Beyond pathetic. Why are the cops letting this happen?— Andrew Sullivan (@sullydish) June 20, 2020
I had to ask who was Albert Pike. Here's Wikipedia:
"Dixie to Arms" is a set of alternate lyrics to the familiar "Dixie" tune. It begins:
In 1861, Pike penned the lyrics to "Dixie to Arms!" At the beginning of the war, Pike was appointed as Confederate envoy to Native American nations. In this capacity he negotiated several treaties, one of the most important being with Cherokee chief John Ross, which was concluded in 1861. At the time, Ross agreed to support the Confederacy, which promised the tribes a Native American state if it won the war. Ross later changed his mind and left Indian Territory, but the succeeding Cherokee government maintained the alliance.
Pike was commissioned as a brigadier general on November 22, 1861, and given a command in the Indian Territory. With Gen. Ben McCulloch, Pike trained three Confederate regiments of Indian cavalry, most of whom belonged to the "civilized tribes", whose loyalty to the Confederacy was variable. Although initially victorious at the Battle of Pea Ridge (Elkhorn Tavern) in March 1862, Pike's unit was defeated later in a counterattack, after falling into disarray. When Pike was ordered in May 1862 to send troops to Arkansas, he resigned in protest....
After Pea Ridge, Pike was faced with charges that his Native American troops had scalped soldiers in the field. Maj. Gen. Thomas C. Hindman also charged Pike with mishandling of money and material, ordering his arrest. Both these charges were later found to be considerably lacking in evidence; nevertheless Pike, facing arrest, escaped into the hills of Arkansas, sending his resignation from the Confederate States Army on July 12. He was at length arrested on November 3 under charges of insubordination and treason, and held briefly in Warren, Texas. His resignation was accepted on November 11, and he was allowed to return to Arkansas.
Southern men the thunders mutter!The "cursed alliance" is, I presume, the United States. "Conquer peace" must mean "win the war."
Northern flags in South winds flutter!
To arms! To arms! To arms, in Dixie!
Send them back your fierce defiance!
Stamp upon the cursed alliance!
To arms! To arms! To arms, in Dixie!
Advance the flag of Dixie! Hurrah! Hurrah!
In Dixie's land we take our stand, and live or die for Dixie!
To arms! To arms! And conquer peace for Dixie!...
Back to the Andrew Sullivan tweet and his question "Why are the cops letting this happen?" I don't think the cops are making the decision to stand down! But who is and why? And, more importantly, why isn't mainstream media delving into the details of why the police are not acting to protect city artworks and to restore order? Where's the journalism?!
My hypothesis is that the media want to help Joe Biden get elected, so they're presenting a rosy picture of the protests and refraining from any negativity about the Democratic politicians who control the cities where the disorder rages. I'm sure the journalists realize that at some point the majority of Americans will prioritize their interest in law and order, but — I imagine — they hope to hold us back from that tipping point.
What a perverted business! Let the journalists get their principles in order and tell us what's really happening. Put the truth first. They are so far from that.
९३ टिप्पण्या:
Oh and... It's your party, Andrew.
So now we can write a new entry to Stuff White People Like.
The question I have is despite his connection to the C.S.A. with such a checkered history how did he merit a statue in the first place? 🤔
they went after the cops stepmother in her job, in atlanta, because reasons, they purged qualiified immunity in colorado, vandals will be vandals,
Almost 4 years ago there was a Trump rally in Chicago that was cancelled by "peaceful" protestors. Chicago media lied. They didn't show the attempts to overturn an ambulance(peaceful), they didn't show video of the ambulance being pelted with projectiles (also peaceful). No, they didn't show any of that. You had to look for it. "Journalists" had no intention of journaling.
Stalin would be proud, Goebbels envious.
Journalists put clicks first. Nobody owes you the news unless you pay for it and they agree to provide it.
They sell eyeballs to advertisers.
They're not even concerned with getting dems elected, though they're allied in what sort of narrative attracts eyeball interest.
Try creating a structure narrative that attracts soap opera women, as opposed to a feelings narrative.
