July 25, 2020

At the Gayfeather Café...


... you can write about anything you want.


Michael K said...

This description of the Entebbe hijackers resembles the ANTIFA rioters in many respects. It would be well to consider the similarities before another hostage event.

Dave Begley said...

Nice to hear baseball on satellite radio. The soundtrack of summer.

narciso said...

Very much so,


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


...but dont plant them "Gro-A-Commie" ChiCom seeds, yo

stevew said...

Eighteen holes of golf this morning. Walked the property we are building on this afternoon - can't make heads or tails of the surveyor's flags and markings. Lovely dinner on the lower deck. Another episode of "The Night Manager" and finished up season 1 of "Hanna". Night cap on the upper deck under a waxing crescent and the stars. Anything exciting happen today?

I am living in a seaside, resort town this summer. Masks are required for those walking about and entering stores and restaurants. I estimate that those wearing masks after dark is under 10%, maybe as low as 1%. No one seems to care. Meanwhile the governors of Maine and Mass are imposing fines and other strict measures on travel into their respective states. How do they get away with that without properly passing a law?

narciso said...

What did lord acton say:


Original Mike said...

Perhaps my favorite flower. And they grow well in the garden.

narciso said...

I called a merger of the davinci code and perhaps robert ludlum, although odessa files first came to mind

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

The Heat Is ON:
Biden Campaign Goes On Defense Over Senate Burisma Investigation

"The memo made personal attacks against the panel Chairman who heads the Homeland Security Committee, Ron Johnson. The memo suggested the Wisconsin Republican could be “party to a foreign influence operation” and suggested he was “worsening the coronavirus crisis” by investigating Burisma."

Church and investigations worsen a virus??


narciso said...

Considering source 3, lives in burisma central limmasol.

narciso said...

The best of hands, jazz hands


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

...to attend Journalism Skool ??

The Satanic Temple is offering 'Devil's Advocate Scholarship'

Interested applicants are asked to submit a creative response in the form of an essay, poem, work of art or film answering one of two questions.
One asks what applicants have done to promote the temple's tenets and mission. The other asks for a description of a teacher who "crushed your spirit, undermined your self-confidence, and made you hate every minute you were forced to be in school."

That second essay could be cathartic
(or at least inspire the next Roger Waters)

But speaking of teachers, these pedagogues are a riot!!

stephen cooper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the SQUIRREL!! from Outer Space??

didnt Skippy Podesta elude to trotting out aliens if needed?

Has the time come? Is the Barr/Durham noose getting too tight?
Wednesday big tech testifies before the house?
Tuesday Barr testifies before the house?
Is JizzLane squealing like a feelthy peeg??

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Attended a large-ish outdoor wedding today at which no one was wearing a mask. It’s not a mask-denier thing. It’s that it’s simply absurd to sit amongst family and friends in a beautifully mown hayfield on a sunny, breezy, day and wear a mask, like you’re elbowing for a spot on the Tokyo subway. Human nature rebels.
Many older people there and none expressed the slightest concern about the maskless nature of things. Not because they’re not at risk, but because as older members of the tribe, it would offend their dignity and a lifetime of hard-working independence to suggest fear from being in the presence of their grandchildren and lifelong neighbors.
Many would deride them as ignorant deplorables, but I love their default stoicism. Especially when contrasted with the hysteria-tinged, self-righteous morality mask-wearing of the older affluent Boomers that I saw in Port Townsend the other day. The difference between farmers and farmer’s markets, I guess.

Josephbleau said...

"Nice to hear baseball on satellite radio. The soundtrack of summer."

Besbol and other for profit sports can go F themselves. Put the knee where it counts.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Has Laslo Been Trolling BLM Graffiti Lately??

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

that photo courtesy of the BBC

Mark said...

Nice to hear baseball on satellite radio. The soundtrack of summer.

I don't remember summer sounding like players kneeling and politicizing the game. I remember baseball being a distraction from all the BS, and not just another aspect of it.

Birkel said...


So Brookings - and therefore Lawfare - was an early collaborator in the coup!

A whole boatload of those people need silver bracelets.
Sedition is a crime.

buwaya said...

That is indeed the social-ideological origin of such revolutionary terrorists.
This is universal in modern times, and goes way back to at least the dissident milieu of the French Bourbon restoration, that which Victor Hugo sympathetically described in "Les Miserables". It seems to me (argue with this?) that Stendhals character Julien Sorel in "The Red and the Black" is one of this sort also. But Stendhal of course was not a left-winger even in the sense of those early days.

A (rather hefty) summary of much of the 19th century origins and development of modern society and its castes and attitudes and politics - Paul Johnsons "Modern Times". A heck of a lot of todays cultural and political positions are not new at all.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Masks are required for those walking about and entering stores and restaurants."

