July 16, 2020

Found in the street — note the tire marks — near our house.



whitney said...

If trump wins the country will burn. That's obvious

Temujin said...

I'll take TDS for 1000, Alex.

Iman said...

My guy screwed up... he was supposed to nail it to your front door.

Mr. Forward said...

“ Tellingly, out of the top ten cities for violence, looting, and arson, the average vote for Clinton was 77 percent. In the ten cities with the least destruction, Clinton won 53 percent of the vote.

That a city’s political leanings are more likely to lead to a breakdown in law and order in service of political protest shouldn’t be a surprise. In this, Seattle, with a black population of 7 percent, San Francisco (5 percent), Portland, Oregon (6 percent), and Madison, Wisconsin (7 percent) have one big thing in common with Washington D.C. and Atlanta, with black populations of 47 percent and 52 percent, respectively: They are all governed by the far-left.”
The Federalist, Chuck DeVore

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

you forgot "Throw a party and get drunk on leftist tears"

Kevin said...

Does Mead have an alibi?

Is this post to throw people off his trail?

Yancey Ward said...

Ah, you finally found the work of someone in Madison who the media can call a rioter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

C then B then A

Oh wait. I'm not inga.

Ice Nine said...

For those to whom we know this is addressed:

No. 1 works for me,
No. 2 does not since they will still have a vote, though it would be an improvement,
No.3 though messy, again works well for me, but not for them, since it gets a Republican elected again in '24,
and we all know the likelihood of No.4 is nil so why waste the ink?

Gordy said...

Eat popcorn and watch riots on TV. I can't wait.

PM said...

Shouldn't that be Re-Commit Suicide?

Limited blogger said...

How is that even possible?

Susan said...

If Trump wins I will probably spend the next weeks listening to my husband replaying the videos of the various liberal meltdowns.

He found it hilarious. I thought their behavior was sad and pathetic.

I would hope all those people would have grown up by now and learned to lose with some dignity. All signs point to, no. No they have not.

tim maguire said...

Well put. It is, of course, a truism, that, if you want to know what the left is up to, look to what they are accusing their opponents of.

Joe Smith said...

I would respect the lefties more if, when they threaten to leave the country, they actually leave.

I guarantee those tire tracks won't match up to a Prius : )

Sebastian said...

Or launch another coup with another collusion hoax and another impeachment effort?

rehajm said...

In Madison? The answer is: the first option.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Have an old-fashioned while having old-fashioned sex in my old-fashioned bedroom while singing the star spangled banner and smoking a Cuban cigar.

rehajm said...

...but perhaps in reverse order.

tommyesq said...

What about those for whom going on with their lives comprises all of the above?

Daniel Jackson said...

This is a choice?

Mary Beth said...

I'll take TDS for 1000, Alex.

Looks like they are mocking TDS.

Darkisland said...

Sounds like extortion to me.

Vote for Trump and we will continue burning your city down.

Unless, you vote for sane sensible mayoral and city council people who will put a stop to this bullshit.

And vote for PDJT so he will help when asked.

John Henry

Vance said...

You forgot 4) If your name is Chuck, get gunned down by the Secret Service as you attack the White House in your underwear with a butter knife all while screaming "George Bush forevvvvverrrrrrrr!"

Drago said...

Another of Howard's Heroes in action on the streets of New York:


For Howard, its like watching the opening scenes of Saving Private Ryan.

Remember, this "spark of divinity" lad is simply upset about Confederate statues....plus if you look carefully you can see Steve Bannon whispering to him from the bushes....

MountainMan said...

If Biden is elected and actually begins to follow through on the 110 page program he put together with Bernie Sanders my wife and I have decided we will move to another country to continue our retirement. We are down to two that we are evaluating.

Danno said...

My guy screwed up... he was supposed to nail it to your front door.

I only thought theses were nailed to doors, church doors.

Tinderbox said...

Hopefully detectives are on the case examining all local security cameras to catch who would litter the street with expressions of such oppressive white supremacist hatred.

n.n said...

They will "protest" like it's 2016, and the "Deep State" in collusion with foreign and domestic private institutions, this time without Obama's aid, will stoke diversity and exclusion, and strive to cancel people for another 16 trimesters. Hopefully, Trump has managed to separate the wheat from the chaff to mitigate this progress.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Now that’s an interesting poll! What were the results?

Tomcc said...