Destroying the native habitat of city pigeons.
Because they can't do anything, or THEY will get arrested. If Trump sends troops in, the left will cry DICTATOR!!! The Mob knows this, and the left (and their lapdog media) is beaming with glee. They are practically panting!! Their Cloward and Piven Strategy is working out great so far!!!
Once the statue is down, how hong before the Wikipedia entry is vanished?
Why are the cops letting this happen? -- Sullivan
No, the question is why isn't the mayor trying to stop this insanity. Be more careful who you vote for would be the answer.
What a piquant attutude, Prof. A! The party press showing any interest in the truth. Hilarious.
he was like count mirbach, who was the german emissary to the provisional government of lenin,
Put the truth first.
Again I ask. Why is Althouse averting her eyes from the protesters tearing down the statue of Ulysses S. Grant. She mentioned the priest and Key but left out Grant. Interesting.
I mean US Grant only lead the army that destroyed slavery in this country. I can see why "antiracists" protesters would knock down that statue.
Destruction of art and history.
You know who else likes to destroy history and art? Besides foolish democrat party supported/ media stamp of approval- leftwing Antifa fascist goons??
ISIS, The Taliban, and other assorted angry Islamic religious supremacists.
History in Ruins: Cultural Heritage Destruction around the World
ISIS and the Destruction of History
The party of Hillary, Pelosi, Biden, Maxine, O, and Brennan is a religious cult. Burn on, circle A.
" did he merit a statue in the first place?"
He was a bigwig Mason, and the Masons paid for the statue. Most of the Civil War monuments in DC were paid for by admirers of the person, the government accepting them and providing little dots of land to set them on. With a hub-and-spoke street system, there's a lot of little dots of land.
What can't be remembered or honored is reconciliation
06 — Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. Thursday this week marked the 150th anniversary of Robert E. Lee's surrender to Ulysses S. Grant on Palm Sunday, 1865. The surrender took place in the parlor of Wilmer McClean's house in the tiny hamlet of Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia, by the Appomattox River. It effectively ended the American Civil War, although the news of course took some while to percolate out to distant units.
Both commanders behaved with grace and professionalism at the surrender. I find it very moving to read about. To try to convey that to listeners, I am just going to give you a short reading from Shelby Foote's narrative of the war.
The following passage describes events immediately after the necessary documents had been signed and sealed. Dramatis personae here, aside from Lee and Grant, are Lt. Col. Charles Marshall, Lee's military secretary, Sgt. George Tucker, Lee's orderly, and Traveller, Lee's horse.
Shelby Foote:
It was close to 4 o'clock by now, and all that protocol required had been performed. After nearly three hours in the McLean parlor — half of one spent waiting and the rest in what could scarcely be called negotiation, since his adversary had freely given all he asked and more than he had hoped for: including immunity, down the years, from prosecution on any charge whatever in connection with the war — Lee was free to go. He rose, shook hands with Grant again, bowed to the others, and passed from the room, followed by Marshall. Out on the porch, several blue-clad officers came to attention and saluted as he emerged. He put on his hat to return their salute, then crossed to the head of the steps leading down to the yard. There he drew on his gauntlets, distractedly striking the fist of one hand three times into the palm of the other as he looked out across the valley to where the men of his army were waiting to learn that they had been surrendered. "Orderly! Orderly!" he called hoarsely, not seeing Tucker close by with Traveller, whose bit had been slipped to let him graze. "Here, General, here," Tucker replied, and Lee came down the steps to stand by the horse's head while he was being bridled. A cavalry major, watching from the porch, noted that "as the orderly was buckling the throat latch, the general reached up and drew the forelock out from under the brow band, parted and smoothed it, and then gently patted the gray charger's forehead in an absent-minded way, as one who loves horses, but whose thoughts are far away, might unwittingly do." Mounted, Lee waited for Marshall and Tucker, then started at a walk across the yard. Grant had come out of the house and down the steps by then, also on his way to the gate where his own horse was tethered. Stopping, he removed his hat in salute, as did the staff men with him. Lee raised his own hat briefly in return, and passed out through the gate and up the road. Presently, northward beyond the dwindled, tree-lined Appomattox, listeners on the porch heard cheers, and then a poignant silence.
