"Every waking moment is an onslaught on their cherished beliefs and traditions. The half-starved inmates are even forced to eat pork and drink alcohol, in defiance of their Muslim faith. Afternoon brings interrogations. To break their mental resistance, inmates are forced to watch others being tortured before their own sessions of questioning. They are made to denounce friends and family, to confess to fictitious crimes such as bomb-making and espionage, and to express abject contrition — even for such harmless acts as having a copy of the Koran. Any resistance brings beatings, electric shocks and sleep deprivation. Nakedness is another dehumanising tactic. Nudity is taboo in Islam, but prisoners of all ages are made to parade before each other and in view of the guards. For women, humiliating gynaecological inspections are mandatory. Rape is routine. The prettier younger women disappear at nights and weep silently during the day. An injection every 15 days appears to be forced contraception — monthly periods cease. Worst of all is the dreaded orange tabard. Prisoners assigned these soon disappear, never to be seen again. Rumour has it that they are murdered for their organs — kidneys, corneas, hearts and livers are looted from their bodies, to fund the lucrative international black market, or serve the needs of the Communist Party elite."
From "'A naked brutality worthy of the Nazis': EDWARD LUCAS on the harrowing evidence of Beijing's concentration camps dedicated to 're-educating' a million or more Muslims" (Daily Mail).
८७ टिप्पण्या:
It's not the age of balanced reviews.
China is a modern day Nazi Germany. Of all the tendencies of the left the repulse me, the worst is their lack of interest in opposing China.
Western companies doing business with China and bowing to CCP demands (looking at you Apple, Nike, the NBA, etc.) are doing business with modern-day Nazis.
There is no way around this. None.
Apple, you're in bed with evil.
Google, you're in bed with evil.
Nike, you're in bed with evil.
Hunter Biden, you're in bed with evil (yes, I went there).
NBA, you're in bed with evil.
Fucking. Evil.
Go on, anyone, defend this.
Please, let me hear the defense of the Chinese Government or U.S. corporations in bed with them.
We need to de-couple from China now.
Conflation of logical domains. Establishment of a secular Church under the direction of mortal gods (and goddesses), and philosophers.
they are murdered for their organs — kidneys, corneas, hearts and livers are looted from their bodies, to fund the lucrative international black market, or serve the needs of the Communist Party elite
Abortion and clinical cannibalism under Planned Prisoner (PP). A predictable progression following the end of their selective... one-child policy.
"At the end of the class, inmates are asked 'is there a God?' The only permitted answer is 'no.'"
'A naked brutality worthy of the Nazis'
No, the Nazis were mostly Christians, and they banned atheist groups and secular schools, and didn't allow atheists (or Jews) to join the SS.
The brutality described is worthy of communists and socialists, namely the people who are actually doing it.
Why must everything be referenced back to the Nazis.
Every group that exercises monopoly power will turn to these ends.
The Leftist Collectivists in this country want their chance.
This is not some far-off concern.
This is your neighbors and friends who would do you harm if presented a world without consequences.
Tyranny lives in your neighborhood, kept dormant by plausible threat of consequences.
The only question is whether the consequences are doled out by government or self-help.
Democratics should think carefully about which they prefer.
Very little said when it happens to Christians for years. We understand the communist Chinese government. Do we have there resolve to act or will we continue to buy from them and praise them.
For a long time I thought Shen Yun was Chinese propaganda. Turns out it's anti Chinese government propaganda by Falun Gong. They've been saying this to anyone who'd listen.
China is ASSHOLE.
Alien and Predator
As the old saying has it, you can’t manufacture basketball shoes cost effectively without harvesting organs from dissidents.
The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
Consider that these "organ donors" can't be given any drugs.
Codevilla has a nice essay on Nazis and the Reductio ad Hitlerium, in the Spring Claremont review of books.
Democrats who support China and also condemn Islamophobia need to get their minds right. In truth, we know they don’t like China, they just like China’s money, like Beiden.
