৩ জুন, ২০২০

"... when assessing how voters evaluate Trump and where his approval ratings might go, it's perhaps important to note that both COVID and the protests involve profound disruptions to everyday life..."

"... in a way that say impeachment didn't. The protests perhaps slightly less so if you're not living in a major city, although there are also a lot of protests in smaller cities. But the images on TV will instantly remind Americans everywhere that 'this is not normal.' But there are a lot of voters who, in ordinary times, are softly pro-Trump. They may not like his conduct. But they think 'politics is silly,' 'both sides are so partisan,' 'this stuff is overblown.' LOTS of people in this bucket and they are underrepresented on social media. This is usually contingent, though, on their financial circumstances going OK and basically being able to live life as normal. They may be forced to reassess when there are big disruptions. It's these people Trump should be worried about."

Tweets Nate Silver.

I was reading that slowly and thinking about each step, and I can honestly say that I was surprised by the last statement — "It's these people Trump should be worried about."

It's these people Trump should be worried about? I think if you're softly pro-Trump, you want things to be getting back to normal — emerge from the lockdown, restore order along with more harmonious racial relations, and build the economy back up. You want to see that happen and you want to believe that is happening. I'm thinking that these people won't be receptive to Democratic Party arguments aimed at exaggerating and increasing the disease-and-racism negativity we've been experiencing.

৮৬টি মন্তব্য:

Kevin বলেছেন...

Every story has a "Trump is going to lose, keep hope alive" angle. Their readers demand it, and you'd better give it to them if you don't want to be lumped in with the pro-Trump deplorables.

These people are going to be just as shocked as the first time should he win again.

And they will have developed no emotional capacity to deal with it.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

I'm thinking that these people won't be receptive to Democratic Party arguments aimed at exaggerating and increasing the disease-and-racism negativity we've been experiencing.

"Doom and gloom" and fear are the only songs the Left knows. They've forgotten or never learned how to make an argument.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

Tweets Nate Silver.

Hopes Nate Silver. Fixed It For Him.

Good to see Alhouse's BS detector is working.

elkh1 বলেছেন...

Trump is no good, Biden is worse.

Republicans are cowards, Democrats actually encourage lawlessness.

Chris বলেছেন...

Democrats = disruption, disorder, out of the normal. Kaos in other words. We need a Max to bring order to the Kaos. Trump is our Max. Loud, kinda obnoxious, silly at times, but not inept. He always thwarted Kaos.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

Silver misses the "Law & Order" dynamic. A bunch of mostly Democratic mayors have cities that are/were burning, and none of them have come through as paragons of leadership in crisis, to say the least.

A real big aspect of "normality" that people would like to see restored is not having mobs of Commies & thugs ravaging through the streets looting. Strangely enough, this seems beyond the ken of many in the media & political life.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The last line is a bit of wish casting. Particularly since we expect a lot of improvements by election time. The mood will be much more optimistic, and so it’s the Dens who should be worried about those people. How are they going to close the sale for those softly pro Trump people? Because the blue states MN and blue cities like NYC isn’t it.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

We know where the "big disruptions" are coming from, and it's not Trump.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

My thinking was much the same--how does Silver imagine those people are less likely to vote for Trump with these convulsions? Who on the left has expressed half Trump's concern about getting us back on track?

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Anyone who uses common sense when it comes to deciding how to vote will see that it is obvious that for the Democrats, protecting the public is a distant second to playing identity politics.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

I've thought from the beginning it would be a 50-50 election. Up until the riots, Trump was down by 4 in national polls, but favored roughly 5-4 in the betting markets (which I find more accurate). Since, the riots, Trump is now underdog 4-5 in the betting markets.

So, it's still close - anyway you slice it.

Silver is a useful idiot, can't see the big picture, doesn't delve into the events that drive the poll numbers, and pretends to play it straight, even though he his liberal. He's not a bad guy, just superficial and clueless about the big picture.

