid person I’ve ever met. And he was a very good person. He was a very, very good person. He was strong but he was good. For her to say the kind of things, a psychopath, that he was a psychopath, anybody that knew Fred Trump would call him a psychopath? And you know what, if he was I would tell you. And I would say, you know Chris, I was with my father and it was imposs– my father was – he was tough, he was tough on me, he was tough on all of the kids. But tough in a--in a solid sense, in a really good sense. For her to say – I think the word she used was psychopath – what a disgrace. She ought to be ashamed of herself. That book is a lie....
Trump has attacked Chris Wallace:
WALLACE: Some people were surprised when you agreed to this interview, to sit down with me.... Especially because of some of the mean tweets that you’ve said about me. Mike Wallace wannabe. Nasty and obnoxious. I will tell you after that one my son, Peter, who you’ve met, called and he said nasty, no, obnoxious, maybe.... And I guess the question I have is, don’t you understand it’s my job to put Democrats on as well as Republicans? And to ask them probing questions just like I ask Republicans?...
Trump quibbles over whether Democrats have been grilled in the same way.
TRUMP: It just seems to me that you are very prone to be nice to the Democrats and maybe I’m wrong about that, Chris, but it’s an honor to be with you it’s fine, I love it. I love that it’s close to 100 degrees out today...
There's a topic switch. Talk about the weather. Again.
TRUMP: Let Biden sit through an interview like this, he’ll be on the ground crying for mommy. He’ll say mommy, mommy, please take me home.

WALLACE: Well we’ve asked him for an interview, sir.

TRUMP: He can’t do an interview. He’s incompetent.... The enthusiasm for Biden is nonexistent. Everyone knows he’s shot.

WALLACE: But the enthusiasm against you is high.

TRUMP: Well that’s OK. That’s his only shot.... And that’s his only shot. I agree. And those people know I’m doing a good job, but there’s something in my personality that they don’t like because look, nobody’s done what I’ve done....
Here's where Wallace brings up the subject I heard Morning Joe talking about a couple hours ago:
WALLACE: There is a tradition in this country -- in fact, one of the prides of this country -- is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard-fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign that the loser concedes to the winner. Not saying that you're necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying you're not prepared now to commit to that principle?

TRUMP: What I'm saying is that I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense. OK? And you know what? [Hillary Clinton is] the one that never accepted it.

WALLACE: I agree.

TRUMP: She never accepted her loss and she looks like a fool.

WALLACE: But can you give a, can you give a direct answer you will accept the election?

TRUMP: I have to see. Look, you – I have to see. No, I’m not going to just say yes. I’m not going to say no, and I didn’t last time either.
I think that just means he needs the room to challenge the result if there is fraud and it's enough to affect the outcome (or just a very close vote and a need for a recount as in 2000).

Wallace asks him how he will look back on his time as President, and Trump goes right for the negative:
TRUMP: I think I was very unfairly treated. From before I even won I was under investigation by a bunch of thieves, crooks. It was an illegal investigation.

WALLACE: But what about the good –

TRUMP: Russia, Russia, Russia.

WALLACE: But what about the good parts, sir?

TRUMP: No, no. I want to go this. I have done more than any president in history in the first three and a half years, and I’ve done it suffering through investigations where people have been – General Flynn, where people have been so unfairly treated. The Russia hoax, it was all a hoax. The Mueller scam, it was all scam. It was all false. I made a bad decision on – one bad decision. Jeff Sessions, and now I feel good because he lost overwhelmingly in the great state of Alabama. Here’s the bottom line. I’ve been very unfairly treated, and I don’t say that as paranoid. I've been very – everybody says it. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens. But there was tremendous evidence right now as to how unfairly treated I was. President Obama and Biden spied on my campaign. It’s never happened in history. If it were the other way around, the people would be in jail for 50 years right now. That would be Comey, that would be Brennan, that would be all of this – the two lovers, Strzok and Page, they would be in jail now for many, many years. They would be in jail, it would’ve started two years ago and they’d be there for 50 years. The fact is, they illegally spied on my campaign. Let’s see what happens. Despite that, I did more than any president in history in the first three and a half years.

११८ टिप्पण्या:

Sebastian म्हणाले...

Trump needs to show more message discipline on WuFlu.

"They run them poorly, it was always bad but now it’s gotten totally out of control."

True, dat.

"treated very unfairly"

Anything approaching the collusion hoax in the history of the presidency?

wendybar म्हणाले...

Chris Wallace is a flaming Progressive. He was was playing the GOTCHA game all the media do to Trump. Where's the Biden interview?? I bet he wouldn't be as tough on him, and would not even ask him about Burisma or China or Hunter for that matter.

Peter म्हणाले...

There is NO measure in which the US has the lowest death rates in the world. Not deaths/capita nor deaths/cases

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

Biden can’t and won’t sit through a tough “gotcha” interview. Wallace has become a Never Trumper. Maybe Biden would sit down with Tucker Carlson. Denying liberalism in our schools, and their collective disdain for America? Come on. When was Wallace assigned to distance Biden from “Defund the Police”? Biden can’t do it himself, so the press has to. It’ll be interesting to see where it lies in the upcoming Democrat platform. The COVID numbers are so manipulated by the CDC nothing is believable.

I love how all these people who sold their souls, sit across from Trump with the faux moral superiority. We are in so much trouble if the Dems win this fall. They might. We are now a nation of morons that would have never won WWII.

gilbar म्हणाले...

today's dog bites man story: Fox doesn't like Trump
James and Kathryn Murdoch together donated more than $1 million to Joe Biden’s campaign in June. Murdoch, the son of Fox News mogul Rupert Murdoch, and his wife each gave $615,000 to a campaign committee that Democrat presidential nominee Biden and the Democratic Party share.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Wallace:"But I've got to tell you, if I may, sir, respectfully, in the Fox poll, they asked people, who is more competent? Who's got -- whose mind is sounder? Biden beats you in that."

