Said Eric Baradat, a photo editor, quoted in "Face of a Dissident As images from protests circulate online, some fear that individuals will become targets" (The Cut (NY Magazine).
Consider this:
“Six young men died within the first 4 years following Ferguson. All with ties to the movement. Mysteriously,” tweeted writer Resita Cox in June. “When we say blur ppl faces we mean, you bout to get folks killed for Instagram views and retweets.”
I urge ppl, especially white folks bc that’s primarily who I’ve seen w cameras at protests, to avoid publishing pics/videos where a protestor’s face/body/distinguishable features are visible. I can barely see Edward Crawford’s face in this pic yet he suspiciously died yrs later— Brain Bae (@brian_bahe) June 2, 2020
The Cut hedges in the end:
Each publication must determine what they feel is ethical. Pictures can help inspire, strengthen, and grow a movement. They can galvanize people into action. Some people want to be photographed, to be seen so that their stories will be heard. At the same time, identifiable pictures of protesters, on social media and in publications, can potentially be used as evidence against them should they be arrested. Perhaps, when possible, ask the people in your photos if they would mind being identified, and if that’s not an option, ask yourself if posting might cause undue harm....The rule I follow photographing people in public is: Are they making a spectacle of themselves? Protesters are making a spectacle of themselves, so I regard that as their intentional relinquishment of privacy. But obviously, the question changes when the people who are making a spectacle of themselves are committing crimes. You can assume they don't want to be identifiable in photographs.
The Cut seems to be suggesting that the photographer ought to be hoping to contribute to the goals of the protesters — to "help inspire, strengthen, and grow a movement." I think journalism should have professional distance and journalistic photographers should be trying to capture the reality of whatever is going on (if it is newsworthy). To decide that your photographs should advance the movement is to become an activist and to abandon journalism. And yet if you believe that the protests are against an evil, unjust regime, you should want to protect the protesters from criminal charges.
There's also the problem of the photographer getting physically attacked. Here in Madison the other night, a state legislator — a Democrat — decided to take photographs and got badly beaten. People who are already committing crimes may simply include you, the photographer, as one of their targets. Simple self-preservation may supersede ruminations about ethics.
१०३ टिप्पण्या:
“Six young men died within the first 4 years following Ferguson. All with ties to the movement. Mysteriously,” tweeted writer Resita Cox
Six young men engaged in violent, non-lawful, behavior. Within four years they had died. Is that "mysterious"? Violent people who engage in non-lawful activities traditionally have short life spans.
But obviously, the question changes when the people who are making a spectacle of themselves are committing crimes. You can assume they don't want to be identifiable in photographs.
And so you would accommodate that desire? In Simpsons parlance, stupid criminals need the most attention! Self-censorship in such a case is complicity.
Cameras are weapons today and the left relies heavily on the power of the image. It's natural that they would want this form of "gun//picture control" imposed on their enemies but not themselves. Why would you even dignify this? If leftists could be stripped of the power of the image, it'd be all over. Certainly, absent the ability or right to do that, you can't countenance the reverse?!
"The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy." (Shaolin Abbot to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon)
As for self-preservation, the next step is hidden lenses so that one isn't seen manipulating one's cellphone in the photographic manner.
Six young men died within the first 4 years following Ferguson. All with ties to the movement. Mysteriously
Like Wow, Man. Now do the people in Hillary Clinton's life.
I'm still trying to wrap my brain around those disturbing analogies to Prague, Berlin and Beijing. Better political analogies: Cuba, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Venezuela, Iraq, Afghanistan. South Africa of the last decade. Places where what comes after is not better than what was destroyed...
People who lead lawless and impulsive lives often die violently. There's nothing mysterious about it.
...won a Pulitzer.
A resume filler that's lost it's gravitas, this is...
Big difference- In Prague, Beijing, Berlin, those protesters wanted the world to see their faces and their struggle.
These people are worried it will look bad on their resumes...
Photographers of propagandish pornific violence.
It's interesting because it wa citizens taking photographs of cops that started this whole thing, right? Even when cops try to intimidate the citizens away from filming them doing the wrong thing.
I think anyone doing something newsworthy and asking *you* to hide their face is the one who should re-think what they are doing.
As for people who throw firebombs dying in suspicious circumstances, that doesn't seem all that surprising, does it?
