৪ জুন, ২০২০

Not all of Madison's boarded-up up windows have painted murals.

Go 3 posts down to see my photographs of the painted murals I saw today. I want to show this separately — messy graffiti on The Wisconsin Veterans Museum:


That graffiti is not limited to the temporary plywood. Most of it is on the permanent wall. Why would anyone with what they believe is a good cause choose to deface a veterans museum? There's the idea: Where is our museum? It's written in black (with the spelling of "museum" corrected in red). You see that? Obviously, many veterans are black, but many police officers are black, and that doesn't stop them from saying "Fuck 12" ("fuck the police").

১১২টি মন্তব্য:

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

Why would anyone with what they believe is a good cause choose to deface a veterans museum?

It's a good deed to deface a veterans museum because those veterans fought on the side of International Finance Capitalism, Systemic Racism, & American Imperialism.

I guess you didn't get the memo.

gilbar বলেছেন...

breaking: It’s now racist to clean up graffiti.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne বলেছেন...

Why would anyone with what they believe is a good cause choose to deface a veterans museum? There's the idea: Where is our museum? It's written in black (with the spelling of "museum" corrected in red). You see that? Obviously, many veterans are black, but many police officers are black, and that doesn't stop them from saying "Fuck 12" ("fuck the police").

Because they're hurrrrrrting!

I've been listening to the local news interview local twenty-somethings about the protest/riots for the past couple of days and all of them are convinced they're living in the worst times in the whole of human history.

Funny though, I keep getting this nagging feeling of deja vu every time I hear that.

Achilles বলেছেন...

They are just the Democrats Brown Shirts.

Nothing more nothing less.

Do what the Democrat party wants or they will be sent to "protest" at your house or business.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Are you asking us why the city you live in does not enforce the laws protecting private property? Maybe you should ask your elected officials.

But it seems the answer would be that property is theft. By rights, those graffiti should be gracing your house. You didn't build that. It was built by black slaves, after the Native Americans were driven from the land at gunpoint. How do you sleep at night, in a bed stolen from the Chinese? Check your privilege, White Bitch!

William বলেছেন...

Unanimous consent is a feature of totalitarian states. So glad that there is someone in Madison willing to criticize the graffiti....Silence is violence, but it apparently depends on what you are silent about.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

As a public service the police should have a nationwide website where everyone who ascribes to ACAB and Fuck the 12 can register their name, address, cell number and photo so if they ever call the cops, the cops will respect their wishes and not come.

Inga বলেছেন...

It’s an expression of frustration, anger, hate, it’s ugly, but the anger is understandable in the context that one is angry that there are two forms of justice in this country. It’s also the uglier side of human nature to destroy and deface instead of hold out hope and fight for what one holds dear. I hold out hope that out of the ashes something different and better grows. Paint those ugly boarded up windows with something hopeful, until they can be restored.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

A week ago, liberal Karens were calling the cops to report people who weren't wearing masks.

Now they're all "fuck the police!"

whitney বলেছেন...

The veterans were defending White America.

buwaya বলেছেন...

This is because your history and culture is not theirs, or they don't perceive it that way. And that is a POV of the white people on that side. I suspect much if not all of that grafitti was done by whites.

Your culture is an alien thing, to them, and not just irrelevant but hostile. This also goes back to the formal roots of European culture. To them Homer and Aristotle are just as much things of the enemy as the memory of the white soldiers of Wisconsin's 32nd "Red Arrow" division, that fought the Japanese in New Guinea, Leyte and Luzon - I assume there is a good bit of their story in that museum.

Their "ashes of their fathers and the temples of their gods" are not your ashes and temples.

You are in a, so far, cold civil war as so many have put it, but it is in many ways worse in its basis than many "hot" wars. There was far more in common between the sides in 1860 than today. Fundamental matters of values, of virtue, of honor, of religion, even language were common between the two sides back then. Now you are dealing with, in effect, a completely foreign people with which you can no longer communicate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Inga assures us that's all boogaloo.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Its an expression of complete alienation. They don't know, will never know, and will never care about whats in that building. And I am speaking of the white people that probably did most of this.