And anybody who actually thinks that is actually insane. It's quite obvious that Joe has Alzheimers or dementia.... The progressive agenda doesn't care....they would vote for a brick.

wendybar म्हणाले...

WALLACE: There is a tradition in this country -- in fact, one of the prides of this country -- is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard-fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign that the loser concedes to the winner.

Democrats ended that in 2016.

Howard म्हणाले...

A whinging, lying, complaining excuse making bitch. He's right, the only thing Biden has going for him is that Trump is such an incompetent scumbag who will end up being responsible for mismanaging the Covid to the tune of an extra unnecessary 100,000-dead.

tim maguire म्हणाले...

Some of that's painful to read. Trump's right on most of the big issues, but the way he explains himself sounds like misdirection and panic. I know he's got a style and it works (he is president, after all), but still, I really wish he could just give a clearly articulated answer once in a while.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Trump is mocking the news format. Clicks for money.

We're the best is an aspiration. Temporizing the essence. Here's how it will come out (essence), brought back to the present (temporal).

The news format is shit.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Faure, conducting one or another of his latest new works, in response to hoots and whistles, doubled down and conducted the whole thing again from the beginning.

The audience was expecting something else. No, listen again.

Todd म्हणाले...

Trump needs to do less of these and let his press secretary do more.

I like that Trump fights but he is not a politician (another think I like) and so can not speak "politician". He is less skilled in that than he should be and his ego gets in the way.

These sorts of verbal self-owns just feed his enemies of which he has MANY. Thoughtful folks hear what people say but focus more on what they actually do. Trump DOES and he does mostly what he says he will do (at least as POTUS) so I give him props. He needs to "contain" himself better but at his age I doubt he can change. Don't get me wrong, I will gladly take another 4 years of Trump.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Wallace is a #fakenews asshole. He stuck with the Russia collusion obsession long after it was obviously bunk. He insists Flynn is a criminal and the FBI was just doing their job. He fits in perfectly with the Murdoch boys who run FNC now, and who donated $1.2M to Biden last week. Chris and his bosses are the typical Trump-hating progressives common in the DNC-Media, hateful and hypercritical of Trump with little curiosity about DNC malfeasance. Anyone who thinks Fox jeans right hasn’t suffered through more than five minutes lately.

tim maguire म्हणाले...

Howard said...the only thing Biden has going for him is that Trump is such an incompetent scumbag who will end up being responsible for mismanaging the Covid to the tune of an extra unnecessary 100,000-dead.

And do you see your assumption or do you need it pointed out to you? (I'll leave the factual inaccuracies and other related nonsense to someone else--I'm more interested in whether you even see the assumption that renders your statement meaningless.)

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

I think there my be a statistic where a greater % of Covid patients survive in the USA than any other country.

daskol म्हणाले...

Tim, I watched some of the interview. Trump came across much better live than he does in the transcript. In particular when discussing his niece, the transcript doesn't capture the emotion he was undergoing and conveying during that discussion of his family. I understand the antipathy to TV News, but Trump's media is live and direct, and not the stale written word.

MayBee म्हणाले...

If they do this with Biden, I'll be ok.

MayBee म्हणाले...

It's so weird....we have one presidential candidate who isn't doing.....anything. And he's supposedly winning in the polls.
The Dem Convention was already supposed to have taken place! And he is pretty much MIA. And winning.
I don't know what to make of any of it.

mezzrow म्हणाले...

When we place our hope in this kind of flawed instrument, will we wonder "why" when the forces of evil triumph? Without the energy injections that the rallies bring, will this man be able to sustain his improbable performance at his own advanced age? Joe Biden's cognitive calamity is no secret, but that is another conversation.

What keeps Donald Trump "wanting it"? At what point does the relentlessness of his opposition finally wear down this septuagenarian? When does he get his "second wind"? I'm not seeing it here, and I'm looking for it.

Plus, how the hell did we get here in the first place?

Mazo Jeff म्हणाले...

"Well done is better than well said" - Benjamin Franklin

lane ranger म्हणाले...

Redirecting funds away from the police to "other priorities" is not only defunding the police, it is one method of accomplishing the defunding of police. Wallace knows this, but he's playing semantic games by pretending that if Biden doesn't use the word "defund", then he's not guilty of wanting to defund the police. This exposes clearly Wallace's allegiance, beyond bias.

roesch/voltaire म्हणाले...

As Trump said about the virus "it will just go away," and a few more interviews like this and Trump will just go away in November--thankfully.

Crimso म्हणाले...

"Biden has called for redirecting some police funding for related programs—like mental health counseling."

So.....Biden has called for defunding police.

Doublethink is alive and well.

Paul Snively म्हणाले...

Yeah. He fumbled the ball on why it's "suddenly" so bad for multi-decade Democratically-controlled cities: because they're run in ways that aren't "anti-fragile." Economic policies emphasizing social spending mean sudden non-social pressures suddenly reveal underfunding. A combined public-health and economic crisis tends to induce civil unrest, which is exacerbated both by at least one side being agitated about the other receiving preferential political treatment (whether it's "the blacks benefiting unfairly from welfare" or "whites benefiting unfairly from white supremacy"). A political stance prioritizing "people over profits" reveals its economic ignorance in that people's health—physical and mental—is heavily dependent on the health of the economy generally and their ability to contribute specifically.

Democrat politics frequently gets cause and effect backwards, especially economically. So even what would otherwise be a moderate setback becomes a sociopolitical nightmare like CHOP.

M Jordan म्हणाले...

