১১ জুন, ২০২০

"Tiny worms often breed in the mish, but are not dangerous. The saying 'the worms of the mish arise from it' means it is a problem that cannot be solved..."

"... but is not worth worrying about. The maggots comes from flies laying eggs on the cottage cheese that is left to drain on a straw mat, by the farmer in the open air. Sometimes they add Borax to kill the maggots, but you cannot use again as fermenting agent. If Mish is prepared in a factory, it does not contain any maggots."

I looked up "Mish" in Wikipedia. I love the simplicity of the image of this stuff...

And I love the metaphorical potential of the worms that arise from the food itself and that are not worth worrying about... though I am always going to object to maggots in any food you might want me to eat and the worms actually don't arise from the food, they are introduced by the flies, and it underscores that you don't want flies landing on your food.

But, anyway, I was looking up "Mish" because I was trying to figure out if there was any reason why I shouldn't link to this piece — "Trump Demands CNN Apologize for a Poll Showing Biden in the Lead" — written by someone who goes by the name Mish. This is at TheStreet, a website co-founded by Jim Cramer. I haven't come up with any reason not to read this article. Don't know if there are any worms arising from within, so let's dip in:
The Trump campaign claims is the CNN poll is "designed to mislead American voters through a biased questionnaire and skewed sampling." "It's a stunt and a phony poll to cause voter suppression, stifle momentum and enthusiasm for the President, and present a false view generally of the actual support across America for the President"... Two days ago Trump says he "hired respected pollster, McLaughlin & Associates, to analyze today's CNN Poll"...

Unusual Cease and Desist Order

The demand for a retraction and a very unusual cease-and-desist order came out today....

Totally Amusing Response

“To the extent we have received legal threats from political leaders in the past, they have typically come from countries like Venezuela or other regimes where there is little or no respect for a free and independent media,” said CNN executive vice president David Vigilante. "CNN is well aware of the reputation of McLaughlin and Associates. In 2014 his firm famously reported Eric Cantor was leading his primary challenger by 34 points only to lose by 11 - a 45 point swing. The firm has a C/D rating from FiveThirtyEight"....

৩৫টি মন্তব্য:

Mark বলেছেন...

Wasn't McLoughlin the one pushing 'unscrewed polling that showed Romney ahead of Obama?

I get the feeling the 'unskewed' polls are about to start appearing again by commenters here.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

"Fucking maggots, how do they work?"

rehajm বলেছেন...

Totally Amusing Response

I find it amusing for its lack of response to the substance of the McLaughlin memo in Trump's tweet. Sure there's political spin- that's what they're paid for and certainly not any worse than the spin CNN puts on anything they say- but it's telling there's no response to the substance:

They continue to poll adults or registered voters that skew away from likely voters. So instead of the 33% Republican turnout which actually happened in 2016, they are reporting polls on only 26%, 25% or even 24% Republicans. Since you get over 90% of the Republican vote, for every point fewer Republicans that they do not poll, they reduce your vote total by a point...

...the CNN poll out today is another skewed anti-Trump poll of only 25% Republican. It’s a poll of 1,259 adults – not even registered voters, let alone likely voters.

If the facts aren't on your side, pound the table, eh CNN?

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Every last one of the posts today have convinced me that the world has gone completely crazy.

There is no point to paying any attention to anyone or any laws or any regulations anymore and we should just do whatever dafuk we want. Of course, that has actually been my modus operandi anyway, now it is just official 😉

Kevin বলেছেন...

Every time the left shoots itself in the foot, a bunch of polls come out saying the people are overwhelmingly behind the effort.

It’s a coordinated propaganda campaign.

Kevin বলেছেন...

The left is reduced to cries of racism.

Free healthcare and college didn’t move the needle far enough.

So it’s a campaign of destruction they’re going to run.

As Biden keeps repeating he’ll unify the country.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

“To the extent we have received legal threats from political leaders in the past, they have typically come from countries like Venezuela or other regimes where there is little or no respect for a free and independent media,"

But I thought the left liked Venezuela! A BLM leader had her picture taken with Maduro and the media wasn't shrieking about that.