This is not rage but exaltation, an assertion of victory and power, the burning of the enemy temples.

RMc বলেছেন...

Why would anyone with what they believe is a good cause choose to deface a veterans museum?

There is no logic here, just rage. Rage and the knowledge that the people doing this will suffer no repercussions.

Professional Lady বলেছেন...

We visited that museum when we were in Madison. We were looking for information about my husband's relative who died at the Battle of Gettysburg fighting for the Union (obviously). The museum staff were very helpful and knowledgeable.

Wince বলেছেন...


Is that the new Joe Biden slogan?

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...

breaking: It’s now racist to clean up graffiti.

I was wondering that the other day when Althouse was showing the photos of white residents cleaning up the broken glass and graffiti.

It seemed to me the whites were trying to erase the work of the protesters. But nah. I was being crazy.

Now here we are. I say leave the glass and graffiti as an a reminder.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...


Is that the new Joe Biden slogan?

Have you seen that meme?

While Trump was only talking about grabbing women by the pussys.

I was the man who got it done!

Mark বলেছেন...

Why would anyone with what they believe is a good cause choose to deface a veterans museum? There's the idea: Where is our museum?

Why would anyone with what they believe is a good cause choose to smash into a shoe store and loot a bunch of pro-Kaepernick Nikes? He's their guy.

Why would anyone with what they believe is a good cause choose to minimize the shooting of an innocent black man* or the destruction of innocent black businesses?

*an innocent black man that happened to be a retired police officer

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Keith Ellison said, “George Floyd mattered... his life had value, and we are seeking justice.”, without evidence.

buwaya বলেছেন...

The Wisconsin (and Michigan) 32nd division had a very bloody war, and went through tremendous suffering in harsh tropical environments. By the end of the battle of Buna the 32nd had suffered 80% casualties, killed, wounded or evacuated sick, and was but a remnant of itself.

The battle up the Villa Verde trail in Northern Luzon was grueling, chasing Yamashita's retreating army for four months through jagged mountains, with endless bunkers to take by assault. I've long had it in mind to walk that trail, which is I hear quite possible, though rather challenging.

But the trouble is that this unit was not simply all-white, as things were at the time, but that it fought for a polity the protesters do not recognize as theirs, for reasons they feel were irrelevant to them.

Mark বলেছেন...

Why do people do what they do?

Really, it isn't that hard to figure out. No one is forcing them to do it. They act by their own free choice of the will.

They tag and smash and beat and steal because they choose to tag and smash and beat and steal. Period.

And others choose by their own free will to aid and abet, and to be a collaborator or sympathizer. And they all have blood on their hands.

Wince বলেছেন...

WATCH: Girls Cleaning ‘BLM’ Graffiti Off Govt Building Scolded For Misusing ‘White Privilege’


A video taken earlier this week appears to show three girls being scolded for supposedly misusing their “white privilege” as they cleaned graffiti from a vandalized government building in Washington, D.C.

In the video, the girls appear to be scrubbing “BLM,” the initials of the anti-cop activist group “Black Lives Matter,” from the Lafayette Building, a federal government office building at 811 Vermont Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., otherwise known as the Export-Import Bank Building.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Matter matters.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Heg Must Fall

Mark বলেছেন...

Every business that puts up plywood is saying to the protesters: "We think that you are a bunch of thugs that cannot be trusted to not smash our store and loot."

cubanbob বলেছেন...


Hmmm...being a rapist isn't so bad, but a racist rapist is beyond the pale. Good to know.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Inga said...
It’s an expression of frustration, anger, hate, it’s ugly, but the anger is understandable in the context that one is angry that there are two forms of justice in this country. "

Yeah there is. The guy who killed St. Heather Heyer is in jail. The ones who murdered retired black cop David Dorn are guilty as hell and as free as birds. A white guy was beaten to death on the streets of Dallas but Democrats don't give a shit.

And when this dies down, blacks will go back to their burned-out neighborhoods and they'll have little protection from police, who won't risk making arrests there. They also won't have stores and businesses around because you'd have to be nuts to open a grocery store or restaurant in such a neighborhood. So the murder rate will continue to rise in Chicago and other shitholes, as will the hopelessness and anger.