I did not want to watch it but my wife did so, naturally, we watched. And I was pleasantly surprised to see Trump dominate Wallace. It was absolute domination. Wallace’s use of voiceovers and fact-checks was unbelievably obnoxious, particularly since it was clear Wallace was trying to debate, not interview, Trump in an attempt to salvage his wounded ego from prior Trump attacks. This was so obvious and amateurish that anyone who doesn’t see it must be willfully blind. At the end Wallace throws up cherry picked “tough” questions he asked Dems in the past. Pathetic.

Further, Trump disarmed Wallace on several occasions with his simplicity, sincerity, demeanor and pushback.

Trump clear winner here. A knockout.

Equipment Maintenance म्हणाले...

Peter said: "There is NO measure in which the US has the lowest death rates in the world. Not deaths/capita nor deaths/cases."

I don't believe ANY numbers. That's a consequence of all the institutions, that should be informing us, corrupting themselves to hurt Trump.

Birkel म्हणाले...

Chris Wallace says whatever the Washington DC received wisdom might be at the moment.

He is a garbage person and performs his job poorly.
This interview has nothing to do with that opinion.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

since Hillary lost, the media are now in full "We will never be critical of any democrat ever again" mode.

Makes it easy for dems to coast thru life on fat Ukrainian energy /us tax payer money.
You can boink all the strippers you need(D)

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

Joe Biden hasn't been on a single Sunday show. He NEVER gives interviews. And that's because he can't.

This should be a MAJOR issue and the press should raise it but they won't because they are covering for Biden.

The networks should post one of those reverse countdown clocks "155 days since Biden gave an interview" or "99 days since Biden has refused to appear on our show."

This is another example why America hates the Fake News.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

Biden wants to "redirect" money from the police. Same thing as defunding.

rehajm म्हणाले...

Wallace brings up a new poll that has Biden ahead by 8 points. Trump says the polls are "fake." And he has other polls where he's leading. "I have a poll where we're leading in every swing state."

By now we all know the lack of reliability in polling, but political strategy says to attack hard when you think you're behind.

They are attacking Trump very hard this morning...

I wouldn't bet against Trump having a poll that says he's leading in the swing states. A few weeks ago Nate Silver (full disclosure: that Nate Silver) explained how that could be possible. It's possible.

A few observations on the polling this cycle:

It's more difficult to get the raw data and the assumptions. Are they hiding something?

'Independents' are a major polling category. Problems with independents- they aren't necessarily a squishy middle but also hard core party loyalists registered as independent for voting in primaries. Yet the polls are analyzed by the media as if all of them are a squishy middle...

Age: If you wanted to skew a poll to Democrats you'd target the young. Is that happening? Can't usually tell as age isn't always disclosed in the data.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Looking at the site you use... does anyone really believe China has done 90M tests and only found 80k cases? The U.S.'s testing capability is... massively higher than other countries. Much more than I had initially thought.

rehajm म्हणाले...

...who will end up being responsible for mismanaging the Covid...

Always stated but never articulated...

Michael K म्हणाले...

Why I quit watching Fox News in 2016. There is a video clip around with Biden saying he would defund the police. Howard got his DNC email instructions early today.

Greg the class traitor म्हणाले...

"Biden has called for redirecting some police funding for related programs—like mental health counseling."

Biden has called for taking funds away from the police, and spending them on Democrat groups.

Biden has called for defunding the police

"Taking funds away from" == "defunding"

You need to work on your lies, Chris Wallace

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

The only thing worse than Trump is all the other options.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi म्हणाले...

Trump whiffs on yet another opportunity to effectively hit back at his opponents. It's like he hasn't learned anything in the last 4 years. He is easily his own worst enemy.

Greg the class traitor म्हणाले...

Howard said...
A whinging, lying, complaining excuse making bitch.

That would be "every Democrat politician in office"

Thank you for playing, Howard.

Next time, you ca tell us why so many more old people died in States run by Democrat Governors

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

The media are giddy about attempting to give out death toll numbers in real time.

I doubt they are accurate.

A tell also is their reporting that a county in FL had a 94% increase.
Nope - it was 9.4% - but hey - the media are not expected to be close to accurate anyway. They are hacks, and they embrace it.

AlbertAnonymous म्हणाले...

More Trump hatred chum. Those that hate him will eat this up and get more and more rabid.

Those who love him will push back on Wallace/questions/fake polls etc.

I think Wallace is mediocre at best. I think he does have inferiority complex/can’t live up to daddy’s rep syndrome happening.

And (as said before) that Fox poll is so obviously BS that it should cement for everyone that the polls (even fox polls) are not to be trusted. A lesson we should have all learned in 2016. Other than Trump haters with desperate wishful thinking, I don’t believe there’s an honest person alive today who could possible think Biden’s “mind is sounder” than Trump.

Qwinn म्हणाले...

"for mismanaging the Covid to the tune of an extra unnecessary 100,000-dead. "

Is that "extra unnecessary 100,000 dead" calculated by saying every death in liberal states was necessary and every death in conservative states was not?

Or are they above and beyond the "2 million-plus within months" dead that was initially predicted and used to justify the lockdowns in the first place?

Odysseus म्हणाले...


according to dbdailyupdate.com, Biden had an interview
in which he said: "Joe Biden says police have "BECOME THE ENEMY" and calls for CUTTING police funding: "Yes, absolutely!""

but yeah, why did Trump agree to an interview by Wallace?
unforced error, IMO

rcocean म्हणाले...

"I think we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world." That's just wrong and Wallace tells him so. Trump doubles down, "I heard we have one of the lowest, maybe the lowest mortality rate anywhere in the world."

Come on man! Geez, and you a law professor. Trump is NOT saying we have THE lowest, he's saying we have "one of the lowest". We're in 7th - and that qualifies IMO as "One of the lowest" given their are 100 countries.

