So Tweeter A is allowed to demand my ovaries, but I’m not allowed to talk about my ovaries, because you haven’t got ovaries? Seems fair.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) July 4, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
So Tweeter A is allowed to demand my ovaries, but I’m not allowed to talk about my ovaries, because you haven’t got ovaries? Seems fair.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) July 4, 2020
८९ टिप्पण्या:
My husband is basically a fleshy robot incapable of feeling either pain or pleasure...
Well, that's a bit extreme!
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Motherhood. Long may it live.
Never learned about wrestling with pigs, Ms. Rowling?
Rowling is a very effective and funny commenter on twitter. Her posts on Trump are withering, but funny.
Sorry folks. Notwithstanding your ideology, even reinforced by the U.S. Supreme Court and a large proportion of the population, you cannot get around the iron-clad fact that if humans are not differentiated by M or F, then they still are differentiated by P or V, or by T or O. The T and P people can insist that they are F, but still they are not and cannot be V and O people.
It's called reality. And there is nothing wrong with it.
Whew. Talk about going down a rabbit hole.
She seems to be enjoying herself.
Controversy As Transgender Woman Wins Jar Opening Contest
Controversy As Transgender Man Wins First Place In Cooking Contest
Moloch Announces Forcing Your Kids To Become Transgender Is Acceptable Form Of Sacrifice
Epstein Released From Hell After Announcing He Is Transgender
Bullies gonna bully. Used to be these guys would marry and just beat up on one gal in private. Now, thanks to the wonders of modern medicine and Twitter, they get to beat up on everyone else's wife. The whole social justice movement is made up of people looking to join a Fight Club.
As Americans, we believe that's a question for Jack Dorsey to answer.
It's so bizarre, so insane, so funny, that the left talks about women's bodies all the time, in the context of abortion. The uterus, the ovaries. "Keep your rosaries off my ovaries."
That's not the insane part. Here's the insane part.
When these same people get off the subject of abortion, suddenly a woman's body is irrelevant. Anybody can be a woman. I can be a woman. Donald Trump can be a woman.
So a woman's body is all-important and overrides normal considerations like homicide and defining-human-beings-as-property. And then, in another context, a woman's body is nothing. Or everything. A woman's body is whatever you believe, apparently.
And then these idiots put up headlines like, "Man gives birth to baby."
Easy for J K Rowling to say these things, and I admire her for saying them, but most people, myself included, don't have that luxury. I'm just a few years out from a nice retirement with a pension and free health insurance, but I work for an organization run by a social justice warrior who has stated, in organizational emails, that she has to struggle to understand the struggle because of her "white privilege". I live in Austin (think Madison, but with barbecue) and if I said these things in public I'd be canceled. Canceled with extreme prejudice. All I can do is vote, for whatever good that does.
I never thought this would happen again in this country; I would have thought we'd have learned better after the Communist with hunts of the '50's. Not so much, apparently.
@Roadgeek - It's good to be a fat rabbit. What makes you think your pension can never be cancelled if you displease the masters of it?
"Can J.K. Rowling talk about her ovaries?"
She can, but no one else. Except men who claim to be women.
MTF transgenderism is patriarchy by other means.
Overt sexism.
I'm beginning to like her. She has giant internal gonads
"I never thought this would happen again in this country; I would have thought we'd have learned better after the Communist with hunts of the '50's. Not so much, apparently."
McCarthy was right
When South Park already has a show ridiculing the exact argument made by the trans-philic person discoursing with Rowling, that person should know they are on the ridiculous side of the joke, argument, discourse, policy, and so on.
Mr./Ms. Garrison was upset about this exact thing after getting a sex change operation to become a woman. Garrison thought a sex change to become a woman would allow pregnancy, and then an abortion, because Women's Rights! Garrison was very disappointed that an abortion could not be performed on a penis reconstructed into a pseudo-vagina, and questioned whether female meant the same as being a woman. The show was re-run just yesterday.
IIRC, Garrison later transitioned back with the help of a new penis grown on the back of a genetically engineered mouse.
I still prefer Mr. Slave and Big Gay Al as more sensible characters than Mr./Ms. Garrison.
Rowling won the gonad lottery.