But that's OK by Inga. She's safe in Waukesha County, mouthing her empty-headed platitudes.

narciso বলেছেন...

'they have dissolved the people, and elected another' I only half joke madison should be renamed lumumba, or guevara, it holds no common link to the writer of the constitution,

Mark বলেছেন...

Just got an email that the building where I have part-time office space will go into secured lockdown because of a scheduled protest a block away in an hour or so.

PM বলেছেন...

"Whatever, it's tha"
- Dre

buwaya বলেছেন...

Your problem isn't with blacks, who are irrelevant, and (most of them) have never felt they shared much with the rest of you in terms of culture and heritage anyway.

Your real conflict is with your other white caste, which is terminally alienated from you.

Michael K বলেছেন...

but the anger is understandable in the context that one is angry that there are two forms of justice in this country.

Yes, the law abiding have one system that will arrest them for not wearing a mask. Then there is the other system that releases felons with no bail and releases terrorists bailing them out by Obama administration officials.

We know very well.

Inga বলেছেন...

“She's safe in Waukesha County, mouthing her empty-headed platitudes.”

Says the ugly woman who is safe spewing her hate filled rants online.

Drago বলেছেন...

Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "It’s an expression of frustration, anger, hate, it’s ugly, but the anger is understandable in the context that one is angry that there are two forms of justice in this country."

Inga takes her mind-reading "skills" on the road from the Mueller hoax to speaking for black Americans.

Of course, this is the same Inga that was lecturing us all on military war gaming strategy a few years back so really there isn't any subject she isn't willing to tackle as an "expert".

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

And the money LA is taking away from the police and redirecting to "the community?"

Yeah, right. It won't go to the residents. It will end up lining the pockets of activists.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Someone wrote "Where is our museum?" on the plywood? That's a remarkably stupid question, with a really easy answer. The National Museum of African-American History is on the Mall in Washington, very close to the Washington Monument, and is a Hell of a lot bigger and fancier than this one. As Wikipedia puts it, "It was established in December 2003 and opened its permanent home in September 2016 with a ceremony led by President Barack Obama." How soon we (well, some of us) forget.

This graffiti (all of it) also tends to destroy a favorite Twitter talking-point: 'how can you object to Antifa? Our brave boys at Normandy were anti-Fascists!' So much for showing any respect at all for the actual anti-Fascists who fought at Normandy and in the Pacific. These Fascists despise them, too, though the better-informed probably think kindly of our Soviet then-allies.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

Every business that puts up plywood is saying to the protesters: "We think that you are a bunch of thugs that cannot be trusted to not smash our store and loot."

Yes I agree, and they are right, the stores with plywood in my town are already looted, they are just trying to keep the rain out. The city is saying they are going to fine building owners 500 dollars a day if they don’t replace the glass and take down the plywood.

Jim at বলেছেন...

When Inga isn't blaming some nefarious right-wing group for the riots, she's making excuses for the riots.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Must have been Inga's boogaloos who did that.

'Cause we all know how much right wing guys in Hawaiian shirts hate veterans.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Some enterprising young leftist should come up with a Graffiti Rater.

zipity বলেছেন...

Can you say "backlash" ?

I think you can.

See you in November.

Leland বলেছেন...

I see Verizon isn't above using protests for advertising.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Its not a question of anti-fascism or whatever.
It is just that those men of the 32nd, of 1942-45, or of the Iron Brigade of 1861-65, have nothing to do with them, whatever the politics of their time.

These things just aren't the symbols and stories of THEIR tribe.

These things are not the ashes of their fathers, the temples of their Gods.

Worse, they are those symbols of their alien enemies, you.

Best to split, and openly acknowledge each other as foreign, alien. Then it becomes possible to negotiate openly.

walter বলেছেন...

"The city is saying they are going to fine building owners 500 dollars a day if they don’t replace the glass and take down the plywood."
Well...they clearly had it coming. And the city really needs revenue.
Can't expect the perps to pony up for that.
Bricks, lumber, plywood, glass: Good times for Home Depot type stores.
Pretty good spelling so far given the pathetic AA literacy rate in Madison schools.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

There were 10 - I repeat - 10 killings of unarmed blacks by police in the US last year. The Washington Post tracks them. All were investigated. In all but 2 cases, the killings were found to be justified since the blacks were committing crimes and attacking the police.