I think journalism should have professional distance and journalistic photographers should be trying to capture the reality of whatever is going on
Fact: Axios encourages their 'journalists' to participate in the 'protests'.
Edward Crawford died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. It's a lie to call his death "suspicious," and the people doing so are just exploiting him.
The Declaration of Independence was signed by people with much to lose.
They mutually pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.
This is not that.
I read a story about CHAZ the other day which talked about a person carrying a gun and it showed him in several locations with his back turned but still identified by his clothes. Antifa is being investigated by the Feds and they will look for the same person across pictures posted on social media in that way. So, really, if we are going to be considerate of our Antifa hosts at Madison Riots 2020 we need to stop taking pictures. But then the interest would fade as The Cut points out. So we are supposed to be taking pictures. But when and how? Is this Calvinball? I mean, what if a picture becomes evidence a year later and the picture-taker gets ostracized for that? What if going around with Iphone held high for pictures at riots in 2020 becomes racism in 2021? What if you took the picture in 2020 to show you supported BLM and it becomes evidence in 2021 of white privilege? Didn't a Wisconsin Democrat State Senator just get a beating for white privileging with his camera?
Is there a single shred of evidence that any of these people who “mysteriously” died, died because they were photographed? There is a giant step in between that has to connect the two facts, and the article points to none.
In inner cities across the country, a big chunk of murders go unsolved. The theory is that they tend to be drug related. Why wouldn’t any of these deaths referenced in the article fall into that category?
I think journalism should...
What a hoot. "Journalism" even invoking the title he immediately moves on to setting the leftist narrative.
BTW nice lead in with a conspiracy theory about 6 dead with in a year after Ferguson. Fun stuff, now do the Clintons.
Firebombings indicates risky behavior wouldn't you say? Define suspiciously in that context. His choir loft collapsed during choir practice?
Gee, Antifa demands that no photos be taken/published and three things are apparent: (1) people who do take photos are attacked and have cameras taken away; (2) news organizations dutifully run no Antifa photos and Althouse has looked hard and found no reporting in wird or photograph; (3) sympathetic journ-o-listers run stories like these spreading g an urban conspiracy theory that just so happens to have the same goal as Antifa, no photos of rioters. The devil you say!
Note alleged mysteriously dead guy in example photo is THROWING A FIRE BOMB.
I think it’s Iowahawk who coined the phrase, “just think of the media as Democrats with bylines and it all makes sense.”
died suspiciously? and, that's all they say
As Al Smith would say; Lets take a look at the Record
<Crawford shot himself in the backseat of a car while it was moving, according to two witnesses who were seated in the front of the car.
Apparently, LOTS of the ferguson 'protesters' have died in gangland style killings
Oddly enough, Crawford is actually one of many high-profile Ferguson protestor to be found dead of gunshot wounds in recent years. Darren Seals, another well-known activist in the community, was found shot dead in a burning car in September 2016.
In November 2014, protester DeAndre Joshua was shot in the head execution-style, and was then left in a torched car.
it's ALMOST IF, those ferguson 'protesters' were actually gangbangers?
Mysterious, as used, is intended to suggest retribution... presumably by those ever-in-the-shadows white supremacists. Every account of Edward Crawford's death I read reports it as from a self inflicted gunshot wound while among friends. They said suicide. His father (who was not there) said accidental. No one in Crawford's circle claimed any other than Crawford's hand was on the gun.
The Cut IS EXPLICITLY STATING that the photographer ought to be hoping to contribute to the goals of the protesters — to "help inspire, strengthen, and grow a movement."
What if you don’t want a story? What if you just want the facts?
Gatestone has a two-part series and this one contains SELF-IDENTIFIED antifa perps. If your still looking for some.
But publishing all photos/information on people that ask some Presidents awkward questions is not only OK but required.
Publishing photos of suspected right-wingers is not only OK but required even if you have no hair due to cancer treatments, better safe than sorry.
Publishing photos of tea-party, true-the-vote, 2a supporters, end-abortion protesters is not only OK but required, amiright?
Actively working to mask/hide the faces of rioters is not only OK but fully supported and encouraged as long as it is the correct rioters. Oh, thats right, over the last 30+ years, only the left riots and wants to "burn this shit down" even though they are in charge of "this shit".
All is fair in support of the correct ideology. No price is too high for those who oppose, to pay.
