June 26, 2020

Room Rater gives Matt Yglesias a 6 out of 10 even though the background is an unmade bed.

This grading on a political curve is ridiculous:


Temujin said...

Exactly the decor I'd expect out of him.

Stu said...

I’m not even going to mention the lame ass movie posters on his wall except to say that I stopped putting movie posters on my wall when I left college.

Francisco D said...

He looks about as grumpy as I do before two cups of strong coffee.

Bob Smith said...

If you don’t get up in the morning and make the bed .... I’m not interested in anything you have to say.

Not Sure said...

That's a 6/10 on the Incel-Adjusted Scale

mccullough said...

The Incel in His Habitat

Wince said...

The framed art larger than the window with no discernible border displays uneven scale.

Dave Begley said...

Guy must be a lib. If he was conservative, then a 2.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Minus 6 for being a douche?

StephenFearby said...

"This grading on a political curve is ridiculous"

Since men are more predisposed than women to be slobs, Yglesias might also have been graded on the gender curve.

YoungHegelian said...

Is Yglesias into whiteness or whut?

DanTheMan said...

> This grading on a political curve is ridiculous

For some, everything is political. Absolutely everything.

Craig said...

Wow, I used to take Yglesias's ideas seriously. I won't make that mistake again, after seeing this.

Achilles said...

If your bed is on TV something really bad or something really stupid has happened.

narciso said...

He lives in 2.7 million dollar house he should have nicer digs

narciso said...

Dalton and harvard, his dad wrote the manson series

Lucien said...

The view out the window shows he is not in a basement, so he gets points for exceeding expectations.

Iman said...

This man needs a robot... maybe two...

Not Sure said...

If your bed is on TV something really bad or something really stupid has happened.

I would guess that "really bad" or "really stupid" pretty much covers everything that's ever happened in fattyglesias's bed.

Mr. O. Possum said...

Poster on right is “Fearless,” great Jeff Bridges Isabella Rossellini movie about a man who survives a plane crash...and becomes fearless

rcocean said...

Matt must be single. That looks like your typical "single guy in his 20s" room. But I think Matt is pushing 40. Sads.

Gunner said...

Is this the guy who got his ass beat by some black muggers but didn't want to tell anyone because of racism?

rcocean said...

I think I can see a "Breitbart Dead" headline on the wall, next to a smiling Matt.

madAsHell said...

He's gay.

rcocean said...

If Matt is single that's really sad. because Mayor Pete is married, and he's no prize.

narciso said...

Its based on the novel his father rafael wrote,

Kevin said...

This grading on a political curve is ridiculous:

If he'd made his bed it would have been 8.

If he'd been a person of color, 11.

Bunkypotatohead said...

His impersonation of the Simpson's comic book guy is pretty good. +1 for that.

Paul Zrimsek said...

If it were McMansion Hell there would be an arrow labeled "An Art".

DavidUW said...

He's 39?

Lord what a loser.

He looks exactly like what he is though. Overrated scribbler who got to where he is on daddy's connections.

daskol said...

I love the movie Fearless, Peter Weir together with Jeff Bridges and Isabella.Rossolini and Rosie Perez, all at their peak powers. It's a very beautiful and profound movie. I understand it's popular among both atheists and religious people, the so called rationalist types and the mysterious, which is neat.

Yancey Ward said...

As Narciso has already pointed out, Fearless was based on Rafael Yglesias' novel- Yglesias senior wrote the screenplay, too.

Not a bad movie at all. The son is just a waste of space- literally the only person who makes little Matty Yglesias seem intellectually weighty is Ezra Klein, and the truth is that Klein might be slowly surpassing even that low bar.

daskol said...

Oh, the bed's unmade. Take off two points. Seems fair to me.

tomfromchicago said...

"If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed." Apparently, Admiral McRaven's message didn't make much impact on Yglesias. But, McRaven was a Navy SEAL for 37 years, and Yglesias looks like whatever the opposite of a SEAL would look like.

tim maguire said...

That’s some kind of summer cottage—not his real room (in addition to the spartan decor, the bedroom door opens to the outside). So, in addition to everything else, he’s one of those selfish-prick urbanites who fled the city and spread the virus in rural America. And roomrater gave him a complete pass because he’s liberal.