This is simply a continuation of life under Mao. Scores of millions murdered.
Why should we expect any change?
John Henry
It's an account, but is this really evidence?
Otoh, remember that 80-90%of our drug supply comes directly or indirectly from China.
You want to complain about their horrible Ness?
John Henry
When Americans were accused of this, it was all over the media.
Remember, it was just weeks ago that ARM called this reality a lie and refused to accept the truth about his beloved ChiCom's.
Fernand is right.
The people doing this are Chinese communists, not German nazis back from the dead.
Chinese Communists.
Repeat. Chinese Communists.
"At the end of the class, inmates are asked 'is there a God?' The only permitted answer is 'no.'"
So, kinda like being a guest on Bill Maher's show?
"I kid." (Clown nose off.)
Why must everything be referenced back to the Nazis.
Every group that exercises monopoly power will turn to these ends.
Actually, these ends are probably more common throughout history than any other - rape, murder and enslavement were the traditional end to wars throughout the vast majority of human history. One should be very careful in tipping a governmental system that has held these tendencies at bay for several hundred years.
tim maguire said...
China is a modern day Nazi Germany. Of all the tendencies of the left the repulse me, the worst is their lack of interest in opposing China.
Mostly agree. Today's China seems to combine the worst aspects of Nazi Germany and Stalin's Russia. The two leading socialist nations of the early 1940s.
Fernandinande said...
"At the end of the class, inmates are asked 'is there a God?' The only permitted answer is 'no.'"
'A naked brutality worthy of the Nazis'
No, the Nazis were mostly Christians, and they banned atheist groups and secular schools, and didn't allow atheists (or Jews) to join the SS.
The Nazis were mostly of Christian background. The movement was not Christian in any way, shape, nor form. In fact, many on the movement were calling for the return or the Old Gods. AS for Adolf himself, he has been widely acknowledged as anti-Christian, hostile to Christian beliefs.
And yet, Muslim terrorists don’t attack China’s embassies or the Chinese subjects who are abroad.
Joe Biden will never be asked about this.
Congressional-Executive Commission on China. All the details you need to know. Read the whole thing.
Maybe I'm missing something. Islam explicitly allows its adherents to lie to non-believers, even about their belief in Allah.
A totalitarian Communist (but I repeat myself) government imprisoning, propagandizing, torturing, and murdering uncooperative citizens? I'm shocked--shocked! Well, not that shocked. It's like being surprised that China is crushing the freedom of the people in Hong Kong. Only a fool didn't see this coming. They're COMMUNISTS.
A totalitarian Communist (but I repeat myself) government imprisoning, propagandizing, torturing, and murdering uncooperative citizens? I'm shocked--shocked! Well, not that shocked. It's like being surprised that China is crushing the freedom of the people in Hong Kong. Only a fool didn't see this coming. They're COMMUNISTS.
And yet, the Infidels in the West are the targets of modern Islam???
Blogger Bob Loblaw said..."It's an account, but is this really evidence?"
Blogger MadisonMan said..."Joe Biden will never be asked about this."
The UK press had the balls to ask the Chinese Ambassador about drone footage they showed him. He offered some unconvincing denial. Our press? Yeah, they're aiders and abettors.
The same exact repression against white Christians is going on right here in these United States. Of course, the Hive Mind Hack MSM Fake News talking maroons won't ever cover the dark underbelly of cancel Christianity culture run by the elite liberals who want to eliminate the suburban areas because it will undermine the attendance in mega churches which Jesus likes better because money.
Such a binary viewpoint, evil vs innocence. So easy to moralize and condemn.
But the truth is more complex. Oh, the Chinese here are being as wicked as sin, there is no excusing their behavior. Western companies should be leaving in droves to send a message. But we all know that dollars trump virtue in the end. So expect much gnashing of teeth, but little action.