And amoral dullards like Inga bleat about "injustice." Race baiters like the Floyd family attorney blather about "genocide."

America whites seem to be remarkably inefficient about committing genocide. Blacks are much better at killing other blacks than whitey is. 10 deaths is a quiet night in Chicago. They'll get even better at it now.

Michael বলেছেন...

They are standing in their museum. An installation as it were.

effinayright বলেছেন...

How fucking ignorant these "woke" folk are:

10 Museums in the U.S. Focused on African American History


Here's another, Boston (where the memorial to black civil war soldiers was defaced)


buwaya বলেছেন...

Titus Livius (Livy) wrote up the ancient legends of Rome for the sake of preserving them for the benefit of the Romans of his time, and their posterity, to inform their pride and inspire them to virtue.

But consider this - there cannot be a modern American Titus Livius.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Inga, you can't actually address any of the points I made, can you, bubblehead?

You actually think these riots will improve black neighborhoods? Save black lives?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

BTW, that study trumpeted by the media about hydroxychloroquine being dangerous has been debunked as junk science.

Our Nurse Ratched and self-styled Medical Expert believed every word of it.

Because she's a fool.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"The city is saying they are going to fine building owners 500 dollars a day if they don’t replace the glass and take down the plywood."

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Danno বলেছেন...

I just saw a headline saying a large group of police officers in Louisville are walking off the job on account of disrespect. This should happen in all large cities if things keep going in the current direction.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

to preserve history the graffiti plywood should be left on the outside walls "when things settle down"

as caution and reminder

mikee বলেছেন...

I forget where I read it, but someone once stated in a novel about our modern dystopia that literacy was not a requirement for making one's mark on the urban landscape, especially with spray paint.

Down here in Austin, there is a red, diamond shaped street sign just off I-35 reading "COPS SHOT US HERE." This marks one of the places where protesters were trying to shut down the interstate, directly adjacent to local police HQ. The protesters were targeted, and hit, with shotgun beanbags and rubber bullets, with a few serious injuries. Now, THAT is a monument to the idiocy of our local anarchists and anti-civilization protesters.

CJinPA বলেছেন...

"Antifa is just like our grandfathers who stormed the beaches of Normandy."

Narayanan বলেছেন...

This graffiti (all of it) also tends to destroy a favorite Twitter talking-point: 'how can you object to Antifa? Our brave boys at Normandy were anti-Fascists!' So much for showing any respect at all for the actual anti-Fascists who fought at Normandy and in the Pacific. These Fascists despise them, too, though the better-informed probably think kindly of our Soviet then-allies.
why are people forgetting history (while accusing left of restarting history every 15 minutes)

"Stalin attacking Poland from East" was to confront Hitler's Fascists so that Communists are also AntiFa.
Even though in the election that brought Hitler to power German Communists were ordered to vote for Hitler!

WWII needs to be considered greatest con in history by Collectivist Democrat Leaders.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Josephbleau said...
Every business that puts up plywood is saying to the protesters: "We think that you are a bunch of thugs that cannot be trusted to not smash our store and loot."

Yes I agree, and they are right, the stores with plywood in my town are already looted, they are just trying to keep the rain out. The city is saying they are going to fine building owners 500 dollars a day if they don’t replace the glass and take down the plywood.

6/4/20, 3:21 PM

They should band together and sue the city for damages arising from their dereliction of duty.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Inga said...
“She's safe in Waukesha County, mouthing her empty-headed platitudes.”

Says the ugly woman who is safe spewing her hate filled rants online.'

That is an obfuscation and not a refutation.

Rosalyn C. বলেছেন...

I went out yesterday to inspect my town. Everything was normal, wonderful. Nothing was boarded up, there were no damages. A few days ago the police chief knelt in solidarity with protesters. There was a feeling of peace and calm. I was relieved.