The communist witch hunts didn't go far enough. Nowhere near far enough.
You are seeing the downstream consequences of that right now.
So, if I impregnate my posslq I can then self identify as a woman and demand that I be able to abort my progeny ? Geez these people are freaking lunatics, absolutely batshit crazy. Talk about independence.
I was going to say "nuts" but, y'know, I'm a cis gender male (I think?) and that's the only thing we think about.
Was it Nietzsche (or Kafka?) who said that insanity is rare among individuals but more common among entire groups of people? That may or may be not wrong but I wouldn't want to argue against it today.
It is supremely funny to me that transgenderism is a hill the left wants to die on. You want to see a food fight? Just try asking a dim wit like Joe Biden "How many sexes are there?" and see them self destruct like a 1960's robot on Star Trek when they get stuck in a logic loop it can't resolve.
I’ve seen no evidence to the contrary that ‘Outwardly gay/trans/whatever’ people are simply not happy with themselves so must try to make everyone else miserable, too.
Is this really the debate of the ages? Ovaries? The world has gone nuts (or at least on Twitter).
"My husband is basically a fleshy robot incapable of feeling either pain or pleasure,
If an honest statement, and not a playful whimsy, the Mr might be in need of a better wife.
A thousand years hence, a future Gibbon – writing in some form of Chinese, most likely – will pinpoint 2006, and the advent of Twitter, as the beginning of irreversible decline of Western civilization.
" whereas I, with my ovaries, am a frantic whirl of giddy emotion "
If honest and straight forward, and I have my doubts on that reading, would that mean women are by birth less suited for certain rolls? (such as Law?)
(running away now!)
Can someone explain to me the whole cis/trans designation regarding sex change. As a Chemist it seems just incorrect, from a structural bonding viewpoint. "Cis" means, for example, that two similar attached pieces are on the same side of a double bond between two carbon atoms. And trans means they are on opposite sides. Yet a cis-male likes to bond with the opposite sex, a cis-female bonds with the opposite sex. Is the nomenclature used because it started with "trans" being a change from the original equipment, so that just stayed "trans," and some nerd started calling non-trans people "cis" people? If so, this needs to be straightened up.
Pardon the pun.
Rowling is a very effective and funny commenter on twitter. Her posts on Trump are withering, but funny.
J.K. is British so I don't give a damn about her opinion of Trump or anything having to do with American politics. Although she is a genius at marketing and promotion, she should stick to her day job of writing fantasy fiction for children and age-regressed adults.
"My husband is basically a fleshy robot incapable of feeling either pain or pleasure,"
If that is a true statement of her view, and not a playful tweak on her husband, the Mr. might need a better wife...
She's standing uo to cancel culture. This is the free marketplace of blather. Of course, twitter keeps the thumb on the scale in flavor of woken dogma. But lefties are fighting back. MTGA
"Everybody sing!"
Send the word, send the word to beware
We'll be over, we're coming over
And we won't come back till it's ovaries
Over there
As with many things, when it comes to discussions on gender identity I defer to the wisdom of Dr. Steve Brule, who sagely opined that "if you got a penness[sic] just keep on it!".
I'm sure her husband loves being described as a "fleshy robot incapable of feeling either pain or pleasure". What wife would talk about her husband like that? Their marriage must be tons of fun.
The left ruin everything.
Nietzsche--madness is rare in individuals, common in groups.
He was right
My husband is basically a fleshy robot incapable of feeling either pain or pleasure...
If I have a prick, do I not bleed?
I guess Shakespeare had the whole transgender thing covered more than 400 years ago...
At this rate, JK will be a member of the alt-right in 100 years. Wish we could speed it up for these white female lefties.
I am glad that she is saying what she is saying about this subject.
Jewish men supposedly say daily something like thank goodness they were born a man. Men are, on average, bigger, stronger, and faster than women. Moreover, they aren’t bothered by monthly cycles that often have a large emotional component. And they can procreate through several minutes of work, and the expenditure of a couple teaspoons of material, instead of having o go through 9 months of physical and emotional toil and body changes, followed by one of the more painful processes routinely experienced by humans, to do their part in procreating the species.