As for polling, I'm looking at the only polls that matter - voting results. In GA, an uncontested Trump is still beating the combined Biden-Sanders vote and I expect at least some of those Sanders voters will either stay at home and pout in November or else they'll continue to vote for Bernie.

We hear every day about how bad the polls are for Trump, how everyone has turned against him and so on. And yet the primary results don't bear that out.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

I am impressed with McLaughlin, the only poll that CNN could criticize them for was from 6 years ago. If they were that bad CNN could have found more to talk about. And the Cantor election they chortle about was a Republican primary election In Va where a sitting majority leader Cantor rapidly fell out of favor with the Party base in a surprise vote. Compare to Silver who was heavy Hillary in national presidential polls until election night 2016.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Mish is usually made at home from Karish cheese.[4] The cheese is drained, rinsed and layered with salt in an earthenware jar. The jar is then filled with a pickling solution of buttermilk, sour skim milk, whey, red and green peppers. Some old mish is added to start the fermentation. The sealed container is then left for a year or more at ambient temperature

reminds me of Vietnamese fish sauce, another pungent food that you don't want to see or think about making...

yes, I use it, but prefer the non-authentic factory version.

Roy Lofquist বলেছেন...

There is only one poll that I will be following this year - USC/Dornsife/LA Times.

"The 2016 USC Dornsife / LA Times Presidential Election Poll represents a pioneering approach to tracking changes in Americans' opinions throughout a campaign for the White House. Around 3000 respondents in our representative panel are asked questions on a regular basis on what they care about most in the election, and on their attitudes toward their preferred candidates. The "Daybreak poll" is updated just after midnight every day of the week."

The 2016 poll:


This approach is most accurate in trends because it's the same people throughout.

Tacitus বলেছেন...

Oddly the phrase mishmash seems to be unrelated to Egyptian cheese.

"..also mish-mash, late 15c., mysse-masche, probably an imitative reduplication of mash (n.). Compare German mischmasch, Danish miskmask."

Etymology - and this case I guess also Entymology - is wriggly stuff.

T. Wolter

Michael K বলেছেন...

Trump, as usual, makes a point the left misses. Polls are being manipulated.

Sally327 বলেছেন...

I don't know, the way things are going we might need to get used to eating what we can forage, which would include bugs and worms and such like. Maybe it will help our immune systems, once the less hardy all die off.

Anyway, I saw that CNN headline a day or so ago and I wondered, why would the Trump campaign give CNN an easy layup like that? Is there a deeper strategy there that I'm not seeing? I'm always reminded, when I think like this, of the Gamal Nasser quote: "The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves which make us wonder at the possibility that there may be something to them we are missing."

This is what I think often about Trump.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Legal Threads are self-defined as Legal. I'm sure ANYTHING Trump does reminds CNN/NYT/WaPo of something bad, usually Hitler.

I'm more interested in "Mish" - how does it relate to "mishmash"?

rcocean বলেছেন...

Maggots and other insects are nature's garbageman. So, they're essential if disgusting.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

You have a media that is almost 99% anti-Trump- they even admit openly that they are working against him politically. Why is it a conspiracy theory that the same media would conduct fake polls showing anti-Trump sentiment? Really, is the media going do every thing else with partisan intent, but not polling itself?

Biden may well win the election- anything is possible- but Biden isn't going to win by any margin greater than Obama did in 2012, and almost certainly by a lesser one if he does win at all, which I am on record believing isn't going to happen.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

There were major polls in 2016 that showed Trump losing by 10+ points the week before the election. Were those accidents? Trump beat Clinton in the popular vote if you take California out of the numbers. The national polls in 2016, if they were honest and well done, should have detected the electorally dangerous skew in Clinton's popular support, but none of them did detect it, or they didn't bother mentioning it for some reason. The same applied to the polls run in all the swing states and the states that Trump won in a surprise (WI, PA, and MI).

You have two choices here- either the polls in 2016 routinely were deliberately wrong about the election chances, or they wrong accidentally. Choose- dishonesty or incompetence. You don't even have the option of claiming that the polls were wrong because Trump supporters lie or don't respond- all these polling organizations have enough statistical data to detect such a thing if it is happening, and to be able to adjust for it- seriously, when you have a poll showing Trump losing Texas in 2016, you should know there is something not quite right if the poll is accidentally wrong.

policraticus বলেছেন...