I'm thinking that whitney @ 1:41 is correct. Here in Portland there was a considerable amount of civil disturbance in November of 2016.
The follow-up question is: what will the rest of us do in response?

gbarto said...

If Trump wins, the cities will burn.

The whole country? We'll see.

Unknown said...

WHEN DHT wins (fore-drawn conclusion)the earth will be awash in melted snowflake tears!

OSU '92 said...

They forgot an obvious option. Encourage Dems to impeach based on bogus charge of X. I expect that if DJT wins the Democrats will impeach him again. Just not sure what story they are going to fabricate, but with a NY Times/MSM Assist they will find something.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

That's funny because it's a valid question. How do Progs rationalize living their affluent, privileged lives in a state of raw hysteria for four years? What do they do when they face four more?

Actually, I believe they love the drama. None of it really touches them. They crave four more years of Trump. Do you want to be La Pasionaria or do you want to make lamesass excuses for senile Joe?

Todd said...

Go figure!?! "Have a celebratory drink or two or three." was not on the list?!?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

MeatPopscicle1234 said... you forgot "Throw a party and get drunk on leftist tears"

That was my first choice too!!!

Todd said...

MountainMan said...
If Biden is elected and actually begins to follow through on the 110 page program he put together with Bernie Sanders my wife and I have decided we will move to another country to continue our retirement. We are down to two that we are evaluating.

7/16/20, 2:51 PM

Which two if you don't mind?

I have had that same conversation with my spouse. My #1 (far ahead of #2) is a place I can take/keep my guns. That narrows it down a LOT.

Jim at said...

Didn't they promise to leave the country last time? And the time before that? And the one before that?

Roy Lofquist said...

Canada! It's always Canada. They never say they're going to move to Mexico. That's racist, I tell you. Racist!

Gordy said...

I expect that if DJT wins the Democrats will impeach him again.

I'll be shocked if the Dems keep the House this year.

MadisonMan said...

As with all elections, I will look at the results, and hope for the best.

Dave Begley said...


This is really a great find by you as it just highlights how rabid and hysterical the Dems are.

My youngest was in college when Trump won. She said she was afraid. I said, "Of what?" The academic scholarship winner had no answer. She was afraid because all of her friends (and maybe her teachers) were afraid.

paminwi said...

I vote the nut cases choose #1.
I hear cities have purchased refrigerated trucks for the people dying of Covid that they don’t have room for in their morgues.
They can use them again for all the suicides.
Kind of a 2 for 1 scenario.

The Godfather said...

If Biden wins, I plan to move to Venezuela. By about June 2022, you're going to wish you'd bought in early while prices were still higher in the US than in Caracas.

Howard said...

If Trump wins I'll bet more on Wall Street.

roesch/voltaire said...

Not to worry judging by the recent uptick in corruption the Trump flock is getting ready to fly the coup shedding a few tax returns on the way out.

holdfast said...

I am perfectly OK with them choosing one, two and/or four.

Except of course no country will allow them in thanks to the pandemic.

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "Not to worry judging by the recent uptick in corruption...."

Would this be an "uptick" of new hoax corruption and crimes on top of your previous hoax corruption and crimes?

Really, I shouldn't bother asking you substantive questions since you went ALL IN on Crack's hilarious accusation that whites invented slavery, murder, rape and lying (yes, Crack included "lying"!) and that whites only did these things for 300 years before anyone else.

R/V chimed in with full support for that.

It was.....illuminating.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Covid ruined my hope of getting into a FEMA camp. I suppose a refrigerated truck would be nice in this heat.

Drago said...

OSU '92: "They forgot an obvious option. Encourage Dems to impeach based on bogus charge of X. I expect that if DJT wins the Democrats will impeach him again. Just not sure what story they are going to fabricate, but with a NY Times/MSM Assist they will find something."

If the dems retain the House and gain the Senate in the event of a Trump win in 2020, prepare yourself for a rolling 24 month impeachment exercise where the dems in the House will simply lob up another set of impeachment articles every month or so in order to keep the Senate in permanent Impeachment Trial Mode through to the 2022 election while the Senate dems basically grind all government to a halt and vote to haul every single member of the executive branch up to the Hill and the dems street shock troops continue to burn inner cities.

The dems already know they can count on Romney support for all of that and possibly Collins if she wins reelection.

Murkowski will refuse to go along this time because she will be up for reelection in 2022 and can't afford to make it look that obvious prior to Nov of 2022.

Josephbleau said...