Biden is clueless too. But he is a figurehead. The powers behind the Democrat Party are comprised of various wings (feminists, Goldman Sachs bankers, Hollywood director/actors/studio heads, union leaders, etc, etc,) but there is a pure evil element that supports and funds Antifa, and supported and funded these riots.

It will be a messy 5 months till the election, because the Dems are "all hands on deck" to defeat Trump, even if it means destroying the blue cities, destroying people's small businesses, shooting a few cops, greatly damaging the hotel, airline, casino and restaurant industries with the lockdown, and a buncha other stuff in store.

I hope allies of Trump can help shore him up -- he can't do it alone.

This is big stuff.

Thanks for you blog Althouse. Even though I don't see eye to eye with some of your viewpoints, you remain a national treasure, due to your general decency and commitment to the free exchange of ideas.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

I would ask silver, what is the alternative for people who are scared of riot and virus? Do people think democrat party policy is going to make them safer? Do ordinary people want to continue to be threatened by violence? Is a black female vp a payoff, a bribe for rioters to go away for a while?

Nonapod বলেছেন...

It's these people Trump should be worried about?

My impression seems to be the same as yours. I'm very skeptical of this notion that these so called anti-political "softly pro Trump" people are somehow more likely to vote for Biden after the two recent crises. If anything I think it's more likely that such people would become more annealed to Trump. Trump has effectively presented himself as the nationalist and law and order guy. After the pandemic and recent civil unrest, I don't see people running from Trump into the arms of Biden.

ConradBibby বলেছেন...

Seems like Nate is one of many lefties who baselessly assume that the country blames Trump for the deaths and economic harm inflicted by the Coronavirus, the killing of unarmed black men. or now the riots. They're gaslighting themselves if they think voters see Trump as the cause of these problems rather than someone who is taking reasonable, responsible steps toward mitigation.

wayworn wanderer বলেছেন...

Every story is about how everything hurts Trump, how Trump can never be reelected, etc.

If the story can't be about that (e.g., America returns to space), it doesn't get more than a token mention.

Aren't these the same people who assured us Hillary would win?

stevew বলেছেন...

Seems like a bit of overwrought analysis, looking for facets and inputs to the point of making them up. The piece he is missing (at least in your excerpt) is that voting for POTUS is a binary choice between real human beings for the voters that matter. If a soft-Trump supporter is made a bit softer by all the current turmoil, does Silver actually believe they will vote for Biden because making that change will ease the tension and stress?

Tom T. বলেছেন...

Nate knows what his audience wants to hear.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Nate Silver is a Dem operative. Neither the virus or the riots are Trump's fault.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Kevin said... Every story has a "Trump is going to lose, keep hope alive" angle. Their readers demand it

That is the purpose of modern journalism. Silver is not some woke idiot. He is a serious journalist who makes a living giving his readers what they demand.

It's not personal, Sonny. It's just business.

n.n বলেছেন...

Sixteen trimesters of witch hunts, warlock judgments, cover-ups, and diversity innuendo only served to normalize and progress the conflict.

Chris বলেছেন...

Yes, but ConradBibby, I assure you I have a lot of friends who think all of this, the Covid-19, and the riots are all trumps fault. These people look at propaganda all day long on the idiot box, and social media.

gspencer বলেছেন...

Just imagine if Hillary's or Biden's hand had been on the tiller.

Mike Petrik বলেছেন...

I agree with Bay Area Guy. Our hostess plainly disagrees with Trump about many things, but she is fair and honest when unpacking his statements as well as those of his critics. Assessing their actions too. It is so hard to find such honesty and fairness.

Ann, if you and Mead are ever in Atlanta I hope you will let this recently retired Big Law partner buy y'all dinner, or at least a couple of drinks.

Drago বলেছেন...