I am sorry to see what is going on just because Mrs Clinton lost the election. I am also worried what is going to happen when come November 4 the President is President Elect for another term of 4 years.
As for the journalists I wonder if there are anymore any journalists left. The so called journalists are supposed to give facts as are occurring without embellishments but they are all partisans and a disgrace to their profession.
Hmmm...the same people who spend their time tweeting out home addresses and places of employment of people who's opinions they disagree with, want to protest and/or riot anonymously?
They continue to make up the rules as they go.
Also- I'd love to see the reports on those who died 'mysteriously'. If indeed they did, then it's a story. If they were people who tended to make bad decisions and hung around bad people in bad situations, odds are they had something bad happen to them.
Has anyone been arrested and convicted based upon being shown in a photograph or video committing a crime?
I would certainly think many people in Madison and DC tearing down statues could be identified. I would hope they would be arrested. Otherwise we have a huge loophole in the law.
"Please carefully consider identifying people committing crimes in your journalism. Also, f--- that Covington kid, am I right?"
Just trying to make sure I get the nuance in the media's approach here.
How the media photographers love all the flames and posturing! Fire! Flying dreadlocks! Fist in the air! Yeah!
They make me sick.
"I think journalism should have professional distance and journalistic photographers should be trying to capture the reality of whatever is going on (if it is newsworthy). "
I agree 100%, but that died a long time ago.
"The Cut seems to be suggesting that the photographer ought to be hoping to contribute to the goals of the protesters — to "help inspire, strengthen, and grow a movement.""
I.e., to help the "protesters" present themselves as "protesters," while committing crimes.
"To decide that your photographs should advance the movement is to become an activist and to abandon journalism."
Right. Which is why we have so little of it. Which journalists are not "activists" first? Are there any left?
"And yet if you believe that the protests are against an evil, unjust regime, you should want to protect the protesters from criminal charges."
Right. Turn them into heroines--like the white lady heroically screaming at the black officer. But their reluctance to take credit offers a bit of hope: they assume the criminal justice system and public opinion still might work against them.
"People who are already committing crimes may simply include you, the photographer, as one of their targets. Simple self-preservation may supersede ruminations about ethics."
True. But didn't we have intrepid war reporters once upon a time, who would risk their lives for the story?
Peace-loving people should want to photograph people they see committing crimes, so that they can give the photos to the police and have criminals brought to justice. That’s what good citizens do in a civilized society, Ann.
Even if you don’t have a camera, if you witness a crime, you should give the authorities all the information you have that might lead to apprehending the criminal(s). Strange to think this would need spelling out.
Mysterious circumstances... That makes it sound like some government force or anti-protesters or the police killed him. His friends were in the car with him when he died. So either he committed suicide, or one of his "friends" shot him.
There was a lot of money made from the Ferguson protests. The local media was full of stories of bad blood among family members on who got the tee-shirt sales. And someone had to sell all those body cams that became mandated after that.
There's nothing suspicious or mysterious in the slightest here. People with a demonstrated pattern of making very poor life decisions (which includes anyone who participates in riots) can be expected to make choices that cause themselves to die young.
Were the following deaths of peaceful protesters? Seems to me that violent or destructive protesters have lifestyle issues that don't lead to longevity.
"And so you would accommodate that desire?"
No, but I wouldn't want 5 guys knocking me to the ground and kicking me in the head to their heart's content.
Obviously, a different analysis applies when you are in the presence of criminals.
The journalistic photographers are more like war correspondents. They deal with physical danger and use whatever methods they have. I am not that sort of photographer. Indeed, I stopped going to the Wisconsin protests when I thought there was physical danger. I prioritize self-protection.
I think if you have video of people committing crimes, you should give it to the police — unless the police are part of an evil system, e.g. the Nazis. Don't help the Nazis maintain their order!
I see other commenters have picked up on "mysteriously" already. We're supposed to buy a conspiracy theory as an explanation why journalists should blur the faces of people committing crimes? Nah.
I thought we do that for, like, rape victims. These journalists presumably feel that it would be bad if those criminals were caught and punished.
When American soldiers rolled into Baghdad, the international photographers holed up in a hotel room on the upper floor picked up the AKs left by the fleeing Iraqi guards and fired them at our tanks and patrols. I would have let them risk their lives for a story by taking out that room with a 115mm round. Or two.