If Trump wins I will apply for the Jefferson Davis Chair for professor of Confederate and Cotton Horticulture Studies at UNC Chapel Hill, of course.

Rick said...

He found it hilarious. I thought their behavior was sad and pathetic.

Their behavior was sad and pathetic, and therefore hilarious. Everyone wins.

DavidUW said...

If Trump wins, I'll make a **** ton more money and retire Dec. 31, 2025 before the tax laws expire. Or perhaps Dec. 31, 2024 if a Dem is elected + Dem Congress and before the inauguration hits the fan.

If Biden wins, well, St. Kitt's offers citizenship for a mere $250k. Or 6 years tax holiday in Uruguay. either way. Both locations have women that are my type, and hey, remote work.

DavidUW said...

But either way, I'm out of this country, just whether it's a few months away or a few years. I have enough to retire somewhere foreign and nice. it's just a question of style.

Sad really. I like America, I really do but Americans. Well. they all have gone crazy.

Josephbleau said...

"Blogger roesch/voltaire said...

Not to worry judging by the recent uptick in corruption "

Listen to yourself. How are you measuring this corruption?

Amadeus 48 said...

The proper answer is obvious.

It is what I did when Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, HW Bush, Clinton, W Bush, Obama, and Trump won. Only an idiot would do anything else. Of course, I was four months old when Truman won, so it was hard to do anything else.

Openidname said...

"MountainMan said...

"If Biden is elected and actually begins to follow through on the 110 page program he put together with Bernie Sanders my wife and I have decided we will move to another country to continue our retirement. We are down to two that we are evaluating."

"Todd said...

"Which two if you don't mind?"

I'm with MountainMan. I've settled on Israel, but that only works if you're Jewish, like me. They really encourage Jews to move there, with perks such as five months of free language training. Firearms are permitted, though restricted somewhat. What mostly attracts me is that a wide range of opinions exists and is tolerated.

Susan said...

I am sitting in a very yuppy upscale college town waiting for my grandson's American Legion double header to start. Since I was coming here I came early so I could stop at the shopping center.

There was a Trump Train campaign bus with tables of merchandise in front of it in the parking lot. There was a huge throng of people around it. They were doing a very brisk business. The majority of the customers were under 25. Taking pictures of each other in front of the bus and sporting their new KAGA hats and shirts.

I was shocked to say the least.

Unless they were spending money and posting their pictures ironically, which did not seem to be the case, I'd say he has this towns youth vote.

If they were at the American Legion game, maybe I would have expected it. But they were just random piercing encrusted, multicolor hair wearing young adults like you see anywhere.

Wonder what they will be doing if Trump wins?

David in Cal said...

Old joke:

She: If I turn down your proposal, will you really commit suicide?
He: That has been my usual practice.

Those who remained here after threatening to leave the country in 2016 can hardly repeat the threat in 2020.

Josephbleau said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

not on the list:
Blame the Russians.

ding ding ding!

Josephbleau said...

My first inclination is that all these racisit papers are hoaxes made by those that report them.

Birkel said...

roesch/voltaire thinks that comment is clever.

Let's ponder what sort of person would think that.

C R Krieger said...

I liked it.

Regards. -- Cliff

Big Mike said...

Sounds like extortion to me.

Vote for Trump and we will continue burning your city down.

Note that they do not promise not to burn the cities down anyway, even if Slow Joe does get elected. So what does anyone have to lose?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I'm not worried.

Maryland's GOP governor publishes a scathing indictment of Trump's coronavirus response

stevew said...

Slight edit: I will celebrate the results of the election and go on with my life.

Inga said...

“I'm not worried.”

Me neither. Trump is done.

Drago said...

Beijing Boy: "Maryland's GOP governor publishes a scathing indictment of Trump's coronavirus responsed"



It seems like only yesterday he was the great FakeCon Grifter hope to take out Trump...This Time For Sure!

Hogan "rocketed" up to about 0.03% support in the republican primary polls before "declining" to run against Trump.

Well gee Larry....are you sure about not running? After all, that was quite a "popular" groundswell building underneath you and "propelling" you towards a possible nomination....wasn't it?

Drago said...

Meanwhile, more bad news for Beijing Boy's Beloved ChiCom heroes:

"UK bans Huawei from its 5G network in rapid about-face"

July 14, 2020

And this is on top of Trump putting together a multi-national front in standing up to the ChiCom's and their expansionist plans in the South China Sea:

"China Says U.S. Navy Exercises In South China Sea Undermine Stability In Region"

Interesting Observation: ARM's posting tempo at Althouse appears to be in perfect synchronous alignment with Beijing's whining about the world catching on to their commie shenanigans.