ConradBibby: "Seems like Nate is one of many lefties who baselessly assume that the country blames Trump for the deaths and economic harm inflicted by the Coronavirus, the killing of unarmed black men. or now the riots."

I disagree.

Silver is contractually required to deliver polling results and related analyses to his paymasters at regular intervals as well as special polls covering specific topics.

Silver also understands that his polls and analyses better deliver specific results and talking points to his paymasters.

I don't think we are in a position to know what Silver really thinks because I think Silver only shares his real poll results with his paymasters privately which drives democrat actions and narrative construction.

The best way to assess where things actually stand is to look at democrat actions, not their publicly released "polls" or "polling analysis" and then work backwards.

In this case, what has been the democrats fear and the subject of many articles in the legacy media since last fall?

Biden's significant dropping support amongst blacks.

And with the collapse of collusion (and reverso-switcho the real story of dem corruption exposed), the ukraine hoax, trying to give obambi credit for the economy leading to COVID WILL KILL EVERYONE hoax, the dems had to do something: voila! nationally directed racial strife and coordinated media messaging designed to resurrect the Trump is Racist narrative.

Gee, what a coincidence.

Further, if you are paying attention, you will see that the ACLU and dems are already starting to scream bloody murder that the DOJ is investigating antifa and the other instigators of this. So much so that many dems are already stating publicly the DOJ should NOT have access to electronic surveillance of antifa types because....get this(!)...it just might not be appropriate to conduct surveillance against American citizens!


Seriously, they are trying to make that argument after a decade of obambi/deep state spying on Americans who opposed obambi and framing Trump!

I wonder what it is the dems are worried about Barr uncovering that would lead them to squeal like stuck pigs..............

wild chicken বলেছেন...

Not seeing much softness in the Montana primary results. Lot more votes for Trump than for all the Dems.

Rick বলেছেন...

Nate is applying the wrong model. He thinks people will apply the Clinton economy model: Am I better off now?

But this presumes everyone understands the President as the cause. In each of these disruptions Trump was a mitigating factor and Dems pushed for greater disruption: supporting more stringent and longer Covid lockdowns while also acting to extend and foment not just the protests but the riots.

We'll see whether it plays out the way he wants.

TreeJoe বলেছেন...

A great example of two people looking at the same thing and drawing different conclusions.

538 (Nate Silver) said in the 2016 election the following states were swing states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin

Now I ask myself: Have republicans led poorly in those states or have democrats have bad showing in those states in 2020.

Colorado - Meh to slightly negative for democrats
Florida - good showing by R governor against strong D resistance
Iowa - Meh
Michigan - Bad showing by democratic leadership
Minnesota - Bad showing by democratic leadership
Nevada - Meh
New Hampshire - Meh
North Carolina - Bad republican leadership/exodus of RNC convention currently
Ohio - Slightly negative for republicans from what I can tell
PA - Terrible democratic leadership by governor and Philly
Virginia - Poor democratic leadership
Wisconsin - Poor democratic leadership

If I was a betting man, I'd say the swing states would be leaning AWAY from democrats right now. How much that translates into Trump enthusiasm, IDK. And I'm not calculating actual electoral votes in each state.

MayBee বলেছেন...

If you look around, there is one party in charge of the places with the worst outbreaks of COVID, one party continuing the lockdowns beyond necessity, and one party in charge of the cities where citizens are not being protected from looters. Also, one party in charge of the city and state where George Floyd died.

And that party is not Trump's party.

MayBee বলেছেন...

I understand Valerie Plame lost her election in NM, which gives me great satisfaction.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

As a softly pro-Trump voter in a swing state, let me say that I will always be considering how the non-Trump selection would handle things. I am supremely underwhelmed by Biden.

Howard বলেছেন...

Yeah, being Putin's bitch, impeachment, the pandemic and the militaristic fanning the flames response to neck kneeling police brutality spawned riots are a harbinger of a Trumpian landslide not scene since 1972.

