"The Massachusetts senator had her own moniker in mind. 'I was going to say I’m here today as an ally, but can we really just say co-conspirator?' laughed Warren, one of the few white women to appear at the events organized by Higher Heights For America, which promotes the organizing and voting power of black women. 'Nothing’s going to change unless it is black women’s voices that are uplifted.' Such overtures could help Warren’s bid to become Joe Biden’s running mate. The presumptive Democratic nominee is under mounting pressure to pick a black woman in the wake of recent outrage over racial injustice and police brutality. But some black leaders say Warren’s progressive politics, economic populism and specific policy proposals addressing everything from maternal mortality to the coronavirus could put her in a strong position. 'I think she’s totally still viable,' said Nelini Stamp, director of strategy and partnerships for the Working Families Party, a progressive labor activist group that endorsed Warren in the primary. 'Warren is one of the folks whose been talking about big structural change. And when we’re thinking about re-imagining public safety, that is something that’s going to require some actual structural change.'"
AP reports.
१२४ टिप्पण्या:
Liz Warren is an unlikable, shrill old hag. She won't be VP. Kamala Harris, on the other hand, is young and beautiful. We don't care about policy.
Susan Rice?
She could be the second indigenous VP.
You gotta love your odds of becoming president if you get the gig as Biden’s VP....
Yes, Lizzie would be Joe's best bet. It would give the Althouses of America something with which to rationalize their vote.
This pro-Warren campaign strikes me as White people quoting blacks -- selected for their viewpoint -- to sell a product. It reads very much like the 'Biden is electable' ploy.
Wishful thinking puff peace...
"Structural change" means taking a sledge hammer to the walls and tearing up floorboards. No one really knows what's coming, not even those leading the revolution. Republicans, of course, are still hiding under their desks, waiting until it's safe to talk about cutting the capital gains tax.
She's the cold sore that just won't go away...
Funny how they can still find race apologists to back her. It's like all the protesting is for some other reason...
Fauxcahontas is certainly dishonest and wacky enough to be Joe’s heir apparent and she’s a POC besides. LOL.
"whose been talking"?
It won't be Warren. She has the same problem Sanders had, but without the personality.
If it was just now revealed that she falsely claimed herself as being part of a racial minority, she would be canceled.
I’m too busy applauding to read the post.
She was turd in the Massachusetts primary. I can’t believe she swings ANY votes.
How much scolding can one tolerate?
'Nothing’s going to change unless it is black women’s voices that are uplifted.' Such overtures could help Warren’s bid to become Joe Biden’s running mate.
Uhm. Am I the only one who sees the problem here? Warren should withdraw from consideration and tell Biden to announce a black woman.
She is a skinny Hillary with fake "Indian" credentials. Perfect for Joe.
Who is this 'white' woman you speak of?
Did she have her a beer???
Warren is 70 years old, from Massachusetts, and is a hard-core leftist. She's also a liar & full of fake empathy. Which makes her a typical Democrat. But she's a poor VP Candidate Match for Biden. In this age of "Karens" and "Peaceful protests" I don't see how Biden can pick a white woman as his running mate. It has to be a Latina or Black. Another point, is she refused to immediately endorse Biden, unlike Harris, and had fights with Bernie.
Why would Slow Joe want an uppity, insubordinate, white fake Indian female as his VP?
I'm sure that will work....
"...when we’re thinking about re-imagining public safety..."
So far all we've heard about is a vague, crude "de-funding" of the police in our cities. Where are the nuanced policy proposals? Where are the working models of re-imagined public safety? Surely Sweden must have a well thought out alternative to the US model? Why doesn't Madison have a demonstration project already in place to show us how it's done?
For that matter, why don't the major cities in the US have demonstration projects in place to lead us to the Green New Deal? After all, the world is ending in 11 years.
Why aren't the George Floyd protesters giving us de-escalation training?
How does the burning of minority-owned business show us how to create an environment that welcomes and encourages minority enterprises?