The Uigers are Muslim. The Chinese are Han. Where tectonic plates collide you get violence like earthquakes until one side subsumes the other. That is what this is frankly - 2 totalitarian powers in collision. See Afghanistan or India for examples. Islam works do to China what it has done to those places. The Uigers are just the cannon fodder here. The Chinese say - no.
I think Nazi is overboard too - they did genocide. This is more Soviet Holodomor light. Pressure there was starvation to submit, here is 1984 level indoctrination.
I would say something about SE Europe attitudes toward Muslims too - they remember. Western Europe has abandoned the lesson of Spain too, let’s hope it doesn’t end there again.
So the Chinese are bad and evil. The Uigers represent something just as bad in the end. Can both sides please lose?
Sounds like what Jamele Hill and ESPN would like for trump voters. And I am NOT kidding.
Trust fernandistain to defend the honour of the nazis.
He is also wrong in fact, and most nazis described themselves as gottglaubig which is specifically not Christian.
Slink off worm.
Asians are capable of brutality that Western man cannot even begin to imagine. Personally, this is something I learned and I know and accept and no longer read about because I don't want to pollute my mind further but if you want to learn more start with the Rape of Nanking
The New York Times needs to send a reporter to debunk these nasty rumors pronto. There's a Pulitzer in it. Tom Friedman, your hour has come!
The only problem our leftists have with this story is the Muslim part. If China was doing this to Christians, the left would be (quietly) cheering. and maybe not so quiet , these days.
That said, why don't the Islamic countries say stuff about this?
Maybe they remember the Ghengis Khan days?
Moderator - if I double posted I’m sorry, my phone got crazy when I was on a walk typing this
Such a binary viewpoint, evil vs innocence. So easy to moralize and condemn.
But the truth is more complex. Oh, the Chinese here are being as wicked as sin, there is no excusing their behavior. Western companies should be leaving in droves to send a message. But we all know that dollars trump virtue in the end. So expect much gnashing of teeth, but little action.
The Uigers are Muslim. The Chinese are Han. Where tectonic plates collide you get violence like earthquakes until one side subsumes the other. That is what this is frankly - 2 totalitarian powers in collision. See Afghanistan or India for examples. Islam works do to China what it has done to those places. The Uigers are just the cannon fodder here. The Chinese say - no.
I think Nazi is overboard too - they did genocide. This is more Soviet Holodomor light. Pressure there was starvation to submit, here is 1984 level indoctrination.
I would say something about SE Europe attitudes toward Muslims too - they remember. Western Europe has abandoned the lesson of Spain too, let’s hope it doesn’t end there again.
So the Chinese are bad and evil. The Uigers represent something just as bad in the end. Can both sides please lose?
Read Stein Ringen's The Perfect Dictatorship to understand how the party depends on near totalitarian oppression and how this is an extension of their policy started in Tibet, but greed has blinded our eyes.
Someone please send a copy to NIKE, Lebron James, Adam Silver, Greg Popovitch, Steve Kerr, ABD, Disney, and ESPN, Campbell Soups, Apple, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft.
Outside of the NBA and sports media, the US population gets it. US corporations do not.
This cannot stand. The righteousness that I hear and see out of Lebron and the NBA looks like bullshit on a plate as long as they are bent knee to the CCP. Lebron is a fraud. I am so done with him.
Democracy with Chinese characteristics!
Whiskey with Chinese characteristics!
Sexy with Chinese characteristics!
OK, how many of you read the headline and thought it was a domestic story?
"worthy of the Nazis". Hitler himself would be like "Dudes WTF, have some humanity"
"No, the Nazis were mostly Christians, and they banned atheist groups and secular schools, and didn't allow atheists (or Jews) to join the SS."
They were nominally Christian. As William Shirer pointed out, the more fanatical Nazis wanted to replace Christianity with a return to Germanic paganism. And Hitler made his feelings about Christianity clear in his wartime "Table Talks," He planned to hang the Pope in St. Peter's Square and empty the churches of Europe.
While Nazism certainly built upon centuries old Christian antisemitism, their philosophy was based on racial psuedo-science and twisted social Darwinism.