Not a coincidence.

madAsHell said...

I was shocked to say the least.

I saw an Obama/Biden 2008 bumper sticker at the Safeway today. I'm sure the swell of Biden/??? 2020 bumper stickers is just around the corner.

Full disclosure: I still live in the Soviet of Seattle.

Nichevo said...

"Which two if you don't mind?"

I'm with MountainMan. I've settled on Israel, but that only works if you're Jewish, like me. They really encourage Jews to move there, with perks such as five months of free language training. Firearms are permitted, though restricted somewhat. What mostly attracts me is that a wide range of opinions exists and is tolerated.

7/16/20, 5:50 PM

Yes, except...same as everyone else's bolt-hole...if the USA falls, where else will be safe?

Chuck said...

I’m reminded of William F. Buckley’s Quixotic run for Mayor of the City of New York In 1965. Asked what was the first thing he would do if he won, Buckley replied, “Demand a recount!”

roesch/voltaire said...

Drago I think Mary Trump could give you a little insight into corruption past and for now look at where the no contract bids go.

Ken B said...

Interesting how many do not see that the flier is criticizing the hysteria we have seen since 2016.

Gordy said...

Interesting how many do not see that the flier is criticizing the hysteria we have seen since 2016.

The riots have even made conservatives out of Althouse's weirdo neighbors.

mikee said...

I, for one, am willing to bet on the United States Postal Service to save the day, and the country, from another Trump term. If they can't manufacture enough votes to push whoever replaces Biden over the finish line ahead of Trump, what have they been preparing for all these years, practicing with the junk mail deliveries?

mikee said...

I, for one, am willing to bet on the United States Postal Service to save the day, and the country, from another Trump term. If they can't manufacture enough mailed-in votes to push whoever replaces Biden over the finish line ahead of Trump, what have they been preparing for all these years, practicing with the junk mail deliveries?

Stu Grimshaw said...

Hogan has always been neverTrump. I figured it was so the Dems couldn’t use Trump against him in deep blue Maryland. He was still in his first term in 2016 - needed to win re-election.

Now that he’s won re-election and is term limited I think he wants to run for Senate. Same theory. But then again maybe he’s a true believer. Either way, anything Trump-positive is electoral poison in MD. For every level headed person here there are about 5 Ingas.

Unknown said...

Stay and defend your country.

If your liberties and your possessions continue to be eroded, be prepared to go all in with what you have left. What is your life for? Take a piece out of them. Get bloody.

Josephbleau said...

Nothing good has come out of Maryland separate of the US Navy, including my ex wife.

Josephbleau said...

“Drago I think Mary Trump could give you a little insight into corruption past and for now look at where the no contract bids go.”

The no contract bids go to Trudeau in Canada with the we guys who get government bucks because they paid Treudeau., Canadians love him and it’s ok if he gets money from Lavaul in Montreal. He should get payoffs because he is so dreamy, that is how Canadians work.

Mary Trump is a feckless liar.

Mary Beth said...

Interesting how many do not see that the flier is criticizing the hysteria we have seen since 2016.

I agree. I think it's clearly mocking the first group.

JaimeRoberto said...

When I was traveling through Croatia in 1996 I met a guy who was returning home for the first time since the war. He was a Croat who lived in a majority Serb area. He said that when you see your neighbor sign up for the Serb militia you have three choices. You join the Croat militia, you do nothing and hope they don't kill you, or you leave. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

What’s wrong with going on with your life and not accepting the results of the election? We know that’s what the Trumpers would do. And really, insisting people accept the results of the election, isn’t that civility bullshit?

DanTheMan said...

>> Trump is done.

I actually agree with Inga.

The Dem vote fraud machine took the day off last time, since Hillary was a lock to take at least 300 electoral votes.
They won't make that mistake again.
Trump is going to lose in the most fraudulent election in US history.

If by some miracle he wins, the over/under on impeachments is 3.

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "Drago I think Mary Trump could give you a little insight into corruption past and for now look at where the no contract bids go."


Sounds legit! If only Robert Mueller could get the band back together and look into that!

We already know where so many of the no contract bids went. Right into Nancy Pelosi's, Diane Feinstein's and Joe Biden's family pockets.

But just to make sure, we should have Inga go into another svengali-like trance and tell us what all the key players are really thinking.

daskol said...