So, yes, we give women special rights, and give them a lot of deference. They deserve it. We could eliminate 99% of men, and the species would survive. But not 99% of cis women. They, their ovaries, and uteruses, are necessary for the perpetuation of the species. Cis men, with their gonads, are mostly just spares. But we have genetic males who don’t think that this is fair, that women are honored for their contributions to the perpetuation of the species, and want to be treated the same. But they will never have to make the same sacrifices that cis women do, and have done for eons, to earn this. Instead, they take their XY musculature, their XY bone structure, their XY fast twitch muscles, and insist on competing, on equal terms, with XX females who lack these things. They never earned this. They never can, or will. They just appropriated all of the prerogatives earned by cis women over the generations.
I love when progressive begin to eat their own.
They can call her a TERF, but I'm not sure what she should do when another person tells her what she should do with her sexual organs. Seems like male bullying a female to me, and that's what feminism was meant to end.
Rowling's twitter feed, her tweets no replies, is worth a look. It’s mostly pictures drawn by kids, illustrating her stories. Very nice.
Is it really meant to be inferred that just mentioning her ovaries is a traumatic trigger to trans women who don't have them?
It’s an excellent hill from their point of view, because they are not looking to convince. They are looking to force compliance, and they want the fact of that compliance to be plain. There is no sting in getting you to acknowledge something unless it’s something you clearly do not believe. So it’s actually a terrific hill for them. And they aren’t dying on it, they are winning on it.
Sex, genetic: male, female. Gender, phenotypic, sex-correlated physical and mental attributes: masculine, feminine, respectively. Trans, state or process of divergence from normal: homosexual, bisexual, inter, neo.
Libertarianism is self-organizing. Liberalism is divergent. Progressivism is [unqualified] monotonic change. Conservativism is moderating. #PrinciplesMatter
First, they came for the babies, then the white men, then the men, then the white ladies, ... Progress with the new-old -- ancient, really -- religion Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic.
I love when progressive begin to eat their own.
Different sects have difficulty coexisting. There can be only one.
“Blogger Megthered said...
I'm sure her husband loves being described as a "fleshy robot incapable of feeling either pain or pleasure". What wife would talk about her husband like that? Their marriage must be tons of fun.”
She’s being sarcastic. It’s pretty good stuff.
Some people have female genes. Some people don't.
Some people have sarcasm detection genes. Some people don't.
Twitter: giving voice to the useless.
"I can bring you pain, I can bring you sudden pleasure."
Man, me and Roscoe, we get feelings and emotions like you wouldn't beLIEVE. No penisless person can even imagine the pleasure! And it's even better with a woman.
(Spirit, Mr. Skin)
Reading these responses to Rowling, one wonders at the average age of the person posting. Fourteen? They have the aura of schoolyard taunts. Pre-teens showing they are properly indoctrinated?
Exchanges like this remind me of the "Seinfeld" episode where Kramer is bragging that he is really excelling in karate class, only to find he's the only adult in a class of children.
Did this get the deadpan tag? JK has wit. Of course all three of the participants are still from Biden country as BCARM sorta alludes to, avoiding the fact they are on his side as well. The kook coalition.
"they are winning on it" Define "winning" Ken B. The democrats are deathly afraid of defending it and try to bluster their way from answering how many sexes. The DOJ is now enforcing Title IX so young women do not have to compete against biological males. When I ask lefties about it they pretend no one is being forced to submit to recognizing transgenders. Now one of their beloved progressive writers is having none of it and they are unable to cancel her. That doesn't sound like much "winning" to me, maybe you can provide some examples?
Madame Ovary
"Some people have female genes. Some people don't."
Didn't Barack wear mom jeans?
Bruce Hayden, giving voice to common sense.
As a female talking about the feminine gender in her natural state, Rowling is speaking facts to truth. Hate speech in the Age of Progress.
Carrying on discussions with the insane can be entertaining but are ultimately useless.
"My husband is basically a fleshy robot incapable of feeling either pain or pleasure,
If an honest statement, and not a playful whimsy, the Mr might be in need of a better wife.
Come on folks!
I know sarcasm is hard on the Internet and that the Brits undestate for effect, but clearly she is ridiculing the logical outcome of her detractors "ovaries give emotions and feelings" by saying if that is the case then her husband, who has no ovaries, has no feelings. It's not really a hard parse..