You people should be happy.

wendybar বলেছেন...

I wouldn't vote Democrat ever again. Protesters are killing protesters and the media is focused on Trump standing in front of an historic church with a bible, that was firebombed the night before by the ugly Progressive protesters. These are all your people. If they win, America as we know it is over.

Richard Dolan বলেছেন...

Pundits are a dime a dozen, and when it comes to predicting how different people will react to the current chaos, don't know any more than you or me. And how people ultimately react (by voting in November) will be based as much on emotional responses to the events and the candidates as they will be on any calculation of personal interest. How today's events will look when viewed in hindsight six months from now is impossible to forecast, depending as it obviously does on what happens in those six months.

And no one is likely to come out of this covid/riots mess looking good. Trump is at his least appealing, barking and scowling but doing little; Biden is as clueless and out-of-it as always; and the partisanship of the other players (governors, mayors, etc.) is matched only by how ineffective (or worse) they have been. Trump's major accomplishment in the political arena over the last four years has been to neutralize the importance of the media narrative. No one (at least no sentient person) has much confidence in the media (either the Dem media or the Rep media). It's all crap.

How that unlovely mess will play out in November is anyone's guess. So relax, enjoy life if you can and watch the show unfold.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Count me as a major skeptic that as soft Trump supporters watch our cities burn they will conclude "we need the Democrats in charge."

What they may say is "fuck it, why even bother" and stay home. But, the democrats have shown such contempt for so much of the electorate. Here in Wisconsin our leaders have decided that some protests are essential (which I agree with) depending, of course, on your viewpoint (which I disagree with and and 99.9% is unconstitutional) but then sneer in condescension at the faithful that believe receiving the Holy Eucharist is similarly essential. All people have equal rights under the First Amendment, but some people's rights are more equal than others.

Moreover, within two weeks one of two things will with happen, both bad for Democrats. Either, there will be a massive spike in COVID cases and the democrats will get blamed for it. OR, maybe even worse there is NO spike and the democrats will get blamed for shutting the county down and causing 20% unemployment and a decimation of small businesses. I don't see this ending well for the Democrats.

Tom বলেছেন...

By election, I’ll have lost my home and my credit. I’m in week 14 of no income and have a couple months to go before my savings is exhausted. Who cares?

gilbar বলেছেন...

But there are a lot of voters who, in ordinary times, are softly pro-Trump...
forced to reassess when there are big disruptions. It's these people Trump should be worried about

Boy Howdy! Does he NAIL IT!
This year is looking more and more (and more and more (and more!)) like 1968
As Al Smith would say; Let's take a look at the record...

How DID 1968 turn out for the democrats? Biggest landside in history,wasn't it?
What's that? They lost? to Richard Nixon?
Never mind!

n.n বলেছেন...

I understand Valerie Plame lost her election in NM, which gives me great satisfaction.

#BelievePlame #InferPlame #ProjectPlame #SocialJustice

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

The choice has only gotten clearer now. The economic success before Covid made a great case for Trump. Now needing recovery from Covid, it remakes that argument for Trump.

Covid, and now the riots, didn't argue against Trump, but they should have hurt Democrats across the country, becuase of their overbearing reaction to Covid on all citizens, followed up by their cowardly non-response to the riots. In some cases, they seemed to relish both harming regular hardworking people, and protecting unproductive thieves and arsonists.

I'm never confident about elections, because so many voters are uninformed, trivial and easily mislead, but this should be a really easy one. C'mon man. Are you nuts?

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...


bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Is a black female vp a payoff, a bribe for rioters to go away for a while?"

I thought Obama covered all that. I know he got a lot of White votes from people thinking that was the deal. If he was a more accomplished man, he might have even gotten mine. The problem is that the imagined unpaid debt is where the power comes from. If you need that power or enjoy it, you are never going to sign away the debt, whether it's paid off or not.

TrespassersW বলেছেন...