But just now today I am seeing that people felt that we weren't "doing our part" and there was a bigger march and today the town has vandalized. I dread going down to see it. The town already felt like a ghost town, businesses had already been hit with the state's legalization of looting -- i.e., no enforcement of shoplifting laws, then the covid shut down has resulted in about 40% unemployment because the economy is dependent on tourism, now this.

When there is nothing left I wonder if the vandals and looters will take up the slack and work for free to make the repairs and provide essential goods and services for the community? Because we're all united and all that...

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

Inga, another one who has no grasp of statistics, percentages, math in general. Doesnt stop her though.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Give ACAB feminists what they’re clamoring for — no police arresting abusers or rapists, and all the abusers and rapists set free from prison.

Give the bitches what they claim they want.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Old Hegelian got it in the first comment. For them defacing a veterans museum IS a good cause.

This is religious. Look up ikon breaking, iconoclasm, Oliver Cromwell.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Buwaya, are you referring to Jews? Asking for a khaver.

Ken B বলেছেন...

This is what the left half of the country believes: the only people worse than the Nazis are the people who beat the Nazis.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Red America values that museum. Does Blue America? I think it is very doubtful. Much of Blue America despises it. How much? I don't know, maybe most of it. They at least sympathize with despising it.

I think the riots are an expression of what Blue America thinks about Red America.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

exiled-green eye posts = A+

narciso বলেছেন...



Spiros বলেছেন...

What about the people who share their graffiti via their smartphones? Seems like a slam dunk legal case.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Must have been Inga's boogaloos who did that.”

Speaking of the right wing extremist Boogallos...

Three men connected to 'boogaloo' movement tried to provoke violence at protests, feds say.

“The plan was for Parshall and Loomis to "firebomb" a power substation to distract law enforcement so they could carry out their plan to incite a riot, the documents say. The plan was ultimately dropped in favor of a new plan, and the trio, along with the informant, planned to take Molotov cocktails to a Black Lives Matter protest, instead, according to the complaint.

They wanted to use the momentum of the George Floyd death in police custody in the City of Minneapolis to hopefully stir enough confusion and excitement, that others see the two explosions and police presence and begin to riot in the streets out of anger," the documents say.

But because the FBI was monitoring all of the planning through the confidential source, the documents said, it was able to stop the plan from coming to fruition when an FBI SWAT team deployed and arrested Lynam, Loomis and Parshall.

Lynam and Loomis appear to have left sparse social media footprints, but pages that NBC News was able to trace to Parshall offered some clues to his leanings.

In March, in a post about the federal response to COVID-19 on a public Facebook page, "The New Sons & Daughters of Liberty," Parshall commented: "Start. Fomenting. Insurrection.”’

walter বলেছেন...

Uh..errr.."edited for clarity".

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Why would anyone with what they believe is a good cause choose to deface a veterans museum?

Veterans are more likely to respect the Flag and to vote Republican.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Paint those ugly boarded up windows with something hopeful, until they can be restored."

Why in the world would anybody spend the money and effort to restore them?

buwaya বলেছেন...

Not Jews, specifically, but...
Your white castes are -
- The white volk, the traditional Christian white majority of the US. And the majority of American white people today. And you can complicate this terribly with ethnic origin differences, but the American blender has done a lot of homogenizing here, including integrating a lot of Hispanics into this caste. This lot has bought in to the traditional American value system and symbolism. This is also the majority of the upper three quintiles by income, the actual middle class.
- The white "elite", that is the city-dwelling institutionally dominating leadership class, plus all their hangers on, dependents, clients and wannabes. Lots of these people are Jews, but there are way too few Jews to be the majority of these. That said, most Jews seem to be in this caste.

Racial minorities tend to be the clients (in the old Roman sense) of the second caste.

A simpler breakdown - yours is a war of (white) plumbers vs lawyers, of Madison and Milwaukee vs their suburbs and countryside. Where are the Jews in this?

Wally Kalbacken বলেছেন...

At least it wasn’t Fuck Adam-12, which would be unacceptable. And Fuck Officers Gannon and Friday would be steppin’ on the fight in’ side of me!

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

When reality begins to catch up to fiction.