Again, where is the famous progressive nuance and creativity? Where is the progressive insight and leadership?
Why isn't the media asking hard questions of those who would re-invent our culture and our cities?
There wold be something so amazing about a woman who faked her minority status getting the VP slot at this moment in time.
blah blah blah.. Biden will pick Hillary.
The deep state will not abide any other choice.
At this point, if I were betting, my money would be on Kamala Harris, the Goldilocks of race- not too black, not too white. Unfortunately for the Democrats, also not too competent, not too smart, not too charismatic.....etc.
The D's no longer have to balance their ticket by Geography or ideology. As shown by their votes in Congress, the party is entirely left-wing now. And extreme Left, represented by Warren and Bernie, have nowhere to go, and will vote for Biden no matter what. Geography doesn't matter either. Midwesterners and Southerners will vote for a Yankee, and vice versa. Since 1992, the only D candidate to "balance" the ticket with Geography were Gore (Southerner picking Connecticut Senator) and even that was more about being the 1st person to pick a Jew as VP.
So, there's no reason to pick Warren to "balance" the ticket. Bernie voters hate Trump and will crawl over broken glass to vote against him. And there's almost zero difference between Biden and Warren anyway. No, the D's MUST choose a Latina or a Black to increase minority turnout in key states.
every week, there's a new flavor!
Chocolate, vanilla... who is next!???
the compost pile! sell it as "fresh and evidence based"
Yes, Joe Biden, please select a woman with all the ethical baggage of a Hillary, who has even less of Hillary's well known charm, poise and people skills.
If Democrats really cared about advancing the most qualified candidates they'd get behind Warren. But they won't; they will go with the identity politics to slake emotive fury. And thankfully, no one is taking a Hillary VP candidacy seriously. Hillary has more experience that Warren but her negatives far outweigh Warren's.
Nothing says Black Lives Matter like Joe Biden and Liz Warren
The first Native American Woman VP. Lizzy’s got a lock on it.And within a month after inauguration Joe will be found with arrows in his back and scalped.
Roller derby. That's how Biden should pick his veep. Strap skates on the lot of them, and see who's left standing.
Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote about the fall out of consequential change, not the public demonstrations of cultish fidelity:
"Instead, why not commit to real change? Why do we not integrate Sidwell Friends with those schools of the inner-city and of lower classes? Why do not our actors, the Pelosi grandchildren, the scions of the Zuckerberg, Gates, and Bloomberg families, all vow to place their offspring into the public schools, to become personally engaged with the less fortunate, and to pledge that their own fates will hinge on those of others? One can write a check for millions to the anti-Semitic and racist Al Sharpton and his charity and thereby do far less than simply tutoring one inner-city teen or taking him on as a personal intern to advise him how one gets ahead in America."
Just how much do black lives matter?
Who picks the "running mate" in this charade? Is there some éminence grise running the show, or are there factions wrestling for dominance? Maybe somebody will write a book about it once the dust settles.
My money is on Val Demings. Warren's time has past.
I think it's a great idea. She will drive men away in large numbers. (I was going to say she'll drive them away in droves, but that got me all confused.)
"Re-imagining public safety." That is a perfect phrase. It comes near to describing what they are actually doing, which is fantasizing about Utopia. A wonderful, egalitarian Utopia in which people like Elizabeth Warren and Nelini Stamp will be the Chief Egalitarians. And there will be no crime, because crime is strictly a result of 'inequality' and 'systemic racism.'
Yes, they are re-imagining. But reality stubbornly resists the imagination as regards human nature.
"Re-imagining public safety." That is a perfect phrase. It comes near to describing what they are actually doing, which is fantasizing about Utopia. A wonderful, egalitarian Utopia in which people like Elizabeth Warren and Nelini Stamp will be the Chief Egalitarians. And there will be no crime, because crime is strictly a result of 'inequality' and 'systemic racism.'
Yes, they are re-imagining. But reality stubbornly resists the imagination as regards human nature.