But damn that whole discussion was so dumb, and I don't mean Trump. Why the hell is Wallace DEBATING him? Why doesn't he know the USA is 7th in mortality? Isn't that his fucking job as a so-called Newsman?

He COULD have asked Trump to explain why case numbers are rising while the death rate is falling, but who cares about actual information?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Joe Smith म्हणाले...

Wallace is an insufferable lefty who is the primary example of journalism genes not being passed along from father to son.

His dad was insufferable as well, but at least he made it on his own.

Neither of them were reporters, both told stories and 'narratives.'

Michael म्हणाले...

Deaths per million population. We are way down the list. There are nearly 4 million cases active in US. 16,000 serious. 4 tenths of one percent. .004.

rcocean म्हणाले...

The most fucking annoying part of the interview is where Wallace Jumps in and TELLS Trump that "Joe Biden doesn't support defunding the police" as if he's a member of Joe Biden's campaign staff.

And then, I guess, because Joe Biden doesn't use the word "Defund", he claims Trump is wrong, wrong, wrong. That you can Defund the police - in reality - by advocating OTHER policies and by using OTHER Words is ignored.

Biden for example is in favor of "open borders". But Wallace would say that is a LIE, because Joe biden never says the EXACT WORDS: "I am in favor of open borders". Instead, Biden says, "I'll tear down the wall, not enforce the immigration laws, give every illegal alien a court hearing, reduce illegal border crossing to a misdemeanor, and give everyone Amnesty". So, he's giving us "Open borders" in reality, he's just not using the phrase!

wendybar म्हणाले...

Howard said...
A whinging, lying, complaining excuse making bitch. He's right, the only thing Biden has going for him is that Trump is such an incompetent scumbag who will end up being responsible for mismanaging the Covid to the tune of an extra unnecessary 100,000-dead.

7/20/20, 8:32 AM

With over half of those going to New York and New Jersey where the governors kept their cities open with rioting, and putting infected people in nursing homes with the most vulnerable....Can't blame Trump for the ineptablity of the Progressive governors.

rcocean म्हणाले...

Trump should simply refuse to go on any more interviews with Chris Wallace unless they are LIVE. I get the feeling that Trump actually loves battling the press, but its a poor way to get his message out, particularly when they can edit him, or put in little clips to editorialize on what he said, AFTER THE FACT.

Leland म्हणाले...

They are discussing a serious situation with metaphors and you think it wrong to call Chris Wallace fake news to his face? I think it is spot on. But yeah, the US isn't number one in fighting COVID, but if you take out the states or counties that voted for Hillary; we probably are.

dreams म्हणाले...

"Ridiculous to attack Chris Wallace like that, to call him "fake news" to his face."

Why shouldn't Trump call him out to his face for his spreading of fake news? What's your reason for saying that it's rediculous? Wallace fact checked Trump to his face saying that Biden didn't say he was going to defund the police which is fake news. Biden has said he would redirect funds away from the police so in effect that is defunding the police. Trump fights back, he was being attack by Mike Wallace and Wallace was wrong about Biden defunding the police so Trump attacked him right back to his face. Trump fights and that is why he won in 2016 and will win again in Nov.

rcocean म्हणाले...

Finally, I agree with Althouse about not watching this interviews on TV. I can't do it anymore, because my wife gets upset at me yelling at the TV. So my reasons are different. I can't stand it, and get angry at these fucking biased "Journalists" and their stupidity and arrogance. I want to hear what the President or the Candidates say, I don't give a fuck what Chris Wallace (who elected him to anything?) or Chuck Todd says about anything. And I don't want to hear them DEBATING Trump or HELPING Biden. I can only handle reading it in print.

dreams म्हणाले...

"Ridiculous to attack Chris Wallace like that, to call him "fake news" to his face."

Why shouldn't Trump call him out to his face for his spreading of fake news? What's your reason for saying that it's rediculous? Wallace fact checked Trump to his face saying that Biden didn't say he was going to defund the police which is fake news. Biden has said he would redirect funds away from the police so in effect that is defunding the police. Trump fights back, he was being attack by Mike Wallace and Wallace was wrong about Biden defunding the police so Trump attacked him right back to his face. Trump fights and that is why he won in 2016 and will win again in Nov.

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

Not a good outing for the Donald. Most people here would have done better answering those questions.

I have no problems with Chris Wallace because he is better than most. He asked Comey some tough ones. I think a lot of Demos won’t go on Fox, so he doesn’t get many swings at them. But I’m pretty sure he’d give them some chin music if they showed up. They’d rather get a tongue bath from Chuck Todd.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

WALLACE: Well we’ve asked him for an interview, sir.

This should be a major takeaway.

Char Char Binks, Esq. म्हणाले...

I don’t care about Biden’s policies. I care about his handlers policies.

dreams म्हणाले...

There is this...


traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Our greatest President ever Is still being openly threatened with Criminal Prosecution by the leading Dem politicians and the Never Trumper RINOS. Soros and Obama want to kill him to forever intimidate the Deplorables for wanting to end thrir corruption.

Wallace just pretends this is about politics as usual. This is our last chance to survive.

Nonapod म्हणाले...

One of the more frustrating things about Trump is his insistence on doubling down on his exaggerations immediately after being challenged on them. It's one thing to claim that our death rate isn't really as bad as it's being made out to be, or as bad as some people may believe. But it's quite another to simply assert something that clearly and demonstrably isn't true given all the data available. The thing that is annoying about it is that there's absolutely no reason to make such claims. It doesn't benefit him to do so. It doesn't look good. It doesn't help anyone other than his enemies and detractors. It's just bad all around.