Sorry, but I am not too worried about what happens to people who riot and burn down cities. If they weren't there, there would be no problem.
Damn but these new rules are hard to keep straight. But let me try:
1. The police need to be recorded 24x7, but not criminals committing arson.
2. You can get cancelled if there's a video of you using the wrong pronoun, but not if there's a video of you looting and destroying somebody's business.
3. Incorrect speech is a hate crime for which no apology will suffice, but actual felonies are not crimes, and no apology is necessary.
Is that about right?
Six young men died within the first 4 years following Ferguson.
That's not very many - this post could use an "innumerate" tag.
Although, come to think of it, perhaps the camera stole their souls and afterwards they lost the will to live.
Edward Crawford the young man shown in an act of violence, destruction, fire bombing and possibly attempted murder, and who purposely immerses himself in a life of anti-social acts, associates with other violent terrorists and antisocial destructive movements....mysteriously dies.
I don't see what is mysterious about it at all.
Karma. Yep. Mystery. Nope.
I suspect that many "protesters" have struck heroic poses for the camera.
The claim of "suspicious death" interests me. It is a clear suggestion that because the person died after the photograph was taken, the photo had something to do with the death. Yet, nothing about the death is explained. Fact, there is no evidence at all that anyone other than Edward Crawford was involved in his death.
The rest of the argument is useless because the premise is false.
Edward Crawford, the young man photographed here, died suspiciously two years later.
These people *lived* suspiciously, too.
"Died suspiciously." Everything for the narrative. Always.
“I think if you have video of people committing crimes, you should give it to the police — unless the police are part of an evil system, e.g. the Nazis. Don't help the Nazis maintain their order!”
But each person must decide who is part of an evil system, so there is no specific advice on who to provide photographs to, it’s an individual choice. Cities have cameras everywhere now. I am sure there are drones at riots. These photos must be being stored up somewhere. I would like to have my own personal cop cam to wear with audio, cell web linked to a hard drive in my lawyers safe. Then I would be somewhat protected from violence. Why doesn’t amazon have one?
No, but I wouldn't want 5 guys knocking me to the ground and kicking me in the head to their heart's content.
We thought preventing that is why you and Meade were at the gun range.
I dispute the thesis. It's shame (i suppose) that some of these people are dead. But the "suspicious deaths" line sounds like conspiracy mongering. Like the Clinotn Death Watch.
In any group of people followed over time, there will be deaths. Some susceptible to the label "suspicious." Suspicious how? Without more, it means nothing.
The photo appears to show Crawford with an infernal device in one hand and an open bag of potato chips in the other.
If the next day he had steatorrhea with oily anal leakage, one might infer it was linked to Olestra in the chips.
Perhaps a more attenuated chain of causation could be drawn between his proclivity to throw the infernal device in the other hand and his "mysterious" death years later.
it's obscene to compare that rabble, with tienamen, or prague spring demonstrators,
I think if you have video of people committing crimes, you should give it to the police — unless the police are part of an evil system, e.g. the Nazis. Don't help the Nazis maintain their order!
Depends on who is defining "Nazi." According to Antifa, anyone who opposes them is by definition a Fascist/Nazi.
I watched a commentary once on the civil rights movement and one of the commentators, I think it was the author Dick Gregory, talked about how powerful the images were of fire hoses being turned on the protestors, not that it had any effect on the people doing the hosing but the impact it had on the nice white folk sitting in their homes up north seeing it. The protestors and the organizers knew that the struggle had to involve putting themselves in harm's way. But that was non-violent resistance so maybe if you're going to be burning and looting and tearing sh*t down, it's better to keep one's face hidden.
Six young men died within the first 4 years following Ferguson. All with ties to the movement. Mysteriously,
The consequences of dealing in illegal drugs and defending your territory.
Gotta hide so the media can blame someone else
Military jets flying out of the Madison airport
“Blur photos of POC committing crimes in public”, say leftists who dox, deplatform, cancel, and harass anyone who dares disagree with them, who won’t to shut up on command, or won’t speak when compelled.
One example of photos, actually videos, being withheld is the body cam video of the cops in the Floyd case. I think they are in danger of being "Epsteined" since they almost certainly show him continuing to resist arrest.
I had an Uncle who liked to tell the story of a guy he knew years ago, he fell into a lens grinder and made a spectacle of himself. Regrettably, there were no pictures.