I wonder how much it costs to produce a groundswell.
I don't know how, being blue-eyed and fair-haired, her fraudulent use, misuse, and abuse of the affirmative action system to build her career as a supposed "woman of color" would play amongst minorities.
Oh no. I'm going to have to come up with some hi-kus/How-kus if Warren gets picked as Joe's squaw. How can we miss her if she never says bye-ku?
I guess blowing up the whole shootin' match does technically count as "structural change"...
How does fauxcohantas address them?
If she calls them Mrs Smith or Ms Jones, they should call her Senator Warren.
And if she insists on the "Senator" they need to insist on Ms/Mrs.
Otoh, I have no problem with them all calling each other by first name.
I loathe politicians who think they can call me by first name but insist on their title.
They work for me, not vice versa. I should call them by first name and they should call me Mr when it comes to address.
I'm OK with equality, though.
John Henry
You could have started this post with 'AP reports' and saved me the trouble.
I doubt very seriously, that Slow Joe will be in charge of who is VP will be.
i don't understand, Stacy Abrams says she's ALREADY WON the Vice Presidency for 2020
At this point, if I were betting, my money would be on Kamala Harris.
No Democratic candidate is detested more by the Left, for her tone-deaf support of California police unions and refusal to prosecute blatant officer misconduct.
In the end Jill Biden has veto power over which woman is allowed to be VP.
Mark O
VDH! Love him. He makes to much sense for the blind faith BS left.
It just doesn't seem like Biden is leading in this search. He has to make a pick that demonstrates a capability to lead. I'm not sure he's up to the task.
A President has to lead a country.
I wonder why you never hear Loretta Lynch mentioned for Joe's VP?
At this point, I mostly just see an ideology with questionable truth and knowledge claims.
What structure? What specific change? I don't think many of these groups members can even tell you, really, because they haven't had to think that deeply about the structure of their own thought.
This is what much radicalism inherent in feminist ideology has devolved into: The aggrieved white girl group and the aggrieved black girl group arguing about which evil 'they' to stick it to.
And here comes the stiffest, pathetically pandering Harvard white lady with so many ridiculous advantages ready to lead the blind into utopia.
Good luck staying ahead of the mob. She would have folded in '68 and she'd folding now. Enjoy. Please don't take the country down with you. I need the laws for my freedoms.
well she has to step down from her make believe governorship of georgia,
The problem for Biden is for him to pick as a running mate someone who isn't an idiot or a Communist or a grifter and isn't senile is to spotlight why that person isn't on the top of the ticket. Fortunately the talent pool does not include sane, intelligent, non-criminal, non-Communist and none senile candidates. Biden has a problem that in normal times would be insoluble but these are not normal time. He will find someone who rounds out his incompetence and stupidity and the scary thing they will get 45% of the vote and perhaps even win.
This discussion is evidence that the Democrats have conceded the election.
If there is a big "Second Wave" of covid in September and their chances improve, Joe will have a fatal heart attack. Then, who steps up ? Hillary? Michelle?
Coronavirus (that was the voice to text interpretation of Kamala Harris) doesn't have the charisma to beef vice president. also I think they want her for attorney general because of her extreme aggressiveness as a prosecutor in California there were will sick her on the Trump crime family.
I can't think of a greater gift to Trump than another round of Fauxcahontas insults. And the BLM folks won't be happy either.
By the end of 2021, "who's" and "whose" will be combined into "whs" and "they're", "there" and "their" will become "thr".
By the end of 2021, "who's" and "whose" will be combined into "whs" and "they're", "there" and "their" will become "thr".
'I think she’s totally still viable,'
As we well know, "viability" is not something which Democrats put a lot of stock in.
People engrossed in "progressive" politics with their "structural" and "systemic" and their exiling anyone who doesn't toe the line sound just like Scientologists with their "KSW" and "SP", etc. Really unpleasant, miserable people.
Perhaps today Warren identifies as black.
What would stand in her way?