Michael K বলেছেন...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
BTW, that study trumpeted by the media about hydroxychloroquine being dangerous has been debunked as junk science.

Our Nurse Ratched and self-styled Medical Expert believed every word of it.

Much worse than that. This was part of a Theranos type scam. The data was faked and the guy behind it was pushing some remedy.

alanc709 বলেছেন...

Defund the police = vigilante justice. Is this what the SJW's are advocating?

fizzymagic বলেছেন...

Let me see if I have this straight.

We've been told that wrongthink speech is violence.

Now we see that silence is violence.

So pretty much it's "You must repeat exactly what you are told."

Is that it?

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"But many police officers are black, and that doesn't stop them from saying "Fuck 12""

Well, since racism is "systemic," it doesn't matter who is who or who does what.

Marc in Eugene বলেছেন...

I'm sorry Madison suffered rioting. Here in Eugene there was a curfew for two or three days, some teargas (I believe-- I haven't paid too much attention) and a couple of windows broken, a few mailboxes damaged (how pathetic is that? such idealistic folk marching, marching toward justice, and the best that they can do is knock down some mailboxes). This past week has made me glad, for the first time, that the University is closed.

Unknown বলেছেন...

> Why would anyone with what they believe is a good cause choose to deface a veterans museum?

ANITIFA goal is to topple the govt

by creating disorder and chaos

then the Socialist utopia becomes the solution

Soldiers represent authority

All authority in US was founded on corruption and colonialism

Same as Vietnam war era

the 1960s people run the unis where the riots and demands started

You lived this and know it, Althouse

Craig বলেছেন...

Madison needs more "Hey baby!" and "It's suprisingly okay!", and less of this.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Three men connected to 'boogaloo' movement tried to provoke violence at protests, feds say."

Three. Men.

narciso বলেছেন...

And in the end:


Inga বলেছেন...

The Boogaloo Bois have been spotted in Milwaukee, they’re becoming celebrities!

In recent days, people protesting police brutality in Milwaukee and in dozens of other cities around the country have been joined by young white men carrying assault rifles and flying “Big Igloo” flags. Some of the men have engaged with the marchers, saying their goal is to protect everyone’s First Amendment rights. Some have stayed on the sidelines, quiet about their intentions but unmistakable in their intimidation.

It’s likely both groups are affiliated with a movement known as the Boogaloo, according to experts on far-right organizations. Members are not united in their goals, with some seemingly determined to protect protesters and others hoping to provoke violence. People believed to be affiliated with the Boogaloo were first spotted in Milwaukee Wednesday evening. Community activist Vaun Mayes said he encountered a handful of men with assault weapons as he helped lead a march near the lakefront early Wednesday evening.

In addition to carrying guns, the men displayed a black-and-white striped flag with an igloo and a palm tree.

Inga বলেছেন...

A bit more from my linked article... who are they supposedly proving security to?
“A Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter encountered four armed men near the intersection of North Farwell Avenue and West North Avenue the same evening.

None of the men would give their names. One told the Journal Sentinel reporter they were independent and not affiliated with any group. The man, who said he was part Puerto Rican, denied they were white supremacists. Another man said they were there to help with the demonstration.

They then met up with several more people, who said they were providing security for the protest.

A Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter encountered four armed men near the intersection of North Farwell Avenue and West North Avenue the same evening.

None of the men would give their names. One told the Journal Sentinel reporter they were independent and not affiliated with any group. The man, who said he was part Puerto Rican, denied they were white supremacists. Another man said they were there to help with the demonstration.

They then met up with several more people, who said they were providing security for the protest.

One of the movement's followers, who goes by Troy Allen but would not give his last name, said members attended Wednesday's protest to dispel the misconception that the Boogaloo is a hate group.

"We're trying to build PR and make a big stand that we are not that," said Allen.”

Inga বলেছেন...

Those rascals, they’re being seen all over the place...
Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott warned the public Thursday about a radical group called Boogaloo that he says infiltrated the protests in Columbia last weekend and might have played a part in causing violent clashes with law enforcement.

Then, hours after asking for community help in identifying a man suspected of committing crimes at Saturday’s protest, the Sheriff’s Department announced the man’s arrest Thursday night.