At the end of the class, inmates are asked "Is there a God?" The only permitted answer is "No."
This is from a Theology class at Notre Dame? Marquette? Boston College?
When I was at a well known University Counseling Center, I had a lot of Theology grad students who struggled with their professors' atheism. I imagine it has only gotten worse.
“Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right think to do”
“Xi is an incredible guy and a friend of mine”
Trump told Xi that the Hong Kong situation was an “internal issue in which the US would not interfere “
But it’s the Dems who are too easy in China. As usual you guys are full of it.
"The people doing this are Chinese communists, not German nazis back from the dead.”
Spot the difference. Basically it comes down to using different job titles and the Nazis had better tailors.
What’s your source on that steve uhr? Oh yeah, a ChiCom official told Bolton that that is what Trump said when Bolton was not in the room. If you believe everything a ChiCom says, then you can take that to the bank. That’s the kind of third hand hearsay evidence from untrustworthy sources that you Democrats use every day to attack people, isn’t it?
And those that have screamed Islamophobia since 9-11 are silent.
China's only saving grace is that they are nominally Communist. I say nominally communist because they cast aside all pretenses of actually being communist decades ago. They are currently most closely analogous to a fascist state. They have some free enterprise, but it is heavily regulated and can be shut down by local and national commissars. Any business that reaches sufficient size needs approval and heavy government involvement in most deciions. The media is state controlled and focusing on engendering glorification of the state, political leaders, and military. People lose civil rights and freedoms if they are speak out against the state, leaders, or certain taboo subjects proscribed by the state. I suspect the only reason they retain their communist namesake is to keep attachment to the "revolution." But that attachment does give them partial shielding from criticism from many on the left in the West.
LeBron James and the NBA already know. So do Nike, Apple, Google. So does Basement Biden.
Knowing is not the issue.
The American left are very interested in copying this - but with anyone not a member of the leftwing prog cult.
"As usual you guys are full of it."
Someone didn't learn their lesson from the Covington kids episode.
Steve Uhr spins, desperately, to try to detract that Trump and the right condemn this Chinese behavior while his side endorses it and only complains that it's the Muslims--again, if the Chinese were doing this to Christians Steve would be cheering.
Heck, it's totally likely that the Chinese are doing this to Christians--why not? They target Falun Gong, Buddhists, and Muslims. Why would they leave out Christians? and Steve thinks that's a great thing, no doubt. Every leftist loves them some Christian persecution. Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, the Kims, Ho Chi Minh... even old Adolf targeted Christians. It's a very, very common leftist thing.
Li'l stevie uhr: "Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right think to do”
Ah yes. Still pushing all the old and debunked lies.
Why not just stick with your original russia collusion, ukraine hoax, hoax dossier, Kavanaugh gang rape, Covington Catholic lies instead?
I guess those debunked lies were just getting a little too long in the tooth.
There is no other god - but the god of corrupt Hillary and corrupt Biden and corrupt Pelosi family and George Conway and the Soros billionaires ... and corrupt liar Adam Schitt.
& king hypocrite Bernie. The chi coms and the american left want you to obey.
Bow before them. Antifa do. You can too!
Jesus Statues Vandalized, Beheaded in U.S. as China Rips Down Jesus Posters in Homes
Then they came for Jesus. Amid the lawless iconoclasm following in the wake of the horrific police killing of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter vandals defaced a statue of Jesus in Whitefish, Mont., and vandals with an unknown motive decapitated and dislodged a Jesus statue at a Catholic church in the Miami area. Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party is mandating that citizens who received any benefits from the government due to the coronavirus pandemic have to tear down crosses and statues of Jesus, replacing them with statues of Chairman Mao Zedong and President Xi Jinping.
You don't say?
Yes, but let's not forget the most important issue of our age.... statues.
that's why he signed the sanction bill on china, that very day,
that's why he signed the sanction bill on china, that very day,
Howard said...
The same exact repression against white Christians is going on right here in these United States.