Sometimes, the maggots are the whole point.

e.g. Casu marzu.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Polls are largely BS. Unless the sample size and distribution is disclosed along with the questions to rely on them is delusional.

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

MISH short for his name, Mike Shedlock (or something close to that!)

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Yancy Ward: You don't even have the option of claiming that the polls were wrong because Trump supporters lie or don't respond- all these polling organizations have enough statistical data to detect such a thing if it is happening, and to be able to adjust for it"

How do you detect that? I expect the polls will be even more disastrously wrong this year than they were in 16, because at a time when people are losing their jobs and getting physically threatened for not bending the knee, even more people are going to genuinely fear giving their actual opinions over the phone to some stranger from Gallup or NBC or CNN. I think that's especially true of independents who live in blue areas.

Polling is only accurate when people feel free to speak their minds. The only place they can do that now is in the privacy of the voting booth - which is why the Dems want mail-in voting.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

It is over. Over for Trump. Republican voters now need to regroup to understand why two Republican presidencies in a row have been such train wreck.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"Republican voters now need to regroup to understand why two Republican presidencies in a row have been such train wreck."

C'Mon, (AR)Man! Help us out here. Share us some clues. Is it our mouthwash?

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

what was CNN's poll back in 2016? Landslide baby.

hstad বলেছেন...

Well at least the McLoughlin Group had a C/D rating. CNN comes in as an F- rating!

cubanbob বলেছেন...

"there is little or no respect for a free and independent media,” said CNN executive vice president David Vigilante. "CNN is well aware of the reputation of McLaughlin and Associates. In 2014 his firm famously reported Eric Cantor was leading his primary challenger by 34 points only to lose by 11 - a 45 point swing. The firm has a C/D rating from FiveThirtyEight"...."

CNN is as always, dissembling and deflection. There is little respect for a free and independent what? Media is a blanket term. Which media? The entertainment media? The advertising media? The political propaganda media? Notice this CNN VP deliberately obfuscated by specifically not stating the the presumptive news media. News as in factual reporting of events. Nope. CNN is not in that branch of media. He also doesn't state on what basis McLaughlin and Associates is has a C/D rating from a pollster that blew the last election. As usual, CNN lies by omission and cherry picked facts.

ARM lives in an alternate reality where the last two Democratic presidencies weren't train wrecks. Yes Clinton planting the economic IED to blow up the banks is beyond his grasp. Selling military secrets to China. There is more. And Obama, the moron whose economic were disastrous along with his foreign and military policies.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Back to mish, aside from the maggots, it sounds like something worth trying. Is factory made mish available in the US? I would like to try it on English water crackers.

Static Ping বলেছেন...

CNN regularly lies to its viewers and is rather proud of that fact. The poll very well be garbage, and given how ridiculous the number is at minimum it is a huge outlier. It's not worth my time to actually analyze it though. It would like fact checking Prada: what's the point?

JackWayne বলেছেন...

Mush is Mike Shedlock, a complete anti-trumper economist

effinayright বলেছেন...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
It is over. Over for Trump. Republican voters now need to regroup to understand why two Republican presidencies in a row have been such train wreck.

In a row?

Were you in an chemically-induced coma during the Obama administration?

n.n বলেছেন...

Trump, as usual, makes a point the left misses. Polls are being manipulated.

Disinformation, influencers, steering.

Michael K বলেছেন...

CNN executive vice president David Vigilante.

I guess we now know who out new leader is. Is ARM prepared to wash his feet?

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Seems like mish could be rendered maggot free simply by putting cheesecloth on the top instead of leaving it open. My wife once ate some worm-infested French cheese. It was on a farm in Southern France and it was supposed to be worm-infested. She ate it because the farmer said that she wouldn't eat it because she was an American. Having proved him wrong, she handed the plate to some Parisians who were there with her. They said, "we don't eat that hick crap. It's got worms in it." It sounded better in the original French.

Just like CNN, it's got worms in it.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
It is over. Over for Trump.


walter বলেছেন...

ARM posting generic Trump is done! tripe to avoid the truth that he will vote for demented Sniffer/Boldfinger Biden.