FTR: Pike May have been a minorConfederate General briefly , but his fame depicted in stone and bronze was 100% for his being the author of the basic treatises on American Scottish Rite Free Masonry. If they had one, his Free Mason degree would have been 66th instead of 33rd. They are going after the Free Masons.
June 20, 2020
Toppling Albert Pike... "Why are the cops letting this happen?"
Because you, darlings. Because you.
Your "How Trump Lost Me" is gonna be a doozy.
Toppled by pikers
"Where's the journalism?!"
Ah yes. The question of the century.
Yes, indeed, every effort by the media, academia, hollywood, and most of our politicians and career government employees is to make sure that DJT is not reelected. And if possible, that those who voted for him to be shamed and made to scurry into caves in the hillsides, much like the populace of Vicksburg had to do during the Siege of Vicksburg. (as Susan Rice recently requested).
But our eyes see what is happening. Our ears hear what is said. It does not require Journalism! so much anymore.
By the way, as we get the background on some of these people who's statues are coming down, we learn that some of them were not very quality people in many ways. Not that they should be damned for eternity, but one wonders what the standard is for some of these cities on erecting a statue of someone in public spaces. Jefferson? Washington? Yeah- we get it and want it. Albert Pike? That's a pretty low standard. But the thing is: these anarchists are not doing their homework on any of these people. They don't know Albert Pike from a Northern Pike swimming in a Michigan lake. They just like to tear down anything that is linked to America. For that reason, I'd keep the Pike statue up. Or...melt it down and redo it into a Northern Pike and put that up.
And what are the cops going to do when they come for the Jefferson memorial?
The only way police can function is if the majority of the culture agrees to let them function. And now it's about fifty-fifty. The police are only effective with white people now
The political imagery this creates for the GOP will be very powerful in ads that pose the choice between chaos and order when voters decide in November. As we saw with the Floyd video, visual evidence like these Antifa tantrums can arouse fierce passions and concentrate inchoate anger on those who destroy our heritage. It makes the case that these people truly intend to tear this country apart, starting with our sense of shared history, and the core principles that bind us together. They have outflanked Trump on the batshit crazy scale!
The Dems have rarely faced such a flawed Presidential candidate, yet they are poised to repeat the 2016 mistake and give him another term just because they have painted themselves into a corner that favors chaos. Trump still has 4+ months to screw it up, and he is more than capable of self-destructing. However, he has demonstrated amazing resilience in the face of unrelenting attacks from every angle. His only solid support is from his voter base, and he will be singing to them tonight in Tulsa.
What times we are living through -- I wonder how people will remember 2020 in 50 years, assuming historical recollections do not become an illegal form of thought-crime by then.
"Why don't the cops stop this?"
The refrain of the ballad of Antifa. To be heard in many big cities this fall.
yet lenin who after mao is one of the most blood thirsty brigands is left untouched, watching reilly ace of spies, he had the opposition mousetrapped expecting an uprising but the linchpin berzin was one of dzerzhinsky's, a social revolutionary, fanya kaplan shot him, but didn't kill, this started the cheka purge,
What a perverted business! Let the journalists get their principles in order and tell us what's really happening. Put the truth first. They are so far from that.
So called journalists do not want to put the truth first, they want to change the world. To actually put the truth first wpuld undermine what they are trying to accomplish.
wait, i'm confused
this guy helped indiginous people rise up, and fight (and Kill (and Mutilate)) White people
And not Just ANY white people; but, the Hated and Accursed US ARMY
Shouldn't all of us Antifa's and all other TRUE progressives be rallying around Pike?
Serious Questions
how long will it be, before it's Union Statues being pulled down by these Democrats?
when you get Right Down To IT, don't today's left have more in common with the CSA than the USA?
Apparently the narrative on the left is; "Why do we need statues when history is in books?"