Apparently Howard's shooting to be the biggest idiot who has ever posted at Althouse.
Somebody get LeBron James' opinion on this. Stat!
whitney said...
Asians are capable of brutality that Western man cannot even begin to imagine.
I think you find considerable disagreement among Jews and Ukrainians, just for starters.
After the attacks on the Pentagon and Twin Towers on 9/11, and the massacres at “Charlie Hebdo,” Bataclan, and elsewhere in Paris, it takes a lot to create sympathy for Muslims, but if these allegations about China’s treatment of the Uighurs are true then they’ve certainly accomplished it.
steve uhr said...
“Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right think to do”
What insanity.
Meanwhile both Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi are cosplaying that Trump will mount a coup instead of leaving the White House after losing an election. Insanity rules the left now.
I say nominally communist because they cast aside all pretenses of actually being communist decades ago.
Also true of Soviets and every other Socialist state. Why it's such a universal occurrence you might start to think the communal sharing element is just a smokescreen for the rubes.
"Trust fernandistain to defend the honour of the nazis."
I don't believe Fernandinande was defending the honor of the NAZIs. He was merely setting the record straight. Germany was a mostly Christian country in 1930, and the people who joined the NAZI party had mostly been raised as Christians. Nothing remarkable in that.
What is rather remarkable is that well over half of the people who carried out the Communist revolution in Russia were Jews, even though Jews were a very small proportion of the Russian population. Hitler took careful note of that fact.
The situation we currently see in China would appear to demonstrate that Hitler would not have been interfered with had he not attacked his neighbors, and confined his attentions to disfavored groups within Germany. Of course, Hitler did not have nuclear weapons, let alone ICBMs.
Few of the big name Nazis would have described themselves as hardcore atheists--that was for the Red fascists. Hitler himself I'd call a "weak providentialist" -- he spoke of providence, destiny, historic mission, even Gott on occasion, and his ideology allowed for consorting with all sorts of religious leaders--the Grand Mufti and Father Tiso come to mind.
Certainly, if you judge by how most European Christians saw the two sides, Hitler's goons were less obviously a threat to religion than Lenin's and Stalin's, representatives of a proudly materialistic and atheistic creed.
Orthodoxy in Russia, of course, was, is, and always shall be a fully-owned and operated State enterprise, to be mobilized if and when the State needs a helpful spiritual knout.
As between the Wiggers and the heathen Chinee, may they devour each other.
Whatever happened to "The Muslim Street"?
Sounds horrible - except for the barbecue and booze. Please don't make me drink that beer!
It's not worthy of the Nazis. It's worthy of the Chinese communists.
They've done this before. It's the same regime as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Nothing changes.
If they get away with doing this to Uiger Muslims, Tibetan Buddhists are next.
My Chinese boycott started in February.
I'd like an Apple watch. I have an old Apple iphone, Apple laptop and Apple desktop. that could use replacing. These things can wait.
I outfitted an apartment this spring and went to some lengths to avoid furnishings made in China -- pots, dishware, appliances, towels, etc. It took some work, but I managed it.
The US cannot sever all relations with a country of 1.4 billion people, but I sure can. And I let vendors know.
If a company in my town discriminated against people of a certain religion or ethnic background, I wouldn't do business there. I see no difference here.
coming soon, to a Woke community near you!
Not trying to beat a dead horse;
But, isn't it Interesting?
That our Trolls like Igna and Arm are constantly on the ball, jumping into every conversation
Unless; it's one like this.... Where they just Disappear
Hey? Igna? Arm? We want you hear your comments!
Jupiter said...
The situation we currently see in China would appear to demonstrate that Hitler would not have been interfered with had he not attacked his neighbors, and confined his attentions to disfavored groups within Germany. Of course, Hitler did not have nuclear weapons, let alone ICBMs.
imagine the shitty world we'd be living in, if hitler had just kept hitting the RAF bases, and building uboats; but
had left Russia alone
and hadn't declared war on the USA
Hollywood was pro isolation until Russia got invaded.