We had a riot if Fargo this weekend. Yeah. Fargo. There was a protest march earlier in the day that went off peacefully. Well after the scheduled end of the march and most of the marchers had gone home, some cretins started throwing rocks, breaking windows, setting dumpsters on fire, etc., in the downtown area. (My daughter and son-in-law have a fledgling business in that area, and had a window broken; fortunately no other significant losses for them.) There was also a riot in Sioux Falls, SD.

In the conversations I've had with friends and acquaintances since, everyone is uniformly aghast. "Who are these idiots?" Hard to gauge with certainty, but I don't think any of this in our town has managed to push any "moderates" away from Trump.

NOTE: A popular meme among my Facebook acquaintances (paraphrased):
Antifa - "We're taking it to the suburbs and rural areas next."
Country people - "OK, but just to let you know: a hog can consume an entire human body leaving no evidence."

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

“I understand Valerie Plame lost her election in NM, which gives me great satisfaction.“

Thanks for letting me know that, a ray of sunshine.

Ken B বলেছেন...

I think Silver’s point is this. People only lightly engaged and not committed to Trump will just see a mess and decide Trump isn’t up to the job. They won’t even give Biden or whoever a close look, just give up on Trump.
I find that very plausible.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Prediction. The Democrats run on extraction from red states. They won’t call it that. They will call it bailouts and rescue and reparations and compensation and generosity. But it will be making the Red play for the Blue, and their public employee pensions.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Bay Area Guy said...
I've thought from the beginning it would be a 50-50 election. "

I've thought for a while that the 50-50 split in the electorate, which first surfaced during the 2000 election, was bound to end with a huge shift in one direction or another. I think that will happen in November. I don't know if the shift will be to the left or to the right.

I would like to believe that the shift will be to the right and that Americans are finally grasping that the media is openly lying to them. ("Mostly peaceful protests!" says the MSNBC reporter as a fire rages behind him. "White nationalists!" shouts CNN as blacks and white kids dressed in black hoodies smash storefronts.) I hope they are connecting the dots between the incompetence of blue state pols and the economic wreckage of blue state cities.

I hope the common sense Americans used to be famous for hasn't disappeared. But since I am not a leftist, I know that what I hope for and want to believe isn't necessarily what is going to happen.

le Douanier বলেছেন...

“aimed at exaggerating and increasing the disease-and-racism negativity we've been experiencing.”

I think the concern is re that old Tennessee saying, “fool me once shame on you.....you can’t get fooled again.”

A lot of folks voted for a self-funded biz guy and TV star who was going to drain the swamp insiders, e.g. raising taxes on rich folks like him etc.

Trashing the country and the country’s balance sheet could result in a reassessment re normal folks rather than a double down re the clown. Who knew that the guy was a circus clown who had been repeatedly bailed out by dad’s many millions? Until you see it, who could really grasp what it means to be the sorta person, even w/ all that bailout, that could run a bunch of companies into the ground and routinely cheat normal folks re paying invoices and selling shit such as Trump U (not to mention creating film flam charity entities)?

Now that that is more known and truly understood, some folks’ BS meters may be going off.


I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

My far left liberal brother , who lives in Philly, said he thinks the protests, which he supports mostly, will cause people to leave / flee the big cities. That was a startling amission for him to make and I think now that Trump will gain voters because of the riots aka protests.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Of course, all the hysterical Karens Inga knows hate Trump.

They might just fear getting their cars smashed by Inga's beloved terrorists even more than they fear the Kung Flu though.

rcocean বলেছেন...

ALthouse makes a great point. Its the Democrats who DONT want us to go back to normal. BIden is hiding in his basement, wearing a fucking mask! Pelosi doesn't want the House to come back to DC. Schumer wanted to keep the Senate closed up. All the Media Democrats want the lockdown to continue - forever.