Then I guess we don't need museums or battlefield monuments either since all that stuff is in books too. The lefty morons are going to start burning books next.
Let the usual suspects defend these actions.
Like many or most other Amerindian tribes, the Cherokee were big on slavery. That's probably why they pulled down this statue...
Sully's question has an obvious answer: The cops don't want to be labeled as racist.
"Why are the cops letting this happen?"
Progs are bent on destruction. History starts today. The culture's gotta be cleansed. This is how revolutions happen.
Your side, Andrew. A little late to complain.
We're experiencing a major iconoclastic event. From wikipedia: "Iconoclasm is the deliberate destruction within a culture of the culture's own religious icons and other symbols or monuments, usually for religious or political motives."
The ancient Egyptians, for example, believed that a deity could inhabit a sculpture. Even a deceased human being's soul could inhabit a statue inscribed for that particular person. So the Egyptians would conduct campaigns of vandalism whenever a pharaoh died or a deity was no longer favored or whatever. It is the reason so many ancient Egyptian sculptures have broken noses. In 1776, some of your ancestors even tore down a statue of King George III and broke it into pieces. Some of the pieces were buried (odd??) and some were melted into bullets for use during the Revolutionary War (cool!!).
I wanna go back to Dixie
Take me back to dear ol' Dixie
That's the only li'l ol' place for li'l ol' me
Ol' times there are not forgotten
Whuppin' slaves and sellin' cotton
And waitin' for the Robert E. Lee
(It was never there on time)
I'll go back to the Swanee
Where pellagra makes you scrawny
And the Honeysuckle clutters up the vine
I really am a-fixin'
To go home and start a-mixin'
Down below that Mason-Dixon line
Oh, poll tax, how I love ya, how I love ya
My dear old poll tax
Won'tcha come with me to Alabammy
Back to the arms of my dear ol' Mammy
Her cookin's lousy and her hands are clammy
But what the hell, it's home
Yes, for paradise the Southland is my nominee
Just give me a ham hock and a grit of hominy
I wanna go back to Dixie
I wanna be a dixie pixie
And eat cornpone 'til it's comin' outta my ears
I wanna talk with Southern gentlemen
And put my white sheet on again
I ain't seen one good lynchin' in years
The land of the boll weevil
Where the laws are medieval
Is callin' me to come and nevermore roam
I wanna go back to the Southland
That you all and "shet-ma-mouth" land
Be it ever so decadent
There's no place like home
You know why the media doesn’t investigate BLM/Antifa.
You know why the police are being told to stand down and who is telling them to stand down.
Democrats tearing down monuments to Democrats who led the confederacy is a whitewash of inconvenient history.
The marxists are trying to destroy our country.
The Democrats are about to lose the election in historic fashion. They are just burning the cities they control behind them.
Not sure why the Democratic Party wasn't disbanded entirely after the Cival War.
Yes why? Why are mayors and city managers and governors and sheriffs allowing this violence against PUBLIC ART. It is not theirs to destroy. Communities and their leaders chose, allowed, placed, endowed these things. Why is it ok far a tiny angry violent minority to do this to the rest of us? These idiots are angering the vast silent majority and it will not stand by while mire violence is visited on it.
First you desecrate graves. Then you pull down statues. I guess burning books is next.
I think/believe there is an Acela bubble. Self imagined elites, tell the rest of the nation what is rightthink. But I must be the one unaware of reality. To me, toppling these historical markers, by fiat, reinforces the fact Democrats cannot advance their agenda through political representative government. Joe Biden WANTS to attach himself to these thugs? Thugs opperating under threat of physical violence? Thugs that can't avail themselves to a proccess that has been in place for more 2 centuries. Thugs that demand acts of contrition, not acts of governance. Style over substance.
This is the legacy Joe Biden is embracing. This is rule by Democrat politicians.
To me, this is the wrong movement to attach yourself to.
2020 is an intelligence test.
Does anyone doubt that if these people control the government that they will try to kill off millions of people?
When can I pull down a statue of Wilson or FDR with impunity. They were racists?