"Don't help the Nazis maintain their order!"
A nice little comparison - police to Nazis.
And don't help the Nazis - so... don't help the police.
Clap enthusiastically while it all burns. One doesn't want to be the first to stop clapping, lest you be thrown on the fire yourself.
"And so you would accommodate that desire?"
No, but I wouldn't want 5 guys knocking me to the ground and kicking me in the head to their heart's content.
Obviously, a different analysis applies when you are in the presence of criminals.
At that point you need to acknowledge that these people are criminals, however, and take a stand, public or private, against them, unless you're down with the crime of course.
My old man regularly told me, "Don't make a spectacle of yourself."
Now I know why.
BTW, as a professional photographer, I stopped taking pictures in public after I was assaulted. I only photograph people when they pay for my work and sign a proper authorization.
Holding a dSLR in public constitutes a "spectacle."
The Cut also features an article about a racist club for photographers -
Taking Back[sic] the Lens A collective bolstering visibility in photography invites you to ‘See in Black’
The first sentence amusingly contradicts the headline:
"Historically, the white gaze has dominated the photographic lens."
(Yes, Throughout the article "Black" is capitalized and "white" is not)
Re Begley: yes aided by other social media analysis news film of MN arsonist ID as white female activist, charged w arson I believe. Most arsonists right now appear to be prog white women.
People shoot each other at demonstrations -- with their cell phones. Last night I heard a disturbance up the street and I went to check it out to get my fair share of abuse. People were driving up and down the street in front of the Chancellor's house, honking and plastering the gate with signs urging "no layoffs" at UCI. Hey, at least people worry about jobs out here and not extorting reparations. And taped signs are better than spray paint. Anyways, I stood across the street getting photos. People responded by whipping out their cell phones and shooting me shooting. How meta.
If Mr. Crawford was the one in the flag-shirt, about hurl a flaming projectile, then it's unsurprising that he died a mysterious death, two years later or at any other time.
Here's the human face I've been seeing,
"No justice, no peace. In the meantime this 70" TV will assuage my unspeakable anguish"
Personally I think it's a bit absurd to compare the protests that have been occurring this past month to Prague Spring and Tiananmen Square. For one thing I don't imagine any of this current crop of agitators and rabble rousers has the conviction to set themselves on fire or stand directly in front of an advancing tank for their convictions (although, who knows?).
The feds need to crack down on rioters and the fascist Anti1A. Tim Carpenter was not only the victim of assault and battery, but his attackers violated US code Section 241 of Title18 , Conspiracy Against Rights.
Antifa wasn't born yesterday. In cities like Berkeley and Seattle they have been committing photogenic assaults on people and property for many years now. And yet the mainstream media has done almost nothing to document this.
We live in this false reality created by the left where they are constantly airbrushing what is happening out of our awareness. And if people don't see it, if there is no documentation for it, it is like it didn't happen.
For example,
"In 2018, the latest year for which we have records, in over 600,000 violent black vs. white incidents:
• Nine out of ten victims were white.
• Nine out of ten offenders were black."
I'm quoting someone but they are getting their data from the National Crime Victimization Survey, 2018.
Does everyone understand this? We live in a world where most people don't know this. And how is that possible?
Because if the media was not deeply and systematically racist about reporting crime everyone would know this. People would know it even if they can't do math at all because nine out of ten is a message anyone can understand.
To give people credit, the argument, is, and I've always understood it, is that if people knew the truth they would hate black people. And most black people don't deserve that because they are not part of the 15% or so that does the murders and the assaults.
But look where this lie leads us. We live an a world where almost everyone is submitting themselves to Black Lives Matter, which actually means White Lives Don't Matter.
Ann Althouse
The trick is to bite a piece of the assaulter's body part off. Then spit it on the sidewalk. They will stop the beating to retrieve the part. Best parts are the ear or nose if possible, sometimes their arm holding you in a headlock works or a finger. The police will easily retrieve the perp at the nearest emergency room. FYI, always carry a small travel bottle of Listerine and floss in your purse or fanny pack. Other than being in love, fucking over a bully is the most satisfying thing in life.
People that allow others to be assaulted are cowards.