Outwardly gay/trans/whatever’ people are simply not happy with themselves
Remember the '80's?
LOTS of teen and preteen girls HATED their bodies, and tried to damage their bodies;
Through starvation (anorexia) or razor blades (cutting)
We, as a society, Agreed that this was BAD and WRONG
Now, teen and preteen girls that hate their bodies, are Encouraged to mutilate their sex organs
You've come a long way, baby
The female ovaries, and uterus, too, a baby, and the feminine mind that unites them in functional solidarity. Here's to our evolutionary fitness.
First they came for the ovaries and I said nothing, for I don't possess ovaries...
"You are excluding trans woman yet again because we don't have ovaries"
There is a lesson in there somewhere if the writer only realized it.
Cis is a slur primarily aimed at white women (white men being adequately phallicly demonized) by bitchy white and pseudo-of-color-but-really-white gender theorists like Judith Butler, invented by bitchy gay and pseudo-gay academicians (academia is just crawling with melanin-deprived people pretending to be gay to gain a place in the identity politics Olympics).
And yet it now appears in government documents and corporate dictat. If politics is downstream of culture, culture is downstream of language, and language is now officially downstream of "hate crime" laws.
We cis are officially, permanently screwed. Look at how fast women disappeared. It will only be faster now. Trump is tired but he still had the balls to fight the culture wars yesterday. God bless him.
Bruce, also thank God there are still logical men.
Ken B. said,
"It’s an excellent hill from their point of view, because they are not looking to convince. They are looking to force compliance, and they want the fact of that compliance to be plain. There is no sting in getting you to acknowledge something unless it’s something you clearly do not believe. So it’s actually a terrific hill for them. And they aren’t dying on it, they are winning on it."
Exactly. This is what I've thought for decades. I've been watching it all my life.
We are layer after layer deep in absurd lies. The sheer number of crazy stupid things a left-winger believes is staggering.
And yet look around, most people are "believing" them. And yet I can't help but think that virtually every one of them didn't believe some part of the nonsense, in their heart, at some point. But they never spoke up. And now they have no power.
They will all say "Heil Hitler" on command at this point. They have no agency. They live their lives kissing butt.
When old Rowling apologizes for her absolute silence regarding sex-selective misogynist abortions, worldwide, when she apologizes for gaslighting us all into thinking that "muggle" is not one of those nasty racist words English people like to come up with to make fun of the poor and the Celts, or others, and when she admits that she is kind of an ungrateful old lady for never once having expressed genuine appreciation for all those welfare checks she cashed back when she needed money and did not want to work ....
when she does those things, I might listen to her with respect.
She is the misogynist.
She is the one who does not care about the disproportionately aborted female babies, for each of whom the abortion was sometimes painful in the extreme, and always an end to all hope in this word. I care, and she doesn't ... She is a misogynist.
She is the misogynist who calls women ... and men by the racist term "muggles" when they are not "special" enough for her narrative.
She is the misogynist for taking welfare money all those years from working class women and never saying thank you, but instead calling them bad names for not agreeing with her obnoxious rich old lady liberal political views.
That being said, she is mostly right, when compared to the people who are insulting her, on the specific issue in question. (Women have a right to their separate spaces, and men should not be able to bust in just because they "self-identify as women).
But I don't like arrogant people, I don't like bullies, and I don't like misogynists, and beady-eyed "Muggle" Rowling is all three.
By the way, Happy July 4th. While I think it was unjust on the part of the perpetrators to start that war (on both sides), it is good to be reminded that it was a dawn of hope, in a way that the European revolutions of the day were not. I can't imagine "Muggle" Rowling understanding that.
“Can someone explain to me the whole cis/trans designation regarding sex change.”
I believe it to be based on the Division of Gaul into the Cisalpine, or the Roman side, and Transalpine Gaul, the non-Roman Or barbarian side across the mountains. So trans is on the non-standard side and Cis is on the traditional or Roman side.
“Cisalpine means "on the hither side of the Alps" (from the perspective of the Romans), as opposed to Transalpine Gaul ("on the far side of the Alps").“
So trans people are the barbarians.