Joshua Barnard, a 24-year-old Columbia resident, faces charges of looting, larceny, aggravated breach of the peace and instigating a riot, as well as breaking into a motor vehicle, the Sheriff’s Department said.

In an interview with The State, Lott said Barnard is suspected to be with the Hawaiian-shirt-clad Boogaloo group. Photos show a man matching Barnard’s description at Saturday’s rally, wearing the group’s characteristic Hawaiian shirt, according to the Sheriff’s Department.

“It’s big because he is one of those who was with the Hawaiian shirt crowd that was there,’’ Lott said. “He was actively participating in the riot. He was part of agitating the crowd.’’

The shirt Barnard was wearing was part of a uniform, said Lott, who, ironically, was in one of the photos with Barnard. Members of Boogaloo will show up to protests wearing the Hawaiian garb, and their mission is to incite a new civil war, the sheriff said.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Inga and her Boogaloo obsession.

Inga has no interest in calling out Antifa and the MORE THAN 3 Angry WHITE LEFTISTS who broke things and killed people.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Our hot garbage media not interested in Antifa terrorism... on camera.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

New Undercover Video Blows Lid Off Antifa Domestic Terrorists

check out the images. more than 3. A lot more.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

"Antifa is well-trained and acts in coordination to start violent riots. A protester at a Black Lives Matter rally took this incredible video of antifa destroying a police car and setting it on fire in under a minute and then disappearing into the crowd to let the protesters take the heat. That’s not easy to do without a lot of practice. These are expert provocateurs, not amateurs."

NBC not interested.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The anonymous infiltrator hired by Project Veritas says he was recruited into Rose City Antifa and put through secretive steps to become a member. The group is so paranoid about being recorded they make members and recruits put their phones in a bathroom when they meet. They had no idea the undercover reporter had a hidden camera on him the whole time.

Footage shows Nicolas Cifuni instructing recruits on how to get away with violence. “Don’t be that f*cking guy with the G**damn spike brass knuckles getting photos taken of you,” he said. “We need to f*cking hide that sh*t.” The investigation also exposed foreign ties.

Caroline Victorin is the founder of Rose City Antifa and is married to an antifa leader, Johan Victorin, from Sweden. The undercover reporter says there’s coordination between European factions and U.S. groups. One of the trainers tells recruits “the whole goal of this, right, is to get out there and do dangerous things as safely as possible.”

NBC and Russia Russia Rachel not interested.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Andy Ngô


In #ExposeAntifa, it is revealed that Caroline Victorin (née Gauld) is one of the founders of Rose City Antifa, the oldest known antifa organization in the US. With her Swedish husband, Johan Victorin,—who is also antifa—they helped import European antifa extremism model into US.

Pugsley the Pug বলেছেন...

Back in 1864, my European immigrant Great-great-great-grandfather, upon turning 18, volunteered for the Union Army, putting his life at risk to fight the Confederates on behalf of his adopted country. He didn’t have to join the fight to free the slaves, but he did because he believed it was the right thing to do. Fortunately for me, he survived Sherman’s March to the Sea and the Civil War. These Illiterate idiots defacing the Veteran’s Museum is an insult to all veterans of all races. White privilege, my ass! If these protesters don’t like living in a country where many people sacrificed their lives to allow them to do and say stupid things, I invite them to move to North Korea or Cuba or China and then attempt to protest when they find out what it’s like to live in a Worker’s Paradise...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

buwaya, that also appears to be the case in the UK and other countries in Europe, which have had massive protests about Floyd's death, although I haven't read of any looting or rioting there.

All of those people are so concerned about the death of a man on another continent? Or are the globalists and Euro leftists exploiting the hysteria to stem off the populist wave that's been rising there?

n.n বলেছেন...

Warlock judgment. That said, diversity may not have been a factor. Diversity breeds adversity.

Michael বলেছেন...