His instincts are always to counterattack, and in many cases that's a good thing to do. But you have to be careful that your counterattack isn't far more harmful to you than to your enemies.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

Trump doesn’t always explain things that well, and part of it is that he leaves things out that everyone should know, but many don’t because they aren’t paying attention.

For example, his position about a peaceful transition of power seems to be that if the Dems can beat him fair and square, then he will play fair. But the question always assumes the gotcha - what will he do if they win by cheating? The Dems tried to cheat their way into the WH in 2000, with their highly partisan selective recounts of three counties in FL, after illegally forcing a number of military ballots in the Panhandle to be thrown out. Then Obama and Biden tried to sabotage his Administration, after he was elected, and the people they left embedded n the federal bureaucracy spent the next three years trying to remove him from office. In short, Democrats cheat. That is just what they do. What they want him to commit to is turning over the Presidency peacefully even if their cheating is so blatant that the validity of the election is in serious question. Which he would be a fool to commit to.

Which gets to the second subject. Much, if not most, of the apparent second peak of the coronavirus epidemic in this country is a direct result of testing. Which is why he said to look at the death toll, and not the infection count. The latter primarily seems to be increasing as a result of detecting asymptotic cases through massively increased testing. Massively increasing testing is one of Trump’s biggest successes here. If Crooked Hillary had won, or China Joe Biden has been in charge, the CDC would probably still be doing their several hundred tests a day, instead of hundreds of thousands a day. Moreover, the CDC has shown that it can’t even count cases even close to accurately, and their reference testing samples for outside testers, are faulty.

I think that everyone here knows the game the Dems are playing here. For example, here in MT, with testing approaching 15% of the population, a completely unsurprising explosion of new cases has appeared. Death rate isn’t up, of course, just detected cases. Duh. Dem Gov Bullock (recruited by Chuckie Scheamer to flip the Senate seat here, so he can again be majority leader) announced a public health emergency where everyone in counties with more than three active cases has to be masked in public indoors. That was Wednesday. On Thursday, this county, with a population of roughly 10k, got its 4th case. We now have to wear masks into stores. That works out to a 1/2,500 infection rate, and a likely fatality rate of < 1/250,000 (assuming a death rate of < 1% of those infected). The masking threshold here is absurd. It is completely theater, in states like this. But I have little doubt that Dem Gov Bullock will attempt mandatory mail in balloting, to help him squeak out a victory over GOP Sen Daines, as well as giving China Joe Biden a slim chance at winning. But mostly for his own chances at winning.

So, what happens if the swing states with Dem governors or Secretaries of States (after Soros two years ago having spent millions buying SoS offices around the country) manage to impose mandatory mail in voting, based on their manufactured COVID-19 healthcare crisis, where there is no chain of custody of ballots, but unionized (and Dem favoring) USPS employees get to handle each outgoing and incoming ballot, and there are multiple credible reports of election irregularities in states that are barely carried by Biden? Should Trump just concede defeat and leave peacefully? I would suggest that his committing to that would just embolden the Democrats to try to cheat even more aggressively.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

“ Democrats ended that in 2016.”

I think that they really ended that in 2000, with their attempt to steal Florida.

Gospace म्हणाले...

wendybar said...
WALLACE: There is a tradition in this country -- in fact, one of the prides of this country -- is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard-fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign that the loser concedes to the winner.

Democrats ended that in 2016.

Not quite right. Al Gore and the Democrat dominated Florida Supreme Court ended it in modern times in 2000 when they attempted to recount the votes until Al Gore had 50%+1, then stop, in order to declare him the victor. And Broward County attempted to do their recount with only Democrats in attendance outside of public view. Not to mention the major networks all called Florida for Al Gore an hour before the polls closed in the heavily Republican western panhandle of Florida- depressing the vote.

In older history- Democrats refused to accept the results of the 1860 election.

Gospace म्हणाले...

Howard said...
A whinging, lying, complaining excuse making bitch. He's right, the only thing Biden has going for him is that Trump is such an incompetent scumbag who will end up being responsible for mismanaging the Covid to the tune of an extra unnecessary 100,000-dead.

If only Trump hadn't ordered nursing homes to take in covid positive patients the death toll there wouldn't have been so large!

Oh, wait- that was the sainted Dictator Cuomo praised by all media for his skillful handling of the crisis. Which I guess means the effective killing of the old and weak which he proved skilled at.

LA_Bob म्हणाले...

tim maguire,

So true.

In the 1960's we elected two highly-experienced leaders -- Johnson and Nixon -- who suffered terribly difficult presidencies. After that we meandered unevenly down the road toward less-and-less experienced politicians -- H W Bush excepted, and he couldn't win a second term -- until we elected a political neophyte.

I still prefer him to the competition, but it's easy to see the growing cracks under pressure. No president looks good when things go poorly, and Trump has fewer allies and a much smaller reservoir of political experience to manage his troubles than almost all of his predecessors.

His too-often-out-of-control-mouth is not his strongest suit.

Ray - SoCal म्हणाले...

I view this as a learning experience for Trump. And he will learn from it, and be much better next time.

John म्हणाले...

If I didn't know better I'd say the collapsing economy, mass unemployment, raging pandemic, exploding deficit, Florida and Texas re locking down, etc. has caused even Ann's most ardent Trump supporters to lose faith in Dear Leader.

OldManRick म्हणाले...

Peter said There is NO measure in which the US has the lowest death rates in the world. Not deaths/capita nor deaths/cases

Check this out - twitter.com/mattmargolis/status/1283784304926089216

Maybe not in the world but among a good sample of European counties we are neck to neck with the lowest. US is about a 3.8% case mortality rate, the lowest in the world is 1.8% Six European countries are over 10%, . Mexico is over 10%. And it not just more testing - the US just barely hit 5% since March 21 when the numbers seem to stabilize.