And who is rioting? Its Democrats and Leftists - in mostly Deep blue Cities run by Democrats. Who's refusing the enforce the law and stop the riots? The D mayors.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

I'll give Silver the best possible light. Drago's comment is it. I don't know how old Silver is but apparently he hasn't looked at 1968. And Biden is no Hubert Humphrey.
Subjects take the knee. Citizens do not. The Democrats are taking the knee. If Silver were to poll every vandal, arsonist and looter right now what are the odds any of them will vote Republican in November?

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

I suppose if you had the memory and logic skills of a paramecium, you might think, "financial distress NOW, Trump president NOW, ergo Trump BAD".

Gk1 বলেছেন...

"Aren't these the same people who assured us Hillary would win?" Pretty much.

My own perspective from the shit-hole state of California is the locals are not thrilled with the Governor or the other democratic fucktards that have locked down the state far beyond what was necessary. But yet they will likely re-elect these idiots again. Its true, you can't fix stupid.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Mad Mad - I'm pretty surprised that you are moderately pro-Trump.

rcocean বলেছেন...

I was shocked when 48% of the USA voted for Hillary, the most corrupt, unlikable, candidate in my lifetime. But now, I realize the USA is on the down-slide and Biden will probably win. Imagine electing a feeble 78 y/o Senator who did nothing while VP or Senator for 43 years!

But nothing can shock me at this point. If we're not at the tipping point, we're close to it.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Trump's "approval ratings" will always be low.

Trump will be behind Biden in every poll.

There will be a magical shift in polls a couple weeks before the election in swing states.

Biden will win the popular vote due to ballot harvesting in states like California.

Trump will win re-election against Biden easily.

JAORE বলেছেন...

I think a LOT of people think that if Trump is defeated that 2020 will BE the new normal.

mikee বলেছেন...

I amend my earlier prediction, at the time of the Squad's callout by Trump, that he will win 48 states. I now predict Trump will also win New York, based on the existence of Joe Biden as a presidential candidate and Trump's stand against the grandma-killing, rioter-releasing idiots running the city and state of New York.

GRW3 বলেছেন...

I said before that I thought Trump's plan for the Wuhan Virus was to let the governors do it there way as a campaign ploy. Now I think that he's doing the same thing. Like he said he'd determine when the country opened and the Democrats were outraged so he let them do it there way, this time he said he'd send in the national guard to quell the violence and democrats were outraged so he just changed that to just offering to authorize their use.

JAORE বলেছেন...

Of course Trump is t blame for the rioting. This is his THIRD one. First was Ferguson, then Baltimore and now... wait.... what?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe বলেছেন...

I'm not seeing how the president is responsible for how local cops act, especially since those cops are policing Democrat-governed metro areas.

His response to the crisis has been confusing at best, stupid at worst. To the extent he does have control, wanting to call out the active-duty military to do riot control is dumb. The military is one of our few remaining functional and respected institutions, and it needs to remain focused on external threats to our country.

Let the National Guard handle it. It's their job.

The virus response was a mess. I'm not convinced anyone in government did a good job.

My problem with the Democrats is that they seem convinced that making things worse for everyone is a good idea. Lockdowns, riots, it's all great for them. That's enough to keep me from voting D.

Not that I'll vote R, either.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

Historically, rioting is leading indicator of Republican Presidential victory.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Here's what columnist John Kass has to say, writing for the Chicago Tribune:

The looters roll on into the suburbs. And suburban soccer moms, with their guilt and their "Hate Has No Home Here" signs in their front lawns, download police scanner apps and wonder where they can buy a gun.

And wait until they find out how little common sense there is in their "commonsense" gun regulations! No, ladies, it is not easier to buy an AR rifle than a box or Cheerios.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@John Lynch, you think you will punish the D's without voting 'R'? Interesting.

GBnative বলেছেন...

Scott Walker lost the governorship of Wisconsin to milk toast lefty Tony Evers in 2018.