JK Rowling's got a few thousand angry tweets from rage addicts. So what? Why not just ignore them? These tweeters are losers who don't represent broader public opinion.
The question of Ms Rowling's moral worth is a misdirection. I don't know her, but suspect she is within the normal zone of righteousness. The real issue is the bizarre and utterly unjustified absolute certainty that trans advocates express for the efficacy of treating gender dysphoria with surgical procedures that can best be described as kludges, and hormone treatments that can best be described as guesses.
Gender dysphoria is not all that uncommon,and deserves our empathy, but it varies markedly during one's lifespan, especially in relation to one's participation in the reproductive process. So many people are making lifetime decisions based on how they feel at a particular moment. It's like tattooing, but gender "reassignment" isn't nearly as simple to undo as a foolish tattoo.
And the postmodernists said let there be contradictions and there was contradictions.
And postmodernists saw the contradictions, that it was good: and postmodernists divided the woke from the basket of deplorables.
Transalpine Gaul-- far side of the Alps.
Transpadania-- far side of the Po.
Transylvania-- far side of the woods.
Transsexual-- far side of sex
She seems very secure in herself - talent and money can do that. We are lucky to have her among us.
When are we supposed to follow the science? Life is complicated in the year 2020
Ignore them so as they take down a single person. And then another. And so forth.
And by the time they finally get around to getting Spiros fired, I will just point and laugh at your dumb ass.
I don't know Ann, can you admit my o being a communist sympathizer?
Radicals are unstable and bigoted. Fucking idiots.
>>"You are excluding trans woman yet again because we don't have ovaries"
Ms. Rowling is not excluding you. Reality is excluding you. Take the hint.
Thank you, Josephbleu, for your historical sourcing of the cis/trans designations.
Next, is Joe Biden's dementia, from a historical perspective, something to do with his imbibing of way too much phlogiston while a lifeguard at the pool that summer long ago, or is it liberal cognitive dissonance simply resonating inside his head after all these years?
I wanna be the first to cut their dick off, get pregnant, and then have an abortion!!
I like the one where people get to think what they like and, also, to say it.
But this: An editor should have taken a cleaver to the doorstop-sized later books in her Harry Potter series.
They use the term “cis” like racist people in the sixties used to use the word “colored.”
When do we get to ban a word that people practically spit when they say it? These kind or terms are pretty good at revealing hatefulness in the utterer.
"An editor should have taken a cleaver to the doorstop-sized later books in her Harry Potter series.”
Once an artist reaches a certain level of respect, the constraints come off and it’s not always pretty. Look at Ray Charles, “I Can’t Stop Loving You” with that white chorus? Why couldn’t he have just done a couple of those great piano fills he was so good at? That was him given whatever he wanted and that’s what he chose. More “Hit the Road Jack” dammit!
Part of the problem is that other writers in Rowlings genre are now being regularly dumped by their publishers if they presume to say they admire Rowling.
The "rage addicts" seem to be very powerful.
Granted the last "youth" novels that mattered to me personally were the "Biggles" series by W.E.Johns, of which my school library had an extensive collection from a very thoughtful donor. I have wanted a Sopwith Camel ever since.
A little behind the times, Biggles, even then, but so it was.
Looking more broadly and less personally, this stuff is more significant for the formation of youth, or some youth, than one would think. So spats over ideology even in thid really do matter.
I read the first few HPs and saw the movies. Time I'll never recover.
But Biggles! I got my first one, paperback I think, at the English language bookstore in Vienna or Munich during our three weeks in the Old World in 1963 (64?) I was obsessed with airplanes and aces (now it's a mature interest, understand).
Over the next few years I amassed about nine or ten, some hardback--I'm pretty sure they had to be special ordered. I took one to school one day, maybe 7th grade, and was drawing on the front cloth cover in class, when the teacher SNATCHED it from my hand and told me not to mark up the library books. She hated me ever after (if not before).
It was fascinating stuff for me and a few best friends; the volume with the Himalayan electric cave worms was probably the last one I read.
Some are probably still in the attic. Books, not cave worms.
" I have wanted a Sopwith Camel ever since."
I stopped thinking that way the moment I learned about rotary engines, the castor oil they used for lubrication, and the side-effects of sitting behind them in an open-air cockpit.
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