It could easily be lower based on the mis-attributed deaths. Another thing to consider is that we are better at keeping our vulnerable population alive. No one that I know has normalized deaths with population comorbidity.

Yes, Trump exaggerates but the media has exaggerated more in the opposite direction.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Watch it on YouTube. The flow of back and forth was like two boxers punching from a narrative or from the truth. DJT inserts a word or two of truth in the midst of a long false narrative to Block it. So When transcribed Trump’s words do not flow like literature, but on TV they got the better of the fight.

Drago म्हणाले...

Bruce Hayden: "I think that they really ended that in 2000, with their attempt to steal Florida."

Indeed. And they came close enough to begin trying to replicate that attempted theft with their 2004/Ohio lies....but it wasn't quite close enough for Kerry to go the Full Gore.

We are now at the 20 year mark of the democrats officially rejecting and refusing to accept any republican win at the Presidential level.

Remember "Selected, Not Elected" in 2000?

That was also the first time the dems trotted out the "Traitor" ploy by claiming that W Bush had conspired with OBL to bring down the Twin Towers with controlled explosions.

Remember "LIHOP/MIHOP"? (Let it happen on purpose/made it happen on purpose)

Every single thing the dems like Howard are lying about now re: Trump was test marketed against W in 2000 and 2004.

Every single thing.

Drago म्हणाले...

Bruce Hayden: "I think that they really ended that in 2000, with their attempt to steal Florida."

Indeed. And they came close enough to begin trying to replicate that attempted theft with their 2004/Ohio lies....but it wasn't quite close enough for Kerry to go the Full Gore.

We are now at the 20 year mark of the democrats officially rejecting and refusing to accept any republican win at the Presidential level.

Remember "Selected, Not Elected" in 2000?

That was also the first time the dems trotted out the "Traitor" ploy by claiming that W Bush had conspired with OBL to bring down the Twin Towers with controlled explosions.

Remember "LIHOP/MIHOP"? (Let it happen on purpose/made it happen on purpose)

Every single thing the dems like Howard are lying about now re: Trump was test marketed against W in 2000 and 2004.

Every single thing.

And that's in addition to calling every republican candidate and winner since 1980 a literal "hitler".

dreams म्हणाले...

Mike Wallace was disrespectful to Trump and was spreading fake news, he's a sorry-ass liberal swamp dweller.

"Wallace cited Dr. Redfield of the CDC! Like the WHO, the CDC is shot through with bias and corruption. After all that has been revealed about that institution, it is shocking Wallace would bring it up. Wallace of course reveres the duplicitous publicity-hound Dr. Fauci who has been wrong on nearly all aspects of the virus from day one, just as he was during the AIDS epidemic. Wallace showed clips of Trump early on in the pandemic but none of Fauci’s wrong-headed predictions and prescriptions. That is how the left produces its fake news. It picks and chooses the bits and pieces of what has actually occurred and paints a thoroughly dishonest picture of the truth. For example, Joe Biden is on record calling for the de-funding of the police but Wallace denied this. It was in an interview, not so baldly stated in his frightening Biden-Sanders Unity Agreement, a document that should scare the hell out of every American."


Drago म्हणाले...

John: "If I didn't know better I'd say the collapsing economy, mass unemployment, raging pandemic, exploding deficit, Florida and Texas re locking down, etc. has caused even Ann's most ardent Trump supporters to lose faith in Dear Leader."

Keep telling yourself that.

BTW, did you get a fair price for your commemorative President Hillary china set on eBay?

WhoKnew म्हणाले...

While I don't watch much news at all these days, I think that Trump has to be watched as his style comes across much better when you can actually hear him speak than when it is transcribed. But you gotta admire the chutzpah of the media:
1) BLM and allies call for defunding the police.
2) People correctly call them out for advocating a disastrous policy.
3) their enablers in the media and the democratic party (but I repeat myself) explain that they don't really mean "defund" the police, but that "defund the police" means they just want to reallocate funds to community service, mental health, etc. etc. Which, by the way is likely to be just as disastrous.
4) Biden strongly supports reallocating funds to community service, mental health, etc. etc. in response to the "defund the police" calls
5) But! Biden didn't mean defund the police because he didn't publicly support the first definition of "defund" which all the smartest people tell me isn't what they really meant anyway.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

MayBee said...It's so weird....we have one presidential candidate who isn't doing.....anything. And he's supposedly winning in the polls.

The DNC media has always directed the Democrat POTUS campaigns. Now it is just more obvious.

It is the next logical step. It really doesn't matter who the Dems run, they will take care of it.

wendybar म्हणाले...

rcocean said...
Finally, I agree with Althouse about not watching this interviews on TV. I can't do it anymore, because my wife gets upset at me yelling at the TV. So my reasons are different. I can't stand it, and get angry at these fucking biased "Journalists" and their stupidity and arrogance. I want to hear what the President or the Candidates say, I don't give a fuck what Chris Wallace (who elected him to anything?) or Chuck Todd says about anything. And I don't want to hear them DEBATING Trump or HELPING Biden. I can only handle reading it in print.

7/20/20, 10:04 AM

Get yourself a nerf gun...it works great for times like that!!! haha!!

wendybar म्हणाले...

John: "If I didn't know better I'd say the collapsing economy, mass unemployment, raging pandemic, exploding deficit, Florida and Texas re locking down, etc. has caused even Ann's most ardent Trump supporters to lose faith in Dear Leader."

Why would we blame Trump for the things the Democrats are causing???

John म्हणाले...

Why would we blame Trump for the things the Democrats are causing???

Abbott and DeSantis re-locking down is caused by democrats? How delusional you are.

sunsong म्हणाले...