Does this mean we're gong to see a recently discovered, long-lost, DNA test proving that she's 1/1024th Black?
Wince said...
In the end Jill Biden has veto power over which woman is allowed to be VP.
Well, she is a doctor and all...
Am I the only one who's noticed that they've stopped pointing that out? Was it because it didn't play well with the voters or did it become just too stupid after Whoopi Goldberg said they should make her Surgeon General?
He's not going to pick her. Right now, he looks like he has a good shot. Pick a hard left progressive in the middle of widespread social upheaval? Sounds like a way to concede the election.
So now we’re supposed to believe that she’s a black woman?
Diversity politics.
“Structural change” = more government.
Come to think of it, with Democratic rhetoric, “ {any word} change” = more government.
I was just looking at the Yahoo Finance site. There was a video clip with a banner stating that the SBA is being sued due to a rule the prevents convicted felons from getting PPP funding.
In these days of the obligatory representation of underserved communities, there must be a convicted felon among the VP choices, no?
Warren seems to be the candidate of choice for busybodies.
I am not surprised.
Poor deluded fool, she obviously hasn't yet been told that it was actually a bunch of white guys in Hawaiian shirts that looted the store.
Inga, you need to contact this woman and set her straight. Tell her all about the right-wing Boogaloo Bois that ruined her grocery store.
Michelle Obama is the obvious best choice. But whether she would do it or whether Biden's handlers would allow it is another question. She'd be the one person in the public eye who could get their side genuinely on board. And would really overcome any issues with Biden's health, since they'd want him to be out the way as early as possible, and that's why his handlers may not want it.
I wonder what Warren has to say about her peoples' oppressors statues.
BREAKING: Following a shooting this evening, Mayor Tim Keller says the Don Juan De Oñate statue, in front of the Albuquerque Museum, will come down until further notice.
Damn those conquistadors who were... Wait. Were they white? Spaniards are latinos, right?
Somebody should ask statue experts what they think.
Freeman Hunt?
This is exactly what the country needs right now. Hand the reigns of power over to the black Matriarchy! They've done such a stellar job raising their own bastards that the rest of us can follow the trail straight to the stars!
Warren could strengthen her position by appearing in blackface. That and the high cheek bones, a twofer.
Rush cut off the caller at 2:30 much too quickly. He had the only interesting thought on the show. Good VP candidate nut sounded like a white man, not a black woman. Talking structure.
White progressives are not a plus in the Black struggle.
It's the WSC -- white savior complex -- and tendency of white progressives to push their issues rather than keeping their eyes on the prize, pushing actual blacks and their concerns out of the way.
As a non drinker, I am triggered by the title of their show, The "Sip" Hour... how dare they exclude us non drinkers!
I think they want her for attorney general because of her extreme aggressiveness as a prosecutor in California there were will sick her on the Trump crime family.
Howard projecting again. The Biden crime family are your team, Howard. Every single one of them is a felon.
Whoopi Goldberg said they should make her Surgeon General?
The health officers all over the country are resigning or being fired. Newsom and Cuomo needed somebody to blame. Maybe Dr Biden should reconsider.
But she has all kinds of plans. Plans that would be implemented by bureaucracies like the CDC. Who can resist that?
People who blab non-stop about reforming this and that generally don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Voters who believe them love empty suits like Obama, Hillary, Warren, Biden, Sanders who mostly have achieved almost nothing in the private sectors.
one of the few white women to appear at the events organized by Higher Heights For America, which promotes the organizing and voting power of black women.
Completely tone-deaf as to how condescending, patronizing and insulting they are. Not to mention racist.
As if black women cannot even draw oxygen by themselves without the 'help' of some arrogant, white, female, leftist scolds.
The problem with a Harris pick is that in addition to having the millstone of prosecutor/law enforcement around her neck, while she may be deemed black, she does NOT have African-American heritage, that is, she and her family have never experienced the struggle of slavery and Jim Crow.