Are masks required while eating? If so, how does that work? If not, why not? I mean- does the virus know not to infect people who are eating but if you're not eating, you're fair game? Or is this whole mask thing just more "security theater"?

wildswan said...

It happens to be the case that "public health" is an undefined term with undefined limits and the relation of the state to public health is undefined. This little known fact has allowed "public health" to be weaponized against businesses - which it can close in the name of public health but under what circumstances? no one knows; to be weaponized against against churches which it can close in the name of public health but under what circumstances? no one knows; to be weaponized against against liberty and the pursuit of happiness which it can shut down in the name of public health but under what circumstances? no one knows. Public health can say that public health requires George Floyd marches but public health requires that Orthodox Jews stay in their houses. Is this the right of public health officials or abuse of power? I believe that the first step in a discussion of a public health regulation as an abuse of power is to get the official concerned to explain the factors in the regulatory decision. In the case of closing the K-12 schools in Milwaukee - how much weight was attached to the public health dangers connected with lack of education; how much to the health of the children; how much to the heath of the teachers; how much to the health of the families; how much to the economic ruin closing the schools will inflict on some families - something like that. I believe that at present the only factor being considered is the epidemiological factor - that epidemiologists are asked what will stop the spread of covid and their answer on that one narrow issue is the only factor being considered. I think it can easily be argued that that is not "public health", that is epidemiology. And epidemiology is one facet and only one facet of PUBLIC HEALTH.

Josephbleau said...

I would say, don't be distracted. Face the people who attack your family. OK?

walter said...

C'mon, man!
You know the thing!

Guildofcannonballs said...

Acclimation to black on white violence aside, where is our race war?

It's been bought, paid for, and we all know the emotions are there, so where by God is our current-day race war?

What did that evil Trump do this time again to pre-empt war, based on Bush cronies getting rich or Bolton (who) cronies (what could that possibly be for Christ's sake) getting ultra-rich always at poor John's expense.

Gospace said...

Meant to post this the other day, but got busy.

There's a wonderfully funny Canadian comedy, well there are a lot of wonderfully funny Canadian comedies, but the one I'm going to mention is InSecurity. Ran two seasons.
Season 1 Episode 11:
"Going Dutch

When one of Alex's team is returned to NISA after being captured by the Dutch Secret Service, Alex realizes she may have a mole on her hands."

Even the Canadians make fun of the Dutch. I think there's a few other snide references to the Dutch in the show. Right now you can watch it on Tubi. Matter of fact, I loaded the Tubi app on my phone for the sole purpose of watching the second season. It never came out on DVD.

Corner Gas is another funny Canadian comedy. Kim's Convenience is another one. Completely non-PC in today's world. But then, so is InSecurity. Maybe the Canadians worry less about such things. Maybe that's why they make good comedies... Then there's Republic of Doyle, which wikipedia calls a comedy/drama.

Ken B said...

Over 900 Covid deaths yesterday.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I sang D-wight! as he died.

People just walked on by as I cried.

Hollywood had robbed him, of all his ***** pride.

And I sang ***** as he died."

*Apologies you taught me so well Mr. D-wight Yoa-kam Sir as only true genius have.

"I sang DIXIE as he died, people just walked on by, as I cried. The bottle had robbed him, of all his Rebel Pride, and I sang DIXIE, as he died." D.Y.

I had the great joy of Mr. Dwight Yoakam playing free courtesy of Denver taxes. I said at the time I was happy to pay. In hindsight I COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MORE RIGHT.

Now, I need $40,000,000,000 stat. STAT!

Guildofcannonballs said...

Dwight opened his gig in Denver with Okie from Muskokee or whatever that anti-drug song was.


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

High Rollers ...but not Holy Rollers??

Casinos/protests/riots ok, but not churches

Gorsuch's one paragraph dissent
Alito's dissent (partial)

is it really the virus, or that casinos bring in tax revenue, but churches are tax exempt?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Fascinating monthly data from Michigan - with the epidemic and lockdowns over, deaths in June fell ~8% year-over-year. Heart disease deaths fell ~30%. More evidence Neil Ferguson was right - #covid mostly kills people who are about to die from other causes."
per @AlexBerenson


The Crack Emcee said...


The Crack Emcee said...

Liberals are like Christians: you can join them, but it don't improve shit.

Oh well, Glenn Reynolds and Kurt Schlichter will start with their long awaited get-o-cide soon enough ("GUNS") so it won't matter.

America's a joke - and not a good one.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hot off the presses for the haters - a new song by The Crack Emcee. It's kind of a Psychedelic Rock thang, so I'll dedicate this one to Ann, since she's kind of a purist:

You Really Got To Get To Know Her

Big UP to Meade (but he knows that).