Andrew Klavan is says America is in trouble because people no longer believe in god.
That's not the reason. America is in trouble because women vote.
He was merely setting the record straight. Germany was a mostly Christian country in 1930, and the people who joined the NAZI party had mostly been raised as Christians. Nothing remarkable in that.
The people who joined the Nazi party were also entirely White, and they were mostly Male. So what is the point of stating that Germany was a mostly (Protestant) Christian country?
The insinuation is clear. And making it is just as odious and bigoted as those Germans who sought to destroy Christianity in the 1930s and 40s.
As for Nazi belief, daily they professed that Adolf Hitler -- not God or Christ -- was their savior and salvation. That's what the word "Heil" means.
It was as much a theological profession as it was political.
The Vault Dweller said...
China's only saving grace is that they are nominally Communist. I say nominally communist because they cast aside all pretenses of actually being communist decades ago. They are currently most closely analogous to a fascist state.
Wikipedia, of course, says fascism is a right wing thing.
Fascism, communism, national socialism, international socialism, are all just different forms of socialism that all lead to mass murder and/or mass incarceration. Not a dime's worth of difference between them from the victim's perspective. All involve central planning of the economic system- as if all variables could be controlled for with absolute certainty, all involve the ruling class rewarding themselves and living better than commoners or peasants. Which is what they want the masses to be- easier to control them that way.
I recently stumbled across an hour long video about the predicament of the Uighurs and their treatment at the hands of the ChiComs. Can't recall who had produced it and put it out there, may have been Epoch Times. Program opens we meet a Uigher husband, father of 3 kids, whose wife is in a re-education prison held by the CCP. He hasn't seen her in 2 years, still trying to make contact with her. The program goes on to give historical background, names and dates and places--pretty thorough demonstration of how and where the CCP has been abusing the Uighur population--then at the close goes back to this gentleman whose wife has been stolen from him. He never gets her back but is somehow given a photograph of her and is shocked to see this very attractive Western style beauty, without her head covered, wearing makeup, dressed like a modern urban chick from Europe.
I was discussing this show with Mrs Squid and said I can't understand why CCP would bother doing something like this. No organ harvesting, no torture, no execution. She immediately said that China has some enormous disparity in their male to female ratio due to the one child program what went on for the last 40 years or so. Millions of marriage aged men for whom there just aren't any women. I think she nailed it, the husband's wife literally was stolen from him, by the CCP, to be redistributed to their society to provide female companionship for one (or how many?) of their millions of lonely men.
Maybe some of you saw this in The Babylon Bee: President Xi claims Uighurs were being loaded on a tram to Disneyland
R/V observes: Read Stein Ringen's The Perfect Dictatorship to understand how the party depends on near totalitarian oppression and how this is an extension of their policy started in Tibet, but greed has blinded our eyes.
I agree with you about this, R/V. We've stepped into China's trap both by being a dependent market and by being in financial debt to them. They've got us by the short hairs and they know it. I like Crazy Jane's idea of boycotting Chinese made products [not easy, since nearly everything we use is made there] but we can at least insist that Amazon, for instance, is up front about the origins of the merchandise it sells. Awareness would be a good start.
The point of remarking on the Christian heritage and self-identification of most Germans in der Hitlerzeit is that those were very weak defenses in the face of power.
Always glad to inject some history into the theological speculations.
You're welcome
@Fernandande --
"No, the Nazis were mostly Christians, and they banned atheist groups and secular schools, and didn't allow atheists (or Jews) to join the SS."
Not quite a fair description. SS included Christians only in the baptismal sense. De-Christianization was an explicit goal.
It’s a misdirection to refer to the Nazis. They are Communists. The distortion is that modern day descriptions of communism treats it as a benign (sic) movement, especially since we now get all our ‘information’ online where history can renew again, today.
These Nazi cemeteries for Nazi soldiers and SS members have crosses for headstones because they're weren't Christians.
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