@ BleachBit-and-Hammers
I deleted your comment because it included extra blank space. No more than one skipped space between paragraphs. You can't express yourself with just added blank space and the rule is the same if it's just an accident. Feel free to try again.
well! that didn't take long!
Nearby statue of Ulysses S. Grant is also toppled
Sully is right even if he is blind to his own role. The protests against the results of decades of Democratic rule in these cities have bizarrely targeted Republicans. I think that every time they wrap the head of a George Washington statue with an American flag and set it ablaze, another voter turns off on the Democrats.
Where is Joe Biden on this issue? Hiding from it. He can’t hide forever, I don’t think that the press can get him elected with this weekend at Bernie’s campaign right through November
No problem.
The extra blank spaces were not intentional at all. My mistake.
(I forget to hit the delete key over and over to erase sneaky blank spaces... after that final period)
“Because they can't do anything, or THEY will get arrested. If Trump sends troops in, the left will cry DICTATOR!!! The Mob knows this, and the left (and their lapdog media) is beaming with glee. They are practically panting!! Their Cloward and Piven Strategy is working out great so far!!!”
What they want from Trump is overreaction. They want another Kent State, where undertrained National Guard troops, most about the same age as the protesters, lost control, and in one panicked volley, shot 11 protesters killing 4 of them. They aren’t going to get it. Instead, Trump and his Administration are methodically rounding up AntiFA allied rioters, and charging them with federal felonies under the Klan laws. The closest that they got was the rioting in DC right by the White House, facilitated by the Dem mayor of DC. That threat is long past now, and the possibility of DC statehood is probably dead Along with it, at least for the next generation - much of the country is unwilling to trust the security of our most historical buildings to corrupt Dem politicians willing to allow rioters unrestricted access to these buildings for short term political advantage.
"Why are mayors and city managers and governors and sheriffs allowing this violence against PUBLIC ART."
It's tactics. The Democrats have clear majorities in the cities. Their leaders are allowing this to make it look like they face no opposition anywhere. The half the country that isn't burning down anything isn't getting any press.
Trump still has 4+ months to screw it up, and he is more than capable of self-destructing. However, he has demonstrated amazing resilience in the face of unrelenting attacks from every angle. His only solid support is from his voter base, and he will be singing to them tonight in Tulsa.
The only thing that can defeat Trump is a big "second wave" of Chinese virus. I don't see it.
What they want from Trump is overreaction. They want another Kent State, where undertrained National Guard troops, most about the same age as the protesters, lost control, and in one panicked volley, shot 11 protesters killing 4 of them.<
Correct. The Democrats run all these cities. The hot spots are Democrat states.
He has no incentive to rescue them. They would fight it anyway,
Class, read DWM Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1844 story "Earth's Holocaust."
Test later!
"What they want from Trump is overreaction. They want another Kent State, where undertrained National Guard troops, most about the same age as the protesters, lost control, and in one panicked volley, shot 11 protesters killing 4 of them. They aren’t going to get it. Instead, Trump and his Administration are methodically rounding up AntiFA allied rioters, and charging them with federal felonies under the Klan laws. The closest that they got was the rioting in DC right by the White House, facilitated by the Dem mayor of DC. That threat is long past now, and the possibility of DC statehood is probably dead Along with it, at least for the next generation - much of the country is unwilling to trust the security of our most historical buildings to corrupt Dem politicians willing to allow rioters unrestricted access to these buildings for short term political advantage.
6/20/20, 9:27 AM"
When I grew up near DC my father always pointed out that statue on visits downtown as we went by and said that Albert Pike was a founder of the KKK and the statue shouldn't be up. Not that I agree at all with that way of taking it down. But Pike's statue was up there because he had a distinguished career after the Civil War and was an example of reconciliation, not because of his secret activities aimed at using violence to restrict the rights of a group of US citizens. There seems to be an idea that "distinguished career" doesn't mean much if your supporters - the Democrats but also any other white person in America even the GAR which opposed the statue at the time - were systemic racists. George Washington - seems we're now required to think that he's just as bad as Albert Pike. Which makes you wonder about all the candidates now running (and the one who isn't) who are all claiming that they have had "distinguished careers." Distinguished careers in systemic racism - isn't that rather contradictory?