Why has no one painted "Fire Bad Cops BEFORE they kill somebody" on these walls? Off. Chauvin and many others involved in these incidents had "form" - many previous civilian complaints. Maybe they were suspended at some point, but always reinstated. After all, the Democrat machines that have run these cities for 50-75 years are highly dependent politically on the public employee unions, and the police unions won't let them fire bad cops. Some people just should not have a badge and a gun; weeding them out early would be far more effective than emoting about racism and white supremacy.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"Three men connected to 'boogaloo' movement tried to provoke violence at protests, feds say."

Three. Men.

Actually, one homeless guy and two undercover FBI agents.

JAORE বলেছেন...

Only the police should have guns.... Boy, how soon we forget.

Rick বলেছেন...

So to sum up: Inga discovered her precious right wing scapegoats aren't white supremacists or particularly right wing but is too stupid to understand what she posted.

It figures.

n.n বলেছেন...

"Three men connected to 'boogaloo' movement"


Actually, one homeless guy and two undercover FBI agents.

So true.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Antifa are showing up at BLM and causing mayhem then disappearing into the darkness.

Talk about white-boy lefwing racism - straight up.

Democrat party and their media support it.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

We should never underestimate how much people love themselves.

I wish I could say this to so many people who do not know how to protect themselves in a bad relationship (Obama, for example, seems to be regularly mocked by his wife), to so many people who submit to the opinions of charismatic leaders (look, we all know most of the pro-fascists in the hilariously misnamed Antifa movement have no idea they are fascists, because they love their charismatic leaders), to so many people who think they are not racist because they believe their race is the only race that can claim justice on its side (the hate-filled fools who say Black Lives Matter but bristle at All Lives Matter, or racists of any other race).

There is no chance that poor Obama, or the poor antifa fascists, or the racists in the BLM and elsewhere are gonna read this.

But if you do, remember, my poor friends, you were not born to be abused, you were not born to be a fascist, you were not born to be an arrogant racist, and it was deceitful self-love that led you to the place of sadness and hatred that you occupy: not love for others, not love for what God sees in you, but sinful love of your self. Pick up the Bible, open to almost any page, and try to remember God loves you, and does not want you to be the sinner that you are, but rather the daughter or son of God that you were created to be. That is a lot!

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

We should never underestimate how much people love themselves.

I wish I could say this to so many people who do not know how to protect themselves in a bad relationship (Obama, for example, seems to be regularly mocked by his wife), to so many people who submit to the opinions of charismatic leaders (look, we all know most of the pro-fascists in the hilariously misnamed Antifa movement have no idea they are fascists, because they love their charismatic leaders), to so many people who think they are not racist because they believe their race is the only race that can claim justice on its side (the hate-filled fools who say Black Lives Matter but bristle at All Lives Matter, or racists of any other race).

There is no chance that poor Obama, or the poor antifa fascists, or the racists in the BLM and elsewhere are gonna read this.

But if you do, remember, my poor friends, you were not born to be abused, you were not born to be a fascist, you were not born to be an arrogant racist, and it was deceitful self-love that led you to the place of sadness and hatred that you occupy: not love for others, not love for what God sees in you, but sinful love of your self. Pick up the Bible, open to almost any page, and try to remember God loves you, and does not want you to be the sinner that you are, but rather the daughter or son of God that you were created to be. That is a lot!

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Three double-Mobys.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Why are some people so easily led? I'm serious. I abhor the mob. What is it in some peoples psyche that tells them, "this is a good idea.", and them proceed to beat, loot and arson?

jaydub বলেছেন...

Inga: "Members of Boogaloo will show up to protests wearing the Hawaiian garb, and their mission is to incite a new civil war, the sheriff said."

Nothing like wearing a Hawaiian shirt to a race riot in the Midwest so as to allow one to blend anonymously into the crowd. Seriously, have you ever known anyone as consistently gullible and clueless as Inga? I mean other than the sheriff who doesn't know how to three track three yahoos wearing loud shirts?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

I have yet to see a photo of a someone in Hawaiian garb.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"Members of Boogaloo will show up to protests wearing the Hawaiian garb, and their mission is to incite a new civil war, the sheriff said."

Jimmy Buffett hardest hit.

PM বলেছেন...

I've always found the Boogaloos kinda weird with the scary clown make-up and now Aloha shir...oh, nevermind.

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