Yes, except...same as everyone else's bolt-hole...if the USA falls, where else will be safe?

It's not exactly safe, but I've studied the post-apocalyptic literature: if you're in outlying Australia, like maybe Tasmania, or New Zealand, you would seem to have a good chance of dying last.

Ray - SoCal said...

So which stage of Shock Anger Denial Bargaining Acceptance does this reflect?

My guess bargaining.

I am surprised to see this type item so early.

If Trump wins, and the GOP keeps the Senate, I expect life to go back to normal. A lot of this BS is being done to sway the election. Hillary Lost, and the cities did not burn. Trump will have a lot more Freedom after the election. Right now he has to play mostly nice, so he can get re-elected.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Sounds like extortion to me.

“Vote for Trump and we will continue burning your city down.”

Nope. Not going to happen.

Violent AntiFA, BLM, etc looters and arsonists are being allowed, and even encouraged, by Dem politicians to riot, loot, and burn their deep blue cities. Damage to just Minneapolis alone was maybe $500m, a half a billion dollars. The mayor asked Trump to declare his city a disaster area, in order to get reimbursed by FEMA for allowing the violent rioting, looting, and burning. Trump laughed at her, and reminded her that it was her problem. She allowed, even encouraged it, and turned down Trump’s offer of troops. Why should the cities and states that managed to maintain order, pay for those who didn’t bother trying to do so?

All it takes to shut it down is the will to do so. When the violent AntiFA and BLM rioters and arsonists try to venture out into more conservative environs, they tend to get shut down hard. Just arrest them and subject them to a bit of police brutality. This is completely legal, if done while attempting to effect arrests for assaulting the police. For the bulk of the rioters, being subjected to both of those is enlightening, and very disheartening. If the deep blue city governments that have been facilitating the rioting, looting, and arson, don’t have the strength to shut it down, it is all on them. We don’t care. Our cities aren’t burned out and looted. For the most part, the people living in the cities that burned are going to be paying, and that is just fine with the more conservative half of the county.

The other thing to keep in mind is that the looting and burning was allowed, and even encouraged, in order to sucker Trump into overreacting, and thus losing the election. Except he didn’t take the bait. They desperately wanted their Kent State. They didn’t get it. But the gloves can come off after the election.

Rusty said...

One thing is a cetainty. There will be massive vote fraud from the dems. We, the rational people, need a strategy to counter it.

Mr. Forward said...

roesch/voltaire said...”Drago I think Mary Trump could give you a little insight into corruption past and for now look at where the no contract bids go.”

Sounds reasonable. Who doesn’t call their niece into the room when discussing shady deals?

wendybar said...

Sane people go on with their lives...we know what insane people do...they are doing it today....almost 4 years after their candidate lost.

Nichevo said...

"China Says U.S. Navy Exercises In South China Sea Undermine Stability In Region"

Interesting Observation: ARM's posting tempo at Althouse appears to be in perfect synchronous alignment with Beijing's whining about the world catching on to their commie shenanigans.

Not a coincidence.

It never occurred to me, ARM, that you could, actually, be in the pay or otherwise in the service of the Chinese government, but really, have you or will you ever do anything which would disabuse us of that notion?

Left Bank of the Charles said...
What’s wrong with going on with your life and not accepting the results of the election? We know that’s what the Trumpers would do. And really, insisting people accept the results of the election, isn’t that civility bullshit?

“ME: Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it. “HER: What's that?"

Nichevo said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
What’s wrong with going on with your life and not accepting the results of the election? We know that’s what the Trumpers would do. And really, insisting people accept the results of the election, isn’t that civility bullshit?

“ME: Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it. “Left Bank: What's that?"

Todd said...

Openidname said...

I've settled on Israel, but that only works if you're Jewish, like me.

7/16/20, 5:50 PM

Does "Jewish blood" count or you have to be practicing? Some of my nieces and nephews (from different siblings) did some of those "23 & me" things and both came back as 25% Jewish from a specific Jewish area in Europe. Don't recall which area but they used different services and both reports agreed. The best we could figure was that both of my fathers parents must have come from there.

stlcdr said...

If the you follow the tenets of 'white culture' (according to the 'national museum of black history and culture') you will succeed, regardless of who is president.

Of course, if Trump wins, I'll be giggling like a little girl.

Johnathan Birks said...

All good options IMO.

JAORE said...

When Obama was reelected one of my black neighbors stood in the cul-de-sac and screamed, "Thank you Jesus, thank you!"