Harris' mother is from India and her father is Jamaican. She has, in fact, been the beneficiary of white privilege much of her life.
Authentic heritage counts a lot for the current state of the black electorate.
Freeman Hunt said...
He's not going to pick her. Right now, he looks like he has a good shot. Pick a hard left progressive in the middle of widespread social upheaval? Sounds like a way to concede the election.
6/16/20, 12:04 PM
Hey Freeman! Glad to see you post.
I'm so old I remember when the buzz was that Warren was unelectable because the big money donors would bail on her candidacy and probably hurt the downstream races as well. Of course that's different now because the big donors are stupid and don't realize that Warren would ascend to the big chair in 6-18 months.
I'm wondering if Keisha Lance Bottoms is rising on Joe's possible pick list
Virtual happiness is a poor substitute for the real thing.
Re Kiesha Lance Bottoms: I'd never heard much from her before, and still know little about her, but I've seen her speaking now in small snippets on tv lately. She's good, and it's easy to see she's more than mid-sized city mayor stuff because so many such local officials are getting their 15 seconds lately.
Massachusetts democrat mayor of Boston and a Howard's Hero, Marty Walsh, now wishes to remove the century old statue of Abraham Lincoln.
Yes. Abraham Lincoln.
Because OF COURSE he is.
Michael K said...
This discussion is evidence that the Democrats have conceded the election.
6/16/20, 10:38 AM
I’ve been seeing the evidence long before this discussion began. I’ll admit though, since the pandemic started, I see some small hope for the dems, but it still looks like the Donald’s going to win regardless.
"Wishful thinking puff peace..."
Oh, that's good.
If Biden picked Valerie Jarrett, we sure would see some heads explode.
I'm wondering if Keisha Lance Bottoms is rising on Joe's possible pick list
Stop thinking through the MSM lens.
BLM types are certain to ask: Where was Keisha Lance Bottoms all these years in addressing the racist Atlanta police department?? It takes a riot for her to notice??
Biden will have less than nothing to say about his VP choice. The cabal has all the power, Slow Joe will head for the shower.
"she does NOT have African-American heritage"
That didn't seem to slow Obama down, though.
Interesting to see the Democrats going not only left but anti-Semetic.
Blacks in LA have adopted Koreans as villains in their failures to progress economically. The Koreans who own small stores in black areas have replaced Jews as the hated shopkeeper who punishes shoplifting.
I wonder if movie people are tired of the Jews in Hollywood running things?
Comedian Chelsea Handler posted a clip of Louis Farrakhan on Instagram yesterday with the comment, “I learned a lot from watching this powerful video.”
I'll bet she did.
Michelle is best. See if people take bake their Barack vote, or double down. Expect they will not risk the humiliation of Michelle getting less votes than Hillary.
Michael K said...
This discussion is evidence that the Democrats have conceded the election.
Inasmuch as they never conceded the 2016 election, it's unlikely they will concede this one.
And by "big structural change," they mean of course "more statism, less liberty."
I'm good with most of those I've heard are in the running. I'd be fine with Warren, or Harris or Demmings, or Whitmore etc
"she does NOT have African-American heritage"
That didn't seem to slow Obama down, though.
True. Then again, what the hell did Obama ever do to really improve the lives of "authentic" African Americans whose ancestors were in chains?
Interesting to see the Democrats going not only left but anti-Semetic.
Sorry MK, but you're a few decades behind the times.
As for Blacks and Koreans, didn't you see the shopkeepers defending their stores during the Rodney King riots? (An antipathy that began many years before too.)
Mark wrote: "[Kamala Harris] and her family have never experienced the struggle of slavery and Jim Crow. ...Authentic heritage counts a lot for the current state of the black electorate." Like what Barack Obama had?
Inga said...
If Biden picked Valerie Jarrett, we sure would see some heads explode.
6/16/20, 5:39 PM
Oh, I'd love to see that!
The reason Jarrett was not given a position that had to be confirmed by congress is that her hands were deep into the pay-to-play operation that is the Daly machine.