I'm hoping donald does Many, many more interviews LOL

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

I just created this spreadsheet that calculates the case fatality rate based on Worldometers data as of about 5 minutes ago. The US's case fatality rate is 3.66%, and is better than every single major European country except for Russia, Austria, Slovakia, Estonia, and the various Balkan states- and significantly better, not just a little, over the rest.

Now, surely, a lot of this is due to the fact that the US has definitely captured a higher percent of the actual infected by it's insane amount of testing (same applies to Russia), but the fact also remains that the USA's death totals are probably going to remain overweighted in just a handful of states like MA, NY, NJ, MI, and IL. The USA is very heterogeneous in this regard- 24 of the 50 states have CFRs under 2%, and a majority of the rest are under 3%.

John म्हणाले...

MayBee said...It's so weird....we have one presidential candidate who isn't doing.....anything. And he's supposedly winning in the polls.

As Napoleon said, "When you're enemy is making a mistake, take care not to interrupt him."

walter म्हणाले...

"There's a topic switch. Talk about the weather. Again."
Oh..and Wallace bringing up past criticism of him via his kid was not?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...
I don’t care about Biden’s policies. I care about his handlers policies.
Much like Gov. Evers.

Hey, how's Hunter doing?

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Why shouldn't Trump call him out to his face for his spreading of fake news?"

Because at the point where he said it Chris Wallace wasn't doing fake news! Trump was wrong, and at worst there was a disagreement about a fact (or more likely the meaning of a term), and they needed to work that out. Trump's instinct, which he didn't resist, is to go meta and declare "Fake news!" It's lame, it's unpleasant escalating, and it makes Trump seem dishonest, and it's wasting our time and fogging things up. It's awful and it's embarrassing. He's the President of the United States... somehow.

John म्हणाले...

Keep telling yourself that.

Telling myself what? These are indisputable facts. There is mass unemployment. The deficit has exploded. Texas and Florida's republican governors have had to re-lockdown parts of their economy.

To quote Reagan (and Biden on November 2th), "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

Ken B म्हणाले...

If I play Russian roulette over and over would you ask “why today” when it kills me? If I drink and drive daily do you ask “why today” when I run into someone? The bad governance of blue cities was just waiting for a stressor to break them.

PubliusFlavius म्हणाले...

Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance
and feeding radiation

T.V., it
Satellite links
Our United States of Unconsciousness
Apathetic therapeutic
and extremely addictive
The methadone metronome
pumping out 150000 channels 24 hours a day
You can flip through all of them
And still there's nothing worth watching
T.V. is the reason why
less than 10 per cent of our
Nation reads books daily
Why most people think Central Amerika
Means Kansas

Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy-Television the drug of the nation


Did Mr. Wallace sprain his arm whilst patting himself on his back for his service to truth?

dreams म्हणाले...

"He's the President of the United States... somehow."

He's the President of the United States and will be for four more years. MAGA!

Iman म्हणाले...

Wallace usually goes very soft on Democrats. And he doesn’t interrupt them often... Republicans don’t get the same treatment. Trump was right to point that out.

I’m not a fan. Just as I was not a fan of Mike Wallace.

Readering म्हणाले...

At least he can identify an elephant.

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

"I heard we have one of the lowest, maybe the lowest mortality rate anywhere in the world."

I'll give Trump this one, he's only saying that he heard it not that it's true. "Where did you hear that?" is the followup Chris Wallace should have asked.

"TRUMP: And I answered all 35 questions correctly...."

Of course Trump is proud, it's the first time in his life that he aced a test! Or did he? Maybe he just heard that he aced it.

"I think that just means he needs the room to challenge the result if there is fraud and it's enough to affect the outcome (or just a very close vote and a need for a recount as in 2000)."

There you go, Trumpsplaining again. "I'll keep you in suspense" covers a lot more ground than that.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"He's the President of the United States... somehow."

-- Primarily because Hillary Clinton couldn't be bothered to campaign in swing states, despite *a previous and current President of the United States telling her she needed to do so to win,* because she was confident she could beat Trump, especially after using the media to push Trump to the front of the pack, and then knee-cap him. Why wasn't she 50 points ahead, in deed?

Trump is president because Hillary Clinton is a terrible politician.

Birkel म्हणाले...

Althouse grouses about Trump's style.
Somehow he is president.

Meanwhile cities burn and businesses fail.

Or... How Trump Lost Me.

These are the policy choices Althouse wants, whether she pretends otherwise or not.
If you vote for Democratics, then you want cancel culture and big business/big government collusion to diminish Hod-given rights.

Own what you want.

Birkel म्हणाले...

I hope the mobs attack the respective neighborhoods of Left Bank and readering.
That is what they're voting for and I want them to get it.

Iman म्हणाले...

His puppeteers are keeping Biden in the basement, with the mushrooms.

Kept in the dark and fed a steady diet of malarkey and bullschiff...

Douglas B. Levene म्हणाले...

Trump's failure to read written analyses and dig into the details, is going to be his end. It makes him look bad, especially on matters like the pandemic where the public wants sober, serious, informed leadership. The president doesn't have to be right all the time, especially on something like this pandemic where it's not clear what right is, but he does have to be prepared and at least seem to be trying hard. This is a self-inflicted wound, and maybe he can fix it, but it's already pretty late in the game. Get ready to join the anti-Biden Resistance(tm).

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

If you eliminate all the countries with fewer than 10,000 confirmed cases, here is the list of countries of with fatality rates higher the US:


Qwinn म्हणाले...

Trump's claims were far more accurate than Wallace's.

Here's just one:


Jim at म्हणाले...

If I didn't know better I'd say the collapsing economy, mass unemployment, raging pandemic, exploding deficit, Florida and Texas re locking down, etc. has caused even Ann's most ardent Trump supporters to lose faith in Dear Leader.

You obviously don't know better. Thanks for telling us up front.

Jim at म्हणाले...