If Trump wins again I may return the favor.

Nichevo said...

Does "Jewish blood" count or you have to be practicing? Some of my nieces and nephews (from different siblings) did some of those "23 & me" things and both came back as 25% Jewish from a specific Jewish area in Europe. Don't recall which area but they used different services and both reports agreed. The best we could figure was that both of my fathers parents must have come from there.

7/17/20, 7:38 AM

From Wiki:

The Law of Return (Hebrew: חֹוק הַשְׁבוּת, ḥok ha-shvūt) is an Israeli law, passed on 5 July 1950, which gives Jews the right to come and live in Israel and to gain Israeli citizenship.[1] Section 1 of the Law of Return declares:

"every Jew has the right to come to this country as an oleh [immigrant]."
In the Law of Return, the State of Israel gave effect to the Zionist movement's "credo" which called for the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state.

In 1970, the right of entry and settlement was extended to people with one Jewish grandparent and a person who is married to a Jew, whether or not he or she is considered Jewish under Orthodox interpretations of Halakha.[2]

LibertarianLibrarian said...

Wondering if you've seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Gy6LrFLNn8?

I don't belong to that church, but I'm religious and believe in divine inspiration, so I don't dismiss out of hand the possibility that this pastor could have had a spiritual dream.

IF it turns out that things do go crazy in November, I think it would have to be caused by the re-election of Trump (or very massive, obvious fraud to elect Biden). Conservatives don't usually riot even under extreme circumstances.


(p.s. got an error message on the first attempt, so excuse any duplication)

wbfjrr2 said...

We lived in New Zealand for 4 years, 2011-2015. Beautiful country, very clean, lots of nice people but a sizable minority that dislikes the US, mainly out of jealousy.

It’s quite backward actually. Poor “free” healthcare, very limited consumer choices in just about any category, poor internet service in many areas, and expensive to boot. The food is mostly “British stodge “, and expensive compared to the US. You can by NZ lamb, salmon, and dairy products here cheaper than you can in NZ itself for some reason. Gasoline, mobile phone rates, utilities VERY expensive vs here.

Everything is taxed, no exceptions, at 15%. Food, medicine, new house, services (e.g. tradesmen services, not just the parts). Property taxes are relatively low, until the 15% tax is applied. Yes, they actually tax your property tax!

Current government is very socialist. Prime Minister shut down the country over a total of under 30 deaths in a country of 5 million, Fewer people than die from drunk driver accidents each month. They have 2 industries, tourism and agriculture. Both got crushed and the internal expectation is that tourism will take 2-3 years to recover.

Income tax tops out at 30 %, but cuts in at about US$ 50k. There are literally zero deductions, and taxes must be paid each month with a tax return, a hassle if you are retired or self employed. Then you still must submit an annual return. On the flip side, no capital gains tax.

As an American living abroad, you must still file and pay US income taxes, netted against NZ taxes paid. You must file annual forms disclosing all foreign bank and investment accounts and their high water mark values.

It’s relatively hard to get into permanently, especially if you are over 65. When we got in, in mid 2015, the requirement was a substantial 7 figure investment, another sizeable asset base to prove you would be self sufficient, full FBI criminal background check, proof of your source of funds, i.e. not gained illicitly, proof you speak English, and you must pass their health test. With the changeover since we left to the Labour government, entry requirements have been stiffened further and you may not be able to buy property. Note that at the time we entered, if you were younger, you must have a skill they needed and a job lined up.

No guns, for all intents and purposes.

We simply got bored and returned to Tucson. After awhile, beauty just isn’t enough, though we made lifelong friends while there.

If we lose this election and the Dems get control of the country, we can return to NZ, as we have permanent residency. Given the way the Dems wish to govern, that may be the option we choose, though I’d prefer not to have to do that.

I believe there is a better than zero chance that there will be armed violence regardless of the outcome. If Biden wins, the Left will feel further empowered, as they are being coddled and supported by all of media, Hollywood, academia, and the democrat party. If they go into red neighborhoods or states, there will be an armed reaction.

If Trump wins I think we may see full on violent revolt from the left, as they’ve been conditioned to expect passive response. The response will not be passive.

I’ve been buying ammo ( hard to do, it’s in scarce supply due to demand) and upgrading my guns. The mood in the gun stores, I’ve been in 5 here in Tucson this week, is calm, friendly, good humored, not fixated on the Wuhan virus, and ready.

We’ll see.

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