“Interesting to see the Democrats going not only left but anti-Semetic.”
Then goes on to say this in the same comment.
“I wonder if movie people are tired of the Jews in Hollywood running things?”
Contradicting himself that it is Democrats who are anti-Semitic. Very Trump like to contradict oneself in the same thought.
Today Inga: "If Biden picked Valerie Jarrett, we sure would see some heads explode."
Previous Inga: Once Mueller testifies heads will explode and many conservatives at Althouse will run away.
Previous Inga: Once Michael Cohen testifies heads will explode and many conservatives at Althouse will run away.
Previous Inga: Once Vindman testifies heads will explode and many conservatives at Althouse will run away.
Anybody picking up on a pattern with our idiot Russia Collusion truther?
Whenever someone mentions Elizabeth Warren all I can think about is that shot of her drinking a beer in a kitchen, and up on top of the cabinets behind her is a figurine of a black with a huge grin on his face eating watermelon.
Now that's what I call woke.
Good News democratics! Lefty elites in Seattle, after cheering on the looting and burning and destruction of other districts and neighborhoods, are now hiring private, armed, security services to protect themselves from the lefty mobs.
That's about as 2020 Woke as it gets right there.
She's not black.
mail from imdb
IMDb supports Black Filmmakers and Black Voices. Discover new perspectives and revisit your favorites with these movie and TV show recommendations curated by our Black Employee Network.
black is the way to go.
Denzel Washington was good in Unstoppable (2010). The physics had some major problems. And there was a black lady supervisor white collar hero as well. I wonder who that was. Maybe a VP possibility. ... Rosario Dawson.
Contradicting himself that it is Democrats who are anti-Semitic. Very Trump like to contradict oneself in the same thought.
I know bedpans are your specialty but have you ever read, "An Empire of their Own." ?
or this?
How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.
You truly are an idiot.
As for Blacks and Koreans, didn't you see the shopkeepers defending their stores during the Rodney King riots? (An antipathy that began many years before too.)
Did history begin for you this morning too ?
Jeez. Inga is enough.
Valerie jarrett doesnt take orders she gives them.
narciso said...
Valerie jarrett doesnt take orders she gives them.
I've wondered if her role was to give orders to Obama. I just don't see him as "The Godfather." Maybe Fredo or Tom Hagen at best.
“You truly are an idiot.“
You truly are an anti Semitic and racist senile coot.
YOU are the one that stated these things in the present tense, not me.
If you must get snippy about it.
Russian Collusion Truther Inga: "You truly are an anti Semitic and racist senile coot."
Yes. A lefty wrote that. Just now.
Even as DeBlasio and the dems continue to harass orthodox Jewish mothers and their children and send armed guards into Orthodox Jewish funerals to break them up and align themselves fully with islamic supremacists.
tsk tsk tsk
Inga, I rest my case. There is no response to that idiocy.
What drago said,
De Blasio makes Lindbergh and Father Coughlin look like philo-semites.
Elizabeth Warren IS a black woman.
If you want.
Lindbergh didnt hate the jews his wife might have coughlin is a whole other level.
rhhardin: "Denzel Washington was good in Unstoppable (2010). The physics had some major problems. And there was a black lady supervisor white collar hero as well. I wonder who that was. Maybe a VP possibility. ... Rosario Dawson."
Ah yes. Rosario Dawson.
Who knew a self-described Spartacus would need a "beard"?
Perhaps I'm being unfair, given how "fiercely heterosexual" Cory Booker is..............
Plugs will be happy with a female minority running mate. 1/512th Cherokee ought to do the trick. Just imagine "Plugs and Pokey" on White and Indian Red bumper stickers constantly circling the DC Beltway. But people will wonder if "Pokey" is simply short for "Pocahontas" or if it is another name for hoosegow where the GOP intends to put Biden.
Biden will name Michelle Obama as his VP choice and Trump will counter with Ivanka Kushner.
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