Some of it was continuing soreness from his successful public union neutering two terms earlier. Some of it was wariness of anyone deserving a rare but not unprecedented third term.

But my informal polling found that many friends and neighbors were sick of nonstop 24/7 politics and argument. If it took a vote for Evers to quiet down the screeching poo-flinging monkeys, even if only briefly, sign them up. A lot of moderate women I know voted for what they saw as civility. I’d argue until blue in the face that Walker was actually an effective governor and it was the Progs sowing division, but no sale.

Intellectually, Trump is arguably an easy winner on the merits of the Covid and BLM “crises.” But if the Dems can keep the noise going until fall, and they are very skilled at this, Trump Fatigue wins them the election.

Kevin বলেছেন...

In the Biden Administration no one will have a job.

But that will make it easier for them to attend the mandatory Zoom sessions for the national conversation about race.

Those who fail to participate will be labeled as "not black".

Michael K বলেছেন...

Biden will win the popular vote due to ballot harvesting in states like California.

I'm worried about ballot harvesting but in House and Senate races, not Trump.

Biden will probably win CA but I'm not so sure about NY. Cuomo and Wilhelm Jr have tried pretty hard to give NY to Trump.

Kevin বলেছেন...

A lot of moderate women I know voted for what they saw as civility.

Once we get to the rioting, the notion of civility undergoes a transformative state.

So much so that even Pelosi has shut her yap.

Drago বলেছেন...

Ken B: "I think Silver’s point is this. People only lightly engaged and not committed to Trump will just see a mess and decide Trump isn’t up to the job. They won’t even give Biden or whoever a close look, just give up on Trump.
I find that very plausible."

Of course, you think Dumb Lefty Mark is the smart Mark.

So, uh, ok.

Wilbur বলেছেন...

The 1968 election was no landslide. Nixon did well in the Electoral College:
Nixon - 301
Humphrey - 191
Wallace - 46 (the last 3d party candidate to win electoral votes)

but the popular vote was pretty close:
Nixon - 31,710,470
Humphrey - 30,898,055
Wallace - 9,906,473

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

Some people just vote on the basis of how the economy is going. Bush Sr. thought he had "socially conservative" voters in his pocket, but after Perot's talk of the "giant sucking sound" and Clinton's talk about the "worst economy since the Great Depression" enough of them deserted Bush to cost him the election. Some White working class voters may defect, but I suspect what he has to worry about are defections from the remaining suburban middle class Republicans. If Trump doesn't pick up the votes to offset those renegades, he could be in trouble.

The 60s riots hurt Humphrey because the Democrats were in the White House (and controlled Congress and other offices). If Republicans had been in charge then, the riots would have hurt them. That doesn't mean that these riots will damage Trump, but it does mean that one can't necessarily assume that they'll be a great help to him.

Mr. T. বলেছেন...

Let us assume that Silver is correct and the regular everyday person (who according to the people Silver support shouldn't even be born because they are "privileged"), dumps Trump for more secure times. All the chaos and corruption is at the local level caused by the Priztkers, Whitmers,Evers, Insleys, and Lightfoots. I would gladly sacrifice Trump anyday for 15 new rrepublican governors that would form an anti-federal coalition. Just like in 2010 that brought the rising tide of Obama corruption to a screeching halt.

Drago বলেছেন...

John Lynch: "My problem with the Democrats is that they seem convinced that making things worse for everyone is a good idea. Lockdowns, riots, it's all great for them. That's enough to keep me from voting D.

Not that I'll vote R, either."

Sorry. This election is binary.

If you are nominally right of center and you don't vote for either the R or the D, you have indeed cast a ballot for the D.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Althouse gets it.

MayBee বলেছেন...

The "exhaust people with attacks on the president" tactic was used against GWB. They tried it with Kerry, then they amped it up to get Obama elected.

The media holds us hostage until we vote for Dems, and I feel like that's what's going on now.