The Pravda effect. You can only slant and distort the news so much before people stop believing you. A good chunk of the populace already feels wariness or outright hostility towards our news gathering services and that number is growing.....The protesters in Tiananmen Square took rather more risk than the statue topplers. Several hundred of those gathered in Tiananmen were murdered. It is part of his self delusion and grandiosity that the writer makes such a comparison.....I've read that more people were harmed in Eisenstein's filming of the storming of the Winter Palace than were harmed in the actual event. That's the right comparison. The rioters are more like extras in an agitprop film than the truly aggrieved.
David Begley said, "Has anyone been arrested and convicted based upon being shown in a photograph or video committing a crime?"
You might have meant "recently", but I recall the officers involved in the Rodney King beating of 1991 were "unmasked" from a bystander video. Also, the thugs who savagely beat truck driver Reginald Denny on the first day of the 1992 LA riots were arrested, charged, and convicted based on TV news helicopter video of the incident.
Re Death of the Molotov Cocktail Guy: He is unrecognizable in the picture. His act is criminal. The life of a criminal is dangerous.
The suggestion that he was murdered because he “protested” rather than because of the black criminal culture is indicative of the delusions of BLM useful idiots.
Confused thinking leads to confusion.
Just another example of believing there is a monster under your bed. Any sound or flicker of light, regardless of other more rational explanations, reinforce your belief that the monster is lurking there.
Racism is our collective monster under the bed.
It's clear, to anyone willing to see what's in front of their eyes, these "protesters" are heroes to many on the left. Anyone who thinks these riots will end by getting rid of Trump is kidding themselves. Leftist riots occurred under Obama, and they will intensify if Biden or any Dem gets elected.
These "peaceful protesters" are on a crusade against the demons put in their minds by years of identity politics and DNC media propaganda. They will not stop until something stops them. Leftist enclaves are doomed to suffer increasing violence and destruction unless they vote in people not afraid to enforce the law and arrest criminals. Same as it ever was.
Kevin said...
The Declaration of Independence was signed by people with much to lose.
They mutually pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.
Then WHY did they blur out their signatures? Oh, wait; never mind
Please do not photograph rioters and looters. It's a microaggression, and makes them feel unsafe.
The difference now is that the chip brand would be making him a wealthy spokesperson. instincts tell me grabbing a spark emitting device to be ill advised.
oh..enjoy the objective jurinalism from NBC back then:
Hyperlink Code
The BBC had a period piece about the early days of television news in the UK--The Hour. At the end of the first Series, the show's "hero" gets the idea of taking a film camera out to cover a left-wing protest over Britain's involvement in the Suez and getting the film on that night's newscast. At one point, the "protesters" stage a blitz attack on the mounted police officers and their horses using pipes, other weapons, and even a fire bomb or two. The "hero" newsman only captures the police officers chasing after the now unarmed citizens. It is apparent that the people making the show don't see anything wrong with the selective presentation of the news when it agrees with their politics. The ending voiceover is self-congratulatory for the use of cameras to cement public opinion and provide a check on an oppressive government.
Six young men died within the first 4 years following Ferguson. All with ties to the movement. Mysteriously
Correlation in search of causation.
Given the level of violence in the Black community I’m not surprised.
This is one of the things I meant when I talked about “worrisome” responses to these protests. The real problem isn’t going to be some kind o Anchorman style melee with the proud boys, “That escalated quickly!” It’s going to be revenge as a dish served cold.
But there is an old saying about living by the sword they should maybe think about before they choose violence as their means of political expression. Myself, my attitude is let them burn their pestilence ridden cities if that’s what they want, tear down their statues as if they are some kind of voodoo dolls representing our country in some kind of orgy of sympathetic magic. It isn’t going to bring down the United States of America. That is being done by the billionaires who own the press. If we had a free and fair press, we could deal with all of this stuff, and they know it, that’s why they have seized the press. That’s why it was the first amendment, and they have found a loophole.
"Leftist riots occurred under Obama, and they will intensify if Biden or any Dem gets elected. “
They won’t get the kind air cover that the MSM is giving them now though.
"I think if you have video of people committing crimes, you should give it to the police — unless the police are part of an evil system, e.g. the Nazis. Don't help the Nazis maintain their order!"
Do you maybe have a map of which governments have the Althouse Seal of Approval? A wall chart would be handy. Where would you put those Democrat-controlled municipal governments that restrain the police from defending the citizens and their property? Isn't the Mayor of Madison a Fascist? If someone assassinates her, is that a crime?