My hypothesis is that the media want to help Joe Biden get elected, so they're presenting a rosy picture of the protests and refraining from any negativity about the Democratic politicians who control the cities where the disorder rages.
That seems as obvious as Joe Biden's dementia, but the fact that Trump is not wearing a mask is more important to cover.
Glenn Reynolds (a liberal in recovery, like me) has long said that modern journalists are simply Democrat activists. Anyone who fails to acknowledge how increasingly obvious that has been during the Trump administration is either a mindless dupe or a willing co-conspirator.
Sully makes a plaintive cry for common sense: "Beyond pathetic. Why are the cops letting this happen?"
Umm, because your buddies on the left have encouraged and enabled the woke elements and their political allies in Labor to stranglehold law enforcement?
I honestly didn't know that the Cherokee had a formal alliance with the Confederacy. This sets up all sorts of cognitive dissonance on the professional left if you take it to its logical conclusion. After all, if anything and everything involved with loyalty to the Confederacy is verboten, how then to deal with the Cherokee?
I remeber when Meade, during the Wisconsin Walker protests, climed a statue and took down all the graffiti draped on it. That act won him enormous respect. From me anyway.
Statues are object lessons on history. The good and the bad.
Between the virtue-signaling and the looters and the scrubbing of history...oy, to quote John Lennon, strange days indeed, strange days indeed.
the Cherokee were big on slavery
So, Africans were slavers, Blacks were slavers, Whites were slavers, indigenous Americans, too. Will everyone kneel? Why does this feel like an Outer Limits episode, and humans are invited for dinner?
It's almost as if democrats are trying to destroy all evidence of slavery and that there was a civil war.
The purpose of a free press is to enable to voters to get facts, hear and express opinions and based on that make their judgement on who to vote for. The purpose of journalism is to dig out these facts and present opinions to the voters.
But the people running and working for newspapers and the media have found to their dismay that the voters sometimes make what they consider to be the wrong decisions. So they have abandoned the principles of journalism and have adopted the principles of propagandists instead.
It is always a joy to watch the scales fall from someone's eyes.
The Union forever! Hurrah! boys, hurrah!
Down withe traitors and up with the stars;
While we rally 'round the flag, boys, we rally once again
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.
“Democrats tearing down monuments to Democrats who led the confederacy is a whitewash of inconvenient history.”
That is an excellent and underexamined observation. It’s not the racism. It’s the embarrassment. Eradicate the tangible symbols of their war on Black people and they can carry on just as they have for 200 years.
“Statues are object lessons on history. The good and the bad.”
Yes and no. Just because it’s a statue doesn’t make it sacrosanct. No one objected to toppling the statues of Lenin and Saddam and I can certainly understand why Black folks don’t want monuments to Confederate generals in the ‘hood. And, as much as I revere the memory and deeds of George Washington, he was a slaveholder. An act so egregious it can’t just be dismissed with a “mores of the times” explanation. If he had enslaved White folks no one would be making excuses for him. So I get why Blacks might be conflicted about his various memorials and I can see why they might cast a jaundiced eye on cries of “but, History!”.
But it isn’t Black folks driving this. It’s people who are intent on continuing their vicious exploitation of Black folks who are driving this.
Again, Andy's protest is rather weak and lame. "Why are the cops standing down?". that's all we get. Andy seems incurious about WHO is pulling the statue down, and uninterested in attacking them. Gosh, if only they were Conservatives pulling down a statue, then Andy would get more excited.
Anyway, Pike is interesting person, a typical liberal New Englander, with a weird love of the "Other". In Pike's case, instead of falling in love with the "exotic" blacks, it was the Indians and the South. Why he deserves a statue, is beyond me. I'm guessing that his work for the Indians, made him a favorite of some 20th Century liberals, but now times have changed, and he's no longer in favor. Comrade Stalin would approve.