5 new songs will be added to Spotify, soon, so make sure and add me to your playlists: I will not be stopped.

The Crack Emcee said...

Sure, you say, life is easy - just go to school, get married - stay married - and save.


The Crack Emcee said...

You got "America" as you guys imagine it, and then you got AMERICA the way it is.

This is the way it is.

rehajm said...

Some 80s funky new wave, Art of Noise stuff stirred in with the jazz/rap/hip

Cool Crack...(snap, snap, snap, snap...)

rehajm said...

Over 900 Covid deaths yesterday

Needs the disclosure statement the newsroom wants to slap on editorial.

Go with '900 deaths, some with covid, some because of it.'

stevew said...

"Are masks required while eating? If so, how does that work?"

It is as absurd as you could imagine: you must wear the mask to enter the establishment then once seated you may remove it for the duration of your visit. Need to visit the restroom? Put on the mask. Ready to leave? Put on the mask.

As of now, July 26 2020, the mask wearing regimen is more loosely enforced by the merchants. "Security Theater" for sure.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Well, we’ll see a lot of vigilante justice. And what are people gonna do about it? Call the cops? Remember, in the end the police aren’t there to protect the public from criminals, they’re there to protect criminals from the public. Communities dealt with crime long before police were invented, usually in rather harsh and low-due-process ways. The bargain was, let the police handle it instead. No police, no bargain."

- Glenn Reynolds, who was once busted for suggesting whites use vehicles as weapons, rather than simply saying they fucked-up.

I swear, these are homicidal maniacs - who think they're the "normals" - as the normals demand they stop, after centuries of begging.

Kai Akker said...

---is it really the virus, or that casinos bring in tax revenue, but churches are tax exempt?

Sunday morning, and no one can go to church. You may be right, or partially right, IngaToothlessARM. But I think it's also that government types cannot imagine church being a necessity, an "essential." Many of them also fear that ignorant black people will hug each other, pass the virus around, and cause numerous deaths from their oversupply of co-morbidities.

And for white people, they figure church is just another accessory in life. No one NEEDS it. And, if you're an Episcopalian, I think they're right.

Kai Akker said...

----America's a joke - and not a good one.

Such a bitter comment. You seem too intelligent to be so mired in hatred and -- what else, is it racism? I don't read enough of your posts to know. Boring crapola and endless promotion of yourself.

The Crack Emcee said...

I think some white people are shocked murder can't be explained away.

rehajm said...

Incumbent Presidents with approval ratings of 50% don't really lose reelections...

Remember that old chestnut we'd hear about leftie Presidents?

Kai Akker said...

---Nice to hear baseball on satellite radio. The soundtrack of summer.

I'll bet it was brief, though, Dave Begley. I watched one inning on TV. The phonies and frauds were everywhere, and I don't mean the fake cutout figures placed in seats behind home plate. This season seems not worth playing; what is the point of it, having squandered almost two-thirds of the season? I couldn't stand listening to the announcers' voices trying to pretend a real sport was happening down there on the field. And that's without seeing the idiots kneeling. Doubt I will watch many more; a pox on them all.

Horseracing has been going nonstop, although not at every track. That is still sport and still exciting. Yay, Vekoma! Yay, Tiz The Law and his 82-year-old trainer, Barclay Tagg. And all the humbler thoroughbreds some of whom are out there every day to compete to be the best, the fastest in their groups. A difficult and under-appreciated sport, IMO.

The Crack Emcee said...

Kai Akker said...

----America's a joke - and not a good one.

"Such a bitter comment."

If you were looking at centuries of this bullshit, you might make one, now and then, yourself. That you don't can be taken as meaning you're out-of-touch with our country.

"You seem too intelligent to be so mired in hatred and -- what else, is it racism?"

If I'm so damned intelligent, why can't you grasp YOU might have some more learning to do - rather than assuming you're automatically on my level? I mean, you haven't said anything to make me call you "intelligent" so what gives? I'm being talked down to by an idiot.

"I don't read enough of your posts to know."

But enough to pass judgment on flimsy evidence - what an asshole.

"Boring crapola and endless promotion of yourself."

And this is what? You being shy?

The Crack Emcee said...

Tucker Carlson: 'Matt Drudge is now firmly a man of the progressive left'

Translation: any conservative who doesn't accept what we say - whole cloth - is now firmly in the progressive left.

Which is bullshit.

Right-wing assholes, with sticks-up-their-asses, don't run everything.

Rusty said...

Just spent four hours on the road to visit my brother to find out he's smoking again. it's only been two years since he was declared cancer free. Fucking idiot.

stevew said...

"Anything interesting happen?"

What if the Russian Collusion in the 2016 election interference really happened but instead of Trump and his campaign doing the colluding it was Hillary's campaign and the Democrats?