RichardJohnson said...According to Antifa, anyone who opposes them is by definition a Fascist/Nazi.
It goes back half a century--a fascist is anyone who tells a hippie to do something they don't want to do.
Six young men died within the first 4 years following Ferguson. All with ties to the movement. Mysteriously
I'm willing to bet they had ties to gangs and long criminal records too.
Don't help the Nazis maintain their order!
It's a wonder how all these blue enclaves have so many racist Nazis in their police force./s
Today's Democrat voters are loony people fighting the racist-nazi-boogaloo menace that exists only in their minds. The Democratic Party is responsible for this insanity and the ensuing violence, due to their relentless media mouthpieces inciting mentally and emotionally unstable people into race riots. The left blames Trump, but they are the sickness. Trump is but a symptom.
DNC media propaganda, and leftist identity politics is inciting violence. This country is doomed to civil war if we are not able to vote out and bankrupt the harmful, divisive propagandists that have taken over the Democratic party.
To those who can see, the civil war has started in blue areas. If it is not stopped by law enforcement, the sickness will dare to step into red-neck country, and then this thing gets hot.
There is no information online that the four dead Ferguson protesters died of anything other than their normal lives in the hellhole that is Ferguson. Suicide in one case, murder of three others, but no indication this was in any way retaliation for their actions in protests years earlier.
Hey, in Chicago last weekend, 104 people got shot, most of them black, mostly by other black people. I was taught as an engineer that tackling the major problems first, to achieve the biggest impact, was the right way to go. How about we think about how to stop black people from being killed by their fellow black people, to have a really good impact on society?
Follow up with Carpenter is slim. No recent update to his twitter feed.
If I understand it, he was treated by ambulance then holed up in his office fearing more antifa gals?
All I could think was: never, never throw a molotov cocktail with hair that long!
But I've been assured these are all Steve Bannon followers and Trump voters.
Why would the left be concerned for their safety?
"Six young men died within the first 4 years following Ferguson. All with ties to the movement. Mysteriously,”
According to Inga, Steve Bannon murdered those 6 young man...with nothing more than his bare hands, his teeth and one elbow.
Just more propoganda to keep the 'black gravy train' race hustling business alive. Appearing on Fox News AG Barr stated about black killings - “…Instances in the shooting of black unarmed males has been dropping. It was 38 five years ago, last year it was ten[black population of 13.4 million]. Ten in the nation and six of those were involved in attacking the police officer. So while any death is too many. The fact is that in proportion it’s relatively small. I mean there were roughly 8,000 homicides of African Americans in our country every year. 8,000! Ten last year were shooting (by police) a black male…”
Now tell us you BLM activists and Progressive Liberals is that worth torching America (mostly black neighborhoods) or is as I've said thousand times before - the 'Face of this Movement is Marxist'.
Drago said... [hush][hide comment]
"Six young men died within the first 4 years following Ferguson. All with ties to the movement. Mysteriously,”
According to Inga, Steve Bannon murdered those 6 young man...with nothing more than his bare hands, his teeth and one elbow.
6/25/20, 2:04 PM
I heard he wanted to use a spoon!
Blogger jim said...
never throw a molotov cocktail with hair that long!
So it's NOT a police tear gas canister?
Re: Ferguson, I suspect that it's almost as dangerous a place for a young black man to live as Chicago or Baltimore. And the danger does not come from cops or white people in general. It comes from other young black men. Look at the crime stats. The criminal in the picture probably didn't get "mysteriously" killed by the cops or white people. I'd bet dollars to donuts that another young black man did him in.
And of course, there was the "snitches get stitches" reaction the other night by the hooligans attacking your camera-bearing Democrat state Senator there in Madison. The masked female porker who rushed him with her skinny accomplice proves that white people -- and women! -- can be equally lawless as young black men.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Re Begley: yes aided by other social media analysis news film of MN arsonist ID as white female activist, charged w arson I believe. Most arsonists right now appear to be prog white women.
Hot flashes.
m said...
All I could think was: never, never throw a molotov cocktail with hair that long!
I had an intern one time with hair that long. A new rule after that: Never uae a sigmoidoscope with hair that long. It was nasty.
Any photo with the face, tattoos, and identifiable clothing blurred out isn't going to win a Pulitzer.
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