Telling myself what? These are indisputable facts. There is mass unemployment. The deficit has exploded. Texas and Florida's republican governors have had to re-lockdown parts of their economy.

And precisely none of that has to do with Trump.

Is there one semi-intelligent leftist anywhere? Just one?

DINKY DAU 45 म्हणाले...

at least he can identify an elephant ABOUT SUMS IT UP!! :)

Gk1 म्हणाले...

As Napoleon said, "When you're enemy is making a mistake, take care not to interrupt him."

Yes I'm seeing Biden's "basement strategy" being bandied about as being a brilliant masterstroke while trump is thrashing about and watching his numbers tank.

But this isn't really a strategy is it? At some point people will be forgetting Trump is even being opposed at election time or when they see who is opposing him just give up because it looks rigged. Joe Biden has dementia. A majority of voters will have to decide whether that's good enough to replace Trump. Those are long odds.

walter म्हणाले...

Lefty Bank,
You must really be upset you're going to vote Biden, completely caught out lying about his degrees and standing..back when he wasn't demented.

rehajm म्हणाले...

He's the President of the United States... somehow

You shoulda seen the other guy....

John म्हणाले...

And precisely none of that has to do with Trump.

The buck stops with him. He claimed that, "Only I can fix it." Most people think we're more broken then when he was elected.

When Biden goes on TV on November 2 and says, "Are you better off than you were 4 years ago." Most people are going to have to say, "No."

Rabel म्हणाले...

"It's awful and it's embarrassing."

Ma'am, would you like to speak to the manager?

Birkel म्हणाले...

John speaks for most of the people and voices in Xis own head.

PubliusFlavius म्हणाले...


Let me count the ways!

1)Criminal Candidate(hitlary)

Clutches oyster's treasures!

2)Criminal Class (DoJ, FBI, Corporate Press)

But HOW?

3) A Populace weary of being reamed by the 2 wings of the WAR/BANK party.


Suspicion is your name
Your honesty to blame
Put dignity to shame
Witchhunt, modern day
Determining decay
The blatant disarray
The public eyes' disgrace
Defying common place
Unending paper chase
This vertigo it doth bring

Metallica-The Shortest Straw

PubliusFlavius म्हणाले...


Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

“But this isn't really a strategy is it? At some point people will be forgetting Trump is even being opposed at election time or when they see who is opposing him just give up because it looks rigged. Joe Biden has dementia. A majority of voters will have to decide whether that's good enough to replace Trump. Those are long odds”

This is going to be interesting. I still think that the Dems are going to need someone else, come fall, when the race heats up, and the public starts to take notice. But this basement strategy is working so well right now that there doesn’t seem to be an incentive to push him out. Their window of opportunity is quickly disappearing. We are nearing the end of July, and the traditional start of the election season starts on Labor Day. Maybe six weeks. Meanwhile he has to pick a running mate (Harris apparently took herself out of the running with her botched plastic surgery), and try to carry some enthusiasm out of their virtual convention.

LA_Bob म्हणाले...

John said, " Most people think we're more broken then when he was elected."

That remains to be seen, of course. But I think Trump's presidency has really exposed just how broken the Federal government has been for a long time. And the national press as well.

No one can fix this mess. Not Trump nor anyone else. And certainly not in four or eight years.

effinayright म्हणाले...

John said...
Why would we blame Trump for the things the Democrats are causing???

Abbott and DeSantis re-locking down is caused by democrats? How delusional you are.

Nice try. The comment was obviously directed toward the destruction and the rioting in Dem-controlled cities.

The covid death/million numbers for Tex and FLA are STILL way below those of the Northeast states.

By a factor of eight to ten times.

See for yourself:


Michael K म्हणाले...

it makes Trump seem dishonest, and it's wasting our time and fogging things up. It's awful and it's embarrassing. He's the President of the United States... somehow.

Gosh, how did he ever make those billions ? I am amused by all these political experts who are convinced he can't win and "somehow" managed to get elected last time.

John म्हणाले...

Gosh, how did he ever make those billions ?

He inherited them from his father.

John म्हणाले...

The covid death/million numbers for Tex and FLA are STILL way below those of the Northeast states.

But growing exponentially. I’m sure someone like you understands the implication of that.

Bunkypotatohead म्हणाले...

Less than 1% of the populace watches this crap. Most of the arguments here are moot.

Gk1 म्हणाले...

"He inherited them from his father."

Trump’s Inheritance
Fred Trump died in 1999 with an estimated net wealth between $250 million and $300 million according to a New York Times article at the time of death.8 While the specific amount Trump inherited from his father has not been revealed, a Jan. 2016 article from the New York Times shows that Trump's will divided $20 million after taxes among his living children including Donald.

Gee, that seems like less than the 3 billion dollars trump has now. But whatever helps you sleep at night sweetie.

effinayright म्हणाले...

John said...
The covid death/million numbers for Tex and FLA are STILL way below those of the Northeast states.

But growing exponentially. I’m sure someone like you understands the implication of that.

I'm sure that YOU understand what the word "exponentially" means.

Do you?

Please show us where the death rate X became the death rate 10 X and so on.

Give it a shot.

John म्हणाले...

Please show us where the death rate X became the death rate 10 X and so on.

Give it a shot.

I can do better than that. We had the first death on Feb 28. Two weeks later we had 10/day. Three weeks later we had 100/day. Four weeks later we had 1000/day.

Did you really not know this happened?

John म्हणाले...

Fred Trump died in 1999 with an estimated net wealth between $250 million and $300 million according to a New York Times article at the time of death.

But that wasn't the actual amount. You'll recall that Fred Trump, before he died, had a portfolio of real estate appraised for estate tax purposes at $40 million. A year after his death it was sold for $1 billion. See the investigation below:


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