Marcus Bressler said...

Glenn Reynolds was right. Especially now, in the light of rioters stopping cars and assaulting (and perhaps threatening death to ) those inside. My advice and my response is to run over as many of the assholes to make certain you are out of harm's way NO MATTER THEIR SKIN COLOR and leave them dead on the roadway. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Birkel said...

The law of self defense applies to drivers reasonably in fear for their lives.
Reginald Denny should have floored it.

mockturtle said...

I'm in WA state and yesterday observed a couple bicycling while wearing masks. This struck me as absurd. But WA is an absurd state in many ways. Especially the western half.

Jersey Fled said...

Over 900 Covid deaths yesterday.

Or stated another way, 0.00027272% of the population died of covid-19 yesterday.

Or alternately, at that rate in 1004.6 years the last American, still waiting for a vaccine, will turn out the lights and quietly succumb.

Assuming no illegal immigration or new births, of course.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Tobacco is a helluva drug.

narciso said...

he sold out, he became the swamp, you don't give a farthing about the bill of rights, but we do,

Big Mike said...

Translation: any conservative who doesn't accept what we say - whole cloth - is now firmly in the progressive left.

@Crack, didn’t those honky liberals teach you to bring a nice Brie with all that w(h)ine?

BUMBLE BEE said...

900 Coid-19 Deaths? Only a %99.5 survival rate. Your life is half empty or half full. Self defined, No?

Francisco D said...

The Crack Emcee said...
America's a joke - and not a good one.

Your cheap hustle is a joke, Crack.

You are predictably boring to the point that there is nothing you can say to be provocative.

Michael K said...

But WA is an absurd state in many ways. Especially the western half.

The western half, or 1/4 really, is another state. There was a serious movement in the 50s to split the state at the Cascades. The eastern part would be called "Lincoln." Seattle was sane then, too.

mockturtle said...

Michael K observes: The western half, or 1/4 really, is another state. There was a serious movement in the 50s to split the state at the Cascades. The eastern part would be called "Lincoln." Seattle was sane then, too.

Yes, it was. I lived there most of my life. And the Seattle Times was a pretty conservative paper.

Joe Smith said...

"Sure, you say, life is easy - just go to school, get married - stay married - and save."

These things aren't easy and life is a motherfucker...they're really hard to do. But that doesn't mean they can't be done.

And I did offer Crack an apology on a previous post for something stupid I wrote in anger. That apology stands.

Gospace said...

1. TOM NICHOLS The cult of Trump has become a death cult
2. Trump Unleashes Authoritarianism in Time for Election Andrew Gawthorpe, Guardian
3. Anyone Who Cares About the Climate Must Vote for Biden Tom Steyer, Newsweek
4. Trump's Reelection Is Root of Escalating China Tensions Jonah Shepp, NY Magazine
5. Ocasio-Cortez and the Poison of Male Incivility Rebecca Traister, New York Magazine

A collection of headlines from different spots.

1. Oh, really? So the party that in which abortion is a sacrament isn't?

2. Umm... seems all the Authoritarianism being demonstrated in America is coming from people like Dictator Cuomo and Dictator Whitmer. Dictator Cuomo is now micromanaging what size portions constitute food for the ability to serve alcohol. I remember back in SC way back when certain clubs were required to serve food with each drink. One young sailor made the mistake of unwrapping and biting into his cellophane wrapped egg salad sandwich. Customers weren't required to eat- the requirement was that food be served. The cellophane wrapped sandwiches were recycled until the innards turned moldy and disgusting- they weren't actually meant to be consumed.

3. Uh, right, uh-huh. Republicans, and especially Trump, want to destroy the world they live in. Endless mantra for the last 20 or 50 years or so.

4. So we should elect Biden so China can imprison Uighurs in peace? Gee, the MSM wants us to appease China!

5. WTH does that actually mean? I'm not going to read anything that starts with a headline like that.

That's just a small sample.

سحاب said...

فروشگاه آهن و فولاد آسرون یکی از با سابقه ترین و معتبر ترین کمپانی های عرضه کننده و تولید کننده انواع آهن آلات ساختمانی از جمله میلگرد، ناودانی ، تیرآهن، پروفیل، تیرچه وبلوک، پشم شیشه و ... صنعتی و فولاد در کشور می باشد. حال که چند سالی از راه اندازی فروشگاه اینترنتی آسرون گذشته است. این برند به دنبال تاثیر گذاری بیشتر در بازار و صنعت فولاد کشور می باشد. لذا اگر به دنبال برندی معتبر وقابل اطمینان در حوزه خرید وفروش آهن آلات ساختمانی هستید، آسرون را به خاطر بسپارید.
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