Liberal Wikipedia is going farther and farther into the SJW fever swamps, with Pike's article displaying the inane comment that "The [article] totally erases the verified KKK history out of this bio reduces this article to a propaganda piece (June 2020)"
IOW, its doesn't have the required attacks on him for being a part of the KKK and therefore must be "cleaned up". LOL! Its why I've never donated a penny to them.
"Let him thank his stars that we have not flung him into the same
fire!" shouted a rude figure, spurning the embers with his foot.
"Be patient," responded a stanch conservative; "it will come to that
in the end. They will first fling us in, and finally themselves."
Once we burn down Everything that made our society; a perfect new one will spring up in its place
right? i mean, Right?
Andrew Sullivan asking that question — Why are cops letting this happen? — is beyond pathetic. They’re letting this happen because you, Andrew, and all your smart-assed brethren bards, gave the rioters carte Blanche to do what rather want. Liberals created this monster and now they act surprised when it turns on us all.
Many months ago I warned that the slippery slope was very slippery, had no natural off ramps, and was also terribly steep.
Nobody argued the point but some pretended there might be a solution that didn't wind up as wholesale destruction.
Those people were wrong.
They were fools.
The Leftist Collectivists hate America.
They hate Americans.
The Leftist Collectivists hate.
And they want power to punish those they hate.
Never concede anything to them.
"The only thing that can defeat Trump is a big "second wave" of Chinese virus. I don't see it.”
Look at Texas and Florida. Hopefully they will be stemmed. But with these protests, a second wave is likely.
Browndog: "It's almost as if democrats are trying to destroy all evidence of slavery and that there was a civil war."
The democratics are engaged in an effort to transfer ALL historical responsibility for slavery, Jim Crow and segregation to current conservative republicans.
Thats why Lincoln and Grant will have to go and Howards Heroes are ready to go for that.
I suspect we will soon be hearing rumblings for the new Malcolm X Obelisk in DC......
Look at Texas and Florida. Hopefully they will be stemmed. But with these protests, a second wave is likely.
Lots of gaslighting going on. The Tucson red star is hysterical about covid. No mention if the cases are symptomatic, of course. Lots of testing.
Somehow this criminal vandalism must be caused by Sarah Palin’s uterus, that Andrew was so obsessed with.
The Germans have a word: Denkmal. Thought-mark. Thought-sign.
But we no longer expect the young to think, and many are offended by the notion.
Curse buwaya all you want, but he has it pegged
I can't wait to see them take on the Stone Mountain confederate memorial!
I can't wait to see them take on the Stone Mountain confederate memorial!
Michael K said...
Look at Texas and Florida. Hopefully they will be stemmed. But with these protests, a second wave is likely.
Lots of gaslighting going on. The Tucson red star is hysterical about covid. No mention if the cases are symptomatic, of course. Lots of testing.
Go to:
Scroll down to see the number of New Cases and New Deaths for Texas and Florida. Note the very small deaths-to-cases ratios.
Then scroll down to Daily New Cases and Daily New Cases graphs for the entire country. Toggle the "7 day moving average" box beneath each graph.
You will notice an uptick of cases, but a continued downward trend for new deaths.
ERGO more cases resulting from increased testing has not resulted in a surge in new deaths.
I suspect we will soon be hearing rumblings for the new Malcolm X Obelisk in DC..
And who would craft such a thing among our current crop of “sculptors”? The eyesores placed in our public spaces for the last 50 years have been crap. Unlikely a single SJW “artist” exists who could create a statue representative of a human being. I suspect part of the anger at these fantastic statues derives from the knowledge that none amongst the vandals is capable of replicating what they destroy.
The need of some to believe their worries about a virus might be true and their preferred mitigation efforts might work is delightful.
>>"Why don't the cops stop this?"
This has to be the Stupid Question of the Year. The police are NOT allowing this to happen.
The politicians the people voted for have decided not to stop it. Don't blame the police.
>>The only thing that can defeat Trump is a big "second wave" of Chinese virus. I don't see it.
How can you not see it? There will be a MASSIVE SECOND WAVE of Corona around mid October, lasting about three weeks. It will be worse than the first wave, and it will all be Trump's fault.