Tom T. বলেছেন...

For what it's worth, I read this as Nate saying that the year is too unpredictable for his predictions to be reliable. He's laying the groundwork for being wildly wrong.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

"If you are nominally right of center and you don't vote for either the R or the D, you have indeed cast a ballot for the D."

My lefty friends insist that unless I vote for Biden, I am actually voting for Trump. But you insist that if I don't vote for Trump, I'm actually voting for Biden.

So if I vote for a third-party (or not at all) I create a quantum paradox: a vote for NEITHER Biden NOR Trump is ALSO a vote for BOTH Biden AND Trump. Fuck it. Let's get freaky with the space-time continuum. I want the paradox. There's more than one way to skin Schrodinger's cat.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Nate Silver -... It's these people Trump should be worried about?
how about a reformulation that makes more sense :
It's these people Trump should be focusing and thinking about?

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Roy Jacobsen said...
NOTE: A popular meme among my Facebook acquaintances (paraphrased):
Antifa - "We're taking it to the suburbs and rural areas next."
Country people - "OK, but just to let you know: a hog can consume an entire human body leaving no evidence."
is the hog still marketable? in the US or send to China?

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

These things gotta happen every five years or so, ten years. Helps to get rid of the bad blood. Been ten years since the last one. You know, you gotta stop them at the beginning. - Clemenza

As for so much else in life, The Godfather has important guidance for us.

- Krumhorn

hstad বলেছেন...

AA - this is "Nate Silver" a respected pollster for the Democratic side - he does not get it - or at least will never leave the Democratic Plantation - where he gets is money.

But I must admit, I was quite surprised that you get it, very well!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

GBnative said...
"But my informal polling found that many friends and neighbors were sick of nonstop 24/7 politics and argument. If it took a vote for Evers to quiet down the screeching poo-flinging monkeys, even if only briefly, sign them up"

You've put your finger on the Dem's strategy. It's not debate, or reason, or the exchange of ideas. They have no ideas. All they have is non-stop screeching.

Weary parents with a screaming brat will sometimes buy the brat the toy just to shut him up. That's what the Dems are banking on. What the parents always discover is that once you cave in to the brat, it's only a matter of time before the brat does it again.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

I would hope that the new fashion of kneeling down and begging forgiveness for the sin of being born white might just wake up some of those "lightly engaged" people who only want civility.

Because the Left's new idea of civility in "Get on your knees, cracka, and abase yourself."

PhilD বলেছেন...

"Being Putin's bitch ..."
Why is Howie talking about Obama the Flexible?

PhilD বলেছেন...

"Being Putin's bitch ..."
Why is Howie talking about Obama the Flexible?

Will Cate বলেছেন...

I like Nate, but his conclusion is wrong. It's those very people who will ensure his re-election.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Wilbur said...
The 1968 election was no landslide. Nixon did well in the Electoral College:
Nixon - 301
Humphrey - 191
Wallace - 46 (the last 3d party candidate to win electoral votes)

but the popular vote was pretty close:
Nixon - 31,710,470
Humphrey - 30,898,055
Wallace - 9,906,473

One of the pluses of the EV- it gives the United States a clear winner. Unlike parliamentary elections where different factions must unite AFTER the election to actually pick a primer minister....

Where would those 9,906,473 votes for Wallace have gone if he hadn't run? Would Texas have flipped Republican? Wallace took 19% of the vote there- it was 41.1-39.9 for Humphrey-Nixon. OTOH, in NY, if every single Wallace vote had gone to Nixon- it wouldn't have made a difference in the final outcome. In the 2 states Wallace won outright- >50% of the vote, Humphrey came in second. In Louisiana, with almost 50%, Humphrey came in second. In Arkansas an Georgia, Nixon came in second. Strong 3rd party runs make the popular vote winner completely irrelevant. No clue as to who would have won head to head. We don't have presidential run-offs.

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