Biden will win, and Corona will completely disappear, almost overnight, just in time for all the lefty celebrations.
have we done this one yet?
Burn Down the Mission
Elton John
You tell me there's an angel in your tree
Did he say he'd come to call on me
For things are getting desperate in our home
Living in the parish of the restless folks I know
Everybody now bring your family down to the riverside
Look to the east to see where the fat stock hide
Behind four walls of stone the rich man sleeps
It's time we put the flame torch to their keep
Burn down the mission
If we're gonna stay alive
Watch the black smoke fly to heaven
See the red flame light the sky
Burn down the mission
Burn it down to stay alive
It's our only chance of living
Take all you need to live inside
Soft targets...attacked by cowards.
If a 'civil war' were to break out me thinks one side is wee bit better armed, trained, n' tactically minded.
But that is hypothetical bullshit.
Here is my prognostication.
Trump will win, the USA and World will have peace and prosperity till the next fool gets office, or the bankers blow up the currency.
Big jump in cases here in central Iowa in the past week or so. Interestingly, "many" (I can't find actual numbers anywhere) are in the 18 - 25 age bracket, and probably affiliated with the University. Apparently returning student athletes have been blamed, but I wonder about all the righteous protesting that was going on at the beginning of the month. Anyway, it's unfortunate that it's coming now, as everyone is getting pretty burned out on all the mask-wearing and social distancing.
When this whole China Flu thing started, there were daily articles about the great number of expected (as predicted by the models) deaths to come. Lately, though, I've noticed a lot of the reporting has been focused on increases in the number of cases being found and not much at all in the number of people who have died from it, and what sort of characteristics those who died might have shared.
I'm sure it's just an oversight.
Pike or at least the statue of him was an impressive looking man. Any chance that any of these statues, just on artistic merit, deserve preservation? Maybe, for the duration, they should put up a temporary plaque stating that he's Karl Marx. Those idiots would never know the difference and maybe it would keep them at bay.....Maybe they can put a plaster of paris beard on Jefferson and claims he's Frederick Douglas until this blows over. It's worth a shot....FDR was the one who put up the Jefferson Monument on the Mall. He wanted it to counterbalance the Lincoln Memorial because Lincoln was a Republican. They'be be coming after FDR eventually, but he's probably got another generation.
I can see why the Irish would want to pull down statues of Cromwell in Ireland. (Cromwell was no slouch himself when it came destroying monuments.) However, I do think it would be ill mannered for the Irish to tear down statues of Cromwell in England.....I resent the fact that the protesters have decided that they and only they are the righteous arbiters of which statues get to stand. Are we guests in their country?
Get google-imagy with "Tom Lee Park Memphis Rescue" for some wholesome public art that I had a small hand in bringing to fruition.
Still unspoilt last I looked
Burn Down the Mission
Elton John (tune)
Bernie Taupin (words)
How can you not see it? There will be a MASSIVE SECOND WAVE of Corona around mid October, lasting about three weeks. It will be worse than the first wave, and it will all be Trump's fault.
Are you a member of the Steve Uhr branch of epidemiology ?
The high risk people are still going to stay out of public. The increase in testing is going to show a lot of asymptomatic young people with a few cytokine storm cases, just like flu season. The nursing home population was culled by Whitmer and Cuomo.
Michael: "And who would craft such a thing among our current crop of “sculptors”?"
No crafting required.
The existing Washington Monument will be repurposed for a more woke outcome.
Re the "truth"
Truth is whatever serves the interests of the (Democratic) Party.
The text on the statue's plinth highlights his post war-leadership of the Scottish Rite of freemasonry. Money for the statue was raised privately by the Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction (SCJC) of the freemasons.
The statue was located across the street from the Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Square. Wonder how that monument fared.
Truth? Are you kidding?
Liberals, very important liberals have been offended by Trump and his "trash heap" supporters - this is not acceptable and everybody knows that power belongs to the educated class.
After all, even if a small portion of America is damaged, their residential quarters are well protected.
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